New in learning to use a computer. Free step-by-step computer training course

I present to your attention the best, in my opinion, on this moment tutorial for working on a computer in Windows 7. I don't even know how to describe it. It contains everything - from the little things, the basics of working on a computer, to a description of the system settings. You will learn how to install Windows 7, customize the system for yourself, use all kinds of built-in using Windows 7.

In short, the entire system is described in full, in detail and intelligibly. In addition, popular programs are described: Word and Excel in detail. And all this with illustrations and examples. I highly recommend you check it out. It would probably take me half a year to create such a guide about Windows 7. Huge respect and respect to the author of this creation - Sergei Vavilov!

To open this tutorial you will need PDF reader. I recommend using Foxit Reader.

Download tutorial for working on a computer in Windows 7 (13.7 MB)

2.Computer for beginners

I can also recommend you another excellent tutorial “ Computer for beginners» from Alexey Lebedev. Perhaps it will be even better than described above. I just found it later. I highly recommend checking it out - you won’t regret it, I assure you.

Download the tutorial “Computer for Beginners” (8.9 MB)

3. All the secrets of the Internet - a handbook for a network user

I I described this book in a separate article, you can take a look at what it will give you before deciding to download.

Download “All the Secrets of the Internet” (63 MB)

Don't let it scare you big size books - the link is not from Letitbit and downloads very quickly.

4. Computer Doctor-1

An excellent book by Evgeny Khokhryakov about computer security.

All the nuances of protecting your computer from any threats are revealed. Naturally, with examples and pictures. The quality is simply amazing.

So a miracle happened. Finally appeared in your house Personal Computer or laptop. But here’s the problem: you don’t know which side to approach it from. And you start thinking about how to learn to work on a computer. The first thing you need to do is stop being afraid of him. It won't break, burn or explode if you press the wrong button. You know how to drive a car, use household appliances, and cell phones. This knowledge is not innate, but acquired. Believe me, a computer is simpler than your microwave oven.

How to learn to quickly use a computer?

  1. It is necessary that the computer be at your fingertips every day in order to gradually master it.
  2. Tutorial on learning a computer should be written in the simplest and most in clear language With maximum number pictures.
  3. It is advisable that at first you be advised by someone who is familiar with the computer.
  4. If you use educational materials, do it gradually, do not get ahead of yourself and do not try to learn everything at once.

Essential skills for those who want to know how to learn how to use a computer:

  • correct switching on and off;
  • downloading a text editor and typing text;
  • Internet access;
  • Email and working with it;
  • work with search engines;
  • adequate perception of antivirus program signals.

An excellent opportunity for those who want to quickly learn how to work on a computer is a variety of audio and video courses, teaching aids, trainings and special literature. The Internet is full of similar advertisements. Moreover, not all of the courses offered are paid. But there is one point: to take advantage of these offers you need to at least be able to turn on a computer, use the Internet and a browser. You can also ask a family member to help you learn the basics computer terminology and figure out the buttons.

How to learn to use a computer?

In order to master the basics computer literacy you don't need to be a genius. Of course, you will have to assimilate a certain amount of information, understand some specific terms and the operating principle of several computer programs. Programs you need to know for full use majority useful functions computer:

  • Windows operating system. The basis of a computer, without it it is just a piece of iron or plastic;
  • typing programs (for example, Notepad and Word);
  • programs for playing music and films (audio and video players);
  • programs that protect your computer (antivirus);
  • programs for accessing the Internet (Internet browsers);
  • archivers;
  • mail client, communication programs (for example, Skype or icq);
  • programs for viewing photographs, pictures, drawings;
  • programs for downloading information from the Internet;
  • cleaning programs extra files and to restore the system in case of failure.

If you want to learn how to work on a computer, you need to master at least the above programs. In fact, there are many more, but this is enough for you to start with.

How to learn to type on a computer?

In order to print, you will need to open Word. At first everything seems complicated. Briefly the basics of the program:

How to learn to type quickly on a computer?

