Download the latest version of the vkopt program for contact. VkOpt - browser plugin for the social network VKontakte


The VKontakte social network is loved by many for its functionality, simplicity of interface and ease of use. But not all possible manipulations with this social network are implemented by the developers themselves. Using such a wonderful extension as Vkopt will help make using VK even more convenient.

Latest changes in the utility

Not much time has passed since we said goodbye to the already familiar VK design, therefore, after changing the site itself, there should be some changes in the extension. And they are. Transferring all the functionality takes a lot of time and effort, so users will not be able to get all the old functions at once, but the developers try to add new features for the new VKontakte design with each update.

The most important thing to note is that the scripts work well with the new design and there are no various problems, and new and old features of the utility will be introduced along with the next updates.

Installing Vkopt for Yandex. Browser

There are two ways to install the extension. This can be done by going to the official website, or using a special browser extension store. You can get acquainted with each of these methods if you suddenly have any problems with one of them.

Method 1. Download and install from the developer resource

After installation is complete, restart your browser and you can start working with the utility.

Method 2: Installation through the Google Chrome add-on store

Yes, Yandex. The browser supports installing extensions from the Opera addon store, but, unfortunately, not all are collected there necessary utilities, and Vkopt is no exception, it is not there. Therefore, you need to install through the Google Chrome add-on store.

Now you can restart your browser and enjoy the add-on.

Installation problems

This is rare, but does occur. This problem is related specifically to the installation of various browser add-ons. Google Chrome, Yandex. Browser and others, which are written on the Chromium engine. The problem is that the extensions do not want to be installed, and they throw this kind of error:

There are several options to fix this problem, let's talk about each of them.

Option 1: “Crutch”

Everyone knows that this is not a complete solution to the problem, but a small solution that will help install just one add-on, but this solution is worth paying a little attention to.
To install the add-on, do the following:

Now the extension is installed and you can use it, but this is only a temporary solution and is suitable for those who no longer intend to install any add-ons or use this function very rarely.

Option 2: Complete solution to the problem

In order to finally solve the problem with installing add-ons, you need to perform several actions with system files:

After these steps, you can install all extensions, after which they will work correctly and there should be no problems with installation.

Vkopt settings and preparation for use

After installing the extension, you just need to restart your browser and go to your VK page, where you can check if the extension works. You can check this by clicking on the area where the main elements for managing your page are located.

Click on the button "Vkopt" to go to the window with the main settings of the utility. Settings available to you:

Main features and functionality of the add-on

Audio recordings


Managing photos has also become easier. You can download any image in different resolutions, which is sometimes a very useful feature. Now you can check a photo for uniqueness without using third party services. Just click on "Search for copies".


Now you can save correspondence with your close friend. To do this, just go to necessary dialogue, click on the icon in the form of three dots, which is located near the avatar of your interlocutor. Then click "Save correspondence" and select the required format.

Removing advertisements

A certain part of advertising, even after being moderated, can cause rejection in some users or simply cause discomfort with its presence, so the Vkopt add-on can clear the left block of intrusive advertising.

Possible new features in future versions of the extension

Since Vkopt is still in the process of being ported to new design VKontakte, this means that many functions are rewritten from scratch. Users can expect the following in future updates:

  1. Ability to leave all groups at once. This is quite convenient when you are in many groups, you need to leave them, but leaving each one takes too much time.
  2. Removing all posts from the wall. The same situation is with groups. This function will help you quickly remove all notes from the wall and at the same time save time.
  3. Downloading videos. This function still does not work perfectly, so next updates its improvement is possible.

Also worth waiting for some more functionality, which only the developers themselves know about.


  • Convenience. The add-on simplifies working with the social network and saves time;
  • Multifunctionality. By using this extension, you can save yourself the hassle of downloading additional software, use third-party sites. Over time, many more features will be added to help users perform many more activities;
  • Free. The supplement is absolutely free access, the developers do not set themselves the goal of extracting money from users. You can donate money for development only on a voluntary basis;
  • Communication with developers. If you have questions, then at any time you can go to the forum, where not only other users communicate with each other, but also developers answer questions and help solve some problems.


Only one flaw was discovered, which will simply disappear over time. On this moment The functionality of the utility is not complete, users do not see the functions that were there before, but this does not mean that this is a minus, since with each update the developers return old functions and create new ones.

Using an add-on like Vkopt will save you the time you spend working on social network. When you install the add-on, you will receive many functions and features that transform VKontakte.

Today, experts offer users huge selection free extensions that can be applied very easily and simply.

The most convenient and simple extension is vkopt. The most popular Russian social network is extremely popular and offers its millions of users a huge range of functions.

Now, let’s take a closer look at what this addition is, which has attracted the attention of the citizens of our country.

With the help of a universal add-on, you can easily use various modern browsers, for example, one of the most popular, Yandex browser. It is worth noting that the capabilities of vkopt are quite large. Thanks to this innovative add-on you can:

  • disable any advertising;
  • display zodiac sign, age and other interesting features;
  • produce quick cleaning walls;
  • download any song you like with just one click of the mouse;
  • scroll through pictures;
  • change the notification sound and take advantage of other important functions

vkopt installation process

It is important to note that the Yandex browser is based on Chromium. This system directly belongs to Google Chrome. Accordingly, people who use this browser, can easily open and download any information.

