How to turn on the phone if it is completely discharged. Does your phone run out of juice quickly? We restore it ourselves! How to prevent problems turning on Android devices in the future

What to do if the battery on Android quickly runs out? This is the most frequently asked question from owners of gadgets on the Android operating system. Of course, the reason is not the Android operating system itself, but the functionality that, in combination with the hardware content of smartphones, is provided to users. Now we will try to figure out why the battery on a smartphone drains quickly and what to do if the battery on an Android phone runs out quickly.

The problem with smartphones is that they run out of battery quickly.

  • First of all, you need to change the display settings for more economical use.

For this:

  1. you need to reduce the display brightness by 40–50% or use automatic adjustment display brightness. You can do this if you go to “Settings” - “Display” - “Auto Configuration”;
  2. reduce time to automatic shutdown screen, this can also be done very quickly in the display settings;
  3. On some Android phones, installing dark desktop wallpapers and themes helps reduce battery consumption, because Black pixels on screens require almost no power. Also, you should not install “live” wallpapers and a lot of widgets on your phone, they are very a large number of energy due to animation and constant updating.
  • No need to leave Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, 3G turned on unnecessarily.

Disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC

Enable these functions only when you will actually use them and do not forget to turn them off, because these modules are turned on wireless communication periodically scan in search of available networks and connections and drains the battery very quickly on Android. This will significantly save charge.

  • Turn off the vibration signal and backlight touch buttons and vibration response.

Using both a ringtone and a vibration alert at the same time drains your Android battery very quickly. It is better to use them separately as needed. And the use of button illumination and vibration feedback are used mainly for user convenience and can be sacrificed in favor of saving battery power.

  • Remove old applications and programs that you have not used for a long time.

Remove unnecessary applications

Old programs and apps can drain your battery while downloading updates to background. To do this, you can use the "CleanMaster" program, which is found in almost all Android phones.

Easy Battery Saver utility

Programs such as "EasyBatterySaver" "BatteryDr. Saver" and many other applications for the Android operating system will help you track useless sources of battery consumption, give detailed information about battery consumption if you add required settings. These applications can be downloaded for free from GooglePlayMarket, which is included in every Android phone.

  • Update regularly software for your Android phone.

Software updates are carried out regularly, the phone itself prompts you to do it, this should not be ignored, because updating the firmware will help save energy.

  • Disable automatic updates for apps and widgets.

Periodically, all applications check for updates in the background, which leads to a useless Internet connection, and as a result, the battery on Android drains very quickly.

  • Turn off your phone at night.

Don't leave your phone charging at night

It is not advisable to charge your phone all night, as this will wear out the battery. If you turn off or at least switch the device to offline mode By charging it before going to bed, in the morning you will get a 95-100% charged device.

  • Calibrate the battery.

Many device owners are faced with incorrect display of battery charge on Android. Battery calibration will help combat this problem. You can do this yourself. To do this, you need to completely discharge your device, remove the battery, wait a few minutes, insert it back and put the phone on charge without turning it on. Leave to recharge for approximately 8 hours. After recharging, remove the battery again, after a few minutes put it back and turn on the phone. Calibration completed. If you follow these simple steps, you can increase the battery life of your gadget and extend the life of the battery itself.

I guess that's all real reasons why the battery on your smartphone drains quickly and best ways to extend battery life throughout the day. But if you are not ready to give up convenient functionality modern gadgets, you will have to sacrifice battery power. In this case, it is better for you to carry the charger with you or purchase a replacement battery.

What could be the reason that the Android battery drains quickly? And most importantly, how can this be fixed? This article will discuss the main causes of this problem and ways to solve it.

Small battery capacity

The most banal reason for this is its small capacity, that is, less than 1600 mAh. Unfortunately, in this case, you can only put up with what you have and try to use the minimum energy on which the smartphone runs wisely. This means following tips such as not running unnecessary applications and disabling unnecessary functions. The actions that need to be taken in such a situation will be described in more detail in the article below.

Battery wear

Sooner or later, all batteries come to this point. And the battery on Android sometimes discharges quickly due to the fact that during the use of the device it has worn out and needs to be replaced. Can be picked up original battery to the model, but this is difficult and expensive, you can buy a fake or use products from battery manufacturing companies like CRAFTMAN, which supply universal batteries for smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. In any case, choose new battery not so difficult: on the market technical products there is enough choice.

