PPP protocol. General concepts about PPPoE. The essence of this solution

PPP (Point-to-Point-Protocol) is a second-layer protocol of the OSI model used on WAN links. PPP is an open protocol, which allows it to be used when it is necessary to connect Cisco devices with devices from other manufacturers (unlike HDLC, regarding the specification of which Cisco has its own opinion).

It's worth doing right away important note: The PPP protocol is multifunctional and widespread, but at the same time, the CCNA course discusses only one way to use it: connecting two routers to each other via a serial cable. In fact, the scope of the protocol is not limited to these cases. PPP can work through null modem cable, telephone line, in cellular communication. Other popular uses of PPP are to encapsulate it within other layer 2 protocols. Let me explain: PPP itself is at the second layer of the OSI model and provides a direct connection between two devices, but if it is encapsulated in another second layer protocol - Ethernet (PPP over Ethernet– PPPoE), then the ethernet will deliver frames from the sender’s poppy address to the recipient’s poppy address, after which the recipient will decapsulate the PPP frame from the Ethernet and then for protocols wrapped in PPP (IPv4, IPX, ...) a complete “illusion” of that will be created , that the connection is point-to-point. In this case, PPP itself will deal with such things as authentication and traffic compression. There are other ways to use PPP, such as PPP over ATM - PPPoA, Microsoft Windows uses the PPTP protocol to create a VPN, which is also an add-on to PPP. But this is all a lyrical digression to make it clear why study PPP at all. In the CCNA Accessing the WAN course, PPP is a protocol for connecting two routers via a serial cable.

What can PPP do compared to HDLC?

  1. Line quality control (PPP disconnects the link if the number of errors exceeds the specified value).
  2. Authentication using PAP or CHAP.
  3. Multilink is a technology reminiscent of Etherchannel in Ethernet: several different links are combined into one logical one, with a speed equal to the sum of the links included in it.
  4. PPP Callback is a technology used to improve security: the client establishes a connection with the server, the server breaks the connection and establishes a new one for its part - to the client.

In fact, when transmitting data from router to router, PPP is encapsulated in HDLC, which performs the "transport" functions for PPP frames. You can read more about HDLC in the article “HDLC Protocol – configuration example and description.” PPP – has a layered structure, when a PPP frame comes from the network it rises through the internal PPP sublayers from bottom to top:

  1. The first sublayer of HDLC - receives the frame, checks the recipient address, checksum and transmits useful information further.
  2. The LCP (Link Control Protocol) sublayer, as the name implies, manages the connection, sends and receives various service flags, monitors the connection state (connected/disabled), monitors line quality, and monitors the consistency of configuration parameters between points.
  3. The NCP (Network Control Protocol) sublayer consists of a large number of modules, each of which deals with communication with a specific third-layer protocol (IPv4, IPv6, IPX, AppleTalk, ...). Thanks to this, within one established PPP connection with one login and password, it is possible to transmit traffic of different network layer protocols.

Establishing a connection between two routers using the PPP protocol occurs in layers from bottom to top, breaking the connection occurs from top to bottom.

That is, communication is established in this order: LCP, NCP, third-level payload. And it breaks: end of useful data transmission, NCP, LCP. As you can see, HDLC does not establish or tear down connections, since PPP uses HDLC frames without delivery confirmation.

The PPP frame structure is as follows:

  1. FLAG is a sign of the beginning of a frame, a special sequence of zeros and ones (“01111110”), which tells the recipient that the body of the frame will follow.
  2. ADDRESS – recipient address; the PPP protocol always uses the broadcast “11111111”.
  3. CONTROL – field contains the value “00000011”
  4. PROTOCOL – a field containing the number of the third-level protocol, the packet of which is “wrapped” in this frame.
  5. DATA – field with useful data of higher protocols.
  6. FCS check sum, which is calculated when the frame is sent and compared with the resulting recalculation, which is done when the frame is received. As a result, if the sums do not match, the frame is considered “broken” and discarded.
  7. FLAG – a sign of the end of a frame, contains the same value as the sign of the beginning of a frame.

Setting up PPP on Cisco equipment, as already mentioned, the CCNA course is not difficult. It is executed on the interface:

  1. Select the compression algorithm using the compress command
  2. We set the line quality, which will be considered acceptable (if the number of errors is more than given connection will burst). The command for this is ppp quality.
  3. We select the authentication method PAP or CHAP (more information about this can be found in the article “What is the difference between PAP and CHAP". The authentication method is set by command ppp authentication.
  4. It is necessary to configure the user under which our router will connect to another. Here the commands are different for CHAP and PAP. The user himself is added by the command username<имя> password<пароль>, and this should be done not on the interface, but in global configuration mode, but in the case of using PAP, you also need to use the command on the interface ppp pap sent-username <имя> password<пароль>.

