IQ in computer slang.


Computer slang is a type of slang used by IT specialists and other computer users.

As in the professional language of computer scientists, jargon or slang contains many English borrowings.

One of the common methods inherent in all slang expressions is the transformation of some term, usually large in volume or difficult to pronounce. These are often borrowings from English.

computer jargon

Along with new technology, computer games have also been introduced into the human world, where there are also certain individual designations for things.

They are usually in English and sometimes it is difficult to understand what they are about.

Well, for example: LOL, PLZ, XOXO, TNX, THX, NP, YW, ROFL, WTF, I think you don’t know all the designations. Here's a small one.

an excursion into the world of abbreviations

Let me note that this is a collection of slang that is regularly used not only by programmers, but also by ordinary Internet users.

Admin — Abbreviated name for the administrator.
ID (ID) – identifier.
IP (IP) is a unique address. Each computer has its own IP, which is provided to it by the provider.
IT specialist – programmer, information technology (IT) specialist. In English, the abbreviation IT (Information Technology) is read as “IT”.
Update – update.

Up - Restore the operation of the equipment.
A bug is an error in a program or code. Derived from the English word “bug” - beetle. (not to be confused with glitch)

Bank - Computer, system unit Body file – batch file
with extension .bat. Used to work with the command line in Windows.
Broken - not working. For example, broken links are links that lead to nowhere, error 404. Bydlokoder - A person who writes poor quality program code

, trying to pass him off as normal in the eyes of the client.
Burzhunet is the foreign part of the Internet. Mainly applies to foreign sites from Europe or the USA.
Backup – backup. Those. creating a copy of the project, website, data, so that in case of unforeseen circumstances, failure, the entire system can be returned to its previous state. It is considered good practice to constantly update backups and store them in several places (not just on your work computer).

Backend (back-end) – development of the “internal part” of sites, programs, applications. Working with the server
A webinar (web based seminar) is a seminar, presentation or lecture that takes place online, live broadcast on the Internet.
Crash - In relation to software - suddenly stop working, enter the operating system with an error


Game development – ​​development, creation of games.
Geek - a person who is well versed in a certain direction, is a fanatic of his business. Nowadays programmers are mostly called geeks.
A glitch is an incomprehensible glitch that slows down processes in a program or game.
Glitchy - Unreliable, unstable, undebugged or poorly written, working with glitches.

Engine - CMS (English CMS, Content management system), a set of scripts for managing the content of the site.
Debug – find and fix errors in the program. Catch bugs.
Deadline – deadline for completion or delivery of a project, task, or work.
Board - Disk operating system, DOS

File (filed) – upload or create something, put it on public display. For example, “I made a video” - that means I uploaded the video to YouTube.


Coder - programmer.
Code – program.
Copy paste – copy and paste. “Copy” - copy, “Paste” - paste.
Killer feature— An outstanding feature or characteristic of a software product. Some special feature that competitors' products do not have. Derived from the English expression “killer feature” - a killer feature.

A crutch is fixing serious bugs, holes, errors without proper correction the whole system. Those. when something is broken and needs to be fixed quickly in the shortest possible time.
Krakozyabry - a set of incomprehensible symbols, nonsense. Occurs as a result of incorrect encoding. You can often see it on websites - “Привет! "РњРµРСЏ".
A crack (tablet) is a special program or add-on for hacking various software. Mainly used to turn a licensed (paid) program into a free one. From English “crack” is a crack.

A lamer is an inexperienced user, a person who does not understand something, but thinks that he is a master. From the English “lame” - to limp. Not to be confused with a teapot.
Level – level.
Educational program – elimination of illiteracy. Teaching the basics, the basics.
Linuxist is a person who uses the Linux operating system.
Log (log) – a journal, a diary in which all actions in the program are recorded in chronological order. For example: when and which users registered, errors, failures, user actions, etc.
Local - the local network. A network that consists of several computers connected by cables.


Manual - guide, instruction.
Cursing in code - When hacking programs, replace the conditional jump with an unconditional one. The expression comes from the near unconditional jump instruction code (0EBh). An incorrect, potentially dangerous technique that is best avoided, because... This results in a potentially incorrect crack - it is better to replace the values ​​with the required ones instead of init or a check that is obviously performed at startup.

Native – native, innate. The phrase “native code” is often used - code that is written by developers. Here's another example: C++ is the native language for Windows 7 - this means that C++ is the native language of Windows, the one in which the developers wrote this OS.
Noob (nubchik, nubas, nubar, nubak) is a beginner or a person who can’t do anything, or doesn’t know how to do it right. Inexperienced, new.
A rollback is a return to the original position from a backup.
Ojax - Errative from English. AJAX – “Asynchronous Javascript and XML” is the concept of using several related technologies in web development, allowing you to change content without reloading the entire web page.


Pros - C++ programming language
A patch is an addition or update that corrects errors, bugs, and glitches. From the English “patch” - plaster. Applying a patch to a program is called "patching".
A podcast is video or audio lessons, stories on a specific topic. Most often of an educational nature. Nowadays, podcasts for learning English are very common.
Proger is a programmer.
Handwriting - a certain arrangement of spaces, tabs, line breaks, etc. when writing program code.

Developer - developer.
RTFM - Comes from the English abbreviation “RTFM” (Read The Fucking Manual) - “Read the damn manual!”
Used as an answer when either a very simple or a very difficult question is asked.

It is most common among system administrators and programmers during non-verbal communication with inexperienced users.

Sometimes used to express feelings of neglect and/or superiority.

Redesign is an update, modernization of the system not only externally, but also internally.
Release - to release something to the public, to make a presentation, to present something to the public. For example: program release - release of a program for use, song release - release of a song.
Root (root) – root rights. These are rights that allow the user to have expanded control over the system and change internal settings.
Support – support service. Available in programs, applications, websites.
Skill is an excellent ability, the ability to work with something.
Slowpoke - slow, brake. Derived from the name of the pink Pokemon "Slowpoke".
Software is software, programs.
SSZB - abbr. His own evil Pinocchio


Team lead – lead developer, team leader.
Tutorial – lessons, tutorial, textbook. For example, a JavaScript tutorial - lessons, Javascript training.
Technorat is a virus writer, author of computer viruses. Technorats for the most part are far from brilliant programmers, especially now that the lamers have started to sprinkle HLLP viruses and crap auto Trojans.

Firewall is an antivirus that protects your computer from viruses. In English it means “burning wall” - here it should be understood as a wall that protects other buildings from the spread of fire. Another name is Brandmauer (translated from German also means “burning wall”).
Fix – fix bugs.
Feature – feature, unique opportunity, property. A popular example: when a program produces an unexpected result, which may be due to the programmer’s fault, the programmer himself says, “This is not a bug, but a feature.” Those. a unique opportunity of the program, as it should be
Frontend (front-end) – development of the “appearance” of the site. Working with the client. The languages ​​used are HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

A hackathon (hack marathon) is an event that brings together specialists from different areas of software development (programmers, designers, managers) to develop a specific program, application or to solve another issue. Those. programming marathons where programmers gather to code.

Holy war is constant disputes between people who have opposing views and are not going to change them.
Habr - The largest Russian-speaking it-community "habrahabr" (


Enikey (any key) – any button. Often during installation and downloading we are asked to “Press any key”. Hence the word.
Enikey is a synonym for a teapot, an inexperienced user who does not always know what he needs to do - he is looking for the “enike” button. There may also be a low-ranking IT specialist who deals with simple tasks ( Windows installation, software, antiviruses...).
Elf - In UNIX-like OS - a binary executable file (from ELF - Executable Linkable Format, Executable Loadable Format).

User (user, user) – user.

And computer devices have introduced a huge number of special words and expressions and a rich, branched terminology into the Russian language. Later, thanks to the start of publication in 1988 of the PC World magazine (at first 100% translated), which became very popular, a “collapse” occurred: English-language terms and abbreviations, often in English spelling, filled the pages of magazines and clogged the speech of specialists. For example - network card, microprocessor, operating system, formatting, installation, hard drive, pixels, dialog box, display and others. Many of these terms are Anglicisms, but there are also words from other European languages. Along with new technology, computer games have also been introduced into the human world, where there are also certain individual designations for things, such as quest, RPG, deathmatch, etc.

The entry of slang into the language

As in the professional language of computer scientists, there are many English borrowings in the jargon. These are often borrowed from English computer jargon. An example is the words “ gamer" - from English jargon gamer, where a gamer is a computer game player or “ doomer" - from doomer is a fan of the game Doom.

Slang education

One of the common methods, inherent in all jargons standing next to certain terminology, is the transformation of a term, usually large in volume or difficult to pronounce:

  • reduction ( computer- computer , screw- hard drive, keyboard- keyboard),
  • univerbation ( motherboard, mother, nurse, Mother, uterus- motherboard ; inkjet- jet printer ; opera, RAM- RAM , hard- HDD).

The sources of these words can also be professional terms of English origin, which already have an equivalent in the Russian language (morphological transfer): hard drive, hard disk, hard(from English hard drive- HDD); connect(from the English connecting - connection, connection; like a connection) and connect(from English to connect - connect, link, connect); join(from the English join - accession, connection, adjoining; as an act of establishing a connection) and join(from to join - join, adjoin); upgrade(from English to upgrade - modernize, improve); programmer(from the English programmer - programmer); user(English user - user) and use(from English to use - to use, consume); click(from English to click - click). The grammatical mastery of certain borrowings by the Russian language is accompanied by their word-formation Russification: zip, zipped, Zipovsky(from English zip- data compression format); user(from user) - custom; yuzanny (from yuzat) - used, second-hand; user(from user and beast) - an experienced, advanced user who does not have skills admin .

