Program for creating a landing page. Functionality of the LPgenerator HTML template editor: a detailed guide. What programs are there?

Before you create a landing page, you need to know those features that determine how effective a landing page will be. In this article we will look at the basic prerequisites, based on which, you can create a profitable landing page.

Landing page business logic

The very definition of a landing page is tied to the main function: to get maximum response target audience to a unique trade offer(USP).

That is, a landing page should be considered as an effective online marketing tool. And the entire logic of building a successful landing page is based on the AIDA marketing model.

Model AIDA(s)

Classical AIDA model(Attention, Interest, Desire, Action - attention, interest, desire, action) always works. Any other successful models, most often, are derivatives or complements of it.

With the development of online commerce and a general increase in the level of service, the interactive AIDAS (Satisfaction) model is gaining popularity, in which customer satisfaction is also important for the further effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Within the framework of this model, reputation management (SERM) is carried out: working with customer reviews, neutralizing negativity on the Internet.

Within the framework of this model, the landing page should: attract the visitor’s attention, arouse his interest, awaken desire, and call for action.

The implementation of the AIDA(s) model when building a landing page is as follows:

  • Attention– high-quality design and intriguing headlines attract attention
  • Interest– the content is of interest: text, pictures and videos. Landing page content should engage the visitor so that he begins to think about our USP.
  • Desire– desire, on the one hand, depends on the relevance of the offer for the target audience, and on the other hand, on the correct presentation of the USP (scarcity of goods, urgency of the offer, etc.)
  • Action– action is stimulated using a call to action. Usually it is repeated several times.
  • Satisfaction– customer satisfaction. If you value your reputation, then it is important to be confident in the quality of the product; it should not be obviously bad.

The advantage of the landing page is that the structure, design and everything else are tailored to fulfill the tasks of the AIDA model, therefore it ensures a high conversion of visitors into customers and clients.

A good example of implementing the AIDA model in a landing page:

Depending on the type of task, landing pages can be sales or preliminary. Such pre-landing pages usually have a simplified structure and serve to collect a subscriber base with which you can conduct further work.

A good landing page should be convenient not only for visitors, but also for managers. That is, in the “admin panel” there should be access to CRM (Customer Relationship Management) functions: tracking orders, customer groups, subscribers, etc. Different groups clients can be offered various conditions, make mailings (trigger letters), calls, offer discounts, and so on.

Efficiency and structure

The effectiveness of a landing page depends on its structure: each element performs its own marketing or technical function. The experience of successful landing pages has shown which components in capable hands have a positive effect.

The most effective elements are:

  1. High quality adaptive design with a sense of taste and appropriate style. Should display correctly for mobile devices.
  2. The landing page header is usually made in a light and unobtrusive style to accommodate logo and contacts.
  3. "Selling", intriguing title. Since it sets the tone for the entire landing page, it must stand out, be clear, and attract attention.
  4. Trade offer in a visual form. Use graphics and videos where appropriate. Break the text into easy-to-read blocks: short paragraphs, numbered and bulleted lists, subheadings, etc. Almost all landing page content reveals the essence of the USP and it can be strengthened by highlighting the following selling blocks:
    • Advantages of USP over competitors' offers
    • Urgency and shortage (counter of available goods or promotion time)
    • Link to authoritative clients (photo-video famous people or companies, partner logos)
    • Answers to typical questions about the product (what the client will receive)
    • Reviews real clients(preferably without cheating)
    • Trial version of the product or trial period of the service
    • Guarantees (term and conditions for product replacement or money back, security of transactions)
  5. Call to action(call to action) – it is best to design it as a bright button with motivating text “Subscribe”, “Buy”, “Order” but not abstract “Submit”, “OK”, “Done”. As the visitor becomes familiar with the USP, the decision to purchase or take action matures. But we don’t know exactly how ready he is to accept our offer, so after each selling block of the landing page we need to repeat the call to action.
  6. The footer may contain duplicate contact information from the header, certificates, documents, links to successful business cases, social profiles and groups.

This classic model landing page and it is not necessary that it will be the most effective for your offer. Sometimes simplified models work better. The effectiveness of a landing page can only be determined in a practical way, conducting A/B testing.


A landing page differs from a regular website only in its specifics, so almost all webmaster tools are applicable to developing a landing page. However, from the right choice tools depend on the efficiency of work and its final result.

The greatest opportunities are provided by development original design and its layout (usually using a combination of 3-D graphics, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc.).

