Latest Android operating system. Which version of Android is better: outdated, current and new. Android secrets for beginners

When people hear this word, they have many questions: “Why a green robot?”, “How difficult is it to handle?”, “How to install programs or make backup copy?”, “Should I give it preference when choosing a new mobile phone?” and others.

But what is Android anyway? Let's try to figure this out.


Android (eng. "Android") - this is the name software platform for devices (most of which: mobile devices), based on the Linux kernel. It was originally created by Android Inc., which was acquired by Google. Android provides the opportunity to develop Java applications that control the device using libraries developed by Google. Distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Used in a wide range of devices:

  • Smartphones
  • TVs
  • Google glasses
  • Media players
  • E-books
  • Photo frames
  • Laptops/netbooks/smartbooks
  • And so on

It is planned to install the Android system on automotive computerized parts and robotic vehicles (military and household). Now it is the most common operating system for mobile devices (for example, in 2014, more than 80% of smartphones sold had the Android operating system).

In the fall of 2012, L. Page (Executive Director of Google) published statistics on the activation of over 500 million Android-based mobile devices. To compare the speed of spread of this OS, in the fall of 2013 it became known that > ​​1 billion devices running Android were activated on our planet.

The main competitor in the mobile segment on this moment is the Apple company with an expensive proprietary operating system called iOS. Just like Apple Google company has its own online market, but has not only paid ones, but also many free products, unlike its competitor, who sells its full-fledged programs most often for more than $0.

Software (application) store "Google Play"

In the fall of 2008, Google presented an online store of programs (applications) for its OS - Android Market. As for payment, developers receive about 70% of the profit, and the remaining 30% goes to operators who provide access to cellular network. As of January 2012, >10 billion applications have been downloaded since the launch of Android Market.

In the spring of 2012, the company combined its multimedia services, such as “Books”, “Android Market”, “Music”, etc. Google Play appeared. The Google Play online store is used in more than 180 countries and has over half a million applications downloaded more than 25 billion times.

Advantages of Android

Unlike iOS, Android is a free platform, which gives it the opportunity to implement more different functions and make itself more versatile with the help of firmware and patches from third-party programmers.

  • by default has a restriction on installing programs from “unverified sources”, but this ban can be easily deactivated in the device settings, which allows installation without an Internet connection, and also provides the opportunity to test personally written applications;
  • available for MIPS, ARM, x86;
  • multiplayer mode starting from Android versions 4.3

Criticism from outside

  • Some devices have Google services that allow you to transfer confidential information to the company;
  • the platform has excessive fragmentation, preventing programmers from creating applications without any problems;
  • due to the use of Java code there is often a decrease in overall performance and increased power consumption of Android devices
  • According to Lookout Security Mobile, over 1 million US dollars were stolen from owners of Android smartphones in 2011 (common methods: sending instant messages without the participation of the phone owner or a call to a paid number).

This is interesting

  • The name of each version of Android 1.5+ is a dessert, or rather its name. In this case, the first letters of the names are correlative to the letters of the Latin alphabet, following in order:
  • were created for Android individual sets fonts Droid and Robot;
  • In Android versions 4.2+ initially Developer tools are disabled, to activate you need to click on the release number seven times.
  • on official websites from the moment of their launch until the present moment Minimum specifications not specified required to run the OS;
  • in versions 2.3+ there is easter egg To launch it, you should go to “Settings - About device - Android version” and quickly click on this function 4 times, after which the animation will be displayed, and then the “Flappy Bird” mini-game will open.

What is Android, and why is it needed? Many beginners, when buying a modern gadget, be it a tablet or a smartphone, ask a similar question. It is worth clarifying the situation and highlighting some of the advantages of this platform.

History of appearance

Today there are many devices that run on the Android platform. This operating system is designed for smartphones and tablets, watches and e-readers, game consoles and even Google glasses. Perhaps TVs and cars with Android support will appear soon.

The history of the creation of the OS began back in 2003. At that time, a small organization called Android inc was founded. Its founders were Rich Miner, Chris White, Andy Rubin and Nick Sears. Even then, some developments were underway that were planned to be implemented in the new operating system. The company carried out its activities in the strictest secrecy.

