The aida advertising impact model includes. Design based on AIDA principles. A - attention

There are immortal themes in marketing that wander from century to century. It is precisely these topics that include the advertising formula for selling articles, landing pages, leaflets, banners, advertisements, indeed, all advertising materials called AIDA.

In addition to the fact that now we will analyze in detail with examples this model, so we will also consider its improved version.

Practice shows

In business reality, few people use this formula. Although, in general, few people use any formula in their marketing. And I’ll tell you that it’s in vain.

Because in fact, to create a fundamental base of advertising materials, you need to know only 3 formulas. Let's start studying one of them.

The AIDA formula (sounds like it is read, AIDA) is a marketing model that has been successfully used for more than 120 years (!!!) in the creation of all advertising materials, without exception.

Since the advertising model is very useful, we shot a whole video for it on our YouTube channel. Therefore, choose what is convenient: watch the video or read the article. In general, it’s better to do it all at once, since the information is presented from different angles.

Where is the power here?

We say: “AIDA is used in the creation of all materials.” Sounds intriguing. And this is not an embellishment.

  • A - attention;
  • I - interest;
  • D - desire (desire);
  • A - action.

As you understand, the execution sequence is strict from start to finish. No changes.

The entire methodology is based on psychology human body, so you need to treat her with great respect. And without detailed elaboration there is no point in starting all this action.

A - attention

If you know and follow at least one of these letters, then you will be a super marketer. Because due to the colossal amount of advertising in the world, a problem called “Advertising Blindness” has arisen.

If you attract attention with your ideas, then, we can say, half the work is done.

Half, because the average person, according to scientists, sees 3,000 advertising messages a day. Do you feel the volume of competition?

Although it seems to me that the figure is exaggerated, I think that it is more realistic for a Russian person to be about 500 advertising structures. But this is also not small. Attracting attention is an art.

To test you, answer me the question: “How can you attract attention?” There are many ways. But most at this moment are talking about the challenging title.

This is also the correct answer and works very well. Surely you even remembered this advertisement:

Sex!!! And now that we have your attention. Eat at Subway.

But a headline is not the only way to make a client stay on your material longer. And you probably even used some other methods. Here are some other ways to break through ad blindness:

  1. Color;
  2. Dynamic elements;
  3. Unusual shape;
  4. Strange location;
  5. Sound;
  6. Smell.

But let's practice on the header, it's easiest for a classic business. What headline is catchy?

Well, at least the one that has words from the categories “Free”, “Attention”, “Important”. There are a lot of such words. But this does not mean that you should always start with them. This is an option. You can make a simpler, but no less effective implementation, for example:

  1. How to get your husband back if he left for someone else;
  2. One medicine for life;
  3. Printer without ink;
  4. We will sell your apartment in 7 days or buy it ourselves.

I’m not applying for an award.” Best Headline year”, because going back, the headline is based on the problems, fears or solutions of a specific target audience.

And then a cannon shot at the sparrows. But if you are interested in the topic of headlines, then read our material.

I - interest

This is necessary so that a person shows interest in further study and spends his incredibly expensive minutes of life. By the way, Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) costs $6,659 per minute.

If we are talking about a leaflet on the topic “Investing in the stock market,” then in this case we can show and talk about what it is easy way earnings that in a month you can already relax at sea, drink Pina Colada and fry your heels in the sun.


BUT! This is assuming that people have never heard of it at all. At a different level of awareness there must be others. Therefore, let’s not forget about her, she has the strongest influence in this block.

If you wish, you can present it in several blocks, as the size allows.

This will help better convey information to the client. As they say, chew everything for him. Here is an example of such an implementation for our client:

Example of CP

A - action

The simplest and most logical step that needs to be taken not only in this formula, but in any sale in general, regardless of where it takes place, or over the phone (hello to sales managers). This step is called a “Call to Action.”