There are two categories of people who type on a computer. Some do not take their eyes off the monitor (touch typing), others from the keyboard. Of course, touch typing is preferable, since you are not distracted by searching for the desired letter on the keyboard. But learning this method is also more difficult. In any case, when typing, you should use all ten fingers. It is best to first study the correct finger layout on the keyboard. Practice a little, perhaps use special training.


Can a common person master a computer in two hours? Surely the majority will answer this question in the negative. I have a different opinion. If children begin to play with a computer as soon as they can walk, then why do many middle-aged and older people have difficulty mastering this complex household tool? I believe that the reason for this is the lack professional approach to a computer training system.

Ordinary people from post-Soviet powers, whose knowledge was laid back in Soviet times, are simply accustomed to thinking in other categories. Their consciousness has a different terminology, they are used to thinking by other criteria (more precisely, by other templates). What happens when they pick up any book on computers? The first thing they encounter is obscure terms that mean even less clear categories. Interface, modem, processor, controller, etc. - all this scares away and discourages any desire to take on the computer. And sometimes these terms even have multiple meanings (for example, the word “processor” as such, and the same word in the phrase “ word processor"already have different meanings). Are children really learning computers with the help of these tedious technical books and memorizing these incomprehensible terms? Yes, of course not. For them, a computer is a toy that needs to be played with according to certain rules (the word algorithm is still unclear to many of them).

Let me start with the fact that I needed to teach my father, who is 87 years old, to play chess on his own with a computer. To do this, I wrote instructions that formed the basis of this article. In addition, I have a friend who is afraid of the computer like fire, and any suggestion to use the computer triggers a defensive reaction in him, and he immediately declares, “I don’t need that.” Therefore, I decided to post on the website the instructions that I wrote for my 87-year-old father, and with which he could easily use my computer.

The purpose of this article is to help middle-aged and older people, and possibly children, master this incomprehensible thing - a computer in a few hours. I say again, if you have reached my site, then you do not need this article. But on the other hand, your younger brother, father or friend, for whom you naturally do not have time, may need it.

To learn how to use a computer (as they say now, to master a computer at the level of a novice user), you need to learn to do four things:

1. Turn on the computer.

2. Launch the program you need (it’s best to start with a simple game). In most cases application programs, installed on your computer, are indicated by a small image (pictogram or icon) that is reflected (highlighted, you can call it whatever you want) on the computer desktop (you will find the concept of this term below, but don’t get too hung up on it for now).

3. Turn off the program you are running. This operation is called “close the program”.

4. Turn off the computer.

First, let's look at a few concepts. Apparently, I also cannot do without theory; this is probably how we, people of the older generation, are structured. But I assure you, the theory will not take more than five minutes and, perhaps, will help some people master the computer faster. What is a computer? This is a thing that usually consists of a small box (it's called a system unit) and a screen (it's called a monitor). It happens that both the system unit and the monitor are combined with each other. Then such a computer, depending on its size, can be called a laptop, netbook, tablet, smartphone, communicator, or something else. The image that appears on the monitor screen after turning on the computer and after all transient processes have completed is called the desktop (see Fig. 1). everything that is shown in Fig. 1 is the desktop. Of course, the desktop images may differ for each computer.

Elements of Fig. 1 that are necessary for the first lesson: 1 - pictograms (icons) of programs; 2 - Solitaire game icon; 3 - Start button.

Any computer can only work with programs. Roughly speaking, programs are the rules by which a computer operates. If there are no rules, the computer will not work. Programs, in general, can be divided into two types. The first type is the operating system - this is main program, which is “put into” the computer so that it can work. The job of the operating system is to manage all other programs. The second type is application programs (roughly they can be called auxiliary), with the help of these programs specific tasks on the computer (watching movies, photos, listening to music, playing various games, etc.). Well, that’s probably all, the theory is over for today. Let's move on to practice.

In order to use the computer, you first need to turn it on. To do this on any computer, as well as on any household appliance or in any electronic toy, there is special button turning on the power supply. Typically this button is located on system unit. For your specific computer, you will find the location of this button in its operating instructions (description), or ask a more experienced friend, but be sure to remember where it is located, otherwise you will not be able to turn on your computer again.