Using PAP in real configurations is not advisable, so we will limit ourselves to an example of configuring CHAP. So, suppose the topology is as follows, you need to configure PPP with CHAP authentication. Setting up on the first router:

Router#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#hostname R1 R1(config)#username R2 password 123456789 R1(config)#interface serial 0/3/0 R1(config-if)#en R1(config-if)#encapsulation ppp R1(config-if )#ppp authentication chap R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shutdown %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial0/3/0, changed state to down

Setting up on the second router:

Router#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#hostname R2 R2(config)#username R1 password 123456789 R2(config)#interface serial0/3/0 R2(config-if)#encapsulation ppp R2(config-if)#ppp authentication chap R2(config- if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shutdown %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial0/3/0, changed state to up %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0 /3/0, changed state to up

Please note that the user we create on router R1 has the name R2, and on R2 - R1. This is necessary, because when one router connects to another, it indicates its name, accordingly, the other must know this name (see it in its list local users). Another important detail: the passwords for users R1 and R2 must match.

To check we can run the command:

R2#sh ip inter brief Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol … Serial0/3/0 YES manual up up …

If the status is “up” and the protocol is “down”, then this usually means that there are some problems with PPP - incorrect authentication, passwords do not match, line quality is lower than what we ordered, etc. In this case, you will have to check the configs and run debug ppp, which I wouldn’t wish on my enemy.

PPP is the Internet standard for transmitting IP packets over serial lines. PPP supports synchronous and asynchronous lines. For some points in the discussion about PPP, as well as PPP versus SLIP, I advise you to look at the document on ftp.uu.net:vendor/MorningStar/papers/sug91 -cheapIP.ps.Z (paper) and sug91-cheapIP.shar.Z (overhead projector slides)

2.2 PPP features which may or may not be present

On both sides of compatibility with basic PPP framing, you need to know that many programs add their own additional capabilities. It is advisable to remember that not all freely distributed programs, as well as commercial programs, have a full set of all capabilities.

Demand dial (dialing on request)Connecting a PPP interface and dialing telephone numbers. numbers upon arrival of the package. Disabling the PPP interface after a period of inactivity.
RedialConnecting a PPP interface, which will not be disconnected later and will always retain the connected channel at its disposal.
Campling(see Redial)
ScriptingThe establishment through a series of messages or intermediate connections to establish a PPP connection is more similar to the sequences used to establish a UUCP connection.
ParallelConfiguring several PPP lines for the same connection to the host, to evenly distribute traffic between them. (In the process of standardization)
FilteringA selection of which packages make sense to start calling the line, and which ones it doesn’t. Based on the IP or TCP type of packet or TOS (Type of Service) when making a decision. For example, ignore all ICMP packets.
Header CompressionTCP header compression in accordance with RFC1144 Not necessary when used on high-speed lines, but very useful on low-speed lines.
ServerAccepts incoming PPP connections, which may also require additional routing.
TunnelingBuilding virtual networks over a PPP connection, through a TCP stream, through an existing IP network. (Build a virtual network over a PPP link across a TCP stream through an existing IP network.)
Extra escapingByte-oriented characters that are not included in the standard character set used when establishing a connection; they can be configured separately, but also do not overlap with those used when establishing a connection. (Byte-stuffing characters outside the negotiated asyncmap, configurable in advance but not negotiable.)

2.3 PPP glossary

Every technology acquires acronyms over time... PPP is no exception. Since almost all terms are used in their English/American transcription, it seems to me that the translation of these abbreviations does not make sense.

A.O.Active Open (recently became part of FSM in RFC1331)
CHAPChallenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (RFC1334)
DLower layer down
DESData Entry Protocol
DNADigital Network Architecture
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force.
IPInternet Protocol
IPCPIP Control Protocol.
IPXInternetwork Packet Exchange (Novell's networking stack)
FCSFrame Check Sequence
FSAFinite State Automation
FSMFinite State Machine
LCPLink Control Protocol.
LQRLink Quality Report.
MD4MD4 digital signature algorithm
MD5MD5 digital signature algorithm
MRUMaximum Receive Unit
MTUMaximum Transmission Unit
nakNegative Acknowledgment
NCPNetwork Control Protocol.
NRZNon-Return to Zero bit encoding. (SYNC ppp default because of availability)
NRZINon-Return to Zero Inverted bit encoding. (SYNC ppp preferred alternative to NRZ)
OSIOpen Systems Interconnect
PAPPassword Authentication Protocol (RFC1334)
PDUProtocol Data Unit (same as packet)
P.O.Passive open
PPPPoint to Point Protocol (RFC1548 /RFC1549,1332,1333,1334,1551,1376,1377,1378)
RCAReceive Configure-Ack
R.C.J.Receive Code-Reject
RCNReceive Configure-Nak or -Reject
RCR+Receive good Configure-Request
RERReceive Echo-Request
RFCRequest for Comments (internet standard)
RTAReceive Terminate-Ack
RTRReceive Terminate-Request
RUCReceive unknown code
scaSend Configure-Ack
scjSend Code-Reject
scnSend Configure-Nak or -Reject
scrSend Configure-Request
serSend Echo-Reply
staSend Terminate-Ack
strSend Terminate-Request
ST-IIStream Protocol
TO+Timeout with counter > 0
TO-Timeout with counter expired
V.J.Van Jacobson (RFC1144 header compression algorithm)
XNSXerox Network Services

