iPad firmware (All firmware for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch). iPad firmware. How to flash an iPad - detailed instructions

In this article we will talk about the installation and capabilities of the software. Apple annually pleases us with new updates. Thanks to these updates, the operating system adds many additional features, improves performance and enhances information security. There are two ways to update software on your iPad: via iTunes or using Wi-Fi. We will talk to you about how to update the firmware using iTunes later, but we will talk about updating via a Wi-Fi network now. It's very easy to update your iPad using Wi-Fi. You go to “Settings - General - Software Update” on your tablet and click on the “Download” button. The process of downloading and installing the update will be performed automatically. Want to know which software problems require professional attention? - Intervention is necessary when:

  • A software failure occurred during a firmware update via Wi-Fi;
  • Standard tablet functions do not work or work incorrectly;
  • A firmware update is required, but you are afraid to do it yourself.

Interested in learning how to update software at home? - Let's figure it out. To update or reinstall the firmware, we need the following: the latest version of iTunes and the firmware required specifically for your iPad model. All this can be officially downloaded from the Apple website. After this, we will need to connect the tablet to the computer and as soon as it is identified in the iTunes program, the “restore” and “update” buttons should appear in the main program window. If we need a regular firmware update, then click on the update button. The process will happen automatically and will take about 20 minutes. If you need to completely reinstall the operating system on your iPad, you must go through the recovery process. This procedure is also automatic and takes 30 minutes. Do you have any questions? - Call and contact us!

Our fix-me service center always has the latest and licensed versions of software for Apple equipment. The firmware update process takes only 20 minutes. The cost of the service is 890 rubles. Our specialists solve any problems with the software of Apple equipment. Did the firmware update fail and now it won't turn on? - Restoring the iPad will take 20 minutes. Have you bought a tablet for your child, but he has nothing to play with? - We'll install the best iPad games for you in just one hour. Have you purchased a tablet for work, but don't know where to start? – We will select the best programs for iPad so that you can work on it without any problems. We offer good discounts for complex software repairs. Come! In addition to solving software problems, we also solve other problems:

How to hack an Apple operating system?

Apple is of the opinion that the software of its mobile devices should be proprietary so that the user cannot damage it. iOS is a completely closed system that offers users a limited set of standard features. Not all users are happy with this state of affairs. But there is a society of enthusiasts who are engaged in hacking firmware. In simple language this is called Jailbreak (from English “Prison Escape”). By hacking the operating system, the user gains full access and can customize the operating system the way he wants. What benefits do we get from this? - The hacked firmware provides us with:

  • Full access to the root folder of the operating system. This means that you can change the appearance of the interface, buttons and other elements as you like;
  • Ability to install programs that have not been verified in the AppStore. Some of these programs make using the iPad very easy.

Is it possible to hack an iPad at home? – You can, but remember that you perform all actions with the iPad at your own peril and risk. If you have never previously dealt with the issue of iPad software yourself, namely updating and hacking the firmware, then in this situation we advise you to contact a service center. Our specialists perform any software repair of iPad in the presence of the client. Need to update your operating system? – The firmware recovery process takes 20 minutes. Want to experiment with hacked firmware? - Jailbreak in this case will take 15 minutes. Still don't know where to turn? - Contact us! We will help you quickly and efficiently!

It seems that what could be easier than restoring the operating system through iTunes? Advanced users have probably learned how to do this. However, this caused no fewer messages on the forums. Every month, both experienced and new iPad owners ask how this operation is done. In today's article we will talk in detail about how to reflash an Apple tablet via iTunes.

The main goal of restoring an iOS device is to return it to its original settings with the obligatory upgrade of the operating system version. This operation is usually performed for one of the following reasons:

  • failures in the software;
  • installing the latest version of the operating system;
  • if the user has forgotten the display lock password (do not confuse it with the same activation procedure);
  • to completely clean the system (for example, when selling a tablet to a new owner).

Is it possible to downgrade the firmware?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - no. This is the official decision of the manufacturer. The Apple company does not allow installing versions of the operating system that differ from the current one. And this rule applies to all types of devices - smartphones, tablets, players.

