Chinese goods in China. The cheapest online stores in China. Chinese item - quality item

We welcome you, dear users and visitors of the business magazine “site”! The topic of today’s publication is “Business with China.” We will tell you where to start, how to find and establish optimal mutually beneficial cooperation with partners (intermediaries), and also provide a list of popular Chinese trading platforms where you can purchase goods from China in bulk and consider the possibility of reselling goods without investment.

From the article you will learn:

  • Is it possible to start a business with China without initial capital?
  • Why choosing Chinese partners is beneficial for Russian entrepreneurs;
  • Step-by-step recommendations for organizing a business;
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the largest Chinese trading platforms (Aliexpress, Alibaba and others);
  • In-demand products from China that can make a lot of money.

More and more Russian and other entrepreneurs are turning their attention to China to make their activities more reliable, profitable and competitive.

Huge assortment manufactured products, as well as low prices with quality improving everywhere, they leave no choice for beginning and experienced entrepreneurs when identifying partners for cooperation.

After reading this article, businessmen of different levels will be able to familiarize themselves with the “rules of the game” in this market, even a beginner without initial capital, after reading the article to the end, will find an opportunity to earn money in cooperation with partners from China.

How and where to start your business with China, what are the advantages and benefits of a business reselling goods from China, is it possible to open a business without investment, and so on, read the article below

1. Business with China - is it possible to start a business with goods from China from scratch 📈

Products made in China occupy one of the leading positions in terms of sales and popularity in global markets. And if several decades ago Chinese products were introduced only in the niche of budget products Low quality , then at the moment the range has been expanded up to up to elite samples with the highest consumer properties.

Competitive prices, as well as a huge selection of various products provide entrepreneurs with wide opportunities to earn good money.

The process of interaction with China is not complicated, and every businessman with fundamental knowledge and entrepreneurial experience can successfully work in this market without an initial investment (or with minor investments).

General scheme of work with China:

  1. searching for a cheap suitable product;
  2. delivery to Russia;
  3. selling and making a profit.

At the same time, many beginning entrepreneurs causes unnecessary anxiety customs clearance, product certification, taxation And a number of other related factors. However, having studied all the necessary information, businessmen should not have any difficulties when interacting with Chinese manufacturers and intermediaries.

☑ Delivery, customs clearance and certification of goods can also be entrusted to a third party.

Trade - the best option for starting a career in business, and having companies as partners that will help supply affordable and in-demand goods to Russia, provides unlimited opportunities for earning money and developing your business.

Business from scratch in this segment is very limited and involves the resale of goods through a dropshipping system. Read about this and much more further in the article.

2. Advantages and benefits of doing business with Chinese manufacturers 📑

In recent decades, there has been a trend of increasing attention of the Russian business community to the Chinese manufacturing market. Manufactured in this Asian country the entire list of goods necessary for a person to live.

Advantages and benefits of cooperation with Chinese manufacturers

For years, the stereotype formed by the average resident of the country that Chinese goods are of low quality is gradually being eliminated. An increasing number of buyers find themselves satisfied with the quality of products from China, with constant low price compared to competitors.

Even in the traditionally competitive high-tech market, where “they rule the roost” Western European, North American, South Korean and Japanese manufacturers, Chinese companies managed to occupy a significant market share. At the same time, the quality of manufactured goods is increasing.

The development of modern means of communication and technology will allow entrepreneurs to significantly reduce the initial costs of cooperation with Chinese manufacturers or intermediaries.

It is also worth noting that enterprises from China trade with countries around the world and constantly introduce new products to the market and use innovative ideas. By carefully studying the demand among the population and supply from China, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to be the first to introduce new products to the Russian market, which will significantly maximize profits.

