What does the Wi-Fi icon mean? Why does Wi-Fi light up gray instead of blue on an Android smartphone (tablet)? Google Play doesn't work

If you're having problems connecting to your Wi-Fi network (such as authentication or connection stability), try the solutions below. The presence of problems can be judged by exclamation point next to the Wi-Fi icon on the screen Pixel devices or Nexus.

After each step, try connecting to the network again and opening any website on the device.

Step 1: Check your settings and reboot your device.

Step 2: Determine the source of the problem.

  • Device
    Try connecting to the Wi-Fi network from another device, such as a laptop or a friend's phone. If the connection is successful, the problem is likely with your device.
  • Net
    Try connecting your device to a different Wi-Fi network, such as at a café or at a friend's house. If the connection is successful, the problem is most likely on your network.
  • Internet
    Does your device connect to the network but can't access the Internet? The problem is probably related to your Internet connection.

Step 3: Fix the problem.

Troubleshooting device problems

Troubleshoot network or internet connection problems

Restart your Wi-Fi router or modem

If you have access to your router or modem, turn it off and on again. Here's how to do it:

  1. Unplug your router or modem's power cord from the outlet for 15 seconds.
  2. Reconnect the power cord to the outlet.
  3. Make sure all cords and cables are securely fastened on both sides.
  4. Wait a few minutes for indicator lights the modem or router will not work in standard mode.

If the lights are not flashing as instructed, the problem may be with your modem, router, or Internet connection.

In this case, contact your network administrator or Internet service provider. The problem may have occurred due to a power outage or internet connection reset.

Sign in to connect to a public network

Typically, to work with public network Wi-Fi (for example, in a cafe or airport) you must log in on the authentication page. Otherwise the connection will not be established.

If this page appears when you connect to the network, sign in or accept the terms of use.

If the authentication page does not open, run the following actions:

  • Check to see if the login notification appears.
  • Try opening a new web page in a new window.

If this doesn't help, try connecting to the network again. Here's how to do it.

Is on Android devices such a problem when, after connecting to wireless network, icon Wi-Fi gray color, not blue and the Internet does not work in Google Play, and other programs. Websites usually open, but there are also cases when there is a connection, but the Internet does not work at all, even in the browser. Moreover, on Android not everyone immediately notices this gray icon Wi-Fi networks, most likely everyone faces a problem when they simply I can't log into Google Play Store , the error “No connection” or “Check your connection and try again” appears.

And in the browser, when you try to open a website, the error “The clock is behind” (NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID) may appear.

As for the Wi-Fi connection icon itself, on Android devices without any branded shells, it could actually be gray instead of blue. It looks something like this:

But basically, the wireless network connection icon does not change. Even if such a problem appears. I checked it on Lenovo and Meizu M2 Note. It was not possible to access Google Play, YouTube, etc., but the Wi-Fi connection icon itself did not change in any way. It's always gray there :)

Gray Wi-Fi icon on Android and Google Play not working. How to fix?

I myself have encountered this problem several times, and I have seen a lot of information on the Internet on this topic. So now let’s look at the most popular reasons and solutions that can cause such problems with Wi-Fi on Android.

First of all, I advise you to try method number 6! As it turns out, installing Dr.Web antivirus immediately solves the problem with the gray Wi-Fi icon.

1 Time. Date of. Timezone. These parameters need to be checked first. If the date or time on your phone or tablet is incorrectly configured, Wi-Fi will be gray and Play MrKet will not work. This is checked, we change the date on the phone, and the Market cannot access the Internet.

Therefore, go to the settings of your device, to the tab where the time is set, and check whether the settings there are correct. You can check the box next to the item automatic settings date and time, or vice versa, remove it and set everything manually. Also, be sure to check your time zone settings.

If you had incorrect parameters there, then after configuration everything should work.

2 Freedom. If you are familiar with an application such as Freedom, or LuckyPatcher, you have it installed, or you installed it and uninstalled it, then you need to open Freedom (if necessary, install again), wait a few minutes, and press the button Stop.

Problem: On a device with Android icon Wi-Fi is not blue, but grey. The Internet works, sites open, but the Play Market (Google Play) does not work. Also, there may be a situation when Wi-Fi is connected, but there is no Internet, and again the Wi-Fi icon gray. How to eliminate similar problems and their varieties on Android, read below.

Causes and solutions to the problem with the wrong color of the WiFi icon

Reason 1: The wrong date is set on the device

People often confuse day and month and may, for example, set 2014.02.07 instead of 2014.07.02. Solution: install the correct one current date. We recommend visiting the section Settings, Options, date and time:

and check the box Automatic detection date and time:

Reason 2: A questionable Android application like Freedom or an ad blocker is installed on the device

Remove everything unwanted applications, which supposedly block ads, promise to speed up a slow phone, or serve to free use paid programs and games.

