Returns and Refunds. There is a problem with payment for a previous purchase, how can I remove it?

Applications and games purchased from the App Store can be returned within 24 hours. In this case, the funds will be credited to your account in full. Unfortunately, you won't find buttons to cancel an order in the store - the procedure is a little more complicated. You will need the desktop version of iTunes to work.

You will also have to explain to Apple why you decided to return the money. If the game does not work for you or crashes frequently, then you can ask for a refund. This is the most common reason why people want their money back. However, in this case, Apple will answer that you first need to contact the developer, ask him to fix the problems, and only if he answers that there really are problems and they cannot be fixed, then perhaps they will return your money.

A completely different situation is when the description of the application in the App Store does not correspond to reality. For example, the screenshots show one thing, but in reality the program looks completely different. Or it is a joke program, for example, “X-ray”, which, of course, does not work like an X-ray and cannot scan a person. It is important to carefully read the description and make sure that it does not say that this application is a joke. This is considered the most significant reason for Apple and your money will be returned.

Returns Apple money for erroneous purchases. For example, you made a mistake in the name, since the two programs were very similar. It is even enough for applications to have the same icons. The fact that both programs are in the same section, have similar functionality, or even belong to the same developer increases the chances of a return.

How to get money back for purchases in the App Store:

Step 1: Open iTunes on your computer (Mac or Windows).

Step 2: Go to the store's home page and under Quick Links, open the "Account" section. In the window that opens, enter your account information.

Step 3: In the right column, click the “Account” link again. This will take you to your account information page, where you can view your purchase history and complete the refund procedure.

Step 4: Scroll down the account page and you will see the “Purchase History” section. Here you need to click the “See all” link.

Step 5: Open a list of your recent purchases and downloads. Find the app you want a refund for.

Step 6: Click on the arrow to the left of the application name to see a more detailed description of the program.

Step 7: Click the “Report a problem” button and the “Report a problem” link will appear in the list, which you also need to click. The most important thing is to apply for a refund no later than 24 hours from the date of purchase.

Step 8: A special page will open in your browser for refunding your purchases. Please provide your account details to access the problem description.

Step 9: In this step, you need to explain to Apple why you want the app back. If you decide to return money for programs every day, then after a while they will refuse you. The reason "I just don't like this app because..." won't help. Your subjective opinion in no way determines that the application is bad and you need to make a refund. Therefore, if you did not like the graphics in the game or you used the program and realized that it was no longer needed, then you will not be able to get your money back.

Step 10: You have to choose a problem from the list of proposed ones and write a capacious comment in English. Apple offers several ready-made options:

  • I did not consent to this purchase.
  • The content was not loaded or cannot be found.
  • Content does not install or loads too slowly.
  • The content opens but does not work correctly.
  • The problem is not listed.

Step 11: After you have written your application, click the “Submit” button. Within a few hours you will receive an email confirming that your claim has been accepted.

After this, you need to wait for another letter from Apple stating that a company employee has started working on the application and within 2 days you will receive a detailed response from support. Depending on the situation, they will either immediately return the money to your account or ask you to clarify some points, send screenshots, or simply refuse.

Many people think that it is impossible to return hard-earned money for purchases and subscriptions in the AppStore. This is wrong. You will learn how to get your money back for a subscription to the AppStore in this article.
You can get your money back if you made a purchase by accident, if the program does not match the description, is incompatible with your gadget, or the purchase was made without your knowledge.

To get your money back, we will use a computer and iTunes. It would be strange if the owner of an apple did not have this program on his computer or laptop. How to return money for a subscription to the AppStore using it? The fact is that Apple takes all reports very seriously and records any actions in detail. To view this information, sign in to your iTunes account. Choose:

  • "Account";
  • "Look";
  • "Purchase History";
  • "See All"

Interesting iPhone Features

Afterwards you will see a detailed list with all your purchases. All dates and amounts are displayed there. By default, the last ten transactions will be displayed. Previous operations can be viewed using the navigation buttons. Select the application for which you want a refund and click on the arrow in front of the date.
The window that opens must be filled out. Select the reason for the refund and briefly describe it. Everything is done in English. Note that you should choose from the first two points. Purchased by mistake or without your knowledge. In other cases, you will have to communicate with the developers. And the probability of a return becomes extremely low.
Proficiency in English at the “My name is” level will be sufficient. If necessary, use an online translator. Briefly describe the situation. For example, I bought a subscription by accident. Click on Submit. Refunds are made within 10 working days. If the result is positive, you will receive a notification by email.

