Words related to computer repair. Dictionary of computer terms. The newest and most complete

Graphics adapter- a device that controls the display and provides graphic output. Determines the display resolution (number of dots per unit screen area), number of colors.

LAN adapter(network adapter, network interface card - NIC) - an adapter for connecting a computer to a local network of computers. For example, to connect a personal computer to an Ethernet network, use the NE-2000 adapter.

Azo compounds- a class of organic compounds containing one (or more) azo group -N=N-. They are colored and many of them are used as dyes (azo dyes). Can be used in recordable CD/DVD technologies.

Analog-to-digital converter(ADC) - a device that converts an analog signal into a digital signal and vice versa. For example, to transmit data over a digital telephone network using a modem, an analog-to-digital adapter is placed between the modem and the digital telephone channel.

Aperture- the actual opening of the optical system, determined by the dimensions of the lenses, mirrors or diaphragms. Angular aperture is the angle a between the outer rays of a conical light beam entering the system. The numerical aperture is equal to n sin α/2, where n is the refractive index of the medium. The illumination of the image is proportional to the square of the numerical aperture.

Open architecture- architecture developed by IBM for personal computers. Main features: the presence of a common information bus, to which it is possible to connect various additional devices via expansion connectors; modular construction of a computer; compatibility of all new devices and software with previous versions on a top-down basis.

Von Neumann architecture- the architecture of a computer that has one arithmetic-logical unit through which the data flow passes, and one control device through which the command flow passes.

Asynchronous data transfer- a method of transmitting and a method of extracting data from a continuous stream of messages, in which the sending side enters start and stop bits into each data, indicating where the data begins and where it ends.

Audio adapter(Sound Blaster, sound card) is a board that allows you to record sound, play it back and generate it in software using a microphone, headphones, speakers, built-in synthesizer and other equipment.

Basic I/O system(Basic Input/Output System - BIOS) - programs designed to perform the following functions: testing the main computer devices; recognizing the types of devices installed on the computer; calling the operating system boot block; servicing system interrupts. In most computers, the BIOS is written to a permanent storage device by the computer manufacturer and has no means for the user to change it.

Byte- a machine word of minimum size, addressed during data processing. The byte size - 8 bits - is adopted not only for representing data in most computers, but also as a standard for storing data on external media, for transmitting data over communication channels, and for presenting text information.

Bit(English Binary digiT - binary unit) - a unit of measurement of the amount of information, equal to the amount of information contained in an experience that has two equally probable outcomes. It is the smallest unit of information in a digital computer, taking the value "0" or "1".

Baud(baud, bit/s, bps) - unit of measurement for data transfer speed.

Drive performance- speed of reading/writing data in the drive. It is determined by two parameters: average access time and data transfer rate.

Processor speed- speed of operations performed by the processor. Since the speed of individual operations of a processor is different, the speed of the entire processor is taken to be either the speed of executing register-to-register commands or the speed of executing commands on floating point numbers. The latter has a special name - flops (from Flops - FLoating point Operations Per Second).

Vector graphics- a method of representing an image as a set of graphic elements (graphic primitives - segments, arcs, etc.), described in any way, including graphic commands.

Video adapter- an electronic board that processes video data (text and graphics) and controls the operation of the display. Contains video memory, input/output registers and BIOS module. Sends ray brightness control signals and image scanning signals to the display.

Video memory- additional memory to ensure high-quality images on the display. It is part of the video adapter and has a capacity of up to several tens of MB. Images of one or more screens are formed in video memory, which are then sent to the display. On some computers, video memory is allocated from RAM.

External devices(VU) - input/output and information storage devices. The devices are connected to the system using interfaces that implement certain parallel or serial communication protocols. The VU includes a keyboard, monitor, external storage devices using floppy or hard magnetic disks, optical disks (CD-ROM), magnetic tapes and other types of storage media, sensors and information converters (analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog), actuators ( indicators, printers, electric motors, relays and others). Because they are typically much slower than others, the control device must pause the program to complete an I/O operation on the corresponding device.

Fiber Optic Cable- a cable that transmits data using light, which increases the speed and quality of transmission. In the simplest case, a light guide is a fiber (flexible) dielectric made of quartz glass and surrounded by a cladding with a refractive index lower than that of the core.

Octal number system- positional number system with base 8. For example, 123 8 is equal to 1 * 8 2 + 2 * 8 1 + 3 * 8 0 =64 + 16 + 3=83 10

computer network. A set of computers, auxiliary equipment, communication channels and special software for transmitting data between network elements. Depending on the tasks, type of equipment and communication lines, computer networks are divided into local, corporate, territorial and global. Networks are created for more complete use of resources or their redistribution, for fast and automatic communication with the transfer of large volumes of data.

Clock generator- a device for generating a sequence of pulses at equal intervals of time. The time between two successive pulses is called a clock cycle. Some processor instructions are executed in several clock cycles. Pulses passing through all elements of the computer force them to work in a single clock cycle - synchronously. The frequency at which clock pulses are generated determines the speed of the computer.

Flexible magnetic disk- a disk made of flexible plastic in a protective plastic package, in which holes are cut for access to magnetic I/O heads. The disk is coated with a magnetic compound. Often called a floppy disk or floppy disk. Disks with a diameter of 5.25 and 3.5 inches are used.

Gigabyte(GB) is a unit of measurement containing 1024 MB. As an alternative, the IEC proposed GiB (Gibibyte) in 1998; 1 GiB=1024 MiB (Mibibyte).

Main (internal, random access) memory (RAM) of the computer- an ordered sequence (array) of bytes or machine words (memory cells).

Global computer network- a set of individual computers and local networks located in different countries, connected by different communication channels and operating in different software environments. This set has agreed upon interaction protocols.

Plotter- a device for outputting information from a computer in the form of graphs and drawings onto stationary or rotating paper on a drum (plotter).

Binary number system- positional number system with base 2. Binary digits 0 and 1 are used to write numbers. For example, in the binary system 101101 2 =1 * 2 5 + 0 * 2 4 + 1 * 2 3 + 1 * 2 2 + 0 * 2 1 + 1 * 2 0 =45 10 . Derived number systems (degree 2) are also known - octal and hexadecimal.

Double precision- numeric data (fixed or floating point), located in two machine words, requires support for special arithmetic operations.

Joystick(from the English joy stick - cheerful stick) - a lever input device designed to control the movement of graphic objects on the display screen, widely used in computer games and training equipment. It is usually made in the form of a handle equipped with buttons, which can be used to make inclined and rotational movements. These movements are converted into control electrical signals proportional to the angles of deviation of the handle from the vertical. By pressing buttons, you can provide some information to the running program or issue some commands.

Digitizer(or digitizer, from the English digitizer - digitizer) - devices for entering graphic data into a computer, based on different technical principles. As a rule, when using any of them, the outline of the image is outlined with a special pen.

Dynamic RAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory - DRAM - dynamic random access memory) - a type of semiconductor RAM. Each binary digit (bit) is stored in a circuit consisting of a transistor and a capacitor. If the capacitor is charged, then this corresponds to 1, a discharged capacitor corresponds to 0. The transistor controls access to the capacitor.

Disk- a data carrier in the form of a round plate on which recording is carried out in different ways. A device that writes (reads) data to/from a disk is called a data drive. Disks differ in the way they write/read data, the ability to replace them, and recording density. Based on the recording/reading method, discs are divided into magnetic, laser (optical), and magneto-optical. Magnetic disks, in turn, are divided into flexible and hard. Often a “disk” refers to several disks combined into a package.

Drive- a device that controls the rotation of a magnetic disk, reading and writing data on it.

Display(monitor) - a device for visually displaying information (in the form of text, table, picture, drawing, etc.) on the screen of a cathode-ray device.

Track- a concentric circle on the magnetic surface of the disk where information is located. Tracks are numbered starting from 0 (track with the largest radius).

Driver(driver) - a resident software module that controls an external device and communicates with the operating system and application programs.

Hard magnetic disk(ZhMD, HDD) - a disk for long-term data storage on computers. Unlike a floppy disk, which is removable, a hard disk is integral with the drive.

Memory device(memory) - a device for recording, storing and issuing data. There are devices: long-term and operational data storage, they are also non-volatile and volatile; read-only data (read-only memory - ROM, CDs) and both read and write. Depending on the physical principles of data storage, magnetic, magneto-optical, optical and semiconductor (circuit) devices are distinguished.

Star- a method of connecting computers into a network, in which one computer is allocated and called the main one (head), and all the others are connected directly to it. Data can only be transferred from one peripheral computer to another through the host computer. If the main computer fails, the entire network becomes inoperable.

Integrated circuit(IC) - the implementation of an electronic circuit that performs a certain function in the form of a single semiconductor crystal in which all the components necessary to implement this function are manufactured. Includes a set of transistors, diodes, capacitors, resistors and more, interconnected by microconductors. The IC is manufactured using technology that ensures extremely small dimensions and high reliability. Based on the number of elements, ICs are conventionally divided into small (MIS) - with the number of elements in a chip up to 102, medium (SIS) - up to 103, large (LSI) - up to 104, extra-large (VLSI) - up to 106, ultra-large (ULSI) - up to 109 and giga-large (GBIS) - more than 109 elements in a crystal.

Cartridge(English cartrige - cartridge, cassette) - a replaceable part of the device. Typically this is a protective shell that holds ink ribbon for printers, toner for laser printers or duplicating machines, ink for inkjet printers, and more. The cartridge is completely ready for use; all you have to do is insert it into place.

Kilobyte(KB) - a unit of measurement of the amount of data or memory capacity, equal to 10 3 = 1000 bytes. An alternative is the IEC proposed unit KiB (Kibibyte); 1 KiB=2 10 =1024 bytes. The discrepancy is 2.4%.