After you turn on your computer, a cursor will appear on its screen (usually a small inclined arrow, but it can also be something else - a cross or a vertical line). Owners of tablets or smartphones do not have a cursor; its task is performed by your finger or a stylus (a special plastic stick). The cursor is controlled using the so-called mouse, moving which along a flat surface leads to the movement of the cursor on the desktop. The program you need is launched by hovering the cursor over the icon of this program and double click(by clicking or clicking) the left mouse button (LMB) while holding the cursor on the icon of the program you have selected. The image that appears on the monitor after the completion of transient processes when starting the program is called the program window. In our case, I launched the Solitaire game, using the corresponding icon (see 2 Fig. 1), selecting it from many other icons (see 1 Fig. 1) and received the Solitaire program window Fig. 2. How to work with a specific program is another question, and perhaps in my other lessons for beginners, I will try to describe this process for the most popular programs. In order to launch a program, owners of tablets (smartphones, etc.) need to touch the icon of the required program with a stylus (or finger).

So, in the screenshot of Fig. 2 (by the way, the screenshot is taken using special program, designed specifically for this purpose) is presented popular game“Solitaire”, which you can learn to play by consulting with a computer user of any level, at least with the neighbor boy. Why do I recommend starting to learn a computer with a game? Yes, because it will not be so tedious, you will quickly learn how to operate the mouse and will be able to master the first basics of the process of communicating with a computer.

To turn off your computer, just hover over the Start button on your desktop and click once left button mouse while holding the cursor on this button. The “Start” button is a small picture in the lower left corner (see 3 Fig. 1), it can have the shape of a circle, like mine, or a rectangle. It depends on the operating system that is on your computer. After you click the start button (left-click with the cursor hovering over the “Start” button), depending on your computer, you will see a small window (Fig. 3), in which you must select “Shut down” (or “Turn off the computer”) (see 1 Fig. 3). If you move the cursor over it (on this inscription) and press the left mouse button, the computer will turn off after a while. Please note that on your computer the image in Fig. 3 may differ from mine, but you still need to look for the words “Shut down” or “Turn off the computer”. I also want to draw your attention to the fact that the “Start” button is not the button with which you turned on the computer, that button is real and is called the power button, and this drawn one is called the “Start” button. It would probably be more correct to call this button the Power Off button (although it has other purposes).

If you did all this on your own, congratulations, you can already be classified as a novice user.

I intentionally missed one point in these instructions. This is shutting down the program you are running. For most programs this is not necessary, but there are programs in which it is necessary to save current parameters, so as not to start work (game) all over again. But the order in which parameters are saved is individual for each program, and the order in which this operation is performed must be considered when studying a particular program. And to turn off (end) a program, it is usually enough (this applies to most, but still not all programs) to point at the white cross in the red rectangle, which is located in the right top corner program window (see 1 Fig. 2) and press the left mouse button. And it would be nice if the user made it a habit to close all programs he was running, although, I repeat, this is not necessary.

Itsenko Alexander Ivanovich

This article belongs to the series of articles “ Computer training " or " Master a computer in two hours " Other articles from this series:

I'm glad you decided to take the initial video course - Computer Basics. This course is a textbook, which many who have completed it already call – Computer for Dummies.

If you want to start learning it right away, then first watch the video lesson about how to complete this tutorial, you can watch the video lesson (click on the word “here” once with the left mouse button), and then return here (it will tell you how), scroll down to the content of the video course, and start studying. Well, those who want to read the preface to the textbook are welcome.

A computer for dummies, or what is a computer and what do you eat it with?

For many people who are just starting to use a computer, this “usage” is a real problem. After all, this ill-fated PC (personal computer, means the same thing as just the word “computer”, so don’t be alarmed), has great amount functions, and as I already wrote on, after a person finds the answer to one question, fifteen more immediately arise in its place.

One day, while teaching my mother and aunt, I realized that if a person is taught certain, basic computer knowledge, then after such training, all other knowledge will be easily applied. But how can we determine this database, where can we find such words in order to present information to novice users in such a way that computer for dummies became clear.

