Wind power plants in Russia. Wind generators for home: types, approximate prices, DIY production

– specially designed devices in which wind energy is converted into electrical energy. They are becoming more popular every day. Using natural and, most importantly, renewable energy sources, convenient and simple wind power plants, the so-called wind turbines, are an excellent alternative to traditional power plants, especially in private homes.

Use of wind energy

Windmills, or rather the principle of their operation, were undeservedly forgotten in the twenties of the last century. However, the power of the wind was not used even then to generate electrical energy. It powered millstones, was used as propulsion for sailing ships, and later started pumps for pumping water into reservoirs, that is, it was converted into mechanical energy.

Wind energy began to develop rapidly in the late sixties of the last century. At this time, there was a catastrophic shortage of traditional energy resources; in addition, their prices rose sharply, and environmental problems associated with their use became more and more acute.

Promoted the use of alternative sources of electricity, including wind power, and technological progress. New high-strength and fairly lightweight materials have appeared that make it possible to build towers up to 120 m high and huge blades.

Winds blowing in many regions of the planet are able to rotate power plant turbines at sufficient speed to provide energy to private homes, small farms or schools in rural areas.

But in any barrel of honey there is at least one fly in the ointment. The wind cannot be controlled; it does not always blow, especially in the same direction and at the same speed. Technological progress does not stand still. If today wind power plants for a private home, generating hundreds of kilowatts of electricity, are no longer a rarity, then tomorrow, perhaps, stations with a capacity of tens of megawatts will become commonplace. In any case, there are already wind power plants with a capacity of 5 MW or more.

Advantages and disadvantages of wind power plants

Wind power plants have, in addition to the use of free wind energy and independence from external sources of electricity, several other significant advantages. There is no environmental problem with the storage and disposal of waste, and the method of generating energy itself is one of the most environmentally friendly. Not to mention how aesthetically pleasing the windmill looks against the sky, its advantage can be considered that the installation can be either stationary or mobile.

In addition, today it is already possible to select a wind farm of a suitable model and power, or use an installation that combines the use of several energy sources, traditional and alternative. This could be a diesel or solar-wind power plant.

Wind farms also have disadvantages. Firstly, they are so noisy that large installations have to be turned off at night. Secondly, they often interfere with air traffic or radio waves. Thirdly, they need to be placed over truly huge areas. And there is another significant drawback of blade structures - they need to be turned off during mass seasonal migrations of birds.

Types of wind power plants

Based on functionality, wind power plants can be divided into stationary and mobile, or mobile. Powerful stationary installations require a whole range of preparatory work, but they are capable of accumulating enough electricity in batteries for use in calm weather.

Mobile power plants are simpler in design, unpretentious, easy to install and simple to operate. They are typically used to power electrical appliances or when traveling.

By design, a distinction is made between impeller and rotor wind power plants.

Depending on the location where wind farms are installed, there are:

  • ground. They are installed at higher elevations and are the most common today;
  • coastal. They are built in the coastal zone of seas and oceans, where winds constantly blow due to uneven heating of land and water;
  • offshore. They are built in the sea at a distance of 10-15 km from the coast, where sea winds constantly blow;
  • floating. They are also located at approximately the same distance from the shore as offshore ones, but on a floating platform.

According to the areas of application, wind power plants can be industrial or domestic.

Vane wind farms

Vane wind farms, which are leaders in the wind energy market, have already become commonplace. On a high dream, a blade mechanism with a horizontal axis of rotation, predominantly three-bladed, is installed, and its power depends on the span of the blades. Such a unit reaches its maximum rotation speed when the blades are perpendicular to the wind flow, therefore its design includes a device for automatic rotation of the rotation axis in the form of a stabilizer wing at small stations and an electronic yaw control system at more powerful stations.

Impeller wind farms differ from each other mainly in the number of blades. They can be multi-bladed, two-bladed, or even with one blade and a counterweight.

Rotary wind farms

Rotary, or rotary, wind power plants have a vertical axis of rotation and do not depend on the direction of the wind. This is an important advantage if surface yaw air currents are used. The disadvantage of wind farms of this design is the use of multi-pole generators, which operate at low speeds and are not widely used.

These units are low-speed and, as a result, do not create much noise. In addition, their advantage is the simplicity of electrical circuits, which are not disrupted by occasional sharp gusts of wind.

Experts believe that rotary wind farms are the most promising for large-scale wind energy. True, in order to spin up such an installation, external energy must be applied to it. Only when it reaches certain aerodynamic parameters does it switch to generator mode from engine mode.

Combined wind-diesel system

The disadvantage of wind turbines - uneven supply of electricity - in large networks is compensated by a large number of installations.

It is also possible to compensate for this disadvantage by using combined systems, in which there are special devices that distribute the loads between a wind power plant (WPP) and a diesel engine. Therefore, autonomous networks of small power from 0.5 to 4 MW paired with a diesel engine can function reliably and evenly.

Modern equipment, which saves about 65% of liquid fuel per year, allows you to connect or disconnect a diesel engine in just a few seconds if necessary.