Design high-quality landing page must stand out from the rest, have its own characteristics. That is, layout based on templates or designers can be considered as a compromise option to save time and money.

When choosing a tool, we must be clear about its limitations and the degree of its flexibility. It’s a shame if a poorly chosen template doesn’t match the design of the images or the advertising video doesn’t fit into it.

Alas, many website building services do not provide all necessary functions For ecommerce. If you do not check the functionality of the service in advance, it may turn out that it does not support Facebook retargeting, Yandex metrics or another service that is very important for landing.

Programs for creating landing pages

With design and layout skills, a landing page can be created in the same way as any website. Professional software web studio is Adobe Photoshop for graphic design and Dreamweaver for layout, however, we will consider those programs that are much more convenient for working with landing pages and easier to learn.

Adobe Muse

Perhaps the most convenient visual editor for creating a landing page. The advantage of this program is that working in visual mode frees you from the need to understand HTML. There is a trial period of 14 days.

WYSIWYG Web Builder

This visual editor is almost as good as the previous one in its capabilities. It is possible to work with scripts from the program library or custom ones (JS).

WebSite X5

A powerful program for developing a website of any complexity - a universal tool useful for both beginners and experienced webmasters. You can find many video tutorials for this visual editor on Youtube.

Axure RP Pro

Axure RP Pro. All work in this program is simple and convenient, and development can be carried out using mouse manipulation and the attribute editor.

Microsoft Expression Studio

Expression Studio contains several programs for creating websites, graphics and videos: Expression Web, Expression Design and, accordingly, Expression Encoder.

Expression Web replaces the old Microsoft FrontPage visual HTML editor. There is integration with Microsoft Visual Studio.

Serif WebPlus

Serif WebPlus is a simple web designer, all operations can be performed by controlling the mouse.


The richly functional service provides us with many special tools necessary for working with landing pages:

  • Templates and visual designer(including for mobile devices)
  • Analytics – allows you to track all the necessary metrics for a landing page (CPC, CPL, ROI)
  • The center is notable for its split test function with a large number options
  • Yandex.Direct - tools for automating the setup of advertising campaigns
  • Integration with different services Email newsletters, CRM and Robokassa.
  • CRM and LP telephony - deserves special attention, as it provides all the necessary capabilities for a call center or sales department (lead/application tracking, statistics, E-mail and SMS alerts)

The Lpgenerator service has a free trial period.

CMS WordPress plugins

WordPress Landing Page s – one of the most popular plugins for creating landing pages, provides tools for A/B testing different options landing pages, collects statistics.

Download from the official website:

Responsive Admin Maintenance Pro – This plugin provides us with 6 various templates. Supports CSS3 animation options, Youtube background, etc.

For a minimum set of functions, you can use the Easy coming Soon plugin. Its direct purpose is for the opening page of a site under development (announcement), but it allows you to collect E-mail and a user base on social networks. For us, this page turns into the simplest form for creating a subscription base.


Landing page metrics, like nothing else, will help you accurately assess the effectiveness of the entire business cycle and understand whether it is developing or going through a crisis, whether the latest changes were right or wrong.

  • Lead generation– receiving contacts from the visitor
  • Conversion– percentage of visitors who took the desired action
  • C.P.S.– cost per sale or how much money the landing page will earn from one order.
  • CPC And EPC(Cost Per Click and Earn Per Click) - the first metric shows the cost per click on contextual advertising, the second - average earnings for this click. If the EPC is greater than the CPC, then the landing page can be considered successful.
  • LTV(customer lifetime value) – the amount of profit that the client has brought to us over the entire period of working with him. Remember the AIDAS model? A satisfied customer can buy from us again and again (if there is a suitable assortment). That is, repeat sales become much easier, and a series of products becomes more effective. The high cost of customer acquisition can be overcome high value LTV

There are other metrics, but ultimately it all comes down to ROI - the return on investment from all the funds spent on the entire cycle associated with the landing page.


The quality and nature of the traffic that comes to the landing page is very important: we need the most targeted traffic that matches our landing page and has good conversion rates.

To do this, you need to think through a strategy for attracting traffic: starting from detailed segmentation of the target audience and ending with traffic sources. It's possible that different landing pages will have the greatest impact on different segments of your target audience.

To segment, you need to work out the following questions: “who do we sell to,” “who is our visitor,” “who is interested in our product.” Based on them, you can analyze the target audience, and only then look for traffic sources.

