Computer program for home accounting. Home accounting: the best free programs

Money is like water - it flows through your fingers, no matter how hard you try to hold it. And figuring out where they flow can be very difficult. Few of us keep in mind the amount of daily small expenses, but it is they who create that very gap in the family budget that is not clear from where.

Have you finally decided to put your family finances in order? Don't rush to sign up for accounting courses. A computer program can become your personal economic advisor. Don't think that this is something complicated and expensive. Many programs for home accounting are completely free and do not require special knowledge of economics. They will open up channels of cash leakage for you, take on the responsibility of reconciling debits and credits, teach you how to plan a budget correctly and tell you where you can save. As practice shows, those who regularly use such programs have managed to reduce monthly expenses by 5-25%.

More than 15 years old, but users still consider this program one of the best among its analogues. It does not shine with sophistication of design, but it is very clear and simple, as can be judged even by the appearance of the main window. In addition, it is very functional: if you compare the capabilities of CashFly and the bulk free analogues, then the first wins in many ways.

Here incomplete list what she can do:

  • Work without installation, which allows you to use it on different computers(for example, at work and at home). It is enough to unpack the archive with application files into separate folder and save to removable media or in the cloud.
  • Keep records of income and expenses for an unlimited number of items, several accounts and in different monetary units. Initially, the program contains US dollars and rubles, but you can add other currencies.
  • Take into account the income and expense transactions of several users - both in the general budget and separately.
  • Maintain accounting for a small enterprise.
  • Make calculations using a calculator.
  • Make account statements, compile summary reports on the flow of funds for selected periods of time and display them in the form of graphs and charts.
  • Print summaries.
  • Protect data with a password.
  • Plan a budget for future periods.
  • Save old data in archives.
  • Store user notes (diary) and phone book, more precisely, lists of organizations and individuals with their phone numbers, addresses, dates of birth and other information. Make reminders about events.
  • Convert amounts from one currency to another, according to user-set course.
  • Disable unused features.

Unfortunately, the development of CashFly is currently stopped. Its last version was released in 2010, and since then the product has not been updated. The list of systems it supports officially only includes Windows 7 and earlier OSes, but, as it turned out, it starts and works on Windows 10 without any problems.

(download from the mirror) is another worthwhile personal finance management tool, but, like CashFly, it has long been abandoned by its developers.

The main advantages of the program are simplicity and flexibility, as well as high performance due to the absence of rarely used functions. The user can customize the appearance of the main window to his liking by enabling or disabling individual blocks and panels.

How Xenon will help you control your Family budget:

  • Will take charge of accounting for incoming and outgoing transactions for any period of time. A list of the main items of income and expenses is already present in the program. Each operation can be supplemented with text notes and comments.
  • It will allow you to control the movement of funds on several accounts in five currencies: Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia, Kazakh tenge, US dollar and euro. Current rates do not need to be entered manually, as in CashFly. Just download them from the Internet.
  • Shows reports by transaction types and currencies for the selected period of time.
  • Exports selected data to Excel documents or print them on a printer.
  • Saves your notes about various events.

"Xenon Family Budget" is a single-user program, but allows you to keep track of the income and expenses of several family members. There are no restrictions on the amounts, numbers of accounts and transactions.

The last release of the program was released in 2006, and since then it has also never been updated. However, no problems were noticed using it on Windows 10.

It is a lightweight version of AceMoney - an advanced commercial product for home accounting. The difference between the free version and the paid one is the ability to manage only two accounts (the program counts not only funds stored in the bank as an account, but also, for example, cash, family owned). The remaining functions of both products are almost the same.

AceMoney Lite features:

  • Control and accounting of any incoming and outgoing transactions.
  • Automatic accounting of regular payments and income (for example, loan payments and salaries) according to a user schedule.
  • Supports 150 world currencies. Displays exchange rates in real time (if you have Internet access).
  • Planning a budget for various purposes over different periods of time.
  • If a bank account is connected to the program, AceMoney can receive up-to-date data on its status directly from the bank (albeit with Russian banks the program is not “friendly”).
  • Displaying current information about the value of exchange shares ( significant information for investors).
  • Calculation of debts (payments on loans and credits), savings (deposits and deposits), mortgage payments.
  • Various types of reporting: on the movement of funds in the account, expenses, income, expense categories (for example, monthly expenses on gasoline, groceries, utilities), budget, investments, etc. Reports on individual correspondents (those to whom you pay and from whom you receive payments from).
  • Password protection of reports and backups.