Necessarily! Necessarily! Necessarily! It is necessary in all advertising materials to say at the end what the client needs to do so that he gets what you are talking about: call, write, come in or just do a backflip. Sample to the studio:

Call to action

In addition to direct calls to buy, you can use intermediate stages: “Get a commercial offer”, “Submit a free trial batch” or “Go for a test drive”.

Greetings, colleague! Today we’ll talk about an important copywriter tool – the AIDA formula. There are many different formulas used in copywriting, but this is the basic one.

Let's define what the AIDA formula actually is. Many people believe that this is some kind of scheme or plan according to which a selling text is written. Wrong.

Any copywriting formula is a set of certain properties that the selling text has. The first letters of these properties are used to form the abbreviation of the formula. We will now look at how this works.

What does AIDA stand for?

Literally this formula can be deciphered as follows:

Let's look at what each of these words means. A person receives thousands of commercial offers every day. This is also spam mailboxes, including email, And Flyers, which are distributed on the streets and in stores. A stream of advertising pours on us every day on television and radio. It is not surprising that people have stopped responding to all sorts of commercial offers that follow them everywhere. In order for a potential buyer to learn about a product, you need to attract his attention ( Attention). This is the first task of any selling text.

But getting attention is half the battle. We need to hold him. And this is possible if you are interested ( Interest) potential client.

The next task is to create desire ( Desire) buy. Make them believe that your product will solve the potential client’s problem.

And the last thing is action. You must convince the reader to make a purchase, or subscription, or other action you need.

These are the feelings and emotions that any selling text should evoke according to the AIDA formula. If at least one of the components falls out, the text will not work or will work poorly.

How to put the AIDA formula into practice

For example, title “How to lose weight with water, even if all previous attempts have failed” will attract the attention of those who are unsuccessfully solving their weight problem. Readers for whom this topic is relevant:

  • will pay attention to the article
  • learn that there is a way to lose weight with water
  • start reading

The second step is to consolidate your success - to hold the reader’s attention with the lines of the introduction. It should not only intrigue, but also convince a person that this is where the solution to his problem is. “The reason for excess weight is slow metabolism. Water will speed up your metabolism in two weeks if you drink it according to this simple scheme every day.” .

At this stage we solve the following problems:

  • we let the reader know that he was interested in the title for a reason and that the article is useful for him
  • keep his attention
  • smoothly leading to the second paragraph

The third step is very important: we must create a desire to try our product in action - by product we mean the scheme correct use water. The better we cope with this task, the more likely it is that the product will be bought. At this stage we show how exactly our product solves specific task and draw a bright picture of the result: “All you need to do is drink water regularly according to the plan. The main thing is not to skip meals of water and drink strictly in the prescribed amount. And in just two weeks you will lose 3 to 5 kilograms. Now, instead of the nasty heaviness in your stomach, you will feel an unusual lightness, and at the same time your mood, well-being and sleep will improve. Soon you will begin to notice in your clothes how volumes are disappearing. And after a while there will be a reason to change your wardrobe. Boring hoodies are a thing of the past! From now on you choose only what you like" .

The main thing in this step is to convince the client that you have a simple solution. As soon as a person believes that your product will solve his problem, the desire to buy will appear. And then the task of the third step is successfully completed.

The last stage is purchase. The value of your offer should be higher than the cost in the eyes of the client. Therefore, you need to competently justify the price and back it up with the benefits that a person will receive. ( In our case it is beautiful appearance- it’s not a shame to go to the fitness room, wear the thing you like, and not the one that hides figure flaws. Plus good health, lightness in the body and stomach. On an emotional background - self-confidence.) We will add bonuses to strengthen the offer, and designate the period during which the best conditions will be valid.


Now you know that a text written according to the AIDA formula alternately leads the reader into four states: attracts attention, arouses interest, awakens a desire to buy and pushes to make a purchase. In this case, the text can be constructed as you like and include any elements that will strengthen the described basic states of the potential client.

Your Inna Kopicnikova

In this article I want to talk about the elements of selling design for a website. AIDA - (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action - attention, interest, desire, action) is a model of consumer behavior accepted in American marketing practice, describing the sequence of events leading to a purchase decision: attention → interest → need → action.

