Five free analogues of the Microsoft Word text editor. Best Microsoft Office Alternatives

World famous package Microsoft programs Office has been the standard for everyone for many years office applications. Many users daily and everywhere use this tool to work with various kinds of documents: texts, images, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, etc. However, with all its magnificence and rich functionality, Microsoft Office has one essential the disadvantage is this paid product. So what about those who do not want to pay significant money for office programs or use their hacked versions. There is an easy way out to use alternative applications that are in no way inferior in their capabilities, while being completely free. This article will conduct short review several such alternative, comprehensive tools that allow you to work with the most common types and formats of documents.

1 OpenOffice

In my opinion, the best free analogue Microsoft Office from the Apache Software Foundation. OpenOffice supports working with tables and images, text documents of varying complexity, presentations and databases. You can work with many Microsoft documents Office, as well as save them in any format convenient for you. The package includes six “office” applications - the Writer text editor and Calc - an application for working with tables. The Impress utility is designed for creating presentations. To work with vector graphics There is a Draw application. In addition, the set includes Base and Math add-ons designed for working with databases and mathematical formulas. You can also note the presence good set templates

Unfortunately, it is unknown how, and whether at all, the Apache OpenOffice product will develop further. After all, one of the main problems of the above-mentioned conflict between Oracle and the developers was the fact that many of them left successful project, refusing to go in the direction set by the company's management. But at the moment, this is a good product that is still able to withstand the fight against its famous competitor.

The LibreOffice package is a copy of the long-known OpenOffice and has all the properties inherent in open source, – it is open, functional and completely free. LibreOffice is a whole range of programs, including text and spreadsheet editors, programs for working with presentations and drawings, and so on. Fierce battles are being waged on the Internet about the functions of LibreOffice and its ability to replace Microsoft Office, in which many copies have been broken. But if we put aside prejudice and personal tastes, we can state that this is the most developed alternative office project to date.

3 Google Docs (Google Drive)

Google Docs is a browser-based version of Microsoft Office, only with a smaller set of features. All created information is stored on virtual cloud, making it easy to share with colleagues or edit together. Google Docs also allows you to download the created document to your PC.
To access Google Docs, you only need to have a Google account ( in simple words set up an email).
The Google Docs “model range” includes the ability to edit text documents, work with tables and create presentations - alternatives to Word, Excel and PowerPoint, respectively. Internal interface is very similar to Microsoft Office, but in terms of functionality Google Docs is clearly inferior to its eminent competitor.

4SSuite Office

If power is your number one priority, then SSuite Office probably isn't for you. This tool is more similar to MS Office 2003 than 2013. Key Applications and the capabilities are very limited, and the program is not able to work with OpenXML files, Microsoft DOCX, XLSX and so on.

For a less demanding audience, however, SSuite Office can be a good help between others similar programs. SSuite Office is very easy to use, its word processor and spreadsheet are quite capable of doing the job, and doing it well. The program also comes with many useful additional features: email client, graphic editor, web browser, player, formula editor, image viewer, various network tools, and even a few games (they are very limited and simple, but still quite fun).

If you're looking for something simple but still capable, then SSuite Office is perfect for you.

5 SoftMaker Office

This office suite of programs is not very popular among us, being in the shadow of more famous competitors. Meanwhile, I strongly recommend paying attention to this program to all users who find Microsoft Office too expensive and LibreOffice too bulky and clumsy. Installation file This office suite, which, by the way, includes programs for working with texts, tables and presentations, weighs only 58 MB. The speed of working with large documents is very different from the same LibreOffice, and compatibility with all popular office formats allows you not to be afraid to use this package even for work purposes.

The extended version of SoftMaker Office has the ability to work with email and contacts. There is also a set of Berlitz dictionaries.

Kingsoft Office is full of features that are mostly uninteresting, but it still has three main components that are important to people: a text editor, a spreadsheet and a presentation creator. Each of them is accompanied by a browser-like interface, which makes it easy to open and edit many documents at the same time .

There are many attractive templates available, and the ability to encrypt documents will help protect important documents from ill-wishers. Most importantly, Kingsoft Office is perhaps unrivaled when it comes to importing documents created in Microsoft Office, since the original format is preserved and the content is not rearranged upside down. Agree, it’s unpleasant when you work on a giant table at work and come home and it’s all lopsided.