For those who are just mastering the science of home economics, help on working with the program will be a useful help. In AceMoney it is in Russian.

AceMoney Lite, unlike the two above-mentioned applications, is updated regularly. In addition, it officially supports Windows 10 and all earlier system releases starting with Windows XP.

- another “lite” version of the commercial product of the same name. The free version retains full functionality until the total monthly income of all its users exceeds 14,000 rubles. After exceeding this modest amount, the program will offer you to buy the full version, which costs 250-500 rubles.

Features of Economy Lite:

  • Supports multiple users and any number of their accounts in different currencies(US dollars, rubles, euros, pounds sterling).
  • Accounting for income and expenses of debts (loans) both for each user individually and jointly.
  • Accounting for transfers of funds from account to account (for example, when withdrawing funds from a bank card, the program will write off the amount from the “card” account and add it to the “cash” account).
  • Generating reports on income, personal expenses, account balances, debts (how much and to whom you owe, as well as how much and who owes you), loans, income minus expenses. Display reports in graphical and text form.
  • Printing reports on a printer.
  • Color highlighting of individual categories of income and expenses for greater clarity.
  • Reminder about the deadlines for regular payments, for example, loan installments, utilities, etc.
  • Built-in help in Russian and useful tips on using the program.
  • Scheduled data backup.
  • Convenient system for searching and filtering information of interest.
  • Password protection of access to the program.
  • Automatic installation of updates that come out almost every month.
  • Technical support.
  • Transition from the Economy Lite interface to useful articles on the developer’s website. Articles are devoted to finance, personal growth, making money on investments, work and career (including making money on the Internet on affiliate programs, blogging, YouTube, freelance exchanges, etc.).

Economy Lite is officially supported by everyone Windows versions, starting with XP.

is the only cross-platform application in today’s ranking that, in addition to Windows, can be used on Mac OS X, Linux, iOS and mobile phones on the java platform. To install the distribution, you must have Java SE Runtime Environment 1.5 or later versions on your system.

At first glance, DomEconom may seem complicated (at least in comparison with other applications reviewed), but immediately after installation, along with the main window, Russian-language help opens, which contains all necessary information on working with the program. In addition, the registration of a user account and the creation of the first financial notebook (a file where information about incoming and outgoing transactions is stored) is accompanied by the Master.

DomEconom features:

  • Supports multiple independent user accounts.
  • Maintaining general and separate budgets.
  • Data entry from various devices. When you connect your computer or phone to the Internet, DomEconom data is automatically synchronized, but if you wish, you can work offline.
  • Support different types accounts (cash, bank, credit, etc.) in almost any currency.
  • Automatic update of exchange rates.
  • Planning expenses for different kinds needs.
  • Drawing up balance sheets and reports for all categories of income/expenses in tabular and graphical format.
  • Export reports to Excel documents.
  • Creation unlimited quantity individual and shared notebooks protected by passwords.
  • Automatic backup.
  • Password protection of user accounts.
  • A large number of built-in templates for all types of operations, expense items, etc.
  • Help section in the main window, where tips on actions in the program are displayed (can be disabled if desired).

Currently, the development of DomEconom is suspended, but the official website, from where you can download the application distribution for all supported OS, is still working.

Sometimes you just don’t understand where the money is going and where the money is coming from. And sometimes dealing with this problem is not easy. Moreover, many people have loans and don’t want to constantly think about them, so as not to miss the deadline for paying the next installment.