Landing page traffic sources

Attracting traffic for a landing page has its own specifics - you need to take into account that conventional methods SEO promotion practically inapplicable for landing pages. That is why these pages can attract either purchased traffic or visitors from social networks, mailing lists etc.


To avoid mistakes, start with the main thing, namely business logic. Don't get bogged down in technical details, don't put the cart before the horse.

In other words, the secret to success is that any technical solution must be treated as a tool. For example, the mere fact of excellent command of the WordPress CMS does not mean that this particular system is suitable for creating a successful landing page.

Beware of hackneyed templates that turn off visitors. The skill of creating landing pages lies in knowing all the rules for a successful landing page and finding an original and effective approach.

Typical mistakes:

  • Wrong choice of tool for creating a landing page
  • Bad design
  • Lost connection with the client
  • Violation of the logic of landing page construction (misunderstanding of the target audience, incorrect segmentation, excessive fascination with technical details, disruption of business processes)

Contact with landing page leads will help you establish trigger letters, the templates of which can be configured in the CRM connected to the landing page.

When drawing up a business plan for creating landing pages, approach this tool realistically - do not overestimate the expected profit, because there is no magic button. Yes, a landing page is great tool e-commerce, but sales depend more on how much customers need your product, and not on how beautiful the display is.

Bottom line

If the right visitor comes to the landing page, and the trade offer is selected accordingly, then this will make him want to perform certain actions - buy a product, subscribe to a newsletter, leave contact information, recommend a product to friends, and so on.

Landing Page is a target resource that consists of one page. This means that only the most important information, capable of prompting the user to take the necessary actions: order goods or services, subscribe to the newsletter, etc. For this, statistical data, photographs and other visualized information are used.
Prepare and appropriately arrange the entire data array - hard work, which requires knowledge of programming languages, design skills, etc. All these concerns can be taken care of special services– website designers. For selection best resource our project offers detailed user experiences and ratings. With this help, making a choice is much easier!

I have worked with Yukita products many times – both with the designer of the same name and with Yukoz. I mainly used them to make business cards for clients, so new constructor I liked it in particular. It is specifically specialized for one-page websites. Here, based on functionality, only what I used on Yukoz was eliminated, and the latter is too loaded with various features. So Ulanding is especially suitable for those who are just starting to create one-page websites using website builders.
Compared to other designers that make landing pages, here you can keep several landing pages within the framework of one project, managing literally from one place. If you want, use your domain, if you want, use a technical one. Assembly is carried out at Yukitovsky...

2018.10.03 at 13:50 wrote: Mikhail

Thank you for creating a clear and accessible constructor that is convenient to work with and create websites and blogs. The constructor is created in the form of steps, that is, the site is created gradually and step by step, at each step it is explained in detail and clearly - what and how to do, where and what to take. At each stage, links are provided that show the order of creation of this stage.

2019.02.17 at 20:01 wrote: Alexander Nichaev

First of all, this designer offers clear and transparent tariffs. In any of them, all conditions are clearly stated and during use you do not need to pay anything in addition to the specified tariff. Initially, you can use it for free for 14 days. Only after trying out all the functionality, the user must choose 1 of the offered tariffs.
After testing, I chose for myself minimum package services - a 5-page website with 1 domain and payment of 5,900 rubles per year. For a phone repair shop, this is a normal tariff, it doesn’t put a strain on your pocket. 100 SMS are available on it.

2017.12.09 at 14:02 wrote: ceratochka

I would, of course, like to see a module for adding a videophone here, but it’s not there yet. Convenient and easy to use site. There are more than enough tools for lead generation. I have 6 pages, all with different conversion rates. In order to bring in the maximum number of clients, I periodically do split tests. I actively use Yandex.Direct. The cost of one lead for me is about 120 rubles, which is relatively inexpensive.
LPgenerator combines several services at once - designer, integration, advertising, analytics and Additional services. The functionality is simply awesome. Everything is a little confusing, I didn’t figure it out right away, I turned to support for help more than once. By the way, the support works quite quickly, I received a response to all my requests...

2017.10.24 at 14:15 wrote: kuba

The service turned out to be very good, and the prices were even low. I made the most expensive website in terms of tariff - an online store. Naturally, there were questions at the beginning. And it’s great that the site has a FAQ page, where there are detailed answers to many questions, even video instructions.
There are few templates - 11 pieces for an online store. Of course, they are all great, but I still wish there was a better choice. Important feature is that the design can be radically changed. The functionality is designed in such a way that it is possible to make a website absolutely for yourself. You can customize product cards as you wish, notifications about orders are sent by email, the number of payment and delivery options is unlimited, there is a robotic cash register...

