How to find out how many GHz on a laptop. Processor frequency and its correct understanding

At times, a user may need to know what kind of processor is installed in his computer and what characteristics it has - for example, when installing a game or when purchasing new hardware. And in some cases, manual control of the processor properties may be necessary. Let's look at how to do this.

How to find out the properties of the processor in Windows

The good news is that you don't need any third-party software to find out what kind of processor is installed in your system. If you only want to know him basic parameters- for example, clock speed or number of cores - built-in ones are sufficient Windows tools, namely, Control Panel and Device Manager.

  • As a rule, the “Control Panel” item is located directly in the “Start” menu. Click on this item and go to the control panel.

    We enter the “Control Panel” through the “Start” menu

  • We need the “System” item. This menu contains information about both the processor and random access memory, and about the properties of Windows itself installed on the device.

    In the control panel, look for the “System” item, select it

  • In the window that appears, find the line “Processor”. There is information about which processor is installed in the computer: the manufacturer, the name of the processor and its clock frequency in mega- or gigahertz. For example, in the above picture the computer is working with a processor from Intel with a clock frequency of 2.5 GHz.

    In the “System” window of the control panel there is a line “Processor”, which displays information about the processor

  • Now let's check the number of cores. In already open tab“System” on the side there are buttons to go to different system menus. Find the “Device Manager” item among them and click on it.

    The System window has buttons that open various system menus; we need the "Device Manager" item

  • In the “Device Manager” that opens - a menu that displays information about all physical elements installed in the system and their drivers - we need the “Processors” item. The dispatcher marks each processor core as separate device, so it will be easy to understand. Expand the “Processors” tab and see several identical devices; their number is the number of cores in your processor. As you can see, the picture shows quad-core processor.

    In the "Device Manager" there is a "Processors" tab; opening it, we see how many cores are in the processor on our computer

  • If you want to check your processor drivers, you can do it right here by clicking on processor right click mouse and selecting “Properties”. In the menu that appears, there is a “Driver” tab, where you can view information about installed driver or even try to update or rollback it. However, as a rule, manual updates No processor drivers are needed: this is done automatically.

    If for some reason you need information about the processor driver, this can be done through the processor properties menu in the device manager

  • Temperature measurement

    If your computer regularly overheats or is simply overloaded, it makes sense to monitor the processor temperature: it may be necessary to update the cooling. Check the processor temperature using regular funds Windows is not possible: you need to either check the temperature through the BIOS, or use third party programs to control computer hardware. We will cover both methods. By the way, with their help you can also find out other processor data.

    How to measure temperature using BIOS

    BIOS - or more precisely, BIOS Setup, the most widely used part basic system I/O is the easiest way to check what the temperature of your processor is. The BIOS Setup menu displays a number of properties of the “stuffing” of the computer, and the only thing we can do is go into the utility and find the line responsible for the temperature of the program. The main disadvantage of this method is that the check will be carried out before entering Windows, when the processor is not yet “loaded” with working with operating system and all its applications. Therefore, the result may differ less than what you get by measuring the temperature from under Windows using special programs.

  • The first step is to enter the BIOS. This is done like this: when bootstrap computer, even before the system logo appears, a window with information about motherboard(for some configurations - just a dark window with a blinking cursor). When this window appears, you need to press a key combination to enter the BIOS (most often it is Del or F2, but the combinations vary depending on the manufacturer, and there are a lot of them; usually you can find out “your” combination from the information on the screen).
  • Will open BIOS program Setup. The line we need is called CPU Temperature and is located in different places depending on the BIOS version. Typically, the section in which this information is located is called:
    • PC Health Status (Status);
    • Hardware Monitor (H/W Monitor, Monitor);
    • Power;
  • If you don’t want to go into the BIOS or are interested in the processor temperature under load, you can use it instead special utilities, working with temperature sensors on the CPU under Windows.