Running programs as a factor in why the phone battery drains quickly

"Android" - operating system, which means that, having downloaded and closed any program, you cannot be sure that it did not remain working in the Many running programs- another reason why the battery on Android quickly drains. What to do? First, use the built-in or additional parameters cleaning. Secondly, reboot the device from time to time, as is done on computers and laptops to reset operating memory. This not only saves battery, but also simply helps your smartphone or tablet work faster.

Unstable communication signal

IN Lately many mobile operators offer the user 3G coverage, but almost always it is, to put it mildly, unstable. This means that when moving around the city, the network on a smartphone or tablet with a SIM card is forced to constantly switch from regular 2G to 3G. Because of this, the battery on Android also drains quickly. To prevent this from happening, you can force only GSM in the settings.


Many Android devices have GPS enabled by default. But in reality, only a small number of people use it. That’s why you can safely disable this function if it’s not needed, since it only once again “loads” the phone and takes energy from the battery. Even if this function is active use, you can turn it on only when there is a real need for it.

Screen brightness

The screen brightness can be adjusted. And there is a clear proportional dependence of the energy supplied by the battery on its value. Very bright screen is rarely something you can't do without. Among its disadvantages, in addition to the above, is also excessive strain on the eyes. All you have to do is choose the ideal value for yourself. In addition, information on a dim monitor is much more visible in strong sunlight.

Tips for extending your device's battery life

In addition to eliminating the reasons described above, you can also use the following tips to extend the battery life of your Android device. Their effectiveness is various gadgets may vary, but it has been tested by time and other users.

Battery calibration

Battery calibration is the process of bringing the battery into an optimal state for use. This is done because the device may incorrectly remember the charge level and its consumption, as a result of which, even if in fact the level is 95 percent, the device perceives this incorrectly and the smartphone/tablet turns off. If you simply replace the battery, the problem will remain, which means that your efforts will be wasted.

To calibrate the battery on GooglePlay, you can download the corresponding application, but you can also do it manually. First of all, you will need to completely discharge the device, remove and insert the battery back without turning on the device, charge it to one hundred percent, carry out the actions with the battery from the previous point, and turn it on.

In fact, there are many calibration options; you just need to choose the one that suits you.

Disabling automatic system updates

It is known that shutdown automatic updates The system not only extends the battery life of the device, but also prevents unnecessary downloads, and therefore reduces the cost of Internet traffic. It is recommended to set "Ask before installing updates" in the settings. They are available on GooglePlay in the "My Applications" section.

"NO!" unused processes

It is recommended to regularly clear memory from unused processes applications, clear temporary data, internet browser cache, etc. To do this you can use like standard means systems and additional ones.

You should not download applications that supposedly save battery capacity; in fact, they only load the system even more.

If the battery on Android runs out quickly (Samsung, for example, often suffers from this), you need to turn off all unused networks, uncheck “auto-rotate screen” and “auto-brightness”.

Special advice for smartphones with AMOLED screen: it is recommended to set dark themes, not bright and light.

Additional actions

If you approach the matter of discharging your Android smartphone/tablet with all responsibility and foresight, you can also do the following:

  • Buy a high-power battery that will definitely guarantee long term charge. Such batteries are usually thicker than regular original ones, and they come with an additional back cover, which makes the gadget heavier and larger in size.
  • There is also an option to purchase a battery case. The disadvantages of this and previous points The problem is that they are not possible for all devices.
  • Can be purchased portable charger, as it is also called external battery. It allows you to connect your phone to it and charge it again. It itself is usually charged from an outlet. high capacity, so sudden shutdown the device is not in danger.
  • Easy to buy extra battery is another effective alternative. When one runs out, you can simply replace it with a spare one, especially if the Android battery is quickly draining.

Imagine life modern man without mobile phone impossible. Despite the abundance of means for communication and communication, this little helper is still in first place. The phone has become like an extension of the hand, and its absence causes discomfort and uncertainty - what if someone calls or writes while the owner has lost his vigilance? Some particularly fanatical users even move around the apartment with the device - it is in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and under the pillow. One can only guess what disappointment befalls the owner if The phone turned off and won't turn on. What are the reasons for such trouble? What to do if we are talking about a brand new smartphone? There is no need to panic -

Do no harm!