2018.01.21 at 16:20 wrote: Tichiy

Through this platform it is quite possible to create a normal online store in a few hours. And unlike most site builders, they do not offer a standard cloud pricing schedule. You can pay monthly, like everyone else, for your website, or you can buy a box right away. Here everyone chooses depending on their preferences, I’m currently using the cloud, but to save money I plan to buy a perpetual license. If necessary, I can make any modifications through programmers, and as a user cloud version I can only use what is already stored. Although there are really a lot of opportunities there. But on the other hand, I will have to take care of the hosting myself and keep track of all the updates.

2018.12.10 at 11:20 wrote: Artem

I've been working with the designer for about six months. At first glance, it may seem that the designer is completely primitive, but in fact, the developers were able to fit into it everything necessary for a landing page, without complicating it in any way unnecessary functions. Of the pleasant little things, it is worth noting the rather thoughtful SEO settings. Statistics show in detail and clearly how many people visited the site, which sections, how many applications were left, etc. The editor itself has built-in automatic alignment; you don’t need to think about the fact that the image may move a couple of pixels due to the presence of additional blocks. Convenient integration of payment services, SMS notifications, in general, everything you need for a sales website, for which BM360, in fact...

2016.09.29 at 11:49 wrote: Fadeev Igor

I immediately liked the approach to creating a website that Bloxy offers. Instead of templates, there is a set of sections: header, footer, screens, product presentation. The choice is quite large, I spent the whole day creating my first landing page, I couldn’t decide on the design, but at the end I got an original design. The designer has everything you need for a working landing page: cart, form call back, anchor links, social networks, you can connect Flash and embed video.
Your personal account is divided into sections: one contains the site admin area, another contains statistics and orders, and the third contains payment. There is a separate training section, I found it for myself interesting materials with tips for promotion. And a bunch of services for integration...

2018.01.04 at 16:58 wrote: CrazyPOVT

This website builder has quite flexible tariff plans. Prices are average. There is a test period during which you can create a website, experiment with design, fonts and templates, but you won’t be able to publish it for free. The most interesting, in my opinion, is the “Mini” tariff - for 450 rubles per month you get 3 domains and the opportunity to create 50 websites.
SEO promotion is quite easy to set up; you can fill in meta tags or connect email marketing. The designer also allows you to work with social networks - there are special points for connecting social buttons. networks.

2017.10.24 at 19:37 wrote: starche

What makes this designer attractive is its price. Tariffing is competent, you don’t need to select a tariff from the grid for your purposes. Here the opposite principle is true: the price is determined based on the purpose of the future site. There are only 3 tariffs, but they allow you to create all the main types of sites for which designers are usually used. And the cheapest one will cost only 300 rubles. Although, to be honest, some designers provide almost the same features for free. Only they usually, in addition to this, limit traffic and disk, but here there is no limit on everything. Therefore, if you really need a small business card, then you can safely look for a free designer. But for something like a blog and above - here...

2018.12.06 at 11:06 wrote: Gena

I spent a long time choosing the best designer for an online store, and eventually settled on Bazium. And it has its own CRM and the product card is edited perfectly, and everything is cool regarding integrations. Even with My Business, if there was, it would be absolutely ice. And it’s cool that you can also make cool landing pages, especially thanks for the free block. Satisfied 9/10

2018.12.14 at 16:29 wrote: Vasily Korshikov

For me, the designer is convenient primarily because it allows you to create a project in a couple of hours. This is the maximum. Having an accurate picture of the required portal, you can easily cope in half an hour, or even less. It’s easy to make such projects for sale, fortunately there is demand from beginners. In terms of tariffs, everything is very reasonable.

The most inexpensive one costs 300 rubles per month; it’s rare to see such a generous offer for, in general, good functionality. Test period Yes, it seems like a couple of weeks, but even a day was enough for me to understand that it’s possible to work with the designer. It's convenient, easy and simple. I immediately select a template, quickly place the necessary...

2016.10.03 at 13:10 wrote: Timur

Subdomains are incomplete. (at prices it is considered as a website, sections are not copied to other subdomains, and there are no mass changes at all) Service operator 2 girl speaks very generically (she said 50 pages at a tariff of 1500 rubles and when I bought 10 it turned out) There are no tips on SEO and other advertising options . That is, hire an SEO specialist who, as usual, prescribes without a designer. He also said a lot of shortcomings, shortcomings or advice, but the operators simply do not pass this on to the developers. When I told the developers they said we’d do everything in just half a year, there are no changes, I would change the “provider”), but I already have 800 pages, I hope they’ll fix it

2018.04.05 at 18:47 wrote: Skorokhod Alexander

Very cool, but a little expensive... 1600 rub. per month for lite - plan if you want to export the code or use other utilities. You have to design on Webflow and then download the code manually or use third-party downloads like Webflow download 2.0 But the most convenient way- use a CMS with content synchronization function on free account Webflow - ReFlex CMS (paid).