Domestic and industrial wind farms

Household wind power plants have a power from 250 W to 15 kW and can be operated in conjunction with solar panels, with or without a battery.

Electricity generated by household wind power plants is quite expensive, but it often happens that there are simply no other sources.

Domestic wind power plants in Russia are produced with a DC generator that charges batteries with a capacity of up to 800 A/h. All household appliances in the house can operate from such batteries: TV, electric kettle, etc.

The process of charging batteries after disconnecting the load can be quite long, depending on the strength of the wind and the power of the generator.

There are also foreign domestic wind farms on the Russian market; they are quite expensive, but, as a rule, they produce less than half the rated power.

Industrial wind farms have significantly greater power and are usually combined into single networks.

Private wind power plants generally have a power of 3 to 5, less often 10 kW. If the average annual wind speed in the region reaches 3-4 m/s, then such a wind farm can provide electricity to an average country house, service station or small cafe.

Main characteristics of the wind farm

Rated power is the main indicator that characterizes all power plants, wind power plants are no exception. It is determined by the power that the generator produces at an average wind speed of 12 m/s, and depends on the type of station.

The next important indicator is the rated voltage of the wind farm, which is generated by the generator. It can be either 220 V, 12 V, or 24 V.

The electrical power of the generator depends on the power of the turbine. Since the turbine power is higher, the larger its diameter and, therefore, the stronger the mast, this indicator is important when choosing and calculating the mast design.

The wind turbine has several more characteristics. Its performance is important - this is the amount of electricity that the device generates per year. When choosing a wind turbine, it is necessary to know the maximum wind speed that the turbine can withstand and its minimum (starting) speed at which it begins to rotate. Both the turbine rotation speed and the number of blades play a role in the selection.

Operating principle and design of wind farms

At a wind farm, the air flow rotates a wheel with blades, from which torque is transmitted to other mechanisms. The larger the wheel, the more airflow it captures and, therefore, the faster it rotates.

In physics terms, the linear wind speed is converted into the angular speed of rotation of the generator axis, which, in turn, converts the rotational motion into electrical energy, transmitting it through the controller to the batteries. At the output of the device, the electricity is already suitable for domestic use.

That is, a small wind power plant consists of a turbine, blades, a tail (rotating mechanism), a mast with guy cables, batteries, a charge controller and an inverter that converts 12 V to 220 V.

In addition to these devices, an industrial wind farm also contains systems for monitoring wind direction and speed, the condition of the wind generator and protection against lightning discharges. In addition, the mast cannot cope with larger loads, and it is replaced with a tower in which all additional equipment is located.

Wind farm design

The main indicator that allows you to make a decision on the use of a wind power plant is the average annual wind speed, which must be at least 5 m/s. True, today there are already easily accelerated wind farms designed for power supply to private households, which begin operation with a minimum air flow speed of 3.5 m/s.

To determine this indicator, special wind maps are used.

Wind speed measurements were taken in various climatic zones of Russia to determine how efficient wind power plants there are. Wind turbines and stations are already operating in the Kaliningrad region, on the Commander Islands, Murmansk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and in Bashkortostan.

When deciding to install a wind power plant or a private wind farm, you should first contact specialists to conduct research on the direction and strength of the wind using anemometers and build maps of the availability of its energy. Based on these data, the design of a wind turbine or a station consisting of several installations, its technical and geometric parameters are calculated and developed.

It is impossible to build an industrial wind farm of sufficiently large capacity without investors, and competently performed calculations and a drawn up project will make it possible to determine the payback period of the project and attract additional finance.

Private wind farms

According to significantly underestimated statistics, which do not take into account isolated remote buildings and structures, about 30% of private households in rural areas, where laying electrical networks is impossible for economic reasons, do not have electricity supply. Not everywhere there are even liquid fuel generators. And this is in the 21st century!

Research has shown that wind power stations of various capacities can be installed in many regions of the north and the Far North, Sakhalin and Kamchatka, the Lower Volga region, Siberia, Karelia and the North Caucasus.

The choice of installation is influenced by the customer's needs. If you need to ensure the operation of agricultural machinery, a low-power wind generator will cope with this task. If you need to electrify an entire building, install street lighting, provide heating for the house, you need to carry out a wind power plant project.

In addition to the average monthly wind speed and its direction, it is necessary to calculate the average monthly consumption and peak load of electricity. Such calculations can be easily done independently if desired.

There is another indicator that affects the cost of equipment and installation of wind turbines. This is the height of the mast. The higher the structure, the higher the wind speed and the more expensive it is. The optimal mast height, according to experts, is 10 times greater than the tallest tree or building within a radius of 100 m.

DIY wind power plant

To operate an electric pump, TV, lighting or other low-power electrical appliances in a summer cottage, you can make a wind power installation yourself if you have some knowledge of electrical engineering.

Today, capital investment in the construction of large wind power plants is growing in Europe. Mass construction reduces the cost of one kilowatt and brings it closer to the price of electricity obtained from traditional sources.

The design of wind power plants is constantly being improved, aerodynamic and electrical performance is improved, and losses are reduced.

Wind power plants for homes, according to economists, are becoming the most cost-effective energy projects. In the future, they promise independence from negative trends in this market.