There are two main options here:

  • Use Microsoft Excel and write expenses and income there. In theory it is very simple and convenient option. But in practice it is very inconvenient, especially when you need to draw up some kind of report, for example, monthly expenses for housing throughout the year. Everything has to be done manually. However, for greater clarity, I use this method. Although, if I change the program for home accounting, then I don’t have to use this option.
  • Use a special Internet service. Great option. You can access your accounting from any device: computer or smartphone. There are some disadvantages: such services have problems with data protection, and there is always a risk that someone will hack your account and find out everything about your financial condition. Yes need permanent connection to the Internet. And this costs money, especially for mobile devices: smartphones and tablets.
  • Use a special home accounting program for these purposes. IN this moment the most ideal option. It is very easy to create reports and there are no problems with data protection.

Now let's take a closer look at the last option. And such software is divided into two large groups:

  • for home user. Everything there is optimized for management home budget. Most often, such software is free and it mainly has the following functions: accounting for expenses and income, working with debts. In principle, nothing else is needed for the home budget. I myself use a similar program. And I'm happy with everything. Among them there are also paid ones that support online banking, but here the issue of security arises. I myself don’t really trust such programs. Although even if you are hacked, they will not be able to transfer money from your account. Programs such as DomFin are best suited for this. Home accounting, AceMoney Lite, MyMoney, Family Accounting and Greedy.
  • for running a family business. It's already here big set various reports, and work with a large number of different accounts. But again, such software is far from professional accounting. But for running a small business, the simplified taxation scheme is quite enough. Similar programs also have various additional features: debt payment reminders, exchange rates and so on. Such accounting software is mostly paid, but there are also free options with maximum monthly income. This is software such as MoneyTracker and CashFly.

Paid and free programs home accounting

(just click on its name to go to the analysis and then download it):

It is valued for its simplicity and freeness; for convenience.

It is valued for its simplicity and good set functions; for being simple, convenient and most importantly fast.

It is valued for its excellent functionality; for being simple, convenient and without unnecessary problems.

It is valued for its free nature and ease of use.

Salaries are paid regularly, but there is never any money. Many of our compatriots will agree with this statement. What is the problem - the low level of wages or the inability to correctly distribute personal funds? Let's try to figure out how to do home accounting and learn to control your family's finances.

Pros of Home Financial Planning

At first glance, home bookkeeping may seem like a boring and routine task. Constantly collecting all receipts and recording expenses is unusual for those who have never thought about their own expenses before. But in reality, financial planning is the key to stability and prosperity. Once you start recording your expenses and income, you can quickly find the answer to the question: “Where does the money go?” And rational distribution of funds and savings will help you save up for large purchases and get rid of debts. A home budget is a tool accessible to everyone financial planning. With its help, you can learn to save money, give up spontaneous acquisitions and gain financial independence. How to conduct home accounting correctly and effectively?

Common options for organizing a family budget

The three most common forms are family budget. This is a general, partially shared or separate budget. The classic option for distributing funds in many families in our country is common family money. This system assumes that all earned funds are kept by one of the spouses, and he is also responsible for their distribution and spending. Most often, with such a budget organization, the wife manages the money. The main disadvantage of this option is the increased financial responsibility (for the distribution of funds) of one of the spouses. At the same time, most often, most of the household responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the one who manages cash flows. Young couples often choose a separate budget. In this case, each spouse manages their personal income, while allocating a portion for common needs. This option is not bad, but only if both husband and wife work and have stable income. The most democratic form of family budget: partially shared. There are two varieties of it. In the first case, most of the funds earned by the spouses are added to a common piggy bank and spent in accordance with the needs of the family. At the same time, everyone has enough finances to personal management. In the second case, most of the spouses’ salaries are spent on basic household expenses. The money earned by the second of the pair (smaller salary) is postponed. Both options are a completely suitable basis for competent financial planning. How to properly conduct home accounting, who should manage money in the family? Each couple must find the answer to this question directly for themselves. All of the home budget options described above are acceptable and have a right to exist.

