Hidden advertising posts with a call to action button. How to place advertising posts on VKontakte

VKontakte audience, according to data social network, has 97 million unique users, 77% of whom come from mobile devices. Advertising can be displayed in mobile and desktop versions of the social network, as well as in VKontakte applications.

Using targeted ads, you can advertise several types of objects: communities and applications on VKontakte, external sites and community posts.

Text-graphic block: advertisements on VKontakte pages

This format allows you to promote an application, community or external site. Specific ad formats are available for each advertised property. Ads are shown only in the desktop version of the site on the left side of the page.

A text-graphic block can include up to three advertising entries on each VKontakte page. Payment is made per click (CPC) or per impression (CPM). Ads support behavioral and targeted targeting, as well as pixel or CRM retargeting.

The main task of text-graphic block ads is to generate traffic. However, with the help of such advertisements, a company can also increase awareness, attract new users, and announce promotions.

In this format, the main thing is the visual component, not the text. It is the picture that attracts attention, so it is important to choose a catchy illustration that will not lose quality due to its small size. A high-quality image in an ad ensures a high CTR. Creatives must be relevant to the interests of the target audience and evoke emotions.

The text and image ad block can display four formats:

  1. Image and text. The ad consists of a title (up to 33 characters), a picture measuring 145x85 pixels and a description (up to 70 characters).

    To motivate the user to take the target action, you need to include a CTA in the description text, for example, “learn more”, “read on the site”, “buy”. The length of the description line allows you to tell a little more about the offer:

    • inform customers about promotions and discounts;
    • describe the competitive advantages of the product;
    • indicate the price in order to cut off the audience for whom it may be high.
  2. Large image. The ad does not have a description, but there is a title (up to 33 characters) and an image measuring 145x165 pixels. The link can lead to a website, community, or application.

    The main focus is a large image, thanks to which the ad attracts the user’s attention and encourages them to click on the ad for detailed information about the product or service. You can place catchy and easy-to-read text on the image, for example, the main benefit, selling triggers, brand name or CTA.

  3. Promotion of communities. Includes the following elements: header, 145x145 pixel square image, CTA buttons “Join”, “Follow” for groups and public pages or “I’ll go” for events, and information about the number of members or friends in the community.

    Such advertisements help increase the number of subscribers to the VKontakte community. An active CTA button allows you to join a group or take part in an event without going to the community page. The format works well for well-known and popular brands.

  4. Square image— a format for promoting applications and games. The ad includes a 145x145 pixel image (or uploaded by the advertiser), the name of the application, the number of friends in the application, and the CTA button “Play” or “Launch”.
  5. Special format for app promotion. Ads appear on the app catalog page and in the news feed. In addition to the app name and image, you can add its rating and genre. The image can be either the app cover or a manually uploaded 128x128 image.

    Special listings do not participate in the general auction. They compete in a separate auction against competing ads of the same format.

    The coverage in the feed is much less than in the text and graphic block on the site pages. In-feed ads provide brand presence among news and user posts and increase awareness. On the application catalog page, the design of advertisements does not differ from the list of other games and applications. If the user is shown relevant advertising here, taking into account interests and other targeting, then the probability of receiving clicks and transitions is very high.

Post promotion - advertising posts in the news feed

The format works in mobile and desktop versions of the site; entries are shown in the users’ news feed and on the walls of other communities. As with any post, you can add up to ten attachments to a promo post: illustrations, videos, surveys, maps, products, and others.

The advertiser pays for advertising in this format using the CPM model. Advanced targeting settings are available for ads, as well as retargeting. These options allow you to either select or exclude audiences that have already seen your ad.

The format supports the installation of counters from third-party traffic audit systems, such as AdRiver and Weborama. To run independent statistics tracking, you must connect a pixel from one of the systems.

Promo posts are suitable for promoting publications with information about the company’s services, competitions and events, and surveys. Using this format, an advertiser can work with users at different levels of the funnel: target new users and increase brand awareness, tell people already familiar with the product about the benefits, carry out up-sells and cross-sells, work with existing customers (advertise limited promotions, provide bonuses etc).

  1. Promote an existing entry in the community.
  2. Create a hidden post without posting on the wall and show it only in the news feed of the desired audience. With the help of hidden promotional posts, it is convenient to attract new users to the community and conduct A/B testing of creatives or targeting.