Soon the organization ran out of money, and there were no significant achievements in OS development. Due to the lack of results, investors could not be attracted. After a while, Google became interested in the development. In 2005, the company became the property of the search giant.

After this, the Open Handset Alliance Corporation was founded. It includes leading manufacturers of mobile devices. The Android platform was first introduced in 2007. As you know, it is based on the Linux kernel. The first version of this operating system was released in 2008.

What it is

Android is the operating system that powers smartphones, tablets, and many other devices. Thanks to this OS, even the most inexpensive phone will be able to gain new capabilities. The system will allow you to install various useful programs on your device that will help you make full use of all the functions of the device.

All necessary software can be downloaded from the Play Market. This site contains more than 700 thousand programs. A wide range will allow you to find any application you need. Using the operating system, you can easily access the Internet, watch video files, communicate via in social networks, listen to music, take photos and immediately post them to your account or read e-books.

It is worth noting that the OS is completely free. Moreover, it is very easy to use. It won't take much time to understand the interface. Thanks to all its advantages, it has become the most widespread in the world. In 2014, more than 86% of devices operating on this platform were sold.

Video: Android phone

OS application

Since the advent of the Android operating system to the present day, developers have not been sitting idly by. The platform is constantly being improved. At the same time, its functionality is expanded by introducing new features.

Photo: Android 4.0 is the latest mobile version

The platform has become so popular and comfortable to use that many companies that develop modern gadgets, decided to release their devices based on this OS.

Using Android is not as difficult as it seems. With its help, you can perform almost the same actions on your device as on your computer.

The system provides several standard applications. Among them are:

  • browser;
  • Email;
  • calendar;
  • voice search;
  • social network;
  • navigator;
  • weather;
  • news.

All applications from Google.

Another nice plus is the ability to customize your desktop yourself. Can be added on device additional screen, where you can place shortcuts or widgets. You can also install any theme or wallpaper you like, thereby modifying the interface.

Why is it good

This OS has a number of advantages. The main ones are:

Stages of Android development

After the presentation of the first version of the platform, it was refined over the next year, as a result of which some system errors were corrected.

Five updated versions were introduced in 2009:

2010 was marked by the release of two more versions. They became:

The next development by the manufacturers was platform 3.0, which was presented in 2011. The new OS was specifically designed for tablets.

This system differs from the previous ones:
  • improved interface;
  • the ability to synchronize links with Google Chrome;
  • external keyboard support;
  • it is now possible to change the size of widgets on the screen;
  • work on a multi-core processor.

The developers did not stop there and created Android 4.0, which was called “Ice Cream Sandwich”. This platform has become more universal. It can be used on both a phone and a tablet.

Photo: Android 4.0 “Ice Cream Sandwich”

The OS has a lot of new features and improvements:

  • The notification panel has been changed;
  • a way to control Internet traffic has been added;
  • a voice dictation function has appeared;
  • spell checking system;
  • The camera application has been improved - a panoramic shooting mode, various effects and an image stabilizer have appeared;
  • the browser has been updated;
  • support for screenshots;
  • updated security and gadget protection system.

Throughout 2012 and 2013, manufacturers worked on developing the OS " Jelly Bean» .

The next versions were 4.1, 4.2, 4.3. The new changes mainly affected the speed of the interface. Thanks to new developments, productivity has been increased. Now they work in parallel GPU and central.

IN updated version platforms appeared:

At the end of 2013, another version of Android 4.4 “Kitkat” was announced. New platform has been optimized to run on cheaper devices that have 512 MB RAM.

There are also some changes here:

  • Now in smartphones, contacts with whom the user communicates more often are located at the top of the list;
  • the voice assistant is always active;
  • automatic caller ID;
  • subtitles are now displayed in the video player;
  • the file downloader has an updated design;
  • support for pedometer applications;
  • Numerous errors and shortcomings have been corrected.

The company's latest development is version 5. The new OS is called “Lollipop”. The main highlight was material design design, which is distinguished by its versatility.


The main competitors with which the Android platform has to fight for the palm are:

Today Android has become the most common mobile platform in the world than iOS. However, a presentation of the new Ubuntu Phone OS is planned soon. Perhaps it will become another serious competitor to Android.