General information

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) was developed to solve problems associated with the insufficient number of standard encapsulation tools for point-to-point IP protocols. In addition, PPP was also designed to simplify the issuance and management of IP addresses, asynchronous and bit-oriented synchronous encapsulation, network protocol multiplexing, configuration and testing of communication quality, error detection and options for establishing such network layer features as configuration addresses and setting data compression. To support the above qualities, PPP must provide control over the extended Link Control Protocol (LCP) and the Network Control Protocols (NCPs) family of protocols that are used to establish communication parameters. Today, PPP supports not only IP, but also other protocols, including IPX and DECNet.

PPP Components

PPP provides the ability to transmit datagrams over serial point-to-point lines. It has 3 components:

  • A method of providing encapsulation of datagrams over serial PPP lines using the HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control) protocol for packaging datagrams over PPP communications.
  • Extended LCP (Link Control Protocol) for installation, configuration and testing physical connection(test the data-link connection)
  • A family of protocols (NCPs) for establishing and managing other network protocols, in other words: PPP is designed to support multiple network protocols simultaneously.

General Operation

When a PPP connection is established, the PPP driver first sends LCP packets to configure and (possibly) test the communication link. After communications and additional capabilities have been established as needed via LCP, the PPP driver sends NCP frames to change and/or configure one or more network protocols. When this process ends, then network packets get the opportunity to be transmitted through the established connection. It will remain configured and active until certain LCP or NCP packets close the connection, or until some external event occurs that causes the connection to be lost (for example: an inactivity timer or user intervention)

Physical-Layer Requirements

PPP is adapted to work with any DTE/DCE interface, including EIA/TIA-232-C (RS-232), EIA/TIA-422-C(RS-422), EIA/TIA-423-C(RS-423) , ITU-T (CCITT) V.35. The only hardware requirement imposed by PPP is the presence of duplex hardware, whether dedicated or switched, that can operate on asynchronous or bit-oriented synchronous, PPP-transparent packets.

PPP Link Layer


PPP uses the principles, terminology and packet structure described by ISO documents relating to HDLC (ISO 3309-1979) and its extended version:

  • ISO 3309:1984/PDAD1 "Addendum 1: Start/stop transmission."
  • ISO 3309-1979: describes the structure of HDLC packets for use in synchronous systems.
  • ISO 3309:1984/PDAD1: describes proposals for changes to ISO 3309-1979 that would allow the use of asynchronous systems.

PPP control procedures use definitions and control fields standardized in the documents: ISO 4335-1979 and ISO 4335-1979/Addendum 1-1979.

PPP packet format:

Flag:One byte indicating the beginning or end of the packet. The flag field contains the binary sequence: 01111110.
Address:One byte containing the binary sequence: 11111111, Standard broadcast address. PPP does not support station unicasting.
Control:One byte containing the binary sequence: 00000011, which is sent to transmit user data in undivided packets. (for transmission of user data in an unsequenced frame.
Protocol:2 bytes encode the protocol packed into the PPP protocol time. The protocol values ​​can be found in the Assigned Numbers Request for Comments (RFC) document.
Data:0 or more bytes that make up the datagram of the protocol specified in the "Protocol" field. The end of the information field is determined by finding the ending sequence and the 2-byte sequence in the FCS field. Default maximum length information field 1500 bytes. However, by mutual agreement, taking into account the use of PPP, other field lengths can be used
Frame Check Sequence (FCS):Typically 16bit (2 bytes). However, by mutual agreement, 32bit (4 bytes) packet integrity control can be used.

