Download the installation program for your laptop and computer. What programs do I install on a new computer?

I chose for a long time new computer, and finally here he is - standing on the table, on the screen Windows screensaver, what to do next, what programs need to be installed? I saw something somewhere, heard something somewhere, in general my head is a mess! Let this article be a small guide to the TOP most necessary programs am for the computer, according to the site.

No matter how Microsoft tries to refine its operating system, a clean OS can only be used in limited conditions - for example, at work, where installation additional programs prohibited or no rights.

What to choose, paid or free programs

It just so happens that free programs alone are not enough, it turns out somewhere 50/50. I in no way advocate using cracked versions, but this is our reality that “cracked” programs are used everywhere. In my experience, to solve almost any problem there is at least one free program that is sufficient. But paid software is usually more convenient and with big amount functions. But they are needed for large-scale work or for professional activities.

Antivirus – necessary protection

I have already touched on the topic of antivirus more than once; this is an absolutely necessary program that I download on any computer immediately after Windows installations. Perhaps an antivirus is the program that is better to buy and live in peace. Paid versions eliminate the headache of searching for updated keys and signature databases. Our most common ones:

Which one to choose is a personal matter for everyone. No one will provide 100% protection, so just choose which one you like best.

Good ones from the free ones:

Alternative browser

For the convenience of using the Internet, you will need to install one of them to replace the standard one. Internet Explorer/Edge. Popular in our area:

All of them are free and very useful programs. Today the browser from Yandex is rapidly gaining popularity. This is undoubtedly one of the best browsers, but everyone has their own preferences.

By speed and consumption system resources I prefer Opera. And those who like flexibility in configuration can choose Mozilla FireFox. If you remain on standard Internet Explorer, then at least update it to the latest version.


Default Microsoft Windows does not know how to work with such a common archive format as “.rar”. Probably in the West everyone only uses zip. I install a shell that supports all the necessary archive formats, including “.zip”. WinRAR is built into the operating system, allowing you to work with archives from context menu in Explorer.

As an alternative, I can recommend the program 7-Zip. It also has everything required functions, but it can’t pack it into the “.rar” format. But it can unpack the “.7z” format.

Office suite

A must-have for working with texts and tables: Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Even though I included it in mandatory list However, not everyone needs it. But I have never seen a laptop without Microsoft Office or its free equivalent OpenOffice. From the lighter ones office packages I recommend WPS Office.

To read PDF books you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. PDF is the most common format for documentation, books and instructions. Without a special program it will work, but the functionality will be limited to the most simple actions. Acrobat Reader is a completely free program.

Messenger, Internet phone

Programs for free communication around the world via the Internet:

  • Skype is the most famous, but is becoming outdated, there is a detailed
  • Viber is actively gaining popularity
  • WhatsApp is one of the most popular in the world

All programs support voice, video and chat. An indispensable thing for communication, in addition to social networks. For this, headphones and a web camera (for video communication), as well as installed program on both devices of the interlocutors. Messengers also allow you to call landlines and Cell phones, but it's no longer free.

In order for you to be able to communicate with relatives and friends, you need to find out what programs they themselves use. But usually everything is installed at once. I note that in order for Viber and WhatsApp to work on a PC, they must be installed on the smartphone too.

I showed the basic programs for a laptop in minimal variety. For the more advanced, I recommend another package of software.

After installing the drivers, first of all I install file manager. This program provides easy access To file system, to replace the standard Windows Explorer. It is much more convenient to copy, move, change files. I advise everyone! WITH launch Total Commander begins my work with the computer.

Mail client

To check your email a person usually goes to a website, such as, and looks at his inbox. But it is much more convenient to use special programs - email clients, especially if electronic mailboxes you have several.

The program connects to the server and downloads all mail to the computer. You can view it without browser delays, quickly switching between boxes. I recommend or Mozilla Thunderbird. Not bad standard Microsoft Outlook(built into Windows XP/7 and Microsoft Office) and the Mail app in Windows 10, but The Bat! I like it better because it is very easy to transfer mail to another computer or to a new operating system without the risk of losing important information.

