Difference between smartphone and touch phone. Difference between a telephone and a smartphone

Often users who are planning to buy a new phone or are switching from a push-button to a touchscreen model ask what is the difference between a smartphone and an Android? If you dig deeper, the question may seem incorrect, since Android is the operating system on which many phone models run today, and the smartphone itself is a gadget that runs on the operating system. In addition to calls and SMS, it is capable of performing the functions of a pocket computer, so in this article we will look at how smartphones running other OS differ from Android devices.

Advantages of Android over other smartphones

Now you know what an Android phone is, since we have already figured it out. This is a device that runs under the OS of the same name. But how does it stand out from other operating systems and why are Android gadgets so popular today?

The operating system has a number of differences, the most noticeable of which are:

These are the main features that distinguish an Android phone. At the same time, the gadget also offers flexible settings, but some users note that it is difficult to configure the device. Basic functions are easy to work with in the Settings menu. The OS also differs in that it can scale Internet pages, play Flash videos, etc.

Windows smartphones and gadgets running Android OS

What is the difference between Android and Windows is a question that is no less popular today than the constant debate about Android and iOS. Both manufacturers offer both budget and expensive devices, and also bring to the market models with different functions and designs. What's the difference?

Almost all developers of other mobile operating systems (including Windows) do not allow editing in the code. Users receive significant changes in settings only after downloading official updates.

In addition, very few applications have been developed for Windows, so users complain that the company store does not have enough software (readers, players), games, and Google services sometimes synchronize poorly or do not work. But in the latest models, both problems are practically solved.

Differences between iOS and Android

An equally popular question is: what is the difference between an iPhone and an Android smartphone? After all, a gadget that runs on iOS, i.e. a full-fledged operating system, can also be called a smartphone. Today, the word “iPhone” has practically become a household word, and the word “smartphone” is practically not used in relation to Apple devices.

In addition to the fact that using an iPhone is fashionable, you also need to take into account the advantages of the OS on these devices, thanks to which some users love iOS so much. Before buying an iPhone or Android smartphone, you need to understand the main differences, the main ones of which are:

Previously, another strong argument in favor of Android was the price, but today, among the latest powerful models from Samsung, Sony and HTC, you can find many devices that are only slightly cheaper than an iPhone. On the other hand, in the budget and mid-price segment, Android has firmly taken the leading position; Android phones are bought by those who care about the quality of the camera, screen, and processor speed, but who are not ready or do not consider it necessary to pay $700-1000 for telephone.

Users often ask how an iPhone differs from a smartphone? The question is really interesting, although it is posed incorrectly - after all, the iPhone is also a smartphone. It’s just that in recent years its name has become a household name, as, for example, in the case of copier, because Xerox is the name of a company that also produces photocopiers.

Smartphone(from the English smartphone, that is, “smart phone”) is a mobile phone that successfully combines the functions of a pocket computer. With it, you can not only call friends, but also play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the Internet and much more.

iPhone is a series of smartphones produced by Apple.

And what happens? And by calling an iPhone a smartphone, you won’t be wrong at all!

What is the difference between smartphones and iPhone?

Now let's talk about what makes the iPhone different from other smartphones.

Perhaps the first and most important thing is the operating system. Our website has already talked about it. This operating system is interesting because it is used exclusively on devices from Apple, so you will not find it on smartphones or tablets from other manufacturers. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is bad. It’s good, because Apple polishes its operating system to perfection, so it often works much more stable than other operating systems. The bad thing is that it is impossible to install it, for example, on an LG phone.

The second important difference is the small model range. So, for a long time, Apple released only one model, which was later joined by the iPhone 5c. The same applies to the screen size, although in the sixth generation two devices were released at once - one with a screen diagonal of 4.7 inches, and the second - 5.5 inches. Now look at the huge selection of devices based on the Android OS - the difference is simply fantastic. So if you don't like the look of the iPhone, you don't have much choice but to start looking at devices from other manufacturers.