    How to find out the processor temperature through programs

    There are several programs for monitoring the physical parameters of the computer, such as fan speed, voltage consumption and temperature on the “internals” of the computer. You should look for a utility that can read readings from a temperature sensor among these programs.


    AIDA64 - powerful program to track components of both hardware and the system itself. Its functions include far more than just checking the CPU temperature, and it is extremely useful for anyone who is at least a little interested in the condition of their PC. Of all possible options it is one of the most popular programs, so we will start with it.

    After installation, simply launch the program and go to the “Sensors” tab. The utility itself will display information about the temperature on all processor cores individually, as well as on other components of the computer “stuffing”.

    The "Sensors" tab of the AIDA64 program shows the temperature on the processor and other components computer

    The main disadvantage of AIDA64 is that this program is paid. However, free version You can get it for 30 days, and this is definitely enough to check the processor temperature.

    CPUID HWMonitor

    This program is not as informative as the previous one, and is intended only for viewing information about the hardware. But it is free, popular and quite simple, so you won’t have to figure it out for a long time either. After installation, open and find the name of your processor in the list of devices (we discussed in detail how to find it out in one of the previous paragraphs).

    In the same way, we see the temperature of each core displayed on the screen in Celsius and Fahrenheit, and also observe its maximum and minimum values.

    IN CPUID program HWMonitor temperature The processor can be viewed in the tab with its name

    The HWMonitor website allows you to download the program for free, and also, for a reasonable fee, purchase a Pro version with additional functions.


    Another one free utility, which differs from the previous one in extremely high information content and a large number of functions: up to tracking all processor activity in real time with plotting. The program is distributed under a freeware license, so you don’t have to pay anything for it. And looking at the CPU temperature in it is generally as easy as shelling pears: just go to the main menu of the program and select the Sensors item.

    The window that opens will display information from the component sensors. This can be not only temperature, but also energy consumption or operating speed; any indicator is displayed in four columns: current, maximum, minimum and average values. The processor in the long list of devices is represented by the CPU item. That's what we need.

    HWInfo provides the user with many functions, one of which is viewing sensor readings - located in the Sensors menu

    HWInfo can be downloaded for free from the official website.

    Piriform Speccy

    A utility from the creators of the well-known CCleaner, designed to view the status of PC components. It features a proprietary pleasant interface and full support Russian language: if you have problems with English, Speccy will be the optimal solution. There are free and paid version: The paid version has advanced functionality and auto-updates, but for our purposes the free version will suffice.

    After installation, you just need to go into the program: the processor temperature will be displayed, among other data, on home page. If you want to know the processor characteristics in more detail, you should select side menu"Central Processor" item.

    Speccy program provides the necessary data directly in the main window and in Russian

    You can download Speccy from the program developers website.

    CPU Power Management in Windows 7

    Windows 7 provides a wider range of power management tools than its predecessors. This is both the choice of a power supply scheme from those already available, and customization food for yourself, as well as additional features, including hidden ones. Basic Features will be useful to everyone: from those who strive to maximum performance in games, to those who save electricity - but fine tuning is recommended only for experienced users.

  • Power settings can be found in the “Control Panel” (how to access it is described in detail above). They are usually called “Power Management” or simply “Power Options,” so, in general, you don’t need to go to the control panel: you can just type the word “power” in the search bar, and the system itself will provide a link to the settings.
  • In the window that opens, you can immediately select the power scheme for your computer. One of three: balanced, energy-saving (recommended for laptop users running offline) and high-performance (for working with “heavy” programs, including games). In addition, from here you can create your own power supply scheme or configure existing ones.

    This is what the main power menu window looks like in Windows 7. You can customize an existing power plan or create your own

  • Creating a new nutrition plan is based on three main schemes: in fact, any custom plan is just one of the main ones with some additional settings.

