What's better? Android vs iOS – advantages and disadvantages. Limiting file transfer via Bluetooth

We collected information, conducted surveys, played with both platforms and finally decided to put forward a verdict in the debate: what is cooler - Android or iOS?

Our opinion may differ radically from yours. And there are reasons for this. We will try to be as objective as possible to both sides on different barricades.

After all, it cannot be said that Android better than iOS or vice versa. These are two completely different operating systems. The question is different: for what tasks will one or another system be more convenient? And we found it out.

First criterion systems evaluation will concern safety.

You should know that immediately after purchasing a smartphone with the Android operating system, you must first install an antivirus on it. After which, this antivirus must be constantly updated. This is because hundreds of applications are developed for Android every day. Not all of them are safe. Especially if you download them from unknown pirated sites and markets. You can find out more about licensed stores for Android in our article.

As for iOS, everything is much calmer here. Apple always avoids templates in every possible way and develops all its products itself. They have their own laboratories and blacksmiths with their own characteristics. It is very difficult for ill-wishers to find a way to introduce malignant products into the Apple monopoly. But there are still viruses. Only their number is negligible. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that your iPhone or iPad will be damaged by a malicious program. But this is only if you yourself do not want to hack the system of your smartphone by jailbreaking it. In this case, the threat increases.

iOS wins the first round!

Second criterion– applications.

Google Play serves as the main store for downloading Android applications. There are an endless variety of them in the store. Many of them are free. But among them there are a number of applications Low quality, and such applications are sometimes equipped with viruses. To protect yourself from virus attacks, by searching for more quality applications use other stores.

IN AppStore applications a little less. As we found out, there are also fewer viruses here. But the inconvenience is that you have to pay for most of the applications. Analog paid application for Android it will be cheaper.

Second round – Android wins!

Third criterion– support for memory cards.

Android wins this round early. After all, as you know, not one apple gadget does not have the ability to integrate with the map microSD memory. Android devices allow you to use memory cards, increasing its capacity.

Fourth criterion– widgets.

Android wins again. And again early. At Apple similar technology quick login They do not use various properties of the smartphone. But it is very comfortable.

Fifth criterion– price.

iPhone and iPad are expensive devices. Android offers different price options: from the cheapest to those that exceed the cost of apple ones. A more democratic approach.

Another point for Android.

Sixth criterion– system memory.

Android has a division of memory into system and main. It’s the same as on a computer (drive C is for installing the system; drive D is the main memory, intended for everything else). So on Android, the operating system is installed on the system memory. And its volume is small. You can find out about the amount of system memory in the settings. Usually it is small. This means that if system memory becomes clogged, you will not be able to install applications, even if there is still space on the main one.

There is no such division on iOS. Therefore, here you can install applications to capacity.

This advantage goes to the iOS treasury.

We tried to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of both systems using six criteria. What's better? This is your individual choice.

Before purchasing a new tablet or smartphone, the buyer always has to make a difficult choice: Android or iOS. As a result, each user makes a choice based on his own beliefs and advice from those users who have already tried these systems.

This review will conduct comparative analysis iOS and Android.

We hope that this will help many users determine what will be more practical and convenient for them. This article will present only adequate criticism. We will also not consider some technical subtleties, such as volume random access memory or processor parameters. We can talk about these characteristics forever.

Mobile environment

When choosing a smartphone or tablet in 2014, the main criteria that users take into account when choosing were not at all specifications processor or camera. For an advanced user, the main requirement was the mobile ecosystem. This concept refers to the potential for creating new applications. In this sense, the Android operating system is significantly inferior to iOS.

The most active users tablets and smartphones today are owners of Apple devices. For this reason, developers of all today's popular applications focus their attention on the iOS system. Only after this all applications and games finally reach mobile systems Android and Windows. For example, about 90% of all users Wheely apps– these are owners of Apple devices. Another issue is that there really aren't that many such advanced users. That's why Android leads in sales.

Data transfer and FLASH technologies

If you find a user using a gadget based on Android OS and ask him why he made this choice, then in 95% of cases the answer will be: “Because you can download the game via USB.” This is an undoubted advantage of this system. Android users don't need to install apps like iTunes. You just need to connect the device to your personal computer and transfer everything you need to it: games, music, pictures and other files.

Today, many users are already accustomed to the fact that music does not necessarily need to be purchased in online stores. You can simply download it from the Internet. We will not discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. It is only worth noting that the quality of licensed content is an order of magnitude higher. Today iOS and Android are on the same level in terms of using Flash– technology. Just a year ago, iOS was seriously behind Android.