By default, advertising posts are shown in users' news feeds. However, it is possible to display promotional posts in an advertising network - popular communities that are monetized by placing advertisements on the wall and in the news feed of subscribers. It is important that the target audience is selected based on the targeting settings specified when setting up the ad.

You can check the effectiveness of a promotional post using the “Evaluation of advertising posts” metric (in November 2017). The algorithm takes into account positive (following links, watching videos, joining a group) and negative (complaints, hiding from the feed) user interactions with a publication and compares them with competitors’ ads within the same format. The rating begins to be displayed after 2000 impressions of the promotional post.

You should not choose “Score” as the main indicator of campaign effectiveness. The metric is useful for A/B testing and will indicate a post with a low rating in order to control the budget in a timely manner.

  1. Try different targeting settings: by interests, communities, similar audiences, remarketing audiences, geolocation, etc.
  2. Test ad design:
    • attract attention and engage: add videos, GIF animations, bright colors to your ad, but remember that the quality of the ad should not suffer from this;
    • focus on the main thing - important details should immediately catch your eye;
    • Create ads that match your audience's interests;
    • add high-quality and clear images;
    • images can describe the benefits of a product or service, talk about a successful purchase or cooperation experience, demonstrate the most popular product or the arrival of a new collection, collected in one collage.
  3. Make sure your landing pages are relevant. It is better to place the main information at the top of the landing page, in plain sight.
  4. Alternate ad formats to promote the same product.
  5. Analyze statistics and promptly control changes:
    • change the bid if the intensity of impressions or the recommended value has changed;
    • set limits at the level of ads and advertising campaigns to control budget expenditure;
    • examine demographics and their impact on performance;
    • If necessary, create a separate creative taking into account the specific demographics of the audience.

Advertising posts with a button

Unlike promotional posts, this format has a button with a call to action and does not allow you to attach any attachments. The post with the button contains text (up to 220 characters), a snippet in which you can change the title and manually add an image (537x240 pixels).

A link in an ad with a button can lead to a community page or website, a community application, a VKontakte application, directly to a dialogue with the community, or generate calls. There can only be one link per ad. Payment for placement is based on CPM or CPC models.

According to VKontakte, the effectiveness of publications with a button is higher than without a button. Ads receive 30% more clicks, CTR is 1.5 times higher, CPC is 32% lower.

  • go;
  • open;
  • buy;
  • to buy a ticket;
  • fill in;
  • sign up;
  • contact;
  • join;
  • register;
  • write;
  • more details.

One option for a CTA button is the “Call” button. It is shown in ads in VKontakte mobile applications and in the mobile version of the site. Such advertisements allow the user to directly contact the company's office or call center.

Using the app

How to increase views on Instagram videos is not a difficult question; there is even automatic increase in views for new videos. Service websites, online shops for promotion, a wide variety of services are offered today. Which adapt to the needs of users. As mentioned above, there is even an automatic subscription for video views. Services have already appeared on stories. The main thing is not to forget about what exactly you want from cheating. Just artificially increase your performance, bring your video to the top, or simply maintain your account’s reputation.

Where can you increase views on Instagram videos and automatically increase views?

— online shop for promotion on social media. networks. Large section for Instagram. A variety of services range from increasing likes, subscribers, saving, display and reach (statistics) to views on videos on IGTV. Prices are for 100 pcs. The first package is 100 views for 15 rubles. Further, in decreasing order, at a discount. More views, less cost, this is how all offers are created. The order is placed online, through a basket as in an online store, there is a small personal account. You can buy video views, like other services, without registration.
  • On the site; about 80 services, description, online consultant, separately etc., bonuses when replenishing your balance.
Morelikes— a fully automatic system for promoting social networks. Instagram, twitch, facebook, vkontakte, soundcloud, twitter. Increase views on videos on insta, as well as on igtv, igtv likes, stories, impressions and reach. Registration and balance replenishment are required. My orders are in my personal account. All orders can be tracked, the service is shown, as well as the execution status, date, link. The cheapest.

Views on videos on insta

— views on video, plus on ig tv, likes on IGTV videos. You can view prices and descriptions of services on the website. Only with registration. Without registering your personal account and replenishing your balance, you will not be able to place an order. Top up for any amount.
  • Technical support on the website in your personal account. Prices are indicated for 1 thousand pieces. Any other quantity can be specified in the online form when placing an order.

