First for those who don't know what a browser is. Google Chrome, Yandex browser, Opera, Mozilla - which browser to choose? It conveniently implements the function of saving information from the Internet

A group of computers connected in some way so that people can exchange information and share equipment. Net

Group of people communicating using Email who have common interests and a common address, mail to which goes to everyone on the list distribution list

Grouping similar information in World Wide Web, consisting of individual web pages Web site

To connect to remote computer networks, the following are used: Telephone lines.

To view World Wide Web required: a special program with a graphical interface - a browser;

For Web creation sites language used hypertext markup. HTML

What is the WWW global service used for? Internet networks? WWW allows you to browse web pages

Adding your email address to a mailing list so that you can participate in the subscription discussion process

If the number of digits is 3, then what is the counting modulus of the binary counter? 8

Z The name of the mail server (alfa-centavra) located in Russia and the name of the mailbox (Alex) are given. Define email address: Alex@alfa-centavra ru

What type of memory element (SE) requires periodic restoration of information. Dynamic memory module

Are there any differences in the operation of network adapters connecting a computer to a switch, bridge, or hub? Yes, the network adapter connected to the switch can work in duplex mode, but in other cases - no

What type of programs are browsers? communication

What type of memory semiconductors is video memory (VRAM). To a cyclic memory with sequential access with direct order

Protocols 1st/2nd include : ARQ;

The topology cannot be classified as a standard network topology. petal

What is called memory programmable (one time) by the user. PROM

What is called DRAM memory . Dynamic P

What is called SRAM type memory. Static p

As called Windows program, designed for viewing WEB pages ? I.E..

As called extra random access memory (SRAM), which is a buffer between the RAM and the processor. Cache - memory

As the so-called device that manages dynamic memory in information regeneration mode . controller dynamic memory

As the so-called functional unit of a computer, which is used for receiving, storing and issuing information. Register

As the so-called functional unit of a computer, which serves to compare two binary codes . Comparator

As a so-called functional unit of a computer, for any combination of values input signals which, the logical 1 signal appears at only one of its outputs. Decoder

As a so-called functional unit that can be used as a frequency divider. Binary counter

As a so-called functional node, which serves to select one of many sources, receive information from it and transmit it to the output. Decoder

As a so-called functional unit, which serves to receive, store and issue information. Adder

What are the names of networks that connect computers within one room? Local.

What are the names of networks that connect computers within one room? Computer

Which Internet service allows you to interact with by remote user in real time? chat;

What information is transmitted over the channel connecting the external interfaces of the PC and the control unit: that's right

What kind of memory is called volatile? permanent memory

Which network translates to "international network"? Internet

What more specific problems does the generalized problem of subscriber switching include? Determination of flows, determination of routes V

Which of the following actions is typically performed by the driver? loading data from RAM into the internal buffer of the controller;

Which of the evenly ranked protocols can be used in priority and non-priority systems? token passing;

Which of the following statements are true: configuration physical connections may coincide with the configuration of logical connections

What network devices work on three lower levels OSI models? routers

Which network devices operate only on the lower two layers of the OSI model? network adapters, switches

What topologies are used in global networks? ring;

What functions does it implement? transport layer Air Force models? error control;

Which of these devices can be called a switch: all listed devices

What device is used to connect the communication channel and the user’s PC on the local network? LAN card

Which type of computer network is characterized by a short distance between user computers? Local computer network

Which carrier sensing method is least prone to collision? ? not persistent;

Which carrier sensing method provides the fastest increase free channel? 1- persistent

Which of the typical modeling algorithms is the simplest and most reliable? deterministic;

Which method of identifying and correcting errors in the ARQ protocol provides the best selective repetition

Which traffic transmission method is implemented by the ARQ protocol? ? napiv- duplex;

Which switching method is more efficient? . depends on the type of traffic

What electronic protocol is used to transfer files over the network? FTP

What is the logical topology of a single-segment Ethernet network built on a hub: Common bus

If you believe the statistics, most modern people spend at least an hour and a half of their time on the Internet every day (in my opinion, this figure is significantly underestimated), so it is very important that this pastime is as comfortable as possible. Users are faced with a number of questions: “Which browser is better?”, “Which browser is more secure?”, “Which one uses less traffic?” and a bunch of others, no less important. In this article I will try to answer all these questions by conducting comparative review the most popular solutions.

