Download the program for quick reading. Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting. Exercises to develop speed reading

At the current level of development information technologies The speed at which information is presented and the ways of perceiving it have changed greatly. First of all, the volume of information that we must manage to read every day has increased significantly in order to simply keep up with life. At the same time, the steadily increasing pace of life leaves less and less time for reading. Therefore, the reading speed in our information age becomes very relevant.

In addition, the prevailing opinion among a number of experts that fast readers do not learn the material well turned out to be erroneous. Back in 1931, the famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “People usually think that understanding is higher when reading slowly; However, in reality, when reading quickly, understanding turns out to be better, because various processes are carried out with at different speeds and the speed of comprehension corresponds to a faster pace of reading.” L.S. Vygotsky’s opinion is confirmed by the results of modern research. In particular, data obtained at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute showed that there is a direct connection between reading speed and student performance - among fast reading students, 53% study “good” and “excellent”, and among slow readers - only 4%.

At the same time, few people today can boast of speed reading skills. For example, according to Triosade Technologies, more than 80% of all graduates high school read at a lower speed than their potential allows. Speed ​​reading skills are most important for students and workers in professions that require regular study large quantity materials from various studies. They will also help those who study foreign languages.

Today, many scientists and developers are working on the problem of increasing reading speed. software, many methods and programs have been created aimed at teaching fast reading.

Among the basic principles of speed reading:

Reading without regression (this means giving up unnecessary returns to what you read, developing the habit of reading only forward); the average reader returns to already read text about 10-11 times for every hundred words, which significantly slows down the reading process;

Reading without internal pronunciation - the habit of understanding only what has been spoken, significantly limits the speed of reading, since you can read several times faster than you can speak;

Expansion of peripheral vision - the wider the peripheral vision, the more letters the reader sees at the same time and the higher his reading speed; the ideal option is when a person sees the entire line - then he does not have to waste time returning to the beginning next line(this is the so-called vertical reading).

Exists whole line programs that allow you to master certain principles of speed reading. We will tell you about some of them.

Professional programs

A computer market There are few professional programs offering speed reading training. All of them are distinguished not only by their simplicity and ease of use, thoughtful interface and big amount settings, but above all, the breadth of coverage of the techniques used and the introduction of exercises to work out all the principles of fast reading, which automatically ensures the achievement of the best possible results.

AceReader, the leader in the speed reading software market, is a serious educational program, after working with which you can learn to read both books and magazines and texts on the computer much faster and more productively.

Special ways of presenting text help improve reading speed and reading comprehension. The program supports all types of text files, which during the training process “scroll” on the screen at the speed you set (Fig. 1). It is possible to interrupt the reading process and move backwards or forwards through the text.

At any time, you can evaluate the results achieved - AceReader records the number of words viewed, time spent viewing, frequency of viewing, and much more (Fig. 2).

The program is presented in four versions: AceReader Original (light version of the program, $24.95, 800 KB), AceReader Pro (full-featured version for home use, $49.95, 3 MB), AceReader Pro Deluxe (full-featured version, supplemented with an editor for setting the level of text comprehension - Comprehension Test Editor (Fig. 3) and a table of examination control for those working with the program, $79.95, 3 MB) and AceReader Pro Deluxe Network (full-featured network version for 10 computers, $566, 3 MB). On the developer's website there is a detailed description of each version and it is possible to download a demo version of any of them (

Having appeared in 1996, RocketReader triumphantly went around the whole world and has users in the most different countries and, along with the AceReader program, is among the leaders. It is focused on teaching speed reading and memory development and helps to quickly eliminate such bad habits reading, like reciting text and regression.

Involved in this program effective methods Speed ​​reading will help you achieve high results not only in terms of increasing reading speed, but also in terms of increasing the efficiency of reading comprehension. A additional modules help improve memory; Moreover, it is worth noting that the program provides the opportunity to do this on your own text material, which is very convenient, since during the learning process you will be able to simultaneously remember many numbers and facts that you need in your studies and work. Positive side effects of working with RocketReader - expanding your vocabulary and improving spell-checking skills.