As for appearance, there is nothing unusual here. In previous years, Apple could shock with the appearance of its devices (remember, for example, the iPhone 4 with a glass back cover), but now it is an ordinary smartphone. Of course, it is distinguished by the presence of expensive materials, but all this invariably affects the cost of the device. But on the back there is a corporate logo - a bitten apple.

iPhones do not have a memory card slot. This, one might say, is an Apple signature feature. Of course, you can always choose an iPhone with a large amount of memory, but the price difference will be several thousand rubles, while the cost of a fast and high-quality flash drive does not exceed a thousand rubles. However, in fairness, we note that many manufacturers are now refusing memory card slots. Fortunately, not all.

Some disadvantages include the non-removable battery in the iPhone. In our opinion, this should not be considered a disadvantage. Firstly, in most modern smartphones the battery cannot be replaced (except by service), and secondly, it lasts 2-3 years, while the average replacement period for a smartphone is only one year.

As for everything else, including characteristics, availability of applications, shooting quality, etc., in this regard, the iPhone is no different from other devices based on Android or Windows Phone. What's better? It's up to you to decide. You can go to some electronics hypermarket and compare the iPhone with another smartphone you like.

Be that as it may, we found out that the iPhone is also a smartphone that has its own characteristics.

The confrontation between the iOS and Android fan camps is in the nature of a “battle for life and death.” In order not to provoke the growth of empty disputes (including getting personal), in thematic online conferences there are even attempts to raise the question “which is better: an iPhone or an Android?” lead to “prophylactic” blocking of the account. In this situation, users who really want to understand which OS-based device is best for them cannot find a clear answer.

This material is intended to correct the current state of affairs. It is worth noting that it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of which is better to buy, “iPhone” or “Android”. Each platform has its own advantages. These systems are not without shortcomings, minor and significant.

How is iPhone different from Android, which is better?

Although the Android and iOS operating systems have become their closest competitors, they have significant differences. Read more about how iPhone differs from Android devices below.


The Apple operating system is a proprietary and closed source software product. Apart from engineers and programmers from Cupertino, no one has access to it. Third-party developers must use the official SDK (software development kit) to create programs and implement in their software only the functionality contained in it.

Apple has reliably protected the OS from unauthorized use by third-party developers of officially undocumented features. Neither full access to the file system, nor installation of programs from third-party sources, nor the implementation of other hidden functionality can be achieved without Jailbreak - “hacking” the system, which Apple views extremely negatively.

This approach made it possible to achieve OS stability, optimize energy consumption, and protect it from viruses and other malware. But at the same time, some people did not like such restrictions. These users, when asked which is better - iPhone or Android, choose the second option.

Android is an open source system. Theoretically, anyone can access it, modify the OS and change/delete/introduce new functions. Subject to Google's recommendations, any manufacturer can officially install Android on smartphones.


The iOS graphical shell has an attractive appearance, but has limitations in functionality. It does not support widgets on the home screen, and desktop management is implemented “for an amateur.” Users have to pay for the attractive appearance of the system by giving up useful functions.

Android allows you to install third-party graphical shells. There are quite a lot of similar programs in the Play Market. If desired, everyone is free to give their OS the appearance of the same iOS or Windows Phone. iPhone owners do not have this option.


The question of “which is better: iPhone or Android” and memory organization are not in favor of Apple. Access to it is limited (you cannot move freely through the file system, like on a PC), and there is no possibility of expansion using a memory card or USB drive. Android doesn't have these shortcomings. To be fair, it is worth noting that the creators of smartphones with Android also refuse to install a MicroSD slot, but more devices are acquiring USB OTG support.

In addition to the listed differences, there are also smaller ones that do not allow us to finally close the question of what is better to buy: iPhone or Android.

What's good about the iPhone?

A superficial glance may seem like Android is better in everything. But there are a number of points that do not allow us to recognize the quick conclusions as correct. Chinese manufacturers, who made Android-based smartphones that are several times cheaper than Apple technology, did a disservice to the system. Wanting to make products more affordable, they resort to austerity.

Processors, RAM and ROM chips, or displays are produced only by large high-tech enterprises. Chinese manufacturers buy ready-made modules from them for installation in gadgets. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, savings have to be made on the level of customer service, adaptation of the OS for devices and subsequent system support through updates. As a result, clients receive cheap, but “crude” smartphones, which are characterized by the presence of bugs and unstable operation of the OS.

