Creating your own web page on the topic. Creating an HTML page in Notepad: explanations for dummies

A website, often abbreviated as a site, is nothing more than a collection of logically interconnected web pages, or simply one page. Site pages are accessible on the Internet using the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. A website has its own place on the Internet, determined by a personal address for each site, which is usually called a URL. Any website has its owner; the owner can be either an individual or a legal entity.

The website consists of pages

A website consists of pages united by a common root URL and, as a rule, a common logical structure, theme, layout (design) and technical device. In turn, the World Wide Web is nothing more than a collection of all websites. Web pages are text files written in the hypertext markup language HTML or XHTML.

When viewing a web page, in a special program called a browser, HTML files are downloaded to the user's computer. Once loaded, the browser displays web pages on the user's screen. Various devices can be used as hardware for accessing the Internet in order to view the content of web pages: a personal computer, a PDA, some models of game consoles and other devices, all of these devices support HTML / XHTML language standards and web pages are displayed identically on them .

The HTML / XHTML language makes it possible to format pages, place text, hyperlinks, tables, pictures and other objects on them. A CSS style sheet that can be used in HTML documents gives additional options for creating the appearance of web pages.

JavaScript and some other scripting languages

On web pages you can also use JavaScript and some other scripting languages ​​supported by the browser, and add interactivity to the web document. Hypertext links, or hyperlinks for short, are used to link web pages within a site and link between different websites on the World Wide Web. If a hyperlink is used to link pages within a site, it is called an internal link, and if it links different sites, it is called an external link.

Site pages

Pages on a website can be static, that is, they are stored on a web server in the form of immutable files, or they can be dynamic, that is, generated directly on the server by a special program, which is also called the site engine. The site engine can provide a wide range of capabilities for changing the content of web pages, adding new web pages, and performing other actions to configure the website and edit information on it through a web-based administration interface, which is called a content management system or CMS.

Creating a website is a labor-intensive process that combines the work of various specialists: web designers, programmers, HTML layout designers, optimizers, managers, journalists to fill the site with information, etc. The time and cost of creating a website depends on the degree of complexity of the project, its structure and the quality of the design.

A little history of website development

The world's first website was created on August 6, 1991. American Tim Berners-Lee posted a publication on the World Wide Web technology on the website. The basis of World Wide Web technology is the HTTP data transfer protocol, the hypertext markup language HTML, and the URL addressing system. The site also described other basic principles of the Internet, such as the operation of servers, web browsers, etc. The site, created by Tim Berners-Lee, also became the world's first Internet directory, because... it later contained links to other resources of the then Internet.

The necessary tools for the site to work were prepared even earlier; at the end of 1990, the first browser appeared, which was called WorldWideWeb; it additionally included the function of a hypertext editor. Tim Berners-Lee also prepared the first web server based on NeXTcube.

In this article we will talk about various concepts related to the Web: web pages, websites, web servers and search engines. These terms often confuse both those new to the Internet and people who rarely use the Internet. Let's figure out what exactly these concepts mean!

In a nutshell

Like any other field of knowledge, the Web is full of specific terms. But don't worry, we don't want to overwhelm you at the very beginning of your journey (and if curiosity still gets the better of us, we have a dictionary). However, to begin with, you will still have to learn a few basic terms, since you will encounter them in our articles quite often. It is sometimes easy to confuse these terms because they are related but have different functions. You've probably noticed them being misused more than once in the news or elsewhere.

We'll look at these concepts and technologies a little later, but for now the brief definitions below will give you a very good start:

Web page A document that can be displayed by web browsers such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge, or Apple's Safari. For brevity, we will simply call the concept of “web page” simply “page”. Website A collection of web pages linked together in some way. Usage in vocabulary: “website” or simply “site”. Web server A computer that provides the computer and software needed to run a website. Search engine A website that helps you find other web pages, such as Google, Bing or Yahoo.

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Let's dive deeper

So, let's dig a little deeper and find out how these 4 terms are related to each other, and why these concepts are often confused with each other.


Webpage- a simple document displayed on a computer screen via a browser. Such a document is written in HTML (which we will look at in more detail). A web page can contain many different materials, such as:

  • style information- controlling the page by perception and feeling
  • scripts- which make the page more dynamic and easy to use for users
  • media- images, music and videos.

Note: Browsers can often display some PDF or image documents, but the term webpage is more relevant directly to HTML documents. Until the end of the article, in this case, we will use the concept document.

All web pages on the Internet have their own unique address. To access the desired page, simply type its address in the address bar of your browser:

Web site is a collection of pages interconnected in some way (including their connections with other resources), which are available under a single domain name. Each page of the site contains deep links (almost always highlighted pieces of text that can be clicked on) that allow the user to quickly move from one page of the website to another.

To access a website, type its domain name into your browser's address bar and your browser will display the site's main page, or home page:

Web page And Web site it is especially easy to confuse each other when website contains only one page. This site is sometimes called one page website.