Home Accounting Tools

How to do home accounting: in a notebook, in computer program or in your personal smartphone? It all depends on your lifestyle and personal preferences. The classic format is a ledger. This is a notebook, notepad or barn book, pre-lined for the number of expense items. In this case, the budget is filled out by hand. You will need pens (it is more convenient to use at least 2 colors). It is useful to keep your ledger along with a calculator for ease and speed of calculations. Alternative option will appeal to fans of electronic documentation. Everyone famous program Microsoft Office Excel created specifically for working with tables. It's not even difficult to master inexperienced user PC. How to do home accounting in Excel, are there any nuances? No, everything is just the same as in a paper notebook - you just need to create a table suitable size. Today, private financial planning is hot topic. It's easy to find if you want special applications for PCs and smartphones, as well as online services designed for maintaining a home budget. Many users find them incredibly convenient. Often, such programs actually have nice additions in the form of shopping lists, reminders, and automatic summing up of the month.

Basic rules for maintaining a home budget

What do you need to know about accounting to successfully apply its principles in everyday life? The first rule is regularity. Record all expenses regularly. Not all of us have the opportunity to fill out financial spreadsheets every day. However, this must be done at least once every 2 days. If you keep records less often, you are likely to forget a significant portion of small expenses. Financial planners recommend not to miss a single detail. Often such “small” expenses as travel expenses public transport, ice cream and coffee on the way home are a significant part of any expense item.

How to fill out the income section correctly?

The first and quite important section of the home budget is family income. All funds received by family members are recorded here. These are salaries social benefits, interest on investments. Don't forget about one-time income. Bonuses, personal financial gifts, and compensation payments must also be recorded. Even if you win the lottery or accidentally find a bill on the street, be sure to record the amount received in the income section. It turns out that everything can be divided into stable and one-time ones. Of course, when planning financially, you should rely on the first category.

Main expense items

The most significant expense item is monthly payments. Each independent person pays monthly bills for utilities, Internet and telephony, and education. Usually these are fixed amounts. If we do home accounting, all regular monthly payments can be placed in one column. Many modern people spend personal finance and on additional education or self-development. Should you include the cost of a fitness center membership or language course in your monthly payments? If there are no more than 3 items of similar expenses, it is logical to write them down in the same section. If there are a larger number of paid educational services, it makes sense to include them in a separate column. The next broad section of the home budget is food. How many columns should there be in the table? How to do home accounting correctly? It all depends on the needs and habits of the family. Expense items that are standard for most: home, clothing, household chemicals, medicines, entertainment, hobbies, gifts. If the family has children or pets, you can also allocate a separate spending section for each of them. You will understand how many sections your budget should have as soon as you start maintaining it. Don't forget to include a "Miscellaneous" column. It will be possible to record all forgotten expenses, as well as expenses that cannot be classified according to the chosen classification.

Will the home budget fit?

It is enough to record your expenses for 1-2 months, and you will be able to understand where the funds in your family go. Most of our compatriots, who are unaware of this, can only name the amounts of monthly payments with confidence. And this is already important data for analysis. If expenses for utilities and other mandatory monthly contributions exceed half of the family income, this is a reason to think about looking for a part-time job or changing your main job. In cases where this is not possible, you should try to apply for subsidies. For many categories of beneficiaries there are social discounts for payment utilities and children's education. Be sure to regularly summarize your budget and analyze the rationality of your spending. You already know how to do home accounting. PC program designed for control personal expenses, can read all entered data automatically. If you keep a home budget in a notebook, you will have to use a calculator.

Principles of rational economy

Maintaining home accounting will allow you to be more conscious about spending. How to save without compromising your quality of life? One of the extensive expense items is food. You can really save on food if you always prepare a sample menu and lists of necessary purchases in advance. Compare prices in various stores, make purchases at wholesale stores. You can also save a lot of money on purchasing clothes by visiting seasonal sales and giving preference to items from previous collections. Try to give up impulse purchases, try to plan every trip to the store in advance.

How to do home accounting in a notebook: sample filling

We present to your attention a sample template for maintaining home accounting in paper form. You can draw the same table in your ledger or change it slightly. According to some experts, it is much more convenient to arrange fixed expense items in the form of vertical columns and fill them out as financial transactions are carried out. This is just one of the options for doing home accounting in a notebook. The example given at the beginning of this paragraph is best suited for a young family or a solo financial planner. If the budget is drawn up for spouses with at least one child, vertical arrangement columns is the most relevant.


We tried to explain in as much detail as possible what home accounting is. How to manage, a sample table, options for organizing a family budget - all this is presented in our review. Maybe it's time to start recording all your income and expenses today?

