The iPhone 5 gets very hot when in use. Why does my iPhone get hot? Main symptoms of a problem

Apple produces quality products, as owners are constantly convinced of. electronic devices this company in many countries. Despite this, every new model their products are not without flaws. This is especially obvious after the release of the launch batch of new products.

iPhone 5 became the original continuation of the line of mobile devices newest generation Iphone. However, after a certain period of time, some gadget owners noticed unpleasant feature– the device may become quite hot. What caused this was not clear. Therefore, the owners of the super popular apple gadget A reasonable question arose: why does the iPhone 5s get hot?

After some time, based on the results of certain experiments with the iPhone, it became known that with ordinary use of the 3G, Wi-Fi functions, watching videos and surfing the Internet, the battery is significantly discharged, which means the device gets very hot. The iPhone 5s is especially susceptible to heating when using Wi-Fi, since the device is constantly searching for the signal source.

When charging an iPhone, it is also susceptible to overheating. In its normal state, the smartphone should be a little warm while charging. If it is hot, then it is likely that the gadget was previously discharged to zero and turned off. After this, when charging, the battery heats up from a significant amount of charging current. All these reasons for the gadget to heat up are quite natural.

However, if the iPhone 5s heats up on its own and in almost any mode and position, then you must immediately contact a service organization. The fact is that if moisture gets under the device body or due to mechanical impact, a short circuit may occur. electronic boards. After this, the life of the device can be very short.

From overheating of an apple device, as well as others household appliances a fire hazard may arise.

Video: cons and disadvantages of iPhone 5S

Possible reasons

Before drawing conclusions and making a definite decision, it is necessary to understand at what point and under what conditions the iPhone 5S heats up and the battery quickly discharges.

An increase in iPhone 5s temperature may be due to the following factors:

  • water getting inside the device. In this case, it is recommended to turn it off immediately, because a short circuit of the microcircuits may well occur, as well as their significant heating. It is extremely important to take the described measures in time and then restoring the functionality of the gadget will not be difficult;
  • as a result of mechanical impact on the device, the microcircuit may be damaged, and therefore an increase in temperature and a short circuit cannot be ruled out;
  • heating of the iPhone 5s when charging is a fairly normal phenomenon and there is no point in worrying about it, since all sorts of processes occur inside the device, as a result of which the temperature increases;
  • You shouldn’t get hung up on the heating of your Apple gadget when watching a video, having a long conversation or long periods of time. game processes. As the number of tasks increases, the load on the battery increases, which leads to its heating. Such features of the gadget are quite typical and should not affect the normal functioning of the device;
  • heating of the battery in standby mode is an important signal for certain actions. This behavior of the device is not explained fully loaded processor, nor other processes occurring in the iPhone. Replacing the battery in this case is a mandatory measure, since its further use may not be safe;
  • If your gadget overheats and is not caused by any of the factors described, it is better to contact specialized center to specialists, since it is almost impossible to find out exactly the reason for this behavior of the iPhone at home.

Elimination methods

In a situation where moisture has entered the device or it has been subjected to mechanical stress, it is better to turn it off and contact a certified service center. Just by looking at the device, it is almost impossible to accurately identify the cause of the problem. To do this, you need to perform a detailed diagnosis.

Overheating of your iPhone can be prevented by monitoring the condition of its battery and preventing it from being completely discharged.

Significantly lower iPhone temperature 5S is possible by Wi-Fi shutdown and other communication services. If Wi-Fi base is far away, the iPhone noticeably discharges quickly when connected to it. As a result, the temperature of the gadget increases.

If you have enabled the option to check your email every 15 minutes, this will also drain your battery much more than if you check your email manually. The email checker may sometimes freeze. Therefore, this check should be disabled.

Overheating of the iPhone 5S can occur without any obvious reason. If the described methods for eliminating the smartphone heating problem do not solve it, then there is no point in waiting for everything to resolve itself. It may happen that in the future even the most skilled engineers will not undertake the restoration of the device. Therefore, you should not delay in diagnosing the problem and solving it.

Developers Apple We tried to make the iPhone as convenient and functional as possible. When working on it, thousands of wishes of potential owners of this gadget were taken into account. But despite this, individual features devices remained unchanged.

Many users of this gadget quite reasonably have the opinion that their apple smartphones heat up significantly. This fact may indicate either that it is time to change the battery, or significant failures in the system, or some other indicators. To solve this problem, it is important to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence.

