Why does the plugin stop working? The Shockwave Flash module does not respond in the Yandex browser. Does such a plugin exist?

Good day, friends! The Shockwave Flash plugin is responsible for displaying graphics in games, applications and video content. It just so happens, developers popular browsers their programs have not fully integrated with this plugin, which is why such crashing errors appear. Today we will try to correct the situation when Shockwave Flash is not responding.

First, simply restart your computer and look at the result after rebooting the system. Such easy way It will help if you experienced a similar error once or for the first time. With frequent or constant failure Shockwave Flash plugin, read below.

Instant solution to problem in Google Chrome when Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding

Browser Google Chrome Most users use it, so we’ll start with it. This browser, in addition to its bells and whistles, has one more feature - it contains Adobe Flash Player is already built-in, meaning there is no need to download, install and update this component. If Chrome has several installed similar plugins, then for this reason conflicts may arise between them. As a result, we see that the Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding.

So, to determine which plugins are installed in Google browser Chrome, enter “chrome://plugins” in the address bar.

A window with installed plugins will open in front of you, where you need to find Adobe Flash Player. Look carefully, if the message “2 files” is present, then the plugin crash is most likely due to this.

To solve the problem, disable one of the plugins. Click the “More details” link and see we have two plugins, disable one of them.

We restart the browser and try to launch the video or application, after launching which an error occurred with Shockwave Flash. If the problem is solved, great, if not, try disabling another plugin by enabling the first one. Restart the browser again and take a look. Most likely the problem will go away. If this does not help, then try downloading latest version Adobe Player follow the link and update/install.

Shockwave flash plugin does not respond in Mozilla Firefox or Opera

If you see a similar error in the Opera browser, then follow these steps. First we drive into address bar“opera:plugins” and press enter.

Next, in the window with installed plugins, find Shockwave Flash and disable it using the “Disable” button.

Turn off, turn on Opera and check.

If you encounter a similar error in Mozilla Firefox, go to “Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Plugins”. Same here, find the Shockwave Flash plugin and disable it.

After all the above steps in any browser, you can get rid of the error “ Plugin shockwave flash doesn't answer", spending about a minute. If you know any other methods that will help solve a similar problem, then be sure to describe the actions in the comments, because helping others increases karma, don’t forget about it! That's all, thanks for your attention!

Good afternoon, dear readers of the site. In this article I will try to talk about plugins as simply as possible - what they are and how to work with them. Naturally, we won’t ignore the practical part - I’ll show you with examples how to install plugins for Mozilla browser Firefox and for sites under CMS management WordPress. I put another lesson on this topic in a separate article (there is a lot of material there) - these are installation and update instructions Adobe plugin Flash Player – .

What is a plugin in simple words?

This word came into our language without distortion from English (English plugin - plug-in module) along with dozens of others (for example, or).

Plugins are small program codes, complementing the functionality of the main application for which they are created. Simply put, these are add-ons, additions or fixes that make original program becomes better (more functional) from the point of view of a specific user. The peculiarity of modules is that they cannot work independently; they are only add-ons that work inside the main program. In the same time, basic program, for which plugins are created, can do just fine without them.

An example of a plugin that every network user has come across is the above-mentioned Adobe Flash Player, it allows web browsers () to display videos and other content based on Flash technologies. Without this add-on, browsers fulfill their main purpose - they open websites and work with Internet services, but, for example, they cannot “watch” videos from Youtube.

Add-ons are created for different categories programs, but such “gadgets” are most popular for applications that work with the Internet, such as web browsers, for websites, more precisely for their control systems and for games (in game world The term “Mod” is more common - modification is the same plugin). Many offline programs also use plug-ins, such as Photoshop.

Why are plugins needed?

Now about the purpose - for what purpose are plugins created? It may seem strange why developers don’t immediately provide their applications with all the necessary functionality, why bother with individual modules - download them, enable them, update them - do all this extra work on setting up - after all, it’s easier to use the product out of the box.

Indeed, it is simpler, but not more expedient. Individual modules perform 3 important functions:

1. Make individual settings for applications

All people are different and use the same programs for different purposes. Using plugins makes it possible to customize specific version programs tailored to the needs and preferences of a specific person.

2. Reduce the size and speed up programs

If all programs are initially released with complete package all kinds of functions, they will become very large and will take up extra space, waste computer resources, which will reduce their performance.

For example, webmasters often have to work with various parameters sites, there are special browser plugins for them like RDS bar, other people like to see the weather or traffic jams in the browser panel, others need the exchange rate - if you show all possible information, then half the screen will be occupied unnecessary icons, instead of showing work area.

