Tariff Smart Nonstop MTS (Smart Nonstop): description, reviews, connection. Everything about the new Smart Unlimited tariff on MTS

The Beeline operator, having updated the “Everything” line, offers subscribers a tariff with a small subscription fee and unlimited on-net calls. The “All 1” tariff plan includes the minimum options required by the subscriber and will be of interest to those who often call Beeline not only in their home region, but also when traveling around the country, and also periodically make calls to local mobile and landline numbers. In addition, the tariff also includes a traffic package, which will be enough to view mail and communicate on social networks.

Detailed description of the Beeline “All 1” tariff

In many regions tariff plan“All 1” Beeline is the youngest in the “Everything” line from Beeline and includes only the most necessary options. In contrast, the “All 2”, “” offers provide subscribers with more opportunities, but for a higher subscription fee. There is only one that is younger and cheaper, but it does not work in all regions.

“All 1” has a prepaid payment system, subscription fee is 350 rubles per month, which is rented daily - 11.7 rubles per day. The packages included in the Beeline “All 1” tariff plan include minutes for calls to all local numbers, mobile Internet, as well as free on-net calls.

In most regions, the subscription fee includes a package of 500 SMS, but for subscribers in Moscow and the region, SMS messages are not included in the tariff and are paid separately. When connecting to “All 1” in Moscow, to reduce the cost of messages, you can activate the “SMS Package” service; it will allow you to receive 500 SMS messages per month for a small surcharge.


Subscription fee 11.7 rub. per day (350 rub. per month)
What is included in the subscription fee
Package of minutes for calls to all mobile and landline numbers, home region, as well as on-net calls throughout Russia 300 minutes per month
Mobile Internet traffic package 1 GB
Cost of services not included in packages
SMS to all cellular network subscribers 1.5 rub.
Calls to all Russian mobile and landline numbers outside your region, except Beeline 5 rub./min.
MMS 9.95 rub.
Call forwarding 3.5 rub./min.
Cost of services above the package
Calls to everything Russian license plates Beeline for free
Calls to numbers of other mobile and city operators home network 2 rub./min.

The specified characteristics are valid for subscribers in Moscow and the region. In other regions, tariff conditions and cost of services may differ.

On the Beeline “All 1” tariff, a number of services are enabled by default: “Welcome to EVERYTHING”, “Have a contact” and “The most profitable roaming", which are valid initially, as well as the "Auto-renewal of minutes" and "" options, which are activated when the main packages of minutes or traffic are used up.

Internet at tariff

Depending on the region, the volume of the Internet package included in the subscription fee may apply both to the connection territory and to neighboring areas, or to the entire federal district. The amount of available traffic also depends on the region of connection and can range from 1 to 6 GB. As part of the Moscow version of the tariff plan, users have access to maximum speed 1 GB of traffic.

When paying for a month at once, the subscriber receives double as a bonus more internet than is initially included in the subscription fee. The same offer is valid for two months for all new Beeline users who purchased a SIM card with the “All 1” tariff.

In order to save money, when traveling outside your region, in order to be able to use mobile Internet under the same conditions as at home, it is recommended to activate the “ ” service.

After the traffic is exhausted, the “Auto-renewal speed” option is automatically activated on the tariff; it adds additional Internet packages of 100 MB for 50 rubles. This service is certainly convenient, but compared to the tariff itself and other offers, such Internet traffic turns out to be quite expensive. Connect additional inexpensive traffic after spending packet internet It is recommended using the " " or " " options.

How to activate the Beeline “All 1” tariff?

Subscribers who are interested in the new offer from Beeline should take into account that in order to switch to the “All 1” tariff, you need to have an amount in your account sufficient to change the tariff and pay for the first day of use. The transition is free, but if less than 30 days have passed since the last connection, you will need to pay 100 rubles to change the tariff plan.

The easiest way to switch to the Beeline “All 1” tariff is to call the short number 0850. To connect, you can also call binomer 0674000111. After calling any of these numbers, wait for an SMS notification about changing your tariff plan.

There are other ways to change the tariff - through mobile app or Personal Account. If you are a subscriber of other mobile operators, you can either purchase new SIM card with the tariff in one of the sales offices.

How to disable the All 1 tariff plan?

If, when using a new tariff, you decide that it does not suit you, you can turn it off at any time. To disable it, you will need to either block the SIM card or switch to any other tariff plan that better suits your requirements, for example. You can change your tariff plan both in your Personal Account and in the mobile application, as well as in the operator’s office.