The second way to get your money back for a subscription to the AppStore

The second method is very similar to the first. Through the official apple website, you can solve the problem directly from your device. There is no need to use a computer or laptop.
After logging in on the official website, select what the money was written off for. We briefly describe the essence of the matter and tap on Report Problem.

We've all been in this situation at some point. The app we purchased from the huge App Store was not what we expected. It doesn’t start, it crashes often, they made a mistake with the version for iPhone/iPad, they mixed up the name, and so on - the reasons for the refund are unique each time. The same cannot be said about the rules of Apple's blooming garden. The official policy of the iTunes Store, which includes the App Store, is as harsh as possible towards any form of moneyback. Quoting from the multi-page license agreement that we all once signed:

All Sales Are Final.

All sales are final.

A consumer who purchased an application from the App Store does not have the right to exchange, resell it, or cancel the transaction for purchasing a digital copy of the program or game. If you don't agree, go to court. This is the company's legal position. But don't despair. There is an exit.

A long time ago, from the first days of the existence of the Apple app store, there was one deliberately left loophole in this system, the existence of which was known to only a few App Store users. Let's figure out in what cases we have the right to ask for a refund for an application from the App Store, how to form such a request, how to communicate with Apple support in such cases, and how long to wait for a decision in our favor.

Before you rush to perform these steps, we want to draw your attention to very important detail. For each disputed application, you will have only one attempt to process a return. If you fail the first time convince an Apple employee - you will be left without the money you paid. Be careful, polite and, if necessary, cunning. Law Not on your side, and if you are refused, you will not prove anything in your favor, because the App Store offer was once signed by you.

Let's start with reasons, which may motivate you to return your money, and the degree of their legitimacy for the support service.

1. The application does not run on my device/firmware, although device/firmware support is confirmed in the application description; the application crashes or is unstable

The most common reason is and at the same time the “weakest” of all suitable ones. In 85% of cases, the support team will answer that you need to first contact the developer and demand that all technical problems be corrected. If the developer, in a response letter, confirms the presence of all the problems you identified and vouches for you to return the money for your application, you will be able to get the money back. We do not recommend clinging to this, since the chances of “winning” here are too small.

2. The description of the application does not correspond to the functionality of the program; the description is deliberately misleading; The screenshots greatly distort the application interface and do not correspond to it.

The second most popular reason is also the “strongest”. Suppose you pretended to be an idiot and downloaded a “cool X-ray scanner” or a “GPS phone locator”, believing in its magical capabilities. If there is no line in the application description that this application is as a joke- you have the right to demand money back. If the screenshot in the App Store shows a powerful mega-program with a cool interface, but in reality you got a disgusting d-mo with an interface a la Hello World- you have the right to demand money back. If you are faced with a deception program that does not actually work (for example, a voice recorder simulating a recording), and the fact of deception (“jokes”) is not mentioned in the application description, you will get your money back. In general, these are the most trouble-free reasons that work with 99% probability.

3. I bought the wrong program, because the name was 90% the same as the name of the one I needed; I bought the wrong program, because its icon was like two peas in a pod; I bought the HD version of the program, but I don’t have an iPad (it also works in the opposite direction with an iPhone); I bought the wrong program by mistake.

The third most popular reason, which works in most cases. Let's say you wanted to buy a Draw Pad, but you bought Drawi ng Pad. Both programs belong to the same section of the App Store and have almost the same functionality. There may be an error, in which case you will get your money back. Close matching of app icons can also be considered a sufficient reason if both of these apps have similar functionality, are in the same section of the App Store, or belong to the same developer. If all three points are met, the return will be made with 99.99% probability. An erroneous purchase without the above reasons is also possible, but then you will have to explain why you made a mistake. The more evidence you have of the possibility of an error, the higher the likelihood of getting your money back. These options have one important drawback - the application for a refund must be submitted within 24 hours after making the “erroneous” purchase. If you apply immediately after purchasing the application, your chances increase dramatically.

4. I don't like this app because *subjective reasons*.

Oddly enough, many people send such requests to the support service, and then loudly shout that they do not issue any refunds to anyone. Remember: You have no right demand a refund from App Store employees. Approval of any request for a refund for an application is a violation by Apple of its own rules and at the same time a gesture of goodwill, not legally supported by anything. Only residents of Taiwan have the right to such returns; we have already written about this in more detail. As for reasons like “the graphics are crap, the gameplay is boring, the developer is a loser”- it's your own fault, you should have read the reviews and thought before spending money. Go and get drunk from your grief.