However, there is such a thing as a temporary window. This is the period when, within a few weeks after the release of the newest operating system, you can roll back to the previous version.

In addition, it is also possible to return to the latest version from the beta version installed on the device. By the way, test options can be added even without an Apple account.

We are working with the beta version

Note that hackers often develop software that allows them to downgrade the operating system on any Apple device. Accordingly, for our purposes we will need to download a freely available one or buy one of these programs.

However, keep in mind that in the vast majority of cases, rolling back the operating system can only be done on older versions of tablets.

Updating and restoring – is there a difference?

When updating the operating system, all information on the iOS device is saved. During the restoration process, the gadget will return to its original settings and become completely clean. Of course, all user data will be permanently erased.

It is important to remember that you cannot update a jailbroken device. You can identify it by the Cydia symbol on the display.

Method for flashing a jailbroken device

If the user nevertheless decides to do this, in 99% of cases this leads to a loop or freezing of the apple. To successfully carry out the procedure on a jailbroken device, you must use the iTunes utility. Read on for more details.

Restoring iPad via iTunes

An operation performed using this method can be carried out in 2 ways. You can use normal mode, or you can use low-level mode, that is, DFU. The latter is usually resorted to when errors occur during normal operation.

The algorithm of user actions in normal mode will be as follows:

  • Download and install the “latest” version of iTunes.
  • Download the latest firmware version for a specific tablet model.
  • Open the settings item and go to the “cloud” section. Disable the device search option.
  • Connect the gadget in normal mode to the PC/laptop and launch the iTunes utility.
  • Waiting for the connected tablet to be recognized. The corresponding icon will appear at the top left of the program.
  • Hold down the Shift element and at the same time as this action, click on the restore button.
  • In the pop-up window, select the OS IPSW file downloaded in step 2 and click on the open element. The restore operation will start.

Now you know how to reflash iPad 2 via iTunes. As you can see, this operation is not difficult.

Using DFU to restore an iPad

To apply this method, follow these steps sequentially:

  • Download and install the “latest” version of iTunes.
  • Do the same with the desired firmware variation for your tablet model.
  • Open the settings program and go to the “cloud”. Disable the device search option. This point can be omitted if you remember your ID number and password characters for it.
  • Connect the device to your PC/laptop and enter it into DFU (how this is done was described in detail above).
  • The utility recognizes the device. A corresponding window will pop up at the top left of the program.
  • Hold Shift again and click the restore button.
  • In the pop-up window, select the IPSW file downloaded in the second stage and open it. The restore operation will start.

Updating iPad: methods

The simplest and most common method of updating a tablet is when the firmware is downloaded over the air, that is, via Wi-Fi networks, without iTunes. To install it, you need to enter the settings and go to the main item. Next, select the software update item and follow the commands that will pop up on the display.

The operation of updating iOS devices in iTunes is exactly the same as in the normal mode, which was described in detail above. But there is one difference - in the program, at a certain step, the user will be required to click on the update element instead of restore.

In addition to everything mentioned, in the tenth version of the operating system one unpleasant moment was removed. Namely, the differences between variations of the same system for different versions of devices. Of course, there is nothing supernatural about this, but it makes life much easier for tablet owners. And this is especially noticeable in the process of complete recovery.

How to choose firmware for iPad?

So, flashing a tablet won’t be difficult. A much more important question is choosing the right operating system option. How to choose it? Starting from the tenth version, there is a universal version, suitable for all models of Apple products. Let’s say that one iPSW file will correctly put a “ten” on mini, “air” and many other tablet models. Previously, each device had at least two firmware variations.

What is the benefit of all this? Of course, this makes it easier to find the required firmware for the tablet, and the operation itself is simplified for new owners of the device. Previously, everything was complicated by small nuances. In addition, some users (for example, those who repair tablets themselves) store firmware files on drives or in the “clouds”. And the described innovation will significantly save disk space.

From the article you learned how to flash an iPad. Moreover, you can use at least two different methods for this.

They don’t even pay special attention to modifying the operating system that is installed on their device. However, for others, it is vitally important to update iOS to the latest version in a timely manner, or try beta versions and return again to proven, reliable software options. It is for such people that the instructions are intended, telling how to reflash the iPad without harming the device itself.