A wind power plant (WPP) is an alternative environmentally friendly source of energy. A wind farm is a number of distributed or concentrated wind power plants (wind generators or wind turbines) connected into a common network (cascades). The largest wind farms can consist of hundreds or more wind generators operating both on their own and on one common power unit. For wind farms, the most effective regions are those with an average wind speed of more than 4.5 m/s.

Russia has large wind energy resources; in total, the country's wind potential is estimated at approximately 14,000 TWh/year. The largest wind station in Russia is the Zelenogradskaya wind farm (5.1 MW), we also note the Anadyr wind farm, Zapolyarnaya and Tyupkildy wind farm. The total capacity of operating wind farms in Russia is more than 16.5 MW. In addition to electrical energy, wind energy is used to generate thermal and mechanical energy.

"The Zelenograd wind turbine is located near the village of Kulikovo, Zelenograd district, Kaliningrad region.

The wind turbine converts the kinetic energy of air flows into mechanical energy, which is used to rotate the rotor of an electric current generator. Industrial wind turbines are used in the construction of wind power plants. Their power can reach 7.5 MW, it depends on the design of the windmill, the strength of the air flow, air density and the area of ​​the blown surface. An industrial wind turbine usually consists of a foundation, a power control cabinet, a tower, a ladder, a turning mechanism, a nacelle, an electric generator, a wind tracking mechanism, a braking system, a transmission, blades, a fairing, communications and a lightning protection system. Wind turbines come with a vertical axis of rotation (rotary blades, etc.) and horizontal axis - circular rotation, the most common due to their simplicity and high efficiency.

The wind generator device includes a wind turbine (spinned by blades or a rotor) and an electric generator. The electricity received from the generator is usually supplied to the battery management device, after which it is accumulated in batteries and, using an inverter connected to the mains, is converted into alternating current of the required strength, frequency and voltage (for example: 50 Hz/220 V). The wind turbine at the output of the electric regulator has 24, 48 or 96 volts DC. The batteries store energy for use when there is no wind. The circuit diagram of interaction between wind turbines and devices can be modified and improved in any way.

Types of wind power plants.

Terrestrial is the most common type. Wind generators here are located at high elevations (mountains, hills). The largest wind farm is the Californian Alta in the USA with a capacity of 1.5 GW. Wind generators at an altitude of more than 500 m above sea level are a mountain variety of ground stations.

The offshore one is being built in the sea, 10-60 km from the coast. It gives the advantage of the absence of designated land territories and high efficiency due to the constancy of sea winds. Compared to ground-based, it is more expensive.

The largest station, London Array, in the UK produces 630 MW of electricity.

Coastal is built in the coastal zones of the seas and oceans, which is caused by daily sea breezes.

The floating one is a relatively new species. It is installed on a floating platform at some distance from the shore.

Soaring, where wind turbines are placed high above the ground in order to harness stronger and more persistent air currents.

Advantages of wind turbines:

  1. Cheap installation and maintenance
  2. No need for large staff
  3. Environmental friendliness (even when destroyed), no emissions into the atmosphere, disturbance of the ecosystem and landscape
  4. Energy Source Renewability
  5. There is no need for a special dedicated area around the station
  6. High level of net profit to owners due to the high ratio of the current cost of electricity to the minimum cost of obtaining this energy

Disadvantages of wind turbines:

  1. High barrier to entry into business. Construction of wind farms, accurate terrain determination calculations based on long-term readings
  2. Impossibility of accurately forecasting the amount of energy produced due to the spontaneous nature of the wind
  3. Low power
  4. High noise level, which can negatively affect the environment (however, modern technologies make it possible to achieve noise levels approaching those of the natural environment already 30 meters from the turbine)
  5. Possibility of harm to birds and distortion of television and radio signals

Wind turbine projects of the future:

Windstalks instead of blades. Installation in the project of a “green” city without cars Masdar near Abu Dhabi. 1203 energy-efficient stems 55 m high at a distance of 10-20 m from each other will “grow” from the ground, sway in the wind and thus generate energy by compressing the ceramic disks of the electrode layers.

The super-massive wind turbine Aerogenerator X differs from classic wind turbines with its impressive size and energy production 3 times more than a conventional wind turbine (10 MW). The blade span is 275 m. The design is used wide, not high. The windmill rotates over the sea surface like a carousel.

Norwegian city of turbines on the coast of Stavanger. Since the European Union has set a goal of providing energy at least 20% from natural forces, it is possible that Norway will become the main producer of energy through wind and water. Many connected wind turbines will be a real city with two million jobs. This energy should be enough for Norway and part of Europe. By 2020, developers expect to provide 12% of the world's energy supply. Eco-friendly turbines will save more than 10,700 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Wind energy

The energy of moving air masses is enormous. The reserves of wind energy are more than a hundred times greater than the hydropower reserves of all the rivers on the planet. Winds blow constantly and everywhere on earth - from a light breeze that brings welcome coolness in the summer heat, to powerful hurricanes that cause incalculable damage and destruction. The ocean of air at the bottom of which we live is always restless. The winds blowing across the vast expanses of our country could easily satisfy all its electricity needs! Why is such an abundant, accessible and environmentally friendly source of energy so little used? Today, wind powered engines supply just one thousandth of the world's energy needs.