I decided to take on this business and wanted to create computer courses for beginners, so that their training goes from the simplest to the most complex. You will say that everyone does this. But no. Before making my course, I read three thick textbooks on teaching computers for dummies, looked at a bunch of sites with video lessons and articles, and noticed this thing - literally from the first lesson, beginners are told what a registry is, etc. But these “teachers” forget about one thing, that sometimes a person doesn’t know how to turn on a computer, and they already start telling him what a registry is, a terribly scary word for a “dummie” (By the way, if you get interested later, you can then read it, but only after going through the textbook).

My computer courses for beginners.

Let me tell you how my first course differs from others (I also have a second course, but I strongly recommend that you take it after completing the first). And it differs in that in the very first lesson (the first video is an Introduction, but it is not considered a lesson), we will learn, yes, exactly how to work with a mouse. Believe me, knowing this will save you from a lot of problems, one of which is when to click the mouse button once, and when to click twice (sometimes even the “old people” get confused). By mouse you will work the most, however, other “teachers” sometimes don’t even mention the mouse, but it’s what you’ll be “fidgeting” with the whole time you’re sitting at the computer.

After which there will be a deeper study of what is located on the desktop, because it is the one that opens in front of you after turning on the computer. We will talk in great detail about, which for many beginners is a rattling forest. After watching this tutorial, you will understand that the Start menu is one of the the most convenient tools , For fast work with programs.

IN next step, we will go through the tab (sometimes it is also called “My Computer”) and everything that is in it. More precisely, not everything, but what you need, since it is there some files and folders, into which even good masters “get into” due to a very urgent need. By the way, a couple of incomprehensible words slipped through - , and you will also be told about them in detail.

After which we once again back to the mouse, only now to , because she demands special attention and it is imperative to know how to work with it.

After we have mastered everything I talked about above, we will move on to more difficult things, such as: and . Do you think this is difficult and scary? But no, after completing the first five lessons, you will lose this very fear, which used to slow down your learning. Here another feeling will awaken - interest. This is exactly what we need. After all, what is interesting to learn will always encourage you to learn something new, and in the end, before you even blink an eye, you will understand the PC at a good level.

Well, in conclusion, I will show you how to write down anything. I think it is necessary to know this because learning how to write information to disk, with recording to a flash drive, you will not have any problems at all. A flash drive is a very necessary thing, and you need to know how to handle it.

Here you go short review The textbook is finished, its meaning is very simple:

1. At the beginning, we study what is the basis of the basics (mouse, desktop)
2. After which, the environment in which we will work (My Computer, Start)
3. Working with the program (Installation, and actually the work itself (on Word example, Excel))

As you understand, we are moving from simple to complex.

Well, all I have to do is wish you successful completion this textbook! To understand how to watch video lessons correctly, be sure to study this short article - (click once, left mouse button). And then you can start going through the tutorial. Good luck!

  • you will meet operating system windows
  • learn about software your computer
  • learn to create, edit and delete folders and files
  • learn to work in text editor word
  • learn to add to text documents pictures, texts, tables, etc.
  • learn to work in excel
  • you will learn to create tables, charts, graphs in Excel
  • learn to work on the Internet
  • you will understand all the intricacies of creating your own mailbox
  • learn how to register and communicate on social networks

Upon completion of the course you will receive

Upon completion of the PC course for beginners, you will receive a certificate assigning a specialty:
"Personal computer operator".

Excel course - allows you to work with spreadsheets,
PowerPoint course - designed for creating presentations,
Access course - allows you to create and administer databases.

Where will you study?

Addresses of classrooms where classes on selected courses are held*:
m. Kurskaya - main office sales, 4 computer classes, 3 theory classes, 2 design classes
m. Belorusskaya - theory class
m. Kuznetsky Most- beauty classes
m. Oktyabrskaya - computer classes, theory classes
m. Prospekt Mira - computer classes, theory classes
m. Pushkinskaya - beauty courses classes
m. Serpukhovskaya - computer classes, theory classes
m. Sokol - computer classes, theory classes
m. Taganskaya - computer classes, theory classes
m. Tretyakovskaya - beauty classes

(*Check the exact address of the audience with the organizer of the educational process)