There is also the opposite phenomenon. A jargon synonymous with the term appears, derived from a word that has long been established in the Russian language: “window windows” - the familiar name for the Microsoft Windows operating system (English windows - windows), “melkomyagky”, “microsoft”, “melkosoft”, “microsoft” - ironic copy of the name Microsoft.

Some words come from the jargon of other professional groups, for example, motorists: kettle- novice user, engine- core, “engine” of the program (the second meaning of the term engine- semantically equivalent to the English equivalent engine- engine). Sometimes the computer itself is called a machine, although the term “machine” in relation to a computer came from the speech of Soviet programmers who deciphered the abbreviation EVM (electronic computer). The word “glitch” (derived from “hallucination”, came from the jargon of drug addicts) and the word formation from it, widely used in computer jargon, here receive the meaning “ unexpected errors in the program or incorrect operation of the equipment.” For example: “My printer is faulty.”

Another method - metaphorization - is widely used in almost all slang systems. With its help, words such as: Crap, blank, matrix- CD , herring- plastic packaging from recordable discs (usually 10-100 discs), similar to the Soviet herring tin can, rat- mouse manipulator, resuscitator- a specialist or a set of special programs for “bringing out of a coma” a computer whose software is seriously damaged and which is unable to function normally. There are also verbal metaphors: to brake- extremely slow work program or computer demolish, kill- delete information from the disk, cut- write information to an optical disk (in this case cutter- recording device). There are a number of synonyms associated with the process of disruption of the normal operation of a computer, when it does not respond to any commands other than a button reset(aphorism for seven troubles one reset). In this case, the computer is said to be hung, stuck, got up, fell. The word “fallen” also refers to the OS (operating system) or other important software (software), in the event of a failure of the normal operation of the program, as a result of which it is necessary to reinstall it, or in the event of a disruption in the communication channel. Although the word “freeze” (a freeze occurred, in the case of a freeze) can now be excluded from jargon - it is officially used as a term. This is not the only example of the presence of synonyms in the jargon vocabulary.

The method of metonymy (turn of phrase, replacement of one word with another, adjacent in meaning) is found in the formation of jargon for the word “hardware” - in the meaning of “computer, physical components of a computer”, “buttons” - in the meaning of “keyboard”. But there are examples of phraseological units, the motivation of the meaning in which is often clear to the initiate: “blue screen of death" (Blue Screen of Death, the text of a message about a critical Windows error on a blue background),

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Language is a dynamic phenomenon. It is constantly evolving: new words and expressions appear, and the vocabulary of modern man is replenished. In speech among Russian speakers, various jargons and dialectisms are quite common. But recently, computer slang has become widespread. The appearance of this term is associated with the rapid growth of computer technology since the second half of the 20th century and, in particular, with the massive introduction into everyday use in the mid-1980s ordinary person personal computers and computing devices. Along with new technology, computer games have been introduced into the human world, where there are also certain individual designations for things.

As a future philologist, I was interested in this topic because... The development of new technologies is transforming language; the vocabulary of modern man is radically changing. Therefore, when creating this work, I tried to answer the question: how is computer slang formed in the Russian language.

Thus, target of this work: to study the formation of computer slang and identify its features in language system.

The set goal required the solution of specific tasks:

    Define computer slang.

    Identify the reasons for the appearance of computer slang in Russia.

    Consider the main ways of forming computer slang.

    Highlight the features of the formation of slang in our country.

    Compile a dictionary of computer slang for schoolchildren and gamers.

    Draw a conclusion on this work.

Research material served as a site for culture and recreation

Scientific novelty This work lies in the fact that for the first time a comparative analysis of the ways of forming computer slang was carried out and presented own version classifications.

Object The research in this work is English and Russian vocabulary related to computer slang.

Subject This study is a comparative study of the formation and development of computer slang.

Practical significance of the work consists in the possibility of applying its results at school and everyday life to understand the interlocutor. The findings and developed dictionaries can be used in lessons on lexicology of the Russian and English languages, stylistics, and in a special course on computer slang. The research material can be used in the practice of teaching English.

The following methods were used in the work:

    Method of direct linguistic observation and description (used to sample computer slang from a dictionary).

    Method of dictionary definitions (to determine the meaning of words and analyze its structure).

    Method of comparative analysis (used in studies of the structure and meaning of slang).

Main part 1 Formation of computer slang in Russia 1.1 The concept of computer slang

With the increase in the number of computers and general computerization in many national languages, computer sublanguages ​​are being formed - special jargons that serve as a means of communication for computer scientists. Computer slang is a type of slang used by both professional (for example, IT specialists) and other computer users.

The peculiarity of computer slang is that these words are used to communicate between people of the same profession - programmers, or simply people who use a computer in everyday life. At the same time, they are used as synonyms of English professional terms, differing from them in their emotional connotation.

Secondly, computer slang is characterized by its “obsession” with the realities of the computer world. The slang names in question refer only to this world, thus separating it from everything else. Thanks to knowledge of such a special language, computer scientists feel like members of a closed community.

1.2 Features of computer slang in Russia

However, unlike computer jargons formed on the basis of European languages ​​and operating on the basis of one graphics system- Latin alphabet, Russian computer jargon has to not only master elements of a foreign lexical and grammatical system, but also adapt them to Cyrillic writing. Not only the content, but also the formal adaptation of elements of someone else's language code, on the one hand, significantly complicates this task, on the other hand, makes it more diverse and interesting. This determines the specificity of the Russian computer language in comparison with computer jargons that exist on the basis of European languages, which are structurally closer to English.

1.3 Reasons for the appearance of computer slang in Russia

If we look at numerous magazines covering new products in the computer technology market, we will see that more or less significant developments appear almost every week. And in the conditions of such a technological revolution, each new phenomenon in this area should receive its own verbal designation, its own name. And since almost all of them (with rare exceptions) appear in America, they naturally receive it in English. When they learn about these developments in Russia after some time, then for the vast majority of them, of course, there is no equivalent in the Russian language.

The second reason is the people themselves who work with computer technology. These are quite young professionals, and therefore they have a desire to dilute English-language terms with humor, add their own emotional coloring, an element of ease to express their position and assessment in relation to the subject of conversation, partner or situation.

Recently, there has also been a craze among young people for computer games and social media. Networks and various forums. This again served as a powerful source of new words. Various words have appeared for certain concepts, these include “arcade”, “adventure game”, “boss”, “doomer”, etc.

2 Ways to form computer slang

2.1 Method of education using the example of classifications by N.V. Vinogradova and P.A. Gorshkova

There are different classifications of computer slang. We will present the two most convenient classifications of N.V. Vinogradova. and Gorshkova P.A.

Vinogradova offers the following classification of computer slang.

First group- direct transliteration of the English word while maintaining the basic meaning of the lexeme:

    gadget - gadget;

    game - game;

    gamer— gamer;

    offtopic - off topic;

Second group words represent examples in relation to which we can no longer talk about transliteration, but about phonetic and grammatical “distortion” (a kind of “Russification”) of the original:

    debug - debug;

    hustle - game;

    google- google;


Third group represent words that have homonyms in the literary language. Many stylistically neutral Russian words, when used and reinterpreted by computer dialect speakers, acquire additional meanings.

These are Russian words, chosen for reasons of phonetic similarity to the English originals:

    loaf - button;



Fourth group words are represented by acronyms. These are English in origin and method of formation, complexly abbreviated words, which have not yet been involved in the process of mastering them in the Russian language. Eg:

    aka(from the English “AlsoKnownAs”) - 1) one of the network addresses of a person who has several of them 2) an alias;

    goose— music card GravisUltraSound;

    Olya— ObjectLinkingandEmbedding technology, which allows you to edit data created in another program without leaving the main editor.

These examples also prove that computer slang is largely characterized by a tendency towards simplification, minimization and standardization of linguistic means.

An interesting and new method, previously not typical for the Russian language, seems to be this method of forming complex abbreviated words, in which the word is replaced by the identical-sounding name of a letter or number:

2-to, for example, G2G (got to go);

4-for, for example, B4N (bye for now).

For a table of acronyms, see Annex I.

Another classification is proposed by Gorshkov P.A.:

1) tracing paper (full borrowing);

2) semi-tracing paper (borrowing the basis);

3) translation;

4) phonetic mimicry.

The first group, called tracing paper, includes borrowings that are not grammatically mastered by the Russian language. In this case, the word is borrowed entirely with its pronunciation, spelling and meaning. Such borrowings are subject to assimilation. Each sound in a borrowed word is replaced by the corresponding sound in the Russian language in accordance with phonetic laws. These words seem foreign in pronunciation and spelling, they correspond to all the norms of the English language. Here are examples of words completely borrowed from English:

Table No. 1

(for the full version of table No. 1, see Appendix II)

In the second group, called semi-tracing paper, when a term moves from English to Russian, the latter adjusts the accepted word to the norms of not only its phonetics as in the previous group, but also spelling and grammar. The table shows the following examples of half tracing paper:

Table No. 2

(for the full version of table No. 2, see Appendix III)

Having analyzed this classification computer slang, we highlight the following peculiarities And ways of its formation:

    During grammatical mastery, the English term comes into the possession of Russian grammar, obeying its rules. Nouns, for example, acquire case endings: simk A(I.p.), simk And(R.p.), simk e(D.p.).