PPP Link Control Protocol

PPP LCP provides methods for establishing, configuring, maintaining, and testing point-to-point connections. LCP is divided into 4 phases:

  • Configuration and communication - Before transmitting any datagram (eg IP), the LCP must first open a connection and perform an initial exchange of configuration parameters. This stage ends when a packet confirming the configuration has been sent and received back.
  • Determining the quality of communication - LCP allows (but does not require) to add a phase of testing the communication channel; this phase will follow immediately after the first. During this phase, it is determined whether the connection is capable of transporting any network protocol with sufficient quality. This phase is optional. The LCP must delay the transfer of any network protocol until this phase is completed.
  • Establishing Network Protocol Settings - After the LCP has finished defining the communication parameters, the network protocols must be independently configured by the corresponding NCPs, which can be started or stopped being used at any time.
  • End of connection - LCP can terminate the established connection at any time. This may occur due to user demand or due to some physical event, such as loss of carrier or the expiration of a permissible period of unused channel time.

There are three types of LCP packets:

  • Establishment packets - Used to establish and configure communications
  • Interrupt packets - Used to interrupt an established connection
  • Communication saving packages - Used for communication management and diagnostics

2.4 PPP relevant RFCs

This is a list of RFCs related to PPP. Some of these documents (obsoleted) are outdated...

  • 1717 - Sklower, K.; Lloyd, B.; McGregor, G.; Carr, DThe PPP Multilink Protocol (MP). November 1994; 21 p.m.
  • 1663 (Format: TXT=46264 bytes)
  • 1662 - Rand, DPPP Reliable Transmission. July 1994; 8 p.m. (Format: TXT=17281 bytes)
  • 1661 - Simpson, W.,edPPP in HDLC-like Framing. July 1994; 25 p.m. (Format: TXT=48058 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1549)
  • 1638 - Simpson, W.,edThe Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). July 1994; 52 p. (Format: TXT=103026 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1548)
  • 1619 - Baker, F.; Bowen, R.,edsPPP Bridging Control Protocol (BCP). 1994 June; 28 p.m. (Format:TXT=58477 bytes)
  • 1618 - Simpson, WPPP over SONET/SDH. May 1994; 4 p.m. Format: TXT=8893 bytes)
  • 1598 - Simpson, WPPP over ISDN. May 1994; 6 p.m. (Format: TXT=14896 bytes)
  • 1570 - Simpson, WPPP in X.25. March 1994; 7 p.m. (Format: TXT=13835 bytes)
  • 1553 - Mathur, S.; Lewis, M. Compressing IPX Headers Over WAN Media (CIPX). 1993 December; 23 p.m. (Format: TXT=47450 bytes)
  • 1552 - Simpson, W. The PPP Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Protocol (IPXCP). 1993 December; 14 p.m. Format: TXT=29174 bytes)
  • 1551 - Allen, M. Novell IPX Over Various WAN Media IPXWAN). 1993 December; 22 p.m. (Format: TXT=54210 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1362)
  • 1549 - Simpson, W.,ed. PPP in HDLC Framing. 1993 December; 18 p.m. (Format: TXT=36353 bytes) Obsolete by RFC 1662)
  • 1548 - Simpson, W. The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). 1993 December; 53 p. (Format: TXT=111638 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1331; Obsoleted by RFC 1661; Updated by RFC 1570)
  • 1547 - Perkins, D. Requirements for an Internet Standard Point-to-Point Protocol. 1993 December; 21 p.m. Format: TXT=49811 bytes)
  • 1378 - PPP AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP). Parker, B. 1992 November; 16 p.m. (Format: TXT=28496 bytes)
  • 1377 - PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol (OSINLCP). Katz, D. 1992 November; 10 p.m. (Format: TXT=22109 bytes)
  • 1376 - PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (DNCP). Senum, S.J. November 1992; 6 p.m. (Format: TXT=12448 bytes)
  • 1362 - Allen, M. Novell IPX Over Various WAN Media IPXWAN). 1992 September; 18 p.m. (Format: TXT=30220 bytes)
  • 1334 - PPP authentication protocols. Lloyd, B.; Simpson, W.A. 1992 October; 16 p.m. (Format: TXT=33248 bytes)
  • 1333 - PPP link quality monitoring. Simpson, W.A. May 1992; 15 p.m. (Format: TXT=29965 bytes)
  • 1332 - PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP). McGregor, G. 1992 May; 12 p.m. (Format: TXT=17613 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1172)
  • 1331 - Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for the transmission of multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links. Simpson, W.A. May 1992; 66 p. (Format: TXT=129892 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1171, RFC1172; obsoleted by RFC 1548)
  • 1220 - Point-to-Point Protocol extensions for bridging. Baker, F.,ed. April 1991; 18 p.m. (Format: TXT=38165 bytes)
  • 1172 - Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) initial configuration options. Perkins, D.; Hobby, R. 1990 July; 38 p. (Format: TXT=76132 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC1331, RFC1332)
  • 1171 - Point-to-Point Protocol for the transmission of multi-protocol datagrams over Point-to-Point links. Perkins, D. 1990 July; 48 p. (Format: TXT=92321 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1134; Obsoleted by RFC1331)
  • 1134 - Point-to-Point Protocol: A proposal for multi-protocol transmission of datagrams over Point-to-Point links. Perkins, D. 1989 November; 38 p. (Format: TXT=87352 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC1171)
  • 1144 - Compressing TCP/IP headers for low-speed serial links. Jacobson, V. 1990 February; 43 p. Format: TXT=120959 PS=534729 bytes)