Lotus Symphony is another cross-platform and freely distributed suite of office applications, developed by none other than IBM itself. The developers of the “blue giant” do not hide the fact that the product they oversee traces its lineage to the famous, and make every effort to make their product a leader in the relevant market segment. The package supports all popular office document formats: doc, OOXML (MS Office format) and ODF ( Open Document Format). One of interesting features Lotus Symphony is an integrated browser that can open web pages in the main window. Lotus Symphony is an easy-to-use, free program.

Once upon a time, this office suite was no less popular than Google Docs, but then it was gradually relegated to the background. And it’s completely in vain - in terms of its capabilities, it is in no way inferior to the most advanced office programs. Working with Zoho Office you will be surprised to find that the huge number of features does not interfere with its fast and stable work. A new version The interface looks just great, making you forget about your attachment to your previously favorite office program. Excellent compatibility with different formats, online file storage, natural collaboration abilities - everything you need is here to productive work not only a single freelancer, but also an entire team.

9 Calligra Suite

Calligra Suite is another office suite. The program consists of six modules: Words word processor, focused on styles and frames, Sheets spreadsheet processor, diagram and flowchart editor, editor for e-books, as well as programs for creating presentations and managing databases. In addition, you get two graphic editors: Krita - focused on drawing with tablet device and Karbon - for creating vector graphics.

Calligra Suite was originally designed for the operating room Linux systems, however there is also a version for Windows. By default, Calligra Suite uses the OpenDocument format.

10 Microsoft Web Apps (SkyDrive)

This solution is designed to compete primarily with the corresponding Google product. It represents greatly reduced versions Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and even OneNote. The online package contains only the basic functions and if you were expecting to see the same features here as in the desktop version, you may be very disappointed. On the other hand, it has everything you need, a familiar interface and excellent integration with Microsoft's online storage, which for many may be a deciding factor.

Compatibility with office formats is limited only to native Microsoft formats, which is generally not surprising. Possibility present sharing and document editing.

So, as you can see, the choice of alternative office software packages that can adequately replace Microsoft Office is quite extensive. Of course, each of the above alternative solutions will find its user. I hope that this article will help you choose the most optimal option.

If you want to find Alternative option expensive office suite Microsoft Office, then for you we have prepared a summary overview of three free comprehensive tools that allow you to create and edit documents of the most common types and formats.


There is no doubt that the most popular tool for working with documents among most users for many years has been Microsoft product Office. It includes such well-known components as the Word text editor, a tool for working with electronic Excel tables, an application for creating PowerPoint presentations and others.

Today, the .DOC and .XLS formats are the standard in the document flow of most companies and individuals, which indicates the enormous prevalence of this office suite around the world among people working with electronic documents.

I must say that the popularity of MS Office is well deserved - rich functionality and a large number of various tools, provide users with the opportunity to create quality documents of any complexity in various directions. But this set of office applications has one drawback, and for many it is significant. This product is paid, and the cost of the simplest edition of “Office for Home and Students 2010” with four applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote) is about 3,000 rubles. The more advanced version “Office for Home and Business,” which adds an Outlook email client and organizer, will cost you at least 6,500 rubles. Well, if we talk about the most advanced edition of “Office Professional” (Publisher and Access are added), then here we're talking about oh, for many, an indecent amount of 13.5 thousand rubles and more, depending on the delivery package. Moreover, all the above prices apply to only one license for one computer. If you have several PCs at home, do the math yourself.

Recently, Microsoft has somewhat expanded its pricing policy with new products belonging to the Office 365 line. This cloud product is distributed on an annual subscription. License for five PCs for the Office for Home Advanced edition (includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote) with 20 GB of cloud space SkyDrive storage will cost a little over two thousand rubles. But as you understand, it will have to be renewed every year.

So what should those who are not eager to shell out the aforementioned money for office programs and do not want to use hacked versions of MS Office do? Of course, you can use various web services, for example Google Docs, Microsoft Web Apps or Zoho, which allow you to create and edit documents in popular formats for free. But for this you will need permanent connection to the Internet, which is completely inconvenient for many. Especially if you work a lot on the road. Yes, and the functionality of such online applications is not always at a high level.

But there is another option - using alternative office packages with open source and distributed completely free of charge. It is in this material that we made a mini-review of the three most functional free tools, which can be used as an alternative to Microsoft's proprietary product.

Apache OpenOffice (

Apache OpenOffice ( is a famous powerful tool open source, which is similar in functionality to MS Office. The change of the promoted name is the consequence of a conflict between the management of Oracle (it previously owned a product called and the product developers. As a result, Oracle abandoned the project and transferred all rights to it to the Apache Foundation. In this regard, since December 2011, the product changed its name and became officially known as Apache OpenOffice.