Design and interface

We continue our comparative analysis of iOS and Android. If you have not yet decided on the choice of device, let’s continue the struggle. Today it is quite widely believed that the iPhone is chosen by the rich and successful people. There is a deal of truth in it. The iPhone is quite popular among businessmen, not because it is in fashion today, but because it is quite convenient. This saves a lot of time and effort. Thanks to the nice design, spending time with the gadget is quite convenient. Nothing will distract you from your work process. You will be able to write letters by e-mail, communicate in in social networks or just work with applications. No glitches or system failures will distract you from your work.

Software Apple software looks as gorgeous as the device itself. Devices on Android based cannot boast the same attractive design as iOS devices. Apple products look equally good in the palm of a schoolchild and in the hand of a businessman. Additionally, iOS devices have a more attractive interface. Even Android fans won't be able to object here. All applications on iOS look more beautiful than on Android. Try to compare the two devices when choosing in a store, and you will immediately feel the difference. Sometimes even the icons of the same applications look different. On Android they look more blurry. Applications work on various platforms almost the same, because iron filling they are almost no different. The debate here is “which is better?” not appropriate.


Which device can stay operational longer: iOS or Android? At this point, Apple wins. Due to the fact that the company devotes a lot of time and effort to developing the design of its devices, the gadgets work much more stable than their competitors. But the appearance of brakes when using smartphones based on Android has already become commonplace.

In this sense it is much better apple system. Devices with the prefix “i” work for several years without brakes. The user will have to reinstall the Android system several times during use. If we discuss these devices from a repair point of view, then repairing an Android-based device is much easier. These gadgets are in every sense better prepared for repair work.

The Android system has to be reinstalled much more often, but it is installed without much difficulty. But in order to perform a similar operation on Apple device, the user will need a lot of time and effort. Android user After updating the firmware, you don’t have to wait for a message that your system is unlicensed. Android has more freedom of action. For some, this factor may be decisive. Others are willing to put up with some inconvenience for the sake of stable work.


From the review it is clear that the choice between Android and iOS is not so simple. IN iOS user less freedom of action is given. It will be easier for the owner of an Android device to customize the gadget to suit their requirements. You can change a number of device settings. However, not all users need this feature. For those who do not need to know all the intricacies of a gadget's functionality, Apple products are more suitable.

Even before the start of sales in Russia and other CIS countries, the long-awaited iPhone models 7, a new version of iOS 10 was available for download and installation. Specialists from the Cupertino company loudly declared that the new version of the operating system is the most major update throughout history. At the same time, many users who have already updated their OS to version 10 believe that the changes are not so radical, and getting used to them will not be difficult even for beginners who are discovering the world of Apple devices. Therefore, in this review we decided to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the new OS. iOS 10 for Apple devices.

Even before the start of sales in Russia and other CIS countries of the long-awaited iPhone 7 model, a new version of the iOS 10 OS was available for download and installation. Specialists from the Cupertino company loudly declared that the new version of the operating system is the largest update in history. At the same time, many users who have already updated their OS to version 10 believe that the changes are not so radical, and getting used to them will not be difficult even for beginners who are discovering the world of Apple devices. Therefore, in this review we decided to look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the new iOS 10 OS for Apple devices.

Peculiarities, iOS advantages 10

As a rule, Apple employees before the release next update The OS claims that the new update will delight users with reliability, stable operation, and increased speed in the operation of mobile devices. But if we take, for example, iOS 9, which was supposed to be the fastest, it often encountered freezes and lags, which, although they appeared irregularly and were treated with a regular reboot, caused some discomfort and even negativity among users.

With the tenth version of the OS for Apple devices, the situation will be somewhat different. operating system has been thoroughly tested on the following devices: iPad mini 2, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus. The only drawback is the rather slow scrolling of chats in Telegram messenger on iPhone 6s Plus. The problem was quickly resolved by optimizing the application itself.

Important! OS iOS 10 available for iPhone 5, iPad 4th generation, iPad Mini second generation iPod Touch 6, as well as for all new versions of Apple devices.

Design, interface

In the new OS 10, there are no major innovations in the interface or design. At the same time, dramatic changes affected the lock screen. There is no Slide to Unlock feature. To unlock your mobile device, you just need to click on Home key(Home), which is quite unusual. In this case, you can restore unlocking by touching the Home button. Go to Settings/Accessibility/Home.

Swiping left from the lock screen will activate the camera, swiping right will open the widget screen and also display a line Spotlight search. For iPhone owners 7/7Plus, iPhone 6S/6S Plus and iPhone SE feature Raise to Wake. As soon as you pick up your iPhone or iPad, it “wakes up” and the lock screen lights up along with all notifications. Perhaps, for those who spend a lot of time on social networks and actively use instant messengers, this is a very useful option, but if there are people next to you, they can, even accidentally, read the messages that are displayed on the display of the mobile device.