The world-famous Apple corporation sells high-quality functional products on the electronics market that provide comfortable work, recreation and communication between people. The iPhone is a prime example of this. When developing this multifunctional gadget, many user wishes were taken into account. The smartphone is made of reliable and durable materials and boasts an abundance useful functions high performance and other advantages. However, such expensive devices do not always work correctly. Many people are faced with the problem of strong heating of their mobile device. This usually indicates that the battery needs to be replaced or that the phone has some problems. Why does my iPhone get hot? To troubleshoot the problem, you must first find out the reasons that cause the gadget to overheat.

Main causes of overheating

Models last generations iPhone is popularly called the “hottest” smartphone from Apple. A mobile device may become hot for various reasons:

  • During charging, due to high voltage or using a universal charger. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to charge the battery only with the original charger. When charging non-original charger, the gadget may spontaneously ignite.
  • Sometimes the iPhone gets hot for a reason unsuccessful installation new firmware iOS. Incorrect operation of the operating system leads to high energy consumption, as evidenced by heating of the device and quick loss battery charge.
  • Software malfunction.
  • Moisture penetration into the gadget is one of the most common reasons for its heating. The ingress of liquid leads to a number of other damage, for example, oxidation of contacts on microcircuits and short circuits.
  • Overheating in standby mode cannot be explained high load or running processes. In this case, necessary measure will be replacing the battery. The used element must be sent for disposal to avoid dangerous situations.
  • If you notice excessive heating of the phone case or other manifestations of a gadget malfunction, you should not hesitate. It is important to immediately respond to signs of failure, since the performance of the phone depends on it. Sometimes it is not possible to restore an iPhone because the user long time exploited it, despite the symptoms of malfunctions that appeared.

Often owners Apple smartphones They think that the problem will go away on its own. This error may result in more expensive repairs than if you had called for service at the moment the first signs of failure appear. As soon as the iPhone starts to get very hot during standby, charging or talking, you should take action and seek help from specialists who can quickly and effectively fix the problem.

Main symptoms of a problem:

  • The gadget body is partially or completely hot;
  • A software failure that manifests itself as different forms, for example, spontaneous menu switching.
  • The rechargeable battery only holds a charge for a few hours.
  • The phone freezes and slows down;
  • There are problems when turning off the iPhone.

What to do if your iPhone gets very hot?

Often the cause of overheating of a smartphone is careless handling, for example, falls and impacts or moisture. Such mechanical damage can cause multiple short circuits system board, breakdown individual components device. It is not possible to determine the nature of the failure based on visual signs.

The most optimal solution will be to contact the APPLE-SAPPHIRE service center, whose employees have necessary equipment for phone diagnostics and repair. Their extensive experience in troubleshooting gadgets will allow you to quickly identify the breakdown of your iPhone and repair it on the same day.

It is important that you can tell in what operating modes of the smartphone it heats up. For example, during the charging process and during a call, heating of a mobile device is a natural reaction.

If the iPhone gets very hot in standby mode, then you cannot do it without the intervention of repair specialists. If you try to repair the device yourself, this may lead to complete loss of functionality of the device.

Why does the iPhone get hot? The answer to this question in each specific case will be given to you by the APPLE-SAPPHIRE service center technicians, who will carry out diagnostics, restore/replace damaged components and issue a repaired gadget in perfect technical condition.

Apple smartphones are by no means cheap, and therefore when the iPhone starts to fail, it can't help but be frustrating. One of the most popular problems faced by i-device users is that the iPhone gets hot and discharges quickly. Fortunately, such behavior of the phone does not always indicate a serious breakdown. In many cases, you can solve the problem yourself without contacting the service.

In this article, we will talk about the reasons that cause the iPhone to overheat and become too hot. fast discharge battery, and also provide recommendations for troubleshooting.

You may be surprised, but there are often cases when heating up the device is the norm. If your iPhone gets very hot when you play a heavy game, there is nothing unusual about it. Moreover, in this situation, the battery can be discharged by several percent at once and this is also completely normal. And it doesn’t matter whether you have an iPhone 5S or a more recent apple.

In addition, the iPhone gets very hot during charging, and if you combine the process of charging the gadget and its operation, and in “aggressive” mode, you should not be surprised that the device is hot as coal.

