Protection against pop-ups and ads. Blocking ads in the browser Chrome, Yandex, Firefox, Opera: methods and features

08/12/18 13.4K

Below is a list of the best free ad blockers. But none of them is perfect, so it is most effective to use several solutions at once.

Types of Advertising

When choosing the best blockers, we adhered to the following criteria:

  • Completely free;
  • Good user ratings;
  • No need to register an account to use;
  • Recently updated (within the last 12 months);
  • Implementation as a plugin for at least one browser or operating system;
  • Blocks “media ads” (pop-ups, banners, videos, static images, wallpapers, text ads);
  • Blocks advertisements in videos (for example, on YouTube).

To test blockers, we used several sites with different types of advertisements. Among them:,, YouTube and
On Orlando Sentinel, we found aggressive ad formats that most ad blockers cannot block. In fact, only a few of them effectively blocked all ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel.

We've tested each of these free tools based on the criteria provided and given them a rating. In addition, the ad blockers listed below, with the exception of Stend Fair Adblocker, are open source software.

The best ad blockers - browser plugins and applications

The best option for blocking ads is to install a specialized plugin or use a browser with a built-in blocker. They interact with sites much more accurately than standalone programs running in the background on your computer.

Stands Fair AdBlocker
It is only available for the Google Chrome browser. With this plugin you can block all types of advertising. But it is only available as an add-on for the Google Chrome browser.
Stands Fair AdBlocker is not designed to block ad blocks, although it can be used for that as well. The development company believes in honest advertising and rewards users who create white lists of ads shown on sites.

Luckily, Stands does a great job of blocking all other ads. Including the aggressive advertising formats shown on the Orlando Sentinel. Plus display ads, autoplay videos, and YouTube ads.

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Block ads on Facebook and Google search.

Works with: Google Chrome

AdBuard AdBlock
AdGuard AdBlock was able to block all types of ads. But the biggest disadvantage of this ad blocker is that all the features are only available in the premium version. However, the difference between blocker versions is explained only in the reference documentation.

Many users have rated AdBuard AdBlock positively. It has been downloaded over 4 million times and received high ratings.
When we tested it, it was one of the ad blockers that not only effectively blocked ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel website, but also blocked advertising frames with the word “advertisement.”

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Possibility to convert whitelist to blacklist.

Works with: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Yandex Browser.

Opera Browser
One of the fastest and most productive browsers. He was one of the first to offer his users a built-in ad blocker.

Once you enable the ad blocker in your settings, it blocks almost every ad you come across. But the browser was unable to block interstitial ads on the Forbes website (blocks of quotes that appear before articles). Most other ad units were blocked.
In addition, the Opera ad blocker successfully blocked advertisements shown on the Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: built into a popular browser, easy whitelisting.

Works: with Opera.

Adblock Plus
Is the most popular ad blocking software with over 10 million downloads in the Google Chrome browser alone. This is a free and open source project. Adblock Plus is the basis for many other free blockers.

By default, Adblock Plus is designed to only block ads that are considered intrusive or potentially harmful. Therefore, it requires additional configuration.
If you want to block most ads (including auto-playing videos), you'll need to disable the "Allow some non-intrusive ads" option in Settings. But even in this case, ABP does not block everything.

Adblock Plus was one of the tools that failed to do anything about the ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel. Unfortunately, even the “element blocking” function could not help. ABP is good and popular, but far from perfect.

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: presence of anti-blocking filter.

Works with: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Yandex Browser, iOS, Android.

uBlock AdBlocker Plus
Unlike other tools, uBlock AdBlocker Plus is easy to use. However, there are some things that the developer could improve. For example, the blocker's website is just a page with the name of the plugin and no additional information.

Block AdBlocker Plus effectively blocks most advertisements, but still lets some through. For example, it did not block the automatic playback of advertising on one of the sites.

When some advertisements were loading, I used the "item blocking" feature to block specific advertisements on the webpage. For example, on the Orlando Sentinel, element blocking worked fine. And its use did not lead to a page reload (as was the case with other ad blockers).