    Words of this group can be formed as follows: word-formation models of the Russian language are added to the original English base using certain methods. These include, first of all, the diminutive suffixes of nouns -ik, -k(a), -nik and yuk, which are characteristic of the Russian vernacular: nushka, varik, kompik, pisyuk.

    Due to the fact that the source language is analytical and the borrowing language is synthetic, inflections are added to verbs:

    upgrade t from English toupgrade;

    gama t from English game;

    google t from English google;

    In accordance with the fact that one of the characteristic features of slang is the reduction of long and complex professionalisms, we can distinguish a technique - univerbization. Here is an example of such a phenomenon:

Table No. 3

    Quite a large number of words in this group come from various abbreviations, names of various protocols, and companies. Eg:

    IP address- IP;

    XPishka - XP (Windows).

The long names of many programs and games also had to be shortened or abbreviated if the full names consisted of several words. For example: Executionfile(EXE) - executable file; Three-dimensionalStudio(3DS) - trideshka.

As a result, a large number of sounds [e] are created, which are not typical for ordinary spoken speech.

In the third group, translation very often slang vocabulary is formed by the way of translating an English professional term. This method includes the translation of a word using neutral words existing in the Russian language, which at the same time acquire a new meaning with a reduced stylistic overtone:

Table No. 4

(for the full version of table No. 4, see Appendix IV)

During the translation process, the mechanism of associative thinking works. The associations or metaphors that arise can be very different: in the form of an object or device. There are also numerous verbal metaphors: share-(derived from the English “share” - “to share” (property)) means to open for collective access any resource on the local network.

Fourth group phonetic mimicry based on the coincidence of semantically dissimilar common words and English computer terms. A word that turns into slang acquires a completely new meaning that is in no way connected with the commonly used one. Let's consider these examples:

Table No. 5

(for the full version of table No. 5, see Appendix V)

In this group of words there are especially many names of various programs, perhaps because these names are most often unclear in use and perception for Russian computer users:

    burnt firewood— CorelDraw (King of firewood);

    AldusPijamaker- CorelAldusPageMaker.

Having analyzed two classifications of Gorshkov P.A. and Vinogradova N.V., the following conclusions can be drawn: in Gorshkov’s classification there is no such group as acronyms or abbreviations, and in Vinogradova’s classification there is no category of translation. This conclusion led to the need to create an improved classification.

We took both as the basis for our classification: N.V. Vinogradova and P.A. Gorshkova. and distributed the words that make up English computer slang into the following groups:

2) semi-tracing paper;

3) translation;

4) phonetic mimicry;

5) acronyms.

For the compiled tables, see the appendix.

2.2 Frequency of occurrence in various ways education

I studied the place of computer slang in the language system using a dictionary compiled by the Administration of Culture and Recreation in order to identify the most common methods of education and show the frequency of their use.

Table No. 6

This study showed that the most common words in computer slang are words formed by direct transliteration of an English word while preserving the basic meaning of the lexeme (calque). The last place is occupied by complex abbreviated words, which are not yet involved in the process of mastering them in the Russian language.

Most likely, the large number of words formed by the tracing method in the Russian language was a consequence of the fact that most software works in English. As a result, people become somewhat accustomed to certain common commands or messages.

In addition to “getting used to”, the general tendency among young people to include Anglicisms in their everyday speech also played a role here. The passion for Anglicisms has become a kind of fashion; it is due to the stereotypes and ideals created in youth society. This stereotype of our era is the image of an idealized American society, in which the standard of living is much higher, and high rates of technological progress lead the whole world. And by adding English borrowings to their speech, young people in a certain way approach this stereotype and become familiar with American culture and lifestyle. The use of these words is also a way of “encryption”, creating a certain society where only “your own” understand you.


Summing up the work, we can firmly say that I answered main question- how computer slang is formed in the Russian language, through the consistent solution of assigned tasks and the correct use of methods.

Firstly, I proved the relevance of this problem. The development of new technologies has indeed influenced the formation of the vocabulary of the current generation, which has led to the emergence of computer slang in the language system. Secondly, I defined computer slang and followed the process of its formation in Russia. Thirdly, she revealed the features of computer slang and the methods of its formation using the examples of the classifications of Vinogradova and Gorshkov. Gave a comparative description of these classifications. Fourthly, I analyzed, compared, and presented the frequency of occurrence of certain methods of forming computer slang in the Russian language. Fifthly, I compiled dictionaries for PC users: a dictionary of computer slang for schoolchildren and gamers.

The results of this study helped me understand the role and structure of computer slang through the history of its formation in Russia, functioning in the Russian language and its use by specific individuals, i.e. PC users.

List of sources and literature used

    Beregovskaya E.M. Youth slang: formation and functioning//Issue. linguistics. M., 1996. No. 3. P. 32-41.

    Breiter M.A. Anglicisms in the Russian language: history and prospects: A manual for foreign students of Russian studies. Vladivostok: Dialogue Publishing House, 1995. 98 p.

    Vinogradova N.V. Computer slang and literary language: problems of competition // Research on Slavic languages. - 2001. - No. 6. p.203-216.)

    Golovanov N. A. Modern English-Russian dictionary of computer technologies. - M.: Buk-press, 2006 - 528 p.

    Likholitov P.V. Computer jargon. // Russian speech - 1997 No. 3 - dictionary of computer slang.

Appendix I

Method of education "Acronyms"

Method of education



Asm- ASM (Assembler)

Afk- AFK

Bgg- bgg(Bu-ga-ga)

BB - bb (bye-bye)

404 - (Ihavenoidea)

AOP- (authorized operator)

AAMOF- (As A Matter Of Fact)

AFAIK- (as far as I know)

ASAP- (as soon as possible)

ANY1- (anyone)

B4N- (bye for now)

BTW- (by the way)

CRBT- (crying real big tears)

C.U.- (see you)

FYI- (for your information)

G2G- (got to go)

GAL- (get a life)

JK- (just kidding)

H&K- (hug and kiss)

IMHO- (in my humble opinion)

KWIM?- (know what I mean)

LOL- (laughing out loud)

L.U.- (love you)

Oops - UPS

MUSM- (miss you so much)

PIBKAC- (problem is between keyboard and chair)

PITN- (pain in the neck)

POS- (parent over shoulder (change the topic))

TGIF- (thank God it’s Friday)

THX- (thanks)

W.U.- (What's up)

WUF?- (Where are you from)

IOW- in other words (in other words).

BCNU- (Be Seeing You) TTUL- talk to you later (let's talk later).

Appendix II

Method of education "Tracing paper"

Method of education


Tracing paper

Avatar- avatar

Upgrade- upgrade

Acer- acer

Bug- bug

Ban- bun


Button - button

Windows - windows

Vin- win (from Windows)

Winchester- winchester (hard drive)


Gadget - gadget

Game - game

Gamer— gamer

Gill - jabber

Dump - dump

Device - device

Dialap - dial-up

Ignore - ignore

Copy-paste - copy-paste

Nibble- nibble

Lag- lag



Overquoting- overquoting

Offtopic - offtopic

Build- build

Router- router

Runet- runet

Subj- (subj., from subject)

Rootkit - rootkit

Save - save

Skin - skin

Screenshot - screenshot

Smile - smile

Solyushen - solution

Source - Source

Softreset - softreset

Spam Spam

Stylus - stylus

Trouble - Trouble

Hard - Hard Disc Drive

Tul - tools

Cookies- cookies

Man - man (unix command)

Lag- lag

Ubuntu - ubuntu

Fake - fake

Flame - flame

Freelancer - freelancer

Hacker - hacker

Chat - Chat

User - user

Userbar- userbar

Unix- UNIX

Beech - notebook

Java - Java

Javascript - javascript

Tracker - tracker

Feature - feature

Release- release

Browser- browser

Cookies- cookies

Appendix III

Method of education "Semi-calque"

Method of education


Half tracing paper


Brand - brand name

Software - software

Avatar- avatar

IP address- IP

Upgrade- upgrade


Backup- backup


Vidyukha- vdeo card


Virtual- VirtualBox

Vir- virus

rant- (game)

Google- google

Debug - debug

Think- DOOM


Distribution- distribute

Soap - mail


Ban - to ban


XPishka - XP (Windows)

Cooler- cool

Login - login

Computer, computer-computer

Fix - fix


Rapida - rapidshare

Reboot- reboot

Simka - SIM card

Upeesnik - UPS

Flash drive - flash

Forward - forward

Querticlava- QWERTY

Cheater - cheat

Enikeyshchik - any key

Use - use

Unixoid - UNIX

Internet - internet

Locked/unlocked - locked/unlocked

ICQ, Asya - ICQ

Asma- assembler

Intrushka- intra

Manual-ser's Manual-

pussy-PC (personal computer)

Nushka - Norton Utilities(NU)

Kapetashka- Kai's Power Tools (KPT)

Executor- Execution file(EXE)

Trizheshka- Three-dimensional Studio (3DS)

Appendix IV

Method of education "Translation"

Method of education



Action(game) - 3D-shooter, Quest

Waffle - WiFi

Firewood - driver

Toad- jabber

Donkey - Internet Explorer 6


PDA - pocket (PDA)

Ognelis- Mozilla Firefox

Donkey - eMule

Semi-axle - OS/2

Closet - NetscapeNavigator

Appleberry - apple

YaPapko, Yapapko - iFolder

Shared, shared resource - shared

Screw- winchester (hard drive)

Engine, Dviglo engine

Toadscript - javascript

Fill- update

Half flies - OS/2

Overclocking - overclocking

Share- share


Diesel fuel - solaris

Flask - flash

NoWardrobe - netscapenavigator

Mom, Mom, Mother - motherboard

Stump - pentium

Old - Starcraft

Oracle— Oracle database.


