Portable google chrome. Where to download and how to run. How to make a portable version of the program

There are situations when there is no desire or opportunity to install any programs on the computer (we don’t want to clutter Windows registry or it is simply prohibited by workplace safety).

Based on this, on the Internet you can find a huge number of portable programs in Russian that do not require installation, which means they can be launched directly from a flash drive or other removable drive, thereby leaving virtually no traces of their work. This is especially important for Internet browsers, which are known for leaving behind a history of all sites visited and often storing confidential (personal) information on the computer.

If we don’t want this, then we suggest downloading the well-known and very popular browser, which is a full-fledged browser, which is portable and does not require installation on the user’s computer.

So, Google Chrome Portable (rus 2015 / 2016) will be all personal information(saved passwords, addresses of visited sites) stored on the flash drive itself or in the place where it was copied for later use.

It is enough to unpack the archive with the program, after which you can use it absolutely fully, if it had been installed through the installation wizard.

Briefly about the Google Chrome browser:

Back in 2008, the first release of everyone’s favorite and respected program for simple surfing and full-fledged work on the Internet. It quickly and without regret towards its competitors captured the attention and love of the public, taking one of the first positions in the ranking among popular browsers.

With this strategic maneuver, Google confirmed its right to dominate the global Internet segment by providing its software with excellent technical support and additional plugins, which are included in this moment there are several tens of thousands (ranging from simple add-ons to full-fledged online office software and 3D games that can be free download from the Chrome Web Store).

And this is not the only success of the browser! In addition to its main advantages, it has an excellent user interface in a minimalist style, which is very appealing to users of any level of computer skills.

There is nothing superfluous in it, and the speed of work and constant updates make it a real technical work modern world software The browser security system, which securely stores all personal and confidential information about the user, deserves special attention.

How to make a portable version of the program

IN in this case everything has already been done for you - PortableApps technical specialists have prepared this product from installation to full-fledged google chrome portable rus 2015 (2016), retaining all the features and advantages regular version Chrome browser. In this version, nothing has been cut down or lost; on the contrary, it has acquired another big plus - mobility.

Now you can use this program anywhere (on any other person’s computer) without worrying about strangers find out the essence of your plans. Testers confirmed that the browser itself is fast in operation, but the portable version has become even faster, which is good news.

Program interface: Russian


Manufacturer: Google

Website: www.google.com

Google Chrome Portable is a portable version of the already well-proven Internet Google browser Chrome. This release, just like the stationary versions, has an open source(that is, you can change and supplement the program as you wish) and has everything necessary set functions for comfortable work on the Internet. However, unlike stationary versions, it does not require installation on a hard drive and can be launched from any removable media.

Key features of Google Chrome

From maternal programs Google Chrome Portable is practically no different. He has the same graphical shell and allows you to customize using various skins and themes for design. Working with tabs is very convenient and is done in a single window.

Concerning installation file, then it takes up about 11 MB and will fit on any flash drive. When working with the portable version, no traces are left on the computer, that is, they are not loaded cookies, the history of visits to web pages is not recorded, does not change system registry, as well as the settings of the main Google Chrome browser, if one is installed on the computer on which you work with Google Chrome Portable. The only thing required is some free place actually removable device, since the contents of cookies and cash are stored in the Profile folder on removable media.

The page loading speed is quite high and practically no different from the speed with which stationary releases work. Just like these programs, Special attention paid to the security system, however, the program only issues a request to block a resource if there is a suspicion of viruses or malicious code. If you do not agree to this action, then the antivirus will deal with issues of blocking the site (the same approach is typical for the latest versions of Mozilla, when the presence of an antivirus in the operating system software Necessarily).

However, users can often hear quite serious complaints about the security system. The browser may be safe for the operating system, but many people claim that it is just spyware. Most likely, this is due to the transmission of some confidential information about the user, his location or the most frequently visited resources on the Internet to the developers of this software. But it’s not for us to judge. The fact is that this is generally inherent in all browsers, regardless of the application manufacturer. But no one denies that this version is convenient and practical to use.

Explanatory dictionaries almost unanimously say that the word “portable” owes its origin to two other overseas words. Namely: the French - “portatif” and the much more ancient Latin “porto”, which means I carry. So it turns out, based on the meaning of this adjective, that a portable browser can be taken with you anywhere and run on any other laptop or computer. And indeed it is!

And in general, in fairness, it is worth noting that “portable” software, that is, portable, is not at all a luxury or the whims of sophisticated computer experts. And if, say, a user likes, for example, the desktop or installed Google Chrome x32, then he will probably want to have its portable version. Especially if a computer, laptop with “Internet” has to be used not only at home, but also at work, in educational institution or in another public place.