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: easy to use, ability to lock elements.

Works with: Google Chrome.

uBlock Plus Adblocker
The biggest drawback of this plugin is that it has a clunky interface. There are several settings that are activated using switches. But most of the work involves digging into the parameters. However, uBlock Plus Adblocker effectively blocked all advertisements, including autoplay videos.

The main advantage of the plugin is the presence of a large library of third-party filters. The tool also includes advanced custom settings that allow you to create your own content filters.
During testing, uBlock Plus Adblocker blocked most advertisements. But I couldn't do anything about the banner ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: filters elements and unsafe advertisements.

Works with: Google Chrome.

AdBlocker Genesis Plus
If you have used uBlock Origin or AdBlock Plus, this plugin is for you. AdBlocker Genesis Plus is a fork of other popular plugins. It uses the same basic source code, but implements many of its own features.

Its user interface is slightly different, but the ad blocking functionality is the same. The plugin's developer claims to have specifically removed tracking code from the uBlock/AdBlock Plus source code to ensure greater privacy.

This ad blocker has a high rating (4.34 out of 5) based on over 100,000 ratings. But I found that Genesis Plus doesn't block all ads. The plugin blocked simple display ads on one site (, but was unable to block a display ad on the Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 6/7

Main advantages: no tracking code, simple whitelist button, block items button.

Works with: Google Chrome.

Adblock Ultimate
Open source project. The tool allows you to deal with most advertisements. In testing, it was able to block YouTube ads and most display ads on websites. This ad blocker has high ratings: 4.84 out of 5 from Google Chrome users and over 600,000 installations.

The plugin was unable to handle the ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel. It did not block ads broadcast on this site at all. But for those who only need to cut out most of the ads, this is a good option. Unfortunately, the plugin has not been updated for over a year. Because of this, his rating was lowered.

Rating: 6/7

Main advantages: Quick “item blocking” feature that allows you to instantly block any advertisements.

Works with: Google Chrome.


This tool is only suitable for Firefox and is more of a script blocker than an ad blocker. NoScript prevents all types of scripts from loading on web pages: JavaScript, Java, Flash and others. You can allow certain types of scripts to be loaded. But by default, the tool applies a fairly “hard” filter.

As a result of its work, most display ads are blocked. This includes aggressive advertising on the Orlando Sentinel, which other tools could not cope with. But NoScript does not block ads in videos at all.

Rating: 5.5/7

Main advantages: Complete blocking of scripts.

Works with: Firefox.

Why aren't Privacy Badger and Ghostery on this list?

You may have heard about the popular ad blockers Privacy Badger and Ghostery. The fact is that these plugins are not designed to block ads, but to refuse ads and other elements of sites that violate user privacy. As a result, they both block certain types of advertisements. But first and foremost, the tools are aimed at protecting privacy.

This means that by using any of these plugins, you will not see the ads you may be interested in. They also provide limited control over what types of ads are blocked. And given their “good advertising” policy, you won’t be able to block a certain part of the ads at all.

Google Chrome Ad Blocker

Despite the loud statements of Google developers, the built-in Chrome ad blocker is not capable of much. While testing it, we found that it skips almost all advertisements.
At the same time, control of the built-in blocker is very limited. Even finding a site that had ads blocked was a challenge. And since Chrome's ad blocker is designed to block certain types of advertisements, most of them are not intercepted.

Google's ad blocker looks like a fake. Perhaps its appearance has forced some sites to remove particularly intrusive advertising. But you will not be able to use this tool for full blocking.

A note about ad blocking and site revenue

Users hate advertising for several reasons:

  • It may slow down page loading;
  • Many ads are intrusive and annoying;
  • Advertising often does not meet the interests of users;
  • Ads may interrupt the viewing experience (particularly on video streaming sites such as Hulu or Crunchyroll);
  • Many advertisements contain tracking code that sends information about user behavior to third parties.

The quality of the ads shown has become so bad that even Google has started using an ad blocker in its Chrome browser. But Google's intentions. The company owns a large advertising division and, most likely, Chrome does not block AdSense ads.
The advertisements shown to us have various disadvantages. And they can be used to spread computer viruses by hackers.