The main advantages of doing business with China

The attractiveness of partnerships with Chinese manufacturers and intermediaries is determined by a number of factors:

  1. Large range of products. China's share in most economic sectors is from 40% and more in relation to global production. This determines a significant variety of products.
  2. Low prices. One of the main factors in the competitiveness of the Chinese economy. The low cost of goods is due to: relatively inexpensive labor, the presence in the country of virtually all types of necessary raw materials, the presence of a large number of production facilities for various components, as well as significant competition among enterprises. All this allows entrepreneur, supplying and selling goods from China, set the price for the goods at a profit up to 1000% and at the same time leaving the cost attractive for the buyer.
  3. Purchasing an exclusive product. In the process of studying the specifics of the Chinese market, as well as with significant volumes of supplies, manufacturers of exclusive products that have significant demand, but are poorly represented in retail trade, may be interested in cooperation with a Russian company.
  4. The desire of Chinese partners to cooperate. Great competition and price wars among Chinese manufacturers and intermediaries force them to be attentive to the needs of customers: start cooperation with small volumes of goods, provide discounts on samples, provide convenient conditions for the delivery of goods and other preferences.

Let's look at the main benefits of doing business with China:

  • First of all the consumer wants to receive the product as quickly as possible, as well as evaluate its appearance and quality. When purchasing goods to order in Chinese online stores, the buyer cannot take advantage of these advantages and many customers find it more convenient to buy goods from Russian sellers.
  • The second factor is a large number of Internet sites and products. It is difficult for the buyer to navigate and purchase the required quality product. To do this, you need to evaluate the professional qualities of the seller, take into account the cost and delivery time, and for this you need to have certain knowledge and experience. In this regard, a significant part of clients prefer to buy from Russian entrepreneurs.

To check the integrity of the seller, understand the functionality of the trading platform, calculate the cost of delivery and the product itself, knowledge and skills are required.

Many will want to order the necessary goods on a Russian-language website, since there is always the opportunity to call and clarify with the seller all the questions and nuances of purchasing the goods, negotiate the terms of delivery of the order, and so on.

Your own business with China - where and how to start your own business with China

3. How to start a business with China - 10 stages of where to start your business 📝

In order to establish business in cooperation with Chinese partners, you should consider 10 simple steps (stages) for successfully launching a business resale of goods from China.

Stage 1. Analysis of the list of business cooperation models

Most Russian entrepreneurs cooperating with Chinese companies use a number of time-tested models of interaction with partners:

  • Wholesale sales of products;
  • Sales of products through an online store;
  • Dropshipping;
  • Own sales through a retail outlet;
  • Joint purchases of goods from China.

1. Wholesale sales of products (offline)

By establishing cooperation with Chinese partners, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to sell goods in bulk with significant profitability. The Chinese market provides a large list of various products, and choosing a product that is in demand will not be difficult for an entrepreneur.

The work algorithm includes a number of actions:

  • Selecting the optimal wholesale supplier;
  • Searching for retailers and establishing cooperation with them;
  • The client determines the assortment he needs, makes an advance payment, and the entrepreneur, purchasing the products, ensures delivery.

A businessman who has established supplies from China should not have much difficulty finding partners in Russia.

The only thing that would be advisable is to use additional communication opportunities via the World Wide Web: social media, notice boards, and also take advantage of a very effective way to promote products - contextual advertising.

Question 2. What to sell in an online store and which goods from China can provide maximum profit in the near future?

Many novice entrepreneurs ask themselves when starting a business in China: what to sell and who to sell their goods to?

In the foreseeable future, there are no countries that will be able to compete with China in terms of the range of products offered, as well as in price.

The country's industrial base is constantly grows and develops, constant subsidies help Chinese entrepreneurs improve the quality of their products and optimize costs.

At the same time, a significant level of competition ensures a fairly low price level.

Review of products sold from China

So, which Chinese goods can provide an entrepreneur with a high level of income?

1. Shoes and clothing

Products in this category are relevant at the moment and will always be in demand. In Russia, as in most countries of the world, for a significant part of the population the main factor when purchasing is price, and then everything else.

The cost of shoes and clothing from the Celestial Empire is lower than that of competitors with constantly improving quality and a large assortment of offers.

Another factor in the popularity of Chinese clothing and shoes is counterfeits of well-known brands. However, the quality of goods (as well as price) can vary significantly.

Many Russian consumers want to assert themselves by purchasing “ branded"thing for relatively little money.

2. Household appliances and electronics

Russians do not have much confidence in Chinese technology, but again the price factor has an impact and there is significant demand for this category of goods among the population. The purchase price from partners is very low and the entrepreneur has the opportunity to earn good money

3. Perfumery

There have never been famous perfumers in the PRC, but the country is very good at copying fragrances, bringing them to the maximum similarity with the original. At the same time, a similar branded product costs 10-20 times more.