Convenient video and audio player

I recommend it as a replacement standard Windows Media Player install separate video and audio players. No matter how hard the developers try, they cannot combine both a video and an audio player in one program so that everyone likes it. For these purposes, it is better to use separate programs. The following have worked well for video playback:

Torrent downloader

Today, something worthwhile can be downloaded for free on the Internet either from file hosting services or using torrents. You will need the uTorrent program.

Password manager

In order not to remember all the logins and passwords that you will certainly start to acquire, I recommend using one of the password managers. The program remembers all your passwords and stores them on the server. Subsequently, they can be used from anywhere, on any computer and browser. I recommend using or LastPass.

RoboForm is the first thing I install because it stores all my access to Internet services and applications on my computer. I also have a browser add-on Mozilla Firefox on a smartphone, with the help of which I always have up-to-date logins and passwords on my phone.

Cleaning the CCleaner system

I'm sure it's a useful thing for any system under Windows control 7/8/10 is a CCleaner program. Designed for periodic, approximately once a month, cleaning of the operating system and programs from accumulated garbage. Basically these are various temporary folders, files, caches, which not only clog free place on the disk, but also often degrade the performance of the computer. Especially useful for improving the performance of browsers that begin to slow down over time.

Optional Settings

Useful only if you have special system requirements.

A set of codecs for video and audio

By Windows default can play only the most basic video and audio file formats. To support other formats, you will need one of the codec sets, such as K-Lite Codec Pack or Win7Codecs. This installation is not necessary because any modern multimedia player already has all the common codecs built-in, or it immediately offers to download them.

Disc burning program

DVD drives are used less frequently than before, but are still found in almost every computer. I use the program to burn discs. For free ones, I recommend JetBee FREE or ImgBurn.

Outdated, somewhere else popular ICQ

Popular client for communication ICQ protocol(“ICQ” in popular language). There used to be every computer, the former “de facto” standard for exchange instant messages via the Internet, like free SMS, only larger volume. You can often see it in contacts on various service sites and online stores.

I use social networks, Telegram and ICQ at the same time. This way you can keep constant contact with people. Instead of bulky ICQ program I recommend installing a convenient QIP client. The program is in Russian and has a simple and intuitive interface.

Bonus – Punto Switcher

This is the minimum program that is needed for a computer and I use them myself. I literally opened my Start menu and selected the most basic thing. I don't recommend using it various assemblies Windows, like “Zver”, although they already have some of the necessary software built into them. But it is precisely because of them that inexplicable problems with the computer later emerge.

In this article I would like to consider such an important and interest Ask, like programs for a laptop for free. And probably here keyword"for free".

We advise you to read the note update directx. After all, those who play modern games They just can’t do without a fresh directx. Therefore, do not forget that information on directx update, is always relevant and can come in handy.

The fact is that depending on our place of residence, type of activity and various life circumstances, we have one or another amount Money. First of all, we need to satisfy our primary needs, and then move on to the distribution of funds for secondary issues.

Why is all this being said? And it says that everything we use in our lives has its own cost. This may not be entirely good, but nothing can be done, this is the way of society at the moment.

We advise you not to forget about the issue of cleaning laptops. Users often do not attach importance to cleaning, so very often the laptop becomes inoperative.

That is, all programs, including the Windows operating system (OS), which is installed by most users, are also paid, but many use hacked versions illegally. This question is very painful; arguing who is right and who is wrong is not the purpose of this article.

Its goal is to try to find a compromise between program developers and us users. This can be done thanks to free programs.

That is, we get a choice if we are willing to spend money on a specific program, then we do it, and if not, then we can get a decent free analogue. That is, you can quite reasonably select programs for your laptop for free.

The only thing that cannot be fully replaced yet is the Windows OS itself (although if you do not play modern computer games, then it is quite possible - there is a free Ubuntu OS). Other paid programs you can replace them with free analogues. So, let's try to choose programs for a laptop for free. Let's not consider a whole heap, sometimes not quite necessary programs. Let's list the most important and necessary for everyone.