Glitch- incorrect program

Mofon- streamer

Blue screen (of death), bruise- Blue screen of death

Board- keyboard, which means keyboard.

Appendix V

Method of education "Phonetic mimicry"

Method of education


Phonetic mimicry

loaf- button

Bubunta- ubuntu

Vasik- BASIC

Vika - Wiki

Davis - device

Zuhel - ZyXEL

Gama - game

Irka - IRC

Captcha- CAPTCHA

Kwaka - Quake


Axis - OS

Mulya - eMule

Muscle,- MySQL

Paga- page

Tulza - tools

Troll - troll

Halva - Half-Life


XP - XP (Windows)

Bloomers - shareware

Yunikh - UNIX

Muscle, Mayskul - MySQL

Fribzdi - FreeBSD

Enikey - anykey

Puff-puff - PHP

Mesaga - message

Linux, Lin, Lyalikh, Lyulich- OS Linux.

Skis, Lazha— LG company.

Egor- Error

Burnt firewood— CorelDraw. (King of firewood)

Emelya- email

Butt cutter-GPRS




Dictionary for gamers

Addon (from English addon)- addition to the game.

10X(from English Thx, Thnx, Ths) - Thanks - Thank you.

A.I.(from the English artificial intelligence) - artificial intelligence. The term is commonly used to describe the behavior of computer opponents in games.

Assault- network game mode.

b (from English back) - back.

BB (from English ByeBye) - Bye.

bbiab(from English be back in a bit) - I’ll be back very soon.

BBIAF(from English Be back in a few minutes) - I'll be back in a few minutes.

BBIAH(from English Be back in an hour) - I'll be back in an hour.

BBIAM(from English Be back in a minute) - I'll be back in a minute.

BBIAS(from English Be back in a second) - I'll be back in a second.

BBL(from English I "ll be back later) - I'll be back later.

BBS (from English Be back soon) - I'll be back soon.

BE4(from English Before) - Before.

B.F.(from English 1. Boyfriend 2. battlefield) - 1. Beloved guy, 2. Place of battle.

bg(from English bad game) - bad game - usually said after the game.

BRB(from English I "ll be right back) - I'll be right back.

BTW(from English By the way) - By the way.

Capture the Flag(from the English CTF) - Capture the flag, network game mode.

Deathmatch- online game mode, where everyone plays for themselves.

Easy- level of difficulty of the game for beginners (normal - medium, hard - complex).

F2F(from English Face to face) - Face to face, face to face.

faf(from English funny as f**k) - very funny (in a rude manner).

FAQ(from English Frequently asked questions) - Frequently asked questions.

ffs(from English for f**k's sake) - for the sake of this (in a rude manner).

FTW(from English for the) win) - for victory.

FW(from English Freeware) - Free.

fwiw(from English for what it’s worth) - what will it cost us?

fya(from English for your amusement) - for your entertainment.

FYI(from English For your information) - Information for you.

GF(from English 1. Girlfriend, 2. good fight) - 1. Beloved girl 2. Good fight.

gg(from English good game) - good game- usually said after the game.

G.J.(from English Good Job) - Good job.

G.L.- (from English good luck) - good luck!

GR8(from English Great) - Amazing.

gs- 1) good shot, great shot. 2) game speed - 1) cool, good shot. 2) game speed.

GT(from the English good try) - a successful attempt.

GTG, g2g (from English I got to go) - I have to go.

gw(from English good work) - good work.

LAN(from English local area network) - local network, i.e. a collection of computers connected to each other.

T.A.(from the English Team Attack) - a deliberate attack by a player from his team.

TK(from the English Team Kill) - deliberate murder.

Alliance(from the English alliance) - an association of several clans, has its own name.

Bug(from the English bug) - an error or defect in the game, left.

Ban(from the English Ban) - administrative punishment.

Basecamping(from the English basecamping) - when a member or members of the attacking team remain in respawn for a very long time.

In the gut(sometimes “in the pipe”) - A narrow, long, closed, dimly lit area of ​​the map.

Gamer- player.

Geodata- Coordinate points for monsters and players, superimposed as an invisible grid on the game world.

Glitch- some kind of error.

GM, GameMaster(from English gm, game master) - game administrator.

Grena(from English HE grenade) - Explosive grenade.

Group, party, party(from the English party) - several players united in one group.

Device- any device, object, applicable to both manipulators and keyboards, and objects in the game.

Diarrheal lynx- move in short runs (5-20 m) followed by squatting for a few seconds.

Disconnect(from English disconnect) - disconnect from the game.

Length- as a rule, a long segment on the map, with open space.

Drop(from the English drop), loot (from the English loot) - things that fall from something or someone.

A game- a certain period of time or a set of points for which the result is determined.

Inventory(from the English inventory) - a window in which all the things that the character has in his hands are displayed.

To(from English k) - thousand.

Kalash- AK-47 assault rifle.

Ku(from English re) - from “respect” - usually a response to the greeting of an entering player.

Kemper- a man who always sits in a secluded place and kills people running past.

Kik(from the English Kick) - Ejection from the server. Light administrative punishment for minor violations of gaming discipline.

kk, m(from English kk, m) - million.

Clan- a large association of players.

Config(from the English Config) - a set of typical player settings and operations in the form of scripts (for example, buying a weapon). Individual for each player.

Crack- a program for hacking the game, so that it is possible to play on an unlicensed game or without using the original disc.

Lag- a delay that occurs in a network game due to poor communication or server overload.

Lags, brakes(from English lags) - the character performs all actions with a delay due to some technical reasons on the server, due to communication or due to technical reasons on the client’s computer.

Lamerili bot- an inept player.

Mapa(from the English Map) - Game map.

Nick, nickname- player's nickname.

Old school- (from English old school) a very good player.

Online(from English online) - located in the game.

Father- a player who is very good at playing a game.

Offline(from English offline) - absent from the game.

Patch- a program from the developer that corrects errors in the game or complements the game.

Persian, charm(from the English char) - A game character controlled by the player.

Ping- a program that calculates the response time of the computer to the server (calculated in milliseconds), the lower the ping, the more comfortable it is to play, sometimes ping means the same as lag.

PC(sometimes PK) - a character who killed another non-resisting character, i.e. in an unfair fight, or the number of such kills.

Replanting- use of level architectural features to set up ambushes.

Settle in with a sponsor- run with a pistol in hand to rush after someone in order to either pick up his gun after his death or pick up the gun of the one he kills.

Progamer- a player who plays computer games professionally.

Randomizer(from the English random) - a person holding the trigger when shooting, i.e. shooting with a clamp in very long bursts almost at random.

Jump, jumping- movement of the player forward with simultaneous jumps, in some games increases the speed of movement.

Rush- a quick attack on a specific point in order to crush the enemy using a numerical advantage.

Respawn(from the English respawn) - the constant revival of opponents or players during the game at certain points.

Soundtrack(from the English soundtrack) - the musical accompaniment of the game. It is usually denoted by the abbreviation “OST” (from English, for example, “Need for Speed Underground 2 OST").

Screen, Screenshot(from English screenshot) - a picture of what you now see on the monitor in a separate file.

Blind frag- killing an enemy without seeing him.

Save- a file responsible for saving progress in the game.

spinogryz- a player who tries to go behind the enemy’s back, a tactician who knows the map well.

Splash damage- not direct damage. When a projectile or magic causes blast damage.

Spray- type of shooting when the shooting button is pressed and shots are fired with a large spread of bullets.

Stats, options(from English stats) - certain characteristics of a character or their values.

Strafe, strafes- move sideways, keeping the target in front of your eyes.

Save- a recording file created when the game is saved.

Textures- This is a visible image stretched over character models or terrain.

Brakes, the game slows down- twitching of the picture in the game is due either to lags or to a weak computer.

Trainer- a special program that allows you to display an infinite amount of resources in the game, make the main character immortal, and so on. In other words, its effect is similar to that of codes.

Level(from English lvl) - an indicator of the character’s level.

Feature(from English feature) - some unique feature of the game.

Flash(from English Flash) - Flash grenade.

Flood- writing meaningless or unreasonably frequently repeated chat messages.

Frag(from the English frag) - points that are awarded to a player during a network game for killing opponents. Each enemy killed is one frag.

Full(from English full) - complete.

Freebie- a player standing still and moving away from the computer.

Headshot(from English headshot) - hit in the head.

Heel, Heel(from English heal) - to treat.

Hint(from the English hint) - an additional feature.

Czekh- lamer, but with rare glimpses of play.

Cheater- a person who uses cheats, for example, to see through walls or shoot in the head without aiming.

Cheats(from English cheats) - programs that allow the player to see through walls, shoot in the head without aiming, not lose health when wounded, etc.

exp(from English exp) - experience or experience points.

Unit- 1 operating unit.


Dictionary for schoolchildren

Avatar- the picture that the user uses as a network resources, intended for communication, for example, on forums.

Avik (avishnik, avishka)- video file in .AVI format.

Autogad- computer-aided design system AutoCAD

Azer- computer manufactured by Acer

ID, ID guy(English ID, identificator) - identifier.

IP, IP(English IP) - IP address.

AKA- (English Also Known As - “also known as:”) - a pointer to an alias, a person’s network nickname.

Account- Account.

Alpha version- the first, “raw” version of the program.

Upload(English upload) - uploading files to a remote server.

