How to disable period editing in 1c. Accounting info. Setting the ban date for data editing

How to set the ban date for changing data in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0)


Often, when working in 1C: Accounting 8.3, you need to prohibit changing data from past periods. This may be necessary, for example, if reporting on them has been submitted and changing accounting data in these periods is unacceptable.

And in order not to accidentally change the data of past periods yourself, or to prevent another less experienced accountant from accidentally starting the re-posting of documents for all periods - it is required set a ban date up to which (inclusive) documents in the database cannot be changed.

I'll tell you how to do this in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0).

1. Open the “Administration” section and find the “User and rights settings” item there ():

If in the "Administration" section you do not find the "User and Rights Settings" item, most likely you simply do not have the rights to set this restriction. To perform this operation, the user must have the appropriate rights - for example, administrator or chief accountant rights. Read more about rights.

2. In the “User and Rights Settings” window that opens, find and check (if it is not already installed) the “Change prohibition dates” checkbox and click on the link on the right “Configure”:

3. In the “Dates for banning data changes” window that opens, select the option to set the data ban: “For all users” or “By users”. I think the meaning is clear. Let's stop at the point " For all users".

4. Select the method of specifying the ban date “General date” or “By objects”. The second option is needed if we want to specify different ban dates for different organizations within our database. Let's stop at the point " General date".

5. As the ban date, we will indicate the date until (inclusive) changes cannot be made to the database. I got it like this:

6. Close the form through the cross in the upper right corner. Ready!

Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

The ability to work with the “No Changes Date” is enabled in the Administration – Support and Maintenance section by checking the No Changes Date field:

“Date of inclusion of changes” is a constant that gives a signal to the 1C program, when working with database data, to analyze the information register “Date of prohibition of changing (loading) data.”

This register is common for dates of prohibitions on changing 1C database objects and loading data during synchronization:

As long as the ban date is not configured and the register is empty, the 1C program does not prevent changes to the data in the database. This may cause inconvenience when working in the 1C program.

How to open or close a period

Only 1C users who have:

  • Full rights;
  • Rights “Adding and changing prohibition dates”.

You can configure the “Change Prohibition Date” in the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program through the Administration – Support and Maintenance – Configure section:

In 1C 8.3, the following options are used for setting the date for prohibiting changes:

  • not installed;
  • installed for all users;
  • installed differently for different users.

Setting the change prohibition date for all 1C users

When choosing this setting, the same rules apply to everyone working in the 1C database. Set the “General Date”. This is convenient to do after the month has been checked, closed and reporting has been generated for it.

Manually setting the “Change Prohibition Date” in 1C

When manually changing the “Change Prohibition Date”, an arbitrary date is selected and the date is manually entered by the responsible 1C user:

Setting the ban date using the “none of the users” setting in 1C

In our example, with this setting, none of the 1C users will be able to change the data until March 31, 2016. The responsible 1C user, with the necessary information, enters the settings and changes the date for banning changes after the period is closed.

Setting up automatic changes to the “Prohibited Change Dates” of data in 1C

Automatic change of the “no change date” of data applies to the periods:

For example, let's set the ban date to the end of last month:

Automatic setting of the ban date is performed by a special regulatory operation. You can check the completion of this task from the Administration – Support and Maintenance – Routine Operations section:

Let's introduce a routine operation to automatically calculate the date of prohibition of changes and set up schedules for its implementation: book. More – Add – Fill in data to restrict access:

We set up a schedule for executing a routine task, for example, once a day, daily, from 04/01/2014. Setting up a schedule – General tab:

Setting up a schedule – Daily tab:

Setting up a schedule – Weekly tab:

Setting up a schedule – Monthly tab:

Final setup:

A new task “Filling in data to restrict access” has appeared in the routine tasks being performed:

Let's check the execution of the scheduled task by running it according to the book. Run Now – task completed successfully:

Now in 1C 8.3 the editing ban date will be automatically checked daily and changed at the end of the month.

Setting up an automatic “Change Prohibition Date” in 1C using an example

For example, we will make settings for automatically changing the “Ban Date”, where not only will the date of prohibition of changes be automatically set at the end of the month, but also, according to the specified settings, the 1C program will make it possible to make edits for a specified number of days after the event of the date of prohibition of changes occurs.

This is convenient, since documents are sometimes delayed and are entered into the 1C database after the end of the month for some time. This time is necessary for 1C users to carry out all routine operations. Therefore, accountants can be given the opportunity to work, for example, during the week after the end of the month and edit data for the previous month.

It will look like this:

Setting a “no change date” if there are multiple organizations

If there are several organizations, in the 1C database you can set the date of prohibition of editing for each organization separately. To do this, enable the “Method of specifying the ban date - by object” setting:

By button Pick up We enter the appropriate settings into the 1C program and select organizations for individual settings of the ban date:

Here's what the setup for organizations might look like as a result:

Setting the “no changes date” for different 1C users

Select in the “Set ban date” field – By users:

Based on the settings discussed above, let’s look at what options are available for setting the editing prohibition date.

