How to find out your tariff on Beeline? What to do if you forgot your current tariff

For the convenience of customers, operators are developing numerous services and options in addition to tariffs. They can be suitable for any plans, or they can work exclusively on specific proposals. To find out whether a particular feature is available on your device, you need to know which plan you are using. Let's figure out how to find out your MTS tariff using several methods.

Mobile application "My MTS" and personal account

Advanced Internet users do not have problems with information about the connected plan. They will be able to check all the necessary data on the official website of the MTS company. To do this, you need to log into your personal account. You log in using an SMS code that is sent to your phone number.

If you have not gone through the registration and authorization procedure before, now is the time to try. Create a username and password to create a profile and enter them in the special fields.

After you have opened the main page of your personal account, pay attention to the “My Account” section. This tab contains the SIM card replenishment line, and below will be the current balance and the current tariff plan.

You can also view the tariff in the “My MTS” application. This is a special service designed for mobile phones. In terms of functionality, it does not differ from the full version of your personal account, but adaptation to mobile devices makes it more convenient for use on a smartphone. Information about the plan activated on your SIM card is located in the “Tariffs” tab. After opening it, not only the name, but also a full description of the plan appears on the display. This window contains a change offer button, which you can use to select a new tariff.

The main screen of the application contains data on the status of your personal account and unspent balances on packages.

USSD command

If your device cannot currently connect to the network, then you can use the MTS USSD portal to obtain the necessary information. You can find out the name of the plan running on your phone using the request *111*59#. After sending a short command, a system message will appear on the mobile screen stating that the requested information will be sent via SMS. In a few seconds, the SMS will arrive on your phone and will contain the name and links to a detailed description of the tariff in the application or personal account.

Through free SMS messages

You can check which plan you have on your mobile phone for free via SMS. To do this, you need to send the number 6 to the MTS 111 service number. In response, you will receive an SMS with the necessary information.

Mobile assistant

Another way to obtain data is to use the MTS voice assistant. To get to the menu, dial 111 from your smartphone and follow the further prompts of the answering machine, go to the desired section and listen to the answer to your request.

Call Customer Service

One of the most common ways to resolve any issues regarding the parameters of a subscriber’s personal account is to call the call center number. You can find out your tariff by calling the hotline 0890. After identifying the subscriber, the operator will answer all your questions.

Personal visit to the communication salon

For those who are accustomed to solving issues face to face, you can find out information about the name, description, terms of provision and prices for communication services under the current offer, as well as check the tariff during a personal visit to the communication salon.

Any operation, including checking the MTS tariff, is impossible without presenting an identification document.

As soon as the subscriber is personalized, he gets access to any data on his SIM card and personal account.

"MTS Service"

In any situation, the *111# command service comes to the rescue. To check the plan, dial the specified combination, then select item 3, then 1. After this, a system notification will appear indicating that the requested data has been sent via SMS message. Within a minute you will receive an SMS on your mobile phone.


Now the question of how to find out which MTS tariff works on your SIM card will not take you by surprise. Users of mobile television systems can choose a convenient method and use it as a verification service constantly. For those who are always online, a personal account or application is more suitable, while for less advanced users, sending SMS messages and USSD commands remains relevant.

We all actively use cellular communication services, not only from our phones, but also from other devices: tablets, modems, and so on. There are a huge number of MTS subscribers among mobile communications users, and they sometimes have the question “ How to find out the tariff for MTS?».

Why might this information be needed? First of all, to control your own expenses for mobile communications and determine the possibility of saving. It is no secret that in a difficult economic situation, many are trying to reduce costs, including for the Internet or calls. In order to determine where funds from your balance are spent, you must first find out the MTS tariff.

How to find out MTS tariff via the Internet

Having access to the Internet, find out your MTS tariff won't be a big deal. There are two main ways to do this:

  1. usage Internet assistant;
  2. launching a special application on a smartphone.

The Internet assistant will allow you to find out your MTS tariff plan and provide the subscriber with the maximum possible information about the number: a list of connected options, the number of free minutes, SMS or traffic in the package, and so on. Also here you can immediately find out how to activate or disable additional services, which is very useful for reducing communication costs.

Owners of smartphones using MTS, find out your tariff plan They can also install a special application from the company on their mobile phone. It also allows you to manage additional services.

Ways to find out the tariff by MTS phone number

It’s very easy to find out the MTS tariff plan on your own phone, just dial *111*59# and click on the call button. The request is free of charge. In response to the command, the automatic system will send an SMS with the name of the current tariff.

On older and some Chinese devices, the message may arrive in an unreadable form, then you should switch the service SMS to transliteration mode by typing the command *111*6*2# . You can always return messages in Cyrillic using the USSD command *111*6*1# . Each of the service commands must be completed by pressing the call button.

It is not always necessary to find out the tariff of the installed SIM card. Sometimes it is necessary to control children or elderly relatives, choosing the optimal tariff for them. In this case, the mobile number may be far away and a person may have the question “How can I find out? mts tariff by phone number?».