Update(English update - update). 1) updating software products; 2) updating the Yandex search database.

Upgrade(English upgrade, up - increase, grade - quality) - increasing system performance by replacing modules or adding additional elements.

Upgrade- update something to the latest version.

Archiver- a computer program for packing files.

ICQ(from the English ICQ - "i-c-q") - a program for instant messaging.

Attach(English attachment - attachment) - a file attached to an email.

Outglitch(eng. MS Outlook) - built-in Windows email client.

Bug(English bug - bug) - a permanent error (failure) in the program. The result of shortcomings in computer program leading to unwanted or unexpected actions, or preventing it from running at all.

Bynet- Belarusian or Belarusian-language part of the Internet (bynet, from the name of the domain

Byte- unit of measurement of information equal to 8 bits.

Ban- temporary or permanent ban for the user. “Ban, impose a ban” - introduce a temporary ban for the user to do anything (write new messages or view them). Used on forums or chats.

Jar. 1) computer system unit. 2) packaging of blanks on the spindle (See. Blank).

Banner- static or animated advertising image.

Bath attendant- a person (designer) who makes banners.

Baht. 1) email client The Bat! 2) same as Body shirt.

Body shirt- DOS/Windows batch batch file (bat file) with the extension .bat.

loaf(English button - button) - a key on the keyboard. (English press button) - work on the keyboard. - work with the mouse. - Magic Button in ZX-Spectrum.

Tower- tower computer case.

Accordion- a very old, well-known, bearded story.

White assembly- computer components assembled in one of the European countries or the USA.

Squirrel, delirium tremens- spontaneous reboot of the computer for unknown reasons.

Beta version- an almost completed version of the program, which is launched to the public “for testing”, with a request to inform the author about all its errors or wishes, suggestions for improving its work Beta tester- any user of the beta version of the program who reported to its author about noticed shortcomings.

Bizya(English busy "busy") - the state of a busy telephone line.

Bit - minimum unit measuring the amount of information from Bi nary digi T, 0 or 1.

Beaten- broken, spoiled. Broken link- a link to a non-existent Internet address.

Crap. 1) CD; 2) one of the disks of the disk package inside the hard drive. Beeper (English beep) - built-in speaker.

Hipster, be-em-pashka, bitmap- graphic file with extension .bmp.

bNOPNYA- Word converted from KOI8-R encoding to CP1251. Characterizes an incorrectly configured local setting or words obtained when viewing text in one encoding when it is written in another.

Blank- blank recordable CD/DVD disc.

Bot(from the word “robot”) - a program that emulates human actions, sometimes with the rudiments of artificial intelligence.

Browser(English browser - viewer) is a program installed on the user’s computer that allows you to view documents in certain formats (html, xml, etc.) and, if you have an Internet connection, receive the specified page from a web server.

Action game. 1) browser (English browser); 2) a first-person (quest) or shooter type game.

Brand(from the English brandname) is a well-known trademark of a large manufacturer.

Brand assembly- assembled by one of the reputable computer companies (IBM, Dell, HP, etc.).

Breakpoint(English break point) - break point. The place in the program code where execution should be interrupted. Used for debugging. Beech, byaka(from English notebook) - laptop.

Rubble(English boot - load) - boot. A boot virus is a boot virus. Butyavka - boot floppy disk, CD. Boot - reboot the computer.

Bad block(eng. bad block) - a damaged cluster (data storage unit) of a disk storage medium where information cannot be written.

Bad sector(eng. bad sector) - a damaged sector of a disk storage medium where information cannot be written. Backup(English backup) - backup copy. Back up, make a backup - create a backup copy.

Varese, Varese, Varese (English wares)- illegally distributed paid software.

Broom- hard drive, hard drive (see also Screw).

Rope- wire, channel, network cable.

Vidyukha- video card.

Windows (Windows, Windows, Windows, take it out, stink)- Windows operating system.

Vinduzyatnik- a disparaging name for a Windows OS user. Screw- hard drive, hard drive.

Vir- computer virus.

hang- a state of the operating system in which it does not respond to requests.

Dedicated office- a type of connection with a provider (Internet access service provider), when data is transmitted through a special dedicated line. Take out two pieces- OS Windows 2000 (Win2k).

Pull- download anything from the Internet.

Three finger exit- Ctrl+Alt+Del.

Gama(English game) - game.

Gamer- from English gamer - player, a person who constantly plays computer games.

Gestbook, gesta(English guestbook) - guest book.

Gig- gigabyte. GIF, GIF- GIF graphic format.

Worm - network virus.

Glitch- an incomprehensible, inexplicable failure of a program or operating system. see also Bug.

Glitch- work with errors (about a computer program, script). Head- processor.

Blue tooth- Bluetooth interface.

Blue giant- IBM.

Naked grandfather- Gold Edit editor.

Burnt firewood

Thermometer, progress bar- visual display of a process (usually as a percentage).

Coffin- The computer case.

To smash (to kill, ruin, demolish)- erase file(s) or uninstall the program; destroy, corrupt (file, database, program) purposefully or by mistake.

Rodent- computer mouse.

Google- search for information in the Google search engine.

Guevy- an application that has a gui (see Gui). In a broader sense, anything related to gui.

Goo, goo, goo(GUI - Graphical User Interface) - GUI user, that is, an interface with windows and buttons.

Guru- an experienced specialist, master, cool programmer.

Dilap, dialap(English dial-up) - a type of connection with a provider when data is transmitted through a telephone line using a modem.

Download(English downLoad) - downloading files from the server.

Engine, engine- a dedicated application part of the program code (program/part of a program/software package/library) for the implementation of a specific application task. As a rule, the application part is separated from the program for use in several projects and/or separate development/testing.

Two-headed- refers to a computer with two monitors.

Two-piece, two-tonner- OS Windows 2000 (Win2k).

Debug(English debug) - look for errors in the program, debug the program (catch bugs in the program).

Device, device(English device - “device”) - any device, module for a computer? structurally complete technical system, having a specific functional purpose.

Maid- same as Device. - system message. - system message.

Dolphin- a programmer who writes programs in Delphi.

Demo. - incomplete (trial, demo) version of a program or game.

Tree- directory layout structure on the server.

Default(English default) - values ​​assigned to parameters automatically () in the event that the user has not given them one of the valid values. By default - by default.

Jipeg, Jipeg- graphic file in JPG, JPEG format.

Jeep live- convert a graphic file to JPG format.

Dimka- DIMM memory module.

Directory- folder.

Distribution- a software package intended for distribution.

Document t - information object (text file, picture).

Board(from the second part of the word keyboard: board - board) - keyboard. - enter data from the keyboard.

Firewood(English drive) - drivers.

Oak- VirtualDub program (NunDub, VirtualDum Mod).

Think- play a computer game.

Doomer- an avid gamer.

Fool, Durik - AMD processor Duron.

Hole- a method not provided for by software developers and allowing unauthorized access to something. Most often the word is used when discussing hacking something.

Emelya, Emlo(from English e-mail) - email (see also Soap).

Egor- (from English error) error.

HEDGEHOG- EGA standard monitor.

Emelya- from the Russian reading of the English word e-mail, soap.

Toad, frog. 1) language Java programming. 2) see Phototoad.

Toadscript- JavaScript programming language.

Zhab(b)er, Zhaber Jabber is an open protocol for fast messaging.

Fry. 1) compress files using a JAR archiver; 2) burn files to a CD (CD-R or CD-RW).

Iron- computer components.

Yellow assembly- computer components made in China, Singapore, etc. Currently, the term has lost its relevance, since the vast majority of computer electronics are produced in Asian countries.

LJ, ZhiZha- a diary posted on or the Live Journal service itself.

Butt cutter- GPRS.

Buzz. 1. Establish a connection using a modem. 2. Make an entry in LiveJournal. It is used in two opposite meanings: a) write something topical that will receive a lot of comments from other users; b) write about something that is not interesting to others and is boring.

Ban(from English to ban) - prohibit a user from writing messages on a forum or chat, deny access to any resource.

Freeze- an irregular state of the operating system or application software, in which the system or program does not respond to user actions.

Fill- upload the file to the server.

Request- a set of words and service symbols characterizing the information that the user wants to find.

Zvukova- sound card.

Zip- use an archiver that compresses data into zip format.

Zipun, zipper, zipped- archive in ZIP format.

Zuchel, Züchsel, Züchel- equipment from ZyXEL.

PS- Post Scriptum (the letters ZY are on the keyboard in the same places as the Latin P and S, respectively). If initially “ZY” appeared in messages as a result of forgetfulness or absent-mindedness (the user did not switch from the English keyboard layout to Russian), now “ZY” instead of “PS” is usually used deliberately or out of laziness.

IE- MS Internet Explorer browser (see also Donkey, Donkey).

IMHO(from the English In My Humble Opinion, used online as abbreviation IMHO- “in my humble opinion”) - I have an opinion, I want to voice it; I think; It seems to me (later humorous transcript: I have an opinion, you can’t argue with it).

Intrushka(English intro) - a screensaver representing a software product.

Internet- Internet.

Irda (from the English IrDA - Infrared Data Association)- infrared port.

Irka- online communication system IRC (Internet Relay Chat).

Bloodhound, bloodhound- search system.

Donkey- Internet Explorer browser (from the abbreviation IE).

XPya, XPy- OS Windows XP

Stone- central processor.

Casual(English casual - random, irregular, fickle) - a person who does not seriously and constantly study a subject and is not deeply interested in it, but shows interest from time to time.

Casual games- games intended for a casual audience. Most often distributed through the shareware system.