The AIDA principles primarily relate to design. landing pages (landing pages), where, as a rule, marketing and web design are combined into a single whole. These pages are aimed at selling a product, service or subscription.

A: Attention

Attention is the cornerstone of the AIDA principles. A product or service needs to be noticed, and it is very important to grab attention as quickly as possible. The web as a platform is an excellent way to attract attention, unique and creative design itself can attract users. Custom design elements can be used to shift the user's focus to specific areas on the page.

However, if every element is “special,” the design may lose its structure and confuse users. The methods of attracting attention are constantly changing as trends and technologies do not stand still. This article describes current popular methods.

Large text
On the Internet, sites with large text are becoming more and more common. This is used to make a strong statement about the topic of the site or about the advantages of a given company in a certain field. Big size text relative to the rest of the page places it at the top of the visual hierarchy.



Sliders have been a popular trend for several years. And rightly so, because they allow you to grab attention and make a first impression. They consider the use of imagery combined with movement and animation.

Impress Design Studio


Sheena Oosten

To create elaborate animation on the web you need Flash - a statement that is currently untrue. Animations in CSS3 and JS are becoming more and more advanced, and browser support is increasing along with them. Animation is in an excellent way distinguish your site and attract the user's attention.

Bitrix 24


The expressive web

I: Interest

Interest is the second of the AIDA principles. We have already captured the user's attention, now we need to interest him. Instead of talking about certain features of the product, you need to explain how it is beneficial for the user and what the benefits are from it. We focus not on the product, but on the client. The user does not have to read and search a lot to understand what is being offered to him. In design you need to use pieces of information, bulleted lists and step-by-step instructions.


Bitrix 24


D: Desire

We have attracted attention and aroused interest, now we must create desire, make people want what we offer. Desire in production is a very broad topic and we will only focus on how to do it through web design.

On at this stage You have the user's attention and interest, and he is willing to spend more time getting to know your site. This time should be used to study detailed information, which will be presented in the form of images, videos or text.

Show off
You must present your product in the best possible light. People connect good design with more high level quality. It is important that not only the website design looks good, but also the product itself. High quality, thoughtful imagery and a well-planned video can greatly influence the first impression of a product.


Apple is doing great job to successfully showcase your products on a website by choosing the right images combined with animation.

Apple - iPhone

When selling digital products such as apps or websites, they are often shown on various devices. (monitors, tablets, phones)

Mark Fasel

Social proof
Social proof is one of the most powerful and common ways to generate desire. Social proof is a complex psychological concept, but at a basic level it describes the fact that a client has stereotypical thinking based on the opinions of other people. If the majority finds something acceptable, then chances are the user will start thinking the same way.

Testimonials and reviews are an excellent example of the above as they demonstrate what others have already had good experience use of this product. Knowing that others have used the product and recommend it eliminates the feeling of risk and in turn increases desire.

An equally important role in stereotypical thinking is played by the opinion of an expert or celebrity. Such people inspire trust.

If the services sold are in demand in large companies, then it’s worth boasting about such clients.

Large numbers in statistics also inspire confidence. Sites often post information about the number of downloads, Groupon used to display the amount of money saved, Pusher - the number of connections, design studio - the number of works completed. If you have a lot of followers on Twitter, Facebook, etc., show them.


The final goal is action, we must convert the user into a buyer or subscriber.
Call to action
The elements of a “Call to Action” are pretty obvious. Typically these are buttons that encourage users to complete a transaction. certain action: “Add to cart”, “Register”, “Download”. They seem quite simple, but there are still some details involved in creating buttons like these.

First of all, the call to action element must be absolutely clear and simple for the user.


The appeal element should be in the foreground: use eye-catching colors, think about size and style, and choose a prominent place for this element.