I’ll say right away that despite the popularity of the browser Internet Explorer(almost 50% of the total number of Internet users use it), it will not be included in the review. Firstly, due to the abundance of vulnerabilities that Microsoft is in no hurry to fix, slow speed and other technical misunderstandings that leave it behind other browsers. Secondly, due to its narrow focus - since 1999, Explorer has been released only in a version for the Windows operating system, while its competitors also work with Mac and Linux.

So, let's meet the participants of our review

  1. Google Chrome- a browser that has recently entered the market, created on the basis of the Webkit engine, on which Google previously released another project that served as a prototype for Chrome. It quickly gained recognition from users all over the world thanks to its convenience, functionality, and the Google brand itself, of course.
  2. Yandex Browser - development, as you may have guessed, company-owned Yandex. It is the same Chrome (the creators took the open source source Chromium), but significantly redesigned to simplify and improve performance. Its distinctive feature: integration with many Yandex services, in particular with its search engine.
  3. Opera is a true veteran of the market. The first version of this browser was released back in 1995, but the project gained popularity only 10 years later, when it switched to free basis. Written in C++ and supports the entire list of basic web technologies. Feature-rich and supportive great amount operating systems, including mobile solutions.
  4. Mozilla Firefox is the world's third most popular browser, with market share exceeding 40% in some countries such as Germany and Poland. Firefox is based on Mozilla's own Gecko engine. Main advantage of this browser, according to experts and ordinary users, lies in fewer errors and failures compared to similar programs.

Of course, so short description deciding on a browser will not help, so let’s move on to more detailed comparison reviewed programs according to a number of criteria that are especially important to users. These include visual characteristics, speed, functionality offered and technological measures aimed at ensuring user safety.

Comparison of browsers Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Opera, Mozilla Firefox


When you buy a car, look at it first appearance, and only then you climb into the salon. So in the case of browsers - first of all, people study its interface and appearance, after which they move on to directly testing its working capabilities. Although today all browsers have come to a certain unified interface design model, they still have visible differences.

  1. Google Chrome has a simple “ascetic” design, devoid of unnecessary elements, and all unnecessary buttons have been removed from the interface (a pronounced Google style is visible). If a particularly demanding user needs some function, he can go to the extension store and install the appropriate plugin, placing a button on the browser toolbar.
  2. Yandex offers an option somewhat similar in style to the Chrome interface - it is also easy to learn and will not cause any discomfort for beginners. It is also worth mentioning the mobile versions of the browser for Android and iOS, for which overload with tabs is not the best solution. Fortunately, the developers coped with their task with a bang, leaving only necessary functions and adding the ability to control gestures.
  3. At first glance, the Opera interface may seem confusing, because the standard version already includes many panels and buttons, most of which will never be useful to the average user. However, you can always dig into the settings and hide their display, not only saving yourself the risk of getting confused and clicking the wrong way, but also slightly increasing productivity.
  4. The Mozilla Firefox browser is installed on the user's computer completely bare and devoid of additional features, except perhaps the bookmarks bar that is appropriate in any situation and a convenient customizable search bar. Various design themes (skins) are supported - the user can choose any of the many proposed options and customize it to his taste.

Operation speed


FSBEI HPE "Bryansk State Technical University"

Department: "Computer technologies and systems"

Discipline: "Innovation management"


On the topic "Comparative characteristics of browsers"


student of group 09-IS (b)

Shidlovsky D.S.

Checked by: Roshchin S.M.

Bryansk 2013


1. The concept of "Browser". Types of browsers

2. Browser history

3. Modern browsers

4. Comparative characteristics browsers




Now people live in two “parallel” worlds - material and digital, so it is very important to know what the Internet is and how to get there. Being, formally, just ordinary computer programs, browsers, in fact, have become the main connecting link between the Internet and humans, and our perception of the virtual world depends on how they perform the tasks assigned to them.