Reasons for concern

Another question is when the smartphone and normal mode always hot during use. You should also be wary if the battery loses a couple of percent at a time, when there is no complex tasks not in front of the device. Well, if both problems are present at once - the iPhone is heating up and discharging unnaturally quickly, then you definitely need to worry.

Who is to blame and what to do?

However, there is not always a reason for concern - a reason to contact the service; in some situations you can handle it yourself, let's look at these situations.

The first reason is an unobvious excessive load on the device. What does non-obvious mean? Watch while you are playing some "heavy" game or watching a video in high quality, you, of course, understand that your smartphone is working at full capacity.

However, the user does not always notice how he is filling up the device with a bunch of small tasks, the total load of which sometimes exceeds the load of one large task. Always-on 3G, Wi-Fi, geolocation modules, open browser with a bunch of tabs, a lot of unclosed applications... all this together can drive any gadget “to the point of insanity.” However, in fairness, it is worth noting that relatively old i-smartphones usually heat up with such a “blockage”. In the “risk” group are the iPhone 4S and Apple phones released even earlier. But, for example, this shouldn’t happen with the iPhone 5S.

It’s very simple to understand that your iPhone 4S or another gets hot because of a large number of small tasks (and for the same reason the battery drains quickly). Unload your device as much as possible and see how it behaves. Still hot, but the charge disappears as if through your fingers? So, let's look for the problem further.

Bad firmware

Most users update iPhone firmware via Wi-Fi, however, even with a stable signal and fast speed, any wireless network It crashes from time to time, as a result, as they say, the pros say that the firmware does not fit well on the device and a bunch of minor conflicts between the system and hardware arise during operation. With a similar layout, the iPhone, of course, can also get quite hot. And this can already happen with every i-smartphone, regardless of age - with the iPhone 4, and with the iPhone 5S, and even with the flagship “Seven”.

Is it possible to fix it yourself? this problem? Yes! To do this, you just need, as they say, to reflash the device and do it not “over the air”, but through a PC.

Just before flashing the firmware, you need to disable the “Find iPhone” option, to do this, open the “Settings” menu of the smartphone, then “General”, find the “iCloud” section, and in it turn off the slider next to the “Find iPhone” line - when you turn off this function, the system will require you to enter Apple ID password - enter it and the job is done.

Now you can start flashing the firmware:

1 Connect iPhone to PC with iTunes. 2 As soon as the program detects the device, click on the phone-shaped icon and go to the “Browse” tab. 3 Click the “Create a copy now” button.

4 After creating a copy, also in the “Browse” tab, click on the “Restore iPhone” button - on at this stage iTunes will completely clean your device and install new, up-to-date firmware. 5 When the recovery procedure is completed, again, in the “Overview” section, click the “Restore from a copy” button - as soon as this process is completed, you will receive an iPhone with the current correct firmware and with all your data and applications.

In most cases, flashing the firmware with data recovery helps, but if the problem persists after it, move on.


iOS operating system, on which all i-devices run, is considered the most secure, but it is not ideal and the user is not 100% insured against viruses and malware. It is worth noting that, strictly speaking, any malfunctioning application that constantly crashes and wastes stress on the hardware can be considered malware. It is quite difficult to identify the “enemy”, and therefore, in order to exclude this reason, we recommend, again, to reflash the device via iTunes, but do not restore the data from the copy and see how the “clean” smartphone behaves.

If everything is in order, then you can slowly reload it with information, applications and carefully monitor when it starts to behave unnaturally again - this way it’s much easier to identify the “culprit”.

A special case

None of the above guides helped? Then another recommendation - look, what model of device do you have? Maybe iPhone 5? In this case, we recommend visiting this page. The fact is that the iPhone 5 received fundamental changes in design compared to its predecessor, the iPhone 4S, and therefore its “internals” also changed significantly, including the battery. Undebugged manufacturing process led to the fact that a lot of users encountered the problem “iPhone 5 gets hot and quickly loses charge.”

Very soon the apple giant admitted its guilt and established special program for replacing defective batteries. Of course, today fives with buggy batteries are no longer produced, but suddenly you bought a “dead” fifth iPhone. So, just in case, check to see if it is going through the replacement program. Please note that the program only includes iPhone models 5, with iPhone 5S battery (despite a similar case) similar problems was not observed.

When is it time to contact the service?

