Regional phone number. Is it possible to identify an operator by phone number? Other ways to determine your telecom operator


So, to determine the operator, use several options. The easiest option is to call help desk your operator and ask him to help you. In theory, employees of a certain company should know which codes correspond to which telecom operators.

Besides, rapid development Internet business also entails the use of cellular communications. In this case, there is a need to ensure the most effective interaction with clients, and, as a result, the selection of the most optimal tariff from one or another mobile operator.

So, to determine the operator, use several options. The easiest option is to call your operator's help desk and ask them to help you. Theoretically, employees of a certain company - a mobile operator - should know which codes correspond to which telecom operators.

On such resources you can search by directly the standard mobile communications, region, etc. Just use all the information you have to get the most complete and reliable result.

From there, little remains to be done. Just visit the website of a particular mobile operator and study its tariffs and offers. Sometimes it may be wise to select several to ensure maximum efficient work your company.

If you want to determine the operator for personal purposes, go to more simple internet resources, enter the three-digit prefix you know and get an answer - which mobile operator it is. Computer techologies allow you to do this quickly and without unnecessary keystrokes on your mobile phone.


  • Code 963 of which operator » » code 642 OK, new side of the game
  • Code 925 and 916 which cellular operator uses them?

Sometimes it is necessary to determine the subscriber's region by his cell phone number. As a rule, such information can be obtained from open databases available on the Internet. However, it is usually the region that can be found out, since more details V public access are not being laid out.

You will need

  • - Internet access.


Open a web browser on your computer and enter the following address into it: In the left corner, select the Number analysis tools menu item, after which a list of available actions with specific number phone. Among them, select the second item - Analysis of IMSI numbers.

Enter your phone number in international format in the appropriate form, press the Enter button and wait for the results to be displayed. Please note that in in this case The number is entered according to the example below. If you are entering a Russian subscriber's number, do not use eight, but write +7 instead, otherwise the number may simply not be recognized by the system.

View information about the owner of the SIM card - in the lower right corner the region in which the number was registered, as well as the name of the operator and other parameters will be indicated. You can also use this site for other operations with codes and numbers cell phones.

If the above site does not open for you, open the official website of the cellular operator serving the subscriber of the number you are interested in. View a list of operator codes that are defined for regions Russian Federation and other countries.

If you receive calls on your phone from unfamiliar numbers, then it is better to find out from which operator from which country the subscribers are trying to contact you. This is especially important if you want to call a stranger back. There are several ways to help you find out an operator by phone number.

How to find out the country and operator by phone number

Standard smartphone capabilities allow you to additional programs Find out from which region you received a call. However, this option does not work for all numbers and not every smartphone supports it. Therefore, you can use other options:

  1. Search online by phone number. This option is good because you don’t need to define the code yourself - just enter the phone number in a special window and you will receive complete information about it.
  2. Manual search. Stationery stores sell diaries in which the first or last pages are given for reference information. With their help, you can determine from which country you were disturbed by a call. To use this method, you must correctly determine the code - these are the first 1-3 digits, excluding the “+” sign.

Of course it's best to use online method. When searching online, you do not need to independently extract the code from a set of numbers. This service is absolutely free for you. The search form allows you to determine the telecom operator and find out other details about the number.

Phone applications to determine operator by number

Well, if the search form is not enough for you, then for smartphones, they work on different operating systems ah, a lot of applications have been created to help determine the numbers and region where the call is coming from. Not long ago, Yandex created its own identifier that allows you to find out the organization from which the call came. But the functionality of this program is limited - if the company uses third party number telephone number, for example, the mobile phone of one of the managers, then you will not know who wants to contact you.

A good application is the “Russian Operators” utility. It allows you to determine when incoming and outgoing call, which operator serves your interlocutor. The disadvantage of the program is that you will not be able to determine the country of the call. Databases are limited to our country.

Call Dispatcher

More successful in quantity reference information is Call app Dispatcher. Its databases collected information about Ukrainian, Belarusian and Abkhazian license plates. The functionality of the application allows you to:

  • determine the country of the interlocutor when making an incoming or outgoing call;
  • displaying information about the telecom operator, country and city during a call from a mobile or landline number;
  • placing information about the subscriber in pop-up messages during a call;
  • the ability to change the display time of messages;
  • field for manual search in the directory;
  • an extensive database of numbers in Russia and neighboring countries;
  • identification of numbers written in international and local format;
  • integration with any Android shell;
  • work with different versions operating systems, including outdated ones;
  • correct work with third-party applications.