2019.02.01 at 07:18 written by: Saburov Kirill

Worked with them affiliate program, but the first time I tried to withdraw money, problems started. I submitted my application at the beginning of November. Since then, they have been feeding me promises for 2 months now (correspondence with them is a separate masterpiece).
My personal opinion is that you need to avoid services that are not able to pay even their partners (in fact, those people who generate sales for them).

2019.01.08 at 10:46 wrote: Lenar

I don’t know how to make websites, but the level already requires it, as they say. Friends recommended Vefolio and said it was very simple. I tried, the test period ended, and I still didn’t sit down. Well, I forgot. And then they called me directly and said that the test period can be extended as long as you like, and a day later they agreed to help with the site and gave me a discount. It turned out just like candy. I actually wouldn’t have written a review, but a month later I received my first order for a photo shoot from the website. The site is almost six months old and it consistently brings me 2-3 clients a month. To have more, you need to do...

Sites on this constructor, with a certain registration, move up quite quickly in search, unlike the second-level domains provided on free services.

Today's material will be devoted to the tools with which you create an HTML landing page template in LPgenerator editor. This article is primarily aimed at beginners, but perhaps experienced users our platform will find useful moments for themselves.

About the HTML editor

The editor's extensive functionality allows you to adjust selected layouts and create high-level one-pagers from scratch without special knowledge in record time.

Here are a few main benefits:

  • easy setup;
  • no need for special programming skills;
  • multifunctionality;
  • connecting any HTML code, scripts;
  • support large quantities widgets (the ability to integrate social networking pages, payment terminals).

We will talk directly about the functionality and tools right now.

Basic actions are carried out using standard elements. They can be found in the designer menu; externally, the panel looks like this.

Let's start with the 6 tools located on the right, and then we will continue to describe each one in portions.

By numbers:

1 — saves all innovations on the landing page.

2 - allows you to see the state of the layout at a specific moment.

3 - undoes the last action taken.

4 - returns changes after cancellation.

5 - serves to group different elements of the landing page.

6 - is intended for adding elements used as a background for other elements combined into a group.

Next 6.

7 - with its help you can download the necessary illustrations, put them both in the background and in the foreground.

8 - obviously intended for adding text content.

Here, on a ready-made one-page page, for example, “Choose a tour.”

10 — the button is intended for constructing a conversion form. In the same editor, you can select the number of fields, change their order, and add the necessary lines. There is someone curious about this topic.

All one-page html website templates with a form feedback in LPgenerator are made with three main fields. One of the examples is below.

11 - in this way any code can be easily inserted into the page (for example, a link to Twitter or a video on YouTube).

12 - changes the order of layers of elements, highlighting the desired object.

And the next 6 tools.

13 - similar to the previous one, allows you to move an object under others.

14 - allows you to duplicate the selected element (with the exception of groups of different objects).

15 - everything is clear here, the selected element is deleted by pressing this button.

16 - designed for specifying SEO parameters: Title, Description, Keywords, you can also configure blocks for search robots(noindex, nofollow).

17 - allows you to connect a one-page html page with web analytics systems (Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics), customize CSS, and more.

18 - allows you to set specific conversion actions expected from users (fill out a form, leave contacts, order a cost estimate).

The panel looks like this.

“Timer” - serves to add a countdown timer.

Typically, this move is used in promotional and bonus offers, when you need to spur the reader on, creating a feeling of scarcity in him. It works perfectly, as proven, for example, .

Here is an example of what a ready-made landing page html template with a counter looks like.

“Pop-up” - allows you to add a pop-up form.

On this topic, you can recall one of the split tests conducted by specialists from the De Hypotheker brand (mortgage consultants). So, they decided to conduct an experiment to see which solution would increase the number of subscriptions.

The first version of the landing page had a pop-up window that appeared when you scrolled down.

The second sample was offered with a subscription invitation at the top of the page.

The first option won, where people were invited to subscribe to the newsletter in a pop-up window. Surprisingly, conversion to site subscriptions increased by a whopping 757%, an incredible figure.