3. Allows you to improve programs

The use of a modular scheme in the operation of programs, where each plugin can be connected or disabled without causing disruption to the operation of the main functions, allows you to improve programs not only by the developers, but also by any other programmers. For example, if you need to add a function to a program, you simply write the add-on code, rather than wait for the developer to decide to add the functionality you need.

How to install plugins?

Depending on the specific program there are three different ways settings:

  1. Manual - directly copying files with code into special folder programs;
  2. Automated - installation through the menu in the program itself, if such a feature is implemented;
  3. Automatic - through a special launch file, which itself finds where and what to copy (such as Adobe Flash Player)

The process of installing modules is individual for any program. As I already said, most often I come across two types of plugins - for my sites and for web browsers. I’ll tell you more about them.

How to install a plugin on CMS WordPress?

WordPress is special program to manage the site, I use it for my resources. She is famous for having great amount all kinds of plugins. My recommended list of WordPress plugins.

Video tutorial on installing modules on WordPress (I showed how everything works in the most accessible and detailed way):

How to install plugins for the Firefox browser?

For the web browser, all add-ons are installed automatically when you open any pages or applications, or they can be installed manually through the plug-in search built into the program shell. The installation process itself different browsers identical, at least in Google Chrome and Yandex Browser it is almost the same as in Firefox.

The first step is to open the settings menu in the form of three horizontal stripes.

In this menu, look for the “Add-ons” item and go to it:

After which you can choose required modules from recommended lists or use the search, specifying the desired functions, parts of names or any words characterizing the purpose of the plugin.

For example, I typed “ad blocking” into the search and received a list of two add-ons that matched the description. All you need to install them is to click the install button.


Plugins are powerful tool making our life easier. As a rule, the time spent searching and installing the necessary add-on pays off many times over in the future due to the resulting functionality. So don't be afraid to search and try installing the plugins you need.

Good luck, Dmitry Zhilin

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For some time, many users of the Opera browser began to encounter difficulties in functioning. This probably has something to do with the Opera developers wanting to phase out the use of this function in their browser, and therefore users have limited access to downloading the player. Flash Player still works and is used. We will look at ways to resolve the issue: what to do when Adobe Flash Player does not work in the Opera browser?

The browser-based media player has its pros and cons. It is needed in order to play flash content, namely music files, video and more. Now we will look at ten of the most effective solutions that will help if the player stops working in the above web browser.

Flash Player does not work in Opera: solutions

Update your browser

If you are using the Opera browser previous version, then this may be the reason why Flash Player does not start. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you have the latest version of Opera.

Open “Menu” - “About the program”. Will download automatically Final version programs.

Which player version should I download?

This situation may also be related to Flash Player itself. Download the latest version of the player and update it. You can download it from the official website, but it’s better to use the link below. The program is distributed free of charge.

Disable "Turbo" mode

The operating mode of the web browser, specially created to increase the speed of loading pages due to the fact that the content of web pages is compressed, is called Turbo in Opera.

Turbo mode may negatively affect the functioning of Flash Player, so if you need Flash content to display again, you will need to turn it off this mode.

To do this, click menu Opera browser and in the drop-down list click “ Opera Turbo" If there is a checkmark next to this menu item, then click on it to deactivate this mode.

Disable hardware acceleration

Special function, which reduces the excessive load of Flash Player on the browser is called hardware acceleration. Sometimes it is precisely this function that makes it difficult Flash work Player, therefore, its work should be canceled.

To do this, first open the page with test script, then click right key mouse over the content and then select “Options” in the menu that appears.

In the window that appears, cancel the “Enable hardware acceleration” function by checking the box next to this line, and then click “Close”. Flash Player in Opera can be launched on the page

How to enable Player

Now you need to find out whether the Flash Player plugin is working in the browser or not, for this purpose we do the following:

  1. Open the browser menu
  2. Select “Settings”
  3. In the settings, select "Sites"
  4. Find the “Flash” section
  5. We make a choice on “Allow sites to run Flash”

Now the plugin is always active. Previously, you had to enable Shockwave Flash at opera:plugins, but new versions of the browser do not have it.

Clear cache

When you view Flash content, the player cache on your computer is filled - during use it can lead to a deterioration in the performance of this plugin. The solution is to clear the cache.

For this purpose in search bar Windows write the following query (Win + R):

In the folder that opens, you will find the “Flash Player” folder. Everything contained in it will need to be completely removed.