Many users find it difficult to control their home budget. To ease the situation, it is recommended to use specialized software. Thanks to a specialized program, you can control not only your income, but also your expenses. The functionality of the program allows you to outline the costs even for maintenance vehicle or loan payments.

Most applications are created taking into account the fact that the user is unfamiliar with accounting activities. For effective analysis, the programs are able to build graphs and diagrams. All that remains is to choose the appropriate application.

Review of the best programs

To plan a family budget, you need an appropriate program. Actually in global network you can find a dozen applications that can plan income and expenses. To the very the best programs can be attributed:

  • "Greedy";
  • Home accounting;
  • Home Economics;

Each of the above programs for maintaining a family budget differs from each other in functionality. Therefore, before using any program, it is recommended to analyze the functionality and also compare the programs you like.

This multifunctional program for the family budget. The application is able to work with accounts, clients and articles. If desired, individual entrepreneurs can use the program. Users who decide to use the application to plan a family budget do not have to worry, since it is not necessary to be an accountant to understand the program.

The main features include:

  • Possibility of multi-currency organization of financial flows;
  • Group data processing;
  • Construction of diagrams showing the dynamics of funds;
  • Ability to export the report to Excel;
  • Composite payment support;
  • Data backup;
  • Possibility of printing a promissory note;
  • Update exchange rates via the Internet;
  • Customizing the appearance of the program.

Unfortunately, at first it will be difficult for the user to understand the program for accounting funds. This is due to the busy and poorly thought out interface. In appearance, the application can be compared to programs written in the 90s. Of course, after careful study, anyone can handle Home Finance, but it takes time.

Family accounting can be accounted for using the AceMoney program. The application has an intuitive interface, which means it won’t take much time to learn the functionality. IceMoney allows you to create bank and cash accounts. This way, all income and expenses can be taken into account. In addition, it is possible to transfer money from one account to another.

The only thing that may be difficult is the terminology used in the program. Otherwise, the fund accounting program has no drawbacks.

The main functionality can be identified:

  • Budget planning using articles;
  • Ability to manage multiple accounts;
  • Setting a password for the program;
  • Backup;
  • Visualization of expenses using graphs;
  • Ability to export data.

With such a program, the family's accounting will always be analyzed. In addition, you can generate a report for any past month.

Program with simple interface no frills. Compared to other programs, there is such a drawback as unlabeled buttons. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what they are for. In this case, the application can be configured so that when you hover over the button, an inscription appears, but only in the footer of the program.

As for adding income and expenses, everything is clear here. It is possible to allocate amounts by category. In order to keep track of the family budget more accurately, you need to take advantage of the opportunity to add information to a section such as “Debts”.

Such software has the following functionality:

  • Accounting for the entire family budget;
  • Possibility of accounting for a loan from a bank;
  • Accounting for debtors;
  • Work with an unlimited number of accounts;
  • Possibility of gradual debt repayment;
  • Generating reports in the form of text and diagrams;
  • Creation backup copy bases;
  • Setting a password for the program.

It should be noted that “family accounting” can be used free of charge if the total income does not exceed 8,000 rubles.

If you want your family’s accounting to always be in order, it is recommended to pay attention to a program such as “Home Accounting”. The application occupies a leading position among software designed for calculating profits and costs.

Family accounting is divided into the following tabs:

  • Accounts;
  • Expenses;
  • Planning;
  • Debts;
  • Income.

Such a division may not be entirely convenient. Competitors display expenses and income in one tab. This way you can understand how effective budget planning will be.

Main functionality:

  • Creating multiple accounts;
  • Credit accounting;
  • Possibility of partial repayment of debts;
  • Loan repayment reminder;
  • Budget planner;
  • Filter for quick search;
  • Report generation and visualization;
  • Possibility of database compression;
  • Automatic update.

The family's accounting will always be calculated; all that remains is to download the program from the official website.

The application is designed for quick budget accounting. The program occupies a leading position in its software niche. The functionality of the program is quite diverse. As for the interface, it is simple, but you will have to tinker with some features. This is due to the fact that not all functionality is available on the control panel. For example, account-to-account transfers are located in the Finance menu, although expenses and income can be found directly in the control panel.