Separately, it is worth noting the notification design, which has changed in better side and got a beautiful one translucent background. Widgets have become more informative and functional, which is also good news. This can be safely called a very successful solution for iOS 10.

3D Touch

iOS 10 can easily be called the rebirth of 3D Touch. Now it is supported by the iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and its capabilities have expanded significantly. In the context menu, if you press hard on the application icon, they now appear in much larger numbers, not only from Apple, but also from third party developers. Swipe up on the display to open Context menu 3D Touch, as well as "Control Centers".

The "Control Center" is divided into three screens for greater convenience. The first contains buttons and switches, the second allows you to control music, and the third allows you to control your smart home. if you don't have a system " Smart House", the third screen will not be displayed.


in iOS 10, font elements and thumbnails of music album covers have significantly increased. The sections “Media Library”, “Review”, “Radio”, “For You”, as well as “Search” have become more informative. If desired, you can now view audit track texts directly in the media player. Listening to music on an iPhone has become much better, more comfortable, and more convenient. This can definitely be called an advantage of iOS 10.


Many of us devote a lot of time to correspondence with friends and loved ones. IN new version The OS of the iMessages application has grown to the level of Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat in terms of comfort. It began to work much faster. You can now view the contents of sent links. There is integration with other applications. Many more added pleasant little things- stickers, GIFs, handwritten messages, animated emojis, funny photos, light show effects.

The disadvantage is that to take advantage of all the features of iMessages, you will have to spend time searching for them. The interface still needs improvement. Some functions are useful, but some options can be considered unnecessary, for example, handwritten SMS. Sometimes there is no synchronization between devices.


Among the advantages and innovations of the application, one can highlight the fact that it uses computer algorithms to analyze the content of your photographs, but at the same time “protects” the privacy of the owner. that is, all actions take place only on your device. Photos are not sent to the cloud for analysis without your knowledge. If, for example, you click on the magnifying glass at the top of the screen and enter the word “Dog,” photographs with your dog will be displayed, if you have photographs with your pet. This way you can search for the images you need by content, which is very convenient.

Minus - the analysis can take a long time, up to several days, especially if you need to perform complex tasks. In this case, you will have to constantly hold your iPhone. connected to the charger. The average photo collection will be indexed in about 10-12 hours, which is very inconvenient for those who work on their device with graphic files. In addition, Apple sells space in its cloud storage quite expensively. providing only 5 GB. for many users this is negligible.

Other functions

Special attention in the new version of the OS can be called auto-locking the screen. we can say that the Cupertino company has adopted the classic Android feature. You just need to pick up the iPhone and the time, date, notifications, and widgets will be displayed on the locked screen. This option It functions quite correctly, which is very nice.

Appeared in the Clock app new inset"Sleeping mode". It allows users to set a convenient sleep/wake schedule for themselves, that is, the minimum 8 hours that an adult needs for normal rest.

The flashlight has three brightness levels, which is also very convenient. IN new iOS 10 users can finally delete branded applications. programs that are not used. This can be called one of the main advantages, thanks to which you can increase the volume internal memory iPhone.

A significant disadvantage can be called new interface, control center design. There is no direct access to Wi-Fi settings. On/off only.

Conclusion, conclusions

Generally OS iOS 10 for iPhone, iPad cannot be called unsuccessful. There are many useful options, cool 2 features” that increase ease of use mobile device. Pleasantly pleased with the faster, more stable, correct work iPhone. But still this update cannot be called large-scale, as representatives of the Cupertino company stated. Great efforts were aimed at changing the functionality of the fluoride editor and messenger. Therefore, we hope that in next updates OS developers will fix minor errors existing in this update and next version will move at least three steps forward.

On this moment electronic world filled with tons of mobile devices, tablets and laptops different types. For most people, life without means cellular communications is already unthinkable, and residents of large cities use smartphones so actively that they have simply become their salvation in any situation. In this regard, competition in the software market and in this area is significantly intensifying. The battle between operating systems can be considered one of the most decisive confrontations between mobile giants. It is the question of which is better: Android or iOS that has become increasingly of concern to modern users. Both systems are represented by major players in the mobile device market, so it is understandable why people want the best product.

Now it is impossible to say specifically which is better: Android or iOS, since the first system is newer than the second. It is developing dynamically, gaining everyone's attention. more users. However, the second has become a proven assistant for many fans Apple products. Each system has its own tangible pros and cons, which usually depend on the tastes of the users. Such people not only choose one product, but also identify themselves as supporters of one or another option quite categorically.

If we talk about which is better: Android or iOS, then it is worth considering the fundamental differences between these systems. First of all, it is worth mentioning the design, which users like or dislike solely depending on their individual preferences. If we talk about the convenience of the interface, then the advantage is in this case on Android, since widgets and icons are very easy to install here. On all Apple equipment, widgets are located in special menu, for which you need to go into the settings, and this is very inconvenient.