Existence different browsers leads the user to the question of which browser is best to choose for surfing the Internet. There are several aspects to this question, for example, which browser is faster, which is more reliable, which is more functional, and so on. Therefore, the purpose of this work will be to determine the most convenient and practical Internet browsers. To do this, it is necessary to solve several problems, that is, reveal the definition of a browser, trace their history, describe the operation of commonly used browsers, draw up a comparative description, and draw conclusions

In modern literature, little attention has been paid to this issue. As for the Internet, quite a lot of resources have been created here. They are dedicated like individual browsers, regardless of their prevalence, and various comparative analyses, characteristics and tests. It also tells the story of the browser wars and defines the very concept of a browser. In the end, you can download the browser versions themselves from the Internet and conduct your own analysis.

At the beginning, to clarify the question posed, we will define the very concept of a browser, introduce its types and briefly describe the history of browsers. Next, we will conduct research among different browsers. Let us establish their features, advantages and disadvantages. From the information received, we compile a comparative description of the presented browsers. In the end, having studied all sides of the question posed, we will draw conclusions.

1. The concept of "Browser". Types of browsers

A browser (from the English browse - view, leaf through) is a special program that allows you to view the contents of the Internet. It allows you to access all information resources networks. Using the browser, you can view and download images, sound and video files, various text information ( e-books, news, magazines, jokes), etc.

There are several types of browsers:

Command line browser. The earliest browsers belong to this type. They do not allow you to view text and graphics. Such browsers only support navigation using digital addresses (IP). Currently, they are practically not used, so I will not consider them in detail.

full screen browser. Text browser without support for multimedia (pictures, animation, etc.) Internet resources. With it you can only view text and links. Since most users are accustomed to surfing the Internet using browsers that support multimedia, we should not completely forget those that display only text. Of course, browsers of this type are used quite rarely, but their page loading speed is impressive. Without graphic and design elements, as well as without tables, many pages load almost instantly. One of the most popular full-screen browsers is Lynx, which is included with the Lynix operating system.

browser with multimedia support. The most common and popular browsers today. They allow you to work with almost all types of information presented on the Internet. 99% of global Internet users intensively and daily use the capabilities of these browsers. The most commonly used: Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla, Netscape Navigator.

There are also so-called add-on browsers. They are add-ons to full-featured browsers. Most often, add-on developers use Internet Explorer. Add-ons use the “engine” of this browser to display sites. Therefore, their capabilities in this area are completely identical to those of Internet Explorer. Add-ons only change the interface and add some functions that Microsoft developers ignored.

2. Browser history

The first common GUI browser was NCSA Mosaic. This one of the first browsers was open sourced, and several other browsers (Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer) based it on it. This browser had its shortcomings, but almost all of them were eliminated in the Netscape Navigator browser (some Netscape employees were from the NCSA and participated in the development of Mosaic). netscape released Netscape Navigator for various operating systems (UNIX, Windows, Mac OS) and achieved significant success, including commercial success. This prompted Microsoft to release its Internet Explorer browser.

Unlike Netscape, Microsoft immediately released localized versions of IE. In 1995, Microsoft released the operating system Windows system 95, it did not have a built-in browser, but after some time, a browser (Internet Explorer 3.0) was built-in in a system update (Windows 95 OSR2). In addition, Microsoft added non-standard HTML language extensions to its browser, and this can be considered the beginning of the browser war, which ended with the monopolization (more than 95%) of the market by Microsoft's browser.

Due to the loss of the market, Netscape's revenues fell, and it was acquired by AOL, and the source code of the Netscape browser was released under the free MPL (Mozilla Public License). The name "Mozilla" was originally present in the Netscape browser and was an abbreviation for the words Mosaic+killer. However, it was decided not to use this code, and instead, a new engine (Gecko) was written from scratch for Netscape 6, initially focused on full support of standards, on the basis of which the browser, mail and irc client included in the Mozilla Suite were later created. web page editor.

Subsequently, the Mozilla Foundation decided to supply and develop the browser separately from the general package, and the Mozilla Firefox project was born. Firefox contains many features not found in IE or other browsers, and is gradually gaining popularity.