Large manufacturers, such as Samsung or LG, “sin” like this less often, and only in the case of budget handsets, but they also fall under attack. Their reputation is suffering, and Apple fans are convinced that Android is an unstable and flawed OS.

Such categorical statements are not 100% true, but nevertheless, the fact is clear: Apple smartphones suffer from these shortcomings to a lesser extent. Strict selection of software also has a positive effect: if any of the programs downloaded to the AppStore works stably on 1 GB of RAM, there is software in the Play Market that slows down even on 2 GB.

Which is better to buy: iPhone or Android

To resolve the iPhone vs Android dispute for yourself, and understand what is better in a particular case, it is worth determining for what purpose the device is being purchased. iPhones are balanced smartphones with modern (though not top-end) functionality, a well-developed OS and good implementation of multimedia functions.

Android is a universal OS that is suitable for both beginners in the world of mobile technology and professionals involved in software development. For enthusiasts, such devices offer more opportunities to modify the system and customize it to suit their needs.

The question of what is better to buy – an iPhone or an Android – is decided in favor of the former for those who need a high-quality device with balanced capabilities, and cost does not play an important role. For supporters of saving, as well as those who like to “tinker” with their device, buying “Apple” equipment will be a disappointment. For this category of buyers, an Android smartphone is a good purchase.

The large number of mobile devices on the market allows everyone to choose a device that will best suit their needs. However, diversity also has a negative feature: it is sometimes very difficult for an unprepared buyer, little familiar with the world of high technology, to choose the optimal solution.

For example, today's popular smartphones used to be classified as flagships and mid-range devices, while now even a budget device can be a smartphone.

What is the difference between a smartphone and a regular mobile phone? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

Smartphone is translated from English as “smart phone”. The “smartness” of the device lies in the fact that such devices operate under a common operating system, being, in fact, pocket computers. In addition to standard applications, the user can install software from third-party developers, which significantly expands the capabilities of the device. The most popular operating systems nowadays are Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS. Previously, Symbian and Windows Mobile systems were also common, but today smartphones running them are no longer produced.

Traditional mobile phones lack such functions and the most a user can count on is the installation of simple games and programs written in Java.

Thus, the presence of an OS is the main criterion for distinguishing a smartphone from a telephone.

Touch phone Samsung Corby. Runs on the proprietary Samsung TouchWiz 1.0 shell. The phone does not have the ability to install third-party applications, does not have a full-fledged operating system, but does have a touch screen. You can't call it a smartphone.

Smartphone Nokia 6630. Does not have a touch screen, but runs on the Symbian 8.0a operating system, which is no longer relevant these days. Still, because of this OS and the ability to install applications, this device can be called a smartphone.

Form factor

The first smartphones looked no different from ordinary mobile phones. They had a traditional “tube” appearance with a hardware numeric keypad with 12 buttons. This state of affairs could be observed until about 2012, already in the heyday of the touchscreen era.

A modern smartphone, as a rule, has a large screen (more than 4 inches diagonally) with high resolution and almost (or completely) devoid of hardware keys. In some cases, a sliding QWERTY keyboard can be used as an addition.

At the same time, a mobile phone can be either in the form factor of a traditional dialer or with a touch screen. However, the display resolution of such devices is usually lower and the diagonal is smaller.

The touch screen with full input support is the second important difference.

Hardware platform

Smartphones are usually based on high-performance chipsets, which include multi-core processors with frequencies above 1 GHz, gigabytes of RAM and special graphics accelerators - analogues of computer video cards.

Mobile phones cannot boast of such potential; in their “hearts,” as a rule, single-core processors with a frequency of several hundred megahertz and a couple of tens of megabytes of RAM are installed.

The third difference is the powerful hardware platform.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we can highlight the main differences between a smartphone and a mobile phone:

  • availability of a full-fledged operating system;
  • the ability to install third-party programs;
  • large high-resolution touch screen;
  • powerful hardware.

If in terms of traditional telephone communication, smartphones cannot boast of anything special, then in terms of additional features, even the most powerful “dialer” can barely compare in capabilities with a budget smartphone. The only thing in which phones are confidently in the lead is battery life. If a smartphone can work in standby mode for a maximum of a few days, then many inexpensive mobile phones can hold a charge for more than 10 days.