Having opened the result that appears, you will again find a folder called “Flash Player”, where you need to delete all the contents. After completing the above steps, restart your computer.

Clear data

Implement the following actions, first click: “Start”, then “Control Panel”, and then “Flash Player”. If necessary, you can find this section using the search.

Go to "Advanced" and then click "Remove All".

Make sure that there is a checkmark next to the line “Delete all data and site settings”, and then “Delete data”.


Most good way To get the Flash Player plugin back to work is to reinstall it software.

Of course, there are many ways to resolve problems with Flash Player in the Opera browser. We've looked at some of them. I hope this article will be useful to you, and if necessary, you can easily set up the plugin using one of the methods described above.

Some Yandex Browser users may encounter a situation where, while launching or watching a video, an error message about the Shockwave Flash plugin unexpectedly appears. In this article I will tell you what this plugin is, what it is responsible for, why the error occurs - the Shockwave Flash module does not respond in the Yandex browser and how to fix it.

The mentioned Shockwave Flash plugin is software module, which implements in browsers (not only Yandex, but also in Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, IE, etc.) the functionality of Adobe Shockwave - multimedia software platform, which includes Shockwave player Player and Adobe Director content creation tools.

The plugin greatly expands the capabilities of the browser, in interactive interaction with user and view visual information(video playback, use in game programs, three-dimensional vector animation, etc.).

If you have them periodically, find out how to fix them, since before the error described in this article I was haunted by the above mentioned ones.

We solve the problem when the Shockwave Flash module does not respond in the Yandex browser

Before starting to outline options for solving the problem, I would advise you to first simply restart your browser, and if the problem persists, restart your computer. Perhaps the Shockwave Flash lag is an unfortunate accident, but in general your system works stably and without failures. If the plugin’s dysfunction has become systematic and repeats regularly, then read the tips below.

Solution 1. Remove unnecessary plugins

The most common reason why the Shockwave Flash module error occurs is the presence of two or more flash players. Moreover, one of them quite naturally conflicts with the other over the execution of the processes intended for them.

How it looks visually is shown in the video:

Usually, after performing these steps, the problem with Shockwave Flash disappears. To check the functionality of the plugin, go to the plugin developer’s website, and click “Check it now” to check the functionality of the player.

If the error persists, try returning to the menu installed plugins, where you can swap active and disabled plugins.

Solution 2: Update your Shockwave Player

If the Shockwave Flash module in the Yandex browser continues to not respond, you can also try downloading the latest Shockwave version Player from the developer's website. It is quite possible that your current player is simply outdated and does not allow you to play all modern functionality. To download, go to the developer's website and download the latest version of the product.

Solution 3: Update your browser

If the first and second options do not help, you can try updating your Yandex browser. With the latest version you will get all the best latest versions plugins and the problem can be solved.

You can also completely remove Yandex browser, restart your computer, and then install new version. This option helped some of the users.

By the way, check if the items are included Adobe Flash in your browser. It happens that due to some unfortunate accident they turn out to be disabled. If they are disabled, enable them by going to the module settings as indicated.


Usually, the problem with the dysfunction of the Shockwave Flash plugin is solved by disabling its duplicate in the browser settings. If this does not help, you can try disabling the first one and enabling another plugin, restarting your browser and updating Shockwave Player, and if this does not help, then try uninstalling and then installing a new version of Yandex.Browser. But in the vast majority of cases, getting a response from the Shockwave Flash module is quite enough simple shutdown one of the conflicting plugins presented.

It just so happens that WPNICE is a site largely about plugins for WordPress. And that's very good, but giving detailed descriptions many popular plugins, I get a lot of questions from readers. Most of them, naturally, are purely technical in nature. How to install? How to translate? How to setup? Why doesn't anything work for me?

Friends, no matter how much I would like to help everyone who is faced with different problems on my website, but I can’t physically do it. My task, first of all, is to tell you about the most necessary, useful or simply interesting plugins for WordPress and their features. A technical support carried out on the corresponding forums and websites of the authors. Please remember this!

However, in many cases, the solution to problems with plugins is something like plugin not working! what to do? (and with topics, by the way, too) can be connected with the most simple recommendations, which I have prepared for you below.

And, perhaps most importantly, dear readers. Remember that there are a lot of plugins for WordPress. At the time of writing this article there are already more than 30 thousand. And the thousands of authors who write them, although they should theoretically adhere to the WordPress developer code, in practice they do not always do this.

Below is a visual diagram for identifying and eliminating conflicts between plugins and WordPress themes.