In order not to harm the iPad when flashing the firmware, you should follow the instructions

Before reinstalling the operating system, you need to create a backup copy of the files stored on the iPad. Don't worry - this does not necessarily mean that you will have to restore all the information by downloading it from your computer - this situation is more of an unpleasant exception than the rule. However, sometimes all the data stored on the tablet is actually lost. Agree, it will not be very pleasant to lose your music collection, messages in personal correspondence and other valuable information. To prevent this from happening, just connect the iPad to your home computer, then open the iTunes program and in the corresponding menu subsection.

When you just want to update iOS to the most current version, you should learn how to flash an iPad without iTunes. After opening the menu, go to settings and select the main section. You will be interested in the second line from the top, called “Software Updates”. If an updated one is available that is compatible with your iPad, there will be a checkmark in this line inviting you to go to this menu item. A new screen will open, in which you will be shown the number of the proposed version and a single button, clicking on which will launch. After making sure that your Internet connection is stable, click on the button and wait until all the basic necessary actions are completed automatically.

Connect to the computer

Despite the development of wireless technology, it is not yet available everywhere, so you should also know how to flash an iPad via iTunes. Open the program and connect the tablet to the computer via a standard USB cable. Be careful: the tablet must lie on a flat surface so that during data loading it does not turn off spontaneously, leading to serious errors. Go to the main section of iTunes and look for an indication of the current version of iOS installed on your tablet. The next line will tell you which new version you can install. If there are no problems, click the “Update” button and wait until the installation process is completed.

If the specified operating system number does not suit you, you can download the specific version yourself.

Take a close look at the back cover of the iPad, find the digital model name and download iOS for such a tablet from the Internet using trusted sites or file-sharing systems. The iPad can be downloaded in ZIP format. If you had to deal with this, you must rename the file, giving it the “.ipsw” extension. Once iTunes is open, find the Update button again, but this time hold down the Shift key if you are using , or Alt for MAC-based operating systems. A dialog box will appear that will prompt you to find the firmware file yourself, and then determine its version and specify consent for installation. By the way, this option is suitable for installing beta versions of iOS.

Using recovery mode

It happens that the given tips on how to flash an iPad do not work. In 1-2% of cases, the program displays a message about a certain error and aborts the installation. It is necessary to use a more advanced OS installation method, which requires restoring the tablet using . First, you should fully understand how to activate this mode in order to carry out all the necessary procedures.

When you launch iTunes, you will see a window with a warning sign, which will mention the iPad going to . Once you click OK, you will notice a Restore button. After clicking it, the latest available version of the operating system will be installed on the iPad. If you want to decide for yourself which iOS number you will use, hold down the Shift button (or Alt for MAC) and feel free to click the mouse to open a dialog box.

Video on how to reflash an iPhone or iPad:

The updated firmware will reset the iPad to factory settings and deprive you of all the information that was on the tablet. This is where a backup copy, the creation of which was mentioned in the initial section of this article, will come in handy. After installing iOS, you will be able to choose which version of the backup to use. By the way, if you need to get a completely clean iPad, for example, before selling it on the secondary market, you can refuse data recovery and continue further work with factory settings.

The most serious flashing mode

The iPad manufacturer has also provided the ability to completely disable the software and install an updated modification of the operating system in this mode. This method is called DFU (device firmware update). It must be used in the following cases:

  • When the error appears during installation in recovery mode.
  • When the device has been jailbroken, causing it to freeze during the update.
  • When you interrupted the OS installation by disconnecting from the Internet or computer and .

The instructions for activating the mode are somewhat more complicated than the previous one. After connecting the device to the computer, open iTunes, press the iPad power button for a long time and select the “turn off” menu item that appears. To understand how to reflash an iPad, hold down the power and “Home” keys at the same time and count down 10 seconds. Then release the power button, but continue to hold the second button for about 15-20 seconds until the computer screen displays a message about connecting a new device. Don't be alarmed by the iPad's black, blank screen - this is normal for DFU mode.

The device screen must be blank while DFU mode is running.