Even in Ancient Egypt, three and a half thousand years BC, wind engines were used to lift water and grind grain. For more than fifty centuries, windmills have hardly changed their appearance. For example, in England there is a mill built in the mid-17th century. Despite her advanced age, she works regularly to this day. In Russia before the revolution, there were approximately 250 thousand windmills, the total capacity of which was about 1.5 million kW. They ground up to 3 billion pounds of grain per year.

The technology of the 20th century opened up completely new opportunities for wind energy, the task of which became different - generating electricity. At the beginning of the century, N. E. Zhukovsky developed the theory of a wind engine, on the basis of which high-performance installations could be created that could receive energy from the weakest breeze. Many designs of wind turbines have appeared that are incomparably more advanced than the old windmills. New projects use the achievements of many branches of knowledge.

Windmills have proven to be excellent sources of free energy. It is not surprising that over time they began to be used not only for grinding grain. Windmills rotated circular saws in large sawmills, lifted loads to great heights, and were used to lift water. Along with water mills, they remained practically the most powerful machines of the past. In Holland, for example, where there were the most windmills, they operated successfully until the middle of our century. Some of them are still in effect today.

Interestingly, mills in the Middle Ages caused superstitious fear among some - even the simplest mechanical devices were so unusual. Millers were credited with communicating with evil spirits.

Nowadays, aircraft specialists who know how to select the most appropriate blade profile and study it in a wind tunnel are involved in the creation of wind wheel designs - the heart of any wind power plant. Through the efforts of scientists and engineers, a wide variety of designs of modern wind turbines have been created.

Types of wind generators

A large number of wind generators have been developed. Depending on the orientation of the axis of rotation relative to the direction of flow, wind generators can be classified:

With a horizontal axis of rotation parallel to the direction of the wind flow;
with a horizontal axis of rotation perpendicular to the direction of the wind (similar to a water wheel);
with a vertical axis of rotation perpendicular to the direction of the wind flow.

Here is the wind energy website. NPG "SINMET" is a domestic DEVELOPER and MANUFACTURER of wind power plants (wind generators), one of the world leaders in the field of autonomous wind energy - winner of the Grand Prix and three gold medals of the World Brussels Exhibition of Innovations "Eureka-2005". NPG "SINMET" presents autonomous wind power plants: a wind generator with a power of 5 and a wind generator with a power of 40 kW, as well as wind-solar and wind-diesel plants based on them.

Wind-diesel power plants can be integrated into local networks and also linked to solar panels. Wind-diesel units, depending on the wind potential of the area, allow saving 50-70% of the fuel consumed by diesel generators of comparable power.

The main design solutions of wind generators are protected by patents for inventions.

Wind energy

Man has been using wind energy since time immemorial. But its sailboats, which plied the oceans for thousands of years, and windmills used only a tiny fraction of those 2.7 trillion. kW of energy possessed by the winds blowing on Earth. It is believed that it is technically possible to develop 40 billion kW, but even this is more than 10 times the hydroelectric potential of the planet.

Why is such an abundant, accessible and environmentally friendly source of energy so underutilized? Today, wind powered engines supply just one thousandth of the world's energy needs.

The Earth's wind energy potential in 1989 was estimated at 300 billion kWh per year. But only 1.5% of this amount is suitable for technical development. The main obstacle for him is the dissipation and inconstancy of wind energy. The variability of wind requires the construction of energy accumulators, which significantly increases the cost of electricity. Due to dispersion, the construction of solar and wind power plants of equal power requires five times more area for the latter (however, these lands can also be used for agricultural needs at the same time).

But there are also areas on Earth where the winds blow with sufficient consistency and force. (Wind blowing at a speed of 5-8 m/sec is called moderate, 14-20 m/sec is strong, 20-25 m/sec is stormy, and over 30 m/sec is hurricane). Examples of such areas are the coasts of the North, Baltic, and Arctic seas.

The latest research is aimed primarily at obtaining electrical energy from wind energy. The desire to master the production of wind power machines has led to the birth of many such units. Some of them reach tens of meters in height, and it is believed that over time they could form a real electrical network. Small wind turbines are designed to supply electricity to individual houses.

Wind power stations are being built, predominantly of direct current. The wind wheel drives a dynamo - an electric current generator, which simultaneously charges parallel-connected batteries.

Today, wind-electric units reliably supply oil workers with electricity; they successfully work in remote areas, on remote islands, in the Arctic, on thousands of agricultural farms, where there are no large settlements or public power plants nearby.

The main direction of using wind energy is generating electricity for autonomous consumers, as well as mechanical energy for raising water in arid areas, in pastures, draining swamps, etc. In areas with suitable wind conditions, wind turbines complete with batteries can be used to power automatic weather stations , signaling devices, radio communication equipment, cathodic protection against corrosion of main pipelines, etc.

According to experts, wind energy can be effectively used in areas where short-term interruptions in the energy supply are acceptable without significant economic damage. The use of wind turbines with energy storage allows them to be used to supply energy to almost any consumer.