Apache OpenOffice is a good product, but the main thing is that it contains free office programs, which in design, functionality and number of supported formats are almost comparable to a commercial package from Microsoft. Apache OpenOffice includes applications such as: Writer (analogous to Microsoft Word), Calc (analogous to Microsoft Excel) and Impress (analogous to Microsoft PowerPoint).

In addition, in OpenOffice package includes the graphic editor Draw, as well as applications for working with Base databases (an alternative to Microsoft Access) and Math formulas, which also have analogues among popular paid and free products. Except Apache versions OpenOffice for the Windows platform is also portable Portable version. The latter can be used from a regular flash drive without installing the entire product.

The program is quite easy to use. After launching the main shortcut, a list of tools appears for subsequent download. There's also a proprietary "wizard" to help you create emails, presentations, spreadsheets, and more.

The applications are similar in appearance to Office 2003 from Microsoft, which did not yet have the ribbon interface, which at one time caused controversial emotions among various users. Note that OpenOffice can open documents saved in Microsoft Office, which is of course important. However, the original document formatting does not always remain the same due to some differences between applications.

Unfortunately, it is unknown how, and whether at all, the Apache OpenOffice product will develop further. After all, one of the main problems of the above-mentioned conflict between Oracle and the developers was the fact that many of them left the successful project, refusing to go in the direction set by the company's management. But at the moment, this is a good product that is still able to withstand the fight against a proprietary competitor.

As for the specialists who left the previous OpenOffice project, they created their own non-profit organization The Document Foundation and under its leadership organized a project - LibreOffice, which we will talk about later.

Not surprisingly, the new offshoot of LibreOffice is almost similar to OpenOffice. It has a similar launch screen and similar basic features. For example, LibreOffice has the same text editor (Writer), table editor (Calc), tool for creating and editing presentations (Impress), formula editor (Math), graphics editor (Draw) and database management system (Base). They all work and look almost exactly the same as their OpenOffice equivalents.

Each component of the program fits well together, providing users with everything necessary funds for working with documents, entering and analyzing data, creating presentations, training and marketing.

With the Writer word processor, you can open documents created in Microsoft Word or save work in its .DOC format. In addition, the Writer processor opens files with the .DOCX extension created in Office 2007 (2010) for Windows and MS Office 2008 (2011) for the Mac OS X platform.

Note that LibreOffice has corrected the shortcomings of its predecessor. There are many small but quite useful fixes. For example, file format compatibility has been improved (including support for Visio files from version 1.0 to 2013), support for Firefox themes has been added, control of swatches and color intensity in spreadsheets has been improved, a word and character counter has been added, and more.

It is important that the functionality of LibreOffice can be expanded thanks to special software modules that can be installed in addition to the standard package assembly and add greater capabilities to one of the programs (Writer, Calc, Impress, and so on) or to all of them together. It should be noted that the number of extensions for LibreOffice is constantly increasing, and some of them are gradually becoming part of the standard package.

In general, there is nothing revolutionary in the capabilities of LibreOffice, but today this software product is actively developing, and at the moment, in terms of functionality and ease of use, it can be said that it has already “outdone” its direct competitor - OpenOffice.

SoftMaker FreeOffice

SoftMaker FreeOffice 2012 is a special edition of the commercial package SoftMaker Office 2012. The product includes a full set of standard components designed for working with documents: including a word processor (TextMaker), spreadsheets (PlanMaker) and a presentation editor (SoftMaker).

All of these components can open and save files in MS Office format up to Office versions 2007 and Office 2010. In particular, they support following formats: DOC, DOCX, DOCM, DOTX, DOTM, XLS, XLSX, PPT and PPTX and others. However, in practice this compatibility is not entirely complete, although for some it will not be noticeable, since problems can only arise with files that are large in size and have a complex structure.

Old-school users will appreciate the traditional user interface in SoftMaker FreeOffice. Instead of the new ribbon interface, as with previous products, it uses a more familiar menu and toolbar. Despite the zero cost, the package can offer a large number interesting features, for example, export from all components to PDF format.

As the developers note, the TextMaker word processor is more than just a Word-compatible product. It helps even inexperienced users quickly create a document with high-quality formatting. Although SoftMaker FreeOffice does not have a separate graphic editor, TextMaker has good capabilities for drawing directly inside a document.