Keyboard- a device designed for manually entering data into a computer. Keyboards differ in the number of keys. Standard for IBM-like computers is a keyboard with 101 keys, where the following blocks are highlighted: function keys; letters, numbers and auxiliary symbols; cursor keys; numeric keypad (duplicated for ease of input).

Cluster(from the English cluster - group) - a unit of data storage on floppy and hard disks. A cluster contains several adjacent sectors.

Client(client) - a software and hardware complex that provides an interface with the user (another active party) when sending and receiving requests from the server.

Client server architecture(client-server) - distributed processing of requests on the network, implemented on two interacting software and hardware systems (client and server).

Coaxial cable(from Latin co - together and axis - axis). A cable consisting of two coaxial conductors with an insulator between them. Used in communication channels of computer networks. Used for transmitting signals with a carrier frequency of up to 3 * 10 10 Hz.

ASCII code(from the English American Standard Code for Information Interchange - American Standard Code for Information Interchange) - a standard for encoding characters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and auxiliary characters or actions in the form of a one-byte binary code (1 byte = 8 bits).

Unicode code- standard for representing characters using 16-bit codes (2 bytes). Allows 65,536 characters. The standard should in the future replace ASCII, since it is more convenient to use one code for different languages ​​than to change conversion tables in ASCII code.

Codec(from the English Codec - COmpress-DECompress - compress, restore) - a hardware and software complex that ensures the operation of a personal computer with video information. The codec allows you to achieve quality video recorder performance through the use of hardware and software data compression methods.

Coding(coding) - establishing an agreed (legalized) correspondence between a set of characters and signals or bit combinations representing each character for the purposes of transmitting, storing or processing data.

Amount of information- the following basic units are used for measurement: 1 kilobyte (KB, KB)=1024 bytes=2 10 bytes; 1 megabyte (MB, MB)=1024 KB=2 20 bytes and bytes; 1 yeargabyte (GB, GB)=1024 MB=2 30 bytes ~ bytes. Recently, due to the increase in the volume of processed information, such derived units as 1 terabyte (TB, TV) = 1024 GB = 2 40 bytes ~ a byte have come into use; 1 petabyte (PByte, PB)=1024 TB=2 50 bytes ~ byte; 1 exobyte=10 18 bytes and so on. These are the so-called decimal units. As an alternative, the IEC proposed binary units in 1998: 1 KiB (KibiByte) - 2 10 = 1024 bytes; 1 MiB (MibiByte)=1024 KiB; 1 GiB (GibiByte)=1024 MiB (MibiByte) and so on

Ring- a method of connecting computers into a network, when data on the network is transmitted sequentially from one station to another. As a rule, data is transmitted only in one direction, therefore, in order to transmit a message to a nearby computer, but located opposite the flow of data, you need to go through all the computers on the network.

Team is a binary number that consists of two parts (fields) - the operation code (OPC) and the address part (ADC). The operation code KOP specifies the type of operation performed by this command, and the ADC determines the choice of operands (addressing method) on which the specified operation is performed. Depending on the type of microprocessor, a command may contain a different number of bits (bytes). For example, Pentium processor instructions range from 1 to 15 bytes, and most RISC processors use a fixed 4-byte format for all instructions.

Modem command language(modem AT-command, Hayes AT command) - an element of the command language that controls the operation of a Hayes-compatible modem.

Switching- 1. The process of connecting or switching computing systems, including computers. 2. There is a distinction between message packet switching, which refers to the combination of some data and its transmission over communication channels.

Switched communication channels. General purpose communication channels that are used by a specific network only at the time of communication. In territorial and global computer networks, as a rule, general-purpose telephone channels are used, which are connected (switched) to this network upon call. Switched circuits are low-speed, unlike dedicated circuits.

CD- a disk for permanent data storage, which is a circle made of plastic or aluminum alloy, covered with a protective transparent film. Recording is done along one spiral-shaped, very long track so densely that up to 700 MB of data fits on a 5-inch disk. Recording is carried out in stationary conditions on special devices, and then read-only CDs (CD-ROM - Compact Disk Read Only Memory) are pressed for mass consumption.

Composite video(composite video) - video signals in which brightness and color signals are transmitted together (mixed). Home video devices typically use NTSC, PAL, and SECAM signals. The carrier signal Y (luminance signal) and the color signal located in the color strip are superimposed on each other, forming one signal.

Component video(component video) - video signals in which, to improve the quality of image transmission, brightness and color signals are transmitted separately. In high-definition television (HDTV), this refers to images that consist of three independent signals - Y (luminance signal) and Pb and Pr (chrominance signals).

Controller(from the English control - to manage) - a device that connects peripheral equipment or communication channels with the central processor, freeing the processor from direct control of the operation of this equipment. The controller interprets processor commands for individual devices.

Cursor- a luminous area on the display screen indicating the position at which the next character entered from the keyboard will be displayed.

Cache memory- super-RAM, access to which is much faster than operational memory, and in which the most frequently used sections of the latter are stored. When accessing memory, the required data is first looked for in the memory cache. In the absence, the RAM is accessed, as a result, the total memory access time is reduced.

Laptop(laptop, “knee pad”) - a portable computer, similar in size to a briefcase. In terms of performance and memory, it is approximately equivalent to desktop personal computers.

Backbone-modular structure- a common computer structure in which individual devices (modules) included in the system exchange information via a common system bus - a highway.

Magneto-optical storage- drive for working with magneto-optical disks. The magneto-optical disk (MO disk) is made of aluminum alloy and enclosed in a plastic shell. Data recording technology: a laser beam heats a point on the disk, and an electromagnet changes the magnetic orientation of this point depending on what needs to be recorded - “0” or “1”. Reading is performed by a laser beam of lower power (than when writing), which, reflecting from this point, changes its polarity.

Manipulator(from Latin manus - hand) - a device that allows you to control the state of the computer, including entering data using your hands. Manipulators include joystick, mouse, trackball, touchpad, pen, trackpoint, J-key.

Router- an electronic device, sometimes with a software unit, that determines the optimal path (route) of a packet of messages in computer networks.

RAID disk array(from the English Redundant Arrays of Independent / Inexpensive Disks - an array of independent disks with redundancy) - a set of HDDs structurally combined into one unit with a common controller. Typically used in servers to ensure reliability by duplicating data.

Scalability- a property of a system or its individual parts, characterizing the ability of the system to adapt to a decrease or increase in its individual parameters. For example, Windows operating systems have a scalable user interface that provides a consistent look and feel across different display sizes.

Matrix printer- a printer in which the printing unit is a metal plate with holes (matrix) in which pins (needles) move freely. Pins, controlled by a magnet, strike an ink ribbon (the same as on a typewriter), and the dots create a character on the paper.

Machine word(MS) - an ordered set of binary bits used to store program commands and processed data. Each digit, called a bit, is a binary number that can only take the values ​​0 or 1. The bits in an MS are usually numbered from right to left, starting with 0. The number of bits in an MS is called the dimension of the MS or its bit depth. The typical length of the MS is 16 or 32 bits.

Machine language- a set of computer machine commands, distinguished by the number of addresses in the command, the purpose of the information specified in the addresses, the set of operations that the machine can perform, and more

TIR structure- “metal-dielectric-semiconductor” structure used in the creation of electronic devices, including microprocessors, memory for computers. It is an ordered collection of very thin (less than 1 micron) layers of metal and dielectric deposited on a semiconductor wafer. If oxides (aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide) are used as a dielectric, then a MOS structure (“metal-oxide-semiconductor”) is formed. The method of creating devices based on such structures is called MIS technology or MOS technology.

Megabyte(MB) - a unit of measurement for the amount of data or memory capacity, equal to 10 6=1,000,000 bytes. An alternative is the proposed IEC unit MiB (Mibibyte); 1 MiB=1024 Kibibyte. The discrepancy is more than 4.8%.

Slow connection- Connection via modem (speed from 9600 to 28,800 bps).

Microcommand- an elementary action that ensures the execution of a given operation; the processor control unit generates a sequence of microcommands in accordance with the code of the received command. Each microinstruction is executed within one machine cycle.

Micrometer(µm) - 10 -6 m, 1000 nanometers (nm).

Microprocessor- a device that processes data and controls this process, made in the form of one or several large (ultra-large) integrated circuits. Microprocessors are built into control devices and are the main part of the computer. For example, a BMW car has 54 integrated circuits that control anti-lock brakes and airbags. The microprocessor includes: an arithmetic-logical unit that performs arithmetic and logical operations; control and synchronization unit; input/output block; registers and so on.

Microsecond(ms) - 10 -6 s, 1000 nanoseconds (ns).

Modem(modulator-demodulator, modem) - a device for converting digital information into analog and back through modulation/demodulation of the carrier frequency for data transmission over telephone lines. Discrete (binary) data from the computer enters the modem, where it is encoded accordingly (modulated) and transmitted to the communication line.

MOS structure(“metal-oxide-semiconductor”) - the structure of the material from which transistors, capacitors and other electronic devices are made.

Multimedia- a collective concept for various computer technologies that use several information media, such as graphics, text, video, photography, moving images (animation), sound effects, high-quality sound.

Mouse(mouse, mice) - a manipulator that allows you to select data on the display and enter graphic data. The ball sensor makes the cursor move around the screen, and the buttons act as keys (input) and (exit).

Pulse/tone dialing(dialing pulse/tone) - connection establishment operations over dial-up telephone channels performed by a modem.

Storage device- a device for writing/reading data to/from a specific medium(s). Drives are classified as external storage devices. There are drives on disks (MD, CD), tapes (ML), cards. There are also drives: with removable media (in this case, the data carrier can be replaced, for example, floppy disks, magnetic tapes); with permanent media (in this case, the media is built into the drive and cannot be replaced, for example, a hard magnetic disk).

Nanometer(nm) - 1 nm=10 -9 m=0.001 micrometer (µm).

Nanosecond(ns) - 1 ns=10 -9 s=0.001 microseconds (ms).