The monopolization of the market by the IE browser had other consequences - Microsoft almost stopped developing the browser, and it remained almost unchanged from version 4 to version 6: it supported standards worse than other browsers, lagged behind in ease of use and in the speed of operation and display of pages. This situation prompted Microsoft to take up the browser again, and the seventh version was released with some changes (bookmarks and tabs were added, support for standards was improved, speed was increased and the interface was more user-friendly). On March 19, 2009, Microsoft released the 8th version of Internet Explorer, and on March 14, 2011, the 9th version of Internet Explorer and is actively promoting it on Russian market together with companies such as Yandex, and Rambler.

In 1995, the Opera browser appeared. Opera was initially distributed as shareware, which may explain its low popularity in most countries of the world and high popularity in the CIS countries. However, since 2005, Opera has also been distributed free of charge.

browser network internet browsing

The browser war would be a purely commercial enterprise for corporations if the main tactic in the fight were not to add specific, non-standard features to browsers. The biggest differences arose in support for JavaScript, a scripting language that makes documents interactive. As a result, many sites were “optimized” for some browsers and performed poorly in other browsers.

In Internet Explorer 8, Microsoft first proposed introducing an HTML comment that would indicate to browsers which versions of the engines to use (the DOCTYPE header should have been canceled as it was of little use), which caused outrage among standards supporters, since no indication of the use of standards was provided. It was later announced that IE8 would default to "standards mode" rather than "quirks mode" and would use "previous version" mode when a corresponding comment was detected.

In 2008, Google decided to “help” competition in the browser market and released its browser, Chrome, based on the free Chromium project. The Chrome browser contains some new features (crash isolation, incognito mode, etc.). Versions have been released for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux and Mac OS.

In early 2009, Microsoft announced that it was developing a new browser called Gazelle. The new browser will use resource sharing principles found in multi-user operating systems, which Microsoft says will improve its security.

In September 2009, it became known about the intention of the Russian government commission on federal communications and information technologies to develop their own browser for government organizations, choosing a developer based on the results of an open competition. It is ironic that Opera and Firefox are being rejected in favor of Internet Explorer due to the fact that they "share user information to the search engine" Google system", although this can be easily disabled in the settings of both programs.

3. Modern browsers

Windows Internet Explorer - a series of browsers developed by Microsoft since 1995. Included in the Windows family of operating systems. It ranks first in the number of users (market share in April 2010 - 59.95%, in January 2011 - 45.99% (according to GlobalStats). In Russia, according to the LiveInternet portal, as of March 2011 it ranks second with 27.4% users, the first place is taken by the Opera browser with 31.6%, although due to the peculiarities of measuring these parameters, the values ​​​​can be approximate. Explorer has been the most widely used web browser since 1999, reaching its maximum level in 2002-2003 at 95%. However, recently its share has been rapidly declining, giving way to browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc. To date, the latest stable version of the browser is Internet Explorer 9. Additional modifications of the browser have also been released. for other operating systems, such as Internet Explorer Mobile (for Windows CE and Windows Mobile), Internet Explorer for Mac and Internet Explorer for UNIX. Explorer is free to download and will work even when installed on an illegal copy of Microsoft Windows, however the license agreement allows you to install Internet Explorer only if you have a legal license for the Windows operating system.

Mozilla Firefox- freely distributed browser included in the set Mozilla programs Application Suite, developed and distributed by Mozilla Corporation. The second most popular browser in the world and the first among free software - in January 2012 its market share was 24.78%. The browser is particularly successful in some countries, notably Germany and Poland - it is the most popular browser with a share of 55% and 47% respectively. In Russia, Firefox ranks first in popularity among desktop browsers with a share of 30.74% of users by July 2011.

The browser has an interface with many tabs, spell check, search as you type, "live bookmarks", a download manager, a field for accessing search engines. New features can be added using extensions. Officially released for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Unofficial builds are available for FreeBSD, BeOS, and many other Unix-like operating systems. The browser code is open and distributed under the triple GPL/LGPL/MPL license.