Powerful wind turbines are usually located in areas with constantly blowing winds (on sea coasts, in shallow coastal areas, etc.). Such installations are already used in Russia, the USA, Canada, France and other countries.

The widespread use of wind-electric units under normal conditions is still hampered by their high cost. It hardly needs saying that there is no need to pay for the wind, but the machines needed to harness it to work are too expensive.

When using wind, a serious problem arises: an excess of energy in windy weather and a lack of it in periods of calm. How to accumulate and store wind energy for future use? The simplest way is that a wind wheel drives a pump, which accumulates water in a reservoir located above, and then the water flowing from it drives a water turbine and a direct or alternating current generator. There are other methods and projects: from conventional, albeit low-power, batteries to spinning giant flywheels or pumping compressed air into underground caves, all the way to producing hydrogen as a fuel. The latter method seems especially promising. Electric current from a wind turbine decomposes water into oxygen and hydrogen. Hydrogen can be stored in liquefied form and burned in the furnaces of thermal power plants as needed.


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The frame of one-story buildings consists of transverse frames hinged at the top by rafter structures. The transverse rigidity of the building is provided by columns rigidly clamped in the foundation and by the covering disk.

In buildings with a roof laid over a continuous deck of large-sized reinforced concrete slabs, the operating conditions of individual frames are facilitated due to the partial transfer of loads by the “hard” roof to adjacent frames.

Buildings with roofs made of slabs laid along purlins are in less favorable conditions, because the independence of the deformation of individual frames when exposed to local loads can in some cases lead to a deterioration in the operational properties of the building.

Therefore, when designing buildings with overhead cranes of significant lifting capacity, as well as non-crane ones with a large height, longitudinal connections should be provided along the upper chords of the rafter structures, to some extent combining the work of the frames in the transverse direction.

Ensuring the rigidity of the building in the longitudinal direction only due to columns is economically justified only for craneless buildings: with spans L≤ 24 m and heights H ≤ 8.4 m, as well as for buildings with L= 30 m and H ≤7.2 m. For buildings of high height and buildings with overhead cranes, it is necessary to provide vertical stiffening connections in the longitudinal direction.

Such connections are made between columns and, if necessary, in the roof of the building.

The transfer of wind loads from end walls to columns and vertical connections through roof structures is advisable only for buildings of certain spans and heights. In large-span buildings of more or less significant height, such use of the roof makes it difficult to attach truss structures to columns, complicates the structures that ensure the stability of the coverings, and in some cases cannot be carried out at all without compromising the integrity of the roof and the strength of its fastenings to the truss structures.

The end walls of such buildings should be designed using horizontal wind trusses and transferring the overwhelming majority of the wind load to them.

Roofs made of relatively small products laid along purlins can absorb wind loads from the end walls and transfer them to the columns only if they are decoupled by a system of transverse horizontal connections along the upper chords of the rafter structures.

The conditions for the use of such, as well as other secondary structures (vertical connections between trusses, struts, braces) depend on the parameters of the building.

All one-story industrial buildings are divided into structurally homogeneous groups depending on the type of transport equipment and overall characteristics (span and height), which are shown in Table 1 below.

Group I includes buildings with spans of up to 24 m and a height of up to 8 m, as well as buildings with spans of 30 m and a height of up to 7 m.

Group II includes buildings with transverse expansion joints with: L= 18 m and H = 9 – 15 m; L= 24 m and H = 9 – 12 m; L ≥ 30 m and H = 9 – 10 m;

Group III includes buildings with transverse expansion joints, but higher than buildings of group II, as well as buildings without transverse expansion joints with spans L= 18 m, 24 m, 30 m, height more than 12 m.

All buildings of the specified nomenclature, with the exception of buildings of group A - b - I, require the use of connections.

Table 1

Group of buildings by height with roofless roofs with roofing along purlins
with overhead cranes without overhead cranes with overhead cranes without overhead cranes
Low A – a – I A – b – I B – a – I B – b - I
Average A – a – II A – b – II B – a – II B – b - II
High A – a – III A – b – III B – a – III B–b — III

Vertical stiffening connections between columns are installed in the middle of the temperature block of each longitudinal row. In buildings with overhead cranes, vertical connections along the columns are arranged only to the height of the bottom of the crane beams (Fig. 1), and in buildings without overhead cranes - to the full height of the columns. Between the steel columns of crane buildings, connections are also installed in the over-crane parts of the columns, both in the middle of the temperature block and in its extreme steps (Fig. 2 a, b). When the height of the crane part of the steel column exceeds 8.5 m, the connections are doubled (Fig. 2 c).

According to the diagram, steel connections between columns are divided into cross and portal. Cross columns are characterized by 6-meter column spacing, while portal columns are characterized by 12-meter column spacing.

2. Vertical connections along steel columns:

a – cross connections; b – portal connections; c – double cross connections

Capital walls located in space between the columns and firmly connected to them can be used to provide longitudinal rigidity of the building instead of vertical connections only if it is guaranteed that these walls will not be subject to disassembly during operation or reconstruction of the building.