The reaction speed of entrepreneurs in China is very fast: A new branded fragrance appears on the market, and Asian craftsmen are already in full swing creating an analogue.

4. Accessories

Watches, women's and men's bags, wallets, and phone accessories are very popular and best-selling products. Counterfeits in this category of goods are difficult to distinguish from the original. Substitutes for well-known brands are always in great demand among the population and their supplies are very cost-effective.

5. Souvenirs

Most of the souvenir products in the world are of Chinese origin. Tourists and travelers always purchase these products.

Products are made from glass, ceramics, plastic, which allows it to retain its consumer properties for a long time, be stored in warehouses (garages) and sold gradually.

6. Everything for cars

The total number of vehicles in Russia is increasing from year to year, and the cost of car maintenance is also increasing: technical inspection, repair costs, insurance, fuel. And the objective desire of motorists to save on related products is quite understandable.

Sale spare parts, brushes, covers and automotive video and audio equipment will allow the entrepreneur to satisfy demand and provide himself with a significant level of income.

8. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

Business in cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers from China with rational organization of work is very profitable, especially thanks to intermediaries with low commissions, ordering goods from China becomes much easier and more convenient. The price difference between goods between the Celestial Empire and Russia can be 500 % and more.

By choosing the right niche and working with reliable suppliers, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to build a stable, profitable business.

Many young and successful entrepreneurs have already launched their startup projects, where a certain part of the business is occupied by goods from China. we wrote in one of our previous issues.

Dear readers of the business magazine “”, we will be grateful if you share your experience and comments on the topic of publication in the comments below. We wish you good luck and success in business with China!

Thanks to low prices and a huge selection of goods for every taste, Chinese online platforms have gained popularity among buyers from all over the world. At the same time, Chinese sites attract not only retail buyers, but also those who are interested in organizing a business on goods from China. In this article we will look at the most popular Chinese product platforms that offer their users to purchase products from the best Chinese manufacturers wholesale and retail.

The best Chinese online trading platforms

Regardless of whether you are purchasing goods for yourself or planning to make wholesale purchases, it is extremely important to choose a reliable supplier (manufacturer) who provides quality goods. Today you can find a trusted supplier using Chinese online trading platforms:

  • 1688.
  • Alibaba.
  • Taobao.
  • AliExpress.

Each trading platform for Chinese goods has its own characteristics, so before making purchases it is a good idea to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various resources.

Site 1688

The 1688 trading platform is focused exclusively on the domestic wholesale market of China. This feature provides Russian and Ukrainian wholesale buyers with both advantages and disadvantages. The key disadvantage is that to order goods from the Chinese platform 1688 you must provide bank details, an address and a telephone number in China. In addition, translators are required to communicate with sellers, which also creates some difficulties.

Solving the above-mentioned problems is quite simple; all you need is a reliable intermediary 1688, who will undertake negotiations and purchase of goods. To learn more about this, read our next article.

At the same time, the Chinese trading platform 1688 offers a number of tangible advantages for wholesale buyers:

  • Prices for goods are significantly lower (by about 30%) than on other Chinese export-oriented wholesale platforms.
  • Many entrepreneurs simply do not risk using the services of this site, because they do not understand the Chinese interface, as well as the procedure for ordering and paying for goods, so you get rid of many competitors.
  • The range of profitable offers is simply huge; here you can find products from sellers and manufacturers that are not represented on similar online platforms.
  • A favorable price-quality ratio allows you to set the desired markup and at the same time offer your customers products at lower prices than competitors.

Alibaba platform

The Alibaba marketplace is also popular with buyers. Among the advantages of this resource are:

  • Multilingual interface.
  • Availability of international payment systems for paying for goods.
  • Various international delivery options are available. Learn more about how it happens , read our article.

Along with the positive aspects, the Chinese trading platform Alibaba also has a significant drawback - relatively high prices. Compared to similar online resources, retail prices on Alibaba are quite high. However, you can only get a discount if you plan to place a large wholesale order. At the same time, large wholesale from most sellers starts from 1000 units.