However, let's return to widgets.

“Map” allows you to add a Yandex.Maps element or Google Map, thus indicating the address of the company’s office.

This is what the html sales page looks like in the final version with a map.

“Slider” - allows you to make reviews or photos in the form of a slider.

Again, an example ready-made version. Clicking on the arrow opens the next review.

“Gallery” allows you to make composite slides, the pictures in them can be enlarged by clicking.

And immediately a landing page template html 5, which clearly demonstrates this element.

“Video” allows you to easily add videos and customize them.

Again, a sample of the finished site.

“Additional Fonts” is a widget that allows you to download new fonts from Google Fonts.

Google Fonts is a collection of free fonts that many webmasters use on their websites.

"Robokassa" greatly simplifies the "life" of the resource owner, allowing you to integrate payment system into one-page html website templates.

Today, landing page designers have become very popular. Almost every entrepreneur considers it necessary to create a landing page, and rightly so. After all, a landing page in conjunction, for example, with contextual advertising, can quickly attract dozens of new customers today.

This is a very effective tool that allows you to quickly test a niche, find new customers and subscribers, sell a product in a short time or arrange a sale.

The landing page conversion rate is much higher than that of regular websites, and launching a landing page is several times faster and cheaper.

Of course, creating a landing page on your own is quite a difficult task. You need, at a minimum, to be good at Photoshop to create a design, know HTML, CSS, Javascript and a little PHP.

The average entrepreneur is not always familiar with all this, and in such cases, landing page designers are needed, which allow you to create a website without knowledge of programming or markup language.

Today we have prepared the TOP for you the best designers landing page. All services are in Russian and do not require knowledge of the above technologies. Anyone can figure it out in a few hours and make themselves a full-fledged landing page.

The best landing page designers

1st place: PlatformaLP

In first place is a wonderful online landing page builder - . In our opinion, this is best service to create landing pages.

There is a very convenient and understandable visual editor that will help simplify the process creating a landing page and save your time significantly.

Some similar services, in pursuit of “bells and whistles,” create such an inconvenient and “unfriendly” product that even low tariffs are not able to retain the client. Everything is in order in this designer!

Second important point What I would like to draw your attention to is good integration with various services, such as: “CRM systems, callback services, mailing lists, analytics and social networks.”

This means that you don’t have to study the complex APIs of the tools that you are used to using in order to integrate them into your landing page, but it will be enough, for example, to fill out just a few fields and all the data will automatically be added to your favorite CRM system...

The service has a trial period of 14 days. In addition, if you are not very well versed in creating a landing page, there is a well-thought-out tariff system that will allow you to start with basic functionality, without unnecessary bells and whistles for a reasonable price of 590 rubles, and, as you gain experience and understand what functions you really need needed, will help you switch to a more professional tariff and connect the necessary tools.

2nd place: LPGenerator

In second place we put the well-known LPGenerator. This service also deserves the highest marks for its wealth of functions, settings and capabilities.

The functionality is even richer than in the first service, but it seems to us that it is a little less convenient (but this is not for everyone). If I may, lpgenerator is like Bitrix in the CMS niche, there are also hundreds of cogs and switches that will help you customize your landing efficiently. We would recommend this service only to professionals who have high requirements, ambitions and understand that landing is a tool that needs to be worked on.

This service may seem a little expensive to you, and it really is. The minimum tariff is 2,000 rubles, and even with an attendance limit of 10,000 people per month. But if you set serious goals, you must understand what you are paying for, choose at least an average tariff, and then LPGenerator will become your favorite landing page designer.

For these reasons, we put it in second place. It is too good for beginners who simply do not need all the functionality at an early stage. This does not mean that the first service is worse, it just has a more thought-out tariff system, it’s cheaper to start and you can switch to a more profitable tariff as needed.

3rd place: LPmotor

It is most popular among beginners, as it has the cheapest tariffs (from 300 rubles per month), a good visual editor and simpler functionality than the first two services.

In general, the designer is not bad, because the first 2 are giants, and LPmotor can be an excellent start. All the tools a beginner might need are included. In addition, just recently a tool for creating Quiz appeared, which blew up the industry in 2018. In the ranking of landing page constructors, this service deservedly takes 3rd place, and if you don’t know where to start, we recommend this particular constructor.

What other landing page designers are worth paying attention to?

Tobiz is not just a landing page constructor. This is a platform for creating a full-fledged Internet site. Starting to create a one-page website is quite simple: you just need to register on the builder and select a template.