The browser was originally called "Phoenix". Some time later, the browser was renamed "Firebird" due to a trademark conflict, but this name was later changed to "Firefox" for a similar reason. However, "Firefox" turned out to be a trademark of The Charlton Company in the UK, which was reflected in the "About" dialog for English-language builds.

Some browser properties:

blocking pop-up windows;

support for tabbed browsing (several pages in one window);

built-in search bar in search engines and dictionaries;

so-called “Live bookmarks” - a mechanism for integrating RSS feeds;

almost unlimited possibilities for customizing behavior and appearance, including through the use of extensions, themes and styles;

support for many extensions - many more of them have been created for Firefox than for any other browser;

built-in tools for web developer;

automatic updating of both the browser itself and its extensions (from version 1.5);

Displaying content immediately (allows you to comfortably continue surfing even when not fully loaded pages, which is especially noticeable with a slow connection and a large number of embedded objects);

Securely store passwords for websites and certificates thanks to the ability to set a “master password” that encrypts all other passwords (using the symmetric encryption 3-DES) and protects access to user certificates. Thus, stealing (extracting) stored passwords is difficult even with physical access intruder to the computer. When you first enter the master password, its calculated quality (difficulty of cracking) is displayed.

Opera- web browser and software package for working on the Internet, produced by the company Opera Software. Developed in 1994 by a group of researchers from the Norwegian company Telenor. Since 1995, a product of Opera Software, formed by the authors of the first version of the browser. Opera's total market share and Opera Mobile in June 2011 was 2.98%. In addition, Opera Mini's share was 1.25%. In Russia, the percentage of browser users is much higher than the world average. As of June 2011, Opera, together with Opera Mini, ranks first in popularity in Russia with 37.4% of users.

The browser is written in the C++ programming language, has high speed and is compatible with major web technologies. Distinctive Opera features for a long time were a multi-page interface (a system of tabs in the program window) and the ability to scale the entire displayed documents, along with graphics; Subsequently, these functions appeared in other browsers. Opera has expanded the functionality of using the mouse: in addition to standard navigation methods, so-called “mouse gestures” are provided. The browser security system includes: built-in phishing protection; additional coding of the information flow when working with pages containing requests for confidential information; the ability to delete HTTP Cookies, clear your browsing history with one click, as well as the "Speed ​​Dial" launchpad.

In addition to the basic functions of the browser, since the appearance of the package, the capabilities of the mail/news client Opera Mail have been integrated into it, address book, BitTorrent peer-to-peer network client, RSS aggregator, IRC client, download manager, WAP browser, Opera Link, as well as widgets - graphic modules based on HTML technology and working outside the browser window.

The Opera browser has been ported to many operating systems (including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, as well as mobile platforms based on Symbian, MeeGo, MeeGo WeTab, Java, Android, Windows Mobile, Windows 7, Apple iOS.

Opera's share in the global browser market is significantly inferior to the shares of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and Safari, and, according to various sources, ranges from 2 to 4%. But in Europe, Opera's market share is noticeably higher than the global average (from 4 to 11%). First of all, this applies to some CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), where Opera’s share reaches 50%. Opera's position (in special editions - Opera Mobile and Opera Mini) is significantly stronger in the market of browsers for mobile devices: mobile phones, smartphones and PDAs, where Opera plays a dominant role (especially in Russia) thanks to Small-Screen Rendering technology. In this market segment, the browser is represented by versions for Windows Mobile, S60 and UIQ, as well as for Java platforms ME. Opera comes pre-installed on more than 40 million mobile phones worldwide and is also the only browser for Nintendo DS and Wii gaming systems. Some computer set-top boxes also use Opera. For PC and Opera Mini have been distributed free of charge since 2005, Opera Mobile - since 2010.

Google Chrome- a browser developed by Google based on the free Chromium browser and using the WebKit engine to display web pages. The first public beta version for Microsoft Windows was released on September 2, 2008, and the first stable version was released on December 11, 2008. According to StatCounter, the browser is in second place in popularity, and its market share as of February 2012 is 29.5% Chrome is aimed at increasing security, speed and stability. On June 9, 2009, Google Chrome developers outlined a strategy in an interview for the unofficial user community further development of its product, which is that the browser will have the maximum high speed work and minimum acceptable functionality, and all additional functions are planned to be implemented using extensions.