You can also freely install the add-on from the store Google extensions Chrome. To carry out the installation process this extension, you must use the following recommendations.

First you should visit official portal and install the software with just one click.

After confirming the installation of the extension, you need to wait a while for the process to complete. When the download of the modern add-on is completed, the following message “vkopt installed” will be displayed on the screen.

To check the operation of vkopt, go to the section of your personal page. When opening the site, a message is displayed in front of users. This suggests that it is necessary to ensure the security and confidentiality of data.

Therefore it should be emphasized that latest version vkopt must be downloaded exclusively on the official portal.On personal page You can view your data, for example, your zodiac sign, date of birth, etc. You can also download your favorite tracks here.

A safe and proven supplement will become your real assistant. As you can see, the installation process of this extension is quite simple and easy. Therefore, each user can easily perform all the steps indicated in this article.

The VKOpt plugin is one of the most complete add-ons for the VKontakte social network. With it you can change many settings, download audio and video recordings, albums and much more. VKOpt is available for Opera, Mozilla, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and other browsers.

Let's consider key features extension and tell you where to download and how to install it on all popular browsers.

Briefly about the possibilities

At first, the extension was developed for downloading music and videos from a social network. The developers, however, decided not to stop there and expanded the functionality. As a result, users received a plugin that replaced all others. You can use it absolutely free.

What exactly is on offer?

  • Download individual audio recordings and entire albums, as well as videos of any format and quality to the device memory.
  • Uploading entire photo albums to an HTML file.
  • Integration of the service.
  • View the size and bitrate of downloaded tracks. To do this, just hover the cursor over the object.
  • Lock advertising records, which are on the left side of the page.
  • Menu customization: change the names of familiar sections and add new ones.
  • View recently deleted friends and unfollowers.
  • Group administration.
  • Adding information to user pages based on available data.
  • Changing the background of chats and the user page as a whole.
  • Possibility of chat backup.
  • Setting up notifications that a particular friend is now online.

Installing VkOpt

Two methods are possible: downloading from the browser extension store or from the official VkOpt website. The first method is only suitable for Google Chrome, since the catalog created for Opera and Yandex does not offer such an extension.

Method 1: Download from the official website:

Select the browser type and click on the “Install” button. If you want to download VkOpt for Yandex Browser, then choose Google version, since both browsers run on the same Chromium engine. If you need VkOpt for Mozilla, select the Firefox tab.

Click on the “Install extension” button, thereby confirming the installation.

Method 2: Extension Directory

The VkOpt version for Google Chrome is also available in the extension store.

Go to the following address: He will immediately lead you to the required extension. You don't have to look for it yourself in the store.

Click on the “Install” button;

We confirm the installation.

Go to your VK page. The following window will appear:

Reload the page. The downloaded plugin can be used immediately. You will be shown the path to the VkOpt settings with arrows:

How to download media files?

To the right of the audio recording that the cursor hovers over is a download icon. Click on it.

If you want to see the size and bitrate of the audio, enable the corresponding function in the VkOpt settings.

You can download VkOpt for almost any browser for free on the program’s official website. This small addition, expanding the capabilities of the VKontakte social network, will be for you useful tool, if you want to download music and videos from the site.

If you are not just ordinary network users, if you are actively involved in administration, then you probably caught yourself thinking that it wouldn’t hurt to improve or add something. For example, you want to have quick access to statistics interesting group, or create a wiki page in two clicks, or even want to have a script for downloading music on VKontakte... If you have had the same thoughts at least once, then the VkOpt service should definitely appear in your “”!

In this article we will look in detail at what this script in contact is, how to install it and how to work with it. Be careful!

Installing Vkopt for free - step-by-step instructions

Vkontakte Optimizer is a multifunctional script for VKontakte that supports all modern browsers. It was originally intended for downloading music and videos. But over the years of its existence, it has acquired much more convenient functionality.

The vkopt optimizer is very easy to download for free. The official website has all the latest versions. Follow the link to download vkopt:

Select a browser and install the application

Vkopt for chrome or vkopt for Yandex are downloaded through the adjacent buttons. If you install in Mozilla, then immediately after you click the “Install” button, the following message may appear:

Allow, pass browser protection

We authorize and agree with the installation of this script for downloading VKontakte for your browser

If you don’t trust us, we won’t try the app.

Then we restart the browser and when entering the VKontakte website we see a pop-up window:

Do you need Russian?

We select the language we need and refresh the page.

Now all functionality is available. A panel item is added to the left, through which you can open the extended settings menu and enable the necessary functions.

What can you do with Vkontakte Optimizer?

A description of all the capabilities of the script for VKontakte can be seen on the official website, on this page.

Among them, the emphasis is placed on such useful functions as:

Show an extended user menu, pop up a photo and user information, sort the list of friends by parameter.

Mass deletion personal messages, adding a “reply” button to messages in dialogs.

Highlighting the details of topics and posts, the ability to respond to several people in comments.