Like all other programs of this class, RocketReader supports all text formats - the loaded text quickly “scrolls” on the screen, the program has a conveniently and simply customizable interface and a system for monitoring achieved results (Fig. 4).

Get more detailed information about RocketReader can be found on the company’s website Estimated price $74.99 The demo version of the program can be downloaded at: (5.7 MB).

This is an ideal speed reading training program for home use, as well as for anyone who is just starting to learn to read quickly. The developers address it to schoolchildren and students, since the program is easy to use, has a nominal cost and provides very good results.

Universal Reader will help you cope with two problems of slow reading: pronunciation of text and unnecessary returns to what you read - the program allows you to minimize the degree of pronunciation and completely get rid of regressions.

Universal Reader supports all text formats and convenient for customization conducting training. According to the principle of operation, the program resembles AceReader (Fig. 5).

You can get more detailed information about Universal Reader on the program website Estimated price $19.95. A demo version of the program can be downloaded at: MB).

Publisher Ravnovesie-Media, 2003 (

“Simulator for mastering speed reading techniques” is a comprehensive program for mastering all the basic principles of speed reading (Fig. 6). First of all, a significant increase in reading speed is achieved by eliminating the process of internal pronunciation of the text thanks to special option text submission. In addition, the program contains special modules aimed at developing concentration, expanding the angle of vision and acquiring the skills of meaningful perception of text not in individual words, but simultaneously in groups of words. According to the principle of operation, the program resembles AceReader.

The simulator is customized individually for each user, which can be done either independently or using a “special built-in trainer,” and a graph and table of changes in reading speed at any time will clearly reflect the successes achieved (Fig. 7).

The program supports working with TXT, DOC, RTF, HTML text files and the clipboard. In addition, you can read large texts directly from the program (including from Internet libraries, links to which are built into the program).

Additional information about the program is available on the publisher's website You can purchase the disc in the online store and on the publisher’s website. Approximate price - 120 rubles.

Speed ​​reading system

Developer Green Island

Publisher Green Island, 2000 (

The program is based on modern achievements in the theory of speed reading and promotes the formation of speed reading skills and the development of all types of attention, logical thinking, imaginative thinking and visual memory.

The training program includes exercises to develop peripheral vision; exercises for fixation of gaze, suppression of articulation; on the development of attention, etc. It will help to monitor success special system monitoring. According to the developers, this system learning speed reading can serve as both a textbook for everyone who wants to develop speed reading skills, and a methodological guide for teachers.

Additional information about the disc is available on the publisher's website You can purchase the disc in the online stores (price 151 rub.) and (price 184 rub.).

Amateur programs

Unlike professional-level software, amateur programs are mostly free, do not contain any special frills and, as a rule, are aimed at developing one principle of speed reading. Therefore, such undeniable results as professional programs, they do not provide, but are a free alternative professional software. The most effective of them are “Superreader”, as well as the Ssreader, SST QuickRead and “Skorochey” programs.

The first three of the above programs are very similar in principle of operation. The method they use is to sequentially display words in large font in the center of the screen and can significantly increase reading speed by eliminating eye movement along the line. Presenting words quickly helps suppress the pronunciation of words to oneself, which also increases reading speed. In addition, when working with these programs, the ability to see words in their entirety is naturally developed and peripheral vision is activated - the fact is that the text appears in a certain place on the screen one word at a time and you are simply forced to change your angle of view in order to have time to read it.

Developer Ilya Shalnov

The main idea of ​​the program is to wean you from pronouncing the text you are reading, which is achieved thanks to high speed reading text running across the screen and the ability to read to music (Fig. 8).

The program supports various formats text files and has a fairly wide range of editable settings. If you wish, you can read to the music and continue reading from the place where it was finished last time. Special indicators allow you to control your reading speed and estimate the amount of unread text at any time.

The program is free and can be downloaded from: http://studynlp. (280 KB).