After installing this program, you must create a Call Dispatcher folder in the memory card directory, otherwise the databases will not be loaded. Only after creating the folder should you start downloading the databases. If you do not download them, the utility will not work. Another small problem when using this software product– not all operators and numbers are included in the database. But this problem rarely affects users, since the databases are regularly updated.

Other ways to determine your telecom operator

If you are sure that the call came to you from Russia (the number begins with the code +7), then it is enough to determine the telecom operator and the region of use of the SIM card. To do this, you can use different methods.

Manual search for information

Most the hard way telecom operator definitions - using a code book. Each telephone number, in addition to the country code, encrypts the operator identifier. In Russia, numbers in the range from 900 to 999 are used. Today domestic operators 79 codes from this range have been used, another 21 are in reserve.

Representatives of the “Big Three” occupied the largest number of identifiers.

Table of operator codes MTS, Megafon and Beeline

As you can see even in this table to different operators belong to the same codes. The situation is no better for regional companies, which in most cases use the identifiers of larger telecom operators. For this reason manual search gives only information general information, and with code 902 it is completely useless.

We receive information about the country and operator from our operator

Telecom operators give the most exact information about your subscribers. Since December 2013, Russia has had a law on preserving the number when a client moves to another cellular company. This causes confusion if a person tries to independently determine the operator using the code. But you don't have to do it yourself. Telecom operators have provided the ability to determine ownership subscriber number.

  1. Megafon was the first to launch this service. On his official website he posted a form for checking the number, accessible to anyone. You must enter the number without the country code - starting with 9.
  2. MTS fell behind its competitors - it launched a service paid check, available only to its clients. To check the number, you need to send a USSD request of the form: *111*916*number# - after entering the combination, press the call key. The phone number is entered without a country code, starting with 9. The request will cost you about 3 rubles (the cost depends on the region).
  3. Beeline offers two options for checking the ownership of a phone number: through the official website and a USSD request. Through the website, anyone can find out about the ownership of the number; just enter the number, starting with the operator code. Next to the field for entering information, there is a window with the numbers of the verification captcha - it is very easy to read. Enter the numbers you see in the field on the right. If you are a Beeline subscriber, you can send a request like: *444*number#. Data must be entered starting from 9.
  4. Tele 2 also took care of cellular users. He posted many on his website useful services, including in order to determine whether a subscriber number belongs to a specific operator. This service is located in the section dedicated to the transfer of subscribers to another operator while maintaining the number.

The disadvantage of this method is that some operators have a paid service. Another disadvantage is that it is not easy to find the verification form on the official website. In most cases, it is “hidden” in one of the sections with information for subscribers.

Using e-wallets

if you have online wallet, then you can use it to determine whether a number belongs to a specific telecom operator. To do this, select “Deposit money to your mobile account” in the list of payments, and then enter the number. After this action, the name or logo of the operator will appear on the page. It is not necessary to make a payment.

This service is imperfect and does not work on all electronic wallets. Some payment services do not provide the ability to display the names of the company serving the subscriber. This service works properly only for Qiwi users.

The easiest way to find out subscriber details

ABOUT the latter method we have already mentioned above - these are online services for receiving complete information about the subscriber. You will be able to find out not only the telecom operator, but also the region where the SIM card was purchased. This will allow you to quickly navigate important issues: is it worth calling a stranger back, how much will a minute of communication cost, is it possible to make a call using only the included package of minutes of your tariff.

Most operators now offer unlimited calls within the network. For this reason, it is very important to find out which company the prospective interlocutor uses. If the subscriber belongs to your mobile operator and is in the same region as you, then most often you can call without fear.

The advantage of an online database is that it has a convenient user interface. You just need to enter the number and click the “Find” button. After refreshing the page you will get the result like detailed report. A small drawback is that the information in the database is updated a little later than that of the operator. But every day information is entered more quickly.