Web server

Web server is a computer that provides one or many websites (hosting). The term "hosting" means that everything pages and the files attached to them are contained on this computer. Those. Web server will send any page With site at the request of any user, which will be the hosting for the user’s browser.

Don't confuse the concepts website And web server. For example, if you hear someone say, “My website is not responding,” what they really mean is that web server does not respond to the request, and is therefore unavailable itself website. Moreover, since a web server can host multiple sites, the term web server is never used to refer to a website, as this could lead to a lot of confusion. Going back to the previous example, if we were to say, “My web server is not responding,” it would mean that there are no sites available on that server at the moment.

Search system

Search engines are a common cause of confusion online. Search system is a special type of website that helps users find the pages they need others sites.

Most popular search engines: Google, Bing, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, and many others. Some of them are universal, while others are focused on a specific area. Use the search engine that is convenient for you.

Many novice Internet users confuse a search engine and a browser. Let's be clear: browser is software that finds and displays web pages; search system - this is a special type of site that helps users find the pages they need others sites. The confusion arises because when someone first launches a browser, it displays the search engine's home page. This is exactly true, because the first thing you do when you launch your browser is find a web page and open it. But don't confuse an infrastructure (i.e. a browser) with a service (i.e. a search engine). This difference will help you somewhat, but even some experts use these concepts arbitrarily, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it.

Below is an example of how the Firerox browser displays the Google search box on the start (home) page by default:

: HTML - hypertext markup language (or hypertext markup language).

So let's get to know him better.

First, create a file on your computer with any name and extension.html (title must be in English- for example index.html). To create such a file, create a regular text document ("Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Notepad") and save ("File" - "Save As") it anywhere by entering the name and extension (it happens that when you enter an extension, notepad still saves it as a text file, but we need a web file. To do this, before saving, select the file type - “All files (*.*)”).

This is not a prerequisite (since you can change the name of the first page in the server settings), but a rule of good manners. The name of the first page is preferably index (index.html), since the server, when accessing it, produces a file with the same name - index.

When saved correctly, the file icon should change to the browser icon (Internet Explorer by default).

Now open this file using Notepad and copy the following code there.

This is the first web page!

Save and open in a browser.

Congratulations, you have just created your first web page.

Text "This is the first web page!" You can change it to any other one, for example, “This is my first web page!!!” save, update the browser, and admire the result.

But our page doesn't have a title.

We need to fix this - we’ll correct the code a little, or rather we’ll add a “Site Head” to it using tags And .</p><p> <html> <head> <title>First page This is my first web page!!!

Save, update, admire. Our page now has a title.

Description of tags.

The very first tag is (this tag is paired, i.e. the closing tag required) - it is used as a container inside which all the contents of the page (text, images, etc.) are located. Although this tag ( And) is optional, but its use indicates good manners. Therefore, I advise you to use it.

Next tag - . This is also a paired tag ( And). This tag is not displayed on the page (except for the title), but it is necessary to indicate additional page parameters - page description (used by search engines), keywords (used by search engines), styles, scripts, title, etc.

Tag </b>- paired tag ( <title>And), is required to indicate the page title. Moreover, this tag must be placed only inside the tag !

And the last tag in our code is - . Also a paired tag ( And), inside which is the entire visible part of the site, i.e. texts, pictures, links, in general information that you want to place on the site.

In the next lesson we will talk about the types of tags and the rules for writing them.

So, what is a Web site and a Web page? To understand this issue, let's think about what information can actually be contained on a Web site? The answer is obvious - almost any. The site may contain information about computer games, cars, aquarium fish, mythical creatures, cities and countries of the world, etc. and so on. The list goes on and on. You can even post on the site, for example, works of great Russian classics. How do you like the site "War and Peace"? It turns out that the site is a book, but not just a simple one, but an electronic one? Yes, a Web site, in its essence, really is an e-book, magazine or textbook, which can contain both information that is useful to you, and that which does not interest you at all at the moment.

Like a regular book, a Web site is made up of pages called Web pages.

How do we, in fact, find the information we are interested in in the same computer science textbook? We open the content, which is located at the beginning or end of the textbook, look for the paragraph that contains the necessary information, look at the page number opposite the paragraph, open it and study the material. Everything is quite simple and ordinary.

After we get to the main page of a well-designed site, we should also see something similar to the contents of a textbook in order to be able to quickly find the information we need.

But how to get to the necessary information located on a Web site, since we cannot flip through electronic pages like regular paper ones? Indeed, we usually use a mouse.

In fact, moving between pages of the site is even more efficient than moving between pages when working with a regular textbook. To move between pages of a site, elements of the Web page are used; when you click on them, you can move to another page of the site. These page elements are called hyperlinks and are present on all pages that make up the site.

In the “classic” case, part of the text (a word or several words) and graphic images (drawings and photographs) are used as hyperlinks.