Also ordinary users FreeOffice PlanMaker spreadsheets will not disappoint, which in addition to being compatible with Excel can offer very simple use, professional design tables and charts, as well as fairly high performance. Let's not forget to mention the presentation editor FreeOffice Presentations, which, according to the program's authors, can be a good replacement for the popular Microsoft PowerPoint application.

It is impossible not to note one pleasant bonus that the program distribution kit contains. After installing the application on the computer, the user has the opportunity to install this office suite on a USB drive using a specialized auxiliary utility.

As a result, we can say that the SoftMaker FreeOffice package is equipped with all necessary tools for working with basic types of documents and will definitely find its user, especially when it comes to home use.


Many users may wonder whether the entire market software Are there so few options to replace MS Office? Of course, the entire list of free Microsoft Office alternatives is not limited to these three projects. True, in terms of their capabilities they are unlikely to surpass the applications we reviewed. Moreover, most of them do not have Russian-language interface, which causes serious inconvenience for many users during work.

At the same time, many alternative office suites, and especially free ones, are very similar to each other, both functionally and externally. This happens due to the fact that most developers try not to come up with new ideas, creating office projects from scratch, but to modify ready-made solutions, which for the most part are descendants of the first most successful open source application -

So, with a high degree of confidence, we can say that if you are not satisfied with the capabilities of the collections of office programs discussed in this material, then most likely you will have to fork out for Microsoft Office, since its free full analogue simply does not exist.

Working on a computer without office applications is not work. Without them, you won’t be able to open the most popular formats among users: doc, docx, xlsx, and so on. Many people, out of habit, choose the Microsoft Office office suite.

But if you don’t like using pirated copies, updating, correcting stupid errors (that is, doing work instead of the application itself), catch reviews of the most adequate analogues.

Open Office

This Word replacement program is the best Microsoft analogue office. And if you are experiencing obvious problems with office Windows packages 8, choose this analogue of Microsoft Word and Excel. Just run the program and you will see its suggestions.

The names of the documents coincide with their purposes and have corresponding ms office analogues: Text Document- this is the same Word, a spreadsheet is a free analogue of Excel. The only difference is the interface. See for yourself: here you can see who and why can replace Microsoft Office (ms office):

Why choose this package? Many claim that it works much faster than the usual Microsoft Office. Here are a few more reasons:

  • free and Russian analogue of MS Office;
  • has the same package of documents;
  • has a similar interface and layout of the main tools and buttons;
  • Supported by most popular modern operating systems.

Libre Office

Do you know what you can use to replace Word or Excel if you have a 64-bit system installed on your computer? That's right - Libra.

Here are all the same document packages known to us from Microsoft Office. Here are its main advantages over the “old man”.

Pros of using Libre Office:

  • takes up much less space on your computer;
  • completely free and domestic analogue of Microsoft Office;
  • completely Russified, and also additionally translated into 30 other foreign languages;
  • this free analogue of Microsoft Office (for Windows 8 or other OS) works with and supports many formats;
  • working with it will be much faster and more convenient than with an office;
  • has a similar interface.


If the previous examples are not enough for you, we know what else can replace Microsoft Office - this is Abiword.

Pros of using Abiword:

  • high-quality Russian analogue of Microsoft Office;
  • small volume;
  • simple and clear design.

However, there are some disadvantages in this package of documents:

  • There are not as many functions here as in the usual MS Office;
  • the program does not support the popular docx format, which many people now work with.

Now you can get acquainted with new programs that are designed to solve your student problems. Well, if the selected package is not able to help you, contact the student service, where they will help you out, help you, and support you!

When you think of office software, Microsoft Office is likely the first thing that comes to mind. This is not surprising, since many computers come with pre-installed Windows and MS Office package. But in most cases, this is a trial version and in order to continue using “office” you need to fork out for an Office 365 subscription. Illegal ways to get full version We will not consider MS Office in this article.

Few can do without text editor, applications for working with spreadsheets and presentations. Luckily, there is now an excellent selection of free office software available. We found best free Microsoft alternatives Office, the quality of which is no worse than the “original”.

1. WPS Office

Well designed, powerful and flexible WPS Officebest free office software. WPS Office is not a very well-known office suite, but having reviewed its capabilities and functionality, we can say that it is best alternative to MS Office.

In terms of appearance, WPS Office is unbeatable. If you have used any recent Microsoft version Office, you will immediately feel at home.