The browser supports incognito mode. Pages viewed in an incognito window will not appear in the browser history or search history, nor will they leave other traces on the computer, such as cookies, and will be automatically deleted when the user closes the window. However, all files that are downloaded or bookmarks that are created will remain safe and sound.

Safari- a browser developed by Apple and included in the Mac OS X operating system, as well as freely distributed for operating systems of the Microsoft Windows family. It ranks fourth in terms of the number of users (market share in November 2011 - 6.66%). It is based on the freely distributed code of the WebKit engine. This browser was created when Apple's agreement with Microsoft to support Internet Explorer for the Macintosh platform was coming to an end. Soon after the appearance Safari work Internet Explorer for Mac has been discontinued.


Using tabs (allows you to open several web pages at once in one window and freely switch between them)

Built-in search tools: Google, Yahoo! and Bing (since version 5.0) on Mac OS X and Windows

Possibility to block pop-ups

Simple search for a piece of text on a page

Built-in RSS aggregator

Scaling the text input area

Private browsing - a mode in which no browsing history is kept, cookies are not accepted, passwords and entered data are not remembered

Supports various encryption protocols

"Snapback" function - allows you to instantly return to the original search results or to upper level any website, even if you go down several levels. The SnapBack icon appears in the search field when you click a link on the search results page.

Safari uses the same Apple graphics technology as Mac OS X.

Preliminary support for CSS3 and HTML 5

Safari automatically detects websites that use non-standard fonts and downloads them as needed

Integration multimedia technologies QuickTimeInspector - allows users and developers to view Document Object Model (DOM) of web pages

Protocol support SSL versions 2 and 3, as well as Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Spell checking in Sites text fields - allows you to view a list of the most visited websites in the form of miniature pages (from version 4.0)

Reader mode for easy reading(from version 5.0)

Full screen mode (from version 5.1)

Reading list (from version 5.1)

4. Comparative characteristics of browsers

In September 2010, the global share of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser fell below 50% for the first time. The share of Firefox, the main competitor of Internet Explorer, continues to grow and already stands at 31.5%. No less popular among alternative browsers are Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, the share of which is also increasing.

The main characteristics of the browser can certainly be considered as follows:




Performance of any modern browser determined by the speed of the rendering engine and JavaScript interpreter.

The most important part of all browsers is the rendering engine (layout engine), the main tasks of which include reading HTML, formation based on it object model document (Document Object Model, DOM) and its visualization. The building block responsible for interpreting markup is the HTML and CSS parser.

However, almost all browser developers, like car manufacturers, use their own engines. For example, Internet Explorer has a different engine than Firefox or Chrome. As a result, Chrome, thanks to its "fresh" engine, provides better display of modern web pages with big amount scripts. The same engine, by the way, is used in Safari browser from Apple. The most popular engines are: Trident (IE), Geko (Mozilla Firefox), KHTML (Safari), WebKit (Google Chrome), Presto (Opera).

Next, we will analyze the test results of the most popular browsers today: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera. The tests were carried out by specialists from the online publication Tom’s Hardware Guide. During the test, emphasis was placed on the following browser properties:

Startup time - the time to start each browser from the moment you click on the icon until the locally stored and cached web pages are fully loaded

Memory usage - the amount of memory used by the browser with the same number of multiple tabs open

Page load time - measured using the WebMonkey Browser Load Time StopWatch JavaScript test when opening various well-known sites - speed of the JavaScript engine, Acid3 and DOM - the first is a cross-platform application for testing performance, the second tests browser compliance with web standards, the third - performance DOM components, Java and SilverLight - browser performance using these platforms

Test results:

As a result of the tests, one thing is clear - IE is an outsider, and not just in the top categories, but in tests in general, having never entered the top three in almost any of them. The rest of the products showed their worth, taking high ratings in various tests in different ways, which means we cannot judge them unambiguously yet. However, Google Chrome proved to be the leader in overall superiority.