Developer Vasily Kornyakov

The program is designed for training and accelerated reading of text files in DOC formats, RTF and TXT by eliminating the effect of internal pronunciation, which is present during normal reading. In addition, the peculiarities of presenting information automatically ensure the activation of peripheral vision and develop the ability to see the entire word. Ssreader works with regular text files and the clipboard, which creates a faster reading experience mailing lists and books presented in in electronic format V standard formats(Fig. 9).

This version of the program is free and can be downloaded from (48 KB). After repeated modernization and expansion of capabilities, the Ssreader program has reached a professional level and today is offered under the name of the above-mentioned “Simulator for mastering fast reading techniques”, published by the publishing house “Ravnovesie-Media”.

SST QuickRead

Developer SST Software

The SST QuickRead program is designed for quickly reading texts by sequentially displaying words in large font on the monitor screen. The program reads TXT files, HTM, HTML and RTF. Reading texts can be loaded from the clipboard or files can be opened in the usual way.

Synchronously with the display of the word on the screen, the position of the word in the text is tracked. Readable file can be “put on the shelf”. In this case, the place where the reading was completed is automatically remembered, and an unlimited number of bookmarks can be created. It is possible to organize a text search (Fig. 10).

The program is free and can be downloaded from KB).


The “Skorochey” program is designed for reading texts to the rhythm of a metronome by focusing the gaze on the beginning and end of a line (the program is based on one of the exercises of M.A. Ziganov’s speed reading training method) and ultimately develops reading skills without regressions. With every second beat of the metronome, the backlight target is installed at the beginning of the line, where you need to fix your gaze, then with the second beat of the metronome you need to have time to run your gaze to end of line, where the target will move. The next hit will cause you to move your gaze back to the beginning of the line, and so on. - thus, by moving the backlight target, fast rhythmic reading of the text is ensured. The metronome frequency and, accordingly, the text display speed can be adjusted by moving the metronome slider with the mouse (Fig. 11).

The “Skorochey” program is free and can be downloaded at KB).

In this review it is worth mentioning the “Ugol” program (developed by Sergey Mikhailov,, 400 KB) and “Schulte Tables” (developed by Ilya Shalnov,, 240 KB).

Both programs are computer training that will allow the user to expand the coverage of the text and prepare him for the effective perception of other speed reading techniques.

Working with the “Angle” program consists of having time to fixate with your eyes the symbols displayed on the screen and reproduce them on the keyboard - a sound signal will indicate successful input. The display time of symbols, their distance from each other and other settings can be changed (Fig. 12).

The goal of training in the “Schulte Tables” is to have time to take in the entire table using peripheral vision, and the training itself boils down to concentrating attention on the center of the table (horizontal and vertical eye movements are prohibited), counting in ascending order all the numbers located on the field (Fig. 13).

Speed ​​reading- literally fast reading. This skill is acquired by people for different purposes; some are able to process documents faster, others read more, and others add it to their intellectual abilities. In any case, the skill of speed reading brings many benefits to those who have mastered it.

For development speed reading special programs and exercises are used that increase the results of quick and high-quality perception of information.

Online exercises

Development of speed reading

In order to achieve good results, you need to practice regularly, and in order to learn to read quickly you also need to try, because the development of speed reading is a skill that is achieved only by working on yourself.

For most people, increasing the reading speed to 500-700 words will be enough, and this speed is achieved quite easily. For those who want to learn to read, understand and remember more than 700 words per minute, they will most likely have to work hard and go through special programs and techniques.

Sign up for our Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days. If you now read 200 words per minute, then after a month of training you will read 500-900 words per minute. After two months, 900-1800 words per minute. After three months, 1800-4500 words per minute. And in 4-6 months of training you can achieve a reading speed of 10,000 words per minute.

Since 2015, 1,507 people from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Orenburg, have studied under our program. Nizhny Novgorod, Kyiv, Minsk and other cities.

If you learn to speed read on your own, then such results will be difficult to achieve and will take much more time. Without a special program, it is unlikely that you will be able to read more than 500 words per minute.

For comparison, it is difficult for an athlete without special training and a coach not to achieve the results that athletes achieve under special programs and under the supervision of a coach.

Reviews about the course

How to read correctly?