Finding out the owner of a mobile phone is often simply necessary. The situations are different: from selling something large and valuable on the Internet to going on a date.

Is it possible to break through a mobile phone in Russia and how to do it? Let's understand the issue.

What does the law say about this?

On January 1, 2014, Federal Law No. 304-FZ of November 2, 2013 “On Amendments to Article 44” came into force Federal Law“On Communications” and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.”

The law prohibited the street sale of SIM cards. Now the operator or a person who acts on his behalf (dealer) is required to enter into an agreement for the sale of the card and enter the subscriber’s passport data into it.

The dealer must send a signed copy of the agreement to the operator within 10 days. And the operator must check the accuracy of the information.

What operators know about subscribers

The contract must include basic information: Full name, registration address, series and passport number, as well as when and by whom the document was issued. But if the SIM card was purchased secondhand from the metro or at a train station, then, of course, the subscriber data will be fake. You yourself understand how prohibitions work.

In addition, operators have data on calls made and SMS sent. They don’t record calls (for now - keep in mind the “Yarovaya package”), but they save the contents of SMS. They also have information about the dates and amounts of balance replenishments, the current account balance, and the IMEI of the device.

Is location tracked? Yes, and not only when you call. Coordinates are recorded at the moment of entering and leaving the network, moving between cells. Technically, the operator has the ability to manually request coordinates and record the entire track.

So how to break through mobile phone?

1. Ask

Incredible, but it works. Call the number, say that you are conducting a survey, ask a few simple questions. At the end, specify your first and last name.

If a person is ready to cooperate and has already answered the questions, he can automatically give his last name or first name. Especially if you promise a small bonus. For example, top up your account for participating in a survey. And even transfer these 10-20 rubles (the amount should not be large so as not to arouse suspicion).

2. Google

The simplest and most perfect legal way learn a lot about the owner of the mobile number. People often leave this information in the public domain.

If the nickname is relatively rare or you find out something else, you can Google further. Combinations “nickname + city”, “nickname + surname”, “nickname + car make”, etc. will give additional information.

Finally, if you found a photo of a person by number, it makes sense to use FindFace service. It finds profiles of people on VKontakte based on photos and provides links to them:

It often happens that they call from unknown number and reset. Calls to such a number may be charged. Victims often post numbers on the Internet, so Googling the number before calling is useful.

3. Check social networks

On Facebook, just a phone number is enough. In addition, you can go to the form for restoring access to the page and enter the number. The social network will offer to send a six-digit code to this number, and next to it will show the account (photo and full name) to which it is linked:

VKontakte allows you to enter a phone number to restore access to the page, but requires the last name to which the number is associated.

4. Login to Viber

The messenger allows you to find out the first name (and most often, the last name) and receive a photo of the user. Click the Add button (blue with a plus in the lower right corner), then enter the phone number and add the user. After this, in the contact list you need to click on it and select “Information”.

5. Top up his account

When replenishing an account using a phone number, employees of mobile phone stores usually see the full name of its owner. Pretend that you want to check whether the number was entered correctly and ask the employee to give the owner’s full name.

Usually sellers meet halfway, suspecting nothing. Indeed, you want to top up someone’s account, which means you give the impression of an honest person.

And if the manager refuses to give your full name, you can go to another salon. Trying is not torture.

Again: you are not breaking anything. You just have to ask)))

6. Use special services

New sites where you can get a mobile number appear regularly. But should we believe them?

For example, here is one of the first in search engine results - Reliability – depending on your luck.

I checked several of my friends' numbers with their permission, and some of them confirmed the accuracy of the information. True, there is frankly little data: registration address and e-mail, sometimes also a photo. If the number has recently been changed, the service displays the old data.

There is also a lot of garbage in the service area. For example, look at the results latest requests, which the service openly shines on home page.

The site owner claims to use different software technologies, to collected information was as accurate and comprehensive as possible. Data is obtained from open sources (the same search results), API of other sites, from people who collect and sell mobile databases. Users themselves add information, not about themselves, of course.

UPD: after publishing the article, we were contacted by a user whose number was shown on the main page of the resource. The user claims that the number and unflattering description were added to the database in retaliation by an employee of the company with which he refused to work.