Taobao Marketplace

Another popular resource is the Chinese platform Taobao. Here you can purchase goods both retail and small or large wholesale.

Strengths of the Chinese trading platform Taobao:

  • Large selection of a wide variety of products.
  • Attractive prices.
  • Possibility to buy both retail and wholesale.

At the same time, the Chinese trading platform Taobao also has several disadvantages:

  • The interface is only available in Chinese.
  • Delivery is carried out only within China.

You can solve language problems using online translators, and order delivery from a specialized company. The Anno Danini company provides intermediary services in China for ordering goods from Taobao, and will help organize its safe delivery as soon as possible.

AliExpress Internet platform

AliExpress is an online platform owned by the Alibaba Group and is a “relative” of Taobao and Alibaba. At the same time, the AliExpress trading platform is focused on the international market and retail buyers, although you can also buy wholesale here.

Among the advantages of the Chinese trading platform AliExpress are:

  • Low retail prices.
  • Possibility of choosing different payment systems.
  • Availability of secure transactions.
  • Russian and English interface languages.
  • The ability to leave reviews and study reviews of other users in Russian, English and other languages. Many reviews are accompanied by real photographs, making it easier to find suitable products.

Disadvantages of AliExpress:

  • Compared to Taobao and 1688, the choice of manufacturers and sellers is much more modest.
  • There is no way to consolidate orders from different sellers. Thus, each parcel will be sent separately.
  • Limited possible delivery methods.

Which Chinese trading platform to choose for wholesale purchases?

All Chinese retail and wholesale marketplaces have certain strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, for a wholesale buyer, the decisive factors that allow giving preference to a specific web resource are:

  • Favorable wholesale price.
  • A large selection of products allows you to create a good assortment for your own store.
  • Possibility of prompt delivery.
  • Security guarantees.

Among the sites reviewed, the ideal option for wholesale buyers is site 1688. This resource benefits not only due to its low prices, but also due to the huge selection of offers from Chinese sellers and manufacturers that are not represented on other online sites.

In addition, the Anno Danini company offers its clients purchase and delivery services from 1688 to Russia, as well as other CIS countries. By contacting us, you will avoid the need to independently deal with the issues of searching and checking goods, negotiating with the seller, and organizing delivery.

By collaborating with Anno Danini, you will receive a number of tangible advantages that will become the basis for a successful business selling goods from China, namely:

  • Ability to search for necessary products and check manufacturers.
  • Arranging delivery from China by road, rail or air.
  • The opportunity to save money by using delivery in the format of groupage cargo or by passing transport.
  • Selection of optimal routes and transport in accordance with the specifics of the cargo and the desired delivery time.
  • Checking the goods before shipping for compliance with the ordered size, color, and absence of manufacturing defects.
  • For regular customers, a free order consolidation service is provided.
  • Documentary support will relieve you of the need to worry about collecting and filling out supporting documents.
  • It is possible to track the parcel using the bill of lading number.
  • Packaging and transportation of parcels is carried out in compliance with cargo transportation safety requirements, which guarantees the safety of goods upon delivery.

ATTENTION! ANNO DANINI LIMITED does not buy goods from AliExpress

Today I will tell you about what is profitable to buy in China and what products you should pay attention to.

By the word profitable we mean low price, i.e. how much cheaper this or that product is in China than in our regular Russian stores.

Stop enriching local entrepreneurs! They order huge wholesale quantities of various products from the Celestial Empire for next to nothing, marking up each product (as a result, the price rises 2, 3, 4 or more times). And you are all ready to shell out such a lot of money for this product because you don’t know how much it actually costs - PENNY! Businessmen make money at the expense of you - people who do not know how to independently order cheap goods from China.

It is profitable to buy in China

1. New tablets and smartphones.

Unknown Chinese brands of mobile equipment are gaining a large number of orders and satisfied customers: ZTE, THL, JIAYU, etc. The secret to the success of these devices is that they combine low price and high quality.

It's time to forget the times when Chinese products were associated with low quality. Today everything has changed.

2. Copies of famous smartphones.

If you don’t have enough money and want to get a branded mobile device, that’s not a problem. You can buy a copy of a device, for example, iPhone 6.