Before installing any of the blockers, keep in mind that the sites you visit often rely on advertising revenue to survive. Profit received from broadcasting advertising still remains the main source of income for many Internet resources. In recent years, the use of ad blockers has caused sites to lose $15.8 billion in revenue.
Whitelisting is a good way to ensure the sites you like receive ad revenue. Even if you never click on the ads, they all earn early income from ad views.

This publication is a translation of the article “ 10 best free ad blockers to remove ads and popups", prepared by the friendly project team

Good bad

I don't know about you, but I recently started using Yandex browser. I just couldn’t get around to sitting and testing it. I’m generally pleased with the results, it’s quite fast and there are no problems in using it. I read the documentation, and generally the reviews on the forums, and largely agree that it is a copy of Google Chrome. But nevertheless, Yandex took such a step, and since people use it, the problem of advertising remains relevant as always.

Okay, I won’t drag it out, you probably already understand from the title that today we will talk about

First, let's highlight ways that can help us:

  1. Blocking and protection against phishing and malware.
  2. Using the Adblock add-on.
  3. Using the Adguard add-on to block pop-ups, banners and various annoying elements.

Proceeding to watch the video, which shows the use of these methods:

First you need to go to the browser itself. After that, in the upper right corner we find the “Setting up Yandex browser” button. Click on it and select “Settings” from the drop-down list.

After you have entered the settings, look for the personal data protection item and check the “Enable protection against phishing and malware” checkbox. It happens that this checkbox is checked by default, which is good.

In order to prevent your computer from slowing down, you now need to block flash banners and video advertising. Go to the settings, as already described above, and find the add-ons tab. In the add-ons, look for a name such as “Blocking Flash banners and videos” and click enable.

Now the browser is working at full capacity and can completely block. In some cases, this method is enough. We used the first possible method of protecting against advertising. Let's move on to the next one.

Using the Adblock add-on

If you want to use this add-on, then I recommend disabling the “Blocking Flash Banners and Videos” add-on, which was described above.

To fully familiarize yourself with Adblock and how to install it on the Yandex browser, go to the article:. Specifically, so that there is not a lot of writing here, I highlighted the full article for all browsers.

Using the Adguard add-on to block pop-ups, banners and various annoying elements

Here we come to the third way to remove advertising in Yandex browser. You can find a lot of interesting things on the Internet about this addition. You can download either an add-on or install the entire program. Using this method, namely how, I wrote a whole voluminous article. Which I recommend viewing and getting acquainted with

Since the Internet has firmly entered our lives, advertising has also entered the Internet. Advertising is the engine of sales and trade, so there is a lot of it and it is varied. Since there are a lot of annoying, viral advertisements, we have to look for ways to combat them. And today we looked at such methods and figured it out how to remove advertising in Yandex browser.

Hello! Nowadays, the problem of viruses is not very acute - most users already generally understand what can be opened and what is highly discouraged... and modern Windows 10 is already less vulnerable to malware. And what do most users use a computer for? — surf the Internet and watch a movie. But with browsers, not everything is so simple, so the issue of blocking ads in the browser is more relevant than ever before.

If you are interested in the issue of ad blocking... or you have started to notice ads where there were never any (and even worse if advertising is already popping up in the browser), then I can tell you with confidence that you are not alone, and I will try to explain to you how to get rid of this illness.

How to block ads in your browser - simple steps to a clean Internet

  • Advertising, which was deliberately installed by the site owner, is the most common and easiest method of advertising to block.
  • Crashing, infuriating advertising on all sites... pop-up windows, spontaneous opening of the browser, various casinos and other nonsense - it is much more difficult to treat, but it’s possible (the problem is that your computer is showing you ads)

Initially, I want to show the basic setting of ad blocking in the browser (if this does not help, then you most likely have advertising modules or AdWare as they are called).

Recognizing AdWare is quite simple - it is a pop-up flashy advertisement in the browser on all pages (for example, on Yandex a Vulcan casino may be advertised or a browser with advertising may open spontaneously).