Pocket- a device for connecting a hard drive to a computer.

Rocking chair- a program for downloading files from the Internet.

Quaker- player of the computer game Quake.

Croak- play Quake.

Keyboard- floating fluid.

Cybersquatting- seizure or theft of domain names for the purpose of resale.

Kilo, Kilogram, Kb- kilobytes.

Klava- keyboard.

Brick- central processor.

Pussy- see Cisco.

Klava- keyboard.

Klikuha- 1. Computer mouse. 2. Selected nickname used on the Internet (colloquial).

Male- cable.

Picking, picking- editor for working with vector graphics Corel Draw Encoder- programmer.

A sorcerer, however!- an expression applied to a programmer who managed to fix in a couple of minutes something that others had been struggling with for at least a day.

Computer- computer, PC.

Compach- CD.

Wolf Commander- Volkov Commander file manager.

Combiner (Tractor driver)- someone who constantly uses the keyboard in FPS (First Person Shooter) games.

Computer- computer.

Connect- connection to the Internet.

Contra, KS- Counter-Strike.

Config, conf. 1. Conference, forum. 2. Program configuration file, which contains the settings of this program.

Root- the first directory in the tree on the disk (root directory).

King of firewood, Korelian firewood, Clumsy firewood- editor for working with vector graphics Corel Draw.

Cracker- a person who hacks security systems (they are often mistakenly called hackers).

Krakozyabry- problems with document encoding.

Red assembly- computer components assembled in the CIS.

Red eye- infrared port.

Crack, crack, crack, quack(English to crack - to split) - a program cracker.

Cracker, Cracker- cm. Cracker.

Grunt, crack- hack the program.

Ku. 1. Greetings in chats (from the movie "Kin-dza-dza!"). 2. English Re(), typed in the Russian keyboard layout.

Kudwacker- Quake player, a computer shooter game.

Cool, cool(from English Cool) - cool, cool!.

Cooler(English cooler) - a fan that cools a processor, hard drive, system unit or power supply.

Kulkhatsker- a disparaging name for someone who considers himself a hacker, or a respectful name among lamers.

Lag(English lag) - delay in data transmission over the network.

Lazarus- laser printer.

Lamer(English lamer) - a complete fool, a dummy, an incompetent user who does not want to learn anything.

Noodles- set of wires, also the name of a regular telephone wire in which two copper conductors are placed in an insulator and run in parallel, receiving radio interference, unlike a twisted pair or shielded cable.

Leftist- questionable products, manufacturer unknown. Sometimes it's a pirated copy.

The cure for greed- a program for hacking the limiting functions of an unpaid program, sometimes just a cure.

Flying car- fly type toy.

Linux (Lin, Lyalich, Lyulich)- Linux operating system.

Fox, Chanterelle- FireFox browser.

Leecher(English leech - leech) a useless participant in a file-sharing network who only downloads without giving anything in return.

Lokalka, lan, lana, lanka, doe(English LAN) - a local network that does not necessarily have access to the Internet.

LOL(English lol -) - laughter, loud laughter.

Lolka, Lolik, Lolita- a person characterized by stupid and awkward behavior and often causing laughter from others. It came from the frequent inappropriate use of the LOL remark.

Onion- Outlook Express email client.

Loser(English loser - loser) a derivative of the word "user" (user), which is of a negative, offensive nature; Jonah.

Skis, Lazha- LG company.

Lytdybr- diary. If you type a Russian word on the keyboard, forgetting to switch the keyboard from English, it works. The word was coined by Roman Leibov while developing

Chandelier- Adobe Illustrator program.

Mazda- cm. Mastday

Mozilla, Murzilka- Mozilla browser.

Mom, Mother, Uterus, Mother, Mother- motherboard.

Mastday(from the English must die - must disappear) - a disparaging name for the OS Windows family; a phrase expressing an attitude towards any low-quality product.

Manual(English manual) - user manual.

Mafon- any device with magnetic tape.

Small soft, Melkosoft- a disparaging name for Microsoft.

Messaga(from English message) - message, letter.

Merzilka- a derogatory name for the Mozilla browser.

Meter, Meg, MB- megabyte

Interlude- literal translation of English. Interface - interface.

Mirk, Mirka- IRC network, most often some channel in IRC (from the name of the popular IRC client mIRC).

Brain- RAM, RAM, random access memory.

Momed, Moped, Mudozvon- modem.

Monya, Monique- computer monitor.

Muzzle- 1. program interface, home page of a website or portal. 2. Front panel of the computer system unit.

Mpezhit- Convert to MPG file format (MPEG, MPE).

Muscle- MySQL database management system.

Soap, Soap dish- email, message to e-mail or email address (from mail).

Soap, lather- send a message by email ().

Mouse- manipulator.

Mousedrome- mouse pad.

Slice- record on discs.

Rapist- Programmer in SI language.

Nafigator- Netscape Navigator.

Uncreature- NetWare software.

Netoscope, netcabinet, cabinet- Netscape browser (see also Nafigator).

Nick(from English nickname, nick) - pseudonym, nickname.

Noname- 1. (English Noname), manufacturer unknown. 2. Website

Mink— Norton Commander.

Noter, Notik, Nutybyaka(English notebook) - laptop.

Ntikha, Ntyakha- any operating system built on the basis of NT technologies, for example Windows XP/2003.

Noob, newb(from the English “newbie” - newbie) - “teapot”, beginner, inexperienced.

Nyura— program for burning CD/DVD discs Nero Burning ROM.

Odinesnik— programmer specializing in the 1C:Enterprise system.

Window— Windows operating system.

Olya— OLE, Object Linking technology and Embedding, which allows you to edit data created in another program without leaving the main editor.

Oracle, Oracle— Oracle database.

Opsos- mobile operator.

Donkey, Donkey IE— Internet Explorer browser.

Axis- Operating system.

Axle in half (half shaft)- Operating system OS/2.

Rollback(literal translation of the English term “rollback”) - a return to the original situation when deficiencies are discovered in a new configuration of a computer system/individual application or service.

Offtopic, offtopic, offtopic- a statement not on the topic of conversation (forum, etc.) Offtopic - The message is not in the box office.

Ochepyatka- the word "typo", written with a typo, which symbolizes the meaning of the typo.

Paga(from English page) - page on the Internet.

Parse- split the page code into separate parts to extract individual data from it.

Libel— program in Pascal language.

Paskuda 1. Program in Pascal language 2. An amateur writing programs in Pascal language.

Lampoon, lampooner- a programmer who writes programs in Pascal.

Password, pass- password.

Stump, Pentyukh— central processor of the Pentium brand from Intel.

Perlovka, pearl- Perl programming language.

Peter— Peter Norton.

Pajamas- Adobe PageMaker.

Penguinux- cm. Linux.

Writer— CD burner (CD-R or CD-RW).

pussy, pussy(from the English PC, pronounced "pee-si") - personal computer, PC.

Plank- RAM module.

Platnik- host on a paid server.

Tile- printed circuit board.

Plyuynik- jet printer.

pros— C++ programming language.

Half shaft, Half shaft, Half shaft(s)- operating system OS/2.

Garbage- basket.

Fix(from English fix) - fix.

Chit- spoil; delete.

Gadget- an advanced device.

Flat- a programmer who writes programs in C++.

Prog- program.

Programmer- programmer.

Proksya- proxy server.

Firmware- program code written in non-volatile memory devices (such as a PDA, cell phone, or router).

Flash— change the firmware.

Jumping- jet printer.

Cancer(from English rack) - removable storage device.

Frame- search engine Rambler.

Rapida- file sharing server

Rare— use the RAR archiver.

Share(English share - share property) - open for collective access any resource on the local network.

Reboot(from English reboot) - reboot.

Real- life outside the Internet.

Regret, Regret- register.

Cutter— a device for recording (“cutting”) optical discs (CD-, DVD-R[W]).

Release(from the English release) - release of the program; release of the final version of the program for sale. In Varez circles, a pirated version of a program or film ready for distribution on the Internet.

Respect(from the English "Respect") - a manifestation of respect for something or someone. Piano- keyboard.

RTFM, RTFM(from the English Read The Following Manual - read these instructions) - referring the reader or questioner to the documentation.

Swears— produces error messages (usually instead of the expected result).

Rules, rules, rules(from the English rules - correct) - the highest degree of approval; very correct, good, cool.

Steer. 1. Be very cool 2. Win, surpass.

Runet- Russian or Russian-language segment of the Internet (runet, from the name

To chop, to chop- the same as playing, enthusiastically playing some game.

Subj(from English subject) - the subject of a message or email.

Sled— a device for quickly changing the hard drive without opening the case.

Sax, suks(from English to Suck - suck) - an expression of disapproval.

Die- stop working, break down.

Safe, safe- (English save) - a saved game, a save point in a game or operating system to which you can return.

Gray assembly- assembled in one of the unnamed factories around the world. As a rule, from components of the same unknown origin.

Server, server, sideboard— server.

Networker- network card.

Sidyuk- CD.

Simka— SIMM memory module.

Blue tooth, blue tooth(from English Bluetooth) - bluetooth radio communication technology.

Blue screen - Windows message about a fatal error that requires a system reboot.

Zionist- programmer writing in C language.

Sysadmin- System Administrator.


Skazevy— connected via a SCSI adapter.

Tale- SCSI adapter.

Skin(from English Skin - skin, shell) - appearance, shell, design, switchable at the user's choice.

Lick- copy completely.

Drain/fill anything - send/receive.