Attempts to immediately disassemble the phone and check “what’s inside” can be disastrous for the fragile device. Without special knowledge, it is pointless to understand the structure of microcircuits and incomprehensible parts - in best case scenario these attempts will not help in any way; at worst, they will lead to serious damage, the repair of which can be very expensive, or even futile. It will be most offensive if the phone stopped turning on, for example, due to the fact that the battery is completely discharged. Before taking drastic measures, you need to try to rehabilitate a disconnected phone, but to do this you need to find out a number of reasons that could cause the device to malfunction.

Battery check

Situation one: I can't turn on the phone, although quite recently it was working properly, and the battery charge level was sufficient for at least another day. The simplest explanation is too high load on the battery, especially for new ones modern smartphones. Their functionality is so diverse that it’s hard to call such a device a telephone – rather, a mini-computer. For example, always-on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth consumes too much energy - the phone is in constant search, trying to catch every network that appears or find a phone with active bluetooth to immediately notify the owner. You just need to disable these options and use them only as needed (“What to do if your phone runs out of battery quickly” can be read at). A discharged battery causes phone turns on and off after a moment, or even does not respond at all to attempts to “revive” him. Eliminating the cause is simple - you just need to charge the phone, and after half an hour you can use it. Sometimes situations arise when you have to leave the device on charge for almost a day, and only after that make a decision to contact a specialist. The fact is that the battery life is usually no more than two to two and a half years, after which it should be replaced with a new one.


If The phone is dead and won't turn on After trying to charge it, you need to carefully inspect the charger - perhaps its wire is damaged or the contact is coming off. The problem may also lie in the socket of the phone itself, which could break or become unusable from too much frequent use- most new phones have only one hole for all functions - charging, connecting to a computer, listening to music with headphones. How can I check this? A win-win option is to try to charge the battery using universal battery"frog" type. If the phone starts working normally after this, you can consider the cause eliminated and go to the store for a new charger.

Sometimes it happens that phone charging indicator blinking directly when trying to recharge it. That is, while the device is connected to the network, it continues to discharge. Experts explain this anomaly severe overheating, as a result of which the battery does not receive energy. The second option is to use “alien” charger, especially if it is a device Low quality, the use of which can be detrimental to the phone. There are known cases when expensive smartphones failed after short circuit in a cheap charger. After such experiments, it will not be possible to do without a hard reset or flashing the phone.

On/off button

Another reason that The phone blinks and does not turn on, may be a faulty on/off button. There may be several reasons for this. In the case where the phone is completely new and has hardly been used, the blame falls entirely on the shoulders of the manufacturer - most likely, this is a factory defect. There are two options for solving the problem: either the store will replace the phone with a working one, or - service center will implement free repair apparatus. Old push-button phones They are usually reliable and solid as a rock, but they also have problems with the buttons, and a problem with the power button will most likely result in the entire keyboard not responding. There are several explanations for this - in the case when The phone fell and won't turn on, the keyboard could move away from the impact. Very often the buttons malfunction if moisture has entered and the phone does not turn on– the influence of liquid always has a detrimental effect on any equipment. However, most often the buttons stop working due to the advanced age of the device. In any of these situations, turning to a specialist is inevitable - only he can figure out what actions need to be taken:

  • Completely replace the keyboard membrane.
  • Restore assembly soldering.
  • Replace the keyboard controller.
  • Produce complete cleaning device and eliminating trapped moisture.

Oddly enough, the most ordinary flash drive can cause the phone started to freeze. It's about about a memory card that is inserted into the device to increase its memory. The fact is that most often the flash card is not sold complete with the phone, and the consumer is forced to purchase it separately. It turns out that some memory cards may not be compatible with certain models phones and smartphones. Recommendation in in this case is simple - you need to buy a flash drive only in trusted, well-known stores brands. After inserting the card into the device, you can immediately check it - if phone freezes or does not see it, you can safely return the purchase. If the smartphone does not want to accept any of the proposed flash drives, most likely the problem lies with it. In this case, it is recommended to contact a service center - it is quite possible that you will have to reflash the phone, after which it will begin to function smoothly with any memory cards.

Installing updates

The situation when phone won't turn on after update, happens infrequently, but still happens sometimes, especially with new smartphones that have permanent access to the Internet. The phone receives various updates, the installation of which may be unsafe for the device. Problems usually start immediately after installing updates - the phone may turn off on its own, then turn on.