— auto system, only for Instagram. You can place an order on the website, either online or by registering your personal account. Views on Instagram, saves, likes, subscribers.

- boost views, comments, auto subscription for likes, new or old photos. Promotion of bot subscribers, up to one million, in the database. Feedback, inside the service, personal account order status. Video guide to the site in one minute. Leader in the promotion market.

Recommendations are always the same or gain popularity on Instagram

Do you often think about why the number of your followers on Instagram has stagnated? Look at our tips and find out what your account needs to stand out among hundreds of thousands of others.

Process photos wisely

Did you know that editing photos for Instagram claims to become a separate form of art? Taking a great photo is one thing, but only with the help of good editing will you begin to receive enthusiastic comments. To begin with, you need a good start - pay attention to applications such as Afterlight, VSCO, Facetune, Snapseed and others. For example, Afterlight and Snapseed are ideal for editing photos at the initial stage: adjusting contrast, brightness, shadows. With the help of Facetune, all famous bloggers whiten their photos, VSCO is famous for its excellent filters, and the Piction application has in its arsenal beautiful fonts for text on your photos.

Create your own style

It’s scary to even think that three years ago almost no one posted photos in the same style and processing - everyone just published any pictures they liked and didn’t even think about how they would look in the overall picture. Now this is one of the most important points to keep in mind.

Communicate with the audience

If you want a lot of people to follow your blog, you should share your thoughts with subscribers, respond to comments and from time to time notify them about changes and interesting events in your life. And also don’t forget to ask them questions, invite them to participate in competitions, go to their accounts and like photos, etc. The more you communicate with the audience, the more subscribers will be attached to you. Seeing stories and posts about your life day after day, your followers will have the illusion that they know you personally. This will not only help you create a closer relationship with your subscribers, but will also increase activity and traffic to your page.

Post photos constantly

Having won an audience, it is important not to relax and remain in the sight of subscribers all the time. The number of photos per day or per week depends on your goals. If you want to become one of the best bloggers, then the ideal option is to publish three posts a day. Remember that you shouldn’t post them all at the same time.

Get inspired

The best way to find inspiration for new posts is to follow accounts you like. By the way, we recommend that you read “Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon, which discusses the fine line between stealing ideas and being inspired by them. One thing is for sure: when you find something beautiful and present these ideas through the prism of your perception, you will certainly create something new and unique.

Make your content varied

Beautiful photos are cool, but don’t forget that you can also post short videos. Do you travel, pose for a photo shoot, or know how to dance cool? Cool, this is what you need! In addition to taking photos, take a little extra time to record a short video. Instagram allows you to post videos up to one minute long, and that will be enough. Shoot short videos, select a song and edit a full video in applications such as IMovie, Flipagram and others. Believe me, the time spent creating unusual content for your profile will definitely pay off.

Find what will set you apart from the rest

We are sure that you can easily recognize photos of your favorite Instagram bloggers in your feed, even without paying attention to the profile that posted them. Why? They have their own look at the photos and a recognizable voice in the captions. Maybe you will become famous for your light and airy photographs with the enchanting morning light, or maybe everyone will like your inspiring quotes every morning? Whatever it is, find your chip and don’t let go. People will definitely like it.
Despite all the tips and rules we've listed above, in the end, the number of followers on your Instagram account won't matter if you don't truly enjoy what you do. Don’t forget to make sure that running Instagram truly inspires and brings you joy. After all, this is exactly what will help you increase the number of subscribers in the first place.


Cheating views on ig tv videos on Instagram, a service that has already been implemented on cheating services. How to get more views to more actively attract attention to your IGTV account. To begin with, it’s worth giving more importance to promoting your account. After all, if you actively maintain your profile, you have a live audience that follows you (subscribers). This will make up the majority of users who watch your video content on IGTV. Increasing views on ig tv videos, in turn, can increase their number. And if there are increased likes on IGTV, you can see (who liked) but there are no views.

Increase views on ig tv videos

You can only understand the effectiveness and profitability of increasing views on IGTV personally on your account. For example, there are no views on the video, in general, you can try and see whether they will grow in the future or not. For example, if you order 1000 thousand views, then you can watch for several days. If views continue to grow, it means that the video has appeared in other user feeds, for example, recommended. For commercial profiles, cheating has a different meaning. Reputation management and visual excellence. Some maintain not only their reputation, but also try to visually outperform their competitors. Don't forget to take into account the video description, hashtags and title. All these details play a decisive role when adding video. Since the service is not yet very popular and many are still looking only for how to create a channel on IGTV. That and the service of sites for boosting views on ig tv, not so much. But many have already added these services and adapted new sections for them. You can test the service for boosting or increasing the number of views on ig tv at a minimum value of 100 views.