Use direct wording on buttons - clear, short language will not only encourage action, but also explain to the user what to expect after interacting with the element. We also need to make choosing an action as simple and clear as possible for the user. The most important call to action should be identified at the very beginning of the design. It should have instances in other parts of the page, but it is important to maintain balance, too many call to action elements will put pressure on the user and may have the opposite effect of what we want.


I believe that knowledge of AIDA principles and the possibilities of their implementation through design means is very helpful information for web designers. Using this knowledge, you can create effective, goal-oriented web pages.

Thanks everyone for your attention.

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Aggressive sales are increasingly being used in our country. Let's look at what sales are and why they can be aggressive.

Aggressive sales techniques are European and American developments in the field of customer manipulation, which are tested, implemented and applied in our Russian conditions. The majority of training centers around the country will readily conduct a master class on aggressive sales for employees of any company, promising to instill in employees new skills that will ensure a significant increase in successful transactions.

Aggressive sales techniques

So, what is sales? In short, sales is a mutually beneficial process of exchanging goods for money. With aggressive interaction, the benefit criteria are shifted in favor of one of the parties to the transaction.

Aggressive Selling- This is one of the most popular in Lately, which allows you to sell goods or services to people who are completely uninterested, the so-called “cold buyers” - ordinary passers-by on the street, in a store, or on the phone.

Aggressive sales techniques are used by managers who make phone calls. Their day begins with calling potential buyers. It's good if they've been trained telephone conversations and sales skills, but it often happens that outgoing phone calls They imprison a completely unprepared (including psychologically) person. This approach provides extremely low results, making the fact of telephone sales an accident.

AIDA Aggressive Sales Technique (AIDA)

Scope of application - sale of goods on the B2C market ( individuals), not recommended for the B2B market.

A.I.D.A (AIDA) stands for:

  1. A - Attention - attention
  2. I - Interests - interest
  3. D - Desire - desire
  4. A - Action - action

Stage 1. Attract attention

The stage of aggressive sales to attract attention differs from the usual greeting technique (), in which buyers themselves come and call the seller, i.e. process in which the incoming stream has to be processed. Attracting attention to telephone conversation necessary to distract the interlocutor from current affairs, and then inspire confidence. But the subscriber may not like being distracted, and he may respond in a rude manner.

In order to attract the client's attention from the very first words and not let him hang up, they use the technique of attracting attention. To do this, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and start asking the client questions that require a clear “yes” answer.

  • Hello! Your name is ….?
  • Have you registered on the site...?
  • Have you left a request...?
  • Are you a permanent member of...?
  • Have you bought a Hyundai car in the last six months?
  • Are you interested in the opportunity to receive additional income without big investments?
  • Would you like to save on utilities?
  • Do you use the Internet?

Having achieved a positive answer, you can hope that the specialist will listen and be polite. At the first stage this is already good. Then everything depends on the ability to interest the client.

Stage 2. Generate interest

Once you have managed to attract the attention of your interlocutor and draw him into the dialogue, it is necessary to create his interest in the products or services that the company provides. This can be done according to the following scheme:

  1. Ask whether the interlocutor knows the selling company. If not, we will present the company with 2-3 proposals.
  2. We make an offer, which is the purpose of the call, making sure to limit the promotion or discount in time (for example, the discount is valid until the end of September).
  3. At the same time, we identify the client’s priority values ​​(safety, saving money, saving time, improving social status) and conduct a presentation of a product or service, using advantages focused on the identified client values.

Stage 3. Create a desire to own the product

Don't forget that all the goods and services we sell must provide the buyer with personal or financial growth, protection or savings (new skills to buy more; a new car to look cool in the eyes of others; insurance to protect against trouble; a ticket on a plane to save time and spend longer with loved ones). At this stage, it is important to use such techniques containing words and expressions in order to arouse in the interlocutor a passionate desire to possess the proposed product.

Stage 4. We push the client to action

As soon as you feel that there is a desire on the other end of the line to use a service or product, the interlocutor must be pushed to accept the offer. However, here you need to present the situation in such a way as if the interlocutor wants you to sell him the product, and not vice versa. If the sales scheme was executed correctly, the subscriber must agree and agree to the terms.