Android devices

In 2008, the first device was released that ran on Android. The device was developed by HTC. It was a smartphone called HTC Dream. After this, several more phone manufacturers expressed a desire to produce mobile devices that support this operating system.

Soon a tablet based on the Android platform was announced. In 2009, a photo frame running on this OS appeared on the market. In addition, after 2 years, the Blue Sky organization developed new wrist watch, which were called i’m Watch. They also support this system.

Camera manufacturers also decided to keep up and introduced the first camera in the world that runs on Android. The new product was released by Nikon. In addition, this platform features gaming consoles, e-books and media players. It is expected that some more devices will appear soon.

At this rate of development Android platform will become the absolute leader among other operating systems, leaving all competitors behind.

Thanks to a well-thought-out interface, convenient use and reliable protection data, devices running this OS are certainly worthy of attention.

As of today, the latest version of Android has the serial number 5 and the code name Lollipop. The system has received significant updates in design, functionality, in general, it is practically a newly created product. Now there are smartphones Google Nexus 5 have started to be updated to this OS version, and soon all modern smartphones will receive current update. However, we will tell you about the new 5.0 separately, but I still want to start from those times when the Android project did not even belong to Google...

Android: Beginning

Many people believe that the history of Android began in 2008 when the first version of Android 1.0 was released. But in fact, everything started 5 years earlier, in 2003, when Andy Rubin and his friends (Nick Sears, Chris White and Rich Miner) decided to create a mobile operating system and registered Android company Inc. The developers first focused on devices that could be constantly with users, determine location using GPS and automatically adapt to a person’s needs.

Andy Rubin Android creator Source:

For investors of that time, it was unlikely that anything was clear at all. Well, who wants to invest money in an incomprehensible startup that doesn’t bring in any money yet... And so it happened that by 2005 Andy and friends spent all their funds, but by a lucky coincidence Google took a closer look at them and on August 17, 2005 the corporation became a full-fledged corporation owner small Android Inc. It is worth noting that Google at that time did not have any special plans for gadgets, but was more focused on improving its own software and search algorithms. It’s scary to say, but at that time Google did not have any Adsense or even YouTube (it was acquired only in 2007).

Google logo in 2005

In the same year, against the backdrop of legal proceedings between Oracle and Google, it was decided that Android would be a free operating system and, of course, primarily focus on the implementation of Google services. Since Andy Rubin was initially involved in a project related to GPS, and the corporation already had Maps, it was planned to introduce maps into phones. Moreover, there were no smartphones at that time, so the cards could appear on a regular folding phone with buttons. The first images also indicate that Google was looking to RIM's experience with their Blackberry, so if not for a coincidence, touch phones might not have appeared. But, unfortunately or fortunately, the iPhone came out in 2007 and Google sharply revised its strategy. However, the first one is being prepared for release in 2008 Android build 1.0. However, at the beginning of 2007, Google does not have a partner that would release a phone on the new OS. Nokia - too much big company, with which there will be a conflict of interest, Motorola has not yet recovered from the rise in sales of Razr models. Google is choosing between LG and HTC. Korean LG is interested in the US market, but it is afraid of cooperation with an unknown partner and uses agreements with Google only to conclude contracts with Microsoft to create smartphones with Windows Mobile. But HTC was ready to work together, and besides, the Taiwanese company could quickly create working samples. The first known prototype was Google Sooner. Here, however, we had to abandon the touch screen; this model was created according to the original specifications, when Google relied on the experience of Blackberry.

Possibly the first Android phone prototype - Google Sooner

Sources say the first working version dates back to 05/15/2007 and was then called M3. The operating system is very similar to the Blackberry interface, the main position is occupied by the search engine Google string. In general, if it weren’t for the advent of the iPhone and the trend towards touch screens, perhaps we would now see Android like this.