It’s clear that this is not normal... so I want to tell you about a method for blocking Yandex Browser (now I use it myself and can recommend it to you). In the instructions we will consider universal options that are suitable even for Internet Explorer or EDGE. Let's look at both paid and free extensions - don't switch, it will be interesting!

How to remove advertising in the Yandex browser

Do you know why I like the Yandex browser? — it contains a lot of useful things for a Russian-speaking user. In addition, there is a built-in ability to filter ads using the third-party service AdGuard (I previously used AdBlock Plus, but after switching from Firefox to Ya.Browser there is no point in installing a third-party extension). This extension can be turned on simply - open the menu and go to “Add-ons”... and turn on the “Adguard” extension.

By default, advertising from Yandex and Google will not be blocked (and even normal advertising there, sometimes even useful) - whether to disable it or not is up to you. On my own behalf, I would like to add that sometimes this is the only way for the author of a resource to earn money... after all, you need to pay for hosting, spend time writing posts like this one. Well, monetization is a great motivation to develop and fill your resource.

Well, that was a small lyrical digression - you can go to the extension settings and disable the “Allow search advertising and site’s own promotions” option. This way you will completely disable all advertising on websites known to the extension.

ADGUARD is an excellent ad blocker for any browser

Since we are talking about ad blocking, it would be a crime not to talk about the wonderful AdGuard application. What if I told you that you can block ads not only in the browser, but also in various applications where they are often found? Skype, Viber, uTorrent - all these programs are popular and constantly annoying with ads, but AdGuard will automatically remove them all. You can download it from the official website...

AdGuard deserves a separate note, which I plan to write in the future, but for now a short overview of the capabilities

Installation is the same as everywhere else, nothing new was invented... however, I would advise not to install recommended products (well, if we want, we’ll install it ourselves, I don’t like this intrusiveness)

What can I tell you about the best application for blocking ads on your computer? Many people are looking for ways to disable advertising on Skype or torrent, delve into the code, edit something there - this is all real and tested in practice... but you can just install AdGuard and it will automatically block ads in all popular applications - isn’t it beautiful?!

The Parental Control feature seemed useful. I don’t know what filters this works on - but the joke is not in blocking porn sites and other bad resources... but in the inability to even find them in the search.

But of course, it is not without its drawbacks - the application is paid, but its price does not exceed the cost of pizza... support the developers, do not bother with torrents! And don’t forget - the AdGuard application is used to block ads; it will not help against viruses. You can use a good antivirus for free against all evil spirits.

How to remove ads in Google Chrome browser and other browsers

Now let's move on to the easiest way to get rid of ads in the browser - I used this extension until I switched to Yandex Browser with the AdGuard extension. Suitable for any browser (or almost, all known to me are supported) - just go to the official website of the extension...

I’ll tell you using Google Chrome as an example (but everything is similar for any other - be it Firefox or Opera) - find the largest button “Install for YOUR_BROWSER”. Agree with the installation of the extension and restart your web browser - the lion's share of advertising on sites will disappear.

How to remove ads in the browser? — We choose the best

If you are constantly seeing ads pop up in your browser, and all the methods described above have not corrected the situation, then you most likely have a malicious program on your computer, a browser extension, or the system settings have been changed. The whole problem with this infection is that antiviruses don’t see them, in fact it doesn’t harm the computer... but it infuriates the user. Let's start with disassembling pop-up advertising in the browser.

How to remove pop-up ads automatically

With the spread of this infection, it is not surprising that entire companies gradually began to appear producing applications to combat this advertising ransomware. Thanks to them, most advertising inserts are treated automatically and require virtually no user intervention - I highly recommend you use them.

AdwCleaner - an easy way to remove ads from your computer

In order not to bother you too much and not to bother you with places in the Windows system that are unclear to the average user, I suggest initially trying to remove pop-up ads in the browser automatically. There are many software products for removing AdWare, but my experience tells me to stick with AdwCleaner - in my opinion, the best solution to remove all known extensions from any browser.