Remember your childhood, first you were taught to parse letters, then read syllables from them, then read simple words by syllables. Later, you quickly read small words, but large and especially unfamiliar words were sometimes not read even the first time. Moving step by step, year after year, you, as a child, learned to read faster and faster, and your brain remembered and recognized more and more more words. No one has ever taught you to read in any other way. IN best case scenario You were taught to navigate the text, read fluently, understand its structure and somehow remember it, so that later you could study it in more detail, without mixing everything up in your head.

So, first there were letters, then syllables, then words and the most commonly used phrases. People who learn to read even faster read in phrases, lines, and even several lines at a time, and then generally in paragraphs and even pages.

Also speed reading You can teach children too, in some cases they can learn even faster than adults and they like it. The main thing is to develop the habit of following certain rules, such as not going back and concentrating on the content of the text, automatically following the rules of the chosen method and not overthinking.

It is worth noting that the skill quick reading requires long and painstaking work, so first you need to solve several issues:

  • How quickly I want to learn to read
  • How fast do I need to read?
  • How much time am I willing to spend daily/weekly on training?

There are several ways to quickly read:

Selective reading

Selective reading- this is the skill of quickly structuring text and understanding its structure, selecting and reading the desired block text of any length. This approach is used when there is no point in reading the entire text, but you just need to glean specific data from it, for example, the definition of a word in a dictionary or some technical, financial, or similar information.

It is worth noting that this method is not suitable for reading fiction, because works of art require total immersion reader. There may be exceptions if you learn something specific from a work of art, for example, why and how Raskolnikov killed the pawnbroker’s grandmother in Dostoevsky’s book “Crime and Punishment,” but this is no longer structured text recognition, but a quick reading, similar to rewinding a videotape.

Quickly read all text

Quick Reading- this is when the entire text is read at high speed, with full understanding and memorization of the necessary information.

In this way, you can read any texts, starting from technical and scientific texts, and ending with works of art. True, it is worth noting that literary texts are more difficult to read, because they are read for the soul. This means that you need to have time to immerse yourself in the text and enjoy it, if of course there is such a need for this.

It is also not always convenient to read wonderful romantic works at the limit of your capabilities, when you just want to relax in the evening after a working day. But if you can’t wait to find out what’s ahead and your emotions grab you and carry you away along with the book, then without noticing it, the person begins to speed up and read comfortably, as quickly as he can.

I warn you that when reading quickly with good immersion in the text, you can get so carried away that the world around you will cease to exist and fade among the bright images and paintings book to read, which will also improve over time as the skill develops, and reading a book will be like a beautiful film that was shot personally for you by your brain.

So beautiful minutes of pages and hours of books fly by unnoticed...

I had experience reading both texts, and fiction was always read more slowly, and if you don’t maintain the skill speed reading and read only works of fiction, then this skill may eventually drop to colloquial speech.

Read at speeds above 800 words per minute

  1. Stop talking to yourself readable text, because the speaking speed even “to oneself” can be no more than 800, maximum (in my experience) 900 words per minute.

    At first it will be very difficult to wean the brain, which has been used for centuries to read without speaking, just with your eyes, but then it will be easier. The main thing is not to start reciting again until the skill becomes stronger.

  2. Do not go back, read only forward, even if it becomes unclear.

    By returning, you will only slow down the whole process and then you will not be able to read quickly, because you will return every time. And the brain is lazy, it will ask you to go back every time until you wean it off.

    At first, when reading quickly, many details in the text will be incomprehensible and you will want to go back and re-read the text again and again, but then the brain adapts and will make fewer and fewer such errors until their number tends to zero.

    It's like an athlete taking weight or speed more than that, in which it is comfortable for him, so that the muscles strengthen and develop under load. It’s the same here, we take the brain out of its comfort zone and force it to train.

  3. View width. When reading more than 300 words per minute, you have to move your eyes very quickly across the text. This is useful for short reading, but with prolonged reading, the eyes get very tired and may not even have time to move.

    Therefore, it is necessary to increase the width of the view and develop peripheral vision.