Screenshot of Android M3, possibly the first working version of the OS Source:

Android: official start

Google clearly understood that with the release of Apple iPhone availability a touch screen was simply a necessity, and so early development had to be shelved. This was facilitated by communication with operators; in the summer of 2007, their opinion about future of android were pessimistic. In August 2007, an article appears in the WSJ talking about Google's efforts with its phone and platform. This material mentions that the company has two prototypes - one is similar to the Palm Treo with a QWERTY keyboard under the screen, and the second is somewhat reminiscent of the Nokia version. Within the team Android is coming a competition with time, since all previous plans were no good and they decided to abandon them. The team changes the timing, and the M3 is released in the second half of 2007. In the M5 version, it appears in early 2008, it appears status line, although experiments with the UI are noticeable to the naked eye. Watch the video to understand the differences between these versions.

It wasn't until August 2008 that Google developed version 0.9 to introduce OS version 1.0 in September 2008. Since October 22, 2008, operator T-Mobile in the USA begins sales of HTC Dream (T-Mobile G1), the first Android smartphone to feature a touch screen and an OS fully integrated for its use. But Google was able to rework the OS only to version 1.6, getting rid of the old ideas that were originally laid down when it was created. Perhaps it is from this moment that the rise of Android begins. Interest in the HTC Dream in the United States was enormous; the operator had sold 1 million devices by April 23, 2009. Such a demand for such an ordinary and simple device once again proved that ideas win, in this aspect it was the idea of ​​​​touch phones that captured the minds of consumers.

Naturally, the very first tests real users identified many shortcomings of the platform and already in the first year of existence Android Google released next updates: 1.1. Banana Bread, 1.5 Cupcake (video and photo uploading to YouTube and Picasa, automatic display orientation, predictive input, etc.), and 1.6 Donut (speech-to-text conversion with multilingual pronunciation, WVGA support, optimized work with gestures, etc.) .d.)

Android: second try

Android 2.0

After improving the 1st version, Android received expanded functionality and a good appearance in version 2.0, and then in 2.1 with the same code name Eclair. It became possible to use several Google accounts, and the standard web browser now supports HTML5. At the same time, new models of Android smartphones went on sale: NTS Magic and Hero, Motorola Droid and Samsung Galaxy.

At the same time, in 2010, the production of mobile processors began with clock frequency 1 GHz. And the first branded one appears Google smartphone Nexus One with 1 GHz processor. Of course, HTC becomes Google's partner. And HTC Desire, Motorola Droid 2 and Samsung Galaxy S received processors with a similar frequency. By the way, HTC will no longer make Google devices until 2014, when the Nexus 9 comes out. In the same 2010, Google released another version of Android, the new 2.2 Froyo , in which the performance of applications using JIT compilation has increased, and Adobe support Flash. Well, all the above-mentioned smartphones with a 1 GHz processor received an update to Froyo. In addition, the assembly received updates such as the Chrome V8 JS engine for the web browser, contact transfer and support for BlueTooth docking stations, cloud synchronization, etc.

Google Nexus One and Android 2.2 Froyo

By the way, in Russia many people saw Android for the first time in this edition, since this year the demand for touch smartphones, Android is gradually becoming fashionable. Until 2010, the “green robot” was seen only by geeks, and even then, more likely on the Internet or magazines than in their own hands.

Android Gingerbread and Honeycomb

It was the third year of Android's existence on the market. It was already a popular OS, but there were still many problems. And now, update 2.3 Gingerbread appears, which until 2013 was installed on a huge number of devices. Indeed, this version of the OS implemented many functions that outlined the prospects for the development of the platform as such - support for SIP telephony, Near Field Communication and Google Talk, work with higher resolution screens, a new download manager and much more.

Together with Gingerbread, Google releases its second branded smartphone - Nexus S. This time the manufacturer is Samsung, and Nexus S was, in fact, a slightly modified Galaxy S. However, Google Nexus S was released clearly too late: on the day its sales began, the company LG announced the first dual-core smartphone Optimus 2X. Now manufacturers are measured not by gigahertz, but by multi-core. As a result, not only LG Optimus 2X, but also Samsung Galaxy S II, HTC Sensation and Motorola Droid X2 received dual-core chips.