The operator offers a lot of opportunities for gaining access to the World Wide Web. Does it exist unlimited Internet Tele2 for 350 rubles, how to activate the service in different regions of Russia?

Tariffs with network access

The operator offers several different tariff plans, differing for regions where unlimited Internet on Tele2 is available for 350 rubles per month.

Let's look at them in more detail:

    • "On the tablet." The cost is 350 rubles. per month for regions such as the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The package includes: 12 GB, unlimited access to social networks and instant messengers, as well as free use applications Yandex.Maps and Yandex.Navigator. The remaining gigabytes are carried over to the next month.
    • In Bryansk and the cities of the Republic of Mordovia, you can use the “15 GB” service for 350 rubles/month. The above amount includes a 15 GB package and unlimited night browsing. Read also:
  • In St. Petersburg there is a “Portfolio” service for a tablet. The conditions include the use of 15 GB, connection is free.
  • For St. Petersburg and Moscow it is also possible to use world wide web abroad with payment of 350 rubles/day only on those days when you connect to the network. Internet access is unlimited throughout the day.

If you are going to change the tariff, you will need information about

How to connect services

So, let's move on to the instructions on how to connect unlimited Internet to Tele2 for 350 rubles.

  • To activate the “Internet to Tablet” tariff on mobile phone you must enter the command *155*671# and press the call button.
  • The “15 GB” service is activated by entering the combination *155*691# .
  • To activate the “Portfolio” tariff plan, you need to dial the USSD command *255*200# and follow further instructions.
  • To connect to the network abroad, use digital combination *143*71# .

In this article you could find the answer to the question of how to connect unlimited Internet to Tele2 for 350 rubles per month. Now choose the most suitable tariff and start using convenient access to the network. There are new access options for other subscribers. In this article you can find out

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Another universal offer in the line of “Everything” tariff plans from Beeline. The operator has included good volumes of packages of services provided. Beeline tariff is all for 350, suitable for actively speaking mobile communications people who frequently use an Internet connection via telephone. This plan works strictly on prepayment for the next month.

Tariff characteristics

This tariff plan will be a godsend not only for Internet surfers, but also for those who additionally need to include in the unlimited free minutes conversation and SMS messages.

When choosing it, you should know that:

  • the daily fee for using Beeline with the all-for-350 tariff will be 11.65 rubles per day, or, as the name suggests, 350 rubles per month;
  • calls within a home network throughout Russia are not limited in minutes;
  • The paid volume of calls includes 500 minutes for everything phone numbers home region.

Important!!! The home region is considered to be the region where it was registered and activated on the network. this SIM card. The boundaries of Beeline home regions coincide with the division Russian Federation to subjects.

What's included in the package

  • The prepaid service package includes 100 SMS messages within your home region.
  • At the highest possible speed, the Beeline tariff is provided free of charge to subscribers for 350 - 10 GB of Internet traffic when connecting before 10/31/2016 or 5 GB when connecting after this date.

If the client runs out of minutes of calls and SMS messages included in the package, then the cost additional options may vary within individual home regions.

If the owner of a SIM card travels outside his home region, he pays for mobile communication services in accordance with the tariffs in force in roaming for this territory.

Features of the Internet connection on the “All for 350” tariff plan

Service mobile internet carried out at the maximum possible speed to the subscriber until it is completely spent all free volume traffic. Then the speed drops to 64 MB per second.

A feature of the “All for 350” tariff plan as part of the provision of Internet services is: the volume of paid traffic will differ depending on the connection date.

If the SIM card was activated before 10/31/2016 or a transition from another Beeline tariff was made before the specified dates, the subscriber is offered 10GB free internet. If a new connection or transition was made since November 1, 2016, then only 5GB.

At the same time, in the first option, an increased volume of traffic is provided during the first three months, starting from the fourth it is also reduced to 5GB. per month.

Important! For clients who connected or switched to the Beeline tariff all for 350 after 10/11/2016 when using 10 MB of traffic or more per month in LTE networks(4G Internet) the “Unlimited in 4G” service is automatically activated

The option is free first two days, then a subscription fee of 3 rubles per day is charged.

Three actions with the service:

  1. If you need to know more information for the connected service, you should dial short number – 9999.
  2. If you want to activate the service, you must use the command - 06740909871.
  3. If you need to disable the service, you must contact the team - 06740909870.