Browsers in the future

Let's rewind time and look at what's in currently represents the Internet. The Earth's population is approaching seven billion people, and about two are online. At the same time, the USA and a number of European countries are “saturated” markets. That is, the growth in the number of Internet users there has already stopped. The engines of Internet audience growth are other regions - Asia, Africa and South America. Growth in these regions is explosive. And they have one more feature - in these countries, people often access the Internet for the first time using mobile phones. And this is primarily due to the fact that Cell phones simply more accessible than computers. And this is a feature of the Asian or South American mentality, completely different from the American or Western European one, in which the Internet is considered primarily a “computer” phenomenon.

Over the past few years, the Internet in general and browsers in particular have changed dramatically. Now browsers are no longer static tools for displaying text and images. They have evolved into application platforms. AND key aspect growth - HTML5. Many people talk about it, but not everyone understands what it really is.html5 is a platform that allows you to create web applications. Today's web applications, even the most complex ones, are to one degree or another based on outdated technologies.html5 is a new technology that will ensure full compatibility between different browsers.

Browsers have not yet fully transitioned to HTML5. But in a year this standard will become much more complete. Then the developments will be enough to create full-fledged applications. And the Network itself will become a full-fledged platform for web applications.

Let's leave aside the question of whether web applications are currently self-sufficient from an economic point of view. Yes, there are really popular apps that make money. But on average, the cost of creating one web application is still higher than the income received by developers. And from this point of view, it is interesting to see what will happen to the Internet in 5 years. Will it be divided into proprietary platforms like the market mobile applications at present? Or will a single open standard based on HTML5 prevail?

Browsers are already competing with applications. It is important to understand the extent to which browsers can copy the capabilities of individual applications. Yes, from a technological point of view, browsers are still inferior, but they are significantly catching up. They already, for example, support geolocation (determining the user's location). And in the future, web pages will support more and more functionality.

The evolution of browser capabilities raises a number of questions. In particular, the issue of protecting personal data and, in general, the preparedness of users for what happens in the browser. And this task, naturally, falls on the shoulders of browser manufacturers. After all, none of the users wants the browser to independently film and post on the Internet a recording from a computer web camera without the user’s knowledge, while recording his location. However, we can say for sure that in the next few years browsers will become, as they say, “smarter.”

Browser add-ons should be created according to the principle "the more the merrier". The role of the browser is to provide users with the greatest number of different functions. However, when you just installed the browser, its interface should be minimal. And as you use your browser more, the number of features you need will increase.

Users also need to be able to work with extensions whose functionality exceeds the capabilities of regular browser widgets. Most of the solutions proposed so far by third-party developers for Opera concern how to simplify the display of a particular service or application in the browser. So far, they've been building small tools that allow different sites to display key information clearly. For example, users can quickly view the weather forecast, log into their account on Facebook or find useful information in WolframAlpha.

We see three mechanisms that will expand the functionality of browsers. Application functions can be accessed, firstly, from the browser, and secondly, using extensions, which again will allow operations to be carried out in the browser window. And thirdly, you can install applications to get maximum functionality.

Moreover, it is interesting that the last option has already been implemented. Currently, users can install various widgets that look like full-fledged computer applications. And in many cases, it is more convenient for users to install various browser applications instead of visiting a website.

The fight against OS has been going on for a long time. And over the past few years, browsers have been winning this war. True, the emergence of Apple iOS and Android mobile operating systems, focused on applications, has become a limiting factor in the widespread success of browsers.

There is one more important point, which concerns monetization. The fact is that website owners want users to pay for content. Just like it happens in applications. The point is that if you open a certain site in your browser, the content will come to you for free. And when you use a special paid application, you are provided with access to additional content. And such a system with paid applications leads to the fact that Internet sites become “poor” in content compared to paid applications.

It seems that this system is doomed to failure. The future lies with browser-based micropayments. Ideally, the system will look like this: sites will have “truncated” free and full-fledged paid versions. And, theoretically, such a system should already be functioning. But it all came down to the search for a simple and user-friendly monetization mechanism, that is, micropayments. And this is where significant changes will occur in the coming years.