— online store for promotion on social networks. The largest section for Instagram. A variety of services ranging from increasing likes, subscribers, saving, display and reach (statistics) to views on IGTV videos. Prices are for 100 pcs. The first package is 100 views on ig tv for 20 rubles. Further, in decreasing order, at a discount. More views, less cost, this is how all offers are created. The order is placed online, through a basket as in an online store, there is a small personal account. You can buy views on IGTV, like other services, without registration.

  • On the site; about 80 services, description, online consultant, separate TP, bonuses when replenishing your balance, minimal personal account.
Morelikes— automatic system for promotion in social networks. Instagram, Twitch, Facebook, VK, SoundCloud, Twitter. Increase views on igtv, igtv likes, stories, impressions and reach. Registration and replenishment of the balance within your personal account are required. All orders can be tracked, the service is shown, as well as the execution status.
- an online platform, only for Instagram. All types of services, likes, views, subscribers, reach, saves. Views on ig tv, likes on IGTV videos. You can view prices and descriptions of services on the website, but in order to place an order, you will need to register. Without registering your personal account and replenishing your balance, you will not be able to place an order. Top up for any amount.
  • Technical support system inside your personal account, description of each service, bring a friend, list of orders, completion status. Prices are for 1000 pcs. Any other quantity can be specified in the online form when placing an order.

Top service for increasing views on Instagram - no ig tv views yet

— a universal system, only for Instagram. The service site has two main sections, and its functionality is divided into online ordering, without registration and with registration. Inside your personal account, there are my orders, balance replenishment, online form for orders. Invite a friend, description of each service, online support chat. At the same time, prices for some services are cheaper inside your personal account.

- the most convenient and has additional services. Increase views, comments, subscribe to likes, new or old photos. Subscribers are bots, up to one million, in the database. Technical support system, inside the site, personal account status of orders, within a minute the order can be canceled.

Cheat or promotion - main design and content

SEO promotion is one of the most popular areas of Internet marketing. When optimizing websites for search engines, marketers often completely forget about optimizing profiles on social networks. And they do it in vain. Perhaps organic promotion on Instagram is not such a powerful tool, but in any case you shouldn’t exclude it.

Ways to search engine optimization on Instagram

  1. Hashtags
  2. Geotags
  3. Keywords
  4. Stories in the profile header and design
  5. Links
Let's start with hashtags. By using topical and targeted tags, you expand your audience. At the moment, Instagram not only provides the opportunity to subscribe to a specific hashtag, but also strongly recommends doing so if you are a reader of similar topics. Do not duplicate hashtags in all posts. Get creative and think about what else might be of interest to your target audience. Choose the number of tags according to your needs. Test it. There is no consensus on this matter.


They should be everywhere. In posts, in stories, in the profile header. Again, if you are not a local business owner, a variety of geolocations will increase the geography of your subscribers. And the geotag, in stories, will show those who are near you.


Not to be confused with hashtags. Keys on Instagram are applicable in the profile title and name line. Don't repeat yourself, use this space wisely.

Stories and design

Using websites as an example, this is our usability. Let the user visiting you for the first time learn more about you from the first seconds. In the profile header you can post a post with navigation through your account, contact information and saved stories. This is your business card! If your profile contains a lot of photos with different topics, then navigation using unique hashtags is simply necessary.


This optimization method differs from classic SEO promotion using link mass. Links on Instagram are like a friendly exchange of pleasantries. SFS – works on the principle “you give me, and I give you.” Mention your friends, subscribers, clients in publications and don’t be shy to ask for reciprocity. Organic promotion on Instagram differs from the classical understanding of this method, but if you decide to do business on this social platform, do it comprehensively and correctly. Don't be afraid to experiment, test and find new promotion methods.


How much has the increase in subscribers on Instagram and, of course, the prices for them changed? The cost of getting subscribers in previous years, compared to 2018, was colossal. A lot has changed on the technical side. Many services now have their own databases and accounts. Plus with the introduction of such areas as mass flowing and mass liking. The possibilities for promoting and promoting Instagram accounts have expanded.