Ways to maintain a high Internet connection speed

Step by step methods:

  • Package “Extend speed by 1 GB” (cost 95 rubles):
    1. Type on the gadget keyboard digital code*115*21# or number 06747177;
  • Package “Extend speed by 4 GB” (cost 175 rubles):
    1. Dial the digital code *115*22# or number 06747178 on the gadget’s keyboard;
    2. Wait for a confirmation SMS message about connecting to the service. This will happen within one minute;
    3. If it has not arrived, contact service center for advice.
  • Packages are provided until the main traffic of the tariff plan is connected. If the Internet limit is exhausted, the connection speed is reduced from the maximum possible to 64 Kbps.
  • “Auto speed renewal” package (cost 175 rubles):
    1. To activate the service, dial the digital code *115*23# or number 067471 on the gadget’s keyboard
    2. To disable the provision of the package, dial the digital code *115*230# or number 067471 on the gadget keyboard
    3. Wait for a confirmation SMS message about the execution of the command. This will happen within one minute;
    4. If it does not arrive, contact the service center for advice.

Important!!! Provided additional traffic 150 MB capacity at the highest possible network connection speed. If it is used up, each additional package is activated for 25 rubles.

Consequently, the greater the volume of purchased traffic, the cheaper each GB is.

It must be remembered that all new additional Internet gigabytes must be used up before the date automatic connection basic tariff Internet.

That is. If the “All Inclusive” tariff traffic is used up on October 6, and the subscriber’s month ends on October 17, then the additional traffic must also be used before October 17, otherwise the unused Internet volumes of the additional service will burn out. Despite the fact that, according to the terms of its connection, they can be spent within a month after activation.

How to login Personal Area

Another option for maintaining speed

In them, the cost of use and the amount of traffic provided depend on the selected option characteristics. Conveniently, this service can provide an Internet connection not only to the smartphone into which the SIM card is inserted. As well as other devices used by the subscriber. You can connect up to two additional devices using the Highway options. Additionally, the smartphone itself cannot be connected, but it can be a USB modem or tablet. To organize an additional connection, these devices must have a Beeline SIM card installed.

Convenient service within the tariff

If there are very few days left before the main traffic activation date, or the subscriber does not need the Internet every day, you can use the “Internet for a day” service.

Service package “Internet per day up to 100 MB” (cost 19 rubles per day):

  1. Activation - dial the digital code *115*111# or number 0674093111 on the gadget’s keyboard.
  2. Disable - dial the digital code *115*110# or number 0674071700 on the gadget's keyboard.
  3. If it does not arrive, contact the service center for advice.

Service package “Internet per day up to 500 MB” (cost 29 rubles per day):

  1. Activation - dial the digital code *115*112# or number 0674093112 on the gadget’s keyboard.
  2. Disable - dial the digital code *115*020# or number 0674717010 on the device keyboard.
  3. Wait for a confirmation SMS message about activating the service. This will happen within one minute.
  4. If it does not arrive, contact the service center for advice.

It is convenient to track the remaining traffic for services and their expiration dates in the personal account section on the official Beeline website. Registration is required for this. You can also use the capabilities of the mobile application of this operator cellular communication.

How to activate the “All for 350” tariff plan

This tariff plan is available to everyone, so to connect to it, not for Beeline subscribers, you just need to buy a new SIM card at the operator’s sales office.

If the subscriber is already a client of this cellular network, then you can make the transition in several ways:

  • on the Beeline website in the user’s personal account section;
  • through the operator’s mobile application;
  • at any representative office mobile network, upon presentation of a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • by dialing the command on your phone - number 0674700350.

An SMS notification will then be sent to mobile device, confirming the transition to “All for 350”.

Important!!! Reconnection cost to this tariff The new plan will be 100 rubles if 1 month has not passed since the last tariff change. If the period is longer than the specified period, no fee will be charged.

Switching to a tariff while maintaining the number

It is possible to activate this tariff without losing your previous number. To do this you need:

  1. Come to any branch of the Beeline office and write a corresponding application. You must have a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you. It is possible to order delivery new sim-cards by courier.
  2. Specify the “All for 350” tariff plan and sign an agreement with Beeline.
  3. Pick up a set of documents along with a new SIM card.
  4. The number of another operator will be transferred in accordance with the dates specified in the contract. Usually this is no earlier than 8 working days.
  5. Both SIM cards remain active until the transfer takes place. After its implementation, only the Beeline card will remain working.
  6. At each stage of the operation, the subscriber will receive a corresponding SMS message to his phone number and will be able to track the entire process.