3. Refurbished smartphones and mobile phones

Refurbished – already used (used) phones and smartphones that have had their panel, buttons, display, etc. changed to make them look like new. The prices for such things are very low. Among such mobile devices you can find the well-known NOKIA 6233, Motorola RAZR V3, NOKIA 1100, Motorola E398 and other retro phones.

4. MP3 players.

Players, like phones, are plentiful in China. For every taste and color (with a built-in battery, with a removable battery, with and without a display) -

5. Mobile device cases.

In Chinese online stores you can find a huge number of simple and original cases for smartphones, phones and tablets. For less than 50 rubles. choose something suitable. In our stores they charge 2-3 times more money for the same product.

6. Films for mobile devices.

This is one of the most popular cheap goods. For example, on Aliexpress you can find film for iPhone for just 15-35 rubles -

7. Cables, cords and headphones.

8. Clothes and shoes.

In the vastness of Chinese trading platforms, there is a wide range of clothing: jackets, pants, hats, scarves, sweaters, sneakers, etc. There is a huge selection of original clothing that you cannot buy in our stores and markets.

When shopping for clothes, everyone faces the problem of choosing the right size. I will write a separate article about this someday. If I'm quick, I'll say that choose clothes from China that are at least 1 size larger than you actually wear. For example, if you wear a sweater in size XL, then you need to order a similar item in size XXL from China.

9. Clock.

There are plenty of watches in China and they are cheap. You can find little-known Chinese brands and copies of world-famous watches.

For example, a copy of Casio G-SHOCK on Aliexpress -

10. Brands promoted on television and on the Internet.

The Chinese actively monitor what products are popular around the world. If you see something new on TV, then rest assured that the Chinese have already produced a cheap copy of this product. This category of goods includes:

  • knife credit card -
  • talking hamster -
  • big toe corrector -

11. Jewelry.

Chains, pendants, bracelets, rings... In general, whatever your heart desires. I hope everyone knows that costume jewelry is jewelry made from inexpensive materials. You cannot order jewelry from China, I already talked about this in.

Bottom line

The list of goods that are profitable to buy in China can be supplemented at least every day. China produces a huge amount of products, the diversity of which is simply dizzying.

Remember that not every purchase from China may be profitable . In order not to be disappointed in your purchase, before ordering this item, compare the price of it in China and in your region. If the price is not much different or even lower than the Chinese, then it is best to purchase the goods somewhere nearby, rather than wait for a package for several weeks.

Chinese online stores with descriptions in Russian are an opportunity to buy Chinese goods without a markup based on the ratings and reviews of our visitors. But where can you find cheap Chinese online stores with free shipping? It's simple - in our catalog!

Why do you need a directory?

A catalog of Chinese online stores in Russian with free delivery, where we have collected a large number of services from across the network. By looking at the card of a particular resource, you can get comprehensive information about its range, current payment and delivery methods. There are also detailed instructions for the registration process and order creation. We present only official websites of Chinese online stores that are trusted by consumers.

What are the advantages of working with a catalogue?

The rating can safely be called the connecting link between the buyer and the seller. Due to the fact that information about the most popular cheap Chinese online stores is concentrated here, users do not have problems choosing a suitable site. Since all the information is presented in Russian, studying it will not cause any difficulties.

Online stores from China are:

  • saving time. You can find the service you need and understand the basic principles of its operation in a few minutes;
  • saving money. Chinese goods offered in online stores are sold at the best possible prices, which will certainly please potential buyers;
    preservation of nerves.

The reliability of all sites has been verified by hundreds of users, whose reviews can also be found.

Previously, goods from manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom did not inspire confidence among domestic buyers. It is not surprising, because their performance characteristics were not up to par. Now the situation has changed dramatically - most Chinese companies have introduced enhanced quality control of their products.

The “Made in China” label is no longer considered a sign of low-quality products. It is very easy to verify the validity of this statement; just make a purchase in a reputable online store from China. We will help you implement your plans competently, providing the most complete information about each resource.

It’s no longer a secret that truly cheap shopping can only be done in Chinese stores. Moreover, cheap, in this case, does not mean bad at all. Of course, the same things in ordinary stores often cost two or even three times more. And how many interesting and unusual things can be found on Chinese trading platforms. Intrigued? Then go ahead to the exciting world of Chinese shopping.