Nanotechnology- integrated circuit manufacturing technology, which is based on quantities corresponding to nanometers and nanoseconds. For example, the expression “130 nanometers (or 0.13 microns) technology (process)” means that the dimensions of the structural elements of the microcircuit do not exceed 130 nm.

Hum- unit of brightness (candela per square meter, cd/m 2, cd/m 2).

Laptop(notebook) - a portable computer, similar in size to a large-format book. Fits in a briefcase. Usually equipped with a modem and a CD-ROM drive.

RAM(RAM, same as random access memory, RAM). Designed to store programs and the data they manipulate. Physically implemented in the form of a certain number of microcircuits. Logically, the OP can be represented as a linear collection of cells, each of which has its own number, called an address (or a matrix, the intersection of rows and columns of which determines a specific memory bit).

Open systems interoperability(OSI - Open system Interconnection reference model) - a set of ISO requirements for establishing the interaction of open systems in networks.

Palmtop(palmtop, “handheld”) is the smallest modern personal computer that fits in the palm of your hand. Magnetic disks are replaced by non-volatile electronic memory; information is exchanged with conventional computers via communication lines.

Device ports- electronic circuits containing one or more input-output registers and allowing you to connect computer peripheral devices to external buses of the microprocessor. The serial port exchanges data with the processor byte by byte, and with external devices - bit by bit. The parallel port receives and sends data byte by byte.

Read Only Memory(ROM). Used to store constants and standard (immutable) programs. ROM usually stores initialization (boot) programs for systems, test and diagnostic programs, and other service software that does not change during system operation.

Primitive(from the English primitive - primary, simple, basic) - one of the simplest elements that form vector images. Basic primitives are geometric objects such as points and line segments.

Printer- a printing device that converts the encoded information coming out of the processor into a form that is easy to read on paper.

Progressive scan(progressive scanning) - a method of scanning an image in which image data is scanned sequentially from top to bottom, rather than across a line, as occurs with interlaced scanning.

Translucent screen(transparent screen) - a screen used for rear projection. Translucent screens play a role opposite to reflective screens. If the purpose of the latter is to reflect the maximum amount of light, then the task of translucent screens is to transmit all the light without delaying it. Translucent screens have a glass or acrylic base.

Communication protocol- an agreed set of specific rules for the exchange of information between different data transfer devices. There are protocols for transmission speed, data formats, error control and more

CPU- a central device of a computer designed to control the operation of a computer according to a given program. The capabilities of a computer as a universal performer for working with information are determined by the processor command system. This command system is a machine command language (MCL). A separate command defines a separate operation (action) of the computer.

Display (projector) resolution- the physical number of elements (pixels, pixel - picture element) in the columns and rows of the image. There are standard resolution types - VGA (640 x 480), SVGA (800 x 600), XGA (1024 x 768), SXGA (1200 x 1024), UXGA (1600 x 1200), QXGA (2048 x 1536).

Register- a storage element of the processor that performs the functions of short-term storage of numbers or commands and performing certain operations on them.

Command register- register CU for storing the command code for the period of time necessary for its execution.

Status register SR (State Register, called EFLAGS on Pentium microprocessors). Determines the current state of the processor when the program is running. The register contains control bits that specify the operating mode of the processor, and attribute bits (flags) that indicate the characteristics of the result of the performed operation.

Sector- each track located on the disk is divided into sectors (blocks). For MS DOS, each sector is 512 bytes in size.

Server(server) - a network computer on which resources available to clients are located. Server resources can be files, printers, or application servers (such as multi-user databases).

Computer network- a set of computers connected via communication channels and switching means into a single system for messaging and user access to software, technical, information and organizational resources of the network. According to the degree of geographical distribution, networks are divided into local, city, corporate, global and others. A local network (LAN) connects a number of computers in an area limited by the boundaries of one room, building or enterprise. A wide area network (WAN) connects computers located geographically at great distances from each other. It differs from a local network in more extensive communications (satellite, cable, etc.). The urban network serves the information needs of a large city.

Data network(data transfer network) - a complex of communication equipment and control computers that provides data transfer for various applications.

Command system. Processors execute a set of commands that implement the following main groups of operations: transfers; arithmetic; brain teaser; shift; comparisons and testing; bit operations; program management; processor control.

Notation- a set of rules for naming and representing numbers using a set of symbols called numbers. Number systems are divided into positional and non-positional. An example of a non-positional number system is Roman; positional number systems include binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal.

System bus contains several dozen (in complex systems more than 100) conductors (lines), which, in accordance with their functional purpose, are divided into separate buses - address A, data D and control C.

Scanner- a device for entering documents into a computer - texts, drawings, graphs, drawings, photographs. Creates a digitized image of a document and places it in computer memory.

Standard machine word- a machine word, the dimension of which coincides with the processor bit capacity. Most processor instructions use standard machine words to process data.

Stack- a set of memory cells that are not available in random order, but only in a stack (“magazine”): LIFO - “last in, first out,” like cartridges in the clip (magazine) of a rifle (machine gun), for example, an environment for storing data for returns from subroutines, as well as their arguments.

Superparamagnetic effect- a state in which the magnetic domains in a magnetized material (as well as the spaces between them) are so small that their magnetic orientation can easily change under the influence of the thermal movement of molecules.

Superscalar processor structure. Provides increased processor performance by introducing several parallel operating devices into the processor structure, ensuring the simultaneous execution of several operations. In such processors, parallel operation of several execution pipelines is implemented, each of which receives one of the selected and decoded instructions for execution.

Command address counter(SchAK), command address register (PAK), program counter, Program Counter (PC), in x86 - Instruction Pointer (IP) - a processor register that is used to store the address of the next command and the contents of which are automatically increased by 1 after fetching the next command .

Terabyte(TB) - a unit of data amount equal to 1000 GB. As an alternative, the IEC proposed TiB (TibiByte) in 1998; 1 TiB=1024 GiB (GibiByte).

Terminal(terminal) - terminal device, a combination of data input and output devices in a computer.

Data type- form of data presentation, which is characterized by the way data is organized in memory; set of valid values; a set of operations. In other words, a data type is a schema of a certain type of variable embedded in the translator. The integer data type (int, fixed, etc.) specifies the properties of an entire variable - it can only take integer values ​​in a certain range, depending on the processor bit depth, for example, -32,767 ... +32,767. REAL data type (double, FLOAT, etc. ) specifies the properties of a floating point variable.

Computer network topology- the logical and physical way of connecting computers, cables and other components that make up a network. Topology characterizes the properties of networks that do not depend on their size. This does not take into account the performance and operating principle of these objects, their types, and channel lengths, although these factors are very important when designing.

Trackball- cursor control device. A small box with a ball built into the top of its body. The user rotates the ball with his hand and moves the cursor accordingly.

Control device(CU) - part of the processor that performs the functions of controlling computer devices.

File(file) is a named, organized set of data of a certain type and purpose, under the control of the operating system. This is a set of information, homogeneous in its composition and purpose, stored on a storage medium and having a name.

File system(file management system) is a dynamically maintained information structure on direct access devices (disks) that provides the function of managing data from operating systems through name-address communication.

Fixed point(fixed) - the simplest type of numeric data, when the number is placed in a machine word, and the range of values ​​​​depends only on the bit depth of the word.

Floppy Disk(floppy disk) - a removable flexible magnetic disk.

Host machine(host computer) - the main computer (online or offline) that supports information and computing resources and provides them to remote users.

Color difference signal(color differential signal) - signal transmission via three cables - Red-Bright (bright red, R-Y), Bright (bright, Y) and Blue-Bright (bright blue, B-Y). This allows composite signals to be projected more clearly (RGB and their luminance signals are carried over a single cable).

Cylinder- combining tracks with the same number located on different surfaces of the disk (for a floppy disk, a cylinder means two tracks).

Regeneration frequency(refresh rate). The luminous display element can maintain the same brightness and color for a very short time. Therefore, the image must be refreshed periodically, and the number of such cycles per second is called the “refresh rate” and is expressed in Hertz (Hz).

Interlace scanning(interlaced scanning) - a scanning method in which image data is divided into horizontal lines that are reproduced sequentially from left to right and from top to bottom across the screen. Even and odd lines are played alternately.

Floating point numbers(float) - a numeric data placed in a machine word in the form of a mantissa and order, which allows you to represent a wide range of values; assumes the presence of built-in or emulated arithmetic (floating point operations).

Sensitive screen. Allows you to communicate with the computer by touching your finger to a specific place on the monitor screen.

Tire(bus) - a device capable of controlling at least one other device. Adapter boards are connected to the bus. From the point of view of the Plug & Play subsystem, a bus is any device capable of providing resources.

Due to numerous requests from readers of this blog, I am publishing a dictionary of computer terms and jargon. Since everything flows and changes, and what I managed to find on the Internet is already hopelessly outdated and sour... I decided to create here a new modern dictionary of computer terms with all the ensuing consequences... Gaming slang has not yet been included in this dictionary, since our children swear too much in computer games clubs, and the dictionary will be mixed with profanity. If any of you would like to add something, please leave a comment in the comments as always. I will be very grateful to the authors' assistants. Let's make together the most complete and modern explanatory dictionary of computer terms!

So let's get started...

