What to do if Photoshop doesn't see fonts? What to do if there are hieroglyphs instead of text (in Word, browser or text document)

Good evening and another time of day! I repeatedly receive questions in my email and in comments on the site, such as “Why is the Russian font not displayed on the site” or “I wrote Russian text in the html file, but it is displayed in clutter. What should I do?” Therefore, I decided to devote a lesson to this topic. In this lesson I will tell you what to do if the Russian Cyrillic font is not displayed on your website or is displayed, but clumsily (with unclear characters).

I’ll say right away that all these problems are primarily related to the coding of the site itself. I will teach you what I know and how I do it (because every web developer comes to a solution to a problem differently and regarding encoding, in particular, everyone has their own opinion on this matter). So, let's begin!

P.S. If you seriously decide to engage in web development, I advise you to install the html editor Notepad, register for now the simplest and cheapest shared hosting (I recommend ihc) and read a lot of documentation on html and css.

If you do not see the Russian Cyrillic font on the site 1. Open the html file in Notepad, press Ctrl-A (select all the code) 2. Go to “Encodings” and select “Encode in Utf-8” 3. Save the file and now we can write in Russian and everything will be displayed normally. If you downloaded a ready-made template

If you downloaded a ready-made template and third-party fonts are connected there, then most likely they will not be displayed if you replaced Latin letters with Cyrillic, since the attached font files do not have a Russian Cyrillic layout (I'm talking about English templates). In order for the Russian font to be displayed in these templates (usually a non-standard font is found in website headers and menus), you need to do the following:

1. Repeat everything that I described above! 2. Remove all plug-in fonts. 3. Replace in the css file in body, h1, h2 and so on with a classic web font, such as: font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 4. You can connect non-standard fonts

You can also connect non-standard (but always support Russian Cyrillic) fonts. Here's a great one

Hi all! Recently I encountered a problem that Photoshop did not see one of the font styles of one typeface, specifically the Roboto font. All styles were successfully installed on the Windows system, but for some reason Photoshop did not see Roboto Regular. I can't start if at least one of the fonts I need to work with is not installed. Reinstalling the font didn't help. I wondered what to do, why doesn’t Photoshop see the fonts even though they are installed? As a result, I found one interesting and working solution.

It turns out that it is not at all necessary to install fonts on the system in order to work with them in Photoshop. Everything that we want to install can be put in a separate folder on the computer, and in a certain directory we can simply add a shortcut to this folder with fonts. So, let's take it in order...

Create a folder for fonts, preferably on a different drive than the system is located on. Here you copy all the necessary fonts to the root, i.e. no subfolders. Next, create a shortcut for this folder - right mouse button -> Create shortcut. Move this shortcut to the following path - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Fonts. If the folder " Fonts"does not exist, then create it. In general, the shortcut to the fonts folder should be in the Fonts folder. Basically everything that needed to be done. Next, open Photoshop or reload it if it was open and open the PSD layout with a custom font. Everything should work, at least the issue was resolved for me - Windows 10 x64 and the latest version of Photoshop.

What is good about this method?
  • Firstly, you do not clutter the system with unnecessary heavy fonts;
  • Secondly, when you reinstall Windows, all your fonts will be preserved. The only thing you will need to do is copy the shortcut again using the above path.
  • Thirdly, problems with displaying fonts in this case are minimized.

In fact, the problem with fonts in Photoshop is not uncommon, and therefore, before everything went out of my head, I decided to write this post, maybe it will help someone else. And I, in turn, will be glad if you share this article on social media. networks.

That's all for me. Thank you all for your attention!

It happens that instead of Russian characters, some hieroglyphs and strange symbols appear in Windows. Quite a common problem for some reason. And I myself once encountered it. This article will discuss 3 options for correcting this shortcoming.

Option 1.