So, let's get started. Let us repeat once again that all the programs given here are completely free, you can use them as much as you want and anywhere.


One of the first programs after installing Windows is to install an antivirus. Especially if you have the Internet or if you use flash drives. By installing it, you can protect yourself from such troubles as viruses.

They can completely disrupt the operation of both the beech and the computer. They can also easily steal your password to social networks and simply block them. From free antiviruses quite suitable:

  • AVAST 2014 | Free Antivirus
  • Avira AntiVir Personal
  • AVG AntiVirus and others

All of these antivirus products are quite good for home use. Don’t listen to the “smart guys” who can only reproach them for their incapacity - this is not true. According to independent tests, they work on par with paid analogues for home use.

The only thing that distinguishes them from their paid counterparts is the absence of some functions, which are often more needed by companies and organizations than by ordinary users.

Firewall, firewall or firewall

They are needed to filter all operations with the Internet. That is, all activity, be it invisible applications of programs to the Internet or, on the contrary, penetration from the Internet - all this activity is controlled by a firewall.

Usually like this network filter is already built into Windows OS or, more often, into an antivirus, but if for some reason you are not satisfied with it or it is disabled, then you can use the free versions. An example would be:

  • Outpost Firewall Free
  • Comodo Personal Firewall

More detailed work You can search for them on the Internet.


This is a program that is needed to work with archives. Archives are packed files, and archivers are needed to unpack them. Free analogue is:

  • 7-Zip
  • WinRAR (yes, it’s paid, but there are no restrictions, only a window about the need to buy a license appears and that’s it, which is easy to just close)

In addition to the format in the form of its name, it also supports most other common ones, such as rar.

Burning discs

An example of such a free program would be:

  • Ashampoo Burning Studio

It supports, in addition to standard CD/DVD discs, and Blue-Ray. Plus, recording disc images has many more useful functions.

View pictures and images

A very good and quite functional free program:

  • XNView

Among its functionality, it stands out - image editing, the ability to take screenshots, plus support for third-party plugins. Various other analogues can also be used.


Without them, video and audio files will either work poorly or not work at all. To solve this issue, use a free set:

This is the most common and important set of audio and video codecs included in the laptop program for free.

Audio video player

There are quite a lot of them, but here we will indicate:

  • JetAudio
  • Light Alloy

These are very good “folk” players. Besides standard features playing audio and video files, they have a number of other functions, including converting, recording, copying music from CDs, listening to Internet radio, and so on.

Office suite

Many people use a hacked one, paid package Microsoft Office. This is, firstly, illegal, and secondly, unsafe, because hacked programs can cause viruses. Therefore, we present to you two worthy replacements:

  • OpenOffice
  • LibreOffce

The first program is very functional replacing Microsoft Office. Judge for yourself, it contains text editor, editor of tables, presentations, databases, formulas, as well as graphics editor, plus a lot more.

Moreover, all these applications are similar in appearance to Microsoft Office. So, if you want to find a worthy replacement paid word, then OpenOffice is perfect.

Programs for reading e-books, magazines, documents

The most common formats e-books and documents are - pdf and djvu. You can either download for each type separate program, or you can use the universal one:

  • STDUViewer

good, simple reader for e-books and documents.


With it we can work on the Internet, visit all the sites we need. The OS has a built-in Internet browser and its name: Internet Explorer - not everyone’s favorite, but quite suitable for its job. The more popular and popular are:

  • Firefox
  • Safari

All of them, including Internet Explorer, have their fans and haters. In short, any of them is suitable for everyday work on the Internet; little things in the work (both positive and negative) are already revealed during use.

You can also read the question why a laptop does not work well in this article. Bad job the laptop can be overtaken at the most inopportune moment, so it’s worth knowing in advance why this happens.

In general, that’s all, this is the minimum that provides full-time job behind a laptop or computer. It is clear that there is still a lot various operations can be performed behind a beech, including with the help huge amount programs, but this is a specific matter and depends on the specific user.