Abuse— complaint about the site Also used: abuse, abuse. ActiveX— A software component that can be embedded into a web page to provide additional functionality, such as image animation, spreadsheet calculations, etc. Also used: Active-X AGP - a type of specialized bus (connector) for video cards with a built-in graphics accelerator, which is already considered obsolete and is practically not used.. Also used: AGP, Ai-dzhi-pi, Azhp, Ei-dzhi-pikha AFAIK or afaik(rare) - Abbreviation for "As Far As I Know" (English). Translated as “as far as I know.” It is mainly used for online communication (forums, chats, etc.). AFAIR or afair AGP, Ai-dzhi-pi, Azhp, Ei-dzhi-pikha (rare) - An abbreviation of the English “As Far As I Remember.” Translated as “as far as I remember.” It is used mainly when communicating on the Internet. aka afair aka - Abbreviation for Also Known As. Pointer to a person's nickname, "Chris Kaspersky""Myshchh." Anti-aliasing - Since digital images are basically a matrix of dots, the rows of this matrix, if not drawn strictly horizontally or vertically, draw uneven, jagged lines on the object (this effect is also called stairstepping). The most common method to combat this effect is to fill the pixels in the jagged area with a color that is a mixture of the line color and the background color. The edges of the line are thus softened and it appears cleaner and less jagged.- a site optimized for a specific search query, in gross violation of the rules established by search engines. Often a site has no meaning, made for search robots and not for people. Also used:. Dorway, Dor DMOZ - dmoz.org is currently one of the most authoritative website directories.. Also used: DMZ IHHO or INHO(rarely) - “in his humble opinion.” In the case when they speak for someone, in the opinion of a stranger, maybe someone who is nearby. From English "In his humble opinion." IMHO or IMHO, imha(rarely) - “in his humble opinion.” In the case when they speak for someone, in the opinion of a stranger, maybe someone who is nearby. From English "In his humble opinion." IHHO- in my humble opinion. Abbreviation for “in my humble opinion” INHO(rarely) - in an immodest opinion. From English "In Not Humble Opinion". PPC(rarely) - “in his humble opinion.” In the case when they speak for someone, in the opinion of a stranger, maybe someone who is nearby. From English "In his humble opinion." — (PPK) model of relationship with the advertiser, in which the advertiser pays for the specific fact that the user follows a link on the site. Abbreviation from English. "pay-per-click" - "pay per click" ROFL ROFL(rarely) - “in his humble opinion.” In the case when they speak for someone, in the opinion of a stranger, maybe someone who is nearby. From English "In his humble opinion." - an expression that characterizes something funny. For example, “ROFL, this guy doesn’t know how to play at all!” RTFM RTFM(rarely) - referring the reader or questioner to the documentation. From English “Read The Following (Fucking) Manual” - “read this (fucking) manual” SERP. — search engine results page. Is an abbreviation for “Search Engine Result Page”. Also used: sickle Ava- cm. Avatar, Avatar -, A picture or photograph (static or animated) that the user chooses as his “face”. Mainly used on forums on blogs and social networks on the Internet., Also used:, Ava, avatar. avatar Avik avchik userpic Also used: sickle Avatar Also used: sickle - cm. Also used: sickle Avatar(rarely) - “in his humble opinion.” In the case when they speak for someone, in the opinion of a stranger, maybe someone who is nearby. From English "In his humble opinion." Avatar Avik Avchik Auto glitch Outglitch- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. Also used: onion AGP, Ai-dzhi-pi, Azhp, Ei-dzhi-pikha (rarely). AGP - cm. AGP Adult Adult, Adult is the abbreviated name of Adobe Systems, one of the leaders in the development of programs in the field of creating and processing graphic information and desktop publishing systems. The most popular products are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat Reader. Also used: Adobe, Adobe Account — Personal section of a participant in a forum, email service, blog or social network. Also used: account, profile, ac. Accelerator(rarely) - “in his humble opinion.” In the case when they speak for someone, in the opinion of a stranger, maybe someone who is nearby. From English "In his humble opinion." (obsolete) - from English. Accelerator, Accelerator. A type of video adapter that was once developed by 3DFX (called Voodoo) and contained its own processor to improve the performance of the computer's standard video card. Today this term is practically not used, since each video card has its own built-in accelerator. Unlim Unlimited. — There is no limit on the amount of information downloaded from the Internet for the user. Also used: Unlim- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. Antivirus — a program for identifying and destroying malicious software. Antivir - Antivirus Antivirus - cm . Antivirus APWS (rarely) - Abbreviation for “Why do you ask?” Upgrade — (from the English Upgrade) Updating the computer hardware, which consists of replacing or adding a new component or updating a program that has new functionality. In case of updating a licensed program, only part of the cost is paid for the new version. Update (from English Update) - As a rule, a free update (modification) of a licensed program. The program version number remains the same, but the release date changes. Bugs found in the updated versions are corrected. Upload (from the English Upload) - Copying (downloading) a file from the user’s computer to a server on the Internet. Also used: Applet. - (from the English Applet). A small program, an application in Java (for example, there are the following applets: calendar, imitation of reflection in water, and many others). On the Internet you can find ready-made applets on special collection sites of various web programs.(rarely) - “in his humble opinion.” In the case when they speak for someone, in the opinion of a stranger, maybe someone who is nearby. From English "In his humble opinion." Arbuzer Browser Asechka, Asya— Internet pager (program for instant messaging). This can be either ICQ or any other analogue, for example QIP. Also used: ICQ Aunt Asya(rarely). Attach«. - Attached file. Most often this means a file attached to an e-mail message. For example, you can say “in the letter I- Author. The word initially appeared in the slang of the so-called “bastards” as one of the words of the “Bobruisk language” (see, for example, www.udaff.com), and only after that it began to be used by many other Internet users. Babit -- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. Ban, Ban. Bug(from the English Bug - beetle) - An error in the program leading to its incorrect operation or crash. Catch bugs- means to find and correct errors in the program. Also used: glitch, bug Bynet - Belarusian or Belarusian-language part of the Internet (bynet, from.by). Ban - a ban on any actions. For example, ban - a ban on any actions. For example, user on the forum prohibits him from writing (and sometimes reading) messages; site in the search engine prohibits the site from participating in the search.. Also used: Bath Ban, Ban. — Introduce a ban for the user to perform any actions (write new messages, view them, etc.). Also used: Babit Banner, Banner - (from the English Banner - banner) A static or dynamic image on a web page, usually of an advertising nature. Contains a hyperlink to the advertised page. Baht — Mail program The bat! bash- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. — Applied in relation to the bash.org quotation book, or in relation to the Runet quotation book bash.org.ru Also used: Bor, Bashorg- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. Bashorg - bash Boron - Bash.. Accordion- An old, bearded story or topic. Typically not true. The expression is used mainly by Internet users. Also used: Murzilka BB code— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). bb codes bb codes- these are the same html tags, only they contain the symbols " BB code. Back- see Backlink- backlink. Most often used in relation to external links to a site. Also used: Binary (file), or binary - Binary file. Information written in the binary number system.Binaries. also called executable program files. (with extension .exe, .com). Bk — Online role-playing game “fight club”. www.combats.ru Also used:. TO(obsolete) - Abbreviation for "Without the Slightest Clue." Means "I don't know." Board- the name comes from the English board (literally - “board”). In the context of the Internet, it is most often used in relation to forums. Less often - to message boards. Has origins as a synonym for the abbreviation BBC(obsolete) - an electronic bulletin board, the predecessor of a website on the Internet. From the English BBS (English bulletin board system). Also used:. BBC, BBC, BBC, BBC Browser, Browser - Program for viewing web pages. Auto glitch Program for viewing web pages. Also used: Applet Action(rarely) - see Varese— Software, multimedia and any other content illegally distributed on the Internet. Vareznik1) - a site distributing content that violates copyright. Web 2) Internet. Abbreviation for English World Wide Web - World Wide Web. Also used:. No, Internet, Tyrnet The abbreviated name of the famous antivirus Dr. WEB Also used: Vector graphics Weber, Weber, Drweb Vector- (from English Vector) or - this is when the image is presented in the form of straight line segments, vectors. The difference between a vector image is its easy scalability while maintaining all proportions.. Vika— Wikipedia (free encyclopedia). Found at wikipedia.org. Also used: Pedivicia Windows— A disparaging name for the operating system of the Microsoft Windows family. Also used: Take out, Windows, Windows, Vents, Mastday(from English Must die - “Must die!”) Vinduzyatnik- a fan of the Microsoft Windows operating system, or a Windows user in free software circles. Hansa. — website guns.ru Gesta - Guest book. A script that allows site visitors to leave their comments and suggestions about it. The name comes from a distorted transcription of the English name Guest Book. Also used: Gostevukha Govnosayt, GS — 1) a site that has no meaning 2) Doorway 3) A website made by an unprofessional webmaster or designer that has serious flaws and errors. 4) A site on which there is a clear excess of advertising.- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. GPPKS (outdated rare) - Ready to Subscribe to Every Word. Thunderbird — Mozilla ThunderBird rss client. Named after the name, ThunderBird can literally be translated as "Thunderbird". Gogol - Google (outdated rare) - Ready to Subscribe to Every Word. Google- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. GPPKS — Google search engine.- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. GPPKS Also used:- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. GPPKS Google, Google, Google, Google, Google, Gogol- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. GPPKS Google - cm. Design- Design. Typically applied to the design of a specific website. In the Concept “(Web) design as a whole” it is used quite rarely. Also used: Also used: Diz — see Design Dialup — Outdated technology of slow dial-up modem connection over a telephone line. Also used: dialup, daylap, daylapa, daylapu. Diarrhea— blog service diary.ru DTKZ- an abbreviation for “For Those Who Know.” DTKP- an abbreviation for “For Those Who Understand.” ECHR- an abbreviation for “If You Understand What I Mean.” Burn- Say something absurd or make a powerful joke. That is, the expression “burn” is equivalent in meaning to the phrase “well, you give it.” The word first appeared in the lexicon of the so-called “bastards”, and then spread throughout the Internet. Fat face— the main page of the site, which has good indicators TiC And PR LJ- Livejournal. Applies either to the service itself (livejournal.com) or to a specific blog on this service. Synonyms: jojo, zhizha. Zmylo
- Gmail email service from Google. Synonyms: beetle. Antivir - Antivirus Buzz— make an entry on LiveJournal (your blog on the livejournal.com service). Used in two opposite meanings: 1. write something topical that will receive a lot of comments from other users 2. write about something that is not interesting or boring to others. Example: “Maybe stop buzzing about how you ate and went to the toilet? I'm tired of it! Trapper - ZZY- the equivalent of the abbreviation P. P. S. (in the form of PPS or PPS:, from the Latin Post Post Scriptum, “after after the signature”) - postscript. The appearance of the letter combination is caused by the relationship between the English and Russian keyboard layouts. Sometimes when printing, people forget to switch the layout, and instead of “PPS”, “PPS:” they type “ZZY”, “ZZYZH”, respectively. Synonyms: zzyzh. PS - the equivalent of the abbreviation P. S. (in the form PS or PS:, from the Latin Post Scriptum, “after the signature”) - postscript. The appearance of the letter combination is caused by the relationship between the English and Russian keyboard layouts. Sometimes when typing, people forget to switch the layout, and instead of “PS”, “PS:” they type “ZY”, “ZYZH”, respectively. Synonyms: zizh. Ignore— a label applied by a participant in a chat (multi-user or instant messaging program) to another participant, in which the system ignores messages from the second to the first. Or simply ignoring messages. From English ignore - ignore. Internet— Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer. Named so, presumably, in honor of Eeyore from the book “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All,” since the abbreviated name of the browser is IE, and also because of the dislike of many users for this browser.
Internet Synonyms: donkey, Donkey IE. Other meaning:— peer-to-peer network eDonkey2k. From English donkey - donkey. Kaznet- Kazakhstani or Kazakh-language part of the Internet (kaznet, from.kz). Capsit— writing messages in uppercase is highly discouraged in chats unless absolutely necessary. The term comes from the name of the "Caps Lock" button, which allows you to write in uppercase without pressing the "Shift" key. Captcha— A picture for human recognition of the characters depicted on them. Used as protection against automatic registrations and spam bots. Contact — Social network VKontakte Also used: VKontakte Content— Text content of the site (for example, articles). Conf.- conference, forum, sometimes used as configuration (of a program). Red-Eyed— A disparaging nickname referring to ardent fans of the Linux operating system and free software in general. Cthulhu- an octopus-like monster from the works of Howard Lovecraft. Satanic underwater god. A very popular character on the Internet. Ku— greeting (most often used in chats or forums). Taken from the movie “Kin-dza-dza!” ku - "Re", typed in Russian keyboard mode - from “Response” - answer (English). When replying to an email, the subject line is set to “Re: subject of the previous email.” If the user does not use this substitution, he can write this expression manually. He may forget to switch the layout (or deliberately not switch :)), and it will turn out “Ku”. Can also mean "Respect" cookies- a small piece of service information placed by the web server on the user’s computer. Used to store data specific to a given user and used by the web server for various purposes. Synonyms: cookies. Cabapees - see kbps Kbps — kilobits per second (to indicate the speed of a network connection or the bitrate of a multimedia file). From English kbps - kilobits per second.. Synonyms: kbps. Lamer — Beginner, naive and carefree computer user who does not think about security.- a disparaging name for the Microsoft Outlook email client program. Also used: Kettle Eraser — Internet service last.fm- Mozilla FireFox Internet browser, which is descended from the Mozilla browser, which in turn comes from the Netscape Navigator (NN) browser. Official website - http://www.mozilla.org. Named after the name itself (Fox - fox (English)). Synonyms: fox, firefox, fox. Leecher - a useless participant in a file-sharing network who only downloads without giving anything in return. Or a distribution participant who downloads pieces of files and distributes them to other leechers (participants), having downloaded the entire file becomes a seeder (distributor). From English "leech" - leech. Logoffize — log out of the system, having previously been logged into it. From English “log off” - exit. Lol — log out of the system, having previously been logged into it. From English “log off” - exit.- the personification of loud laughter. As a rule, it is used to express a compliment to the interlocutor’s sense of humor. Often used in disputes as an expression of disrespect for the opponent’s arguments. To enhance the effect, the middle letter “o” is often multiplied, for example “loooooooooooool”. lol is an abbreviation for “Laugh out loud”. - a designation of ridicule or laughter caused by the absurdity of someone’s actions. From English lol - “Laugh out loud.” Synonyms: lolka. Lor- website Linux.org.ru. The expression is formed as an abbreviation of the site address. MB- short for "maybe". It is mainly used in chats and computer games. Mail— email address (E-mail box). Synonyms: soap, emelya, soap, soap dish. Bash. Finely soft — A disparaging name referring to Microsoft Corporation and its employees, formed by a free translation of the word Microsoft (from Greek Micro - small, small and English Soft - soft). Also used: Melkosoft, Bill's office - see Accordion
MB Soap — send a message by e-mail Synonyms: lather. Soap - see email— email address (E-mail box).
Synonyms: zzyzh. Synonyms: mail, emya, e-mail, soap box. Necropost— a post in a forum topic that has long been inactive and abandoned.
No- see internet - Internet. Synonyms: internet, network, raccoon. Nickname - see Nick Nick - nickname, pseudonym. Most often used on the Internet. Synonyms: nickname. Internet— Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer. Named so, presumably, in honor of Eeyore from the book “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All,” since the abbreviated name of the browser is IE, and also because of the dislike of many users for this browser. Internet Synonyms: donkey, donkey IE. — peer-to-peer network eDonkey2k. From English donkey - donkey.— a label applied by a participant in a chat (multi-user or instant messaging program) to another participant, in which the system ignores messages from the second to the first. Or simply ignoring messages. From English ignore - ignore. Synonyms: donkey, lose hair. Get rid of the network Log out— log out of the system. Offline— the subscriber’s state is “offline”, or communication “after reading” (e-mail, echo conferences, news groups, forums, mailings). Recently, it has acquired a new meaning - meeting participants of a forum, conference, etc. live.
Synonyms: offline, offline. Offline- see offline offline - the subscriber’s state is “offline”, or communication “after reading” (e-mail, echo conferences, news groups, forums, mailings). Recently, it has acquired a new meaning - meeting participants of a forum, conference, etc. live. Synonyms: offline, off. Offtopic— Mainly used in relation to topics and posts on forums. Means the message “Off topic”. That is, the author deliberately violates the object (topic) of discussion. Most often this is not welcome. Synonyms: Offtopic, offtopic, offtopic. Ochepyatka - this is when the image is presented in the form of straight line segments, vectors. The difference between a vector image is its easy scalability while maintaining all proportions.— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). Vector - the word typo, misspelled, which symbolizes the meaning of the typo. Paga - Internet page. From English "page" - "page". Stick — PayPal payment system. Ping — Use the ping command to check the functionality of the remote server. PMSM — An abbreviation for “In my opinion?” Modest Opinion”, an analogue of the expression “IMHO”., Search engine - a search engine that searches the Internet. For example, Yandex or Google. Synonyms: searcher, bloodhound, dog. Half shaft- OS/2 operating system from IBM (Now almost forgotten and not supported) Also used: Axis In half
Fast — a message in an electronic conference, forum or blog. Post — write a message in an electronic conference, forum or blog. Pohape - see php Synonyms: pkhp, pohape, puff-puff. PPKS- “I subscribe to every word.” Prank, - a prank, a joke, usually stupid and evil. Most often they mean jokes on the phone. The expression comes from English. "prank". Preview— a picture reduced several times for easy preview. The expression comes from English. “Preview” - “preview”. Synonyms: preview.- a disparaging name for various counters and ratings of sites on the Internet. PHP— server-side interpreted scripting programming language PHP. Synonyms: pohape, pohape, puff-puff. puff-puff - see php Frame - Russian search engine Rambler (rambler.ru) Rapida — file sharing service Rapidshare (http://www.rapidshare.de or http://www.rapidshare.com) Turnip — Reputation or ranking level on certain sites with social elements, such as torrent trackers Turnips - (short for Repositories) - Source sites for downloading and updating free programs in the Linux operating system, as well as other open source operating systems. Subj - topic or subject of conversation. Also a topic on a forum or a subject of a letter. From English "subject" - "topic"— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). Synonyms: zzyzh. Net NWOT — short for “Sorry for being offtopic.” Sider - a user of a file-sharing network who has a file ready for distribution. Usually he initiates the distribution. Slu - short for "listen." Used when communicating on the Internet. THX - short for "thank you." Used when communicating on the Internet. Smile - A combination of various punctuation marks or letters that denotes a mood by external similarity. For example, a smile: a colon, a minus sign, and a closing parenthesis. — 🙂 Also used:. - A combination of various punctuation marks or letters that denotes a mood by external similarity. For example, a smile: a colon, a minus sign, and a closing parenthesis. — 🙂 Also used:— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). - short for "thank you." Used when communicating on the Internet. Smiley Spam — unsolicited advertising messages. Spammer Smiley. - person sending Spam - send out Spam. Srach - a heated and emotional dispute on the Internet, usually on a forum. Most often, the subject of the dispute is directly related to national issues. The concept has subspecies: Gogisrach — between Russians and immigrants from the Caucasus; Przekosrach - between Russians and Poles; Bulbosrach - between Russians and Belarusians. Khokhlosrach — between Russians and Ukrainians. Twink Asya— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). Arbuzer - second, third, fourth and further accounts on the forum, used in case of blocking of the main account, as well as for the purpose of hiding one’s identity TK - short for "You're cool" Topic - Subject. Most often used in relation to topics on forums. Troll - provocateur on the Internet. Although the concept is most often applied on the Internet, it is sometimes also applied to provocateurs offline. Troll - provoke. Most often used in relation to Internet provocateurs. Trolling — carrying out provocations on the Internet. Tyndex (rarely) - see Yasha— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). You are tube YouTube— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). You are tube Tyshlang— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). You are tube Tube Uanet - Ukrainian or Ukrainian-language part of the Internet (uanet, from.ua). File dump - a network server with resources open to the public, on which anything can be saved.— Russian pronunciation of the word (English FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions), answers to frequently asked questions. Fake- fake, falsification. Typically used on the Internet in relation to any information, images or videos. Flame- uninformative messages or long, fruitless disputes. Applies to discussions on the Internet. Flood- Lots of messages on a forum, chat or other public place that make no sense. Respectively Flood— write a large number of identical or almost identical messages. Fox— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). — Internet service last.fm Forward— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). Forward Forward— forward a letter from one e-mail box to another. Also used: F. to ward Forum member — active and permanent participant of the forum.— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). Hamster Hamster Houmpaga — Home page is someone’s personal website on the Internet.. Also used: hamster Shkolota— the main page of the site, which has good indicators - pupils). Used in a disrespectful context in hacker jargon, as a synonym for stupid, underdeveloped and self-confident youth. Besides Lemmings Hamsters- called naive users of social networks, mainly from among Schoolchildren .— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). sickle You are tube Also used: Lemmings, Hamsters, Pioneers., Userpic, — Internet service youtube.com Also used:. you are tube— Special reserved character sequences used in forums and other public scripts to format text (bold, italics, etc.). They appeared and are used due to the fact that for security purposes all html tags in incoming messages on most forums are filtered (removed). tube tube hose Yaha. (rarely) - see Yahoo — Yahoo search engine (yahoo.com) Also used: yaha