We have already discussed several technologies that are likely to appear in the future. I would like browsers to become a full-fledged tool for two-way communication. Voice communication, video calls - these technologies must be implemented in browsers. It doesn't seem like you need to install it special applications. Browsers can also handle this task, perhaps with the help of special web applications.

For example, let's say I'm on the IKEA website and trying to figure out how to build a closet. I can't do anything. Then I click on the button to call the video consultant, and he appears right here in the browser window. You don't need to open it for this. additional program, no need to install anything. Once and done!

In fact, there is not and will not be much difference in the functionality of a separate application and a browser. However, now for video communication users are forced to minimize the browser and open separate client, which does not provide a single, seamless work experience.

Back in 2002, analysts and market participants said that the traditional “computer” Internet would not work on mobile devices. They believed that the future belonged to WAP Internet, since mobile phones were significantly different from computers, primarily in screen size. Therefore, it was then believed that the mobile Internet should differ from the usual one primarily in less functionality and fewer options. As practice has shown, this is not a very successful strategy.

Yes, mobile phone users use the web differently than computer users. Their work on the Internet is more “contextual,” momentary in nature. But it is difficult to understand exactly what context determines a user’s online interest at any given time.

The fact that at the moment many resources are interested in creating a special version of the site for mobile devices is a disastrous path. We're already seeing a trend where users are realizing that they don't actually need multiple different resources.

Modern web technologies make it possible to scale the same web page to different types of devices with different screen sizes. And now, when creating websites, developers think about how these sites will look on the screen of mobile devices. As a result of this symbiosis, sites become more “hybrid”, suitable for different types of devices. Wherein technical feasibility creating scalable sites like this has been around for several years. However, the developer community is only now beginning to recognize this opportunity.

This process, of course, has both positive and negative side. Positive point is that users will not have to constantly make a choice between the mobile and full-fledged versions of Internet sites. The downside is that many popular sites will have to be redone practically from scratch.

And in conclusion, I note that with such simultaneous development of mobile and computer internet, those users in developing countries who go online for the first time using a mobile phone will be able to easily switch to computers and surf the Web as they are already accustomed. And if mobile version site will be unsuccessful or inconvenient to use, then users may not access computer version site. Therefore, in the future mobile internet important role. And developers should think about this now.


The topic of browsers is very broad and almost inexhaustible, because today there are enough a large number of There are no browsers that are similar to each other. And having analyzed, researched and compared only some of them, it is impossible to say with great confidence which one is the best, despite the fact that quite popular browsers were compared. Each browser has its own advantages, disadvantages and individual capabilities, therefore, each user can find a browser to their liking. Therefore, you should try using several browsers, and only then make your final choice. But quite often, users install programs that are more widely known, so it is very difficult for lesser-known browsers to break into the light.

- (English Browser, from browse to view), on the Internet (see INTERNET) a program for viewing hypertext documents (see HYPERTEXT) (pages). The most popular browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer. Most browsers can... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

See WEB BROWSER Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

browser- A program for navigating the Internet and reading hypertext documents in information environment www. [GOST R 52872 2007] browser browser viewer Web navigator Program for navigating and viewing web resources. Usually bundled with browsers... ... Technical Translator's Guide

BROWSER- (English browser) a program that provides search and viewing of information stored in computer networks... Legal encyclopedia

BROWSER- viewer program (see) on www pages. With the help of B. you can take “walks” around (see). In this case, a page of a document is displayed on the computer screen, which can be read if it contains text, viewed if it contains photographs and... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

Comp. a program that allows you to view information from your computer on a computer screen electronic network New dictionary foreign words. by EdwART, 2009. browser browser, m. and browser, browser, m. [from English. browser, browse - browse,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

browser- A program for viewing Internet pages, from English. words browse - browse. TP: What browser do you use? client: I have Firefox Internet slang, Computer slangDictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

M.; = browser A program that allows you to view information from a computer network on a computer display; navigator III. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

- (English browser), a program with the help of which the user searches for information (text, graphics, etc.) in the computer memory or in computer networks, for example. in the Internet … Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary


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