1.1) Run: key combination Win + R → enter regedit → OK or enter regedit in the search bar of the Start menu and press Enter ↵. If necessary, confirm the program's permission to change by clicking Yes

1.2) Open the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage

1.3) Change the value of parameter 1252 (by double-clicking the left mouse button on it) from c_1252.nls to c_1251.nls and click OK
1.4) Open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\ and find the files c_1251.nls And c_1252.nls and set full access to these files. (Right click on the file - Properties - Security tab)

1.5) Rename the file c_1252.nls to c_1252.bak.
1.6) Create a copy of the c_1251.nls file here.
1.6.1) Right-click on the file and select Copy.
1.6.2) Right-click on an empty space in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\ folder and select Paste.
1.7) Rename c_1251 - copy.nls to c_1252.nls. As a result, the file c_1252.nls should be a renamed copy of c_1251.nls
1.8) Restart your computer.

For 64-bit version, if necessary, follow the steps above in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder
If you have Russian Windows or English+Russian MUI installed, then also do the following:

2.1) Launch Registry Editor: Win + R → regedit → OK or type regedit in the Start menu search bar and press Enter ↵.
2.2) Open the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International
2.3) Check the value of the Locale and LocaleName parameters

Parameter Locale should have the value 00000419 and the parameter LocaleName must have the value ru-RU
2.4) If the parameter values ​​are different: double click on the parameter that you want to change, enter the required parameter value (which is written above) and click OK.
2.5) Restart your computer.

3.1) Open Regional and Language Options.
StartControl Panellanguage and regional standards
3.2) Go to the tab Additionally.
3.3) In the block click on the Change system language button
3.4) Select system language Russian Russia) and click OK.

Option 2.

1) Download and extract the file:
2) Open the required folder to run the batch file.
Windows 7 English + Russian MUI- open this folder if you have the English version + Russian language pack installed, since the administrators group is designated as administrators.
Windows 7 English- open this folder if you have the Russian version installed, since the administrators group is designated as administrators.
3) In accordance with the bitness of your system, run the bat file.
To restore default values, use a bat file containing the word Default.

Option 3.

If you have English Windows 7 installed and Language of non-Unicode programs is set to Russian (Russia), then try this:
1) Open Region and Language.
StartControl PanelRegion and Language
2) In the drop-down list under the word Format: select any value different from yours (For example: English (Belize)) and click the Apply button.
3) In the drop-down list under the word Format: select the value Russian (Russia) and click the Apply button.
4) Go to the Keyboards and Languages ​​tab and click on the button Change keyboards...
5) Select the keyboard layout corresponding to the language you selected in the second step (For example: English (Belize)) and click the Remove button.
6) Click OK and OK again to apply the settings.

The Windows operating system caches installed fonts in order to display them faster in the user interface of various applications. When the cache is damaged, we may see so-called “crackers” instead of normal words.

Like Desktop icons, the cache in the form of several files is stored in a special folder. It is, of course, protected by default and without administrator rights, the user will not be able to work with it and will receive an appropriate error message.

Incorrect display of fonts in system applications forces the user to work, for example, with their menu items from memory. Any important message becomes impossible to read, which significantly reduces computer performance and is significantly annoying.

The average user does not know what to do after this. But after reading this instruction to the end, he will find the correct way to correct the error. Also, by reading the instructions for, if necessary, you can easily make shortcuts on the Desktop, which break more often than fonts, to be displayed correctly. After all, no one’s system is immune from this either.

Now, if you're ready, let's move on to the practical steps. As an experimental OS, we will work with Windows 10.


As we mentioned earlier, the font cache is located in a special folder along the following path:


which is protected. But, before working with it, we need to:

  • use the Win + R key combination on your keyboard and call the “Run” system utility;
  • enter “services.msc” in the appropriate field and click “OK” to launch the “Services” application;
  • find “Windows Font Cache Service” and stop it;
  • go to the above folder in Explorer and delete its contents;
  • then delete the file called “FNTCACHE.DAT” from the “System32” folder;
  • start the previously stopped service and restart the computer.

If after doing this, the fonts are still not displayed correctly, restore them to their default state. To do this you need to issue the following command:

Sfc /scannow

in the Command Prompt with admin privileges and allow the system to restore the original files. You may also need to resort to DISM.

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