Minimum Rostelecom package, how many channels. Rostelecom TV channel packages: names of interactive television channels

Rostelecom clients who use interactive television services are connected by default to the “Popular” package by the operator. At the same time, users can change the tariff plan to the one they like at any time. The “Popular” tariff contains a set of TV channels on various topics. Low cost and a large number of programs, many categories and genres - all this will be not only profitable, but also a pleasant offer for the subscriber.

Popular Rostelecom package: list of channels

The “Popular” Internet television tariff from Rostelecom includes the most famous and recognizable channels. Here are the main seven thematic blocks:

  • sports:
  • informative;
  • movie;
  • children's;
  • entertaining;
  • musical;
  • HD video;
  • informational.

There are 15 programs broadcasting both domestic and foreign premieres and masterpieces of gold collections. The youngest TV viewers will be delighted by 8 interesting and educational TV channels. Music lovers will be able to follow the latest music from various genres, and sports fans will not miss important events from international arenas.

A large number of educational programs will allow you to broaden your horizons and receive a lot of interesting information from experts, professors, famous travelers and great scientists from around the world. You can relax and get a lot of positive energy thanks to entertainment channels. In this offer from the provider, the entire range of programs on various topics is available.

In order to find out in more detail about which channels are included in the “Popular” package in your region, you should contact the subscriber support service, or read the information provided on the official website of the Rostelecom company.

List of channels of the package popular Rostelecom

The “Popular” package from Rostelecom includes a list of 115 different channels, including essential broadcast ones:

  • First;
  • Russia 1;
  • Russia 24;
  • TNT and others.

Examples of entertainment channels include:

  • Humor.

Among the educational channels there are such popular ones as:

  • Animal Planet;
  • Discovery channel;
  • My planet;
  • History;
  • Viasat Explorer/History;
  • National Geographic, etc.

The music block is presented:

  • Russian Musicbox;
  • A-One;
  • Bridge TV, etc.

Movies and TV series can be watched on TV channels:

  • TV 1000;
  • Illusion +;
  • Paramount Comedy;
  • Fox-life and 8 more channels.

Each block contains well-known and popular programs from Russian and foreign agencies and studios.

Attention! Channel list may vary. Some TV programs are sometimes replaced or added by the operator.

How to connect a package

The “Popular” TV package from Rostelecom is available immediately after connecting to the service. In order to monitor expenses and changes in tariffs yourself, go to the set-top box menu and select the “Service Management” section.

Information about services, as well as the possibility of additional packages, will be available here. You can find information about the cost and control all costs on the provider’s website itself in the personal account section.

The “Popular” tariff from Rostelecom, thanks to a wide list of channels and the availability of a variety of television programs for every taste, has become one of the most popular television packages among users. Various categories of viewers will find interesting programs, TV series, films, reviews, and will also be able to quickly follow news releases. The package is suitable for all members of your family, regardless of age and preferences.

In Rostelecom’s line of digital television tariffs there is a package, the name of which itself says that it is suitable for most Russians, since it combines a significant list of channels and a reasonable price. The name of this package is "Optimal".

For those who are still choosing a suitable tariff plan, and those who are looking for the opportunity to switch to another, it is important to know which channels are included in the “Optimal” package. For ease of perception, we have grouped all TV channels from the tariff into categories. Subscribers should also take into account that there is no single list, because the list of channels differs somewhat depending on the region of the country.

Channel list

Sports channels

Sports fans, having subscribed to the “Your Optimal” package, can be sure that they will not miss a single important competition or event from the world of sports, because there are more than 50 sports-themed TV channels for them. Among them are:

  • 3 channels of the Eurosport line;
  • Motors TV;
  • Sports 1;
  • NTV-Plus sports;
  • Extreme Sports;
  • Football;
  • Sport;

TV channels for film lovers

World cinema masterpieces, films of different genres, television series - all this is available to subscribers of the "Optimal" package. The entire list of channels broadcasting movies is quite impressive, we will present only a small part of it here:

  • Fox Life;
  • Paramount Comedy;
  • Phoenix Plus Cinema;
  • TV1000;
  • Retro TV;
  • Russian cinema.

Children's TV channels

The “Your Optimal” tariff has something to watch even for the youngest viewers. Rostelecom has prepared about 40 channels for them, among which we highlight the following:

  • Baby TV;
  • Gulli;
  • Beaver;
  • Sundress;
  • Cartoon Network;
  • Boomerang;
  • Disney;
  • My joy.

Popular science channels

A lot of educational information can be gleaned from the channels of the Discovery line and similar ones. They are designed for the widest audience, and there are a lot of such programs in the “Optimal” package. Here is just a small part of the list of educational channels from this tariff plan:

  • Animal Planet;
  • Amazing Life;
  • National Geographic;
  • Viasat History;
  • Discovery Channel;
  • 24 Doc;

Entertainment TV channels

There are now a lot of music and other entertainment channels. Considering the high demand for such a television product, the “Your Optimal” tariff offered the viewer a large selection of programs on this topic. Here are a few names that are well known in the country:

  • A-One;
  • Fashion TV;
  • Shanson-TV;
  • Muz TV;
  • Europa Plus TV;
  • Humor Box.