Both operating systems have a large number of applications, but Android is distinguished by well-thought-out multitasking. Apple products up to and including the iPhone 4S will close old apps when new ones are opened, which in some cases significantly reduces functionality.

When figuring out which is better: Android or iOS, it’s worth talking about personalization and customization. Here we can give a slight advantage to the second system, since it has more stable operation of specialized firmware compared to similar Android products. Both systems have excellent browser support, as well as social networking. It's hard to say why iOS better than android, since both platforms support many programs for transferring video and photos, as well as text information in real time. However, for the Apple product there is more fast connection on Wi-Fi protocols and 3G, which makes working with the Internet much more convenient.

The advantage of iOS is that it is more stable work applications and the absence of viruses. Program code closed system, which protects the user from unwanted software. With Android the situation is a little different. Viruses here are a common situation, which can be solved by installing anti-virus software that provides protection even during the installation of programs. Applications for iOS are provided only for a fee; competitors have a whole set of freely distributed ones.

It is clear that it is impossible to unambiguously call one or another system the best, since each of them has pros and cons, by paying attention to which, the user will be able to make the best choice for himself.

Any gadget that can perform the functions of a telephone and laptop computer is a miniature computer with its own operating system.

For miniature devices different developers offer different operating systems, among which the most common are Android, iOS, Windows Phone.

Which of these systems should you choose? Unlike personal computers, where sometimes you have the opportunity to choose an operating system, miniature gadgets, as a rule, have a single system that ensures its functionality. And it depends on the manufacturer.

For example, Google offers the Android operating system for mobile devices, and the company offers the operating system Windows system Phone. And here Apple company offers an operating system for its Apple devices iOS system. Until mid-2010, this system had the longer name iPhone OS - an operating system for smartphones, tablets, and mini players. Now the name has become simpler, which does not detract from the dignity of this system.

The company's iOS differs from operating systems Android systems and Windows Phone in that it is installed only on mobile devices, released by the same company Apple.

Typically, users of Apple brand devices purchase them as fashion accessory. A successful marketing campaign did its job, turning the “apple” into a cult.

But there is another category of people for whom the ease of use and functionality of the purchased gadget comes first. And now they are already wondering whether it is worth buying iOS device Or is it better to take an analogue or Windows Phone.

To understand the issue, you should get an idea of ​​the main advantages and disadvantages of each operating system. This article will discuss the disadvantages and advantages of iOS from Apple.

Pros of the Apple iOS operating system

  • Convenience and style of interface.

Apple developers have created a truly simple and easy-to-learn interface. Even the person who picked up an Apple device for the first time will immediately understand all the intricacies and settings.

As for the graphic part, everything here is also at the level - there are various graphic effects, animations and other decorations. And they, by the way, do not load the system at all. Even on old smartphones (2g, 3g) everything works like a charm.

  • No compatibility issues.

Apple iOS is a highly specialized operating system that runs only on portable devices company of the same name. This allows developers to carefully work out and polish all the functionality, removing various problems and bugs (errors). Therefore, if the list of supported themes or other applications of the system includes specific version iOS, this means that you will not have any problems launching it.

  • Own application store.

Many different names for every taste. Games, text editors, reminders - the list goes on and on. Some of them are universal. That is, if you have several Apple devices, for example, iPhone and iPad, then you only need to buy the application once to use it from several gadgets. Screen resolution, graphic settings and so on - all this will automatically adjust to the device parameters.

  • High autonomy.

Apple iOS intelligently manages battery resources, allowing you to long time work without the need to recharge.

Disadvantages of the Apple iOS operating system

  • Closed file system.

Explore the filling of the system by climbing into system files and folders, it will only work with the help of unofficial firmware.

Also, many users will not like the lack of the ability to transfer music to the device directly. To download music you have to use iTunes.

  • High cost of applications.

U Google with their Android in their store the prices are much more affordable than in Apple Store, more free versions games and programs. Of course, to most Russian-speaking owners of Apple products this problem will seem insignificant, since they use the pirated Cudia client, but the rest (convinced licensers) are unlikely to be happy with the prices.

  • Inability to expand memory.

This is a problem with the devices themselves, but it would be wrong not to include it in the list. Apple produces gadgets with a strictly limited amount of memory, which cannot be expanded using a card. If a person misses installed gigabytes, he will have to replace his device. Fortunately, the provided volume is quite enough for the average user.

Let's sum it up

There were no particularly serious reasons forcing a user to refuse to purchase iOS gadgets. In addition to the cost of the software ( software) and, in fact, the devices themselves, which is traditionally high for Apple. The operating system is easy to use, practically free of bugs and works quickly.