So, in this article we will tell you in detail how and where you can download Google Chrome Portable RUS, how does it actually differ from standard version and what are its advantages. Separately, we strongly recommend that novice users who have not yet had time to learn all the philistine usefulness and benefits of software in the “portable” format familiarize themselves with this material. It's worth it, believe me. We guarantee.

So, welcome to the tour!

Features and advantages of portable Chrome

Before you look for and download Google Chrome Portable to your computer, let’s list its advantages point by point:

  1. Being placed not on system partition(drive C) starts without problems after reinstalling the operating system.
  2. Works stably on USB flash drives and portable hard drives.
  3. Saves everything custom settings and profile configuration (addons, saved data for filling out fields, passwords, credentials of a connected Google account).
  4. When starting, during operation and after closing, it does not leave files and folders in computer directories or registry entries.
  5. By functionality, interface, settings are in no way inferior to the desktop version. For example, latest version Chrome in Portable form and the installer will be identical. Provided, of course, that the portable version was assembled as needed, without all sorts of “distortions” and “brakes” - that is, correctly.
  6. It is inaccessible to many virus browsers and adware. Because, as a rule, it is located in an arbitrary folder specified by the user, or even on a flash drive. And these malware, having penetrated the system, immediately rush to the “native” directories of Google Chrome (in Program Files (x86)\Google or in Program Files - for the 64 bit version). In other words, a portable browser (as opposed to a desktop one!) is unlikely to be found and infected by hijackers and other similar digital evil spirits. And everything in it will be as it should be: no changes start pages, banners and pop-up panels installed by Adware modules on web pages.
  7. Provides the ability to quickly and easily create backup copy. All you need to do to create a backup: copy the folder portable browser and transfer it to a secluded place - to another disk, flash drive, DVD or to a remote location file storage (Google Drive, Dropbox or other service).

Where to download and how to run

We warn you right away that you should not look for a portable version of Chrome on the website. She is not there. Portable format popular browser is exclusively created for free by enthusiasts - advanced users and programmers who have nothing to do with Google and Chrome developers in particular. For what reasons the authors do not supply their creation in Portable form is not known.

Only third party resources to search and download a portable distribution - there is no other option. But you need to be extremely careful in choosing them. See the reviews on the page: what those who downloaded wrote about the version of Google Chrome Portable that you decided to download. Don’t forget to inquire about the site’s reputation, so to speak, in general. Has he been involved in shady dealings related to all sorts of software fraud?

And even if you trust the site, in any case, be sure to check the downloaded Portable assembly for viruses. There are comrades who are dishonest, introducing all sorts of Trojans and worms into the distribution. And, as you know, these malware with the naked eye difficult to detect.

In this article, we will consider the option of installing portable Google Chrome from a trusted web portal - PortableApps.com. Its pages are replete with all kinds of portable software. But you, of course, can use another web resource; there are a huge number of them on the Internet (but do not forget about precautions!).

1. Open in your browser - portableapps.com.

2. In the “Search” field, enter the query - google chrome.

3. In the search results, select the most suitable option (based on the name and description).

4. On the distribution page, click green button"Download..."

5. If the download script does not work, use the alternative link " direct link" or "mirror".

6. Wait for the download to complete.

7. Create separate folder for the browser. Transfer the downloaded installer into it.

8. Run the online downloader as administrator.

Note. On portableapps.com, portable distributions are downloaded through a special online downloader. It downloads all assembly files from the site server and places them in the directory where it is installed.

10. Under the text of the agreement, click “I Accept.”

11. In the “Select…” panel, click “Install”.

12. Wait for the portable assembly elements to load.

13. Click "Done".

Attention! To immediately open the browser, before clicking the “Finish” button, check the checkbox in the “Run...” setting.

14. The “GoogleChromePortable” folder will appear in the browser folder - this is the portable build directory, which can be transferred anywhere - to a flash drive, disk, etc. Go to it.

Attention! On other sites, the Portable folder may be in the form of an archive. To unzip it, right-click on it and select “Extract to” from the context menu. current folder"(provided that an archiver program is installed on your computer).

15. To launch your web browser, click on the GoogleChromePortable executable file.

16. A Chrome window will appear. To connect your account Google entry, click “Login”.

If you do not want to connect your account, select the “No thanks” option.

How to transfer a profile from desktop to portable

Let's say that you have desktop (installed) Google Chrome and you have been using it for a long time: it has a lot of bookmarks, the necessary addons are connected, and the necessary settings(Russian localization, security, privacy add-ons, etc.). There is also a newly downloaded portable Chrome.