Snotlout, Snotlout- jet printer.

demolish— uninstall (delete) the software.

Dog, doggy- the most common name for the @ symbol.

Soretz, source(s)(English source) - the source code of the program in one or more files.

Software(from software) - software.

THX- Thank you.

Tank, be in a tank- not to be aware of the matter, to know nothing about the subject of discussion.

Greed Pill- cm. Cure (for greed).

Wheelbarrow- computer.

TV— monitor.

trample- archive.

Trample Claudia— type some text on the keyboard.

Tormozilla- Mozilla browser.

Basin. 1. Personal computer or workstation. 2. Satellite dish.

Tract- logical data transmission channel.

Tractor driver- a person who uses only a keyboard in a shooter computer game (run and gun).

Troll(from the English troll) is an anonymous Internet provocateur. On the Internet, this is the name given to people who deliberately publish (on forums, news groups) provocative articles and messages that are intended to cause conflicts between participants, flames, insults, etc. Such articles and messages themselves are also sometimes called trolls.

Trolling(from English trolling) is the process of writing provocative messages on the Internet. See Troll for more details.

Pipe Pascakal(from the English “Turbo Pascal”) is a compiler for the Pascal programming language, created by Borland.

Trojan- a computer virus that infiltrates a system and quietly transfers personal information from it to an attacker.

Thrash(English trash) - basket.

Tools(from the English tools - “tools”) - utilities.

Dill- Acorp modem.

Unih- UNIX operating system.

Urla- URL.

User(English user - user) - an inexperienced user with inflated self-esteem.

Fall asleep at the piano- fall asleep in front of the computer with your face on the keyboard.

Scrap (Scrap)— utilities, special programs intended for official purposes.

Ears- headphones.

Fileo- Files.

FAK(eng. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions) - answers to frequently asked questions. Fix(from English fix) - fix.

Philes- files.

Feature(English feature - feature, property). 1. A non-obvious result of the program, similar to an error or a defect of the developer (“a documented bug is a feature”). 2. A specific function or property of software/hardware.

Flame(English flame) - insults or uninformative messages, long, fruitless arguments.

Flashenza, flash driveUSB Flash, mobile device information storage.

Flopak, floppar, flopik, flopovod, flopgnoz- floppy drive.

Flop- Floppy Disk.

Flood(English flood) - a meaningless flow of information; repeated repetition of identical or almost identical messages.

Flood— write a large number of identical or almost identical messages.

Font(from English Font) - font.

Windows- cm. Window.

Phototoad— 1) Program Adobe Photoshop. 2) collage, fake photo created in Adobe Photoshop Photozhop, Photozhop - Adobe Photoshop.

Frivar(from the English freeware) - a free software product.

Freelancer (from the English freelance - freelance, civilian) - a person hired for one-time jobs (usually related to web design or programming) and working remotely.

Hack(English hack). 1. Initially (born at the University of Berkeley) a modification of the program code that allows you to reduce the size of the program, expand functionality or speed up its operation, finally just a beautiful programming solution 2. a non-standard, sometimes not the most beautiful solution to a problem, usually based on the use of features of some -or platforms. 3. process of hacking protection. 4. modifier program.

Hacker(English hacker). 1. A person who loves to study the details of programmable systems, studying the issue of increasing their capabilities, as opposed to the majority of users who prefer to limit themselves to studying the required minimum. 2. Someone who programs with enthusiasm (even obsessively), or who loves to program, rather than just theorize about programming. 3. An expert on a particular computer program, or someone who frequently works with it. 4. Someone who enjoys intellectual challenges involving creatively overcoming or working around limitations. 5. An attacker trying to dig personal information other people for selfish purposes. The correct term for this meaning is “cracker.”

Quickie- work, part-time job.

hack- engage in hacking

Hamster. 1) Homepage(English homepage). 2) computer user. 3) Windows XP Home Edition user

Hard. 1) hard drive, hard drive (from the English Hard Disc Drive); 2) computer equipment, hardware, Hardware(from the English hardware).

Halva, Freebie, Halfa- computer game Half-Life.

Khatsker, Kul-khatsker- a disparaging term for someone who fancies himself a hacker.

HZ(an abbreviation of the phrase “who the hell knows” or, if you like, an obscene version instead of the word “horseradish”). “I have no idea,” “I don’t know,” “I have no idea.”

Khryusha, Khrya, Hp, HaPe, Khren— Windows XP OS. Other decoding options - Shitty Works, Horseradish You can figure it out.

Virgin, Cellulite- Intel Celeron processor.

Cisco- products of Cisco Systems, Inc.

Tsukhel, Tsukhel (Zukhel)- modem from ZyXEL.

TCC- www. in Russian keyboard layout.

FAQ- Frequently asked questions (see also FAC).

Kettle- a novice computer user, an inexperienced user, a person who does not know how to use a personal computer expediently and to the extent required for it.

Chatlanin- permanent chat participant.

Suitcase— external storage device.

Worm(English worm) - network virus, i.e. a type of computer virus that spreads mainly through a local or global computer network.

Turtle- modem.

Cheater(English cheat - scam, cheater - swindler) - a computer game player who tries to deceive the program either using its features, or using cheat codes or cheat programs.

CHMUK- CMYK (color layout - cyan, magenta, yellow, cobalt).

Trousers(from the English shareware) - shareware software.

Balls, Shared or shared resources(from the English shared) - files, folders, disks, etc. open to public access.

Wardrobe, NetCabinet- Netscape Navigator.

Hose, Lace- cable.

Enikey(from English any key) - any key.

Enikeyschik. 1. specialist involved technical support users in any office (helps illiterate users in situations like “press any key to continue”). 2. A user who presses all the buttons in a row without understanding.

Entya, Entyakha- operating room Microsoft system Windows NT.

Enuresis(from the English Unerase) - a utility for restoring erased files.

Usability(from the English Usability) - ease of use of the site.

Use something (from the English use) - to use (for example, a computer program).

User, Yuzver(from English User) - user.

User agent(from the English USER-AGENT) - a string identifying the visitor’s browser, transmitted to the web server in one of the request headers.

Userpic— a picture that the user chooses as his “face”.

Unixoid- user of a UNIX family operating system.

Unikh- UNIX OS.

Yabloko- user of Apple Macintosh computers.

Java- cm. Toad.

Yaka- Yandex Catalog.

Yahoo, Yahoo- Yahoo search engine.

Yasha- Yandex search engine.

Tsyutsyurupa Igor

Research work of a 7th grade student for school scientific-practical conference



Computer slang


The topic of my work is the description of computer slang, i.e. the specific language of computer users, programmers and electronics engineers. The material for the study was dictionaries of computer slang obtained from the Internet.

This topic is relevant in connection with the computerization of our society, which is proceeding at a very fast pace. More and more people use computers in their professional activities, in school, at home and for entertainment. Knowledge of computer slang unites people, facilitates real and virtual communication Internet users, allows you to exchange information in a concise form, thereby saving time and money.

Goal of the work: study computer slang as a condensed form of information exchange on the Internet.
Main tasks of the work:

– classification of computer vocabulary by thematic groups;

Identification of functions performed by computer slang.

Basic methods:

Collection of information;

Search work on the Internet;

Working with dictionaries.

Main part.

1. The history of computer slang

Rapid growth from the second halfXX centurycomputer technologies, and, in particular, mass implementation in the mid-1980s into everyday use by the average personpersonal computersand computer devices included inRussian languagea huge number of special words and expressions, rich ramified terminology. Later, thanks to the start of publication in 1988 of the PC World magazine (at first 100% translated), which became very popular, a “collapse” occurred: English-language terms and abbreviations, often in English spelling, filled the pages of magazines and clogged the speech of specialists. Eg - LAN card, microprocessor, operating system, formatting, installation, Winchester, pixels, dialog window, displayand others. Many of these terms areAnglicisms, but there are also words from other European languages. Together with new technology, they introduced into the human worldcomputer games, where there are also certain individual designations of things, such asquest, RPG, deathmatch and etc.

2. Classification of computer slang

According to the sphere of use, 3 types of slang can be distinguished:

  1. Professional
  2. Gaming (gaming)
  3. Blogger

All types are associated, of course, with communication. You can even create mini-dictionaries for all these types.

  1. Professional

Professional slang slang, used among professionals (or almost professionals).