AliExpress - online store of everything at once

In fact, AliExpress- This is not even an online store, but a huge trading platform on which stores of various Chinese sellers are presented. There is almost everything here - cosmetics, jewelry, clothing, goods for home and garden, necessary little things for your pets, health products, mobile phones and electrical equipment, current swimwear.

Of course, this is not all; you can probably find all the necessary things there. By the way, in terms of price category, AliExpress is the cheapest store in China. So why overpay if you can order everything directly from China. In addition, the store has a sale using a group purchasing system, when goods can be purchased at a discount of up to 80%, but only for a certain time.

So how do you place an order? First of all, you should go through a simple registration. The only thing you need to remember is that your contact information should be filled in in Latin. In the “contact person” line, do not forget to enter your patronymic, since according to the rules of the Russian Post, without this, the parcel may not be delivered to the addressee. Be sure to write your real number so that if something happens they can contact you.

You can pay on the site in both dollars and Russian rubles. Just select the currency you need to display the cost and you can proceed directly to the selection of goods.

Please keep in mind that the site may display products from different sellers, and therefore the price will also be different. Don't be scared and don't choose the cheapest things. Pay attention to the rating of the seller and his store; the higher it is, the greater the likelihood of not being disappointed with the item you received.

Immediately after payment for the goods, and after the seller sends it, a tracking code will appear in the information field.

What's good about the AliExpress trading platform is that it offers buyer protection. If the package does not arrive or the product does not meet the stated requirements, you can always get a full refund. But in order not to make a mistake, carefully read the description on the product page; as a rule, all the necessary information is always indicated on it.

LuxTao - 800 million products at low prices

LuxTao service is the Russian-language version of the largest Chinese online store TaoBao, where more than 800 million products from China, Japan, the USA and Korea are presented. Orders are accepted both wholesale and retail with delivery anywhere in the world.

KupiNaTao - 700 million products at low prices

Online store KupiNaTao - another representative of the Chinese giant TaoBao. Every day they offer discounts on a large selection. There are great seasonal offers. Convenient catalogue. Delivery to Russia, CIS and Europe.

Focalprice – online electronics store

Here you can purchase various equipment at very competitive prices. You will be surprised, but there are even things that are considered branded in Russia, but their prices are much lower. The thing is that in this store they are sold without branded packaging. Why overpay for it? You can be sure that the item is original, because it is produced in the same Chinese factories.

The main thematic sections of the store are new items, bestsellers, special offers and branded items.

The store also boasts free worldwide shipping, easy registration and numerous discounts.

Focalprice also has a system of internal points, which are awarded for registration, reviews of purchased products, adding photos of the product and directly for the purchase. They can then be used as a discount on your purchase. This is a truly profitable offer.

TinyDeal – online store for all sorts of things

A huge assortment of all sorts of useful things - cosmetics, accessories, tablets, shoes and clothes, interesting gadgets and computer devices. The advantages of this store are, first of all, free delivery. You can order an item for less than a dollar, and they will still send it to you, and neatly packaged. As a rule, in this store there is no discrepancy between the product and the picture. And besides, you can immediately view real photographs under the picture, which makes shopping even more convenient. The site also has an internal system of points (points), which can be used to pay for large purchases.

The store often holds sales, when the item you need can be purchased at a huge discount.

There is a Russian version of the site, as well as an online chat, where you can always consult about things that interest you.

aHappyDeal – online store of electronics and accessories

This Chinese store has gained extraordinary popularity thanks to its quality products and fast delivery. Here you can find almost everything related to technology - watches, phones, tablets, and also video games. The advantage of this store is an interesting block - recent orders. If you don’t fully know what exactly you came here for, then you can see what interests other users.

There is also a system of internal points, which allows you to save on subsequent orders.

The stores listed are not all Chinese sites. In fact, there are many more of them, and each boasts a unique design, interesting products, good discounts and excellent special offers. Sellers will be happy to help you and help you if you have any difficulties placing an order. Most often, communication in such stores is in English. So if this is a problem for you, you can use an online translator to find out the necessary order details.

We wish you successful shopping in Chinese stores!