Reviews about the speed reading development course


Involves reading by sight. Text ranging in size from a paragraph to a page is as if photographed by the eye, and all information is immediately recognized and understood by the brain; to develop such a skill you will have to work long and hard.

How to quickly develop photoreading?

The “Film Reading in 7 Days” course will help us with this, which, unlike traditional speed reading development courses, increases your reading speed to 30,000 words per minute in about 7 days, even if you have not studied speed reading at all.

This course uses Andrei Patrushev’s proprietary methodology and is taught by the author of the methodology himself. The point is, what are you for? a short time look through an entire book in different ways in special program, which was also developed by the author of this course.

After one or more viewings of the book at an incredible speed, you will need to perform secret exercises from the course in order to get the information you read from the subconscious. It sounds fantastic, but it’s not cheap either, since the technique is new and no one seems to have copied it yet.

If your discount of 2200 rubles disappears, just click on the button again Sign up for a course

Facts and records

    The maximum reading speed record belongs to 16-year-old Kiev resident Irina Ivachenko - 163,333 words per minute with full understanding of what was read.

    V. I. Lenin read 2500 words per minute

    Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovich) read more than half a thousand pages a day and had a habit of highlighting keywords and main thoughts

    R. Lullia is the creator of the first speed reading techniques, which were taught by A. S. Pushkin, N. Bonaparte and other great personalities

Courses for the development of speed reading and brain

Sign up for our online courses to develop your speed reading and brain. Engage and develop with us.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. In every lesson helpful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick subtraction, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games. Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, boost your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in game form and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, save money and invest it in the future.

Development of speed reading necessary in order to learn in less time more information. All successful people are constantly learning. And books play an important role in this flow of information.

The disadvantages of regular reading include the following:

  • Bad memory. Even quick reading without assimilating the information will not bring any benefit. Therefore, exercises to increase reading speed without developing concentration and memory will lead nowhere. Understanding is also necessary. It is useless to memorize a text, even quickly, without understanding its essence.
  • Slow reading habit. Most often, this is a really bad habit that is reinforced in childhood, when we read syllables. Most people are so convinced that slow reading is normal that they don't even try to learn to read faster.
  • Instilled rules. We were all taught as children that we need to read a text carefully, thoughtfully, and, if necessary, return to what we read. This is still considered something of good manners. Sometimes this makes sense, but most often in books there are two or three new ideas for you, or two new facts per page, if not less. They are what you need, by and large. But what's the point of reading everything else carefully and slowly? There is a solution - read at variable speed. Some things are really worth reading carefully, thinking about every phrase, while others can be skimmed.
  • Mental speech. Normal reading is accompanied by mental pronunciation of words. It takes time. Reading slows down even more if you make movements with your lips and tongue, even if imperceptibly, as if you were actually saying what you are reading.
  • Gaze regression. Very often, when reading, the eyes return to what they read, to those phrases and words that were not learned. This habit also interferes with fast reading.
  • Small field of view. During normal reading, attention spans only a couple of words. The larger the field of view, the more information a person can grab, as they say, at first glance.

Exercises to develop speed reading

Reading to rhythm

Helps to get rid of pronouncing words when reading, and also increases the level of attentiveness and speed of thinking. The essence of the exercise is that you beat out a rhythm while reading. At first it can be a simple rhythm, then a more complex one, for example, the rhythm of some melody you are familiar with. Tapping the rhythm complicates the reading process - it's like an additional load during training. Then, without beating the rhythm, you will be surprised to see how much your reading speed has increased.

Reading upside down

Try picking up a book and starting to read it upside down. Then try rotating the book 90 degrees to the right and 45 degrees to the left. The point of this exercise is that reading speed is significantly influenced by the speed of letter pattern recognition. With such training, this speed can be significantly increased.

Reading at different distances

When reading a book, zoom in and out, with a certain amplitude and rhythm. Over time, the speed and scope can be increased. The exercise removes the fixation of the eye at the usual distance, and is beneficial for vision. The speed of guessing letters also increases.