Example. Now let’s look at an example of using the AIDA aggressive telephone sales technique using the example of selling a subscription to a fitness center. The manager calls the phone database received from the company website after downloading the free exercise course (entered the phone number, email address and city of residence).

Manager (M.): Hello! My name is …. I represent a network of fitness centers... Tell me, have you used our free course… Online?

Client (K.): Yes.

M.: It is very important for us to know your opinion about the course. Can you answer a few questions on the test, it won't take more than a minute?

TO.: Yes. Fine. (we achieved a positive answer, we ensured that the interlocutor agreed to listen to us)

M.: You used our free video in order to: a) lose weight, b) gain weight, c) maintain the already gained physical shape?

TO.: to lose weight.

M.: How often do you exercise?

TO.: 3 times a week.

M.: during what period?

TO.: Within a month.

M.: What are your results?

TO.: So far I’ve only lost 2 kilograms.

M.: 2 kilograms is not enough, you can speed up your weight loss course. Are you wondering how?

TO.: Yes, tell me.

M.: The fact is that our network of fitness centers is recruiting for our trainer Denisov’s original course “Let’s lose weight together. Intensive.” (presented taking into account values). After 3 months of training, the participants lost from 12 to 20 kilograms, and 5-10 centimeters in the waist, and became simply beauties. The program is patented by our trainer - you are guaranteed to lose weight. This is the second stream - many people came after learning about the results, and the number of places is limited - you need to sign up before September 20.

M.: We have a promotion in September - 50% discount on everything. You just fall under the action. If you sign up in October, the course will cost 10,900, and if now - only 5,450 for 3 months. This is very affordable price. Let me see how many seats are left? (the client needs it, not you).

M.: Which metro station do you live near?

TO.: Kuzminki.

M.: It will be more convenient for you to visit the center on the street.... or …..?

TO.: On the ….

M..: On the …. There is one more place in the group, let's sign up before we take it. (writes down). Your number is 102. Free first lesson on September 23 at 18-00. You need to have with you sportswear and shoes. The instructor's name is Alexey. Yes, and try not to be late, very important things are said at the beginning of the course.

TO.: Okay, I'll be on time.

M.: Thank you for your time. You will definitely like it. We are waiting for you on September 23 at 18-00. Goodbye.

This is how aggressive sales and special techniques work, demonstrating how a person instantly makes an impulsive purchase, which must be affordable, otherwise the pressure on him will not work desired result, but rather will cause an aggressive reaction. The AIDA aggressive sales technique is focused on the needs of the seller and ignores the needs of the buyer, putting him in simulated conditions and forcing him to make a deal.

I first used the AIDA sales technique at the age of eighteen, when I was trying to meet a girl I really liked.

In five minutes of communication with her in the corridor of the institute, I moved from the category of “ a guy I met a couple of times somewhere" in the category " the guy I'm going on a date with and with whom everything can work out“(I’ll describe this as an example of using this technique below).

This is exactly how AIDA should work - the lightning-fast sales technique: quickly, fun, with sparkle. And in this article, we will learn how to sell anything (even yourself) to anyone with one touch.

And for starters, here are a couple of interesting scientific facts about the AIDA technique.

AIDA - what kind of animal is it and where is it found?

AIDA is a basic model of how people behave when they buy something. It stands for this: A - Attention (Attracting attention) - I - Interest (Interest) - D - Desire (Desire) - A - Action (Action).

That is, in Russian this formula would sound like PIZD. I think it’s clear why hereinafter we will use English version this abbreviation.

It was first introduced into use by a certain Elmo Lewis, a very famous marketing and advertising specialist in America. So famous that once there were even two attempts on his life in one day.