Conclusions: 1. This can happen to anyone. 2. You yourself understand the level of trust in and the like.

Similar services are provided by the website Here they promise to punch not only the number and provide “full name, registration/registration address, date of birth, passport details of the owner, tariff, balance, date of opening (connection) of the number, history of the owners of the phone number, as well as who was the owner of the phone number in a given period time or get full list former owners"(the author's spelling has been preserved).

The developers claim that they receive information from employees cellular companies, and not from offline databases, so the relevance is higher. They can name other telephone numbers that belong to the owner of the specified number.

Naturally, full prepayment is required for everything, which is already alarming.

Technically, nothing is impossible. Operators actually store subscriber data. The only question is whether OPSOS employees with the required level of access will expose themselves for the sake of a few hundred rubles.

Each employee signs a non-disclosure agreement confidential information(NDA). Violation is fraught with dismissal and the initiation of a criminal case.

But reviews about the service are rather negative. “Scam” is the mildest definition of deceived clients. They say they promise a lot, they take money, but there is no result. You can't get into the consumer rights society with something like that.

Actually, checking such services is easy. Order information about own room phone, and you’ll understand everything right away.

7. Check against the number database

Buy the entire database or gain access through the web interface - a method similar to the previous one. Even if the data is provided to you, there is a high risk that it will be out of date.

But most often after transferring money or sending SMS to paid number you are simply banned (blocked, added to the blacklist).

8. Contact the operator

If you or your loved ones are threatened, you can contact your mobile operator directly and state the reasons for your request in a statement. Employees must review it and provide or not provide you with information about the subscriber.

But, of course, this doesn’t work if you just need to find out information about the person you’re hiring, want to buy something from, or go on a date with. Practice shows that operators usually refuse and demand official request through law enforcement agencies.

9. Go to the police, prosecutor's office, FSB, FSO

The procedure is similar: write a statement to the authorities and state the reasons. If law enforcement officers consider the reason sufficient and open a case of a criminal or administrative offense (Clause 4 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Police”), they will make a request to the cellular operator.

The company will be required to provide subscriber information. Information about who owns the number does not fall under Art. 63 Federal Law “On Communications”, so the request does not violate the confidentiality of communications. The reason, of course, must be serious for the prosecutor to authorize the request.

But even if you are threatened, the process of providing data may take a long time. And it’s not a fact that the data received will be revealed directly to you.

10. Hire a private detective

And they provide such services. For a couple of hundred dollars they promise your full name and address, for a thousand or more - a complete dossier: downloading from the operator’s database, current location, call details. They most often refer to connections with authorities and the operator.

Of course, there is no guarantee. You wouldn’t report a private detective, much less a police or FSB officer. But what more amount, the higher the likelihood that an OPSOS employee will give out such information.

Representatives law enforcement, judging by the information on forums and on the darknet, they are also doing the same. Of course, this is an abuse of power and a matter within the jurisdiction. But most often the method works.

So there are plenty of options

In fact, the only question is whether the game is worth the candle. And without a phone number you can find enough information about many people.

We have listed the legal methods. Try it and see - it's free and safe.

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Questions by topic Expand all topics

  • SIM card, number, tariff

      To find out the name and conditions current tariff, go to your Personal Account and select the “Tariff” section or dial a free command * 105 * 3 #

      You can change the tariff

      • on the website: select new tariff, click on the “Switch to tariff” button on the page;
      • in the MegaFon application or Personal Account.

      You can switch to any tariff except the archive one. The cost of the transition is indicated on the page of the selected tariff.

      When changing the tariff, connected within current tariff packages of minutes, SMS and Internet will “burn out” and will not be valid on the new tariff. Decommissioned subscription fee is not recalculated.

      Review sent. Thank you!

    • How to unblock a number?
      • If you run out of money in your account and the number is blocked, top up your balance. The number is activated after the debt is repaid.
      • If you have not used a number for more than 90 days, it may be blocked. To restore your number, take your passport to a MegaFon salon. If the number has not been transferred to another subscriber during this time, you will receive new SIM card With the same number.
        Find out if you can restore your number by sending free SMS from a valid MegaFon SIM to . In the message, indicate the number you want to restore and the owner's full name.
      • If the number is blocked after losing your SIM card, you can get a free new SIM card with the same number by going to a MegaFon salon with your passport.
      • If you have set a block, the number will be unblocked automatically on the day you selected for the block to end.