In all buildings with a roof along purlins, it is necessary to provide horizontal transverse stiffeners, which are installed along the upper chords of the rafter structures in the outer panels of each temperature block, regardless of the presence or absence of wind farms.

Tall buildings require the installation of horizontal wind farms at the ends of the buildings. In buildings with overhead cranes, wind trusses are installed at the level of the top of the crane beams (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Layout of the wind farm at the level of the crane beams

To transmit the pressure of the wind trusses along the line of the crane beams, the gaps between the ends of the beams are filled with concrete, and the fastening of the crane beams to the columns of the tie panel is calculated to absorb all horizontal forces (including the forces from the longitudinal braking of the cranes) acting along the line of the crane beams.

In buildings without overhead cranes, wind farms must be located at the level of the top of the vertical braces.

In all cases of using wind trusses in buildings without rafter structures, spacers must be installed between the columns at the level of the wind trusses to transfer wind pressure from the trusses to the vertical connections.

In buildings with rafter structures, their fastening to the columns is calculated for horizontal loads from wind farms. It is recommended to fill the gaps between the ends of the rafter structures with concrete.

All longitudinal loads carried by individual building elements must ultimately be transferred to vertical connections in the longitudinal rows of columns or distributed between columns. The need for secondary devices to ensure the strength of the units and the stability of the coating elements involved in such transmission is largely determined by the type of roof.

In buildings of types A - a - I, II, III and A - b - I with rigid roofs without purlins, wind loads are distributed by the coating between all columns in longitudinal rows. The fastening of each of the rafter structures to the columns in these cases must be designed for the part of the total wind load that it absorbs.

If it is impossible to ensure the necessary strength of fastening of truss structures to columns (for example, in coatings with truss structures with a large height on the supports), vertical connections are installed between the support posts of the truss structures in the outer panels of the temperature block. At the same time, spacers are also installed between all the columns of the row along their heads to distribute the wind pressure perceived by the vertical connection between all the columns of the row.

In buildings of type A - b - II, in which vertical connections between columns are arranged over the entire height of the columns, wind forces are transmitted by the coating to the columns only at the points where the truss structures are attached to the columns of the bracing panel. In this case, it is necessary to arrange additional connections in the coverage. So, with a small height of rafter structures, spacers are installed on the support between the columns of each longitudinal row, transmitting wind loads to the vertical connections. The fastening of each of the rafter structures to the columns will only work on its part of the total wind load. And with a significant height of the truss structures on the support (steel and reinforced concrete trusses with parallel chords, reinforced concrete trusses without braces, etc.), vertical connections (C1) should be installed between the supporting posts of the trusses at the extreme steps of the temperature block, connected by a continuous chain of spacers. Steel rafter trusses are additionally untied along the lower chords with braces (C2) and attached to the remaining trusses using braces along the lower chord (C3) and spacers along the upper chord (C4) (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Scheme of connections in the coating on steel trusses

In buildings with heavy-duty or especially heavy-duty overhead cranes, spacers (C5) and braces (C6) are installed along the longitudinal edges of each temperature block at the level of the lower chord of the trusses (Fig. 4).

In buildings with lanterns, within the lantern, spacers are installed in the middle of the span, connecting the nodes of the upper chords of the truss structures, as well as vertical and horizontal connections in the extreme steps of the temperature block.

Ties are designed from rolled, bent, bent-welded profiles or electric-welded pipes.

They are fastened using bolts of normal accuracy or high-strength, as well as by welding.

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The energy industry copes with its task quite confidently, but the scale of our country is such that it is not yet possible to fully provide electricity to all remote or hard-to-reach areas. This is due to many factors that are too expensive or technically unattainable to overcome under current conditions.

Therefore, more and more attention has to be paid to alternative sources that can meet the needs of backward regions without the participation of backbone networks. A promising direction is wind energy using free energy.

Design and types of wind power plants

Wind power plants(WPPs) use wind energy to generate electricity. Large stations consist of many, united into a single network and feeding large areas - towns, cities, regions. Smaller ones are capable of providing small residential areas or individual houses. Stations are classified according to various criteria, for example, by functionality:

  • mobile,
  • stationary.

By location:

  • coastal
  • offshore
  • ground
  • floating.

By type of construction:

  • rotary,
  • vane.

Vane stations are the most widespread in the world. They are highly efficient and capable of producing a sufficiently large amount of electricity to supply consumers throughout the entire energy industry. At the same time, the distribution of such stations has a specific configuration and is not found everywhere.

Principle of operation

As already mentioned, wind farms have a rotor or vane design. Rotary stations, as a rule, have devices with. They are in many ways more convenient than winged ones, since they do not make much noise during operation and do not require installation in the direction of the wind. At the same time, rotor designs are less efficient and can be used at small private stations.

Wing devices are capable of producing maximum effect. They use the resulting energy much more efficiently than rotary samples, but require correct orientation in relation to the flow, which means the presence of additional devices or equipment.

All types operate on the same principle - the wind flow spins the moving part, which transmits rotation to the generator, as a result of which an electric current is formed in the system. It charges the batteries, which power inverters that convert the resulting current into a standard voltage and frequency suitable for consumer devices.