  • The cheating has gone even further. For example, today it is possible to artificially increase coverage on video. We recently wrote about a separate direction, this. And more than 8 directions, from likes and saves to views on IG TV channels. We will touch on these services indirectly, since the main topic is subscribers on Instagram.

How much does it cost to gain followers on Instagram - prices

There are a lot of services and sites for getting subscribers. As well as offers with a choice, subscriptions. Today these could be bots or offers, live accounts, subscribers from all over the world. It’s worth adding to this that many subscriber databases also have their own disadvantages. One of the main ones is the percentage of write-offs. This can be from 10 to 40% of write-offs of the accumulated amount. At the same time, at any level, you will order on the exchange, promotion by live users or offer subscribers. There will be write-offs anyway. Therefore, it is better to test not only the service itself, but also the number of write-offs (unsubscribes). Thus, selecting the most suitable site for yourself.
- a popular service for boosting social networks. Increasing subscribers, likes, automatic subscription to likes. The subscribers field in the online form has two types of promotion: live, up to 5,000 thousand subscribers in the database, artificial accounts up to 100 thousand. Prices: live from 25 rubles, bots from 20 rubles per 100 subscribers. To order, registration and balance replenishment are required. In your personal account, a list of your orders, technical support, bonus program.

— services for all social networks. Increase Instagram subscribers, likes, auto-likes, recent publications, saves, video views, Ig tv channels. Boosting statistics, impressions and coverage, views on stories. Online chat for technical support, placing orders is carried out through the shopping cart, where the required quantity is indicated, or you can select a ready-made package for subscribers. There are many options, live subscribers from 90 rubles. for 100 subscribers, offer subscriptions 55 rubles, quick ones from 80 rubles. Description and speed of services, on the subscriber boost page, under services.

Cheating subscribers without and with registration

— the store is divided into two: online ordering and personal account registration. On the web version without registration, orders are made through pop-up forms. Where you can specify a link to your account, email and pay for the selected number of subscribers. The second option is to register a personal account. As with all services, a list of orders, replenishment of the balance with bonuses, and an online order form are available. In your account, through the form, depending on the quantity, the amount is calculated automatically. Online chat, invite a friend program, description of services, balance display. Live from 90 rubles, per hundred subscribers, offer from 50 rubles, per hundred subscribers.

Followers on instagram only registration

— automated online service. An order can be placed after registration and balance replenishment. Services are only for Instagram and prices are indicated not as for everyone for 100 subscribers or likes, but for 1000 thousand. You indicate any other value in the form when ordering. For example, 1000 likes cost 50 rubles, which means 100 likes will cost 5 rubles. Subscriber prices are expensive. For example, Russian acanthuses cost 900 rubles for 1 thousand subscribers. Offers from 850 rubles per thousand, fast subscribers from 650 rubles per 1 thousand. Ticket system for technical support, inside the site, answers to frequently asked questions, blog.

Online increase of followers on Instagram through the exchange

— online exchange for promotion on social networks. The exchange differs in that you can perform tasks on it from other participants in the system. Or, as in the case of services, top up your balance and create your own task for promotion. A distinctive feature is the low speed of execution, task creation, and balance replenishment. And execution of tasks by users. After registration, in your personal account you can switch between the performer and the advertiser. To create a promotion task, you need an advertiser’s account. Subscribers for Instagram will cost 1 ruble per subscriber.

There are many options for cheating, but cheating subscribers is just an additional unit of promotion. To a greater extent, this is an artificial increase in indicators. To attract followers on Instagram, you need to use all the tools. It is very important that this is a content plan; it is advisable to have an understanding of how, what and when to publish. Set aside days for entertainment content, make days with a commercial focus. So, with all thematic areas. Content areas can be divided into main ones and supplemented with new ones, for example. Entertainment content, interesting, useful, commercial, advertising and so on.
  • Today you can use polls, stickers to ask a question, stories, video content. Connect the channel in a new format on IG TV. Combining posting to other social networks has huge potential for promoting and promoting Instagram accounts. But these are other directions that you can look for on our blog. Regarding the promotion of subscribers, service sites are presented above. You can find any type of Instagram service you need there.


Making a beautiful header (cover) in a group is an opportunity to beautifully visualize the VK community. Thus, you can not only highlight the theme of the community, but also emphasize the general style, brand, company, store or thematic community. To create a header, you will need an image and a photo editor. This can be a program on a computer (Photoshop) or any online editor.