Download only from !OFFICIAL site and nowhere else! After launching the application, click “Scan” and wait for the end of the search for harmful programs... check that the results do not contain anything unnecessary and click clean - check after rebooting.

Please note that AdvCleaner also considers all programs from Mail.RU to be malicious. If you use any Mail Agent, do not forget to remove it from the purge list.

HitmanPro is a good way to remove pop-up ads in your browser

A small utility from Malwarebytes, Hitman Pro will find most malware on your computer and can remove them. The application is paid, but with a test period - it will be more useful than ever for us for a one-time cleaning. As usual, download from the official website of the program.

To avoid installing the program on your computer, use the “I’m going to scan the system only once” option. In this case, we will immediately start scanning the operating system for unwanted programs.

As you can see, malware was found in our system (in our example it is a system activator, but it will do for the example) - just click “Next” to clear the found threats.

Remember I wrote that the application is paid? - so, to clean the system, you can activate a free license... click the appropriate button and enter your email to issue you a temporary license.

After cleaning, you should restart your computer and check whether our problem with pop-up advertising inserts has been resolved or not.

Removed pop-up ads in the browser - the Internet does not work

An unpleasant situation happens - you removed pop-ups and ads in your browser and now the Internet does not work. The browser reports that it is unable to connect to the proxy server. The problem is quite common, but has an elementary solution.

Most likely, the left DNS server was used, and since we removed the malicious application - using DNS data turned out to be impossible and useless - you just need to reset the settings to standard

To solve the problem with the error “Cannot connect to the proxy server,” we need to go to the “Control Panel,” open the “Network and Internet” section and in the “Browser Options” category, select “Manage browser settings.”

Make sure that the “Use a proxy server for local connections” checkbox is unchecked and that the “Automatic detection of parameters” option is active.

If the steps taken did not give the desired result, write in the comments, we’ll try to figure out the problem together.

How to remove pop-up ads in your browser manually

If all the methods described above to get rid of viral advertising in the browser did not help, then extreme measures remain - let’s try to fix the situation manually.

Task Scheduler - if ads pop up in the browser

The trend of 2017 is not a new frameless iPhone, but a problem of users who periodically have ads popping up in their browser... and not a single program sees them. I first encountered this species at the end of 2016 (and to be honest, for a very long time I could not understand what the problem was). The situation is as follows: an advertising site periodically opened, even if the browser was closed.

As it turned out, the malware used a task scheduler and simply periodically launched a task - launch the browser at the required time interval and open the site it needed in it (! brilliant).

To improve the health of our system, let’s open the task scheduler and delete it from there...

Open the Start menu and type “Task Scheduler” - find it in the search list and open it. Alternatively, press WIN + R on your keyboard and type taskschd.msc

In one of the tasks, you will probably see the path to the browser with a postscript in the form of a site that constantly opens for you - you should delete it (right-click on the task - delete). There are situations when different sites open all the time - in this case, one site opens, and then redirects to one of many (you just don’t have time to notice it) - just delete dubious tasks with additions to the path to the browser file.

What to do if advertising appears in the browser? — Disable extensions

You can clear your browser of ads and pop-ups simply by disabling the bad extension. Not long ago I installed a browser add-on that allowed me to watch torrents online... everything was great until I noticed that advertising appeared where there had never been one. Unfortunately, I did not notice this right away and therefore the solitaire did not work out right away - it helped that the extension was not installed in another browser and there were no left-handed advertisements there.

I just disabled the browser add-on and the ads disappeared. Try going to the list of extensions:

  • For Yandex Browser this is Settings > Add-ons (in the same place where you enabled AdGuard)
  • For Google Chrome - Settings > More tools > Extensions

Disable all extensions one by one until the ads stop appearing. This way you will identify a malicious extension - you need to remove it and forget about it forever.

Unfortunately, this point is often ignored, but it is one of the most common. You can’t trust anyone... there are often cases in which the familiar extension starts telling us all sorts of nasty things. We trust him, why do we need to turn him off and check him?! We will look in the place where it is not there... but until the last minute we will not try to simply turn it off for a minute and check.