    When creating a power plan, you can choose which of the main ones it will be based on

  • In the circuit settings, you can change the time after which the system will go into sleep mode and the time after which the screen will go dark, and for laptops you can configure different behavior when operating on mains power and on battery power. Including the item “Change” additional settings", providing access to more advanced power options.

    This is what setting up a power plan for laptops looks like (in stationary PCs there is no separation between network and battery). From here you can go to advanced settings

  • Advanced settings allow you to fine-tune power consumption. From settings of wake timers to direct control of processor power: maximum and minimum performance percentage, as well as cooling control. It is not recommended to change these settings unless you are sure of what you are doing! Otherwise, there is a possibility of simply ruining the processor.
  • Enabling hidden computer functions from the registry

    For even more fine tuning you can go into the registry and edit some keys to open access to blocked ones regular user options. To edit a key in the registry, just import the rows from the table below into it. Let's figure out how to do this.

  • First you need to create a reg file. For this:
    1. We create in any place convenient for you text file Notepad.
    2. In the file we write the Windows sentence as the first line Registry Editor Version 5.00 - it is very important that it is exactly like this, without errors.
    3. Leave the next line empty.
    4. In the third line we write one of the codes indicated in the table: completely, do not change anything.
    5. We write the following codes in any order. Each time we write new code, we skip one line. There should always be one blank line between commands.
    6. When all required codes typed, save the file under any name in .reg format. That's it, the registry file is ready, and now all that remains is to import the changes into the registry itself.
  • When the reg file is created, type in the search Windows word regedit.
  • In the registry editor that opens, click “File - Import”.
  • We indicate the path to our reg file and select it. If you did everything correctly, the registry settings should change.
  • Table: registry keys for accessing hidden power settings and their meanings

    What needs to be changed (imported into the registry) Result

    the so-called core parking is enabled, which allows you to disable unused processor cores in order to save energy

    enables a setting that determines the maximum number of cores in idle state

    opens the option "CPU performance kernel suspension kernel override"

    opens an option that allows you to manage processor idle time

    An option appears that allows you to control power reduction

    After applying these settings Extra options The processor power supply will look something like this:

    This is what advanced processor power settings look like in Windows 7 if enabled in the registry hidden functions

    Now that hidden features are enabled, even complex power management settings can be monitored and fine-tuned.

    Knowing where to look at your processor data, how to determine its temperature and even change power management is very useful for an experienced PC owner who decides to optimize the CPU using software methods. But this information may also be useful for the average user: everyone may sometimes need to check the operation of the cooling, find out the processor frequency, or reduce energy consumption.

    Hello guys, I want to tell you a little about the processor frequency and how to view it in Windows 7. Although this method It will probably work on another version.

    You probably already know that the higher the frequency, the better. But in reality this is not so... I thought so myself recently. But the trick is not only in frequency. Look, I have now Pentium processor G3220. This is still a modern processor and a pretty good one. Its frequency is average by standards, 3 GHz. But ten years ago there was a Pentium 4 processor and the top model there had a frequency of 3.8 GHz, you can even take the Pentium D which was the top one and was not just dual-core, but also had threading functions (the frequency there was approximately 3.4 GHz). But nevertheless, my Pentium G3220 is three times more productive than those processors.

    What I mean is that it is not the frequency of the processor that is important in the first place, but its technical process, platform, core, revision... A processor with the same frequency can differ greatly in performance. Well, I hope it's clear

    Well, that’s right, there was some mini information just for you to note...

    Many users look up information about the processor, including the clock frequency, using special programs. Yes it good decision, but if you urgently need to know the frequency, then I know a way to see it without using programs. True, the method is unusual.

    See what needs to be done. Create a file on your desktop with any name, but it must have an nfo extension (for extensions to be shown, they must be enabled; this can be done using the Folder Options icon in the Control Panel). You can first create a text one and then replace .txt with .nfo in it. For example, let this be the info.nfo file:

    Now we just run this file, the following message will appear, do not pay attention to it, click OK:

    After this, the System Information window will open, and there you can see the processor frequency, there is other information there:

    This is what is in the frame, this is the operating frequency of the processor, that is, what you need. Also, immediately after the frequency there is the number of cores and the number of logical processors. These are logical, this is like the number of threads.