Further, all procedures will be completely similar to those described above when using the standard iPad recovery mode. Similarly, select a file to restore the operating system or agree to install the latest available version of iOS. The data is also not saved - you will have to use a previously created iPad backup.

Safety when flashing

Now that you've learned how to flash an iPad, don't hesitate to use the information you've learned. The manufacturer has provided fairly effective protection for tablets from accidental software failures and intentional damage. Almost any problem can be solved by restoring the device using the above. The only real threat when flashing an iPad is the loss of personal data, which can be previously saved in a backup copy.

Of course, you shouldn’t disconnect USB cables, Wi-fi routers and other devices that are used to change program versions - minor problems may arise. It will be much worse if you drop the iPad directly during the recovery process: if the USB cable socket is possibly damaged, it will definitely not be possible to complete the process before repairing the tablet. In addition, I would like to recommend that you first study information about the version of the operating system that you are planning, because some may make it very difficult to return to previous modifications.

Simple or difficult?

In fact, installation in the described recovery modes is practiced only by a few users who are very well versed in modern electronics, including tablets. Most people (about 90%) use updates through iTunes or directly by connecting their iPad to a wireless connection. They are good because they do not require any unnecessary actions and allow you to simply follow the proposed procedures without allowing any deviations. But recovery mode or DFU makes it possible to bypass some restrictions and errors that are insurmountable for iTunes in its normal state.

How to reflash iPad, iPod touch, detailed instructions for owners of Apple devices. Flashing iPad through recovery mode, in DFU mode.

It seemed that it could be easier to restore a mobile device running on iOS? But as practice shows, for owners of Apple products, especially for those who have only recently purchased a trendy device, it is the flashing procedure that raises many questions.

Among the most pressing questions are: “What is DFU, Recovery mode?” How to correctly apply these “incomprehensible” terms for the iPad? It should also be noted that incorrectly performed independent flashing of Apple devices may result in contacting an authorized service center. How to properly flash an iPad? Let’s try to understand this review, we will provide step-by-step instructions, and We will also consider the topic of restoring and updating an Apple device.

Why is flashing necessary?

In fact, the main goal of restoring an iOS device is to completely reset it to factory settings, respectively, followed by updating the iPad software to the latest version.

Flashing an iOS device is performed when:

  • failures in the software of the mobile device;
  • in order to update the software to the latest current version;
  • if the screen lock code has been forgotten;
  • for restoration, creation of a clean, new system, for example, in the case of purchasing a used device, change of owner;
  • incorrect operation of the Apple gadget;
  • if necessary, perform subsequent jailbreak activation.

Flashing or restoring the system on the iPad is also necessary if the system firmware has failed, or the device is being prepared for resale.

It is equally important to distinguish the “update” procedure from the “Recovery” procedure. When updating the firmware, all personal data (software, media files, contacts) on the tablet PC or other Apple device will be saved. In the case of the “Restore” procedure, the settings on the device will be changed to factory settings, and all personal data of the user will be deleted.

Important! You should not use the “Update” option on a device with a jailbreak installed, when enabled, the Cydia icon will be indicated on the display. As a rule, this will result in the so-called “eternal apple”, an infinity icon, appearing on the gadget’s screen when starting recovery mode. On the display, this will be indicated as an iTunes icon with a cable.

To reflash an iPad or other Apple products with a jailbreak installed, use the “Recovery” function by going to the iTunes application.

How to flash an iPad yourself

Officially, Apple does not allow users to install outdated versions of the iOS OS, which means that you need to know how to properly flash the iPad.

After the release of a new version of the software, users were presented with a “Temporary window” that allowed them to test the current version after the release of the next firmware. In this case, owners of Apple devices do not have the opportunity to “roll back” the system to the latest official version of iOS from a beta version of the firmware that was already installed on the iOS device.

But still, there are ways that will allow you to install test firmware bypassing the developer account. Keep in mind that in most cases, system rollback is only possible on older iPad models.

And so, asking the question of how to reflash the iPad correctly, thereby improving the performance and speed of your device, we recommend using iTunes, the official application developed by Apple, with the power of which you can easily organize your personal files, download, install music, videos, text materials to your mobile device from the official web portal of the Apple iTunes Store, App Store.