The Hosts file is the reason for advertising in the browser

Many Adware use the Windows system hosts file to display advertisements. Currently, it is practically not used by advertising malware - usually left-handed Google addresses are registered there or social networks are replaced.

You can correct the hosts file using notepad (which, by the way, must be opened as an administrator, otherwise you will not be able to save changes in it). It is necessary to delete all lines that are under the lines starting with a hash.

Why do ads pop up in the browser? — Editing shortcuts

If, after completing all the steps described above, advertising starts only when you launch the browser itself, then it’s time to pay attention to program shortcuts. In the shortcut properties, delete everything that is outside the quotes (usually the address of the annoying site)... and create new shortcuts for the browser.

This method is incredibly simple, but many people overlook it. In my practice, this option of pop-up advertising occurs very often, so do not underestimate it.

Conclusions about pop-up advertising in the browser and blocking it

Constantly popping up ads in your browser can be very annoying, so be careful when installing different applications and try to use official download sites to minimize the possibility of picking up something unusual, but extremely unpleasant.

I hope this small instruction was useful to you (and it is really small - I described only a small part of the problem areas, but they are the most common) and you were able to defeat advertising in the browser. If something doesn’t work out, write in the comments, we’ll figure it out together!

In the Internet age, everyone wants to use fast and secure browsers. After all, we not only surf the web, but also conduct business correspondence, make purchases, and store a large amount of personal information in the depths of the browser. Nobody wants to freeze or lose valuable data. Which browser should you choose? Of course URAN!

A special feature of Uran compared to other browsers is the increased comfort of working with the services of the uCoz constructor. Using it, you will not see advertising on any of the uCoz sites created on a free basis. And there are quite a lot of them on the RuNet.

Uran is an improved build of Chromium, which has absorbed all the advantages of its progenitor without exception and received some nice additions. What is it about it that can prompt an ordinary user to replace, for example, the usual Opera, Mozilla or Chrome? Well, or at least install it and try it out. Now let's look at everything in detail.

Key features of Uran

This browser is positioned by the developers as a modern solution without advertising. It automatically removes advertising from sites created in the uCoz constructor. For other sites, this issue can be easily resolved by installing a good extension - Uran officially supports all extensions from the Chrome store. On the other hand, other browsers cannot offer this either: it is clear that only uCoz developers can afford to implement such a feature. Thanks to it, you will get some advantages on the Internet. If you are into online games, you will appreciate the convenience very much. Probably half of the guild sites, online movie sites, and forums are created on the uCoz platform. And advertising on them will no longer annoy you.

It is clear that for many of us, the simple absence of these banners will not be a reason to immediately install Uranus.

Advantages of Uran:

  1. Uran is built with Chrome on the same engine (WebKit), but it is noticeably faster. Even without measurements by testers, this can be determined by eye;
  2. The basic package includes a catalog of specialized extensions for webmasters. A serious bonus for users of uCoz and other site builders;
  3. The browser is automatically updated. This is not a mega feature, but it is not available everywhere;
  4. All modern web standards are supported (WebSocket, SVG, CSS3, HTML5). For the average user, these are empty words, but believe me, if the browser does not support any of the above, you are unlikely to use it. Reasons: it didn’t open, it froze, it lags here, it doesn’t show there. This is what it looks like in practice. To put it simply, everything works in Uran.

Even if you are not a webmaster, Uranus' appeal is not lost when compared to other browsers. Speed ​​of work is relevant for everyone. This is the biggest advantage for a wide audience.

For direct comparison with Uran, it is most convenient and logical to use Google Chrome. In terms of interface, they are practically no different; they run on the same engines. In addition to the above things, the product under review has one big advantage over Chrome: it uses less RAM. The fact is that in Chrome, each open tab is separated into a separate process, which leads to increased demands on the amount of RAM. In Uranus it is a little different: in it, the system identifies open but currently inactive tabs as minimized applications, which creates less load on the RAM. Weak and average PCs have an easier life with Uran installed.