But the marketer, thank God, was saved and managed to leave his invention to the world - the AIDA sales technique. With its help, he described how our potential client becomes real:

  1. A person learns about our existence (A)
  2. A person begins to be interested in our offer (I)
  3. A person has a desire to purchase our product (D)
  4. A person turns into a buyer (A)

This sales model was especially popular in the early and mid-twentieth century (when Elmo Lewis lived and worked). At that time, most sales were made through mailing letters or through special people who walked from house to house with huge bags filled with goods.

This was the era of direct sales - we make an offer to a person, and he buys or refuses. And the AIDA technique helped make direct and quick sales. Although such sales were not very large, they were fast. By the way, if you want to learn about the techniques of large sales, read it (opens in a new tab).

Today, direct sales are no longer so popular. Thanks to the development of the Internet, people have instant access to a huge number offers on the market.

We no longer have to buy “now or never.” We may well buy tomorrow or in a week. We have the opportunity to choose exactly the seller who we like best, and not the one who approached us first.

Accordingly, the AIDA technique also evolved according to Darwin's theory. I think Mr. Lewis would be very surprised to learn that the extreme version of the name of his brainchild today sounds like AISDASLove.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's first figure out how to apply basic model AIDA. And then we’ll look at a more complex one. modern model. So, if you want to sell something quickly, you need to start by attracting attention.

How to quickly get someone's attention

As before, the AIDA technique is mainly used when writing selling texts. Therefore, for simplicity, I will focus on this type of sales.

So, attention. To attract attention in advertising, we can use either a headline or a picture. Moreover, a picture will always work better. Simply because it is visual content, and a person “grabs” it quickly and completely. And you still have to read the title. Therefore, I highly recommend using pictures wherever possible.

It is best to depict something in pictures that evokes strong emotions and excitement in all people. Our basic instincts of survival and reproduction cope best with this.

That is, it would be optimal to show a sexy girl in the picture, or some hint of sex (this is the reproductive instinct). If the topic of sex is inappropriate, then a scared or shocked face (survival instinct) will do. The main thing is that the face looks into our eyes. It is important.

Therefore, if you are creating an ad for YAN or writing a post in social network or on a blog - pay more attention to the image than to everything else. Without a compelling image, 80% of your potential customers won't even know about your offer.

Unfortunately, we cannot always use images (for example in emails). Then you have to work with the title.

The most powerful words to attract attention

There are very specific words to which people react more strongly than to any others. Remember them and be sure to add them to your headlines to draw more attention to them.

Here is a list of such “killer” words that I once compiled for myself:

  • You (in Russian this word is not so strong, because, unlike in English, it does not equal “you”. Therefore, some sellers like to immediately start “poking”).
  • For free
  • Fast
  • New
  • Now
  • Just
  • Easily

By the way, about the last one. At one time, I attracted the attention of that girl by just calling her by name. It works flawlessly.

If you try to “snatch” a girl from a human stream with some kind of “hello,” then she can pretend that she didn’t hear anything (so as not to suddenly find herself in a “stupid” position if she stops and looks at you, and you were talking not to her). And you will be left standing with your mouth open and your self-esteem completely killed.

Therefore, personalizing headers when sending emails (such as “Hello, %user_name%”) is not such a stupid thing. We simply cannot help but react to our name. Nature is like that.

Attracting attention is already half the battle. Now we need to arouse a person’s interest so that he reads our proposal, and not just glances at it briefly and closes it.

The secret formula for creating interest from scratch

Let's move on to the second letter of the AIDA technique. She is responsible for our interest. The formula for creating interest is actually very simple:

News + Intrigue + Benefit = Interest

And exactly in that order. You must first promise the person something new that he has not heard of before. Then you can increase his curiosity by promising some pleasant (!) surprise. And only then can you emphasize how beneficial and useful this offer will be for him.

In selling texts, the first paragraph should arouse interest. It will be read more or less carefully by almost everyone who clicks on your ad or opens your article. But whether they will read it further largely depends on the first paragraph.

Moreover, it is not necessary to write literally: “Now you will learn something new.” It will be much better if you actually start telling them something new right away (or in a new way). For example, a description of some boring sales technique can begin with a story about how you tried to meet a girl at the institute.