WPS Office includes three main applications for working with text, presentations and spreadsheets. The package also offers several additional useful utilities, for example to work with . Not only can you create PDF documents, but also convert PDF to Word and vice versa.

The developers have placed great emphasis on compatibility with MS Office. Each application can also save files to own formats. This free office suite supported on Windows, Linux and even Android.

2. LibreOffice

Complex free office suite with support for cloud data storage services. If you have used Apache OpenOffice, which is described below, you will immediately notice the identity of its retro design. In many ways, this is the same OpenOffice with some differences. LibreOffice uses the same source code, but benefits in speed of development and frequency of updates. Due to active development, you can meet new ones useful features, and also encounter unpleasant bugs.

This office suite comes pre-installed on some distributions and contains many more programs than its competitors: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base.

Those who actively use cloud data storage services will appreciate Google support Disk and the “Deleted Files” function. There are also many extensions available to add new features to the package.

3. Apache OpenOffice

Like LibreOffice, this package does not stop at 3 applications, but offers as many as 6, including a program for drawing, presentations, creating formulas, working with databases, calculations and text editing. The impressive thing is that it covers almost all the needs of an office worker.

Open source office suite Apache code OpenOffice receives frequent updates and is superior to MS Office. Free license allows you to use it for personal or business purposes. The interface looks a little dated and lags far behind other packages, reminiscent of programs from the 90s.

4. SoftMaker FreeOffice

Gorgeous alternative to Microsoft Office with the ability to create e-books

Although SoftMaker FreeOffice is available completely free of charge, you need to go through an activation process to complete the installation and unlock all the software's features.

You'll immediately find that SoftMaker FreeOffice includes three familiar office programs - PlanMaker - a spreadsheet, TextMaker - a text editor, and Presentations - a tool for working with slideshows and presentations.

You can save documents not only in familiar formats, but also as PDF or ePub books. Free office suite available for Windows users, Linux and Android devices. There is also portable version, which works from a USB flash drive. We recommend.

5. SSuite Office Premium HD+

Free cross-platform package with a well-chosen set of tools. Even though this package has been optimized for displays high resolution, its design looks a little unattractive. But if you can overlook the imperfect appearance, consider that you have a quality office suite.

If you have to work with different operating systems, this package works seamlessly and looks the same on , Linux and Windows.

The developer of this free alternative to MS Office admitted that most people are interested in word processors and email. tables, and eliminated the presentation tool you never use. Many others have been deployed to fill the gap useful tools, including an image editor, video conferencing application, calendar and personal manager, a web browser, and even an envelope printing utility. All the tools are quite simple and reliable.

6. Google Docs

Our review wouldn't be complete if we skipped Google Docs. Google Docs is online version office applications. This service allows you to edit text, create tables or slide shows directly in your browser.

Files that the user creates are saved in the cloud Google service. You can download them at any time and continue working on any device, wherever you are. Supports collaboration on files, viewing changes and exporting in all popular formats. This is the best online service for office work.

Bottom line

In this review we looked at the main MS Office alternatives. As you can see, you have enough big choice among free office packages. Pay attention to the application interface. It is important that it does not take you long to get used to the new design. Choose programs that are as compatible as possible with common formats. Good luck.

Office programs are needed on any computer, home or work. Write essays, prepare presentations, calculate the family budget in a table - whatever one may say, you can’t do without standard software. The most popular package is Microsoft Office, but you have to pay for it. But there are other options, absolutely free.

Microsoft Office Online

Platform: web

In fact, Microsoft provides free access to its office suite online through a browser. But not everything: only Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote are available. An account is required to use the web version of MS Office. Microsoft entry(if you have Skype, chances are you have it).

The online version of MS Office, of course, natively supports all Microsoft document formats - docx, xlsx, pptx and their earlier versions (doc, xls, ppt), as well as open formats odt, ods, odp. You can use it purely intuitively, since its interface is similar to new versions of desktop Office. Created documents are saved in the OneDrive cloud. This means that you can work together with them - just give access to the right people link.

Documents, however, can be downloaded to a computer in MS Office formats or open formats for offline editing, as well as exported to PDF. Minus - the online version does not support all the functions of the offline editor (for example, pivot table or HTML document from Word file you can’t create in it). But overall, Microsoft's offer is quite generous.

Google Docs

Platforms: web, Android

Microsoft would never have brought Office online if Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets didn't exist. The world's most popular office product collaboration, integrated with Google Drive, operating system Android and Chrome browser.