  • Uploading images to the cover or as it is called the header to the group is simple. To do this, you must have access to the community settings. In the right menu of the group, select management.

  • Step two. You are in the community settings. Right on the main page, where the title and description are. We find the active field, load, opposite the inscription community cover. Click download!

  • After clicking the download button. You will see a short description, properties and size of the desired image. Recommendations from VKontakte are as follows.
  1. To place a logo or thematic image, it is suggested to make it in the center. This will allow you to display it exactly on mobile devices, phones, tablets.
  2. Size recommendations: extension 1590 by 400 px. Formats can be jpg, gif, png.
Click the button to select a file. Now you can upload the image you need from your computer to your community.

  • After loading the image, you will have two buttons. This is save and continue and also go back. Save the hat and enjoy the type of community you require.

This is how you can upload the header or cover you need to your VKontakte group. How to make a cover? It depends on the imagination and capabilities of the editors. Today you can find thousands of free image editors. The same number of free thematic photos, pictures and logos. You can also create the desired size for free using any online Photoshop. In search engines, finding them will not be difficult.

  • This is what happened in our group. We did it, size 1590 by 400 px. In regular jpg format. The result is a smooth rectangular cover. As far as the design is concerned, it’s up to you to decide for yourself. Instructions on how to make a cover and upload it are in front of you.


What is cheating statistics on Instagram? Recently, greater preference has been given to statistics, analysis of coverage and impressions, and content to users. Instagram was no exception with the introduction of business profiles and display of statistics. You can view both the reach and impressions of each publication, as well as general statistics. At the same time, cheating services also introduced a tool - cheating statistics for Instagram.

  • The display of statistics is visible only to you and individual services that have access to the Instagram API. Thus, such sites can show statistics, for example, to advertisers on advertising exchanges. If you participate and sell advertising not yourself, but with the help of advertising exchanges. Statistics, both general and for each post, are available only to business accounts. Just recently, we told...
Cheating statistics on Instagram is carried out in the same way as any other cheating. A link to the publication (photo or video) is indicated and after placing an order, within the period specified on the selected site, you can see the result. As a rule, not only the coverage indicator increases, but other indicators also increase. For example, transitions from another, from hashtags, from the main profile. All these indicators are displayed in the publication statistics!
  • Cheating statistics (impressions and coverage) is possible only for publication, this is a photo or video. Along with the promotion of a publication, the overall statistics of the account also increases; this can be seen in your account. Going to the main profile statistics, top menu.

is an online platform for a variety of social networks. Most services for Instagram, from increasing likes, subscribers, new Instagram channels (ig tv) to statistics and coverage. The section for boosting statistics on Instagram has a detailed description of the service and rules. The section contains 4 forms, but when ordering in the cart, namely the quantity field, you can specify the value you need. This could be at least 100, 200, 350 and so on.

  • The description also lists other similar services. For example, there are not only promotions and statistics, but also likes with reach and even views on videos with reach. These services are only suitable for business accounts. In a simple account, you will not be able to view statistics!
(registration link) - online promotion service for Instagram. It has several solutions, such as placing orders online and registering a personal account. Cheating statistics - coverage and impressions, available only in your personal account, after registration. The order is placed through an online form that shows the type of service and the final cost, depending on the specified quantity.

Morelikes— Instagram promotion service. All possible services for Instagram, from IG TV views and likes, to boosting saves and statistics. You can view prices and descriptions of services, but to place an order, you will need to register. Online order form, available only in your personal account, with an active balance. Top up your balance for any amount. Inside your personal account, there is a technical support ticket system, your balance, invite a friend, a list of your orders and their execution statuses. The cost is indicated for 1000 executions, that is, if it costs 250 rubles, that’s per thousand. If in your personal account, when ordering, you indicate, for example, the quantity 100, then the cost will be 25 rubles. And so are all the services.

Cheat statistics on Instagram online without registration

— Instagram promotion service, has been working for more than a year. Updated interface, the ability to place orders online without registration and with a personal account. You can order without registration, but in your account there are bonuses for replenishment, display of orders, invite a friend. You can test the service at any value, coverage and impressions from at least 100 pcs.
  • In the bookmarks tab, not only your saves are stored, but it is also possible to create collections. Separate folders that you can assign themed names to. And group the collections according to the topic of pictures or videos.
  • You can add publications to bookmarks both inside the application in the feed and in the web version of Instagram. When viewing publications from a computer, only authorized users.