It is difficult to imagine modern life without the Internet. This includes communication, shopping, work and, of course, entertainment. At the same time, few people pay attention to the intricacies of the Internet connection. But there are times when you need to understand it and the functionality of the Internet. Knowledge of the PPPoE protocol will save time and nerves. You just need to understand its operating principle, how it differs from others, how to create or delete a connection, how to calculate an error from the code and correct it.

General concepts about PPPoE

There are many types of digital data transmission, based on protocols of varying levels of complexity, efficiency and purpose. One of the most commonly used is PPPoE. English abbreviation stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. This can be translated into Russian as an Internet communication protocol via an Ethernet network on a point-to-point basis. One of them is an access server (Access Concentrator or AC for short), which belongs to the company providing the service, and the other is a PPPoE client, the owner of a laptop, computer or any gadget from which an Internet connection is established. Both participants in the process are connected using repeaters, switches, modems or other Ethernet devices.

Essentially, PPPoE works similarly to dialup (from English - remote access), with the only difference that instead of a telephone (switched) line, the session participants are connected by an Ethernet network.

Advantages of PPPoE connection

This protocol has advanced capabilities and advantages relative to analogues, such as:

  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • When transmitting information, data compression occurs, and this has a positive effect on speed, that is, the process goes faster;
  • every time you enter the network, the PPPoE protocol performs authentication, which reduces to zero the possibility of unauthorized access to the system;
  • multi-platform protocol;
  • high resistance to network failures;
  • minimum load percentage;
  • PPPoE is one of the cheapest protocols for network access;
  • data encryption without loss of bandwidth.

How does a PPPoE connection work?

Since this protocol is established by a point-to-point connection, the PPPoE communication process is divided into two stages:

  1. Initial connection. Both points (computer and server) indicate their addresses.
  2. Start a session. After “identification” the connection is started.

Initial connection

At this stage, a connection is established between the user’s device and the server owned by the Internet service provider. It is divided into two more stages:

  1. Request. The client from its point sends a request to search for the provider's server. All participants in the network will receive this signal, but only those that support this service will respond.
  2. Answer. When the point that sent the request finds the addressee, the second communication participant sends an access packet. But there are a great many participants on the network who support this protocol. Therefore, the computer that sent the request will receive many response packets. In order for the connection to be established correctly, the client software selects the desired access concentrator and returns a packet with information: provider name, IP address, and so on. If it meets all the requirements and necessary services are available, the second stage of connection begins.

Establishing a session

After the described exchange of information, the connection is started directly. This happens using PPP (packet application programs). Many, if not all, protocols use PPP connections.

Table: difference between the PPPoE protocol and L2TP

DefinitionA network protocol for transmitting information using PPP over an Ethernet connection.Tunnel protocol for data transmission using IP packets.
ReliabilityIdentification occurs through authentication followed by data encryption.A secure tunnel connection to the server, but on an unsecured network.
VolumeService packages take up minimal traffic, and as a result, the speed is much higher.Data compression does not occur, so traffic slows down.
Data exchangeThere are two parallel connections between client-server points. This relieves the system. One channel transmits data, the other - only service information. Which is also beneficial at speed.The transmission occurs through one channel; accordingly, the traffic is additionally loaded with service data.
Establishing a point-to-point connectionInstalled over an Ethernet network. This does not slow down the Internet and such a connection is always protected, since the user is authenticated using his data all the time.Installed on top of IP, which leads to line congestion.
The influence of external factors on workIt will work correctly with any setting.Very dependent on the IP network. If the IP is unstable or the same address is assigned to another client, the connection is terminated.
Requirements for connected equipmentWorks on any device.Often, connection is only possible with specific equipment.
SettingsEstablishing a connection is not difficult, following simple instructions in a few steps. Having established a connection once, the connection will then occur automatically.Establishing the connection is easy and takes just a few minutes. simple steps. On some equipment you have to enter your username and password every time you log into the network.
OtherProtection against DoS attacks.One of the best protocols to bypass VPN.
Some providers may block this protocol.

Connecting a high-speed connection

It is easy to make such a connection even for an inexperienced user. The main thing is to follow the simple step-by-step instructions.