Yandex is used as the default search, but you can change it to Google or any other in the settings.

It is clear that you will be able to install the same applications that are available for Chrome. There are no restrictions here - their store is identical. Also, if you enter your Google account data in Uranus, it will synchronize with all data from Chromam: tabs, passwords, extensions, etc. In general, the transition is painless.

How to remove advertising in Uran altogether?

Ads can be hidden by installing a browser extension. The most effective and at the same time popular of them is AdBlock. Installation is free. After it, you will get rid of about 90% of pop-ups, banners and other junk.

Your browser will not only work faster (all these banners also eat up RAM, increasing the weight of the loaded page), but it will also become more pleasant/safe to use. Have you often accidentally clicked on links in advertisements that take you to spam pages that are then difficult to close? So, after installing AdBlock, you will forget about such moments.

Advantages and disadvantages

Uran is a good browser, without any obvious shortcomings. Some may be annoyed by the fact that it is a Chromium build, that is, it was not developed separately, but was made on a ready-made platform. And supposedly no different from everything else created on WebKit. This is not so, the developers have introduced their own proprietary features and reworked the algorithm for working with tabs, making the browser faster and easier to operate. All other things being equal, this is a lot.


  • Increased page opening speed;
  • Reduced RAM consumption;
  • A selection of extensions for webmasters at your fingertips;
  • Convenience for uCoz ecosystem participants;
  • It supports and can do everything that Chrome does.


I feel like the browser is worthy of attention. Whether you have websites on Yukoz or not, you will definitely be able to notice good speed. Tabs open and resume faster than Chrome. The rest of the perks for webmasters are nice, although not so important. The difference in speed is the main advantage of Uran. Works stably, usually. Can be used.

Alternatives and competitors

Uran is not some unique must-have solution for which it is impossible to find a replacement or choose another browser for parallel use. After all, few people have just one browser installed. Usually there are at least two, not counting Explorer/Edge, which users don’t really like. Uranus is an excellent alternative to the best browsers such as Google Chrome and Yandex.Browser, offering everything the same, plus a little more on top. Why not?

However, Firefox and Opera are slightly different products that may suit less or more individual users. They are not even competitors, but neighboring cool browsers. Uran can be used on a par with Opera or Mozilla, depending on your mood or proprietary features that make your work easier. Many people do this. We are not talking about choosing 1 browser and cutting off all others. Uranus is a great pair for Opera or Firefox.


We recommend trying out Uran in action. If you currently use Chrome, you will notice the difference in speed quickly. The product is available for free download and is compatible with all versions of Windows OS (XP, 7, 8, 10).

Installing the AdBlock blocker will add to the speed of operation and the comfort of surfing the Internet.

Advertising rains down on us from everywhere, from the radio, from TV, from street billboards, and it is not surprising that most people want to remove advertising at least from their browser on their computer or phone. Today we will help you remove all advertising from browsers on your digital devices.

“Advertising is the engine of trade,” said one of the founders of the advertising business, Louis Metzel, and he was right. With the help of advertising, potential buyers from advertising learn about new products and services offered to them. At first, advertisements were printed in various paper publications: advertising brochures, leaflets, on the pages of magazines and newspapers. When radio, television and a little later the Internet appeared, advertising conquered this space too. Now, when we open any website, we see advertising and this is normal. After all, websites are created to make money, and advertising is additional income paid by the advertiser for promoting their services.

There are also completely different situations when, when you open one or another browser, without yet going to the desired site, you see an advertising banner, an unknown site opens, or when you go to the site you need, the browser redirects you to content unknown to you. Why did this problem arise? Often, when downloading some free content, the user may also receive software with built-in advertising as a surprise. Unscrupulous software developers are guilty of this: extensions and applications for browsers, PC programs, etc. This is a kind of payment for free software. “Why then doesn’t the antivirus program notice other people’s software? ": - you ask. It’s simple: by downloading the program, you give the green light for it, and besides, the developers have thought of how to bypass the protection on your computer. We will look at what to do and how to deal with advertising in the browser for each individually below.