Sometimes the screen does not turn on, and if it is on, then incomprehensible inscriptions like “ Windows phone" The process of turning off/on can be continuously repeated several times, while no intervention helps stop the malfunction of the device. In this case, you can try to turn off the phone by removing the battery, then insert it back and turn it on again, and then use a reset, which differs for each model. If everything is done correctly and the failure is not very serious, the phone will reset and reboot on its own. This process may take some time, after which the device will return to its previous state and start working as before.

If installed updates seriously damaged the phone, most likely you will have to use * – only hard reboot is capable of restoring the system to factory settings, while all information stored on the SIM card and memory card will remain intact, but system information will be completely cleared. Contacts, SMS and all programs installed on the phone will disappear. But in this case you have to choose the lesser of two evils - returning the phone to working condition will cost much less than buying a new expensive device.

*In order to do this, you need to select the brand of your phone in the “Hard Reset” menu on the left and then find your model or use the site search (top menu).

Mechanical damage

Despite the convincing statements of manufacturers that their creations “do not burn in fire, do not drown in water and never break,” situations where phone won't turn on after falling, happen very often. A breakdown can happen at the most unexpected moment. For example, a smartphone placed in the back pocket of jeans is in danger - if it sits poorly, the owner can easily crush the screen. Repair in this case is inevitable. And the cases when The phone fell and won't turn on, the most common, service center specialists can tell you about this.

Very often there is no visible damage to the phone, but all attempts to turn it on are useless. You can try to rehabilitate the device by opening the cover and reinstalling the SIM card, flash drive and battery - perhaps the contact simply came off due to the impact. No effect? This means that the breakdown is more serious than it seemed at first. All that remains is to contact a technician who can restore the phone to its original condition. This may require flashing, but don’t be afraid - the device will function no worse, or even better, than before.

If problems arise with a wet gadget, do not connect it to the mains and stop pressing the buttons. as soon as possible and only then follow the advice in this article.

If you are sure that the inside of the smartphone is dry, feel free to continue.

1. Force restart your device

Your phone may be turned on but just frozen. In this case, the screen may be dark and not respond to any actions. So first try restarting your device using the hardware keys.

How to Force Restart iPhone

On iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and older models, hold the Home key and the top (or side) button for 10 seconds or more until the Apple logo appears.

On iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus, hold side key along with the Volume Down button for 10 seconds or more until you see the Apple logo.

On an iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus, hold and immediately release the volume up key and then the volume down key. After that click on side button and hold it until the Apple logo appears.

How to force restart your Android smartphone

Press the Power button and Volume Down key at the same time and hold them for 10-15 seconds. If successful, the device will reboot automatically or display a menu on the screen in which you will need to select the restart command.

Some Android smartphones can reboot using other buttons. If the device does not respond, search the Internet for a key combination to restart your particular model.

2. Take out the battery and put it back

If your phone has removable battery, remove the cover and remove the battery from the device. Wait at least 30 seconds and put the battery back. Then try turning on your phone in the usual way- using the power button.

3. Put your phone on charge

Connect your phone to a power outlet using the original charger. If within an hour the charging indicator does not appear on the display and you cannot turn on the device, check the integrity and cleanliness of the connector, as well as the condition of the power cable and adapter. If possible, try different outlets, replace the cable and/or adapter.

4. Reset the device to factory settings

If after trying to turn on the screen the screen lights up, but the device does not boot properly, try restoring the factory settings using the hardware buttons.

During a system reset, you may lose personal data that was not synchronized with the server. Don't do this if you're afraid of erasing important information.

How to restore original settings on iPhone

Connect your phone to your computer using a cable and launch iTunes. Then force restart iPhone(see point 1). When you see the Apple logo, continue to hold the buttons until recovery mode appears on the smartphone screen.

After this, a window with further instructions should appear on your computer monitor. Click "Update" and follow the system prompts.

iTunes will download the necessary software for your phone. If this process takes more than 15 minutes, the iPhone may exit recovery mode. In this case, press the buttons again forced restart and hold them until the device returns to this mode.

If the update works, the phone can turn on without resetting the system. If not, then iTunes window Click "Restore" to return to factory settings.

How to restore original settings on an Android smartphone

Make sure your smartphone is turned off and try the following combinations to reset:

  • Volume up key + power button;
  • Volume down key + power button;
  • Volume down key + Volume up key + Power button;
  • Volume Down key + Power button + Home key.