Availability of many free templates, which are divided into categories, can be attributed to the features of this platform. There is also a fairly simple and convenient editor and automatic connection mobile layout.

That is why it will be easy for site building beginners to start working here. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re starting your own business or want to create a website for an existing business, here you can start communicating with your audience.

And for those who want to embellish their landing page, there is the ability to connect widgets and edit the html code. For those who don’t immediately understand the work of a designer, the site has a knowledge base that contains answers to many questions related to creating a landing page.

Here is a review of the TOP landing page designers. What is your opinion, what designers did you use, what are the pros and cons? Please write your opinion in the comments.

Information! Pay attention to the gift icon. By clicking on it, you can view a special offer, promotion or discount.

Constructor Link Rate Special offer
LP platform from 490 ₽ / month
Portfolio 1299 ₽ / unlimited

10% discount

  • Register using the link in the table.
  • When paying, enter the promotional code - prb0f540c53cc5
from 540 ₽ / month

100 rubles to balance

Flexbe from 750 ₽ / month

2 months - free

  • Register using the link in the table.
  • When making your first payment, enter the promo code - smartlanding
LPGenerator from 799 ₽ / month

You can say that the number of templates is important, you can say that simple functionality is needed, you can say that prices play the most important role, but we must not forget that user support is not in last place.

If it weren’t for that very responsive technical support that answers questions within 5 minutes 24/7, LPTrend would be a confident average. But it exists, and that is why it occupies some of the highest positions in various top designers.

  • Number of templates: more than 60. At the same time, landing pages are made according to interesting templates, which were done by experienced marketers. The conversion rate on such one-page websites is quite high.
  • Buying domains: Yes.
  • Prices: Activated immediately after registration free plan for 8 days. After trial period It is proposed to take one of the tariffs, which differ only in the number of one-page websites created: for 1 – 500 rubles/month; for 10 – 1000 rub./month; For 10+ – 2000 rub./month. The service also offers to create a thematic selling video for 7,900 rubles per minute of video and create a turnkey landing page for 6,900.

Result: A good, interesting and inexpensive service with the ability to order a landing page. Good functionality, stable operation and adaptation of landing pages for mobile devices make this designer interesting for professionals and beginners.


A Russian designer specially designed for creating one-page websites. Agree, it’s not often that you see a Russian development that actually entered the market and gained a foothold there.

Tobiz is just that option. Over the 2 years of operation of the service, the creators managed to find their audience, which currently amounts to more than 1,500 thousand webmasters.

  • Number of templates: more than 270 templates different topics. Moreover, most of them are beneficial to use as a sample - sites are created from separate blocks.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your own design: Yes.
  • Buying domains: Yes.
  • Prices: 14-day test period, after which several tariffs will be available, the cheapest of which is 450 rubles per month.

Result: A strong Russian average - that’s how you can characterize the designer. There is nothing outstanding, but at the same time there is a good system, a knowledge base with all the features of the service and tips for creating landing pages, as well as a simple interface and clear functionality.


It’s simply pointless to say anything about the popularity of this designer. on TV for an IT product is not that new, but there are many other, cheaper channels of promotion.

But if the developers launched expensive advertising in the media, it means they are confident in themselves and their product. A high-quality, beautiful and simple construction set - that’s what can be said about Vicks.

  • Number of templates: 17 + possible complete change each of the templates.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your own design: Yes.
  • Buying domains: Yes.
  • Prices: The trial period is unlimited, but you will have to work with advertising without your own domain. You can create landing pages without advertising for $99 per year, but if you catch a promotion, it costs $49.

Result: In terms of landing page promotion, Vicks leaves much to be desired. And this is the reason for all his troubles. The designer is ideal for business cards and regular websites. But there are better options for landing pages.


By the end of 2015, the number of websites created using the Umi constructor exceeded 1 million. Quite a solid indicator for work since 2011.

Yumi's main feature is the transfer of sites from one system to another with full preservation of positions in search engines. Be that as it may, it’s worth at least taking a closer look at this designer.

  • Number of templates: More than 550 layouts, some of which are adaptive.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your own design: Yes.
  • Buying domains: Yes.
  • Prices: The 15-day regime is activated first free use, after which the cost of using the service to create landing pages will be 490 rubles per month of use.

Result: For creating and launching your first landing page, Yumi is just perfect. At first you can only use free widgets, and as time passes and the need increases, add various paid gadgets. In terms of price/quality ratio, this is one of the most interesting options.