To supply a large number of consumers, individual wind generators are connected into a system, forming stations - wind farms.

Advantages and disadvantages of wind power plants

The advantages of wind farms include:

  • independence from fossil resources;
  • An absolutely free energy source is used;
  • environmentally friendly method - no harm is caused to the environment.

At the same time, there are also disadvantages:

  • the unevenness of the wind creates certain difficulties in generating energy and forces the use of a large number; batteries;
  • windmills make noise when operating;
  • low, it is very difficult to increase it;
  • the cost of equipment and, accordingly, electricity is much higher than the price of network electricity;
  • The payback on equipment decreases significantly as its capacity increases. .

The use of small stations can provide energy to a limited number of consumers, so large devices are required for large settlements or regions. At the same time, high-power wind turbines require appropriate wind flows and uniformity of its movement, which is not typical for the conditions of our country. This is the main reason for the low prevalence of wind turbines compared to European countries.

Economic justification for the construction of a wind farm

From an economic point of view, the construction of a wind farm makes sense only in the absence of other methods of energy supply. The equipment is very expensive, maintenance and repair require constant costs, and the service life is limited to 20 years, and this is in European conditions. For Russia, this period can be reduced by no less than a third. That's why use of wind farms economically ineffective.

READ ALSO: Permit and tax for a wind generator in Russia: truth and speculation about installing a wind turbine

On the other hand, in the complete absence of alternative options or in the presence of optimal conditions that ensure high-quality and uniform operation of wind turbines, the use of wind farms becomes a completely acceptable method of energy supply.

Important! We are talking specifically about large stations that supply entire regions. The situation with household or private stations looks more attractive.

Capacity of industrial stations

Industrial wind farms have very high power, capable of supplying large settlements or regions. For example, The Gansu wind farm in China has 7965 MW, Enercon E-126 produces 7.58 MW, and this is not the limit.

It should be noted right away that we are talking about leaders in wind energy; other models produce much less energy. However, when combined into large stations, wind turbines are capable of producing quite a sufficient amount of electricity. The combined complexes generate a total power of 400-500 MW, which can easily be compared with the productivity of hydroelectric power stations.

Small stations have more modest indicators and can only be considered as point sources that supply a limited number of consumers.

Leading global manufacturers

In number the most famous manufacturers of wind generators and equipment for the wind energy industry includes companies:

  • Vestas,
  • Nordex,
  • Superwind
  • Panasonic
  • Ecotecnia,
  • Vergnet.

Russian manufacturers are not yet ready to compete with these companies, since the issue of creating high-quality and productive wind generators in Russia has not yet been raised sufficiently.

Geography of application

Wind energy is most widespread on the west coast of the Atlantic, in particular in Germany. There are the best conditions - smooth and strong winds, optimal climatic indicators. But the main reason for the widespread use of wind power plants in this region was the lack of opportunities for the construction of hydroelectric power plants, which forced the governments of the countries in this region to use available methods of generating electricity. At the same time, there are installations in the Baltic region, Denmark, and Holland.

Russia is still lagging behind in this matter; over the past decade, barely a dozen wind farms have been commissioned. The reason for this lag lies in the great development of hydropower and the lack of proper conditions for the operation of industrial wind power stations. However, there is an increase in the production of small installations capable of providing energy to individual estates.

Facts and Misconceptions

The low prevalence of wind power plants and the lack of experience with them have given rise to a lot of misconceptions regarding the properties and impact of wind power plants on the human body. Thus, there is a widespread belief that the noise level produced by an operating wind generator is unusually high. Indeed, there is some noise, but its level is much lower than is commonly believed. Thus, the noise from industrial models at a distance of 200-300 m is perceived by ear in the same way as the sound from a working household refrigerator.

Another problem that is unreasonably exaggerated by ignorant people is the creation of insurmountable interference with radio and television signals. This issue was resolved before users knew about it - every powerful industrial windmill is equipped with a high-quality radio interference filter that can completely eliminate the device’s influence on the airwaves.

People living near turbines will constantly be in the shadow flickering zone. This is a term that refers to the uncomfortable sensation of flashing light displays. Rotating blades create this effect, but its significance is greatly exaggerated. Even the most sensitive people can always simply turn away from a turbine if they happen to be close to it.

Minerals extracted from the depths of the earth and used by humanity as energy resources, unfortunately, are not unlimited. Every year their value increases, which is explained by a reduction in production levels. An alternative and growing energy supply option is wind power plants for the home. They allow you to convert wind energy into alternating current, which makes it possible to provide all the electrical needs of any household appliances. The main advantage of such generators is their absolute environmental friendliness, as well as free use of electricity for an unlimited number of years. What other advantages does a wind generator have for the home, as well as the features of its operation, will be discussed further.

Even ancient people noticed that the wind can be an excellent assistant in carrying out many works. Windmills, which made it possible to turn grain into flour without expending their own energy, became the ancestors of the first wind generators.

Wind power plants consist of a number of generators capable of receiving, converting and storing wind energy into alternating current. They can easily provide an entire house with electricity that comes out of nowhere.