- Russian search engine Yandex (yandex.ru) Also used:
A Authorization
- a procedure for checking the authenticity of the combination of logical identification name and password (or just the password) entered by the user in some interactive form. Admin
- administrator, a leadership position in the computer world. Network, database, website administrator... Aka, aka, aka
- (from English Also Known As) a combination of two nicknames (or names). For example, “Batman aka Vasya” where “Batman” is a nickname, “Vasya” is a name. Account
- account - login (user name) (login) and password (password). Antivirus
- a program that detects and removes viruses. Antilich
(from the English antitileech) - a system for protecting files from direct downloading. To download files from a leecher-protected website, the user must first visit that site. See also Personalize.- modernization of computer hardware, expansion of capabilities, improvement of its functional characteristics, as well as improvement of software (to a lesser extent).
Upgrade- update something.
Applet- an independent application written in Java and intended to be included in an HTML document as an element of a web page.
Upload- the process of downloading files to a remote computer. (from English Upload).
Apxivator- a program that allows you to compress information by eliminating redundancy (spaces, repetitions, etc.). Compression can happen with or without losses. You can compress anything: text, music, video, photo, etc. At the same time, the more homogeneous the information is, the better it is compressed.
ICQ (ICQ)- a communication program for the Internet that allows you to exchange short messages (analogous to a pager), as well as send files, photos, etc. One of the means of communication on the Internet.
Attach- attached file.