It should be noted that you can only download the demo version for free. This is enough to get acquainted. Perhaps the functions that are available in the free version will be enough for someone. It should be noted that you can edit existing income and expense items.

The main advantages of the program include:

  • Ability to create an unlimited number of accounts;
  • Planning your budget;
  • Availability of a debt module;
  • Creation of 10 types of reports;
  • Availability of reference information;
  • Export data to Excel;
  • Create a backup copy.

Thanks to in-depth analysis, you can understand what is worth spending on more money, and why is it better to refuse. It is recommended to download the program from the official website.

A multifunctional program that allows you to protect your budget from unnecessary waste. The program is designed in the style of Microsoft Office. All sections are signed and also equipped with icons. To plan an event, you need to use an organizer.

Program functionality:

  • Financial event planning;
  • Maintaining records in multiple accounts;
  • Calculation of profitable deposits taking into account inflation;
  • Ability to view the latest financial news;
  • Drawing up reports.

The program fully copes with the task. The only thing worth remembering is that the program is not free, although it can be downloaded without registering on the site.

The program combines ease of use and versatility. Even a novice user can handle the controls. You can customize the categories of expenses and income. Transferring funds between your accounts is not very convenient, but you can get used to it.

Compared to other similar programs, developers devote little time to their product, so updates are released extremely rarely. It is worth noting that the program is paid, but most of the functions are available in the demo version. There is a ban on planning.

The functionality is quite diverse, but we can highlight:

  • High performance, thanks to which calculations and plotting are carried out in a matter of seconds;
  • Opportunity Reserve copy DB;
  • Working with deposits and loans;
  • Export to any convenient format;
  • Search by specified criteria.

In general, the program can compete with analogues, and the license is only 250 rubles.

Video review of programs for maintaining a family budget

If you and your family members have thought about a convenient home accounting in order to clearly see not only your income, but also your monthly expenses, then the usual paper notebook with a pen is already an outdated option, and standard Excel- this, of course, is not bad, but if you have not fully mastered this program, then special program for home accounting, which can be downloaded for free on the Internet quite easily, will the best solution to realize your goals.

There are quite a lot of programs of this kind, so among all the variety you will definitely find one that is ideal for you. Programs for keeping track of your home budget can be either paid or shareware ( limited functionality or with test period ) and completely free. I would like to immediately note that free programs do not mean “ bad» programs, because they also have all the necessary functionality for competent and accurate accounting of family funds. The differences most often lie in the design, as well as in some convenient “ chips", which, in principle, can be done without.

In our article we will look in more detail at completely free programs, as well as those that can be download for free, but in the future you will need to activate them to expand functionality. All programs in our review are released in Russian.

Free programs for home accounting


Cubux( is a fairly convenient service for managing income, expenses and debts online. Whether you use a gadget or just a computer, the data is synchronized and saved from all devices into one database.

Maintaining a common budget for the whole family is quite possible using the “Joint Accounting” function. After leaving the store, you can quickly and easily create an expense transaction thanks to the “Multi-expense” function. The action is performed in three clicks: Account, Category, Date and after entering the amount, the expense is saved.

A report on your finances is reflected monthly in statistics. The “Debts” section will help you not to forget about your debts, as well as about your debtors.

Use the instructions for using the service or contact technical support to resolve the issue. Don't worry about the data, you can download it from Excel file and save to your computer.

Supported platforms: Windows, IOS, Mac Os, Android.

( – completely free an application that allows you to organize accounting of expenses and income. Distinctive feature this program is considered to support data exchange with the service Microsoft Money, and Quicken and some other applications. Works using the following formats:

  • QFX (OFX);

Features of work:

  • the ability to break down expenses and income by category;
  • displaying data in the form of charts;
  • planning future expenses;
  • the ability to create transactions in automatic mode;
  • visualization of current operations;
  • importing data into specific formats that the program works with.