Manually setting the “no change date” for different 1C users

For different users, the “Common date” is indicated and set manually by the responsible 1C user:

Automatic setting of the “no change date” for different 1C users

The general ban date for different 1C users is set automatically by a regulatory task at the end of the month. At the same time, it is possible to change data in the 1C database after the ban date. For example, let's set 5 days:

In the 1C program it is possible to configure a separate ban date for each user:

Automatic setting of the “no change date” for 1C users by organization

For some 1C users, ban dates are entered according to the organizations with which they work. For example, let’s make a setting for the user Lyubimov V.Yu. by organization:

So, we examined in great detail the settings for the ban date in the Accounting 3.0 configuration through the Administration section. All the settings made were saved in the information register “Date of prohibition of changing (downloading) data”:

We can always print a report on the settings for prohibiting data changes in the 1C program by clicking the button Report:

A printed form of the report is generated on the settings of the prohibition date for changing data:

Date of ban on loading data in 1C 8.3

The ability to work with the “Download prohibition date” is enabled when setting up “Data synchronization” in the Administration section and checking the “Changes prohibited date” field:

The setting is completely identical to the change prohibition date setting discussed above:

As we can see, the date of prohibition of changes can:

  • not installed;
  • installed for all infobases;
  • installed differently for different information bases.

Setting the ban date for all 1C infobases, taking into account the above discussed configuration mechanism, may look like this:

Opening a period in 1C is an everyday operation; it is usually performed at the beginning of the month. This action is used in products where there is a “Trade” component, for example in 1C: Enterprise 7.7 Trade and.

What usually happens is the following. In the morning, when the accountant opens the program, a sign pops up warning about the need to open a period.

How should I proceed? After closing the program at the request of a warning message, you need to 1C again, but in exclusive mode. To do this, in the start window for selecting databases (“Launch 1C:Enterprise”), click the “exclusive” checkbox

Now, after entering the program, a warning message will appear, but of a slightly different nature. In it, if you click the “Yes” button, the program will open the period independently.

If we refuse to open the period this time, then the newly created documents will not be processed, and at subsequent starts of the program we will be greeted by the same message about the need to open.

There are cases when the operation to open a new period needs to be performed not at the beginning of the month, but, for example, when the current period has not ended. Those. in advance.

To do this, you need to re-enter the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 Trade and Warehouse program in exclusive mode. Then go to the “Operations” section in the main menu and select the “Manage operational results” button

In the window that opens, next to the section displaying the new period, there is an “Open” button. Let's press it. A warning will appear informing you that you need to change the summary relevance point.

“Point of relevance of the results” or TA, what is it? The point of relevance of the results is understood as the point in time at which all non-negotiable registers of the program contain current, current data. In fact, this is the time for which operational ones are stored.

Click the “Yes” button. A form for resetting the relevance of the results appears. In our case, of course, you need to select all the posted documents and click “Run”. After a short time, if there are no violations in the order of the documents, the program will move the relevance point to a new date.

Feel free to select “Exit”. This completes the opening of the period in the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 Trade and Warehouse program.

If you have any difficulties, we will definitely help.

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After all primary documents are entered into the program, it is necessary to close the period; for this, an employee of the accounting service performs closing procedures. All regulatory transactions are formed on the basis of correctly entered data in the “Accounting Policies” section. It contains accounting information, data on the taxation system, and indicates the types of activities of the company. You need to fill out data on the organization’s accounting policy in the “Main” section panel in the “Settings” block.

The procedure for closing a month in 1C, what is it?

It must be taken into account that closing a month in 1C is an ongoing procedure that is performed every month.

All executed documents (operations) during this procedure are regulatory, they affect:

  • creation of product costs in production;
  • results, both tax and accounting.

Regulatory documents after the implementation of these procedures determine the financial activities of the enterprise.

Where in the program is the “Period Closing” block located?

In the “Operations” section panel, there is a “Period Closing” block, which includes five sections:

  • “Closing of the month”;
  • “Regulatory operations”;
  • “Certificates - calculations”;
  • “VAT Accounting Assistant”;
  • “VAT regulatory operations.”

Why do you need the Month End Assistant?

The assistant carries out routine activities to close tax and accounting accounts; they are carried out one after another, in a strictly defined order.

It is necessary in order to monitor the correct and consistent implementation of all regulatory operations in the enterprise (organization).

Documents in the regulatory procedure are divided into four blocks:

  • I (first) – includes documents (operations) that, after they are carried out in the program, take into account the organization’s expenses. All expenses of the company must be carefully controlled so that transactions at closing reflect complete and reliable accounting;
  • II (second) - document - “Calculation of write-off of shares of indirect costs”. When it is carried out in the database, preliminary calculations are made for cost accounts;
  • III (third) - includes the regulatory procedure for closing accounts for accumulating costs and distribution costs (account 20, account 23, account 25, account 26, account 44);
  • IV (fourth) - operations that determine financial results for the period (account 90, account 91).