    Well, the second way is with the help of programs. And one of them is CPU-Z. It is small, does not require installation, and has been around for a very long time. In a word, she is the best. It’s everywhere on the Internet, so downloading it is not a problem. Download it, launch it, and after two seconds you will see a window like this, and it’s easy to understand what frequency it is:

    Sorry, I’m a little blunt, in short, sometimes the CPU-Z program needs to be installed, and sometimes it works without installation!

    This is the operating frequency, it may be higher than what it should be. If so, then the processor is overclocked. That is, they increased its frequency by increasing the voltage; I am not well versed in the technical side of this shamanism...

    There is another program where you can find out almost everything related to your hardware, this is . Not everyone knows, but with the help of this program you can even find out when the RAM stick was released...

    Speaking of frequency. The higher the frequency, the more commands are processed per unit of time. Multiple cores will allow these tasks to be performed in parallel.

    This is how you can find out the processor frequency in Windows 7, and as you can see, there is nothing complicated here, so try it and you will succeed.


    Show the relative load on the central processor. Sometimes you need (or just want) to look CPU frequency V this moment. In this post, I will tell you how to find out what frequency the processor runs at in Linux, as well as other characteristics such as temperature and voltage.


    Most visual program to view CPU frequency in real time is i7z.

    Installation on Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux, Debian and their derivatives:

    Sudo apt install i7z

    For installation on Arch Linux, BlackArch and their derivatives:a

    Sudo pacman -S i7z

    Sudo i7z

    The program constantly updates the data and interactively shows the following processor characteristics for each core:

    Shown at the very top base frequency processor from cpuinfo, in my screenshot it is 2208.00Mhz.

    Then comes the real frequency (excluding Turbo).

    CPU Multiplier and Bus clock frequency (BCLK) are also shown.

    The Max TURBO Multiplier line contains information about how the Bus clock frequency (BCLK) is multiplied during Turbo acceleration ( Turbo Boost) depending on the load on the cores. In my screenshot, 41x/41x/40x/40x/39x/39x shows multiplication when loaded by the corresponding number of cores 1/2/3/4/5/6. That is, when the load is on 1 or 2 cores, the multiplication will be 41x, respectively maximum frequency 100.32 * 41 = 4113.12, that is, the maximum frequency is 4.1 Gigahertz. With a load of six cores: 100.32 * 39 = 3912.48, that is, the maximum frequency is 3.9 Gigahertz.

    Real Current Frequency is the real current frequency.

    • Core— core number
    • Actual Freq (Mult.)— current frequency
    • C0%— CPU load as a percentage
    • Halt(C1)%— Processor operation with stops (States when >C0 means energy saving modes with idle running)
    • C3%- PLL kernels are disabled and the kernel cache is disabled
    • C6%- How C3+ kernel state is stored in the last level cache
    • C7%- like C6, but deeper
    • Temp- current temperature for each core
    • Vcore— voltage at the moment for each core

    The data in the table changes every second. corresponds to the core-id number in /proc/cpuinfo

    The message "Garbage Values" is displayed when "garbage" (which cannot be interpreted) values ​​are read.