If you decide to download for free (, then when you open the program for the first time, its interface may seem too simple, uncomplicated and not attractive to you, but do not rush to close it just now installed application. If you stay in it for at least 20-30 minutes, you will understand that it is unique and completely in front of you. free without registration a lot of possibilities open up.

With AbilityCash you can:

  • create a variety of accounts without limiting their number and currency;
  • to Work with popular formats. xls and .xml;
  • put on paper various options reports;
  • use some rare languages ​​(Ukrainian and Lithuanian);
  • tune appearance according to your preferences: add options hidden by default (“price”, “quantity”), use a tree structure with the ability to add an unlimited number of subcategories, make notes and important notes to specific cells.

By default, only the Russian ruble is preset, but you can expand the list of currencies using current data from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Another program released in full in Russian language (

Among the advantages Family budget The following can be noted:

  • can keep track of income and expenses in several accounts at once;
  • The auto-selection function of categories is available, i.e. When you enter a specific product, it will automatically be sorted into a specific category;
  • the ability to create an 8-item report by pressing just one button;
  • use of popular formats .bmp, .txt, .xls, .doc;
  • printing reports;
  • the ability to use the program by several people at once, and registration is free for each user with the creation own login and password, which must be entered when logging in.

( in addition standard features for accounting income and expenses, planning a family budget, has some individual features that distinguish the program from its analogues:

  • ability to create multiple accounts.
  • not only analysis of expenses is available, but also their control, i.e. when you reach a certain maximum you set, the program will notify you that you are approaching the mark;
  • the ability to account for debt obligations, both your own and those who owe you;
  • use of different currencies;
  • creating database backups, which can later be restored or uploaded to Microsoft program Excel.

( refers to free programs without registration for home accounting, so it can be downloaded from the official or any other site.

The program allows you to work on several devices at once, and through automatic synchronization.

The functions of this utility are otherwise completely identical and standard for similar programs ( for example, Home Accounting, and other free programs).

What’s noteworthy is that the help here is implemented quite competently and clearly, so if you don’t know where to start or how to organize work with the utility, then after reading the corresponding section, you can easily figure out the problem.

( – completely free application with great possibilities:

  • accounting for income and expenses, including those that you plan for the future;
  • multi-currency, unlimited number of accounts;
  • tree structure with various sub-items and branches;
  • transfer of funds between accounts;
  • automatic updating of exchange rates;
  • taking into account not only purchases, but also their weight;
  • the ability to schedule certain operations to be carried out automatically, as well as temporarily disable such payment;
  • working with counters, as well as accounting for benefits and discounts.

( - free home accounting that allows you to calculate complex transactions related to income and expenses for various items. Among the main advantages are:

  • ability to archive data;
  • password protection;
  • preparation of planned operations;
  • constructing graphs and diagrams for various parameters;
  • the ability to print data;
  • address book for recording data of individuals and organizations;
  • the ability to keep a diary and set up notifications about memorable dates.

Shareware programs for home accounting

These programs can be downloaded for free without registration, but to expand functionality or long-term use payment may be required.

( is available in four versions, so you can download the full version or use the Lite version, as well as use add-ons. The Lite version differs only in that with the help of the program you can manage no more than two accounts, but for most families this will be more than enough. Counting here means not only bank cards or bills, but also cash of family members, i.e. if there are two workers in a family, then Lite versions it will be enough for them. Price full version programs - 1,300 rubles.

With the AceMoney program you can:

  • manage your in cash in various currencies (more than 150 currencies are represented);
  • monitor online changes in exchange rates;
  • distribute your budget according to expense items (the program has more than 100 preset options for spending money);
  • tracking budget revenues and expenses;
  • calculation of expenses according to a certain sample for the period of interest (utility payments, mobile connection, products, etc.);
  • reporting (common formats are available. xls and .html);
  • accounting for savings, debt obligations, mortgages;
  • the ability to create a backup copy, etc.

The program ( is one of the most widespread among those that are distributed on the Internet completely free of charge. Today you can download the Home Accounting program for free without registration from many services, but do not delude yourself, since to get the full extended version you will have to pay 400 rubles. This computer application It will not only allow you to calculate the accounting of expenses and income in the family, but will also cope with bookkeeping in a small company.