In this article, we looked at the issue of free laptop software. That is, excellent, multi-functional replacements paid analogues, without which it is difficult to work comfortably on a beech or PC.

Mobile computing has more advantages than disadvantages. They are not afraid of power outages; they are always close to their owner. Of course, many of these devices are inferior in performance to desktop PCs, but expensive models They are also quite suitable for “heavy” applications and games.

Upgrade options for most mobile computers, as a rule, are quite modest - most often you can change HDD, sometimes you can add memory, in some cases it is possible to replace discrete video card. But all this cannot always be done, and many laptop models are almost impossible to upgrade. Therefore, there is only one way to improve the characteristics of the device, expand its functionality and increase productivity - by wisely selecting the applications used.

⇡ Save the battery, or Marathon for the battery

To installed on a laptop computer software special requirements apply. If you can run complex and cumbersome packages on a regular desktop, then laptop computer Each additional process means energy consumption and time reduction battery life devices. Therefore, when installing software, you must constantly “keep your finger on the pulse” and especially carefully monitor the startup list. And also, in order not to get into a situation where the battery is discharged earlier than expected, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the battery.

This utility has many advantages. First of all, it's free. Secondly, it has a Russian interface. Thirdly, during the installation process you can choose portable version— in this case, the utility can be launched from any USB drive. It is not necessary to keep NetSetMan running all the time, so this installation option is especially convenient - the registry is not clogged with unnecessary entries, and in addition, you can quickly configure several devices at once using one flash drive.

NetSetMan is very convenient for everyday work. For example, the user does not need to save the current profile - the program can create it automatically, remembering the configuration used. In total, the user has six profiles for different network configurations. This is more than enough even for a very “mobile” user who manages to work on the computer both here and there in a day.

Mode automatic switching settings will allow your laptop to quickly adapt to the new network. As soon as the application determines the new network name, it immediately uses the corresponding profile. In the utility settings you can bind identification new network by a unique MAC address.

⇡ Connectify - your own access point

A mobile computer almost always contains standard set devices, including a network adapter for working with Ethernet and a Wi-Fi module. If you have the opportunity to connect to a laptop wired Internet, you can distribute it over Wi-Fi to other users, turning your computer into a real access point. It is convenient to use the Connectify utility for this purpose. The program installs a virtual Wi-Fi adapter into the system, which acts as a router, providing other users with various resources, including access to the Internet.

The main Connectify window is accessed via the system tray icon. It contains everything necessary settings to control the access point, so the user does not even need to access network Windows settings and look for the checkbox “Allow other network users to use the Internet connection on this computer" In the list of available network adapters it is indicated which device will share the Internet, which device will be used to distribute wireless Wi-Fi access, and also select one of the security levels Wi-Fi networks. In addition, you need to assign a name to the access point and specify an access password.

As soon as one of the users tries to connect to the activated access point (Start Hotspot button), the program begins to keep connection statistics. On the Clients tab, you can see a list of users who are connected to the computer that provides network resources.

The Connectify utility comes in two versions: free version and Connectify Pro, with more advanced features. The latter allows you to choose any name for the access point (in the free version you have to put up with the Connectify prefix), use administration tools, and also has advanced functions for accessing deleted files. For organization regular access to sites via http or https is quite enough and free option programs.

⇡ Finishing the keyboard

A laptop, unlike a desktop PC, does not have the ability to replace the keyboard with a more convenient model. Therefore, the user has to put up with all the shortcomings of the mobile layout. However, you can get rid of some of the inconveniences of a portable keyboard.

⇡ Keyboard Leds: installing “flashing lights”

Laptop developers strive to make the device as small as possible, sometimes forgetting that a laptop should not only be compact, but also easy to use. Some models do not have LED indicators frequently used keys such as Caps Lock and Num Lock. This minor but annoying drawback will disappear as soon as you install a small free utility Keyboard Leds. Of course, lights will not appear on your laptop, but the application will report each of the operating modes of the above-mentioned keys. Moreover, this program can also track keystrokes Scroll Lock, the indicator of which is not even on every desktop keyboard.