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    • How to get a new SIM card while keeping your phone number?

      Apply with your passport to any MegaFon salon in Home region, on whose territory the agreement was concluded. You can get a new SIM card for free and continue to use your number. The tariff and all terms of service remain the same, conclude new agreement there is no need to provide communication services.

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    • How do I keep my number?

      The number remains yours as long as the balance is positive. If you do not use the number and do not activate the blocking service, then at least once every 90 days you need to use communication services: outgoing calls, incoming calls, sending SMS, sending and receiving MMS, accessing the Internet. If you do not use communication services for more than 90 calendar days in a row on call tariffs and longer than 180 calendar days in a row on Internet tariffs, the subscription fee for maintaining the number begins to be charged daily.

      In case of non-use of communication services on any of the subscriber numbers combined on one personal account for more than 90 (ninety) calendar days in a row, the contract for the provision of communication services in relation to this subscriber number is considered terminated at the initiative of the subscriber.

      The amount of the subscription fee for maintaining the number, the conditions for its debiting and the period at the end of which the contract for the provision of communication services will be terminated and the number can be transferred to another subscriber is indicated in the description of your tariff. You can find it in the Tariffs or Tariffs Archive section.

      If you do not use communication services for more than 90 days with zero or negative balance Personal account, the contract is considered terminated on your initiative. If the number has not been transferred to another person, it can be restored by filling out an application at the MegaFon salon.

      If you are planning for a long time(more than 90 days) do not use mobile communications, block your number.

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      • Use the service Telephone codes of mobile operators. Enter the one you are interested in mobile number in the search bar and click the “Check” button. The carrier and region will appear below the search bar.
      • Type the command * 629 # . Then enter the mobile number you want to verify in any format. Operator and region information will appear on the screen.

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    • How to renew the contract or change the number?

      You can choose a number when concluding a contract for the provision of communication services or replace your current phone number.

      Choose a beautiful, easy-to-remember number in an online store or in a MegaFon showroom.

      The cost of the room depends on the room class: simple, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and the type of numbering: federal or city. More details about the cost of the room in the description of the service Select a room.

      The service operates in two modes:

      • one-way: the caller will hear the message “The subscriber’s device is turned off or is out of network coverage”;
      • two-way mode: the caller will receive an SMS with your new number.

      In any mode, you will receive an SMS with the number of the person who called your previous number.

      The service does not work if the balance on the old number is negative or zero, and also if old SIM card blocked.

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  • Services, options

      To check the list of services:

      • Go to your Personal Account and select Services and options. In the “My” tab you will see a list of services connected to your number, in “All available” - services available for connection.
      • Dial a free command * 105 # , and a menu will appear on your device's screen. To navigate through the menu, enter the number of the desired item and press the “Call” button. Next, a menu will be displayed where you can also select items and manage services.

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      • Go to the Balances section for service packages in your Personal Account.
      • Open the Balances section for service packages in the MegaFon application. .
      • Set up the widget.

      Widget - element of the MegaFon application Personal Area. It is not necessary to log into the application - the remaining minutes, SMS, megabytes, and Personal Account balance will be displayed on the screen of your smartphone.

      To use the widget, install the MegaFon Personal Account application on your smartphone/tablet. For OS Android application must be installed in the smartphone memory, not in the SD memory. Go to your smartphone's settings and activate the widget.

      The appearance of the widget and the number of balances that will be simultaneously displayed on the smartphone screen differ depending on the OS.