A Samsung company, meanwhile, is releasing another device after the Galaxy S smartphone - Galaxy tablet Tab. The compact and lightweight seven-inch “tablet” became a good alternative for those who did not like the bulky Apple iPad. But the problem is that Android currently only exists for smartphones. Not a problem, Google thought, and at the beginning of 2011, the first version of Android designed specifically for tablet PCs appeared - 3.0 Honeycomb. It really looked better on Honeycomb tablets than the stretched out Gingerbread smartphone interface. Thus, both smartphones and tablets are already operational based on the Android OS. The business began to expand, and rapidly. Almost all Android tablets are becoming Honeycomb carriers - Motorola Xoom, Acer Iconia Tab Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet, etc.

In the same 2011, at the IFA 2011 technology exhibition in Berlin, Samsung presented its first 5-inch Glaxy Note phablet, which became a very popular device, despite the opinions of skeptics. Then it was, in fact, the first device of this class, and even on Android. It took Apple another 3 years before this; in 2014, the company released the iPhone 6 Plus phablet.

Android 4: from Ice Cream Sandwich to KitKat

Google understands that having two separate systems for smartphones and tablets is not very profitable. More time is spent on development and support. And in the fall of 2011, Google releases Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, which becomes the first cross-platform version for smartphones and tablets. The build also includes access to applications directly from the lockscreen, and AndroidMarket is renamed to Google Play. According to many experts, it was with version 4.0 that Android began to acquire its usual shape and normal functionality. Now the devices on the “green robot” could also be simply used; they ceased to be gadgets for geeks.

Following the new operating system, Google presented a new smartphone - the Galaxy Nexus, which, apparently, was also developed in collaboration with Samsung. And again, after the release of a smartphone, component manufacturers begin to fight for hardware. Qualcomm presents powerful processors Krait, and Nvidia announces 4-core Tegra 3 chips. Well, the undisputed leader of Android smartphones in 2012 is the Samsung Galaxy S III, which joins the budget bestseller ASUS Nexus 7 based on the new Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS.

In 2012-2013, nothing special happened with Android after global changes with the unification of the tablet and smartphone versions. However, in 2012, Google makes 2 more branded devices - the LG Nexus 4 smartphone and samsung tablet Nexus 10. In parallel with the new products, an updated build of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean was presented, which complemented the previous version. Now users can fully experience the benefits of using GoogleNow, Cloud Messaging, Android Beam, triple buffering, multi-channel USB audio, etc. Then the Google Moto X smartphone is presented and Google tablet Nexus 7 2nd generation, which were not particularly popular in our country due to the fact that Motorola left the Russian market back in 2010.

In 2013, Nexus 5 appeared on the market, again as a result of cooperation with LG. And a new version of Android 4.4 KitKat is coming out for it and other devices. Yes, this is the first time that the version indicator is the name of a commercial product, but let’s not talk about that. The changes affected not only the interface of individual system applications and elements. The promised transparency has appeared in KitKat top panel notifications along with a new, sleek font and full-screen support for individual apps. With the release of KitKat, access to the service has become easier Google Now. Now its call is unified - you just need to swipe your finger across the screen from left to right. Previously, methods to access Google Now varied depending on the smartphone model (clicking on Home button, shaking, etc.). Additionally, the service is activated by the phrase “OK Google” when the start screen. The developers also paid attention to the Hangouts program. Now it allows you to send not only chat messages, but also SMS/MMS. Finally, we note the pedometer built into KitKat, which works even in background, as well as enhanced printer compatibility via cloud technology Google Print. The latter allows you to send documents for printing without any wires, by first changing the paper size and specifying the required number of pages.

The first version of the Android operating system was born in 2009. At that time it was very simple, which is typical for any software product. Over time, it began to acquire functionality, becoming a full-fledged operating system for mobile devices. Let's see what the latest version of Android is and how it differs from its predecessors.

At the time of writing, the latest version is the Android 8.0 Oreo operating system.

Android 1 "Apple Pie"

Already from the first version, the operating system began to receive names associated with sweets. Moreover, the first letters of the version names are sorted alphabetically, starting with the Latin A. Android 1.0 is a stable release in September 2008, which went to the masses. It’s unlikely that anyone remembers the appearance of this operating system, since the prevalence of the first devices was small. By the way, at the time of release there was already an application store - then it was called Android Market.