PPPoE connection algorithm on the Windows 7 operating system

  1. Go to the “Start” menu, find the “Control Panel” item in the right column and click on it.

    Select "Control Panel" from the Start menu

  2. Open in the suggested list “Network and Internet”.

    In the network control center and shared access select the “Connection settings” column from the list

  3. In the next window that opens, select “Internet Connection” and confirm your choice by clicking the “Next” button.

    Select “Internet Connection” and confirm your choice by clicking “Next”

  4. If a contextual notification pops up with information that the Internet is already connected, ignore it and continue creating a new connection.

    Click on the “Create a new connection anyway” button to continue creating a new connection

  5. After redirection, select “High-speed (with PPPoPE)”.

    Find in the list and select “High-speed (with PPPoPE)”

  6. In the tab that opens, enter the data: login and password. They can be found in the contract drawn up with the provider company. In the “Connection name” column you need to enter any value, for example, the name of the provider or your name. And it is also important to note the point in which the computer offers to remember the entered data so that the gadget does not ask for them every time you enter the network. After checking that the data entered is correct, click “Connect”.

    Fill in all the appropriate fields and click “Connect”

  7. If everything is filled out correctly, then after authentication is complete, you will be connected to the network. You can open any convenient browser and use the Internet.

Each time you start, the connection should be established automatically. But if this does not happen, you can connect in two ways. On the toolbar at the bottom left of the screen, click on the computer icon with a wire. After that select the desired network and click the “Connect” button. Or install a connection shortcut on your desktop by following the path: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network Center” - “Change adapter settings”. After opening the folder, click on the icon right click mouse and select “Create Shortcut”.

Video: connecting high-speed PPPoPE on Windows 7

Connecting high-speed PPPoPE on Windows 10

There is no fundamental difference between PPPoPE connection for Windows 10. The algorithm is the same.

  1. Go to the Start menu, find the third value from the bottom “Settings” and select it.

    Open the Start menu and click on Settings

  2. Will open new panel, where you need to click on the “Network and Internet” icon.

    Select the “Network and Internet” icon among the settings

  3. In the new tab, select the “Ethernet” column.

    In the left column, select "Ethernet"

  4. In the redirection, click on “Create and configure a new connection or network.”

    Select the line “Creating and setting up a new connection or network” to go to the connection settings

  5. Next, a direct connection to the network is made. To do this, you again need to select the first column “Internet Connection” and click the “Continue” button.

    Click “Connect to the Internet” and confirm your choice with the “Next” button

  6. IN next tab You need to click on “High-speed (with PPPoE)”.

    Click on the “High-speed (with PPPoE)” column to select this type of network connection

  7. After this, you will be asked to authenticate - enter your username or login, as it is commonly called among Internet users, and a password. You should also check the box that contains information about permission to use the network for others if you want to make access open. In the column with the connection name, you can specify any one. After entering all the necessary data, click the “Connect” button.

    Enter necessary information in all fields and click “Connect”

  8. After some time, no more than a few seconds, the Internet connection will be established. You can work online.

Creating a PPPoE connection on Ubuntu

You can configure PPPoE in Ubuntu using a utility called pppoeconf. To use it, you must have superuser access rights. You can run the pppoeconf utility using the sudo command. To do this, you need to go through the following path: “Applications” - “Standard” - “Terminal”.

  1. Enter the command sudo pppoeconf. Sometimes an administrator password may be required. After entering it, press Enter.

    Go to Terminal and enter the command sudo pppoeconf

  2. Upon completion of the search, a list of detected network devices will be displayed, among which you need to find the one you need and confirm your choice by pressing the “Yes” or Enter button.

    Select the desired network and confirm your choice

    The search for PPPoE will begin. If the gadget cannot establish a connection, you need to check the cable to see if it is connected correctly.

    Wait for the server search to finish

    The next step is to confirm the options: noauth - connect in the future immediately without server authentication, defaultroute - always choose the specified route.

    Confirm route and authentication

    Afterwards, a notification about the dsl-provider configuration change will open. It is advisable to make a backup copy. If critical errors occur during subsequent work, you can restore the previous version.

    Select "Yes" to confirm configuration changes

    In the new window that opens, you must enter the login provided by the provider and confirm it by pressing the Ok button.

    Enter login

    The password is entered accordingly.

    enter password

    In the new tab you need to confirm automatic addition server addresses.

    Confirm automatic selection specified server

    In the next two windows also click “Yes”.

    Click "Yes" to continue

    Confirm the settings.

    Click "Yes" to test the installation

Video: instructions for connecting PPPoPE on Ubuntu

Removing a PPPoPE connection

Sometimes there is a need to delete an already created connection, for example, if it was duplicated by mistake. All three methods described below are suitable for any Windows system.