However, it must be said that equipment costs and their maintenance are not always cheaper than the cost of central power grids.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, before you join the supporters of free energy, you need to realize that wind power plants have not only advantages, but also certain disadvantages. On the positive side The use of wind energy in everyday life can be distinguished as follows:

  • the method is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not harm the environment;
  • simplicity of design;
  • ease of use;
  • independence from power grids.

Home mini-generators can either partially provide electricity or become a full-fledged substitute for it, transforming into power plants.

However, we must not forget about flaws, which are:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • payback occurs no earlier than after 5-6 years of use;
  • relatively small efficiency factors, which is why power suffers;
  • requires expensive equipment: a battery and a generator, without which the station cannot operate on windless days.

In order not to waste a lot of money, before purchasing all the necessary equipment, you should evaluate the profitability of the power plant. To do this, calculate the average power of the house (this includes the power of all electrical appliances used), the number of windy days per year, and also evaluate the area where the wind turbines will be located.

Main structural elements

The ease of construction of the power plant is explained by the primitiveness of the structural elements.

To use wind energy, you will need these details:

  • wind blades – capture the wind flow, transmitting impulse to the wind generator;
  • wind generator and controller – contribute to the conversion of the impulse into direct current;
  • battery – stores energy;
  • inverter - helps convert direct current into alternating current.

For a long time, people have realized the possibility of converting wind energy into mechanical energy. The most striking example is the windmill. The wind rotated the blades and, through a simple mechanism, the energy was transferred to an axis with rotating millstones. This simple mechanism made it possible to grind grain without much effort.

But then steam engines, diesel and gasoline engines appeared, and they began to forget about the possibility of using wind energy.

But after the Second World War, during the energy crisis, prices for fuel and energy jumped, scientists began to sound the alarm about the environmental safety of the planet, and then the idea of ​​using wind energy gained a “second wind.” This collection contains photographs of different types of wind power plants.

Is it beneficial to use alternative energy sources?

At the moment, the cost of “clean energy” is several times higher than the cost of energy obtained by traditional methods. (Of course, we receive the energy itself for free, but the initial investment in the purchase and installation of a power plant is very large!).

That is, if you have a choice between connecting to an electricity supplier and installing a wind power plant, then the first option will be more profitable. On the other hand, if your property is located far from power lines and connecting to them will cost a lot of money, then it would make more sense to build your own wind farm for your home.

But be sure to add another, independent energy source (diesel generator, solar panels)! In case of calm weather or a breakdown of the windmill, you should always have a backup option.

Types of wind power plants, operating principle

Wind power plants are a group of mechanisms necessary to capture strong wind flows and convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. There are hundreds of types of power plants that use wind power. They are divided by power, location, purpose...

Most often, small installations with a capacity of several kilowatts are used, but there are also huge structures that generate megawatts of energy. In some European countries, they set up entire “farms” of wind turbines. They produce about 8% of the country's total energy consumption.

For the successful operation of a wind power plant, constant and strong air currents are necessary. Therefore, wind deflectors are placed on hills or near large bodies of water.

Is it possible to install a wind power plant near the house?

Yes, theoretically this is possible, but first a number of issues need to be resolved:

Weight of the structure. Even the smallest wind farms weigh several tons. Such an installation requires a large and solid foundation. Otherwise, the structure will warp or begin to “sag.”

Price issue. The cost of the smallest 2 kWt installation is at least a thousand euros! The initial investment will be very large.

Difficulties during installation. “Wind turbines” have a large mass and size. To install them you will need a special one. equipment (manipulators, cargo cranes).

Noise pollution. The rotating blades produce a characteristic whistle. Therefore, the operation of wind turbines at night near populated areas is prohibited by law.

Lack of constant wind. It must be understood that a wind power plant will only produce electricity under favorable weather conditions. Therefore, you need to have a backup energy source (solar panels, diesel or gasoline generator).

Bureaucratic obstacles. Getting permission to build a wind farm and generate your own electricity can take a long time. European legislation provides benefits for citizens using alternative energy.

Our country does not provide such benefits. And due to confusing laws, it is often very difficult to obtain permission to install and use a wind farm.

Of course, such difficulties may force one to refuse to purchase and use a wind turbine, but one should not forget about the advantages of wind turbines.

Economical. Once you spend money on the purchase and installation of a power plant, you will receive a large amount of free energy, which will justify your purchase within a few years. In this regard, the expression “throwing money down the drain” comes to mind. Only in our case everything happens the other way around. Wind brings us monetary benefits.

Independence from the electricity supplier. You will not need to install power lines to your home, and you will not need to pay increasing tariffs.

Environmental friendliness of this type of energy. During the energy production process, wind turbines do not emit anything into the atmosphere.

Autonomous installation. Wind power plants require almost no maintenance. Most processes are automated. Just a little supervision is needed from time to time.

We hope that our article was interesting and useful for you. That it helped you understand the main types of wind power plants, understand the principle of their operation, evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of energy, and perhaps even encouraged you to switch to using environmentally friendly and renewable energy!

Photos of wind power plants