Tick-tock technique

While reading, try to stop your gaze only at the beginning and end of the line. When we learn to read, we stop our eyes on every word to understand it. This habit remains even when we begin to read quite fluently - our eyes stop on a line every two or three words. Try stopping only twice in a line, jumping from beginning to end. If it doesn’t work right away, try it on newspaper columns, then move on to small books, and then to books in a regular format.

Program for developing speed reading

Finally, I would like to offer you a simple program for the development of speed reading. It’s easy to use - download, unzip and run the file exe, the installation program is not required.

To load text into it, click on the menu File - Load from file . Choose text file on your computer and wait for it to load. You can upload any formats that are recognized by . Files with the extension are downloaded fastest txt, others are a little slower. If you have slow computer, it is better to split the file into several parts.

After loading, press the button Start .

Fragments of text will begin to appear in front of you, in order, one after another. You can adjust the delay time, line length and number of lines.

When you subsequently start the program, you can start reading from the moment where you stopped reading the previous time. To do this, just press the button Start .

In the same program you can connect music and read to it. You can also use it: after all, you can scroll through the same text that you are familiar with several times.

At the bottom of the window you will see your reading speed, in characters per minute. By constantly practicing and changing reading parameters, you can significantly increase this speed.

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Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school №3

Working programm

according to the course of extracurricular activities

"Speed ​​Reading"

(specify subject, course, module)

Level of study (grade)primary general education grades 1 - 4

(primary general, basic general, secondary general education indicating classes)

Number of hours: 1st grade – 66 hours.

2nd grade - 68 hours.

3rd grade – 68 hours.

4th grade – 68 hours.

Compiled by: Pulatova S.D.

primary school teacher

Implementation period:2015-2019 academic year year

Bogdanovich 2015

Explanatory note.

The work program for the course “Speed ​​Reading” has been compiledin accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education,based on the author’s “Speed ​​Reading Program for Children Aged 5 to 12 Years” by the teacher additional education highest category Raisa Nikolaevna Sitdikova, author of the book “We read, think, remember well” by R.N. Eckhardt.

Program this course presents a system of intellectual and developmental classes for primary school students and is designed for four years of study. The course is designed for 2 hours per week: 66 hours in 1st grade, 68 hours in 2-4 grades. Total 270 hours. The “Speed ​​Reading” course program is implemented within the framework of “Extracurricular Activities” in accordance with the educational plan.

The importance of semantic reading for successful learning educational material students is that the developed skill of semantic reading is the foundation of all UDL and subject actions. Through semantic reading, all UUDs are formed: search, understanding, transformation, interpretation, evaluation.

Relevance choice is determined by the following factors: based on diagnostic facts in students low speed reading, they make mistakes when reading: they skip, replace, rearrange letters, syllables, distort endings, do not finish reading them, distort the sound composition of words and have difficulty merging syllables, then in most cases everything makes it difficult for children to understand what they read.

The development process also depends on reading speed. Improves in the process of reading RAM and stability of attention. Mental performance, in turn, depends on these two indicators. Reading skill must be developed in primary school. It is necessary to strive to ensure that at the end of primary education the child has a reading speed of at least 120 words per minute. But at the same time I read consciously, correctly, expressively.

Novelty The presented program is that students have the opportunity to fully gain knowledge not only of meaningful reading, but also to improve visual and auditory memory, as well as improve their speech. Moreover, he will explain the very mechanism of reading and reading comprehension, tell you how to become a truly competent reader and more successfully swim in the sea of ​​modern printed materials.

Target implementation of the program: creating conditions for the development of rational reading skills, increasing reading speed and assimilation of information.


Mastering the techniques and techniques of speed reading;

Development of memory and attention;

Improving reading comprehension;

Development of logical thinking skills;

Development of the ability to work with text (analysis of text structure);

Speech development.

Expected result:

Increased reading speed;

Mastering techniques for memorizing material, improving the quality of memorization;

Activation of higher mental functions;

Expanding the field of view;

Mastering the rational reading algorithm.

The program includes three maindirections:

Teaching children to read quickly and consciously.

Development of visual and auditory memory.

Improving spoken language.