Important! Restoring a tablet via Recovery, DFU can be called a standard procedure, but to avoid problems in the functioning of the tablet, before flashing the iPad, we recommend creating a backup copy of all information and important files contained on the device.

When flashing your tablet computer, be sure to ensure that you have the latest version of the iTunes application installed.

How to reflash an iPad via iTunes correctly

There are two ways to restore iOS devices through the iTunes app. You can reflash the iPad through the normal recovery mode (Recovery Mode) or in a special emergency DFU mode, which is most often used when errors occur during the recovery process. In this case, the iPad and iPhone will function without loading the OS shell. To complete the tablet flashing procedure, you will need an original USB cable, through which it will be connected to your personal PC.

Login to Recovery Mode

To enter the tablet into Recovery Mode, turn off the device by holding down the "Home" button. Connect the USB cable, hold down the Home key until the image of the USB connector and the iTunes program icon appear on the device display. The application will warn you that the device is in recovery mode, after which it is permissible to flash it using the “Restore” function.

When using standard recovery mode, perform subsequent actions in the following order:

  1. After making sure that the latest version of iTunes is installed on your device, download the latest firmware version for your device.
  2. In Settings, open iCloud. Disable the “Find device” option.
  3. In normal mode, connect the tablet to the PC and activate iTunes.
  4. After the program detects the device connected to the PC, an icon will appear in the left corner.
  5. Hold down the “Shift” key on the keyboard and right-click on the “Restore” tab.
  6. In the window that appears, mark the IPSW firmware file and click the “Open” tab.

If all steps are completed correctly, recovery will be performed, and in a few minutes the device will be ready for use.

Restoring iPad via DFU mode

The main difference between DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) and Recovery Mode is that it bypasses the OS, flashing the iPad or another Apple device directly. This method can be recommended to anyone who has problems, errors when using iTunes, or was unable to reflash the tablet through the usual Recovery Mode. Most often, this problem occurs on iPads that have been jailbroken, but the device needs to be re-flashed.

To flash the tablet in DFU Mode, connect it via a USB connector, disconnect the device while simultaneously holding the Power and Home keys for 12-15 seconds. After releasing the Power button, hold down the Home key until a notification appears on the PC screen about a new USB device, recognizing it in DFU mode,

Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed. If necessary, download and install the current version of the application.

  1. Download and install the latest official firmware for your iOS device.
  2. In Settings, go to iCloud and turn off Find My iPhone. You can skip this step if you are absolutely sure you remember your login and password in Apple ID.
  3. We connect the gadget to the PC and switch it to DFU mode.
  4. iTunes should recognize the connected device. An icon will be displayed in the left corner at the top of the screen.
  5. Hold down the "Shift" button on the keyboard and use the mouse to click "Restore" For Mac OS - Option and Restore. Select the IPSW firmware file on the display, click the “Open” tab, and after a few seconds the flashing will begin.

iPad update

The easiest way to update an Apple tablet PC is the method in which the firmware will be downloaded to the device “over the air” via a Wi-Fi connection.

To update the device, go to “Settings”, then to the “General” section, selecting the “Software Update” tab. Then you just need to follow the instructions and prompts that will be displayed on the display.

The procedure for updating iOS devices in the iTunes application is similar to restoring in normal mode, which is described in this review. The only thing is that in the program you need to select the “Update” section instead of the “Restore” tab.

Following the given tips and detailed instructions, we learned how to reflash the iPad ourselves. But even in this case, errors that may occur during the process of restoring the device cannot be ruled out. In order not to disrupt the functioning of your gadget, if problems arise, it is still better to contact the specialists of an authorized Apple service center, where they will promptly flash the iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, while maintaining the functionality and personal data of your Apple device.

The iOS operating system is one of the most stable in the world, but it also has problems. You can reflash your iPad in order to expand its functionality, unlock it, restore it after a failure, or update it to the latest OS version. Several flashing methods will be discussed in the material below.