There are two main methods for this:

  1. Usage Internet assistant. In this case, the option must already be activated on the remote number and you must know the password.
  2. The most commonly used method is to call the operator by phone 0890 . But be prepared for a long wait for a response. Also, in some cases, the subscriber will be required to provide passport data of the SIM card owner or a code word.

How can a subscriber find out the tariff from a tablet?

If most users have no problems with how to find out the MTS tariff on their phone, then subscribers get confused with tablets and other devices much more often. Let's look at how to find out what MTS tariff is from a tablet:

  • If you have the ability to send a USSD command, and it is present in most tablet models, you can use it. To do this, you need to call up the keyboard and type *111*59# , and then wait for the arrival of an SMS message from the operator. It will indicate the current tariff plan.
  • Use a special application. For popular mobile operating systems, MTS has developed programs that make it possible to view the current tariff plan, as well as manage connected services.
  • Launch the Internet Assistant. In this case, the current tariff will be shown immediately if the subscriber has visited the company’s website using a standard browser and has not previously set a special password to access the service.

Important! The proprietary application for mobile OS only works if you have access to the mobile Internet via 3G. Trying to use it using Wi-Fi is useless.

How can a subscriber check the MTS tariff with a 3G and 4G modem

The most convenient option is to find out the current tariff plan with modem- look into the control program. The subscriber can also access the MTS website from the device and see all the necessary information in the upper right corner.

Important! If the password for the Internet assistant has been changed, then the number and information about the tariff will be shown only after re-authorization, which can be done immediately.

Modern modems also have a built-in ability to send USSD commands. In old firmware, unfortunately, it was missing and you will have to use another way to view the tariff plan or update the firmware in accordance with the instructions, which can be easily found on the Internet along with the firmware.

Any information about tariff plan You can always get it from the company's consultants. Telephone support is available 24 hours a day at 0890 . Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to reach them. In this case, you can wait or use independent methods of obtaining information.

The company's clients can always contact our offices. They will tell you about the current tariff and help you choose the most profitable set of options offered by the company. In this case, the owner of the number must contact the employee, making sure to take his identification card with him.

Terms of service are constantly changing, and from time to time everyone is faced with the need to find out their tariff, because sometimes communication costs increase regardless of the frequency of calls and SMS sending. To clarify the cost, first of all you need to find out what tariff is connected. Each operator will require a specific set of commands and actions. Now let's take a closer look at how easy it is to find out your tariff

on the phone.

Megaphone To determine how cheap or expensive communication can be, you need to look at the cost of the transactions performed. Today, every mobile provider is trying to offer the most favorable fixed tariff for the required package of services. To make the right choice: prefer a proven option or change it to a new and inexpensive tariff plan, you can use.

suggested methods Below are options on how to find out your tariff, for example,.

  1. on Megafon The most convenient and fastest way to get information is USSD command

    . By dialing *105*2# on your phone and pressing call, you will receive a service message about the name of the current tariff plan within a few seconds.

  2. This command is suitable for Megafon-Moscow and the Central service region. In the Volga region you will need a different combination - *105*3#, and for Siberia - *105*16#.
  3. The most common option for finding out the current tariff on Megafon is your personal account. This method is also applicable to other telecom operators. On the official website you can always get maximum information by simply logging in.
  4. At any time you can contact the service office, where all the information you need will certainly be provided.

    To do this, you will need to provide your personal information and present your passport.


  1. So, to find out the current MTS tariff you will need to call the phone number 0890. It is familiar to every MTS subscriber, as it is the most extensive service portal, where there is information on any issue: be it improving the quality of service or its cost.
  2. To check how quickly you can find out your MTS tariff from your phone, dial *111*59#. The service message will be delivered immediately.
  3. Your personal account is the source of all necessary information. By logging into the main menu, you can familiarize yourself with the conditions, tariffs, account balance and other data.


Now let’s discuss how to find out what the tariff is on TELE2 connected at the moment.

  1. The USSD command *107# will allow you to receive in a message all the parameters of the tariff plan: name, cost of calls, SMS and 1 MB of Internet traffic.
  2. Another example of how to find out the tariff on TELE2: dial *108# and call. At that very second its name will become known.


Let's look at examples of how to find out the connected tariff already on Beeline. The algorithms are the same:

  1. In your personal account, you can open access to detailed expenses and other information of interest at any time; you just need to go to the website.
  2. The My Beeline application allows you to manage and stay up to date with connected options, and promptly learn about lucrative offers, including changing your tariff plan.
  3. You can find out the current Beeline tariff by calling the phone number 067405.
  4. You can receive a service message when sending the command *110*05#.

Other operators and providers

How to find out your tariff Rostelecom suggests using:

  • request *108#, and if detailed information is required - *107#;
  • by calling 118-02;
  • call 8-800-300-18-00, if you need options and tariffs from Rostelecom-Internet.

And now about how to find out your tariff from such a Ukrainian operator as Kyivstar:

  • short request *100*01*2# and everything you need will be sent via SMS;
  • a voice menu will help you clarify the name of the tariff plan by calling *466*66;
  • More information can be obtained after registering in the “My Kyivstar” Internet system.