In subsequent intermediate versions, various innovations began to appear - support for widgets, A2DP support, publishing videos and photos, animation when moving between windows, voice search, sign language. There has also been a modernization software for working with the camera and gallery of images and videos.

Main the dignity of Android 1 "Apple Pie" was that it received all the basic functionality - it was modernized within one year. As a result, Android devices began to look more like pocket computers than just phones. The downside was that the first version was slow and lacked flash support.

Android 2.0 "Eclair"

The new version of Android with the tasty name “Eclair”, released in October 2009, received hardware acceleration, a search function for text and multimedia messages, support for live wallpapers, new maps and a calendar. Flash support now available fast access to contacts, tettering (distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi), automatic updating, voice dialing via Bluetooth, support for Adobe Flash 10.2, clipboard, support for sensors, support for multiple cameras.

At the same time, the developers updated the interface and introduced support for multiple cameras.. In intermediate versions, additional functions were introduced to increase screen resolution, support multiple touches, and increase productivity. Work was also carried out to eliminate errors in various modules and applications. A fair number of users have seen smartphones and tablets running Android 2.0 and intermediate versions.

The most widespread are the intermediate versions of Android 2.2 and Android 2.3 - devices on these versions were produced even in 2014. At the moment, this is a fairly old version of Android.

The advantage of Android 2.0 and its intermediate versions is a noticeable speedup. It has also become possible to produce devices with higher screen resolutions (up to 720p). The disadvantage of the system was that it was not very convenient user interface. There was also no support for keyboards, mice and other input devices.

Android 3.0 "Honeycomb"

This version of Android was born in February 2011, but was rarely seen on mobile devices because it was released in the same year next version. Android 3.0 received improved performance and the ability to resize widgets. There was also support for multi-core processors, which were becoming more and more common. An additional advantage support for full hardware acceleration, as well as long-awaited support for external mice, keyboards and other input devices.

The advantages of Android 3.0 include improved support for tablet PCs and increased operating speed. The developers also made many minor fixes that improved system stability. Disadvantages – poor multitasking, lack of protection of user data, uninformative notification panel, slow work on devices with a small amount RAM, lack of multi-user mode, low camera functionality.

Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich"

Version Android 4.0 appeared in September 2011. Its intermediate versions were released until June 2014. During all this time, the operating system has received a huge number of changes. Appeared here:

  • Improved spell checking;
  • Traffic control;
  • Data encryption;
  • High-performance and functional camera;
  • Autonomous voice input;
  • Smooth interface animation “without jumps”;
  • Google Now service;
  • Well-thought-out notification panel;
  • Supports multiple user profiles;
  • Miracast technology;
  • Supports connecting input devices via Bluetooth;
  • Voice assistant “OK Google”;
  • Large set of emoticons;
  • Advanced synchronization with cloud services;
  • Chromecast technology;
  • Pedometer support;
  • Android remote control;
  • NFC support.

There are so many changes and additions in Android 4.0 and in intermediate versions that they can be stretched over several pages. We have identified only the most important points. Thanks to them, Android devices have become full-fledged assistants of a modern person.

Advantages of Android 4.0 and more later versions– expanded work with external devices, rich functionality, improved interaction with users, high performance, reduced power consumption and much more. Disadvantages - slow operation on devices with a small amount of RAM, not very high stability.

Despite some shortcomings, devices running Android 4.x have become widespread - this operating system has received almost all the functionality necessary for smart smartphones and tablets.

Android 5.0 "Lollipop"

Previous versions of Android were not particularly energy efficient. The problem was resolved in Android 5.0 "Lollipop". This operating system works well on devices with little memory and saves battery power. The developers also managed to increase the stability of the system and make it more convenient. In version 5.1, basic support for two SIM cards appears - in devices on previous versions of the OS it was implemented by manufacturers.

Advantages of the system – significant increase stability, built-in VPN service, HD Voice support. Disadvantages: lack of control over applications and the data they use.

Android 6.0 "Marshmallow"

The Android 6.0 “Marshmallow” operating system appeared in May 2015. It is equipped with increased performance, advanced power saving, application control, built-in support for fingerprint scanners and many new small features that make the “axis” more convenient and functional. There is also support for the Android Pay payment system.