A young, developing and interesting designer for business cards and one-pagers. The main specialization is stores, so the functionality for landing pages will be somewhat limited.

  • Number of templates: 5 sections for sites with up to 40 different templates. Frankly speaking, it’s sparse. The only good thing is the opportunity to make your own design.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your own design: Yes.
  • Buying domains: Yes.
  • Prices: one of the most affordable - 248 and 415 rubles per month of use. The free trial period is unlimited.

Result: It is best to work with Nethouse when creating an online store. For a landing page, the functionality and number of templates is quite average. But if you want “cheap” and clumsy, working with Nethouse is quite simple and profitable.

If Diafan is a designer, then you can safely call all computers Tetris. Of course, it has a few design features like templates, clear interface and a fairly simple website creation system, but in what other builder can you simply buy your entire website and transfer it to another?

In which service will you only need to pay compensation for the template and you will receive a full-fledged website without being tied to anyone? And if you add to this the standard CMS bells and whistles, like a bunch of widgets, full promotion and customization of templates with using HTML and CSS.

  • Number of templates: Everything is very sad here. There are only 6 for landing pages ready-made templates, which can be customized, but it will be very difficult.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your own design: Yes.
  • Buying domains: Yes, you can even buy a site and transfer it to another service.
  • Prices: Test period of 21 days, after which fairly affordable tariffs are 480 and 980 rubles per month.

Result: Definitely not for beginners. And for businessmen who do not know the basics of programming, no. And in principle, for beginners who are just starting to work with single-page websites, this will also not be possible. the best option. Baptism of fire in the thick of battle - this is what will happen to those who decide to use diaphane as the first designer. But for webmasters who have been working in the field for many years, diafan is an ideal option.


Tip 3. If possible, use a unique design.

Contrary to popular belief, only some website names are remembered. Most portals can be guessed by their design and layout. Especially if you have been to such a site several times.

Having a cookie-cutter website design comes with two complications: another site mistaking you for you, and another website mistaking you for you. You don’t want any user to associate your design with scammers?

In addition to these reasons, there is another banality - template designs are very dull and boring. In most cases, this is some kind of standard mishmash of the same type of text, pictures and something else that came into the mind of a despondent designer. Something really high quality will cost money.

But don't despair, get good design landing page can be simple: you can buy the design you like in the designer’s internal store or order it from. In any case, an average job will cost no more than 5-7 thousand rubles.

Tip 4. Pay attention to advertising.

The effectiveness of a landing page is influenced by two parameters: its appearance and advertising. And if we have more or less figured out its appearance, we haven’t touched on advertising yet.

Well-tuned advertising campaign– the key to successful landing page operation. At the same time, you must understand that it is not the number of contacts left, not the number of visitors, and not the volume of questions with which you are bombarded potential clients– an indicator of how well the landing page works. First of all, he must sell.

It is in order for it to sell that you have to tinker a lot with advertising. Choose, analyze her preferences, put pressure on weak points, use the strengths of your product.

How competently you choose a picture to match your advertisement, it may depend on whether 30 people or 300 click on it. That’s why, before blaming the fact that the landing page doesn’t sell, make sure that your advertising works 100%.

Tip 5. Analyze the performance of your landing page.

And the last point is constant analysis of the performance of your landing page. Remember that simply creating a landing page and making a selling one-page are two very different things.

It doesn't matter what you like or don't like. Whether you want to use this block on your site or not. The only thing that matters is whether it will be effective or not.

That is why, when working with landing pages, it is better to move away from your tastes and conduct several tests and during them understand in what form the page will bring profit.

In the world of arbitrageurs - people who resell traffic, there is an opinion that not a single creative can live long. And this applies not only to advertising, but also to landing pages. I don’t encourage you to change your landing page every month, but at least once every few months you definitely need to refine, correct and find something new.

If you follow these simple tips, you can quite easily create good landing pages, spending a minimum of time and maximum effort on them.


Creating landing pages using designers is very simple. And if just a couple of years ago creating your own website was a long and often unnecessary task for a business, now in this era of cravings you need to work with every channel of attraction, increasing your turnover and profit.

And now, when there is no time to spend several months launching a new site, and no money to turn to professionals, website designers come to the rescue. On these sites, in one evening you can create something that will bring you clients for at least six months.

From a huge selection of different platforms on which you can create a decent one-page website, choose the one that you like. Then find necessary tools and do what you like. And then correct it and do it as needed. And then you will have a high-quality, interesting and profitable platform for turning ordinary visitors into clients.