Reason 3. The hosts file has been changed

If on a rooted device the user or software has changed system file hosts, there may be no Internet, the Play Market may not work, or the “no internet” icon may be displayed (In English Android it sounds “Connected. No internet”). If you have root rights, check the file /system/etc/hosts and, if necessary, remove extra lines from it (leave only localhost)

Additional solution to gray Wi-Fi icon problem

If all else fails, we recommend installing DrWEB antivirus for Android. If the Internet does not work on your phone, you can use it on your computer, then download it to your phone and install it. Reviews on the forums indicate that to fix the problem “ gray icon Wi-Fi” sometimes it’s enough just to launch Doctor Web and the icon will turn blue.

May be inactive or displayed gray. If you go to the Settings -> Wi-Fi menu, the toggle switch will be turned off without the ability to activate the wireless connection.

If this happens, the iOS device does not allow you to use Wi-Fi interface. In the operating room iOS system 7.1 the message “Wi-Fi unavailable” may appear in Control Center. How to solve an unpleasant problem? First of all, check that the Airplane Mode toggle switch is in the Off position by going to the main iPhone section and iPad. After that:

1. Install the latest version of iOS

The first thing to do in such a situation is to check that the device has current version operating system. With each update, Apple eliminates system errors, makes the OS more stable. After upgrading to the latest OS, the problem may resolve itself. Go to the Settings menu -> General -> Update. Here you should see the message “The latest software has been installed.” If your device does not have access to the Internet, connect the gadget to your computer and check for updates in iTunes.

2. Do a hard reset

Solve the problem with inactive Wi-Fi indicator will help hard reboot device, which resets temporary data. To do Hard Reset, you need to simultaneously press and hold the top “Power” button and the “Home” button. You need to hold them together until the Apple logo appears on the display.

3. Reset network settings

In a situation where Wi-Fi setup displayed in gray, a reset may result network settings. The operation is quite simple and can be done on the gadget itself. Follow the procedure in the Reset section in the main iOS menu. To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset network settings. This way you will “reset” all network settings, including information about connected Bluetooth devices , Wi-Fi passwords, and VPN settings and APN.

4. Full iOS recovery

If resetting network settings did not help, you need to perform an operation to return your iPhone and iPad to original state– reset operating system. Perform Cleanup mobile device You can use iTunes or the OS itself. In the latter case, you need to go to the Settings -> General -> Reset menu. Available here different parameters to “reset” the system. You can find out more about this.

5. Repair

If none of the above methods help, it's likely we're talking about about hardware failure. Most likely the problem is with the Wi-Fi module itself. For determining specific problem you need to contact the representatives Apple for support and technical maintenance or to the nearest service center, where specialists will diagnose and repair the device.

Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone: possible problems.

Some iPhone owners complain that they have problems with the Wi-Fi module. The device stops “seeing” the network or cannot connect to it at all, and the slider turn on Wi-Fi turns gray. There may be several reasons for such problems. Let's separate them into two separate groups: hardware and software.

Hardware problems

The malfunction may be caused by simple moisture getting on the Wi-Fi unit. Water can short-circuit all contacts of the module, which is why it stops working.

No less often, users drop their iPhone, after which Wi-Fi module also ceases to function fully. In this case, the device can accept the connection, but will work extremely unstable.

Software problems

Sometimes it happens that inexperienced user becomes the reason for absence wireless communication in phone. The “scientific poking” method in the “Network Settings” section has its sad consequences. In this case, the instructions should help you.

Not always an update iOS versions goes smoothly. Due to low-quality firmware, iPhones may experience various glitches and errors, including those related to Wi-Fi operation. IN in this case The instructions should help you.

Other problems

This may include problems related to your router. You can check this by connecting your phone to another router. Manufacturing defects.

To avoid these and other problems with your iPhone, you should treat it with care.

Sometimes smartphones have problems connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Instead of the usual blue icon Wi-Fi, displayed - gray. Browsers display the error “The connection cannot be established.”

More likely on your Wi-Fi router was password changed - this is the most common case, but there are other reasons why the screen wifi icon lights up gray. Read about it below.

Why iconWi-Fi gray on the phone

There are several reasons why your mobile phone a gray Wi-Fi icon is displayed, and several solutions are displayed. Let's try to talk about a few of them.

  • The date on your phone may be incorrect, check if the year, month and time are set correctly. Update the time.
  • Check that the password is correct.
  • You may be having problems with hosts file. As a result, an error occurs. To fix it, find the folder system/etc/hosts. Then, click the “Rights R/W” button and edit the text. You will need to remove any suspicious lines in the text. And just resave it. You can access it only with the help of “advanced” file managers, like Ghost Commander or Root Explorer.
  • There may be viruses on your phone. Install an antivirus system, choosing the one that best suits you on your phone.
  • Absence, not so much good connection or a fully loaded server. In this case, you will need to check how well the server is working, whether there are any problems with its operation, and whether the connection is working well. The easiest way to troubleshoot problems is to simply reboot the device (turn it off and on again).
  • If you finally decide and install programs such as LuckyPatcher or Freedom, just run them and in a couple of minutes the icon Wi-Fi will be back to normal and its usual blue color.

If everything went well - yours Google Play will work again without interruption, and the Wi-Fi icon will return to its normal color.