Keyboard Leds work in background, occupying random access memory approximately one or two megabytes. The program can inform the user about the keys pressed in two ways - using a changing icon in the system tray or a constant text information field in the corner of the screen. Also in the program you can customize the color design of the indicator and enable sound signal, which will accompany each press of the controlled keys.

⇡ Touchpad Blocker - seeing off the touchpad for retirement

Many users who purchase a laptop never get used to touchpad and in the bag with the laptop they keep a more familiar pointing device for work - a mouse.

Even those who have learned to masterfully move their fingers on the touchpad are unlikely to argue that this cursor control tool has drawbacks. Firstly, it is less accurate and is completely unsuitable for dynamic cursor movements, such as in games. Secondly, its implementation sometimes leaves much to be desired. On some models, the location of the touchpad is chosen so poorly that when typing, the palm constantly touches the pad, as a result of which the cursor accidentally “jumps” into the middle of the document being typed. This is in best case scenario. IN worst cursor can spontaneously select and delete a fragment of typed text or even launch some program function if it accidentally hits an interface element.

Another drawback that accompanies many laptop models is the lack of a hardware switch for this device. This is not to say that the touchpad is completely useless; sometimes its presence is very useful, for example, when there is no room for a mouse in your backpack. However, from time to time I would like to somehow quickly disable the touchpad for a while, say, while typing.

You can block the touchpad standard means, using a list installed devices. But there is an even more convenient way - use a small free program Touchpad Blocker. This utility monitors user activity by tracking keystrokes on the keyboard. As soon as the laptop owner starts writing text or typing a command, the Touchpad Blocker utility temporarily blocks the functions of the touchpad, and the user no longer has to be afraid of touching the pad of this device with his hand.

The program saves statistics of blocked touchpad commands - in the utility window at any time you can see how many times Touchpad Blocker prevented accidental presses. In addition, the utility allows you to configure the duration of the touchpad lock.

⇡ Conclusion

Laptop computers are updated very often, and completely new laptop can “go out of fashion” in just a couple of years. However, the main software “stuffing” of mobile PCs, despite the improvement of the hardware of these devices, remains the same. In addition to the applications listed in this article, there are many alternative solutions- both free and commercial, so the user has plenty to choose from.

IN this set provides a list of the most necessary programs that are perfect for installation on a new laptop or device with a new operating system Windows.

Good antivirus protection

1 The first thing you need to install is, of course, good protection. Without good antivirus visiting any pages on the Internet, using third party applications or devices may lead to infection of your computer dangerous viruses And Trojan programs. To do this, we suggest you use our new, free antivirus solution 360 Total Security, which you can download from a special page on our website.

Multifunctional browser

2 Next, to visit sites on the Internet, you must have an installed, modern browser. There are quite a lot of applications, but each of them is unique in its own way. If you want to spend your time as efficiently and safely as possible while visiting Internet resources and using various services online, we recommend that you download and install free Yandex browser. This program has everything necessary tools for effective and safe work in the Internet.

Good file archiver

3 After which you can install a shareware archiver. Most files on the Internet are distributed in archived form, and in order to extract content from them, you need to special program. We recommend that you download a very good WinRAR application and install it as the main tool for working with archives. You can find out more about it and download it by clicking on the button below.


4 To play music and watch videos, we recommend that you pay attention to KMPlayer player And AIMP player. By downloading and installing the proposed programs for working with multimedia files, you can easily listen to music and watch any video, without the need to install additional codecs.


5 During the use and installation of additional programs on a laptop, various unnecessary information and recordings that load your computer and significantly slow it down. For such cases, we recommend downloading a special CCleaner utility, a program for cleaning and optimizing the system. With this application you can easily delete all unnecessary entries and junk files, which accumulate when active use laptop.

Here are 5 essential programs that should be installed on your laptop. If this list does not satisfy your needs, then you can always use our website and select from the list all those applications that you want to download to your computer.