For those who want to get acquainted with the current tariff conditions on Active, a popular Kazakh provider, will require the following steps:

  • request to *166*2# ;
  • Also on Active you can send an SMS with the text “?” to number 166.

Managers in the sales office are always ready to answer popular questions regarding service.

To be able to understand the pricing of calls and other services, the subscriber needs to know which tariff plan he uses. Despite the fact that cellular operators regularly develop new tariffs, many continue to use the tariff plans that they were connected to when purchasing a SIM card. As a result, such subscribers do not know which tariff they are connected to. Meanwhile, situations often arise when you need to get detailed information about your tariff plan. Each operator understands perfectly well that any client may have such a need, so a number of ways have been developed by which you can obtain information about your tariff plan.

In this article we will look at how to find out your MTS tariff. This operator could not deprive its customers of the opportunity to obtain information about their tariff plan completely free of charge. There are several ways to check your MTS tariff, and in this article the site editors will tell you about the most common ones. If you do not have the desire or time to read the entire article, then you can read brief information on how to determine your tariff plan. For more complete information, read the entire article.

  • brief information
  • 1. Use the USSD command *111*59#;
    2. Send an SMS message with the text 6 to number 111. The response SMS will contain information about your tariff.

How to find out your MTS tariff - 4 ways

If you urgently need to find out your tariff plan in order to subsequently obtain detailed information about it, you should use one of several methods provided specifically for these purposes. MTS company tries to make all its services as convenient and understandable as possible. Of course, this doesn’t always work out, but in the case of ways to check your tariff, everything is extremely simple. All you need to do is spend just a couple of minutes and you will know your tariff. Of course, all methods are completely free and available at any time of the day or night.

  1. USSD command. The easiest way to find out your MTS tariff is to use a special USSD command. Dial the command * 111 * 59 # on your phone . Information about the tariff plan will be sent in a reply SMS message. The service is free and available around the clock, and there are no restrictions on the number of requests per day. The service is valid even when the subscriber is roaming.
  2. SMS command. It is also possible to find out the tariff for MTS by sending an SMS message to a short number. Send an SMS with the text 6 to 111. In response, you will receive a message with information about the tariff plan. The service is also free and available in roaming.
  3. Personal Area. MTS operator subscribers can find out their tariff on the company’s website. For this you need. If you are not yet registered in the self-service system, we recommend that you read the relevant article, the link to which is given above. In your personal account in the menu, open the “Tariffs and Services” section; the page that opens will contain information about your tariff plan. In the same section you can change the tariff. It is also worth noting that the self-service service provides subscribers with a lot of other opportunities. For example, here you can top up your balance, connect or disconnect services, find out about new offers and promotions, etc.
  4. Contact center. Calling the operator is not the most convenient way to find out your MTS tariff, but it is still worth mentioning its existence. You can get information about the tariff by calling 0890 . Before you find out your tariff for MTS in this way, you should think about whether you are ready to spend time waiting for a response from a contact center specialist. It’s no secret that sometimes it’s very difficult, so it’s much more convenient to use one of the above methods.

This is where we will end this article. Now you know how to find out your MTS tariff. We hope the material prepared by the editors of our site was useful to you.

Question: How to check which tariff plan is connected to a Beeline number? What number or command should I dial to find out what my Beeline tariff is?

Answer: Check what tariff is connected to your Beeline number can be done in several ways:

1) The first method is the simplest, you need to dial the following command on your phone *110*05# and call, within a few seconds a message will be sent to your number indicating the tariff plan used on your Beeline SIM card. Checking the tariff with the command *110*05# is free, the message may be slightly delayed and will arrive in a few minutes.

2) The second way to check the Beeline tariff is to call 0674 and follow the instructions of the electronic operator to the desired point using certain numbers on the phone keypad.

3) The third way is to call Beeline customer support at 0611 and ask the operator about your tariff.

4) The fourth method, dial the command *111# on your phone and call, then a menu will appear on your phone screen where you need to select “my Beeline” from the list, then “my data”, then “my tariff plan”. In response, you will receive an SMS message indicating which tariff plan is connected to your SIM card.

I hope this article helped you how to find out your tariff plan on Beeline.
- We will be glad if you add your reviews and comments to the article or add useful tips on ways to check your tariff and other services on beeline, helping other users of the Beeline cellular operator.
- Thanks for the feedback and useful tips!

Enter the sum of the numbers from the picture *:

12 o'clock 22 min.
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08 o'clock 09 min.
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21 o'clock 13 min.
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06 o'clock 10 min.

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6 p.m. 49 min.

Not everyone immediately remembers the number of their device. This is not so easy to do, especially if you can’t organize these ten numbers into memory. More details:
10 p.m. 59 min.

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Hello. I'm waiting for help. accidentally on a mobile phone number I was using the Huawei Internet tariff forever, which I have on my Beeline modem. Now I can’t change the tariff to zero doubts about the mobile telephony. Call 0611 from the beline operator for help. They don’t have time, wait 15 minutes, they’re busy. Waiting for a response??? Peter.

15:00 26 min.
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