Android 7.0 "Nougat"

The operating system was released in 2016. She can work in multi-window mode, there is a call filtering function on board, grouping of notifications from one application has been implemented, full support has been provided virtual reality, new emoji icons have been added, data encryption has been improved, and the operation of applications in the background has been improved. Based on this OS, versions 7.1, 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 were released.

Android 8.0 "Oreo"

This operating system appeared in August 2017. It incorporates many innovations - separate notifications in applications, windowed mode, restriction background processes, dynamically changing image icons, auto-filling of fields in applications. So far, Android 8.0 Oreo is available on a limited number of devices.

Any gadget owner knows that there are different versions Android is an operating system that manufacturers install on manufactured devices. It was originally created to manage only mobile phones. Then they began to use it on tablets, smart watches, virtual reality glasses and even. The incredible popularity of Android is due to many useful functions, which he received in the process of development. It is thanks to this that he easily surpassed his competitors Microsoft and Apple, conquering the market for almost all mobile devices. But it all started with a small startup. If Google had not seen such prospects in the Android OS, users might not have known what a modern gadget should be like.

This operating system became available to users in 2008. However, its development began 5 years before the release of the first version. The founder of the project was Andy Rubin, who, together with his friends, wanted to implement the idea of ​​​​creating an open operating system for mobile phones. They created and registered a company called Android Inc.

The ideas that formed the basis of Android seemed too innovative at that time. Therefore, the project did not arouse interest among investors who did not understand its essence. The exception was Google, which saved a literally bankrupt company in time. But she also became the full owner of the Android trademark and all developments.

Due to litigation with Oracle, one of the leading search engines I was going through hard times back then. It was decided to create Android as an open OS, which is focused primarily on Google services.

The first working version of Android that was not released

The developers were guided by the success of the then popular Blackberry company. Because of this, the first working version of Android had a similar interface. It appeared in mid-May 2007 and was called M3. The operating system was designed for phones with keys and relatively small display. The main screen had the Google search bar as its main element.

The idea of ​​​​creating a touch screen phone was adopted from Apple, which by that time had released the first iPhone. If not for this event, the first version of Android would have appeared before 2008 and would have been intended for a regular push-button phone. The company decided to postpone the release of the OS and set a course for development specifically for touch screens. In addition, Andy Rubin was actively developing maps for the navigation service and wanted to create support GPS technology on phones.

Official release of the first version of Android

Android 1.0 was released in September 2008. Since Google was not involved in the production of mobile devices, the company had to look for a manufacturer of phones for the new OS. The choice fell on the Taiwanese company HTC, which was one of the leaders in the production of devices running Windows Mobile from Microsoft. The first phone to use Android as an OS was called HTC Dream. It had a touch display, for which Google's OS was adapted.

Despite quite a lot of interest in the device on the new operating system, Android had to be significantly reworked. This was necessary in order to get rid of old concepts, eliminate identified shortcomings and make it more modern. The real success of Android came only with the release of version 1.6.

A month after the official release, the Android Market was opened - the official store of applications that are intended for this OS. It allowed a huge number of developers from all over the world to create applications for it and at the same time earn good money. For users, this store has become the place where they can quickly find and download the desired program for your phone.

Android versions 2.x

The developers significantly improved the functionality and appearance of the operating system for the release of Android 2.0, which was codenamed Eclair and was released in 2010. By the way, the idea of ​​​​giving “tasty” names to new versions was proposed by one of the developers and was initially considered as a joke. But Android 1.5 was eventually called Cupcake, version 1.6 - Donut. So the idea caught on and subsequent versions of the OS began to receive the names of sweets in alphabetical order.

The number of phone manufacturers with which Google collaborated had already increased significantly by this time. Motorola, Samsung, LG and other giants became interested in the promising OS. Competition in the market began to grow between them. To stand out from others using the same software, companies had to improve the hardware of their devices. In fact, Android became the reason for the “performance race” of smartphones produced.

In the same year, Google decided to release a branded smartphone. Since the company still did not have its own production facilities, HTC again took over the production of Google Nexus One (this is the name the new device received).

The developers continued to develop and improve their mobile operating system and Android 2.2 Froyo appeared that same year. This version added support Adobe technologies Flash, cloud data synchronization, and improved performance for programs that use JIT code compilation.