Now that you roughly know your chances, it's time write a request in support of the App Store. But where and to where? None ! Open iTunes for Windows or Mac. Go to the tab iTunes Store In the left side menu and in the top panel, click on the email address of your account.

The password entry menu will open. Enter our data and click OK. A large table will appear in which we are interested in the Purchase History subsection. To the right of it there will be a See All button. Click and see a list of all your purchases under this iTunes account.

What follows are not the most obvious actions. We find in the shopping list the very program for which we want to return the money, and click on the circle with the arrow on the left, opposite the line with the application. In the window that opens, we see that same hated application and click on the big Report a Problem button. Magically, this button moves higher and turns into a text hyperlink next to the price of the program. Click on Report a Problem again.

In front of us is the very window where we must explain in the most polite, friendly and detailed way possible the reason why we want to get the money back. Before entering text in the Problem field, select one of four reasons that suit your situation.

A. I didn’t receive this application - application download error. There is no refund for this!

B. I inadvertenly purchased this application (I purchased this application by mistake) - see point 3. Describe your problem in accordance with the situation and give as many arguments as possible to prove the likelihood of your mistake.

C. This application does not function as expected - see point 2. Describe the problems with the program in as much detail as possible, with the circumstances of their manifestation and, if any, promise to send confirming screenshots. Most likely, you will be sent to complain to the developer, but someone is really lucky without unnecessary red tape.

D. This applicaton is not compatible with my device (This application is not compatible with my device) - see part of point 3. This includes stupid situations like: I bought the HD version of the application, but I only have an iPhone; I bought the iPhone version of the application, but I only have an iPad; I bought the application in the desktop App Store, but I have a different firmware version on the device and do not have the technical ability to update the firmware to the appropriate one. Describe your situation and do not lie under any circumstances. If a device has ever been connected through your account, the absence of which you tell a support employee, the “cheating” will be detected instantly, and you will not receive any refund.

5. I have another purchase or download-related question - does not apply to a refund.

What you write in the text field below depends on your situation. It is not necessary to submit your opus to English professors for review (if you file a complaint in the English App Store). The main thing is that you clearly outline all your arguments that are sufficient for a refund. Remember that you do not have the right to demand anything from an employee. Be kind and polite, but don't overdo it.

Let me give you my situation as an example. I want a refund for the application Gems because initially I wanted to buy the app Solar System(it's a lie). The icons of both applications are very similar to each other, the functionality is the same, and the applications themselves are sold from the same developer. On this basis, a “legend” is created, and for greater honesty, the grammar of the text is simplified to the level of a worthless schoolchild. You don't have to do that. The completed request is sent by clicking Submit.

In an hour or two, an automatic confirmation letter from iTunes will be sent to your email - the fact that your claim has been placed in the general pool for consideration by live App Store employees. The next letter arrives within 72 hours. It indicates that a specific App Store employee has begun to review your complaint and will respond within 24 hours. No later than 48 hours after this letter, you finally receive a detailed response from an App Store employee to your request. Depending on your situation and the text you sent, you may be refused or they may agree to “make an exception for you.” In some cases, the employee may ask you to explain more or send something as confirmation. You can reply in the same letter. Don't delay in answering if you really need it.

In my case, the employee reviewed the situation and agreed that the possibility of such an “error” existed. Accordingly, a key promise was made - the refund will be made to the App Store account within 24 hours. It is not necessary to respond to such a letter. Now the App Store employee will independently register a request to cancel the application purchase transaction. The money will be withdrawn from the developer's account with an additional 30% going into Apple's pocket. You don't have to worry - the full cost of the program/game will be returned to your account.

Regardless of whether you lied, falsified the facts, or whether your request was honest from beginning to end, it is advisable to repeat this procedure no more than twice a month. Never forget that Apple makes an exception for you every time it issues a refund. But don't be afraid to submit a request if you feel that your situation could fall into either of the two best scenarios (2 and 3). Good luck with your adventures, pleasant communication, positive decisions and more caution when making purchases in the App Store. Ignorance is not liberating...

4.33 out of 5, rated: 3 )

website We've all been in this situation at some point. The app we purchased from the huge App Store was not what we expected. It doesn’t start, it crashes often, they made a mistake with the version for iPhone/iPad, they mixed up the name, and so on - the reasons for the refund are unique each time. The same cannot be said about the rules of Apple's blooming garden. The official policy of the iTunes Store, which...