Bug- error, error in the program. From (from the English bug) beetle, insect. The electronic tubes of large and ancient EBMs often burned out due to beetles and moths flying into the light and warmth, and the machine failed. So they began to blame all the mistakes on the beetles...
Byte- 8 bits, unit of measurement of the amount of information. Same as “bit”, only 8 times larger. There are also the following units of measurement: kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte, exabyte.
Ban, send to the bathhouse- deprive access rights to something, for example, to a forum.
Banner- an advertising image of a fixed size, usually containing animation, which acts as a hyperlink to one or another Internet resource.
Bath attendant- a person who makes banners.
Browser (browser) is a special client program designed to view the content of web sites and display HTML documents.
loaf- any key on the keyboard (example: trample loaves) (from the English Button).
Backup- make backup.
BebEska, biBizba, bibisa, bibisina, bibiEsina, borda, biba- BBS (bulleten board system), a bulletin board from the times of FIDO, the prototype of modern sites.
Bit- the minimum unit of measurement of information (0 or 1).
Blank- CD.
Program for viewing web pages.- browser or computer game. IN
Action- free, “pirated” software (from the English Ware - products).
Vika, Windows carrier- the same as Mazda.
Screw, broom- hard drive, hard drive.
Rope- wire, cable, channel of connections to the Network. G
Gamer- a person who cannot imagine himself without toys. To be nasty is to play.
Guestbook- guest book (from English Guestbook). Guest book - a section of a website equipped with a special interactive form, with the help of which visitors of a given website can leave their wishes and suggestions to the developer to us or to the owners of the product.
Glitch- an incomprehensible glitch in the program (if it repeats, then this is already a bug). It's buggy - it works with errors.
Gig- the same as “meg”, only 1024 times more.
Gifetz- familiar from GIF.
Bang- delete something, erase something from the disk.
Guru- a respected person, an experienced master. D

Dunload(download) - the process of copying files from a remote network computer (server) to the calling computer (client). In common technical jargon, this procedure is sometimes called “downloading.”
Tree- directory layout structure.
Defaults- default values.
Directory- a folder (and not a colony, as one might think).
Domain- this is usually what is called an articulate address on the Internet. (Take www.design.ru. Here “.ru” is the first-level domain, “.design” is the second, “www” is the third).
Firewood- drivers.
Driver- a program that controls any external or internal computer device (scanner, mouse, keyboard, disk drive...). The driver is an intermediate link between the hardware (device) and the operating system. Having changed or added a device, you need to change or install its driver and the operating system and programs can work with this device. There is no need to change the program or operating system. F, W
Hardware- computer filling (processor, hard drive, memory).
Packed goon- an archive packed first with tar and then with gzip.
Fill- upload the file to the server.
Release- officially release the finished software product.
Save- save (from English Save).
Set up- install the program or set the system configuration. (from English setup)
Zip- use zip archiver.
2. write about something that is not interesting or boring to others. Example: “Maybe stop buzzing about how you ate and went to the toilet? I'm tired of it!- post scriptum (afterword). It’s just that on the keyboard the letters Z and Y are located in the same place as P and S. Too lazy to change the layout... (from English P.S. abbreviation for Post Scriptum) AND
UPS (UPS)- uninterruptible power supply (protects the computer from electrical failures and unexpected power outages). It has a rechargeable battery designed to operate from several minutes to several hours when the mains voltage of 220 V is turned off.
Ignore- an abbreviation for the word “ignore”, a special program procedure for dealing with individual chatlans or forum members, when applied, messages do not reach the addressee. Ignoring can be private or general (total).
IE, IE- Internet Explorer, browser from Microsoft.
IMHO- “in my humble opinion” - (from the English In My Humble Opinion). By expressing this phrase, a person expresses his opinion, trying not to offend anyone, as well as the True Opinion You can’t dispute it (depending on the situation).
Installation- installing the program on the computer. Programs are distributed in a distribution - a kind of packaging. Most programs require installation before starting work. At the same time, they copy the necessary files to the computer’s hard drive and register in the operating system.
Iskalka- search engine (eg Yandex). - Binary file. Information written in the binary number system.
Stone- processor.
Quoting- quotation (from English quote).
Kilo, Kb, Kb- kilobyte. KiO" - the same as "byte", only 1024 times larger.
Klava- keyboard. Trample the keyboard (loaves, i.e. keys) - work with the keyboard.
Client- a computer (or program) that is served by a server.
Command line- an interface in which interaction with the system is carried out by entering commands and parameters to them, in response some action is performed. It has less clarity for perception, unlike icons of programs similar to Windows. In the case of the command line, there is a line on the monitor against the background of a black screen that is incomprehensible to the average user.
Computer(wheelbarrow, apparatus, number-biter) - computer, PC.
Root- the first directory in the tree (root directory).
Kraker- a person who hacks a system for criminal purposes: theft of information, compromise, ransom. Not to be confused with a hacker.
Crack, crack- (from English crack), which means to break. Usually this is a Key-generator or a small program that allows you to use a licensed program without paying for registration.
Crack, break, hack, pick- open any software and change data in it at your own discretion.
Connect- connection to the Internet or connection to the server.
Cookies- from the English “cookies” - cookies. This is confidential information regarding your IP, your settings on this or that site. On the one hand, this is very convenient, because, for example, you don’t have to constantly enter your password on your provider’s website. However, these cookies can be used for minor purposes.
Cooler- from the word “cooler” - fan. There are coolers that cool the processor, power supply and other devices: graphics accelerator, etc. That is, a computer can have several coolers (usually at least two).
Caching Internet pages- the process of saving html documents and graphic files downloaded from the Internet into a special folder on the hard drive of the user’s computer. When you access the site again, browsers open this web page from the hard drive, which allows you to significantly reduce the time it takes to read it. L
LOL- (from English Laughing Out Loud) what does it mean to laugh loudly, chuckle, etc. There is a corresponding emoticon.
- see kbps- a complete idiot, fool, idiot, dumbass. Not to be confused with a novice user. Lamer is dangerous to himself and to others.
Sheet- mailing list, used to notify the general public with one simple letter (from the English Mailing List).
Lich (lich, leecher)- indicate a direct link to an object on someone else’s server (from the English leech - leech). Cheerfulness is considered bad form when working on the Internet. For example, someone posted a file for download on their website. The leecher does not upload it to his server, does not indicate the address of the site where this file can be found, but gives the specific address of the file, thereby using someone else’s traffic and labor. The same applies to pictures. In the case of Warez, this creates additional problems, since the authors of programs, in the event of fraudulent screenshots from an offsite site, can track where and on what resources they were used and at the same time find unlicensed copies of their programs.
Holders of serious resources are fighting leech, checking the referrer, installing anti-leach (from the English antileech) - a system for protecting files from direct downloading. To download files from a leecher-protected website, the user must first visit that site.
Login- identifier used to log into the system (for example, to a website or forum).
Local- a local network that does not necessarily have access to the Internet.

It is not news that most of all slang words came to us from English. Those people who are far from the IT industry, but know English well, will be able to understand about half of these words. For a novice programmer, this dictionary will be especially useful, as it will allow you to plunge a little into the world of IT.

Note:190+ words collected here. Please - if you have not found a word that, in your opinion, is used in everyday life by programmers and just people from the IT field, or I have misinterpreted some word - please let me know in the comments, I will be very grateful to you.