Within a block, regulatory documents can be executed in any order; the operations of each block must be performed sequentially. Documents of the second and subsequent blocks are posted, in the event that the posting of documents from the previous block was completed without an error.

To carry out regulatory activities, a period is indicated and an organization is selected. These routine operations are performed when you click on the “Month Closing” button. A separate document is created for each operation. When carrying out closing activities, quite often an error message appears; in this case, you need to read the description of the error, then correct it and then continue the procedure for closing the month again.

It is imperative to carry out all closure activities in strict order so as not to waste unnecessary time re-identifying errors and conducting operations in the database.

If, after performing operations to close the month, all items have been purchased:

  • Greenish color means that everything was completed successfully;
  • If the color is pale bluish and an error message is displayed, this means that the procedure must be repeated until all errors are corrected.

Marking documents in red means they failed due to errors.

What errors occur when closing a month?

Common errors:

  • The nomenclature group of income for accounting or tax accounting is not indicated in the sales documents;
  • Account 25 is not closed, since it is impossible to determine the basis for the distribution of expenses for some divisions;
  • Analytics are not indicated in the documents reflecting transactions for other income and expenses;
  • The procedure in 1C for conducting month-end closing documents in the required order was violated.

Marking regulatory documents with a greenish color does not mean the successful completion of all regulatory operations. In order to check whether the closing procedure is happening correctly, you can generate and then analyze the data in the balance sheet, taking into account checking the balances at the end of the period.

When closing the reporting (calendar) year, you need to additionally carry out regulatory documents:

  • Write-off of losses from previous years;
  • Balance reform.

When reforming the balance sheet, tax accounts and accounting accounts, such as account 90, account 91, are closed.

If a team of employees of the accounting service and other services works in the 1C program, then it is advisable, when all errors are identified and corrected, to reclose the database, and then close the period for editing, in order to avoid accidental changes in the processed documents.

How to close a period for editing in the 1C program: “Accounting 8 edition 3.0”?

In the “Administration” section panel there is a “Support and Maintenance” block, in it we find the position “Dates of prohibition of data changes”.

The prohibition of changing data in the 1C program can be determined for:

  • Specific user;
  • All users.

For example: The date for prohibiting editing documents is set to March 31 of the current year, then documents preceding this date will be available to users only for viewing. If the user tries to change data in the document, a warning message appears on the computer screen. As for documents, starting from April 1 of this year, you can not only access and view them, but also change and transfer them.

Do not forget that a correctly performed procedure for closing the month will show a complete and reliable result of the financial and economic activities of the organization as a whole.

Data editing prohibition date is a functionality BSP(libraries of standard subsystems), which is available in almost all standard 1c: configurations. In this article we will look at a specific option using the example of the 1C configuration: Enterprise Accounting 3.0.

This functionality allows you to limit the entry and modification of documents for a certain period of time. Speaking in the language of accountants, it is necessary to “close the period in 1s”. The ban can be set even for specific users and organizations in the database.

Where is this setting?

In the interface, this function is located on the “Administration” tab, in the “Support and Maintenance” section:

If you have not yet enabled the editing prohibition date in 1C 8.3, then set the necessary flag:

Setting the ban date for data editing

First, we need to decide whether we will differentiate the rights to change by user or use the date for everyone:

For example, select the “By users” option. It is now possible to specify individual settings for each employee.

Example: for employees “Sergeev” and “Ivanov” you need to set the editing date to 01/01/2017, and for the rest - 01/03/2017.

Stand on the line "<для всех пользователей>"and write the date at the bottom of the screen - 01/03/2017:

Next, use the “Select” button to add the required users. In a similar way, set the date for them to 01/01/2017:

Need more fine tuning?

Let's complicate the task. For the user “Ivanov”, you need to set a restriction on changing the data of the organization “Confetprom”, like other users, for 03/01/2017.

Select the employee in the list and at the bottom of the screen set the “Method of specifying the ban date” switch to the “By objects” position:

A menu for setting the editing date by organization will appear. Use “Select” to add the desired organization to the table and enter the date of the ban:

Setting a “dynamic” ban date

The method described above is not always convenient: it requires constant administration. That is, every month/quarter/year the date will need to be set manually.

In 1C there is a way to simplify it - setting a “dynamic” ban date. That is, the program can be configured so that the system will automatically “move” the ban date. Example - at the end of the year, month, quarter, week, day.

It's not difficult to set up. As you may have noticed, in all the settings above there is a “Ban Date” field. It is precisely this that is responsible for this setting.

Common date for all users:

Or customization.