You need to press all the keys at the same time and hold them for about 10–15 seconds. After this, it will appear on the screen special menu, in which you should select Recovery, and then - Wipe command data/ factory reset. If in Recovery mode If you don’t see this command, hold down the power button and press the volume up key for a moment.

After these steps, the smartphone should return to initial settings within a few minutes. If none of the key combinations work or you don't find the commands you need in service menu, look for reset instructions for your device model.

If old phones could boast of three to four days of battery life, then it is impossible to expect this from modern smartphones. Their batteries discharge very quickly, which depends on many factors. Why does my phone run out quickly? Let's try to understand the reasons for this behavior and find out how to increase battery life.

Why does my phone run out quickly?

Bought new gadget, but after a while you started noticing problems with the battery? Why does my phone battery drain so quickly? This may be due to loss of battery capacity. In theory, it should withstand up to 1000 charge-discharge cycles, but in reality the batteries last even less.

If the phone is still under warranty, contact your place of purchase. If the warranty has expired, you should buy new battery– the problem should disappear. Does your phone get hot and drain quickly? The reason for the loss of charge lies in the installed software.

Some applications put a serious strain on the battery, causing the charge to disappear right before your eyes. Skype for Android has these properties - it can drain the battery in just a day, just working in the background. Therefore, you need to identify and delete such applications, or unload them from memory when no longer needed.

As for heating, it is associated with the load placed on the device’s processor. In order to reduce the load, you should use the application Clean Master, which can “kill” tasks hanging in memory and draining the battery.

If your phone starts to discharge quickly, follow these steps:

  • Upload unused applications or delete them;
  • Disable auto-update and synchronization - data transfer consumes a large amount of electricity;
  • Turn off location detection - it can drain your battery in just a few hours (in intense using GPS and GLONASS);
  • Reduce display brightness;
  • Stop the habit of checking your phone every two minutes.

By observing these useful tips, you can increase the battery life of your device.

There are two more ways to increase battery life - buy external battery or choose a smartphone with a high-capacity battery (like Highscreen Boost 2).

The phone charges quickly and discharges quickly

If your phone charges quickly and discharges quickly, then the problem is most likely the battery. This behavior is typical for batteries that have lost their service life. There is only one way out - buy a new battery and replace it. Does your device have a non-removable battery? Then you need to contact the nearest service center and ask specialists to replace the battery.

In some cases, too fast a charge and a fast discharge are associated with a breakdown of the electronic part of the device. If you followed all the recommendations, but they did not help you, take the phone to the nearest service center, where it will be diagnosed. Service specialists will check the functionality of the charging circuit and complete the entire required volume repair work and will return you a fully functional phone.

Why does my Android phone discharge quickly and charge too quickly? Sometimes this happens due to a battery calibration failure - it needs to be calibrated again. The best way to cope with this task is Battery app Calibration. For it to work you need root rights, so you have to sacrifice the warranty. We have already written about how to work with the application in our reviews - use the search function.

The phone takes a long time to charge and discharges quickly

If problems arise with too long charging and rapid discharge, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Check the condition of the battery;
  • Remove software responsible for saving battery power;
  • Contact the service center to test the device.

The reason for too rapid discharge can be found in the applications– try to remember when the problems started and uninstall the software that was installed in recent days.

Samsung phone battery drains quickly

Why does my Samsung Galaxy phone discharge quickly? Actually, we have already reviewed all the ways to solve the problem with fast discharge battery. Samsung phones are not much different from competitors' products, so you should try all the recommendations from our review - some of them will definitely give a positive result.

Also, in some phones from Samsung, as well as from other manufacturers, there is a clear imbalance between the power of the hardware and the battery capacity. As a result, the batteries suffer from excessive stress, discharging right before our eyes.

The phone gets hot and discharges quickly

If the phone gets noticeably warm during operation, this indicates that the processor is busy. And an overloaded processor quickly discharges battery. You need to find out what is the root cause of the overload. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Reboot your phone;
  • Clean it Clean app Master;
  • Uninstall recently installed applications.

Follow these recommendations sequentially and observe the device’s reaction - as soon as the cause is eliminated, overheating will disappear, and the battery will be able to enjoy a long life. autonomous operation. If the recommendations do not help, do backup copy important data and complete Hard Reset . Did not help? Then you need to contact your nearest service center for repairs.