— search engine results page. Is an abbreviation for “Search Engine Result Page”.(or more " Avatar -", from English. " avatar") – a graphical representation (picture/photo/image) of a person on the Internet/social networks/messengers/games, etc.

Admin(from English " admin") – administrator.

ID(from English " identifier") – identifier.

IP(or more " IP address», « IP address", from English. " I internet P rotocol Address") is a unique address of a computer on the Internet. This address is assigned to each computer by the provider, which provides the device with Internet access.

IT(or more " I.T.", from English. " IT» = « I information T echnologies") – information technologies.

IT evangelist(or more " IT preacher/propagandist") is a person who engages in propaganda (often professionally) in the IT field.

IT specialist(aka " IT News», « otishneg», « IT specialist") – specialist in information technology. Often, IT specialists refer to all programmers and simply advanced users of computers and the Internet.

Aka(more precisely a.k.a, from English " a lso k nown a s") – if literally, then “also known as.” In other words, a nickname, a pseudonym.

Anonymous(or more " anonymous», « anon", from English. " anonymous/anonymous") - a person hiding his real name.

. Antivirus(from English " upgrade") - updating/upgrading hardware (hardware).

(rarely) - Abbreviation for “Why do you ask?”(from English " update") - updating/upgrading software.

Aplikuha(from English " application") – application software. For example: computer program, mobile application.

Outsource(from English " outsource") - the transfer by an enterprise/company of certain work to specialists outside the staff (freelancers or employees of other companies). For example, there are specialized accounting offices that serve dozens of other companies outsourced, I am not an employee of these companies.

Bug(from English " bug") is an error in the program/code due to which the program execution results are incorrect.

- Belarusian or Belarusian-language part of the Internet (bynet, from.by).(from English " ban") – deprivation or restriction of any user rights (for example: leave comments, view certain pages, etc.). Lifetime ban— exclusion of a user from the system/game/site/group, etc.

Body shirt– a command file with the extension .bat. Used to work with the command line in Windows.

bash– a joke/information that has already been published/known.

Bitcoin(from English " bitcoin") - cryptocurrency, electronic currency, a generation of digital money that is not controlled by anyone and exists only on the Internet.

Beaten– not working. For example, broken links= links that lead to non-existent pages. When the user lands on such a page, an error 404 will be displayed.

Blockchain(from English " blockchain") is a system for recording transactions with cryptocurrency.

Blank– a blank, unburnt CD.

Applet(from English " browser") is a program with which you can browse web pages or, in other words, access the Internet.

Burzhunet– foreign (non-Russian-speaking) part of the Internet. Very often this term refers to English-language sites from Europe and the USA.

Backup(from English " backup") - backup. Creating a backup copy of the project/site/data so that in case of unforeseen circumstances/failure the entire system can be returned to its previous state. It is good practice to regularly update and store backups in several places (not just on your work computer).

Backend(from English " back-end) – development of the “internal part” of websites/programs/applications. The part that we don't see (what's going on under the hood). More details.

Valid(from English " valid") – correct/valid. One that meets the requirements/conditions/rules.

Action(from English " warez") - any intellectual property or software that is freely distributed on the Internet, while violating the rights of the copyright holder.

Vareznik – a site that distributes warez (pirated software, pirated movies/music, etc.). Typically, the term “vareznik” is applied to file-sharing sites.

Webinar(from English " web based sem inar") is a seminar, presentation or lecture on a specific topic that takes place online, in real time, on the Internet. This term also refers to the recording of a webinar that took place earlier.

Vidyukha(or more " Vidyakha") – video card.

Windows(or more " Vika") – Windows operating system.

Windows– user of the Windows operating system (see sarcasm).

Screw(or more " hard") – hard drive, also known as “hard drive”, also known as “HDD”.

Workshop(from English " workshop") is a training event for workers from a certain field of activity (programmers, photographers, designers, etc.). There is a main “lead” worker who provides training to others. There is a task and all the workers, together with the “leader,” complete it, while communicating and helping each other.

Fucker - a person who works in IT/programming with an overestimated self-esteem, who always expresses his expert opinion, often in inappropriate cases, and does not respect the opinions of others (very often does not even bother to listen to them). In other words, a show-off.

Galley– the company/enterprise/organization in which the programmer works. Galley is mainly applied to companies where poor treatment of employees is practiced.

Gamedev(from English " game dev elopment”) – development/creation of games.

Gamer(from English " gamer") - player.

Gig(or more " hectare") – gigabyte.

Geek(from English " geek") - a person who is well versed in a certain field of activity, being a fanatic of his business. Nowadays, geeks often mean programmers.

Glitch– an incomprehensible glitch, delay, slowdown of processes in a program/game.

Shit code– bad code that is difficult to understand and difficult to maintain/modify/change.

Bad coder- a person who writes shitty code.

Rowers– employees of the galley (company).

Google -– look for information in the Google search engine.

Debug(from English " debug/debugging") - find and correct errors in the program.

Device(from English " device") – technical device (laptop/smartphone/tablet/smartwatch, etc.).

Developer(from English " developer") - developer.

Development(from English " development") - development of something: programs, applications, games, etc.

Deadline(from English " deadline") – deadline for completing or submitting a project/task/work.

Designer(from English " designer") - designer.

Demo(from English " demo") is a demo version of something, usually with reduced functionality or a trial period of use.

Deploy(or more " deploy", from English. " deploy") is the deployment (transfer) of software (executable code) to a server or device where it will work.

Default(or more " by default", from English. " default") – the one that is used by default, standard.

Junior(or more " June», « June", from English. " Junior Developer") – entry-level programmer. A person with minimal experience and skills.

Domain(from English " domain") – a unique address/name of a website on the Internet. For example, a website is a domain that consists of the domain name ravesli and the top-level domain.com.

Firewood– drivers.

Iron– hardware (components) of computers/laptops/smartphones, etc.

Nerd– a person who spends too much time on virtual reality (be it games, programming or anything else). Also, sometimes this term refers to fanatics in their field (regardless of their specialty), who are not always well adapted to the conditions of real life.

Connect(or more " connect», « connect", from English. " connect") - to join something.

File it down– upload, put on public display. For example, I made a video on YouTube= uploaded a video to YouTube.

Fuck it- fail to complete the assigned task, ruin the task.

Zashkvar- disgrace, vile behavior.

IMHO(from English " INHO» = « I n M y H umble O pinion”) – in my humble opinion.

Synonyms: zzyzh.- Internet.

Install(from English " install") - install. For example, install Windows= install Windows.

ITAND informational T technology.

Case(from English " case") is a real situation/incident that happened to the author.

Kilobucks- thousands of dollars. Console kilo= k ( from English means "thousand").

Klava- keyboard.

Coworking(from English " coworking") is a place for organizing work by specialists in one or several fields of activity, freelancers. In other words, a modern rented office for the work of specialists.

Encoder(or more " coder", from English. " coder")- programmer.

Code– program.

Commit(or more " commit», « make a commit", from English. " commit") – save/commit code changes in the code repository (storage).

Compilation– converting code written in a high-level language into an executable program that the processor understands directly. More details about this.

Compiler– a program that performs compilation.

Computer(or more " compudachter», « computer") - computer.

Content– conference, group communication. Second meaning— a software configuration file in which you can change the settings of the same software.

Copy-paste(from English " copy/paste") – copy and paste. “copy” – copy, “paste” – paste.

Crutch– fixing serious bugs/holes/errors without properly fixing the entire system. Those. a knee-jerk solution in the shortest possible time at the expense of efficiency and good programming practices.

Krakozyabry(or more " kryakozyabry") is a set of incomprehensible symbols, nonsense. Occurs as a result of incorrect encoding. Sometimes krakozyabrs can be seen on sites with incorrect encoding: Привет! RњРµРСЏ .

Crosses– C++ programming language.

Crack(or more " tablet", from English. " crack") is a special program or add-on to a program for hacking other software. Mainly used to turn a licensed (paid) version of something (program/game) into a free one.

Kulkhatsker(from English " cool hacker") - a person who considers himself a hacker or an experienced programmer, but is not one in real life.

Lag(or more " lags") – delay in program/game execution, lack of response to user actions. Synonym for the word glitch.

Lifehack(from English " lifehack") - useful advice that helps solve some problem while saving time/effort.

- see kbps(from English " lamer") - an inexperienced user, a person who does not understand something, but thinks that he does. Not to be confused with "teapot".

Level(from English " level") - level.

Educational programface vision without literacy. Teaching the basics, the basics.

Kettle(from English " link") – a link to a resource.

Linux(Linux) is a free operating system that is used by many programmers and institutions (where this operating system is installed on servers).

Linuxoid– a person who uses the Linux operating system.

Log(from English " log") is a log in which all actions performed in something (in a program, on a server) are recorded in chronological order. For example: time of occurrence of errors, failures, user actions, etc.

Local– a local network of computers connected by cables.

Location(from English " location") - location.

Laptop(from English " laptop") - laptop.

Mining(from English " mining") – extraction of something. Nowadays, mining is associated with the extraction of cryptocurrency by performing complex mathematical operations on a computer.

Nurse(or more " mother», « motherboard», « motherboard") - motherboard.

Manager(from English " manager") – manager, leader.

Manual(from English " manual") - a manual, instructions for using something.

Middle(from English " Middle Developer") - the average level of knowledge and skills of a programmer.

Meetup(from English " meetup") - a meeting/meeting of specialists in a certain field of activity to exchange experiences, for educational purposes, or simply for communication in an informal setting.

Monique– monitor.

- see– email address, user email.

Native(from English " native")- native. The phrase is often used native code= the original code (not modified later) written by the developers.

Networking(from English " networking") - an environment of specialists in a certain field of activity, where, using connections between these people, you can solve specific problems/tasks or simply get to know each other for joint cooperation.