Removal via "Control Panel"

We follow the already known path: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Sharing Center” - “Changing adapter settings.”

In this menu you can find and delete unnecessary connections

Then you need to find an unnecessary or redundant connection and delete it. To do this, you need to call the context menu with the right mouse button and select the “Delete” line. Naturally, it must be disabled before deleting.

If the Delete icon is grayed out, it means you do not have administrator rights. You must first gain access to the gadget’s system folders, and then follow the same path.

Removal via Device Manager

This method occurs through the device manager, so you need to be very careful not to delete the necessary physical device. The algorithm is as follows: “Start” - “Computer” - “Properties” - “Device Manager”. In the section that opens, you need to find the line “ Network adapters" (on some devices this line is called " Network devices") and select the adapter name you want to delete.

Right-click to open the context menu and click “Disable”.

Removal via the “Run” line

This method is more complex, so you need to be sure that you have enough skills and knowledge. “Start” - “Run” - enter regedit in the line and click OK. Next, in the Profiles section, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles. In the right column you need to select unnecessary registries and delete them.

When finished, reboot your device.

Common PPPoE errors and how to fix them

It often happens that the connection is not as smooth as we would like. Error messages pop up when connecting. Each of them is assigned a code by which you can find out the cause and eliminate it. There are a lot of such errors, but most of them are easy to fix yourself.

Table: error codes when connecting PPPoE, their causes and solutions

Error codeCauses of occurrenceRemedies
  • the login or password was entered incorrectly;
  • negative balance;
  • The login is already authorized on the server.
  • check and enter your username and password again;
  • top up your account;
  • check the connection, it may already be connected.
651 There is no response from the server.Wait a while and restart your computer.
These errors are combined into one group. May be caused by a damaged cable, errors with incorrect computer settings or antivirus software. Maybe due to problems with the provider's server.Check if the cable is connected correctly.
Disable antivirus and firewalls;
contact your service provider.
619 The balance has not been replenished. Some providers may also have a problem with this code due to incorrect data entry: login and password.Top up your balance and check that your personal data is entered correctly.
Inactive network connection.Check your network connection. “Start” - “Network Neighborhood” - “Show network connections”. If there is no connection (in which case the network icon gray), then connect it.
734 The PPPoPE protocol is completed.Create a new connection.
735 Invalid IP address.In the network settings, check the box " network address receive automatically” or specify data from the contract.

Recovering a lost Internet password

Authorization to enter the network is performed every time you turn on your computer, laptop or other gadget. This procedure is automatic and fast, if so specified during connection. The modem sends a request, the provider asks for a login and password. When the necessary data is received, a connection occurs and a new Internet session begins.

But it happens that automatic connection did not happen, and the user forgot the password.

Password from the agreement

The easiest way to recover a password is to find an agreement with the provider, where it is required.

Contacting the service center of your Internet service provider

If the contract is lost, you can contact the provider’s service center, where they will help you recover the lost data. You can contact the company providing the Internet by phone or in person at the office. To recover lost data, you need to be prepared to provide some information about yourself: passport data for whom the Internet is registered, login, contract number, etc. In addition, some Internet companies will provide such information only to the person for whom the contract was drawn up or by proxy.

In the subscriber's account, if you have access to it, you can only change the password, but you will not be able to create a new one. To do this, you must know the old one in order to confirm administrator rights.

Resetting an old password using special settings or programs

You can reset your router to factory settings, and then create a new connection. Often this method helps.

If the agreement is lost and you cannot get into the office yet, you can download special programs that will help you recover your password. But you should remember that not all programs are equally useful for your gadget. An inexperienced user can harm the computer with such actions. Therefore, this option must be approached carefully, after weighing everything possible risks. Another problem will be that you will have to download it by connecting to a third-party network, since there is no home connection. And you can run such a utility only with administrator rights.

For example, the dialupass utility, which is one of the most downloaded for these purposes. It's simple, with clear interface, lightweight, only 0.1 megabytes, free and supported by all Windows operating systems. But it will only help recover those passwords that were saved on the device. Another obstacle for normal operation dialupass can be an antivirus that recognizes the utility as malware. Therefore, before installing the program, you need to disable the antivirus.

Network program Password Recovery is similar to dialupass and has the same functions. There are two options: demo version and paid version. Feature: it does not always show the password the first time, you need to restart it several times.

also in similar situation You can use the BulletsPassView utility, which is suitable for recovering a saved password on Windows 7/8.

Video: working with the dialupass utility

You don't need any special knowledge to surf the Internet. However, you still need to understand some basics. This will help you connect to the network correctly, and if errors appear, they will be easy to fix. As a result, saved nerves, time and money for calling a specialist.