And, of course, I want everything to be arranged and configured in the portable version, as in the desktop distribution. But there are two options for solving this problem: the first is to manually set the parameters in the portable browser and add extensions; the second is to copy the profile to installed Chrome and paste it into the portable build directory.

As you yourself probably already understood, the method of carrying a profile is much simpler. And to implement it, follow the instructions below:

1. Go to: Computer → Disk C → Users.

2. Click the folder with the name of your account.

If you don't see hidden folders, then do this:
While in the account directory, press the “Alt” key;

in the appeared additional menu(sections at the top of the window) click: Tools → Folder Options;

in the “Options” window, click the “View” tab, in the “Options” field, enable the “Show hidden files...” setting;

Click “Apply” and “OK”.

12. After transferring the profile, launch Google Chrome Portable. It will have the same appearance and will be configured in the same way as the installed distribution (with bookmarks, add-ons and other elements).

The portable assembly is a great help in those situations when you always need to have Chrome of the required configuration at hand (with a collection of links, installed extensions, credentials). It will be useful to researchers, gamers, students, programmers and many other users. So arm yourself with a portable Google Chrome. It’s convenient to use both on your own computer and on someone else’s.

If you ask users the question “What is your favorite browser?”, then the answer will be known to us in advance - it’s Google Chrome, of course! After all, this is the fastest, most modern, convenient and reliable browser! And its latest version Google Chrome Stable (&Portable) Already at the moment it occupies the lead among all other web browsers. After all, it is on its basis, namely on the engine used in it, that other browsers are built. And Google Chrome Stable (& Portable) itself really has many advantages, which we will discuss later.

Firstly, this is the feature implemented in Google Chrome Stable (& Portable) preload, which means that you just thought about moving between pages of one site, and Google Chrome Stable (& Portable) has already loaded them, and the transition will be instant. Secondly, this is a mega-advanced file manager that immediately checks all files for viruses, and thanks to it you can be calm about your safety, knowing that not a single virus will leak to you. Thirdly, it is a built-in flash player with which you will launch various online games, videos, etc. You don't have to search for the necessary plugins additionally.

Download Google Chrome Stable (& Portable) in Russian

You can download Google Chrome Stable (& Portable) on our website at the end of the article. This browser is completely in Russian, so you can completely customize it for yourself. There is also a large store free applications, which will also help you with setup. And with the built-in synchronization tool, you can view your favorite pages both on your computer and on your smartphone. Let's not forget to mention the "Incognito" mode, which will allow you to keep your identity secret, thanks to non-saving and deleting information!

Chrome is a fast, simple, and secure web browser, built for the modern web. Chrome is designed to be fast in every possible way. It"s quick to start up from your desktop, loads web pages in a snap, and runs complex web applications lightning fast. Chrome"s browser window is streamlined, clean and simple. For example, you can search and navigate from the same box and arrange tabs however you wish -- quickly and easily. Chrome is designed to keep you safer and more secure on the web with built-in malware and phishing protection, auto-updates to make sure you have all the latest security fixes, and more. Chrome puts you in control of your private information while helping protect the information you share when you"re online. There are tons of ways to customize Chrome and make it yours. It"s easy to tweak your settings and add apps, extensions, and themes from the Chrome Web Store. Signing in to Chrome brings your bookmarks, history, and other settings to all your computers. It also automatically signs you in to all your favorite Google services.

App Notes

Passwords Not Saved Between PCs By Default: Google Chrome stores passwords in such a way that they are encrypted in a way tied to current PC. While the passwords are not kept or left behind on the PC itself, they won"t be retrievable when you move to a new PC. We"ve added password portability as an advanced option, though, which you can enable by reading the help.html file.

Certificates Not Portable: Google Chrome has no certificate manager. It uses Windows" certificates manager. So, any certificates you install through the Google Chrome interface are stored on the current local machine and will not travel with you. Thus, you should not use any private certificates with Google Chrome except on your own PC.

Some Settings/Extensions Locked Per PC: Google Chrome locks specific settings to a given PC. Details are. This behavior is by design by the Chrome team. If you would like this changed, please file a bug with the Chrome team. A suggested workaround is to sign in to Google to restore all settings and extensions and to use an extension such as Session Buddy to maintain your session state as you move PCs..

Note that other portable browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition do not have any of the issues mentioned above. These issues are specific to Chrome due to Chrome's design and not something we can work around without fixes to the base app by the Chrome developers.