To increase curiosity, use proven words:

  • secret
  • secret
  • myths about...
  • previously unknown

and the like.

Scott Haynes loved to tell the story of how he once went fishing with his teacher, master copywriter Gary Hulbert. And suddenly Gary asked him - what emotion, in his opinion, sells the most?

Haynes sensed a catch, but responded with the standard response: greed and the desire to gain some benefit. But Gary shook his head and replied that the most powerful selling emotion is curiosity. After that, Scott rewrote almost all of his sales texts, and claims that he received a huge increase in sales.

Therefore, be sure to first play on the curiosity of your potential buyers at the first meeting - that is, in the headline and in the first paragraph.

And after the first acquaintance, you can already move on to sales.

How to make a person want something if he doesn't want anything

The third letter in our AIDA technique is “D” (desire). At this stage, the person must want to receive what we offer him.

Because the we're talking about about quick sales, then we don’t have time to create complex emotional paradigms in his soul. We need to use basic selling emotions - the desire to get something and the fear of losing something.

Direct selling professionals have long understood how to combine these two opposing emotions in their proposal. And you've probably encountered this too. First they give you a lot of things “for free” and “as a gift”, and then they tell you that you need to buy some small things to keep all these bonuses.

Our potential client has a bunch of beautiful packaging in his hands - and giving it away (losing it) is already more difficult than simply not taking it. This crude psychology operated before and continues to operate today.

In modern direct selling, the technique “pain - increasing pain - solution” is more often used. There's nothing we can give potential client into his hands, but we can load it into his head.

But the essence is exactly the same - first we describe what horrors await this person if he does not buy our product right now. And then we describe the benefits and benefits that this same person will receive if he does buy it.

This way we achieve the level of desire we need. And you can move on to the final step of AIDA.

The last most difficult step

The last letter in the AIDA formula is again “A”, which this time means “Action”. The most difficult thing in sales is to “raise” a person to the first small amount of money. Then it will be much easier for the same person to sell (up-sell some goods).

That is, the path from zero rubles to one hundred rubles is much longer and more difficult than, say, from one hundred rubles to a thousand rubles.

And in order for our potential buyer to take this last, most difficult step, we need to tell him directly to do it. In sales, this is called Call-to-action.

We explain to the person in the most unequivocal way: Place your order right now; Click on the “order” button and fill out the order form; Take out your credit card and pay the bill.

Practice shows that people are much more willing to take targeted actions if you directly ask them about it. But many sellers are “embarrassed” to use such rude words as “buy”. They use various euphemisms, and as a result, they lose most of their sales.

This is how AIDA works - the hammer technique in sales. But keep in mind that all these tricks will ONLY work if we are talking about low-cost sales. That is, if we sell something for an amount of money that our potential buyer can afford to lose and not be too upset about it. And in the case of large sales, it’s better not to “PID” - it will backfire on you.

And finally, let's look at what AIDA has become today, taking into account all the opportunities that the Internet provides.

What has AIDA become today?

As I said at the beginning of the article, today the good old AIDA has been transformed into more complex formulas. And one of the extreme options is AISDASLove.

Here's how it happens today, according to the latest research from marketers.

  • A - Awarnesse (Recognition) - A person becomes aware of the existence of our product
  • I - Interest - A person develops a deeper interest
  • S - Search (Search) - A person begins to search Additional information about the product and the people who can provide this product
  • D - Desire - A person has a desire to purchase a product from a specific supplier
  • A - Action - A person buys
  • S - Share (in in this case- Review) - A person tells his friends about the result he received
  • Love (Love) - A person becomes imbued with love for the seller and becomes a regular customer. Another option is Hate - The person gets a negative result and begins to “hate” you.

Let me emphasize once again that especially important stage Today it was precisely stage No. 3 - Search. And that is why today it comes to the fore.

I'd love to hear your comments on whether and how you use the AIDA technique today.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)