There are many varieties in the world network communication operating on the basis of protocols for various purposes and different levels efficiency. Let's look at the main questions related to the PPPoE protocol: what it is, how it works and why it was created. To understand the benefits of this technology, you need to study several important points. Let's start our acquaintance with a short introduction to the concept of PPPoE.

The essence of this solution

Answering the question: “PPPoE - what is it?”, It should be clarified that we're talking about about a special protocol The name is an abbreviation that stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet, that is, through an Ethernet network based on the point-to-point principle. The connection works similar to dial up.

The difference is in operation: the Ethernet network communicates PPPoE instead of dedicated telephone line. It's worth mentioning strengths technologies. We emphasize that the PPPoE connection has the advantage of an extended spectrum additional features: You can compress data, perform authentication, encrypt information.

However, the MTU requirements here are lower (1492 instead of 1500 bytes), which sometimes leads to complications when working with Another answer to the question: “PPPoE - what is it?” - can be formulated this way: this is a tunneling protocol. In other words, this technology provides the ability to configure IP or other protocols via a PPP or Ethernet connection. Therefore, PPPoE can be used for virtual calls, point-to-point connections, and sending IP packets, while still receiving all the benefits of PPP.

PPPoE connection: what is it and how does it work

Making a PPPoE connection is not at all difficult. The first task is setting up the antenna. Although it is better to entrust this to a technical support specialist: you, as a user, can only connect the kit to a power source. The access point and radio antenna are connected with a thick cable, and a pair of twisted wires are connected to the computer. The wire is crimped and connected on one side to the access point, and on the other to the network adapter.

PPPoE protocol: what is it and what errors can it produce?

When working with the PPPoE protocol, various problems may arise. technical errors, for each of which solution algorithms have already been developed. It’s worth talking about them in more detail. Let's look at typical PPPoE errors.

The popular problem is number 633 and means that the modem is missing or is incorrectly configured. To correct the situation, you can restart the computer, try to access the Internet and re-create the connection.

Error number 676 means the line is busy. You need to login again local network and connect, and after rebooting, remove and reinstall the network driver.

If he doesn't answer remote computer then you can check the functionality of the antivirus and settings firewall, if available. You should turn it on again, check the cable operation and the presence of contact in the connectors. Also, check the operation of the card and reinstall the drivers. It is possible that there is no connection with the server, but this is already a system problem.

In any case, you need to understand the cause of the problem and identify all possible sources of problems. You can contact your provider, where the support team will advise you. Other common ones (access denied), 711 (service problem), 720 (connection protocol mismatch), 52 (if the names match, the network connection cannot be connected).

Numerous numbers internal errors Windows systems (600, 601, 603, 606, 607, 610, 613, 614, 616 and others) are eliminated by rebooting and removing viruses. It is better to undo changes to settings that were recently made. If available incorrect setting internal network configuration, error 611 occurs. It is necessary to check the functioning of the local connection.

Error 617 may be a symptom of an internal OS problem. Technical support specialists will help you resolve most operational problems. The OS contains information about faults, they are diagnosed, and options for solving problems are already built into the system.


PPPoE technology is wireless, transmitting data over the air. A leased line is too expensive, and its installation is not always physically possible. The modem connection is slow and often drops out. The radio connection is more reliable.

Providers are not always ready to provide high speed, which they themselves cut down. The important thing here is to adjust the antenna and point it towards the station to optimize the signal. There is also such a thing as wan miniport PPPoE. What is this you ask? In short, this is another area that a connection error message may be referring to. If this occurs, contact technical support.


It is necessary to clarify the features of the protocols, since each has some advantages. PPPoE transmits PPP protocol frames directly over an Ethernet network. The difference from a traditional IP connection is that there is a need to create account on the gateway - this is important for establishing control and its simple format. In addition, the process of setting up functions such as billing is simplified.

The difference between PPPoE is its speed, which reaches 100 megabits per second. Transmission medium - Ethernet. A special technology is used here - the PPP stack, which is not innovative due to its prevalence.


For connection and high-speed connection, a WAN Miniport with the PPPoE protocol is used. At the moment of starting the connection to high speed(especially when using operating Windows systems 7 and 8) a connection error occurs. This error code is 651 and is associated with a connection failure when using ADSL and with incorrect work router.

To fix the problem, you need to go to the server (for example, and check whether there is a connection to the Internet. The problem may be hidden in the subscriber’s equipment (faults in the modem, router, fiber-optic terminal) or may be a problem with the providers.

Defining the connection type

This operation can be performed by a computer user who has an initial level of training. So, press the “Start” button to bring up the main OS menu? and go to the “Settings” item to determine the type of Internet connection.

From now on, you know more about the PPPoE connection: what it is and how this technology works.