Tariff cost

Now, having an idea of ​​the bulk of the channels available to the viewer after connecting to Rostelecom’s flagship tariff plan - “Optimal”, it is logical to find out about the amount that will have to be paid monthly for the right to view all this content. The subscription fee for this package is 420 rubles per month.

At the same time, the provider provides each client with the opportunity to additionally connect some options that will significantly expand the list of channels by adding a TV product on a certain topic. You also need to remember that both the list of channels and the subscription fee in different regions of the country are somewhat different from those indicated here. Therefore, this information should be clarified at your place of residence.

We continue to talk about interactive television from Rostelecom, the services of which are used by hundreds of thousands of Russians today, and today we are considering one tariff plan, which has optimal conditions for the majority of modern TV viewers. However, Rostelecom called this tariff “Optimal” to make it clear that its options are suitable for most clients.

We want to consider the information about the offer in more detail, so that subscribers who want to change their tariff package no longer have any questions, and they can quickly switch to service within the new package.

Let's look one by one at an approximate list of TCs available in the package, breaking them down into categories. Note that we said “approximate”, since the exact range of available programs may vary depending on the region of connection.

Sports channels in the “Optimal” tariff

Sports fans are in for a big surprise in this package, because perhaps the most necessary line of channels has been selected for them, capable of covering all events from the world of sports during the day:

  • 3 channels of the Eurosport line;
  • Extreme Sports;
  • Motors TV;
  • Football;
  • Sports 1;
  • Sport;
  • NTV-Plus sports;

It is important to note that these are only some of the available channels, since their list exceeds the frame of 50 available options, and the time allotted for our thematic note is, alas, limited.

Offers for film fans

Fans of watching movies, as well as popular television series, get access to an equally extensive range of channels within tariff "Optimal" from Rostelecom. The main part of the list looks like this:

  • Fox Life;
  • Paramount Comedy;
  • TV1000;
  • NSTV;
  • Retro TV
  • Phoenix Plus Cinema;
  • Russian cinema.

Channels for children

Rostelecom’s proposal did not bypass the children’s audience, offering the following channels for the youngest TV viewers to choose from:

  • Baby TV;
  • Cartoon Network;
  • Gulli;
  • Boomerang;
  • Beaver;
  • Disney;
  • Sundress;
  • My joy.

Please note that this is also not the entire list of available offers, but only part of the catalog, which contains up to 40 available offers.

Tariff "Optimal": Educational channels

We all, of course, love TV shows from the Discovery channel series, so Rostelecom has also implemented a selection of educational broadcasts, the list of which looks something like this:

  • Animal Planet;
  • Discovery Channel;
  • Amazing Life;
  • 24 Doc;
  • National Geographic;
  • Viasat History.

With such an assortment, which, by the way, is by no means limited to the marked channels, you can watch educational programs for days.

Entertainment offers

Where would modern television be without entertaining TV channels, which Rostelecom also offers in wide abundance. In part, perhaps, because there are the most television channels of this kind today. Here are some of them:

  • A-One;
  • Europa Plus TV;
  • Fashion TV;
  • MTV (abundantly);
  • Shanson-TV;
  • Humor Box;
  • Muz TV.

It is worth noting that we have announced only the most rated channels, and in the entertainment package there are actually much more of them.

Financial conditions of the “Optimal” tariff from Rostelecom

Now we get to the money stuff because the benefits available are one thing, but you need to know how much you need to pay for them in order to enjoy them on a daily basis.

So, access to the tariff plan is open to Rostelecom subscribers who are willing to pay 420 rubles per month for it. Again, note that this price may differ in different cities, just like the list of available channels.

However, almost everywhere both will tend to the benchmarks indicated above.

When choosing interactive television, users always carefully study what content the operator can offer them. In this sense, Rostelecom channels meet the most demanding requirements, allowing the viewer to receive any information and have a great rest.

Rostelecom digital channels are configured automatically after turning on the set-top box. You do not need to know the frequencies of Rostelecom digital channels; You only need to enter the identification data specified in the agreement with the provider on the TV so that the Rostelecom IP channels that you have connected appear on the screen.

Channels by interest

Rostelecom does not offer any channels: the connected packages contain entire blocks of sports, scientific, educational, children's and music channels. By the way, the frequencies of Rostelecom TV channels are arranged in order, in which the first places are given to the most popular broadcasters.

What channels in Rostelecom are suitable for children? Nickelodeon, Carousel, Cartoon, Tiji, Cartoon Network. If you want Rostelecom channels to perform an educational function, then it is worth checking that the connected package contains the following broadcasters:

  • English Club TV.
  • Discovery Channel.
  • National Geographic.
  • Animal Planet.
  • The first is educational, etc.

Fans of music of different styles should pay attention to channels such as MusicBox, Bridge TV, A-One, Chanson-TV, MTV Rocks and others. It’s also easy to answer which channels on Rostelecom are suitable for business people. These are RBC, Euronews, MIR 24, Russia Today.