Important!!! The cost of porting a number to another operator is 100 rubles. It will be debited from the SIM card owner’s account on the third day after the service is provided.

Can't imagine your life without communication and the Internet? Especially for active subscribers MTS has developed a Smart Nonstop tariff with unlimited calls and unlimited Internet. The tariff is valid throughout Russia under the same conditions as in the home region. Smart tariff Nonstop MTS provides a subscription fee of 500 rubles per month for Moscow and the Moscow region and 350 rubles per month for most regions of the Russian Federation.

As part of this review, we will provide a detailed description of the Smart Nonstop tariff and talk about its advantages and disadvantages. You will also learn about all hidden conditions, characteristic of this tariff plan and you will be able to read reviews about the Smart Nonstop tariff. The purpose of this article is for you to get a complete impression of the tariff, and not be guided only by the information that MTS provides.

Description of the Smart Nonstop MTS tariff

In its advertising, MTS promises unlimited calls and unlimited internet within the Smart Nonstop tariff. Of course, advertising promises should not be trusted and they will always differ from reality. The Smart Nonstop MTS tariff does indeed include unlimited calls, but only to MTS numbers in Russia. As for unlimited Internet, not everything is simple here either. The Internet will be unlimited from 01:00 to 07:00; during the rest of the time, subscribers will have access to 10 Gigabytes per month. The Smart Nonstop tariff offers truly attractive conditions, but without pitfalls not the case here. Let's look at what MTS offers within this tariff, and then we'll talk about its disadvantages.

Smart Nonstop tariff from MTS includes:

  • 350 rubles monthly fee for most regions of Russia and 500 rubles for Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • Unlimited Internet at night and 10 GB of Internet during the day (unlimited from 07:00 to 01:00);
  • Unlimited calls to MTS Russia;
  • 300 minutes to all networks in the home region and MTS Russia for most regions and 400 minutes for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • 300 SMS within the home network for most regions and 400 SMS for Moscow and the Moscow region.

This is all that the subscriber receives as part of the Smart Nonstop tariff. Everyone decides for themselves whether it is a lot or a little. If, then we can conclude that the Smart Nonstop tariff is not the worst offer from MTS. Frankly, not many tariffs can compete with it. Although, it all depends on the preferences of the subscriber. For example, if you do not actively use the Internet, it will be more profitable to use another tariff plan ( or ).

It cannot be said that the packages of minutes, SMS and Internet available within the tariff will be sufficient for absolutely all subscribers. If you spend much more than includes Smart tariff Nonstop, then in addition to the monthly fee you will face additional costs. To avoid unnecessary expenses, before switching to the Smart Nonstop MTS tariff, you must familiarize yourself with the prices for communication services that are not included in the packages.

Cost of communication services on the Smart Nonstop tariff

Many subscribers make the mistake of connecting to it without properly studying all the terms and conditions of the tariff. Quite often such people will be disappointed. A fixed subscription fee does not mean that you will not have other expenses. Don't forget about additional services cellular communications, which are not included in the package and are paid separately. For example, you will have to pay extra for calls, SMS and internet above the package. In addition, the package does not include calls to numbers of other operators outside the home region and SMS to mobile numbers in other regions of Russia at home and while traveling around Russia. In order not to be surprised later by incomprehensible write-offs, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in advance with the prices specific to the Smart Nonstop tariff.

Cost of communication services on the Smart Nonstop tariff:

  • Incoming calls at home and while traveling around Russia - 0 rubles;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators after 400 minutes within the home region - 2 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators outside the home region - 5 rubles per minute;
  • Internet after 10 GB per month from 07:00 to 01:00 with the option included in the tariff
    Additional Internet Smart (one package 1 gigabyte) - 150 rubles;
  • After 400 SMS per month to mobile phones in your home region - 1.50 rubles;
  • SMS to mobile phones in other regions of Russia - 3.80 rubles.
  • Attention
  • Prices may vary depending on the region. We used data that is relevant for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can find out more information about prices for your region on the official MTS website.

Unfortunately, operators have not yet created a tariff that will be ideal for all subscribers. It is unlikely that such a tariff plan will ever be created, because the interests of the subscriber and the operator do not coincide. For operators, profit will always come first, which means expenses for subscribers. The Smart Nonstop MTS tariff is also not ideal, although many consider it the best in the line of Smart tariffs. We do not have the right to decide for you which tariff is better; our goal is to show you the tariff plan as it really is, and not as the operator presents it.