Today, many application developers prefer the shareware distribution model. Thanks to this, users are more willing to install new programs and games for iOS, and only then spend money on products available in the application. However, this approach is not always convenient. More precisely, it can quickly empty the card linked to the Apple ID. In this article we will talk about how to disable in-app purchases on iPhone.

It is worth noting that the settings associated with in-app purchases were created primarily to reduce the likelihood of unwanted expenses. Parents often face similar problems. A child playing his favorite game can quickly “empty” his internal account. Avoiding such troubles is quite easy. To do this you need:

1. Open the Settings menu.

2. Go to section BasicRestrictions.

3. Enable Restrictions.

4. Set a password that will be used in the future to access the section and disable the function.

5. Move the switch next to the In-app purchases item to the inactive position.

After these simple manipulations, in-app purchases on the device will be disabled.

Separately, we note that in the Restrictions section there are quite a lot of other useful settings. In particular, you can disable installing or deleting applications, access to various sections of the iTunes Store, etc.

Probably, without exception, all owners of Apple phones and tablets have at least once bought something in the App Store. And it’s good if you liked the purchased product and brought you a lot of pleasure. But this is not always the case, and sometimes the reason for this is not your selective taste, but the poor quality of the product. This article will talk about how to cancel a purchase in the App Store and get your money back for an app or in-app purchase.

If you want to cancel your purchase of an app in the App Store and get your money back, first make sure that all the conditions for this are met.

  1. Date of purchase. Typically, the user has from four to five days to evaluate the quality of the purchase and contact support to cancel it. But there are situations when a refund is possible even three months after purchase, for example, if the problem cannot be detected immediately.
  2. Where did the funds come from?. The App Store administration will be able to return the funds to you only if you withdrew them from your bank card. Otherwise, you may only be offered a replacement product.

If these conditions are met and you are determined to get your money back, then let’s figure out how to do it. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Letter to support service. A more peaceful method in which you send a letter to the App Store support service, stating the problem you have, and if the administration meets you, you get your money back.
  2. Direct appeal to court. It is better to resort to this method only if the App Store administration has refused to return your money, but you are firmly convinced that you are right. In this case, you can go to consumer court, where you will sue Apple, and if you are lucky, you will get back even more than you spent. Losing the case threatens you with not getting your money back and possible account ban.

Now let's take a closer look at the first method and find out how to write a letter to support to cancel a purchase in the app store.

It is also worth noting that an unpaid purchase that is in the process of loading can be canceled without any letters or proceedings. To do this, you need to go to the same section “ Purchase History”, press and hold the “ button Option”, and then press the cancel key.

In-app purchases on the App Store

Recently, a real scandal has erupted around in-app purchases in the App Store, hundreds of parents are suing Apple for the fact that their children spent huge amounts of money making them. For those who don't know, an in-app purchase is a purchase made within an application (usually the purchase of some bonuses or in-game currency). It is very difficult to cancel an in-app purchase in the app store and most often in such a situation the case ends up in court.

Good reasons to cancel an app store purchase

If you decide to cancel a purchase you made in the App Store, the most important thing here is to indicate the reason for the cancellation. Officially, in the App Store there are only three reasons due to which the administration will be obliged to return your money, but the rest will be considered by the support service at their request.

  1. Problems with the application. If the application you purchased freezes, glitches, crashes, or you even come across a fatal error, then you can report it to the support service. True, the answer to this is usually a recommendation to contact the developer of this application so that he can correct the defects. If you contact him and he cannot resolve this problem, the App Store administration will be obliged to return the funds to you.
  2. Invalid product description. This is the most common reason for refunds in the App Store. What does she mean? For example, if on the page of the application you are purchasing there are screenshots that are not related to the resulting product or if the description of the product contains deliberately false information about it. Then the administration will return the money spent to you, and if there are frequent requests from buyers, the application will be completely removed.
  3. The item was not purchased by you. If the product you paid for was not purchased by you, but by a hacker who hacked your account, the administration will be obliged to return the funds to you for the purchase. A paid purchase made by a minor child will also be considered invalid. It is worth noting that with this reason you have the least chance of getting your money back, since the administration may request evidence, and in this case it is extremely difficult to provide it.

These reasons oblige the developers to return your money for your purchase if you can prove their validity. There are also other reasons for canceling a purchase, for example, an incorrect age rating, inconsistency in quality, etc. But, as mentioned earlier, they are not official and do not oblige the administration to cancel a purchase in the app store, and therefore each individual case will be considered individually by the support service and, accordingly, will have a different outcome.