If you do not want to connect interactive television with the ability to control broadcasting, then choose Rostelecom cable channels. Through the cable installed in your apartment, you will receive high-quality content that turns watching TV into a real journey through a new world.

Changing the channel list

If you are not satisfied with the quality of the programs that you find using interactive television, then the question arises of how to change Rostelecom channels. This is easy to do: you need to switch to another tariff, which has more channels on Rostelecom.

For example, the basic package of Rostelecom channels includes 117 positions. If this is not enough for you, connect to extended tariffs. The Rostelecom channel table contains about 200 positions, and this number is constantly increasing. Special tariffs are appearing for fans of sports, cinema, and TV series, so the question of which channels to watch on Rostelecom disappears by itself - subscribers just need to choose a program to suit their interests.

Relaxing in front of the TV while watching your favorite series or football match is the most popular type of passive relaxation. Interactive television "Rostelecom": list of channels, reviews and instructions for connecting - you can read about all this here.

What is interactive television?

Before we talk about Rostelecom interactive television, the list of channels, reviews and advantages, let's talk about what it is in itself.

In the usual sense, television includes about 10 However, with the advent and spread of the World Wide Web in our country, some providers are able to broadcast more than a hundred channels as part of customer service. In addition, those interested can activate special packages for a fee. These can be TV channels of different thematic areas: children's or sports, culinary and handicrafts, it all depends on the interests of the clients.

Despite the huge number of channels provided by providers, every user at least once caught himself thinking that he had absolutely nothing to watch.

This is how we easily and naturally get to the main advantage of interactive television compared to traditional television: you choose what to watch yourself, and do not choose the best from what is offered.

Basic features of digital TV

Pros of connection

Reviews of Rostelecom interactive television speak of the following advantages:

  • High quality images, especially in HD mode.
  • There is no glare or distortion of the picture on the screen.
  • Some users appreciated the ability to connect via phone wire.
  • Low cost of the services offered.
  • The list of Rostelecom interactive television channels includes 200 items.

Is it possible not to buy a console?

All the advantages have been considered, all that remains is to answer the main question: how to connect Rostelecom interactive television?

The company cares about the convenience of its customers. Typically, other providers of similar services offer to purchase a connection using a telecard. It is inserted into the TV slot. With its help, you can view the entire list of Rostelecom interactive television channels, choose the one you like and enjoy the program in the same quality as with the set-top box.

To connect

To connect to interactive TV from Rostelecom, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  1. Go to the official website of the company.
  2. Select your region and city.
  3. Go to the "Television" section.
  4. Select the offer that suits you best: “Interactive TV” or “Interactive TV 2.0”.
  5. Click on the "Order" button.

After this, company representatives will contact you and clarify the necessary technical details.

Connection methods

Connecting via an access point takes several steps. In this option, no additional wires are needed and there is no connection to the equipment. An access point in wireless connection mode connects the STB to the network of an existing provider, operates in client mode, directing the video stream to the set-top box. You can connect it to the router using a regular cable.

When you configure the access point, make sure that the DHCP server function is disabled. To do this, connect the access point using a network cable and open any browser. Enter the device address in the command line area.

If a dialog box appears in which you need to enter your username and password, write the data specified in the instructions for the router.

Go to the Lan and Network sections. Make any necessary adjustments.

Setting up via router

Before setting up, you need to check the following:

  • Setting up a router for IPTV.
  • Is the multicast transmission function enabled?
  • Rearrangement of IPTV ports over a wireless connection.

The router is connected to the PC, and the device address is entered into the command line area. For a laptop, connect a wireless connection, and then go to the router settings.

Find and click on the "Advanced Options" menu. Find "WLAN Settings" - "Basic".

Enable the multicast function via Wi-Fi.

Interactive TV options

Rostelecom offers its subscribers several connection options.

The first of them is “Interactive TV”. This package is available only to company subscribers. Work is carried out only in the area of ​​the connected household. The contractor guarantees the quality of the services provided. There is also additional content. Rostelecom interactive television packages include 5 mandatory and 9 additional ones within the framework of Interactive TV. An extensive film library of movies and TV series has been developed for users. In addition to the traditional additional features of interactive TV - "Multiroom" and karaoke.

"Interactive TV 2.0"

This package is more advanced and works with any network provider. Wireless connection is available and works throughout the country where there is a connection. Payment for services can be made either from a card or from a personal account. Rostelecom TV channels within this offer are 1 main and 2 additional.

In order to set up the TV correctly, it is recommended to wait for a specialist. Users immediately receive all the necessary equipment, and a company specialist arrives within a few days.

Price for packages

TV packages for Rostelecom channels are, as mentioned earlier, cheaper than those of analogue companies. The “starter” package, which includes 121 channels, 21 of which are broadcast in HD mode, will cost 450 rubles per month.

If you don’t spend a lot of time in front of the TV, you can limit yourself to the “Minimal” package, which contains 35 channels. Its cost is 230 rubles.

Rostelecom TV channels will give you quality at an affordable price.