How to cheat saves or cheat saves (bookmarks) on Instagram

Bookmarks or saves, you can cheat. Artificially increasing the number of photos saved. Cheating is carried out through services and sites offering promotion services on Instagram. What can saves do? In practice, many people use cheating saves to increase activity in their profile and get them to the top. In fact, this is just one of the elements of cheating. Testing and viewing the result is very individual. It all depends on what you expect from the cheat or what you want from it.
- registration is not required; orders for conservation can be placed online. Increase likes, likes with reach, saves, subscribers, statistics, reach and impressions for business profiles. Views on videos, stories, live broadcasts, increasing views on IG TV videos. Online chat of technical support, it is possible to register and top up your balance to work with orders within the system.

- online Matrix registration- Personal Area. Cheat only on Instagram. The site is divided, you can place orders online or register a personal account. After which prices for some services will become cheaper. In your personal account, there is a display of your orders, replenishment of the balance for any amount, and an online form for placing orders. Savings both online and in your account cost the same!

Online without registration

- automatic system, you can see prices online; to place an order, you can use the online order form on the main page. Order form, a simple two lines for a link and quantity. Any other value, for example, 100 saves, 200, 300, and so on, you indicate yourself when placing an order. After the specified quantity, the online form calculates the cost for the selected quantity.

Is it possible to see who saved the publication?

  • No, it is impossible to see who saved your posts. Such functionality is not provided by the Instagram application. The only thing you can see is the number of saves in the statistics of your post. Using the example of a test and services, we will show how this looks in practice.
You must have a business profile connected. Under each post there is an active field to view statistics. When you click on it, you will be shown post statistics and the number of saves. You cannot see just the number of people who have bookmarked your posts.

Friends, in Sociate.Targeting you can now create hidden promotional posts with a Call-to-Action button. You can choose the name of the button depending on the target user action. Buttons are available in the full and mobile versions of the site, as well as in VKontakte applications.

First, let's recall the format of hidden advertising posts.

Hidden advertising posts are posts that are seen only by the target audience of the advertisement. Such posts are not displayed on the community wall and in subscribers’ news feeds. This is an excellent format for testing ads on different audience segments, as well as attracting new subscribers.We wrote more about how to create hidden advertising posts in Sociate.Targeting in a separate section. .

What is a call to action button and why is it needed?

A call-to-action button is an active button in an advertising post that allows the user to go straight from viewing the ad to taking some action. This could be a transition to a website or, for example, a transition to buying a ticket to a concert.

The button stands out well in the post and can increase the effectiveness of your advertising posts.

Choose the appropriate appeal for your audience in accordance with the goals of the advertising campaign.

The target action options on the button depend on the type of attached link:

Go to the VKontakte website or application: Go, Open, Buy, Buy a ticket, Fill out, Sign up, Contact.

Go to the VKontakte community page: Join, Contact, Write, Learn More, Go.

Phone number in promo post: Call, Book, Sign up, Register.

How to create a post with a call to action button in Sociate.Targeting

2. Add a button to the post: provide a link, phone number, application address, etc.

3. Z Upload a new picture or select a suitable one from those already uploaded.

4. If necessary, edit the button title.

5. Choose a suitable name for the button.

Technical parameters for all button options:

    Image (537x240 pixels)

    Title for snippet (up to 80 characters)

    Text block up to 220 characters long with 2 line breaks

    Selecting a button name from the suggested options

Let us remind you that today in Sociate.Targeting the “Post Promotion” format is available only for users who have connected an external VK account. By the way, we recently revised the tool price policy, and now you can use it at a more pleasant price!;)

What innovations are planned in the near future?

VKontakte recently launched payment for clicks for advertising posts with buttons. With this feature, you will know how many clicks each click on your call to action button takes.Such posts are already displayed in the Sociate.Targeting account. Soon it will be possible to create posts with payment for clicks in the interface of our system. Follow the news;)

Hello, friends! Today I will tell you how to make a VKontakte link in the form of a clickable button. For VKontakte posts I have already suggested here on the blog and on your video channel on YouTube, and this article will be a good continuation of this topic. And if you apply this method in practice, you will appreciate its power.