Since in the first case text is used to create hyperlinks, such a hyperlink is called a text link. Quite often, a text hyperlink will be underlined text in blue. Seeing, for example, on the main page of the site the inscription “Web sites and Web pages” designed in a similar way and clicking on it with the left mouse button, you should end up on a Web page dedicated to this topic. The "Websites and Web Pages" page must, in turn, have at least one hyperlink through which you can return to the content.

If a graphic image, such as a photograph, is used as a hyperlink, then it will be difficult to guess that this is a hyperlink. How, then, can you determine whether an image is a hyperlink or not? In this case, remember the following rule: “If, when you move the mouse cursor over an element of a Web page, it takes the shape of a hand, then this element is a hyperlink.”

Note: There is an exception to this rule, for example in the case of rollovers, which may not be hyperlinks, but when you hover the mouse over them, the cursor also takes the shape of a hand. In addition to changing the appearance of the cursor, when you hover over a hyperlink, the URL (unique address of the resource) should also be displayed, but we will talk about this in the lesson on creating hyperlinks using FrontPage.

Control questions:

  • What is a Web site?
  • What is a Web page?
  • What is a hyperlink?
  • What elements of a Web page can be used as hyperlinks?
  • How can I determine if a page element is a hyperlink?
  • Can individual Web pages of a site not contain a single hyperlink?

Where does a web page start?

What are the stages of the creation process? In order to understand what a web page is, you need to understand how it is formed.


It all starts with the work of the designer. He, in accordance with the requirements and goals of the customer, develops a layout of the future website. This layout is created for one, two or more pages. At this stage, the location of all necessary objects is determined, fonts, pictures, and design in general are selected. That is, the appearance of the pages is initially formed, from which a full-fledged website will then be assembled.


Then the layout designer gets involved in the work. Based on the layout developed by the designer, he creates the page layout, optimizing it for various browsers. To do this, create a regular document, for example, in Notepad, which is saved with the .html extension. It is in this language that a simple web page is written. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is a set of tags that serve to implement a variety of tasks. This language is quite simple but functional. With its help, a logical structure of the page is created and it is divided into individual elements - headings, lists, paragraphs, tables and other objects. Additionally, tags define the meaning of all content. They give the browser information about what to highlight, underline, where to indent, where to insert a picture, and what to convert into a link. As a result, the page takes on the appropriate appearance. However, in order for it to fully correspond to what the designer came up with, it is also necessary to use CSS. These are cascading style sheets that define the appearance of an HTML document and its design. Using CSS tools, you can “paint” the page in the desired colors, apply a particular font style, and add other design elements. Using HTML and CSS gives us a finished, beautifully designed page. But it still needs to be made dynamic, and this is up to the programmer.


At this stage, you have already formed an understanding of what a web page is and how it is created. However, that's not all. There are several types of pages - static, dynamic and interactive. The first ones refer to those that were created only using html and css. In order to make a page dynamic, you need an engine - CMS (or Content Management System). This is a special program that, based on user requests, creates a page from data stored in the server database. That is, the page is created when a request is received from the user. To write it, languages ​​such as ASP, PHP and others are used. As for interactive pages, they include so-called forms through which the user and the server exchange data. They are also written in PHP, JavaScript, etc. Programming is a more complex process than layout; it requires high-quality specific knowledge of at least one (or preferably several) of the listed languages.

How does a web page load?

In order for the page to become available to all Internet users, it (that is, the document in which it is described) is placed on a web server. This is a computer that continuously works, waiting for requests from browsers to arrive. When it receives it, it finds the required resource (for example, a web page) and sends it to the appropriate browser. And that, in turn, based on the information (signals) contained in the document, displays a web page.

Why can't I open a web page?

There are situations when you enter a request (indicate an address, write a word in the search bar, or click on a link), but the browser cannot display the information you need and writes that the web page was not found. What is the reason here and how to solve such a problem?

First, you should check the URL to see if it is entered correctly. If an error is made in any letter or symbol, then the server will not be able to find information adequate to your request, and the browser, accordingly, will not be able to display it. But if the address is correct, then why is the web page unavailable? The cause may be cookies. They are created by web pages that you have visited previously to store some settings and other things. If such a file is corrupted, it may prevent the page from loading properly. To correct the situation, it must be removed. To do this, find the "Privacy" section, go to the content settings and in the window that opens, select "All cookies and site data." Click "Delete All".

The third reason may be the slow operation of the browser due to the use of a proxy server. To fix the problem you need to change the settings. This can be done in the "Internet Connections" section. Select the network you're using, open Settings and find the Proxy tab. Set the desired settings for its use. Now everything should work.


From this article you learned about what a web page is, how it is formed and what specialists take part in its creation. We also looked at how site pages load and display, why they may not open, and how to solve this problem. Now you know a little more about how the Internet works and what its web resources are.