In this article we will tell you about five basic facts and how a smartphone differs from a telephone.

Almost everyone knows what a cell phone is. It is a small device that you can hold in your hands that allows you to make calls from anywhere in the world. However, adding the word “smartphone” can lead to confusion for an inexperienced user. In fact, distinguishing the two terms does not make much difference if we call the Galaxy S9 a mobile phone and the iPhone X a smartphone.

However, below are tips to help you understand why some people use the word "cell phones" while others use "smartphones," and why a smartphone is sometimes called a cell phone, but not vice versa.

What to choose: phone or smartphone?

Mobile device technology is one of the fastest growing areas in consumer electronics, making terms like cell phone and smartphone difficult to define. However, most people use mobile phones primarily for phone calls, while smartphones are considered internet devices and are used less for voice calls.

Choosing between a standard cell phone or a smartphone comes down to whether calls or convenient Internet access and access to multimedia files are important to you.

The functions of a smartphone are part of the capabilities of a computer.

You can think of a smartphone as a miniature computer that can also make and receive calls. Most smartphones have a virtual store of thousands of applications that turn your phone into something much smarter than a regular cell phone.

Applications for smartphones include graphic editors, navigation maps and many other useful options. Some smartphones take this a step further and give you a built-in virtual assistant, such as Siri from the Apple iPhone, which everyone can agree makes the phone much smarter and more technologically advanced.

A smartphone is capable of functioning like a cell phone, but not all cell phones can replicate this. In other words, the smartphone can make calls like a mobile phone, which in turn does not have the same add-ons and applications, such as Apple's Siri assistant or Google's voice assistant.

5 basic facts: What is the difference between a smartphone and a telephone?

operating system

The operating system on smartphones is in many ways similar to what is installed on your personal computer at home or at work. For example, your computer is most likely running Windows or MacOS, or perhaps Linux or some other desktop OS. However, the mobile operating system may be, for example, iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry OS or WebOS.

The difference in a cell phone operating system versus a smartphone operating system is again determined by the ease of use of the software. iPhone and Android phones are generally perceived by the masses as being relatively easy to use by most users.

When it comes to a mobile phone (which is not a smart phone), the operating system is usually very light and simple, with minimal menus and virtually no additional options or applications.

Microprocessor and memory

Mobile phones, compared to smartphones, have incredible processing power, usually faster, more efficient microprocessors and large amounts of memory. Demanding applications such as photography, video and games require more powerful and faster processors.

Some models have tens of gigabytes of memory for storing large music and video libraries, as well as databases and applications. On the other hand, mobile phone processors are simpler and suitable for smaller requirements such as phone calls and basic applications.


Cell phones and smartphones have apps—programs that make the phone more useful. Cell phone applications include games, contact managers, and text messaging programs. Apps on smartphones are much more sophisticated as they take advantage of the phone's faster processor, larger memory, and Internet connection.

There are over a million smartphone apps ranging from basic to advanced. In addition to more complex versions of applications, smartphones already have a number of useful applications installed along with the operating system, a music player, a photo editor, an advanced calculator, social networks and other programs too numerous to mention.

Dimensions and screen size

Smartphones usually have larger displays than their older brothers. A larger screen gives apps more graphics space and lets you enjoy movies, videos, and other media. The smartphone is controlled via a touch screen.

The screen on a mobile phone is used primarily for viewing phone numbers and text messages, although many can play simple games, open appointment calendars and contact lists.

Internet and network connections

A cell phone's primary network connection is for voice calls, although many have short-range Bluetooth data and hands-free calling support.

The smartphone has these network connections, plus 3G/4G data and Wi-Fi. Some have a technology called Near-Field Communications that allows you to use your phone as a smart credit card. Internet access is provided using cellular data where the cell tower is located. Internet access via Wi-Fi is usually free, although the range of services is limited to the homes and businesses that provide it.

Quick facts about the history of mobile phones

IBM developed the first smartphone in 1992 called Simon. The smartphone was unveiled as a concept device in Las Vegas at the computer industry trade show known as COMDEX.

What are the most significant differences for you, do you use older phone models in your daily activities and why? Write your answers in the comments and share this article on social networks.

Video: Five advantages of a push-button telephone from a smartphone