If the advertisement has already appeared, then we begin cleaning it up in this web browser by analyzing your actions a day or two before the advertisement appears. You need to determine what programs or applications you have downloaded from the Internet recently. You can look at this in the “Downloads” folder and by deleting one software after another, we achieve until the advertising stops appearing. It happens that such actions will not be enough, then we use more effective levers of influence - special programs and utilities:

  • Dr.Web Curettlt.

You can fight advertising in your Internet browser and using built-in methods. Open the Internet browser menu, select “Settings” - “Show additional settings” - “Personal data protection” and here click “Block pop-ups on all sites”. They also fight adware in web browsers using special extensions for them - ad blockers: adquard, AdBlock Plus, uBlock and others. If it is impossible to remove the adware virus from the browser, then simply remove it (the browser) from the computer.

Virus and adware get into Google Chrome in the same way as other web browsers - with programs downloaded to the Internet, therefore the methods for removing it are approximately the same, with minor changes. Let's now look at how to remove ads in this browser? The first thing we do is check it for the presence of foreign malware. To do this, move the mouse over the browser icon and open its “Properties”, click on “Shortcut” in the “Object” text there should be “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” If something else , then open the control panel, find the “My Computer” folder, find the “User” folder and see if a new “Temp” folder has appeared and if it exists, delete its contents.
You can also remove ads using tools built into your browser. You need to click the settings button at the top of the browser interface and go to them. Then select “Personal information” and open the “Content Settings” window, select the “Pop-up windows” entry, click the “Block pop-up windows on all sites” button and then “Done”.

How can you remove ads in your browser if you don’t understand your computer’s settings well? If this is the case, you need to install plugins in your web browser - ad blockers or the programs I gave for Yandex. It is better to do this from the Google Chrome store. Right-click on the browser settings, in the window select “Additional tools” - “Extensions”, go down to the bottom of this page and open the “More extensions” tab. On the store page, enter the name of one of the listed anti-advertising extensions in the search, select the one you need and install it in the browser.

Mozilla, like the two browsers above, has built-in tools to combat advertising. To enable them, you need to open it, select “Settings” - “Content” in the window and uncheck “Use Java Script” and put it in the “Block pop-up windows” line and click OK.

You can remove ads in this web browser using extensions. It is better to install them from trusted developers. You need to open the settings window, select “Add-ons” and write “Advertising” in the search, select and install the extension in this Internet browser.

As with the frefox web browser, you need to prohibit the use of Java Script and opening unsolicited sites. Go to the Opera menu and open them, select “Tools” - “General Settings” and check the box for “Block Content”, then go to “Advanced” - “Content” and uncheck the “Enable Animation” and “Enable Java Script” checkboxes. .

How to remove pop-up ads in your browser

All methods described above are suitable for any browser. It is necessary to disable pop-up windows in your browser settings and install special plugins to block ads. There is also a more universal way to remove advertising from your browser forever - you need to download any software only from trusted resources.

The simplest solution to the problem of advertising on YouTube is to enter this command into the browser console: ="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=oKckVSqvaGw; path=/;";.reload(); when visiting this video hosting site. To open the console, you need to simultaneously press the Crl+Shift+J keys and enter this command into the console line, and then press the Enter button.

What to do if a browser with advertising opens on its own

If you experience this problem, it means that a virus has entered your computer and needs to be removed. To find it, open Task Scheduler Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools. In the Task Scheduler, open its Library. We look for a suspicious file and delete it by pointing at it, and then in the right window click Delete, you can also disable it for a while.

How to remove ads for Vulcan (and other casinos) in the browser

How to remove ads in the browser on Android

, AdBlock Plus, uBlock, etc. There are also better programs in the fight against adware: Ad Muncher, AdwCleaner, etc. Such programs block pop-up advertising windows, prevent ad viruses from being introduced onto the OS and save traffic. The choice is yours. In my practice, I use two plugins: Adblock Plus and Adquard and are now completely free of advertising.

If all the methods described above do not help, you will need to reinstall the operating system.