Well, now about the sad thing - if you were unable to solve the problem of iPhone overheating on your own, following the instructions above, you will have to contact the service, because here, most likely, there are already problems in the hardware, but it’s difficult to say which ones specifically - maybe it’s just “dying” » battery, but problems with the power controller and other important functional components of the device are also possible.

Here, first of all, you will need to diagnose the problem, and you cannot perform high-quality diagnostics on your own. Well, based on its results, you can decide whether to carry out the repairs yourself or whether to trust a pro here too.

Very often the problem lies in a dying battery, and it is urgent this reason unnatural behavior of the iPhone, even if the battery is still relatively new - well, let's say, it only lasted six months. And the point here in most cases is not a bad battery, but its improper operation - use non-native charges, constant discharge “in the wilderness” with the recommendation to connect the gadget to the charger with 20% remaining, operation under conditions of sudden temperature changes - all these factors significantly reduce the life of the battery. So if in your situation the problem was precisely the battery, try to spare at least a new one.

Let's summarize

So, there are many reasons why an iPhone can overheat and lose charge. Moreover, if a similar picture is observed in the “aggressive” operating mode, there is nothing surprising here; this is a completely natural behavior of the device. It is also normal for the device to heat up during charging. In other situations, you should start to worry and first try to fix the problem yourself, and, if nothing works, go to service.

In the electronics market there is great amount high-quality products that provide comfort and ease of communication at work and at leisure. A striking example of such products is the iPhone.

This gadget is made of reliable materials and has many advantages over other smartphones. But in some cases, this device malfunctions and starts to heat up. Most often, when this problem occurs in mobile phones, it is necessary to replace the battery or fix the problem. But to troubleshoot the problem, you need to find out the reasons that lead to excessive heating of the gadget.

Described mobile device heats up for a number of reasons:

  • In some cases, heating occurs at incorrect installation new iOS firmware. Operating system when incorrect operation consumes a lot of energy, leads to accelerated consumption battery charge and phone heating.
  • When charging mobile phone The battery heats up if a universal charger is used. And to avoid the problem, the gadget must be charged with an original charger, as otherwise this may lead to spontaneous combustion of the iPhone.
  • High charging voltage causes the phone's temperature to rise. Do not allow the battery to be completely discharged when using the gadget.
  • Rough handling, such as falls and impacts, will negatively affect the operation of the device.
  • Most common cause The reason why the iPhone heats up is the penetration of moisture into the body of the device. Liquid, in addition to heating the gadget, leads to oxidation of contacts or even a short circuit.

What other problems cause the iPhone to heat up?

Once a month, the phone needs to be cleaned of accumulated dust and any other types of contaminants that have penetrated inside the device. If the iPhone gets hot, the battery needs to be replaced to fix the problem.

To avoid having to wonder why the iPhone is heating up, you should pay attention to other problems:

  • the battery holds a charge for several hours;
  • V software a failure has occurred, manifesting itself by spontaneously switching the menu, turning on or off the gadget, etc.;
  • the gadget freezes or slows down;
  • Problems appear when the phone is turned off.

All these reasons, to one degree or another, lead to partial or complete heating of the case, which subsequently leads to failure of the device.

Reasons for heating iPhone 5

There are many reasons for your phone to heat up. If your iPhone 5 gets hot, you can contact a service center, but first you can try to solve the problem yourself.

Why does iPhone 5 heat up? If this happens when there is no active work being done, then this is a clear cause for concern. And, as we have already said, there are quite a few reasons for heating: moisture ingress, mechanical damage, malfunctions in the program, problems with the power controller.

For example, if the battery is damaged, a red indicator appears on the battery. Such a battery must be replaced immediately. If you use settings, applications excessively (for example, update settings, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, various background programs and any other processes), the phone’s operation speeds up and the battery drains faster.

When charging on the road, sudden changes in electricity, or using powerful chargers, the phone in most cases begins to heat up. And connecting the phone to the network until it is fully connected in the future will lead to failure of the battery.

It also becomes clear why the iPhone heats up when entering a warm room from a cold street. Sudden changes in air temperature are detrimental to it. When entering from the street, where the air temperature is 30-40 °C lower than indoors, it is strictly prohibited to immediately turn on, much less work with, the iPhone!

Why does the iPhone 5S heat up?

You should know that most often the heating of the device can be eliminated after updating the program. And the sleep mode allows you to unload operating system and saves energy.