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  • Mobile Internet

    • What to do if the mobile Internet does not work or the speed has decreased?
      1. Check your balance and top it up if necessary. To check your balance, type the command * 100 # or go to your Personal Account. The Internet only works with a positive balance. If you have recently topped up your account, wait a few minutes for the internet to work again.
      2. Check the balance of your Internet package. Open the MegaFon application or go to your Personal Account Balances for service packages. If the included Internet capacity has run out, connect one of the options to extend the Internet.
      3. Check if you have the Mobile Internet service connected. To do this, go to your Personal Account and in the “Services” section, select Services and options or dial a free command on your smartphone / tablet * 105 # and select the desired item from the menu on the device screen.
      4. Make sure you have Data Transfer mode enabled. You can check this in the settings of your smartphone or tablet in the “Data transfer”, “Data connection” or “Mobile network” section (the name may differ in different devices).
      5. Reboot your device (turn it off and on).
      6. Turn off Wi-Fi on your smartphone/tablet (if using a router from MegaFon Wi-Fi must remain on).
      7. Move the SIM card to another device. If on another device Mobile Internet also does not work, contact the nearest MegaFon store with your identification document to replace the SIM card. When replacing a SIM card, the phone number will not change; the service is provided free of charge.
        To find out the address of the nearest salon, open the MegaFon application.
      8. When using the Internet via a modem/router: Reinstall the application MegaFon Internet, try connecting the modem/router to another USB port on your computer, update the software of your modem/router. Latest versions software you can download it for free from the MegaFon online store. Find your modem or router in the directory and go to the "Files" tab.

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    • What is 4G+, how to start using it and how does the transition from a 2G/3G network to 4G+ happen?

      4G+ (or LTE) is mobile Internet with a speed not inferior to regular wired internet. Browser pages, files, music, videos, games and applications load in seconds.

      To start using 4G+ you need a smartphone and SIM card that support this technology.

      Type the command * 507 # to see if your SIM card supports 4G+. If not, you can change it for free at any MegaFon store using USIM.

      After you insert the new USIM into your smartphone, select the LTE network type in the settings.

      And if you have a smartphone with support for two SIM cards, then USIM must be installed in the 1st slot.

      When you connect to the network, the device automatically selects best network in terms of signal quality. To provide maximum speed connection, a network with more reliable reception is suitable. There is no need to manually switch the mode or perform any other actions. The device changes networks automatically, without interrupting the connection.

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    • How to enable 4G (LTE) in phone settings?

      Select and save the following settings:

      • iOS (iPhone): Settings → cellular→ Data settings → Enable LTE → Data only (Voice and data).
      • Android: Menu → Settings → Connections → Other networks → Mobile networks→ Network mode → 4G/3G/2G (automatic connection).
      • Windows Phone: Settings → Data transfer → Most fast connection→ 4G.

      The name of the settings may differ for different models.

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  • Personal Area

    • How to log into your Personal Account, get or change your password?

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    • Use any convenient method:

      • Dial a free command * 512 # , and you will receive an SMS with information about latest write-offs from the account.

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    • How to top up your account?

      Choose any convenient way:

      1. Top up your account with a bank card or electronic wallet in the Payment section.
      2. On the main page of your Personal Account, you can top up your account, as well as the account of another Megafon subscriber, with a bank card.
      3. Set up Autopayment yourself in your Personal Account on the website or contact a specialist at a MegaFon salon for help. With this service, the balance will be replenished automatically from your bank card.
      4. If you can’t pay right now, use the Promised payment service.
      5. Another MegaFon subscriber can transfer money to you from their account using the Mobile Transfer service. To send a request to another subscriber, use free service Pay for me.
      6. If you are a client of Sberbank and your bank card linked to a phone number, please indicate the required amount via SMS and send to the number or use the Sberbank-Online application.

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    • How to stay in touch with a negative or zero balance?

        To make a call with insufficient balance, use the Call at a friend’s expense service, and your interlocutor will pay for the call.
        Dial " 000 " and subscriber number, starting with " 8 " or " 7 ", For example: 000792ХXXXXXXX.

        The service is valid only for calls to MegaFon numbers.

        To credit a conditional amount to your account at any convenient time and continue to use mobile services, activate Promised payment by typing the command * 106 # . The service is paid.

        You can re-issue a payment over the phone if:

        • both numbers - yours and the one you mistakenly topped up - are registered with MegaFon and issued to individuals;
        • no more than two errors were made in the issue.

        In other cases, take your receipt and passport to the nearest MegaFon store. Fill out the application and the payment will be transferred to your number if there is a sufficient amount on another number.

        If you mistakenly topped up the number of another operator, contact the payment point or office of this operator. To find out which operator a mobile number belongs to, dial the free command * 629 # or use the Telephone Codes service.