    The look and feel of i7z is based on ncurses. Usually the program starts without options, but if you wish, you can configure logging and disable the interface.

    i7z supports the following options:

    Append log file:

    I7z --write a

    /i7z -w a

    Instead of adding more entries, start the log again (the old one is erased):

    I7z --write l

    /i7z -w l

    /i7z -l filename

    Specify a specific socket for printing:

    I7z --socket0 X

    To display CPU information on the second socket:

    I7z --socket1 X

    To disable ncurses GUI (graphical interface):

    I7z --nogui

    Example: to print information about processors in two sockets and also replace the log file:

    I7z --socket0 0 --socket1 1 -logfile /tmp/logfilei7z -w l

    The i7z program is very visual and, perhaps, the most convenient if you need to view information about the central processor at the moment, but it has its drawbacks. For some modern models The processor generation is incorrectly determined. Due to the features of the program, only cores (and not logical cores) are shown; when there is a load on one core, a situation may arise that this core will not be in the list. That is, the system is clearly loaded, the fan is noisy, frequencies are at maximum, but i7z shows that all cores are idle. Since the system occasionally switches load to another core when heavily used by a single threaded process, the active core appears and disappears in i7z. Since i7z has not been updated for 5 years, there is little chance that these bugs will ever be fixed.

    Showing maximum, minimum and current processor frequency with lscpu

    Using the lscpu command, you can display information about the frequency range supported by the processor, as well as what frequency the processor currently has:

    Lscpu | grep MHz

    To show only the current CPU frequency:

    Lscpu | grep "CPU MHz" | awk "( print $3; )"

    To constantly update the current processor frequency:

    Watch -n1 "lscpu | grep "CPU MHz" | awk "(print $1)""

    Frequency of each processor core in Linux

    To show the frequency for each CPU core, run the command:

    Cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "MHz"

    If you want information about the current frequency to be constantly updated, then run the command:

    Watch -n1 "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep \"MHz\""

    View the processor frequency regardless of the distribution and installed programs

    The following method is the most universal and should work on all distributions by default:

    Sudo watch -n 1 cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq

    the result will show the frequency for each processor core.

    other methods

    The methods considered should already be more than enough. If you still don't have enough, here's more. Please note that you will need to install some of the programs mentioned first.

    By using lshw:

    Sudo lshw -c cpu

    More accurately:

    Sudo lshw -c cpu | grep capacity

    By using dmidecode:

    Sudo dmidecode -t processor

    More accurately:

    Sudo dmidecode -t processor | grep "Speed"

    Overclockers note that only the command dmidecode shows the correct values ​​if the processor is overclocked.

    Using a graphics applet Conky You can get this visual picture:

    CPU frequency indicator:

    Processor clock speed - this is the number of oscillations over a certain period of time(V in this case- in a second). If we talk about a personal computer, then for it this is an indicator of the number of operations that the processor can perform in 1 second. Remember: the higher the clock speed, the higher the performance of the computer.

    What varieties are there?

    This is interesting! The unit of measurement of frequency is called the “hertz,” and it is named after the legendary German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, who in 1885 conducted a unique experiment to confirm the correctness of the electromagnetic theory. The scientist proved that light is a type electromagnetic radiation, which propagates in the form of special waves.

    Experts distinguish 2 types of clock frequencies.

    1. External (affects data exchange between the RAM board and the processor).
    2. Internal (affects the correctness and speed of operation inside the processor).

    Another interesting fact is that until 1992, these two indicators, as a rule, coincided, and only as a result of the introduction of new technologies by specialists from a well-known Intel the internal frequency was increased by 2 times compared to the external one. An example of such an achievement was the 80486DX2 processor, unique at that time. The manufacturer presented to the public 2 types of such a processor: one is less powerful (25/50 MHz), the other is with higher performance (33/66 MHz). This invention gave a serious impetus, including to other manufacturers, and they began to actively develop and produce processors with noticeably more power.

    It is worth paying attention to this important point: The processor clock speed is not the only criterion for assessing the speed and performance of a computer. You also need to take into account the size of the cache memory and . On some processors latest generation used special system responsible for automatic increase clock speed of the processor cores. So, if you are an active gamer and cannot imagine your life without daily immersion in the fascinating world of complex games, both in plot and graphics, then you need. But for the classic office work A modern PC will do as well.

    How is the clock frequency determined?

