How to clear history in mobile Yandex. Complete deletion of history. Video: How to delete history in Yandex Browser

We can review it, analyze it, find and visit the pages that we viewed, download files that we downloaded previously and clear the history itself.

And if at one time it is useful for finding a page whose address you have forgotten, then sometimes users do not want anyone to know which resources they visited. To do this, clear the browser history.

Today we will look at how to clear history in Yandex Browser. In the vast majority of browsers, and Yandex Browser is no exception, the history can be checked using the combination Ctrl + H, or by clicking the settings icon in the upper right corner and selecting history from the menu.

Here we can clear the history for certain periods of time (for the previous hour, for the previous day and the entire history), as well as what exactly we want to delete from the history (cookies, cache files, download history, browsing history, saved passwords, auto-fill data).

There is no need to rush and delete everything, but only what you need to hide from prying eyes (you can delete it using one link), because, for example, cookies and cache files, auto-fill data help speed up the browser.

When you notice that Yandex (browser) begins to slow down, it means it’s time to clear your web browsing history, as well as cookies and cache.

This is very simple to do: Open a web browser and in the upper right corner click the button (with the image of three vertical stripes), with which you can enter the menu. Select the History option and then go to the History Manager. A page will open where you can view all the sites you have visited, as well as delete some of them or all at once.

If you want to completely get rid of the history, then click “Clear history” (the button on the right). A window will appear in which you will need to set checkboxes next to “Browsing history”, “Cookies” and “Cache”. Now it is recommended to indicate that you want to delete items accumulated “All time” and click “Clear history”. That's all. You got rid of your browsing history. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this operation.

"Incognito" mode If you do not want Yandex (browser) to save the queries that you enter into the search bar, as well as passwords and pages visited, then you can use the "Incognito" mode. To activate it, open the browser menu and hover over the “Advanced” option, and then go to “New window in incognito mode.”

After these steps, you will be able to visit any web page without passwords, requests, or resource addresses being saved. By the way, please note that by activating this mode, installed extensions will be disabled in the browser. There is no need to be scared - just open the menu again, go to the “Add-ons” section and enable everything that has been disabled for you. Yandex search engine So, you already know how to clear your history.

This is very easy to do in Yandex (browser). But what actions should be taken if we are talking about carrying out the same procedure in the Yandex search engine? This will be discussed further. First of all, log into your Yandex account. At the top, next to your profile photo, you will see a button with a gear icon. By clicking on it, select the "Other settings" option.

A page will open on which you need to go to the “My Finds” section. Now, to clear your search history, click the corresponding button (you can easily find it). The last step (optional) is to disable history recording. To do this, simply drag the slider located on the left to the "Off" position.

As you know, browsers store website browsing history. It would seem, what’s wrong with this? In fact, if history is not deleted in time, it can lead to very sad consequences. Therefore, today I will tell you how to delete your browsing history in Yandex Browser.

Launch the Internet browser. At the top of the window there is a button with three bars. Click on it, select “History” from the menu, and then select “History” again, as shown in the screenshot.

The history of visited sites will open in front of you. On the right side of this window there is a button “Clear history...” - click on it.

A window will open. In it, select the first two points, although you can do one, or you can do all at once according to your desire. Specify how long you want to delete the history, for example, one hour. Then click Clear History.

History cleared. By the way, you can open the window in a simpler way - press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE.

How to clear history in Yandex Browser on Android?

If you use an Android tablet or phone, deleting history from the mobile Yandex Browser will not be any more difficult. Probably, the same scheme is suitable for iPhone/iPad devices (there is no way to check at the moment).

Launch the application. In the upper right corner, click on the button in the form of three dots. In the menu that opens, select “Settings”.

In the settings, find the “Privacy” subsection and click “Clear data”.

Select the required data (in our case, check the box next to the “History” item). Then click Clear Data.

The history will be cleared.

If you have no desire to save any information about calls made, messages sent and received, as well as pages viewed in browsers, then you just need to delete the history on Android. This can be done either partially or completely.

How to delete history on Android using the application

To delete your Android search history, you can use a special application Quick clear. With its help, the history in the user's browser, the history of his calls, as well as the history that is saved when searching on Google Play are cleared.

In addition, it will become impossible to view search information on YouTube. Using such an application is quite simple.