To understand what this tariff is, you first need to familiarize yourself with it detailed description. Document with detailed information information about the Smart Nonstop tariff can be downloaded from the MTS website or from our resource by clicking on the link below. However, even this document does not display full information about the tariff plan. We carefully studied the reviews about the MTS Smart Nonstop tariff, tested the tariff plan ourselves and identified a number of shortcomings, which we will share with you as part of this review.

The Smart Nonstop tariff has the following disadvantages:

  1. A SIM card with a Smart Nonstop tariff cannot be used in a modem or router. If you install a SIM card in the modem, the speed of Internet access will be limited to the maximum low value. You won't even be able to sit in in social networks. Considering the availability of nightly unlimited Internet and a traffic package of 10 gigabytes, this limitation for many subscribers is very significant.
  2. The package of minutes available within the tariff plan for calls to other networks (300 minutes for most regions and 400 for Moscow) is spent not only when making calls to numbers of other operators, but also when communicating with MTS subscribers in other regions. That is, if you often call MTS numbers outside your home region, then available package minutes may quickly run out and you will have to pay 5 rubles per minute when making calls to numbers of other Russian operators or 2 rubles per minute if the called subscriber is within your home region. By the way, calls to MTS numbers remain free after the package is exhausted.
  3. MTS, like any other cellular operator, loves to be cunning. In anticipation of the client's inattention, additional paid services are often added. It is difficult to say exactly what services will be connected, it is always different, but you can rest assured that they will be available. To avoid such expenses, we recommend immediately after switching to the tariff to check for unnecessary paid services. The most convenient way to do this is through your personal account or.
  4. After exhausting the Internet traffic available under the Smart Nonstop tariff, MTS will automatically connect additional Internet packages under the “Additional” option Internet Smart» until the main tariff package is updated. The volume of the additional package is 1 gigabyte and costs 150 rubles. Such an initiative by the operator causes dissatisfaction among many subscribers who only need unlimited night time. To prevent automatic connection additional packages disable this feature in advance by calling the operator.
  5. If the account has a positive balance and the date for debiting the fee is approaching, then even if there are rubles in the account you will go into the red. This is very inconvenient if for some reason you did not plan to use the tariff in the next month. In this regard, the Smart Nonstop tariff eliminates the tariff, which provides for a monthly subscription fee.
  6. When located in the Sakhalin Region, Norilsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the speed within the included volume of 2 GB is limited to 128 Kbps.

These are not all the disadvantages of the Smart Nonstop tariff. If you read reviews of Smart Nonstop, you will realize that the plan has many other, less common disadvantages. This is quite strange, but often the shortcomings are individual in nature, that is, they are not found among all subscribers, which is relevant for all MTS tariffs. If you have been using the Smart Nonstop tariff for some time and you know the disadvantages that were not mentioned in the article, share the information with other readers in the comments.

How to activate the Smart Nonstop tariff on MTS

We hope our review of the Smart Nonstop tariff was sufficiently detailed and you were able to decide whether it suits you or not. If the tariff plan fully meets your needs, you can safely switch to it. There are several connection methods and we will look at them all; you just have to choose the option that suits you. There is no fee for changing the tariff plan if more than 1 month has passed since the previous change in the tariff plan.

You can switch to the Smart Nonstop MTS tariff in one of the following ways:

  1. Dial the command on your phone: * 111 * 1027 # ;
  2. Log in to your MTS personal account and in the “Tariffs” section, find the Smart Nonstop tariff plan, then click on the appropriate button to activate the tariff;
  3. The transition to the tariff can be done using the “My MTS” application;
  4. Call help center MTS by number 0890
    and ask to connect the Smart Nonstop tariff;
  5. You can visit the nearest MTS store and buy a tariff.

How to disable the Smart Nonstop tariff on MTS

Quite often it happens that a tariff that is ideal at first glance turns out to be disgusting after a while. If, some time after switching to the Smart Nonstop tariff, you realize that it does not suit you, you can disable it. In principle, there is no need to disable the tariff yourself. Disconnection will occur automatically immediately after switching to new tariff nal plan. If you have a desire to disable the Smart Nonstop tariff, then you have already found an alternative to it. Connect a new tariff and the old one will be disconnected. If this option is for some reason for some unknown reason you are not satisfied, you can try to disable the MTS Smart Nonstop tariff yourself.