You all know that it is not so easy to encourage a modern Internet user to read something, much less click on a link. If the main role in making the decision “to read or not to read” is played by the title, the first paragraph of text and the accompanying picture, then in the process of following the proposed links, active elements in the form of banners and cable buttons are connected to these main elements.

As a result of reading this article, you can easily design your VKontakte post like this:

The technical component of this technique is based on the fact that as soon as a link appears in the text of the post, Contact automatically repeats it under the text of the content. One of the results of this algorithm of its work is a preview of one of the pictures posted on the volume of web resources to which the link leads.

This is the preview we will use. If you click on the camera icon that appears when you hover your mouse over the preview, then Contact offers to replace the image with any other one with dimensions no smaller than 537x240px.

Let's create a white file of exactly this size in Photoshop and save it as an image. Now, in the mode of adding news to the wall of your account or group, we’ll put any link, for example, to an article on our blog, click the camera icon on the preview and invite the contact to download our white image. As soon as VKontakte makes the download, you will see this picture:

Next, using your favorite screenshot, you need to very carefully take a screenshot of the area occupied by the gray background along its outer border. You can even use it for this. If you do not take a screenshot of the entire screen at once, and this is the best option in this case, then control the size of the future screenshot. They should be 537x240px.

Now in Photoshop, open this screenshot, take the tool "Rectangle" and create a blank rectangle for the future button in place of the white part of the image.

In this case, you can select the color of this rectangle immediately before starting this operation, or you can change it later. There is no need to remove the gray image or crop it. And there is a special trick to this.

All you have to do is give the button you are creating a name, select the color of the inscription and specify its location. In this case, it is quite possible that before typing, you will need to temporarily disable the layer of the created rectangle.

You will get something like this beautiful button or even better. By the way, you can create several of these buttons at once so that you can quickly select a button that matches the color of the picture of your post. After creating such a set, we save each option in a folder specially created for buttons.

When the buttons are ready, you load the desired button while working instead of the preview created by Contact. In this case, you do not need to adjust any sizes - feel free to press the button after loading "Save changes", and Contact itself will do the rest.

You won't even have a hint of a gray area, but just a button.

Next, you supplement the future post with the necessary content and be sure to insert a picture, if necessary, clarify the inscription on the link and send your post to the readers. It will look no worse than shown above in the screenshot of the post on the start of the next recruitment in .

In principle, the work is not difficult, but it will require some accuracy from you in your actions. I’ll add that buttons can be made with rounded corners, they can be made smaller, or you can simply insert ready-made ones. You can see how this is all done in the video below. The first part is devoted to the method described above, and the second to all the others.

If you liked creating such clickable buttons for VKontakte posts, let me know about it in the comments below. Naturally, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them there. I wish you to sort everything out without any problems.

Best regards, Sergey Pochechuev.

If you are engaged in marketing and promote your products and services on a social network, then in order to attract an audience, you need to learn how to work with advertising tools. We have already learned with you and figured out what it is. Now let's get acquainted with advertising records. Let's learn how to create and publish them.

We create and place an advertising post in a group

Go to your page, and in the left menu block click “Advertising” (see).

On the next page click the button "Create ad".

Now select the post type - either generic or button post. In the example we will look at the second option. Place the appropriate marker and press the button "Create entry".

On the next page, enter the URL of the page or content you want to advertise. In our example, we will send users to the site mgwool.ru. We indicate this address in the form and click the “Continue” button.

Now you need to fill out the description.

  • The advertising post is linked to the community. Select the one you need.
  • Enter description text.
  • If necessary, add an image (see).
  • Provide text for the action button. Select the desired option from the drop-down list.

When you fill in all the data, click on the “Create” button.

The post will be created and we will go to the publication settings.

Section "Geography".

"Interests, work and education".

If necessary, you can set retargeting parameters.

Block "Setting price and location".

  • Choose a payment option - for impressions or conversions.
  • Specify on which platforms your ad should be shown.
  • Set the desired price.
  • If necessary, limit the number of impressions per user.
  • Create an advertising campaign and add an entry to it.

When you're finished setting the criteria for displaying your post, click the button "Create ad".

Now you need to top up your company’s balance and send the entry for verification. To do this, on the next page, set the status to “Started”. An automatic check will be scheduled.

Now you need to wait for it to complete. If everything is approved, advertising impressions will begin.


Sponsored posts are a pretty powerful marketing tool. When used correctly, it shows good results. If your potential audience is on the VKontakte social network, then take it into account.