Examples from the “Dictionary of Professional Computer Slang”:

  • Alfia – raw version of the program, alpha version.
  • Antivir - distorted “antivirus”.
  • Bug - a failure in the program due to its flaw.(On this topic there is interesting story. The first bug was found and caught in the computer Mark. The fact is that “Bug” is a beetle translated from English. And due to the fact that Mark I is a huge computer, the beetle was found to be real. The bug was caught and entered into the fault log, because, being on the computer, it was the cause of the problems).
  • Vir – mangled "virus".
  • Blank - clean recordableCD or DVD.
  • Backup - do backup (English backup ), create backups.
  • Weigh, Weigh - have/has a size (aboutfile). See also: meter, hectare, ton.
  • Gadget -
  1. programs included insidebaroperating system.
  2. technical device, from gadget.
  • Device ( English device ) - any device, a structurally complete technical system that has a specific functional purpose.
  • Debug ( English debug ) - look for errors in the program, debug the program (catchbugs V proge)
  • Firewood ( English driver) - drivers
  • Iron - components for computer.
  • Ban, amuse - prohibit the user from writing messages inforum or chat(from English to ban ), deny access to any resource.
  • Zip - use archiver, which compresses data into the formatzip.
  • Internet - Internet.
  • Kasperych, Kasper, Kashpirovsky, Kashpersky - Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
  • Copy-paste, copy-paste- from English Copy-Paste - copy and paste.
  • Masday, Mazda - (English must die ) negative disposition towards a low-quality product.
  • Ognelis - browser Mozilla Firefox.
  • RAM - RAM.
  • Stump, Pentyukh - CPU stamps Pentium companies Intel.
  • Penguin House - OS user onLinux kernel, whose mascot ispenguin.
  • Raise with three fingers, Send to three buttons - restart the computer by pressing simultaneouslykeyboard shortcuts Ctrl + Alt + Del .
  • Release ( Englishrelease) - release of the program; release of the completed program for sale.
  • Runet- Russian or Russian-language part of the Internet (runet,
  • Subject - ( English subj. , abbreviation for English subject ) topic of conversation, usually on a forum; what is indicated in the subject field of the message.
  • Skin- (from English skin - skin, shell) appearance, shell, design, switchable by user choice.
  • Screenshot, Screen ( English screenshot - a screenshot or part of the screen.
  • Software - software, from software.
  • Flash drive, flash drive, flash drive - (English flash ):
  1. USB Flash, mobile storage device.
  2. A program written in Macromedia Flash.
  • Phototoad(from the name raster graphics editorAdobe Photoshop)
  • Hacker - (Englishhacker)
  1. A person who enjoys a thorough understanding of the internal functioning of systemscomputers and in particular, computer networks.
  2. An attacker trying to dig up sensitive information.
  3. Burglar. From here password hacker, network hacker (network hacker). However, not every cracker is a hacker.
  • Kettle - an inexperienced user, a person who does not know how to efficiently use a personal computer to the extent necessary for him.


Gaming slang is slang used among gamers (computer players).

The word “gamer” itself is a living example of gaming slang. While in public places, you can hear out of the corner of your ear: “And yesterday I hacked in (game name, e.g. Crysis) by grid Soaked twenty bad dudes . Heels were almost at zero! but I servived! Fleshy, so mochilova was!". Shall we try to translate?

To fight is here, to fight. Net - the local network. The dude is human. Fleshy – here, big. Mochilova - battle, duel. Hely – (from the English health – health) units of lives in computer games. Survived - pronunciation from English. survived - survivor.

Gaming slang also includes words used in chat rooms in online multiplayer games. The interface of these games has windows in which players can use very big reduction words, quickly correspond with a partner in battles, campaigns, etc.

Here are the most simple examples about this theme:

Action - toytype "quest" orfirst person shooter.

Gait, Gait - play

Game, Gama - Computer game, from English game

Gamer - from English gamer - player, person who playscomputer games.

Kwaka, Kwacha - GameQuake.

Halva - Half-Life(the name of a very famous game).

3. Language of the Internet

Language of the Internet - slang used by bloggers or journalists. An integral part of this language are memes, lulz, and emoticons. It is impossible to imagine the language of the Internet without anonymity and nihilism. Here is the material provided by the :

  1. Memes (meme - from the English memory (memory) + gene (gene)) arise in various communities, and often they are characteristic of the community and incomprehensible to everyone else. This is a word, phrase or expression, a kind of phraseological unit. A meme can arise in almost any community, especially if the community is online: in LiveJournal - “I spit in the portrait of Fitzpatrick”, on some entertainment resource. The faster the meme will spread across the network, the more people there are in the community, and the more general the topic of the meme itself.

Besides, whole category memes arose on the basis of the extreme hostility of the Internet community to the impenetrable stupidity of some of its representatives - lamers (“Internets”), old farts (“not the same”, “these are yours”), “gopniks” (“like bae”), pick-up artists (“ breaking the pattern"), pirates ("overbrain"), individuals ("a little more than half"), etc. Their use is irony.

The most famous meme on the Runet is “preved bear”

  1. Lulz or lulz (English lulz, distorted “lol”) - funny. In its typical usage, “all for the lulz” or “I did it for the lulz” means that the joy derived from the action is already a sufficient reason for performing this action.

It should also be noted that not all lulz are created equal. Everyone's point of view, sense of humor, and view of the world are different; What is a successful lulz for one may well be an obscene expression for another.

3. Emoticons - constructions of brackets, colons, exclamation marks, question marks, letters, numbers, etc. Here they are:

:-) ;-) :-(:-/ :-^ :-( :-Х:-Р:-O:-! :^) 8-) В-) |-O:О) :>) [: ]d8=

In the 80s, emoticons mastered the virtual world. At the beginning of the fall semester, faculty and students at Carnegie Mellon University were animatedly discussing a certain hypothetical experiment, exchanging messages on the forum. According to the conditions of the problem they were solving, it was necessary to determine what would happen in an elevator if a lit candle was attached to its inner wall, mercury was spilled on the floor, and the cable was broken. But their thoughts were taken absolutely seriously by outsiders. A rumor spread around the university that mercury was actually spilled on the floor in one of the elevators. After this, the experimenters began to discuss with no less fervor how to designate humorous and serious notes. And already on September 19, the symbols :-) and :-(

Computer communication cannot be imagined without such a concept as anonymous (English: Anonymous, lat: Anonymvs) - unregistered user.

Almost all Internet visitors are anonymous. Any anonymous person can express the most intimate and daring thoughts without fear of persecution from the offended. For an anonymous person to exist, at least two things from the list are sufficient:

  • the ability to write freely without registering;
  • a friendly atmosphere of intellectual swagger;

The language of the Internet is based onnihilism. Nihilism isdenial of absolutely everything - both good and bad. Nihilism is one of the biggest components of the language of the internet. With sarcasm, they are inseparable concepts. For example, if one calls AvtoVAZ a good plant, then another will say that it produces TAZs. The same applies to famous people.

Here are typical examples of memes and most used expressions:

  • Author, drink poison– dissatisfaction with the text.
  • The author is fucking hotadmiration for the text.
  • Ban - English ban - prohibition for the user to send messages. "Ban, ban» - introduce a ban for the user to do anything (write new messages or view them).
  • Bash, Bashorg, BOR, “quote bookRunet»
  • Bayan, Boyan - an old, bearded story. Comes from the joke “They buried their mother-in-law - they tore two button accordions,” or from “The prophetic Boyan ...” - a hint of antiquityWords about Igor's Campaign.
  • Google - search in Internet(derived from the nameGoogle).
  • Glamorous – from English glamor - beautiful.
  • Login - log in under a specific username.

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine life without computers. Their appearance brought a lot of new words into our spoken language. Sometimes, when you hear two young men with glasses and greasy hair talking on the subway (an established stereotype of a computer “maniac”), you catch yourself thinking that they are speaking Russian, but you don’t understand a damn thing about what. It's almost new language and not everyone understands it. Without going into all the “terms,” I want to talk about the most frequently used expressions that are already used in everyday life not only by computer fanatics.

A lot of words have passed into the Russian language from English, either in translated form or without translation at all - such as, for example, the word “computer” itself (from English. computer, but in everyday life it’s simple - computer).

I would divide all these new words into categories:

  • words related directly to the computer and devices connected to it
  • words describing actions performed by a computer or with a computer
  • words related to computer software
  • words related to the Internet
  • expressions used in communication.

And so, today we will get acquainted with the main devices of a computer. In this note, we will “assemble” a computer and see what computer devices are called for real and in computer jargon.

Any computer consists of approximately the same set of devices. Computer- This is a kind of constructor. Every computer has a main or main circuit board to which all other devices are connected. It is commonly called motherboard(from English motherboard), and ultimately this name was simplified and in everyday life it is called mom, motherboard or mother. All motherboards are unified and are produced in certain standard sizes. The motherboard is installed into the case with screws and connected to the power supply.

Next to a special connector ( slot or socket), is installed CPU(percent), and since processors are currently very powerful, they get very hot, so you always install on the processor cooler(from English cooler- radiator, cooler). The motherboard has specialized connectors for various devices. All connectors are designed in such a way that even the latest lamer(from English lamer- an inept user with high self-esteem) will not be able to confuse and connect something in the wrong place.

Then it is installed in the motherboard RAM. You will hear the term more often RAM, but sometimes they use a more extravagant one - brain, which is not without logic. Next, it is installed into the case with screws HDD(from English Hard Disc Drive). This device also goes by several names − Winchester, screw, winch or xdd(from abbreviation - HDD). Screw with a special wire called plume, is connected to the corresponding connector on the motherboard, and power is also supplied to it by another wire from the power supply.

There is one last device left, without which you cannot start your computer - video card(graphics card, vidyukha or Vidyakha). There is also a special connector for it on the motherboard. There are motherboards that already have a video card built into them. As a rule, these are low-performance cards used in office computers for working with office programs.

All! The main thing has been collected! As I said, computer is a constructor and you can always supplement it with devices ( devices). Device(from English device) is any device that can be connected to a computer. So, for example, if you have LAN card (networker), or sound card (sound), then you can always connect them by installing them in the corresponding connectors on the motherboard.

In general, the entire above pile of equipment (devices) is simply called - iron:).

Not available on our computer CD/DVD drive, i.e. CD or dividyuk, and if the drive is a write drive, i.e. can burn discs, then simply - cutter. To record information using a burner drive, you will need blank recordable or rewritable discs - blanks. We will not install an already obsolete device into a computer - floppy drive (flop, flopik).

Connected to a computer monitor, mouse And clave (keyboard) we can safely turn it on!

In this post, I talked about the structure of a computer and the slang words that are used in this area. Subject computer jargon It’s quite broad and I’ll definitely touch on it again.