Changing the position of pop-up notifications, automatically expanding news in groups, displaying exit buttons in the list of groups.

Displaying lists of new and deleted friends, “favorite” contacts.

Huh! Such a variety of functions. I admit, I really love all sorts of conveniences and VKopt provides a lot that VK itself does not have. I can’t even imagine how someone could come up with this.

One thing is obvious - with the help of these “little things” you can make your stay on the VKontakte social network much more convenient. Many actions can be accelerated to one or two clicks!

However, all these improvements by and large, are interesting to ordinary users, but for some reason the most “delicious” features are not listed in the list of optimizations.

Administrative functionality of Vkontakte Optimizer

As soon as you log into your community, you will see new options.

These, if you go to any community:

Additional two functions

And these, if you go to your community:

Three additional functions

What we have:

1) the ability to update wall posts without reloading the page completely;

2) the ability to open an album with images from the wall;

3) we can also open a list of wiki pages associated with the community;

4) a button appears quick access to statistics;

5) and the most interesting thing is that you can change the type of community.

It is very attractive that public page can be done as a group. However, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of such a change, since after changing the status of the page, existing subscribers will no longer receive updates in news feed. In order for the community to work properly, a member must log out/unsubscribe and then click subscribe again. As a rule, if you ask users to complete this procedure, many will simply unsubscribe without returning to the community. And most people may completely miss your request.

I was very pleased with the new features when working with wiki pages. Now, creation internal pages, does not create any labor! Click on the added menu, and then on the “add” button.

Adding a page

We write a name for the page, then enter the required data. Please note that next to “return to page” there is also an “add” item that allows you to quickly go to new page after finishing working with the current one.

Filling the page with content

Let's go back to home page community, look at the list of pages again and see the update:

Page added

The optimizer also adds a few more useful functions, for example, you can view community members in order of entry, and in the blacklist you can conduct a complete amnesty and unban everyone.

Do you want to unban everyone? Please!

And finally, there is an opportunity to easily view statistics from other groups and publics! Under the community avatar we see the [Statistics] button:

Statistics button

It appears in all groups, however, if access to statistics is closed and only allowed for administrators, the corresponding error window will pop up:

This window appears if statistics are closed!

But if the statistics are open, then you will get to it in one click! By the way, if the administrators of advertising platforms do not open statistics, it means that they have something to “hide”. Communities that make money from advertising usually keep their statistics public.

And another cool feature:

Do you have a “Dislike” button?

VKopt adds another button under posts: “Dislike” with a shard. She doesn’t have much weight, but when she appeared... I admit, I was worried: “Well, this was still missing!” - I thought. The feature appeared on the first of April and it turned out that it was an April Fool's joke by the application developers. Funny, right?

It should be noted that VkOpt does not violate any rules of the VKontakte network - it only allows you to use some functions that were originally included in this social network, but for some reason were temporarily blocked, or allows you to use standard features most in the best possible way, which sometimes leads to very impressive results.

It should also be mentioned that due to the fact that the VKontakte social network is constantly being modernized, you should update the optimizer in time to the latest version, which includes support for new functions.

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VkOpt(VKontakte Optimizer) - This free extension accessible to everyone modern browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Safari...) , which adds a lot of useful and useful information to the interface of the popular social network VKontakte. convenient functions.

Initially, VkOpt was intended for downloading music and videos. But over the years of development, it has absorbed many more convenient functions. WITH using VkOpt It’s many times more convenient to view and download songs and videos, manage friends and messages, customize the VKontakte interface to suit you...

Users who have installed VKontakte Optimizer can no longer imagine using the website without it. The supplement works successfully for many mobile devices, with support for modern browsers ( Opera Mobile, Firefox Mobile).

Main functions of VkOpt

  • Possibility of simple and fast download music and video.
  • Expansion of the user menu.
  • Possibility to disable advertising.
  • View people who have bookmarked you.
  • Checking ICQ status in your profile.
  • Display of zodiac sign and age in the user profile.
  • Expand your friends lists, notes, albums, and videos.
  • Displays the clock under the user menu.
  • Ability to invite all friends to the group and application.
  • Ability to display up to hundreds of photos on a page.
  • Disable cropping of user avatars.
  • Customize your own background unread messages.
  • Removing duplicate audio in search.
  • Deleting all messages and chat history from specific person.
  • Settings sound signals with new events.
  • Pop-up forms for writing messages.
  • Full story statuses.
  • And many other useful tools.

Changes in latest versions

  • Fixed bugs with dialogs.
  • With the compact style of likes, the text color of the active like is blue, and the height of the block with buttons is reduced.
  • Fixed buttons for listing Wiki pages in groups.
  • Fix downloaded file names using hieroglyphs.
  • Fix for clearing garbage from audio titles using hieroglyphs (now hieroglyphs are not considered garbage).
  • Trimming brackets [ and ] along with spaces.
  • When you disable the extra option for searching for hidden audio (scan_hidden_audios), the height of the block with counters on the profile is again limited.
  • Fixed bug with delayed posts.
  • Fixed an issue where scripts would sometimes not run in a new tab until the page was refreshed.