  • Launch the application
  • Check the boxes for data that should be hidden
  • Click the “Clean” button

It is important to know that some applications cannot be cleared using this program, but it directs you directly to the necessary settings and you will need to clear everything manually. Unneeded files on your mobile device are deleted by clearing the cache. Tips and instructions for deleting the cache can be found in the article.

How to delete calls on Android

To clear the call log on Android, you need to:

  • Open the Phone app
  • Select the “Magazines” section
  • Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Click “Clear call log”

You can also delete calls selectively:

  • Open call log
  • Select call
  • Click “Call Details”
  • Click on the cart in the upper right corner

How to delete browser history on Android?

How to delete Internet history

This browser is a built-in application in some smartphones. To clear the history you need to do the following:

  • Open the browser and go to the menu
  • Select "Settings"
  • Find and click on the items “Clear history” and “Clear cache”

These instructions are suitable for the standard Opera browser, as well as Opera Mini, Opera Max and Opera beta. To delete history in Opera you need to:

Chrome is the standard browser on bare Android and Google smartphones. To delete history in Chrome you need to:

How to delete history in Firefox

The Firefox browser is considered one of the fastest browsers, which is why it is so loved by many. To clear history in Firefox, you need to:

  • Open browser
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Find the “History” item
  • Click “Delete web surfing history”

The most popular mobile browser in RuNet is Yandex. To clear history in Yandex on Android you need:

To find out how to clear history in the Yandex browser, you need to repeat all my steps.

  1. In the settings menu that opens, we move the mouse cursor over the “History” item. The “History Manager” sub-item from the drop-down list will open.
  2. We press the left list key once on it, after which it will open in a separate browser tab - “History Manager”.
  3. There is also a key combination to quickly call up this menu. To do this, we need to press the Ctrl+H key combination on the keyboard at the same time.
  • After opening the “History Manager” item using any of the listed methods, a page with visited sites will open in your browser.
  • Here you can select the necessary pages and delete them, or completely delete your entire browsing history - for all time.
  • In order to delete the history of visited pages in the Yandex browser, you need to hover the cursor over the “Clear history” button by clicking once with the left mouse button.

After this, a pop-up window will open with settings that you can choose at your discretion.

  1. By clicking on the “Delete the following items” item from the pop-up menu, select the time for which you need to clear the history.
  2. The pop-up menu contains items such as deleting history for the past hour, past day, past week, past 4 weeks and for all time.
  3. The default option is to delete the following elements for all time.

Having selected the time for which you want to delete your history of visited resources, we move on to selecting additional settings, namely, we need to select items such as browsing history, download history, cookies and other site data, files saved in the cache, passwords, form autofill data , and the last point is data from saved applications.

Having selected the items we need and the time for which we need to delete the history, click on the button just below to the right - “Clear history”. The process itself takes from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the amount of history you have accumulated.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and clear, and now you yourself know how to delete history in Yandex browser. If you want to receive my lessons by email, write your email in the box at the end of the article, and I wish you good health!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky


The icon only appears in tabs in which you have viewed multiple pages. If the icon is not available, go to the full story.

Limitation. The tab history contains the last 12 opened pages. If you don't see what you're looking for in this list, go to the full story. Your entire history stores the pages you've visited in the last 90 days. To always have access to the site, save it to bookmarks.

View full history

Removing pages from history

","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))\ ">

Clearing all history

","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))\ ">

History synchronization

History is partially synchronized:

  • The history of pages you visit on your computer is synchronized. If you reinstall your browser and then turn on syncing, your history will appear at browser://history/ .
  • The history of pages visited on other devices is not displayed in the browser interface. But if, after synchronization, you start typing the address of a site that you visited on the other on one of your devices, this address will appear in the tooltips. The exception is sites pinned to Tableau.

To disable history synchronization:

Restoring history after deletion

To restore history that you recently cleared, check the modification date of the History.bak file in the directory (to see the AppData folder, turn on show hidden folders).

If the modification date is not current:

  1. Move the History file to another directory, such as the Desktop.
  2. Return to catalog C:\\Users\\Your account name\\AppData\\Local\\Yandex\\YandexBrowser\\User Data\\Default.
  3. Rename the History.bak file to History.
  4. Restart your browser.

If you did everything correctly, history will be restored. If the history is not restored, return the History file back to the directory.