Before you reflash your iPad, you should do some preparation. It lies in creating a backup copy system in case a failure occurs during the system update process, as well as to save data. They are not always lost when flashing the firmware, but it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

First, you should copy all the necessary data to your PC. This applies to photos, music and videos. Now you can create a backup copy of the OS. It will save all user settings - passwords, logins, contact data and other information. This is done through the appropriate item in iTunes or directly on the device. In this case, a copy will be stored in the cloud.

To ensure that no problems arise during the firmware process, before performing any actions iTunes should be updated. This is done through the official website. An important point that Apple owners often forget about: before flashing the firmware, you must disable the “find iPhone” function, as it will not allow you to flash the device.

Now you can update your iPad to a newer version. This is done through the same iTunes. In fact, updating the system is not firmware and is completely safe for the device. If the tablet is quite old, for example, a 2nd generation iPad, then there may not be an update. In this case, the “Software Update” item in iTunes will not be highlighted. If there is a new version of the operating system, then all you have to do is click on update and wait for the process to complete. More details about updating via iTunes with existing firmware or downloaded separately are described below.

Firmware via iTunes

So, the easiest way to reflash an iPad is to use iTunes. It must be installed on a laptop, PC or MacBook.

  1. The device is connected with a standard USB-Lightning cable. After the laptop detects the tablet connected to it, you need to open iTunes.
  2. The program will display the connected gadget, and also indicate the current OS version.
  3. Now you need to go to the “update” section and find the latest firmware for a specific tablet. There may be several of them. In this case, the application will independently indicate which version is the most optimal for the gadget.
  4. All you have to do is click on the “update” button and wait for the procedure to complete.

If there is no suitable update in iTunes, then The firmware can be downloaded separately. To do this, you need to find out what model of tablet the user has. This can be seen in the device settings in the “about device” item or simply by turning it over to the back side.

Downloading iOS firmware from the official website is the safest option. It is very important to specify your model correctly, otherwise problems may arise. It is best to enter the name of the model in the search, for example, iPad 3, and choose from those options that have received positive reviews.

Most often, the update file will be located in the archive. iTunes does not understand any firmware extensions other than “.ipsw”. In order to reflash an iPad via iTunes, you need to change the extension of the downloaded file to the one indicated above. Now in iTunes you should hold down the “shift” or “alt” key - the first option when working on Windows, the second on MacOS. A window will open in which you should specify the path to the downloaded file. All that remains is to agree to install the firmware.

Recovery Mode

Sometimes you can’t flash an iPad via iTunes: an error appears and the procedure is interrupted. In this case, recovery mode will come to the rescue. In order to launch it, the tablet must be disconnected from the PC. On the device, press the Home key and after 10 seconds the cable is connected. If everything is done correctly, the iTunes logo will appear on the display, as well as plug with arrow. This means that the device has entered recovery mode.

At this time, iTunes will notify you that The device is turned on in recovery mode. The action requires confirmation from the user. By clicking on the OK button, the user will start the process of installing the latest firmware for the model. In order to independently select the firmware downloaded by the user, you should specify the path by holding down the above buttons on the keyboard.

Important! This method of flashing the iPad is guaranteed to delete all data, so at the end of the procedure you will have to restore it from a backup copy.

All of the above methods allow you to flash an iPad mini or any other version at home. These methods are useful if the user has forgotten the password or needs to get a newer system. But what should you do if there was a failure during the update or during the work process, and the methods suggested above do not help? In this case, you will need to use the most “hard” method, which works in 99% of cases. It was called DFU. The essence of this method is that the user completely “kills” the system and actually reinstalls it. DFU will save you if you need to flash a locked iPad, the user did the jailbreak incorrectly, or damaged the system in any other way.

To flash firmware in DFU mode, you need to connect the device to your PC, launch iTunes and follow these steps.

  1. Press the Home and Power keys at the same time. They should be held for 10 seconds.
  2. After this time, the power button should be released, but “Home” should remain pressed. After 15-20 seconds, iTunes will display a message that a new device is connected. In this case, the tablet screen will be completely black without any inscriptions.

Further actions are completely similar to those described above. The user selects new firmware in iTunes and installs it on the device.

Important! At this moment, you should not touch the tablet or accidentally touch the wires. Otherwise, the procedure will not be completed, and then even DFU mode may not save the device.

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