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    • Mobile subscriptions

        Mobile subscriptions- these are informational and entertainment services, combining music, video, pictures, texts and mobile applications different topics. Check out the full catalogue.

        The subscription fee is charged in accordance with the Subscription Terms.

        To find out which subscriptions are connected, go to your Personal Account, select the “Services and Options” section, the “My” subsection, which will display a list of subscriptions connected to your number

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      • How to unsubscribe?

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      • Can I listen to a recording of my telephone conversation?

        MegaFon does not record subscriber calls.

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      • How to set up call forwarding?

        You can set up or cancel call forwarding in the phone menu or in your Personal Account. For conditions and cost of setting up forwarding, see the service page.

        If set forwarding does not work, check whether there are any restrictions on your number and whether the number is correct.

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      • To find out who called you while your phone was turned off, out of network coverage, or while you were unable to answer, activate the Who Called+ service. You will receive an SMS about a missed call on behalf of the person who tried to call you. The SMS will indicate the number and time of calls.

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      • What is VoLTE technology and what is needed to use it?

        To use VoLTE calls, you need a device and SIM card that support this technology.
        To check if your SIM card is suitable for the 4G+ network, enter the command * 507 # . If it doesn’t fit, replace it for free with a USIM card at any MegaFon store.

        List of devices that support VoLTE:

        • iPhone 6/6 Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 6s/6s Plus, iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPhone 8/8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and later;
        • Honor 10, Honor 10 lite, Huawei P20, Huawei P20 pro, Huawei P20 lite, Huawei Nova 3, Huawei Nova 3i, Honor Play, Honor 7X, Huawei P10 lite, Huawei Nova 2 plus, Huawei Nova 2, Huawei Nova 2i, Honor 8 lite Huawei P-smart, Huawei P-smart 2018, Huawe Mate 20 lite, Huawei Mate 20, Huawei Mate 20 pro, Honor view 20, Honor 8C;
        • LG K10 2017, LG Stylus 3, LG X Power 2, LG G6, LG Q6α, LG Venture, LG G7, LG G7 Fit, LG Q7, LG Q7+, LG Q Stylus+, LG K9, LG V30, LG K11, LG K11+ ;
        • Nokia 3, Nokia 8, Nokia 5.1;
        • Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Galaxy Note 9, Galaxy J7 Neo, Galaxy A3, Galaxy A5, Galaxy A6 | A6+, Galaxy A7, Galaxy A8 | A8+, Galaxy J2 2018, Galaxy J3, Galaxy J5 | J5 Prime | J5 2016, Galaxy J7 | J7 2016 | J7 2017 Neo, Galaxy S7 | S7 edge, Galaxy S8 | S8+, Galaxy S9 | S9+, Galaxy J6 | J6+ 2018, Galaxy J4 | J4+ 2018, Galaxy J8 2018, Galaxy J2 | J2 Core | J2 Prime, Galaxy A9 2018;
        • Sony Xperia X, Xperia X Performance, Xperia XZ, Xperia X Compact, Xperia XZs, Xperia XZ Premium, Xperia XZ1, Xperia XZ1 Compact, Xperia XA1, Xperia XA1 Ultra, Xperia XA1 Plus, Xperia XA2, Xperia XA2 Ultra, Xperia L2, Xperia XZ2, Xperia XZ2 Compact, Xperia XZ2 Premium, Xperia XA2 Plus, Xperia X dual, Xperia X Performance dual, Xperia XZ dual, Xperia XZ3;
        • Vertex Saturn, Vertex Impress Blade, Vertex Impress New;
        • Alcatel 1 (5033D), Alcatel 3L (5034D), Alcatel 1X (5059D), Alcatel 5052D, Alcatel 5099D, Blackberry Key 2.

        If not on the list the desired model, then check with the manufacturer to see if your phone supports VoLTE technology. The list is constantly updated.

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      • How to set up VoLTE?