To work, you need a Google account (if you have an Android smartphone, you have one). Google Docs supports everything perfectly office formats Microsoft, as well as open document formats. The created files are saved to Google Drive, but they can also be exported to your computer - including in HTML, RTF, TXT and EPUB formats. Or edit offline in a browser: to do this you need to install the Chrome browser extension.

The office product has a minimalistic interface, but it’s simply packed with various hidden features - we even . And most importantly, the product is focused on collaboration, and provides a lot of opportunities for collective editing of documents, and in real time.

Apple iWork

Platforms: web, Mac OS, iOS

For fans of Apple devices and software, there is a free alternative to “office”. Apple Pages, Numbers, and Keynote let you work with documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, respectively.

To work with the package, you need MacOS, where it is preinstalled, or an Apple ID to access the iCloud cloud. If you have an iPhone, you have an Apple ID - just go to the iCloud website and enter it. Apple iWork is compatible with Microsoft Office formats and reads them easily. The software package also offers the ability to collaborate with documents, including with PC users (although they will also have to register an Apple ID).

Distinctive feature of this package- use of branded “chips” Apple technology, like Apple Pencil on iPad. In addition, the interface of the Apple office suite is very different from Microsoft Office - for example, in spreadsheets you will see not a table, but Blank sheet. You'll have to get used to this.


Platforms: Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS

The most famous Linux office document editor, developed by volunteers from the Open Document Foundation and pre-installed in the popular Ubuntu distribution, is in fact available for almost all platforms - both desktop and mobile. But it does not have a web version, as well as joint editing capabilities - this is a product for individual work with documents.

But it provides analogues of almost all popular elements of the MS Office package: Writer (Word), Calc (Excel), Impress (PowerPoint), Base (Access), Draw (Visio), as well as the Libre Office Math formula editor, which has its equivalent in MS Office No. By default, LibreOffice works with the free OpenDocument formats, but can read MS Office documents and export your work to them.

What's not to like to the modern user, it's an old-fashioned editor interface that brings back memories of Office 2003. The lack of collaboration capabilities is also not very encouraging in 2019. And the saddest thing is the LibreOffice mobile applications, which are only capable of viewing files: they cannot be edited. This can be attributed to development on a voluntary basis, but it is already difficult to compete with such opportunities.


Platforms: web, Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android

Most interesting OnlyOffice project, it seems, has set himself the goal of embracing the immensity. This is what we think, and OnlyOffice simply decided to create a free office suite that is 100% compatible with the official Microsoft formats: docx, xlsx and pptx. Any file (for example, ODF) that gets into OnlyOffice editors is converted into one of them. At the same time, the software itself is open source; it can even be “forked” on GitHub.

The project is interesting because it is cross-platform. First, documents, presentations, and spreadsheets can be shared through a browser. Secondly, desktop versions are different modern interface, similar to the new MS Office. Thirdly, mobile applications are full-featured editors - not like the previous package.

Both a plus and a minus at the same time: the online version of the office suite, in turn, is simple system electronic document management is a business solution. You need to register as a representative of the company, and in the future, pay for space in the cloud. The same applies to mobile applications. Only desktop editors are completely open and free.

WPS Office

Platforms: Windows, Linux, Android, iOS

This office suite is familiar to many users inexpensive phones Chinese assembly. The point is that it really is Chinese copy Microsoft Office, and quite close to the original. The rule “if there is something good in the West,” works 100% here.

The package includes an editor for documents, tables and presentations, as well as programs for working with PDF, including a converter. Collaboration is not provided - this is also an exclusively individual decision. But synchronization of changes on the desktop and mobile devices, as in Google Docs.

But at the same time it is closed - whether to take a Chinese program with closed code, depends on your level of paranoia. Although, looking at the list of supported formats, you can close your eyes to this.


Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS

Let's write about this editor out of respect, because it is the first competitor to MS Office on the Linux platform. Now he “lives” under the wing of the Apache Foundation, although how to say he lives - the key developers left the project a long time ago, and its condition has changed little since the late 2000s, when it just “took off”.

The package is intended for installation exclusively on the desktop; collaboration capabilities are not provided. But the set of editors is the same as Libre Office, that is, databases, diagrams, presentations, and mathematics.

OpenOffice works great with ODF formats - that's what it's designed for. Support Microsoft formats Office average than older format, the better supported. But the interface - welcome to 2003. Moreover, the project is over twenty years old, it is extremely respected, and many continue to use it. Perhaps you are among them?