With the release of the most successful version of Android at that time, Google launched the second version of its branded smartphone. This time Samsung was chosen as the manufacturer. However, by the day sales began, LG announced its new phone, using dual core processor. Therefore, Nexus S failed to achieve significant commercial success.

Operating system for tablets

In 2011, Google decided to give a worthy answer to Apple for its iPad and adapted Android for tablets. Until then, this OS was only used on phones. So the version of Android 3.0 - Honeycomb - saw the light of day. Many companies such as Motorola, Samsung, Acer, Lenovo and others have started using this version of the OS for their Tablet PCs.

Due to some problems in Android work 3 and its incompatibility with phones, in the future Google will refuse to create versions of Android intended only for tablets.

Cross-platform OS

In the fall of 2011, the fourth version of Google's OS appeared, called Ice Cream Sandwich. The interface has been significantly redesigned and new functions have been added. It has already become cross-platform - it could be installed on both a tablet and a phone. With the release of this version of Android, the application store received a new name - Google Play.

In 2012-2013, the OS remained virtually unchanged. Google has focused more on producing devices running Android. This is how the Galaxy Nexus, ASUS Nexus 7, LG Nexus 4 smartphones and the Samsung Nexus 10 tablet PC appeared on the market.

In 2013, the latest version of Android 4.4 was released, called KitKat. According to the already familiar tradition, Nexus 5 was jointly released, for which LG was responsible for production. This version The OS seemed almost perfect. The developers managed to create a convenient and attractive interface that was in no way inferior to iOS of that time. The operation of all services was debugged, support for a huge number of functions was added. But Google was not going to stop there.

Android 5 and OS versions for wearable devices

Deciding to expand the use of its OS, Google introduced a version of Android Wear designed for smart watches. But the most important event of that year was the release of the Android Lollipop version. It has completely redesigned the interface, which is called “Material Design”. Except external changes Significant internal processing was carried out. Previously, the Dalvik virtual machine was responsible for processing application code. It was replaced by Android Runtime, thanks to which the OS performance was significantly increased and energy consumption was reduced.

Android version 6.0 with support for Google Now on Tap

Android 6 somewhat disappointed fans of this OS, since there were no significant changes in the interface and functionality. The developers focused on creating technology for searching the Internet for information about any element that is on the display. She got Google name Now on Tap. However, it did not gain the expected popularity.

In addition, Google has seriously taken to solving the problems with the vulnerability of its OS, beginning to regularly release patches and updates. It is also worth noting the emerging privilege management system, which requests permission to use certain functions of the device. To increase the operating time of devices, the Doze and App Standby functions were added.

Evolution of Android – Nougat release (Android version 7.0)

Currently, this seventh version of Android is the latest. Android Oreo (presumable name) will appear in the near future. In version 7 of Android, developers added the ability to simultaneously work with two applications by splitting the display. Despite the fact that many manufacturers have already implemented multitasking in their firmware, it is now officially supported.

An increase in operating speed was achieved by switching to new Java 8 and updates virtual machine ART. Applications in Android 7 run much faster due to the elimination of the “optimization stage” when they are first launched.

Innovations also affected the interface: in the panel with quick settings Now you can add any buttons at the user's discretion. The appearance of notifications has become better, the settings menu is more detailed and structured. The new version of Android includes full support for virtual reality. Notifications are now grouped by application and have added emoji icons.

Apart from the above, Android 7.0 is superior to everything previous versions thanks to the following features:

  • ability to change display resolution;
  • simplified OS update procedure;
  • suspending background processes when the screen is off to save battery power;
  • support for the new personal assistant Google Assistant;
  • function to close all running applications with one click;
  • support for instant applications that do not require installation;
  • night mode for less strain on the eyes when using the device in the dark;
  • Internet traffic saving function.

All this makes Android Nougat one of the best operating systems for mobile devices today. Judging by the announced innovations of the subsequent version of Android, they will be more of a cosmetic nature and will not bring anything revolutionary. Google is now focusing more on the security, performance, and energy efficiency of its OS. But the developers still do not forget to please users with at least small but useful changes in interface and functionality.