        Select necessary settings for your smartphone:

        • iPhone: Settings → Cellular → Data Options → Enable LTE → Voice & Data.
        • Huawei: Settings → Wireless network→ Mobile network → VoLTE calls.
        • LG Stylus 3, LG X Power 2, LG K10 2017, LG G6, LG Q6α, LG Venture: Settings → Networks → Advanced → Mobile networks → VoLTE or long press on the VoLTE icon in the notifications menu.
        • NOKIA: Settings → More → Mobile networks → 4G LTE mode (enabled by default).
        • Samsung Galaxy: VoLTE is automatically enabled in the new firmware.
          If not: Settings → Connections → Mobile networks → VoLTE calls.
        • Sony Xperia: VoLTE is automatically enabled in the new firmware.
          If not: Settings → More → Mobile network → Enable VoLTE or Notification panel → Quick Options→ Enable VoLTE.
        • Vertex Saturn: Settings → More → Mobile networks → 4G LTE mode.
        • Alcatel: Settings → More → Mobile networks → VoLTE.

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      • Why doesn't the network pick up?
        1. Unstable network signal.
          You are outside the city, in areas with dense buildings - in an area of ​​​​uncertain signal reception. If communication problems occur regularly, please send us a message via the Write to us form or contact the Support Service through your Personal Account. In the message, indicate the address where communication problems occur and describe the problem in detail. On an Android device, using the My Network application, you can automatically send information about call quality and coverage problems to MegaFon.
        2. There is not enough money in your account.
          Top up your account in any convenient way.
        3. Incorrect connection to the network.
          Go to your phone settings and select the MegaFon network manually. Reboot your phone. If your device allows you to select a network standard (4G / 3G / 2G), try switching to a different standard.
        4. The phone or SIM card is faulty.
          Insert the SIM card into another device and check if it will connect to the network. If the SIM card in the other phone also does not register with the network, replace the SIM card.
        5. You are outside the Home Region or in the coverage area of ​​an operator with which MegaFon does not work.
          Go to your device's settings and try manually selecting a different network.

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    • Emergency help

      • How to call emergency services?

        Single number call emergency services:

        1 - Fire Department;

        2 - police;

        3 - emergency;

        4 emergency service gas network.

        Emergency numbers:

        Emergency - ;

        Calls to emergency numbers are free. You can call if there is no money in your account, and even from a phone without a SIM card.

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      • What to do if your phone is lost or stolen?

          Block the number.

          Free blocking period - 7 days. Then the subscription fee begins to be charged. All communication services on the number before the blocking is activated are paid by you. If your phone is stolen or lost, please notify us as soon as possible. This is necessary so that a thief or person who finds your phone cannot use the money in your account.

          Get a new SIM card with your old number.

          Try to find the phone.

          Contact the police and file a theft report. Your phone may be able to be detected.

          If you've lost your iPhone or iPad, use Find My iPhone.

          If you have lost your Android phone, use the device search function.

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      • How to protect yourself from scammers?

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      • How are emergency communications services provided?
    • Roaming

      • How to use communication services when traveling around Russia and the world?

        When traveling around our country, no additional actions is not required to use communication services. The only condition is that you must have a positive balance.

        When you go to other countries, as well as to the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, where there is no MegaFon network, you need to make sure that you have the Roaming service activated. It is needed so that you can use communication services in the networks of other operators.

        • 8 800 550-05-00 +7 926 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
        • Personal account or MegaFon application;
        • go to the MegaFon salon with your passport.

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      • The cost of communication services when traveling in Russia may differ from the cost in the Home region. Detailed conditions you can find out in your Personal Account, in the description of your tariff or using a free command * 139 #

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        There is no MegaFon network in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, so make sure before your trip that you have the Roaming service activated. It is needed so that you can use communication services in the networks of other operators.

        How to find out if roaming is enabled on your number:

        • call the Help Desk at 8 800 550 0500 in Russia or +7 926 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
        • write to the support chat in your Personal Account or the MegaFon application;
        • go to the MegaFon salon with your passport.

        You can find out the cost of services on the page or in the description of your tariff.

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      • How to connect and disconnect services in roaming and spend less?

        The easiest and most convenient way is mobile app"MegaFon" or Personal Account. You can check your balance, connect or disconnect services and options, order detailed expenses and ask questions to support in the chat.

        When roaming, you do not need to change your mobile Internet settings.


        Some phones may limit data usage while roaming. Go to settings and check if mobile Internet is enabled in roaming.