The Home Accounting program can:

  • keep records of expenses and income;
  • counting debt obligations (both yours and those incurred in front of you);
  • calculate the possibility of partial repayment of debts, as well as interest on debts;
  • remind you about the time to pay debts or mandatory payments;
  • build reports in the form of tables and charts;
  • synchronize databases, compress them, clean up unnecessary things, etc.

Main advantages over other programs:

  1. the presence of pop-up tips for budget planning;
  2. update via the Internet;
  3. customizing the interface;
  4. the ability to convert data in 15 most popular formats;
  5. currency exchange, actual information for 5 selected currencies, current exchange rate;
  6. planning income and expenses for the future, etc.

You can download the Home Accounting program for free without registration on the official website (, here you can also expand the functionality.

Family Pro

Family Pro( - another conditional free version paid program. Don’t rush to look for something else, as it is quite easy to use and in the free 30 days you will definitely be able to understand whether it is right for you or if you should look for something else. If free version completely satisfies you, then give it for full package 500 - 600 rubles is not so much.

For the purposes of private business, this program for home accounting is also suitable, which can be downloaded for free from many Internet services. This utility, in the most interesting and competent way among its competitors, implements the ability to create and save reports, as well as instantly send it to print. With Family Pro you can create the following types reporting:

  • family budget analysis;
  • detailed report on items of expenses and income;
  • comparative analysis by month;
  • analysis of debt obligations and list of debtors;
  • comparison of income and expenses, etc.

Using the utility’s tools, the user can plan deposits and loans for free, predict expenses and income in the budget for a certain month or period, predict possible cash flow if there are several sources of income and counting “in the head” is completely unacceptable.

( is unique in that by creating a specific database about your budget on your computer, you can download home accounting and on your mobile device by installing a similar application on Android based or iOS and synchronizing information.

Personal Finances comes in a free demo version with limited but sufficient functionality. comfortable use, functionality, as well as in a paid version costing from 2,450 rubles (personal and commercial licenses). Moreover, these licenses are mutually exclusive, i.e. commercial cannot be used for home and vice versa.

The program has a lot of possibilities:

  • family budget management;
  • tracking mode online interest on deposits;
  • possibility of repaying loans;
  • multi-currency with the ability to update rates from the Internet;
  • organizing expenses not only by category, but also by each family member;
  • dealing with debts;
  • reports in the form of graphs, diagrams, projects, etc.


Program Economy( is ideal for those who are completely unfamiliar with economic and financial terminology, and also cannot distinguish the concept of “transactions” from “investments”. There are no terms or words that are difficult to understand, so even a teenager or an elderly person can probably use this utility.

True, the program is not completely free, because... there are limitations here: if your budget is more than 14,000 rubles per month, buy paid version.

Advantages of the application:

  • simple, clear, convenient and pleasing to the eye interface;
  • creating an unlimited number of accounts and accounts in each of them;
  • the ability to create foreign currency accounts, as well as maintain records in various currencies;
  • reminders about the dates of payment of loans, utility bills and other obligatory payments;
  • the ability to use various filters;
  • data backup, recovery option;
  • reference information for Russian-speaking users.

If your budget has grown above 14,000 rubles, then you can always buy the paid version, especially since its cost is only 250 rubles.

Maintaining personal accounting online

You can do home accounting completely free of charge, even without downloading any applications to your mobile devices or home computer, since today there are quite a few online services for tracking family expenses and income.

Among the most common and free services are the following:

  • Rubbishmoney;
  • Where is my money?;
  • EasyFinance;
  • HomeMoney etc.

The convenience of these services is that there is no need to download applications, and all data is stored on servers on the Internet, which allows you to view your entire history from any computer or device with Internet access. At the same time, functionality does not suffer at all, since you have access to all the same functions and capabilities as standard programs.

Budget planning is the key to a successful life, even with a small income.

This article does not present all of the current existing programs on home accounting and. Only the most popular, successful, and also available for downloading without restrictions are described here. If desired, every Internet user can find something more suitable than what is presented here. Eg, X-Cash, Xenon, Home finance, DaReManager or anything else. Find what suits you and plan your budget!

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