In some cases, the reason why the iPhone 5 S heats up, as well as a smartphone of another generation, is a manufacturing defect. And if this is detected, then the manufacturer quickly changes the device to a new one, the main thing is that the phone was purchased from a trusted place.

Why does iPhone 6 heat up?

In some cases, the iPhone 6 becomes warmer than in standard cases for simple, natural reasons. Use of various additional functions, for example, 3G or 4G, checking mail, leads to slight heating of the gadget. And constantly working Wi-Fi leads to quite strong heating of the device. In addition, when the point is remote, the iPhone spends large quantity energy to connect to the network, which also leads to overheating.

Why does my iPhone heat up while charging? The temperature of the device rises slightly when connected to a charger. If it was completely discharged before connecting, this also leads to heating, since it receives a large number of energy.

Please note that you cannot work with an iPhone connected to a power outlet! This leads not only to excessive heating of the phone, but also to rapid deterioration of the battery.

Reasons for iPhone overheating during operation

Why does my iPhone get hot when in use? This can be facilitated by various processes, such as playing games, watching movies, listening to music or audio books. With additional load - running several applications at once - the gadget heats up much faster than under standard conditions.

If the phone gets very hot when talking, working with applications and other actions that load the gadget, then the problem must be fixed immediately. A slight increase in body temperature during such actions is normal.

After a certain period of use of the gadget, it becomes almost impossible to restore a damaged device. Breakdowns progress over time. After falls or impacts on the case, microcracks grow, traces of oxidation and corrosion become larger. Therefore, if the device starts to heat up, it needs to be shown to specialists.

If the case heats up excessively, the malfunction must be eliminated as quickly as possible, otherwise it will directly affect the performance of the iPhone and can lead to costly repairs in the future.

If the iPhone gets very hot, this does not mean that there is a problem with it. In some cases, the temperature of the gadget may increase slightly when connected various functions that consume energy. It could be ordinary Email, Wi-Fi or 3G. Always-on Wi-Fi has a strong impact on the temperature of the device, especially when the access point is located on long distance. As a result, the gadget requires more power to connect.

Also, the iPhone 5S, like other models, can heat up while charging the battery. If the phone gets very hot, this indicates that the battery is charged and the temperature rises as a result of an increase in the charging current. If there is an increase in the temperature of the device without any justified reasons, then this means only one thing - the device is broken, and you need to visit a service center to determine the cause.

Faults that cause your smartphone to heat up

In certain situations, the smartphone heats up when it breaks down. This mainly happens in the following cases:

  • Battery failure. The battery loses its capacity, which leads to increased energy consumption.
  • Mechanical damage. In most cases, this happens when moisture gets inside the case. In such a situation, the smartphone must be turned off so that the microcircuit does not burn out due to overheating. Then the device should be dried thoroughly and a specialized center should be visited to diagnose the gadget.
  • Often the iPhone 5S gets warm while running several functions. For example, you are talking, and at the same time the smartphone is charging, the Internet and other applications are running. Performing all enabled operations leads to an increase in energy consumption, and the device body begins to heat up. This is not a malfunction in this case you just need to reduce the number of running processes.
  • At strong discharge. As a result, current consumption increases and to avoid this situation, you do not need to completely discharge the iPhone 5S. If the device is completely discharged, problems may arise not only with the charger, which is not designed for high current, but also with the battery itself.
  • The iPhone also gets warm in cases where the firmware is being updated. If the update attempt is unsuccessful, the battery may overheat and discharge quickly.

Heating can also occur for other reasons. Experts will tell you more about this service center after carrying out appropriate diagnostics.

What to do?

When a smartphone heats up in standby mode, it is quite difficult to explain. Often this problem can be solved by simply replacing the battery. The software may malfunction due to moisture getting into the iPhone 5S and the contacts oxidizing.

If your phone has problems and it starts to heat up, then don’t hesitate. It is necessary to find out the cause of the breakdown from specialists and begin repairs. In some cases, a smartphone cannot be repaired because the owner has been using it for a long time and it overheats.

If the phone periodically heats up, the problem will not go away on its own. On the contrary, such a situation can lead to even more serious troubles. Therefore, if you notice that in standby mode, during charging or talking, the phone overheats, then you need to contact the specialists. Remember that you need to go to a specialist if the iPhone 5S gets hot, software malfunctions appear, the phone switches menus on its own, the battery runs out quickly, the phone freezes, there are problems turning on, and so on.