Principles of training:

The principle of consciousness, creative activity, independence of the child with the leading role of the teacher;

The principle of clarity, the unity of the concrete and abstract, rational and emotional, reproductive and productive training in speed reading, improving visual and auditory memory, as an expression integrated approach;

The principle of connecting learning with life;

Constant search new forms of work and improved technology.

Teaching methods:

Verbal: story, explanation, training, reading, encouragement.

Visual: demonstration.

Practical: exercises, making graphic notes.

Analytical: observation, comparison, questioning, introspection, survey.

Means of education:

Visual material: tables, diagrams, samples;

Methodological literature: books, magazines;

Equipment: books, pencils, pens;

Materials: texts for reading, proofreading tests, tables, pictures for memorization, - a set for auditory memory.

Requirements for the level of training of students.

As a result of working on the program, students shouldbe able to :

Reason logically, using techniques of analysis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization;

It is reasonable to draw conclusions and prove.

Recoup as much time and effort invested in reading as possible;

Apply new knowledge and skills to organize attention and memory for further successful studies and enhance cognitive activity.

The main indicator of the quality of mastering the program is the student’s personal growth, his self-realization and determination of his place in the children’s team.

Students will learn :

Reduce execution time homework at least 2 times;

Increase reading speed by 2 or more times;

Increase the speed and quality of memorizing texts;

Learn to easily memorize poems in 10-15 minutes;

Learn to quickly memorize dates, rules, definitions, vocabulary words;

Learn to think faster.

Techniques and methods.

Articulation gymnastics; reading syllables, text; auditory memory exercises; exercises that develop lateral vision and practice direct gaze; concentration exercises; exercises for logical thinking; proofreading test.

The main task speed reading classes are to teach children to read meaningfully, improve visual and auditory memory and logical thinking. During the lessons, children read syllables of varying complexity, then move on to words of varying complexity, and then to working on texts of varying complexity. Drawings and words are used to develop memory; with each lesson the number of words and drawings increases, reaching 100 words and 100 drawings.

Home training also helps improve reading skills. Parents play an important role here. During classes and consultations, parents are introduced to various techniques and exercises for developing reading skills so that help is more effective.

Lesson structure.

Classes are held 2 times a week. Duration of classes is 35-45 minutes. Each lesson includes exercises of different directions:

1. Exercise to develop the mobility of the speech apparatus.

2. Working with tongue twisters.

3. Working with syllable tables.

4. Reading “Martian” poems.

5. Working with Schulte Tables.

6. Working with text for a while.

7. Exercises to develop the angle of vision.

8. Exercise to develop visual memory.

9. Exercise “Corrective test”.

10. Exercise to develop auditory memory

Exercise to develop the mobility of the speech apparatus.

Reading while exhaling 15 consonant letters of one row (sounds).

Working with tongue twisters .

“I’m learning to speak quickly” - while pronouncing all tongue twisters, sounds should be pronounced clearly, clearly, without rushing. Combine patter with various finger movements: play the piano with your fingers; bending the fingers of the right and left hands; with clicks of the fingers of the left and right hands.

Tongue twisters are necessary for practicing the purity of pronunciation of sounds, for practicing breathing, a sense of rhythm and for creating a joyful mood.

Types of exercises with syllable tables:

- “I read syllables” - reading syllables, words - in lines and columns. The exercise is performed for a time: 1 time the child reads for 1 minute - a mark is made, then reads the same passage - 45 seconds with sound signals every 15 seconds (claps). The exercise is called “Reading with 3 claps.” The reader must have time to read the same volume.

Quick Find child of the syllable that the teacher read.

- “Tell me the end of the word.” The teacher pronounces the word without finishing the last syllable.

"Martian" poems.

Efficient look work in teaching reading. Children's attention is focused only on the technical side of the reading process; they will not be able to remember a set of syllables, so reading them can become repeated. The mobility of the articulatory apparatus is also practiced.

Can you suggest additional view work, come up with what the “Martians” are telling us in this poem. If it’s about something joyful, then you should read it joyfully. If it's about something sad, then you should read it sadly.