Nolifer – a person who spends most of his time on a computer/laptop/smartphone in the virtual world (Internet/social networks/games). A person who has no personal life, hobbies or any other activities in the real world.

Laptop – laptop.

Noob(or more " nubchik», « noubas», « Nubar», « nubuck", from English " newbie") - a beginner or a person who can’t do anything, or doesn’t know how to do something correctly. Inexperienced.

Overtime(from English " overtime") - processing after the end of the working day. Overtime.

IT specialist(from Russian " soccer player") - a person who is not an IT specialist/programmer, but works in the IT/programming field. For example, a human resources specialist (HR), an accountant, a financier.

OOP(abbreviated from " ABOUT object- ABOUT oriented P Programming" is a programming methodology/paradigm in which the main concepts are objects and classes. More details about this.

Open source(from English " open source software") is open source software/software that can be used/added/modified by anyone. In most cases, this software is a non-commercial project.

Openspace(from English " open space") is an open office where employees work in one room (relatively large) without any partitions/walls.

RAM– RAM, aka “ RAM" = "Random A access M emory", aka " RAM» = « ABOUT operative Z reminiscent U construction."

OS(or more " OS", abbr. from English " O perating S ystem") – ABOUT operating room WITH system – software that allows you to control the hardware of computers/laptops/smartphones, etc.

Rollback– return to the original position from the backup.

Disconnect(from English " disconnect") – disconnect.

Debugging– a stage in software development in which errors are found and corrected. More details about this.

Debugger(or more " debugger", from English. " debugger") is a program with which debugging is performed.

Offline(or more " offtopic", from English. " off topic") – any message that is off-topic (i.e. off-topic).

offline - the subscriber’s state is “offline”, or communication “after reading” (e-mail, echo conferences, news groups, forums, mailings). Recently, it has acquired a new meaning - meeting participants of a forum, conference, etc. live.– a typo, a mistake in a word.

Patch(from English " patch") – an addition or update that fixes errors/bugs/glitches. Applying a patch to a program is called patching.

Sandbox(from English " sandbox") is a special area/environment for safe execution of a program. The “Sandbox” section on the site designates a category for newcomers’ posts (a kind of filter for newcomers).

Buns– bonuses. Very often they relate to working conditions: flexible hours, availability of a gym, kitchen, rest room, etc.

pros– C++ programming language.

BY - software.

Podcast(from English " podcast») video or audio lessons, stories on a specific topic, most often of an educational nature. Interview podcasts or TED podcasts are very popular these days.

- a search engine that searches the Internet. For example, Yandex or Google.(from English " post") – post/article/informational note.

Prog- program.

Proger- programmer.

Layman– a person who has no experience in a certain field or does not understand something.

Profit(from English " profit") – profit/benefit/benefit.

Push(or more " push", from English. " push") – publishing to the server using the command push.

Developed– developer.

Guys- Guys.

Reboot(or more " reboot", from English. " reboot") – reboot. For example, reboot Windows= restart Windows.

Redesign(from English " redesign") – external update/modernization of the system/website/interface. Sometimes this term also means internal renewal/modernization.

Release(from English " release") - presentation of the finished version of the product (game/program/song/album), release for public viewing. For example: game release= release of a game to start sales.

Runet– Russian-language Internet. A set of sites with content in Russian.

- (short for Repositories) - Source sites for downloading and updating free programs in the Linux operating system, as well as other open source operating systems.(or more " subject", from English. " subject") is a topic for discussion between people on a certain resource (most often, on a forum). A topic to start a conversation.

Support(from English " support") - Support service.

Switcher(from English " switcher") - a person who switched to work in IT/programming from another profession. For example, if a person previously worked as a teacher or cook, and then became a programmer, then he is considered a switcher.

Senior(or more " senor tomato», « senior», « senior", from English. " Senior Developer”) – a high level of knowledge and skills of a specialist. Experienced programmer.

Server– server.

Sizhka– C programming language.

Sysadmin- System Administrator.

System engineer- system unit.

Skill(or more " skills», « skills", from English. " skill") - skills, the ability to do something well.

Screen(or more " screenshot", from English. " screenshot") - screenshot.

Slowpoke– slow, brake. The name comes from the pink Pokemon Slowpoke.

Smoothie– a favorite drink of programmers/IT specialists (see sarcasm).

Smoothiebread- programmer-fucker.

Software(from English " soft ware") - software, program.

Soft skills(from English " soft skills") – social/communication/personal skills/qualities necessary, first of all, for adaptation and work in a team.

Smiley(from English " spam") – emails/messages of advertising and other nature to users who do not want and have not agreed to receive them.

- person sending– send spam.

Stream(from English " stream") - broadcasting of actions taking place on a computer (or in real life) in real time.

Stream- make a stream.

Streamer- the one who makes the stream.

Techie– a person with special technical education or an employee who works in the backend ( backend developer).

Team lead(or more " team leader", from English. " team lead er") – lead developer, leader of the programming team.

Trainee(from English " trainee") - a trainee, an employee who does not reach the level of a Junior specialist.

TS(or more " T opic With tarter", from English. " topic starter") - a person who brought up a certain topic for discussion. The one who started the conversation/discussion.

Toolza(from English " tools") – auxiliary software designed to perform specific tasks. Synonym for the word utility.

Tutorial(from English " tutorial") - a collection of lessons for teaching something, a textbook.

Tian- friend, girl.

Utility(or more " utility", from English. " utility") – auxiliary software designed to perform auxiliary work, configure system equipment, operating systems, and other things. In other words, a program that helps you do something.

Firewall(from English " firewall") is an antivirus that protects your computer from viruses. In English it means “burning wall” - here it should be understood as a wall that protects other buildings from the spread of fire. Another name is Brandmauer (translated from German also means “burning wall”).

Fakap(from English " fuck up") - failure, failure, bummer. Often more or less serious errors are implied.

Feedback(from English " feedback") - Feedback. For example, user feedback= feedback from users. Feedback means any mentions, reviews, comments, messages about the brand/company/site.

Fix(from English " fix") - correct mistakes.

Feature(from English " feature") – feature, unique opportunity, property. Popular expression: “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.”

Flame(or more " flaming", from English. " flame") - an argument for the sake of an argument, when users start communicating off topic of conversation/discussion and move on to personal and mutual insults.

Flecha(or more " flash», « flash drive") is a storage device connected to a computer via a USB interface.

Flood(from English " flood") – messages/comments are off topic.

Flood– leave non-topical messages/comments.

Shape slap- a person who engages in form spanking. Very often, those who develop website templates or are involved in their layout are called form-slappers.

Form spanking– any low-skilled job in programming and IT for which the requirements for experience and knowledge are minimal.

Framework(from English " framework") is a software product/system/platform, the main purpose of which is to facilitate/simplify the creation and support of various kinds of projects/applications/services/sites.

Freelancing(from English " freelance") - work from home, out of state, sometimes for yourself, which brings money and in which there is no permanent customer/boss.

Freelancer(from English " freelancer") is a person who does freelance work.

Frontend(from English " front-end) – development of the “appearance” of the site, the client part. What we see from the outside. More details.

Hackathon(from English " hack mar athon") is an event where specialists from different areas of software development gather (most often programmers, but there may also be designers, testers) to develop a specific solution/project/application/program. In other words, programming marathons in which programmers gather to code.

Hard skills(from English " hard skills") - technical knowledge and skills.

Holivar(from English " holy war") - disputes between people who have opposing views and try to impose them on each other.

Piggy(or more " HR", from English. " H uman R esources") – HR specialist, recruiter. A person who looks for workers for vacancies, conducts initial interviews with them, onboards them into the team, and carries out a number of other related issues.

CPU– central processor.

Kettle– newbie, inexperienced user.

ChSVH feeling WITH public IN importance.

Share(or more " share", from English. " share") - share, give access to certain data.

Fumble –

Sooner or later, almost every modern person begins to master the computer. There is nowhere without him now. And if anyone wants to have a normal job with a decent salary, then computer literacy is one of the conditions for this. We don’t talk about young people at all, since already from school, most of them are PC users. Where should you start? The answer is simple - learn computer terms, the basis of all subsequent learning.

Presenting information is impossible without special expressions, phrases, and phrases, even when explaining it to “dummies.” And therefore you need to slowly study and memorize them. Let's look at some common computer terms as examples.

For general development, more specific computer terms are presented below.

  1. Subscriber digital Internet line format, ADSL - data is transmitted up to 1 Mbit/s, received - up to 8 Mbit/s.
  2. Advanced Technology Attachment, ATA - this is the name given to the bus for connecting various storage devices, such as hard drives.
  3. Basic Input/Output System, BIOS - a set of programs to check the operation of PC hardware at startup.

You shouldn’t be afraid of incomprehensible names; as you learn, computer terms will gradually become memorized, and over time you will no longer get confused by them.

Actually, all this is not a matter of one day, and in order to successfully master this task, you will need: the computer/laptop itself, a tutorial on how to use it, and the Internet. Unless, of course, you sign up for specialized courses, but continue to master the computer on your own.

Initially, it is advisable to at least read the tutorial or even part of it, and you can start your device. After downloading, open the Help and Support section and pay attention to it. Put what you read into practice. So things will go slowly. Over time, you will notice that you no longer need to look at the prompts every time to perform some action.

As you master the computer, you can purchase more complex literature or a self-instruction CD; also, do not hesitate to ask friends or work colleagues. You can learn the basics without a device, but it will be more difficult. And remember that theory without practice is quickly forgotten.

In conclusion, I would like to note: despite the fact that the bulk of computer equipment in our country is still imported, companies producing Russian computers are gaining momentum. This could be seen at recent exhibitions in the Expocentre complex, where visitors were shown domestic personal computers, new processors, laptops, and other various electronics that run on components and software of their own production. All this is intended not only for military departments and the civilian production industry, but also for business and civilians, that is, for you and me. And, frankly, there is a lot to see. So master the computer and enjoy all the benefits of civilization!