Working with text for a while.

When working with texts, the “Multiple Reading” technique is used. For the same period of time (1, 2 minutes, half a minute, depending on the volume of the text), read several times, starting from the beginning each time. The number of words read increases each time. This is seen by the student himself, who maintains the desire for further reading.

Exercises to develop your angle of vision .

A small viewing angle is one of the reasons for slow reading. By expanding your viewing angle, your reading speed increases. For this purpose, it is recommended to use Schulte Tables. They are a table of numbers from 1 to 25, where the numbers are arranged in random order; you need to find the numbers from 1 to 25 in order in 1 minute.

Task options:

Name and show all the numbers in ascending order.

Name and show all the numbers in descending order.

Show all even numbers.

Exercises to develop visual memory .

The most important goal of the exercises is to develop the ability to create a mental picture, visual image. This skill is one of effective ways memorization, which is used to store in memory not only concrete material, but also abstract material. It is easier to train it using visual material.

Exercise “Corrective test”.

On the letter sheet, cross out the first row of letters. Your task is to cross out the same letters as the first ones, looking through the rows of letters from left to right. You need to work quickly and accurately. Operating time - 5 minutes H (A).”

Used for development of visual representations, memory, ability to reproduce specific program actions, fine motor skills and attention.

Exercise to develop auditory memory

Computer experiments on text perception

For the sake of

2. Slön mlös vösli,

Bes nem gozli

The gazivels got down,

The milk was teriveli.

Zhezhu zhuvshi zhezhuna

Zhozha zhunzhi zhedny,

Vamzha buji mzhezhuna,

Grymzhi Gzyzhi Zhuwny


Karl stole corals from Clara

Clara stole Karl's clarinet.

Two puppies cheek to cheek

They pinch the brush in the corner.

Ipat went to buy shovels

Ipat bought five shovels,

Walked across the pond

Caught on a rod

Fell into the Ipat pond

Five shovels were missing.


Practical exercises for memory development

Auditory memory

To the mentor:

Read the words to your child. Write a story together, including every word after reading it once. Check how many words the child remembers. Discuss the reason for forgetting a particular word. Think about how you would need to change the story so that the word is not lost.

To the mentor:

Expanding the angle of view

Diagonal reading training

Time to find all the numbers in order

free application for Android platforms, in which the user will not only be able to test his reading technique, but also hone this skill. The program has a simple and clear interface, which every user with an Android device will understand. The main menu is designed in white and blue colors. All of its items are presented in list format.

When entering the program, we find ourselves in the main menu, in the center of which there is a list with on-screen keys.

At the top is the name of the program. Please note that the application does not support horizontal orientation display.

“” has functions that will help develop the user’s memory, as well as teach him to read quickly. These include:

1. Schulte table;

2. Memorizing numbers;

3. Series of numbers;

4. Search the text for specified words;

5. Finding words in a table with letters;

6. Speed ​​of reading aloud (also silently).

Users Google Play rated the application 4.7 points out of 5. The total number of ratings exceeds 100. The number of downloads of this application is more than 10,000. It runs on Android versions 4.0.3 (and later). Installation APK file weighs 2.1 MB, and after installation the application will take up 3 megabytes of free space.

In each section "", there are difficulty parameters, for example, in the “Schulte Table”, you can change the size of the table, as well as set the parameter for colored numbers. Each test has a GUIDE; to access it, click on the question mark at the top of the screen. To restart the level, click on the “Restart” button at the top of the display. On the opposite side there is a button to exit the test to the main menu.

As mentioned earlier, the application is free. At the same time, there is advertising in it, but there is no paid content. In the “About the program” section, you can enter a promotional code that will disable advertising (otherwise, it is not known what it is needed for). A memory training tool designed for all ages, as indicated by the “E” marking.

Also, using the “About the program” button, you can find out more about the version of the tool. After 10-15 minutes of use, the developer will ask you to rate the application, do this to point out errors in the work or just to give an incentive to release the creators next update.

– a useful application for android platforms, which has no problems with optimization on new and old devices.