    As is known, clock oscillations are formed as a result of the action of a quartz crystal located in a special container. This device is called a “clock resonator”. The crystal begins to work only after voltage is applied and an electric current oscillates. Next, these oscillations are fed to a clock generator, as a result of which the electric current oscillations are converted into pulses, and they are already transmitted to the data buses.

    Remember that it is the clock generator that is responsible for the required operating cycle of all PC components, including buses, RAM and, of course, CPU. If the clock generator is working correctly, all components will also function as synchronously and smoothly as possible.
    There is also such a thing as a clock period.

    The clock period is minimum unit, which measures the operating time of the processor.

    Increasing frequency by overclocking

    When interacting with the RAM board, the processor usually spends more than one clock cycle. This indicator can be increased artificially, that is, as a result of the so-called “", but having chosen this path, you need to know about some restrictions:

    • processor starts consume noticeably large quantity energy, and the installed and operated power supply may not be able to cope with this moment, so it is worth purchasing a more efficient model;
    • as a result of “overclocking,” the amount of energy emitted by the crystal increases, that is, both it and other components will heat up faster(only the efficient system cooling);
    • If the volume of supplied electricity increases, problems will certainly arise. electromagnetic interference, in particular, in the operation of data buses (this can lead to a decrease in the amount of data transferred).

    How to find out the processor frequency of your computer?

    There are four main ways to find out the clock speed and thus determine the performance of a PC:

    1. View the documentation provided by the manufacturer along with your computer or laptop. The technical data sheet must indicate the type of processor and its clock frequency. If there is no inscription regarding the clock frequency next to the specified processor model, you can find it out by entering any search engine processor name, laptop model, etc.
    2. You can find out the clock frequency by reading the properties of your PC system. What do I need to do? First, go to the “Control Panel”; secondly, go to the “System Properties” section. IN this section Displays computer performance metrics, including clock speed.
    3. You can take advantage of the opportunities, which you can access by following some simple rules (for personal computers they are the same, for laptops they are different). The main thing is to press one “magic” button (for example, Del, Esc or F12) before the system starts booting.
    4. Install on your computer CPU-Z utility, which is absolutely free, and its main purpose is to help the user find out everything he needs Contains information about the processor, including its performance and clock speed.

    So, you already know what clock speed is personal computer or laptop, what significance these indicators have for the speed of the equipment, you know how to determine the frequency, and we hope that this information will help you become an even more professional and successful PC user.

    The performance and speed of the system greatly depends on the clock frequency of the processor. This indicator is not constant and may change slightly during computer operation. If desired, the processor can also be “overclocked,” thereby increasing the frequency.

    You can find out the clock frequency as follows: using standard methods, and using third-party software (the latter gives a more accurate result).

    It's worth remembering that processor clock speed is measured in hertz, but is usually specified in either megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).

    It is also worth remembering that if you use standard methods of checking frequency, you will not see such a word as “frequency” anywhere. You will most likely see the following (example) – « Intel Core i5-6400 3.2 GHz". Let's take it in order:

    1. "Intel"- these are the names of the manufacturer. Instead there may be "AMD".
    2. "Core i5" is the name of the processor line. Instead, you may have written something completely different, however, this is not so important.
    3. "6400"— model of a specific processor. Yours may also differ.
    4. "3.2 GHz" is the frequency.

    The frequency can be found in the documentation for the device. But the data there may differ slightly from the real ones, because... The documents say the average value. And if any manipulations were performed with the processor before, the data may differ dramatically, so it is recommended to obtain information only by software.

    Method 1: AIDA64

    functional program for working with computer components. The software is paid, but there is a demo period. In order to view data about the processor in real time, it will be quite enough. The interface has been completely translated into Russian.

    The instructions look like this:

    Method 2: CPU-Z

    – a program with easy and clear interface, which allows you to view in more detail all the characteristics of the computer (including the processor). Distributed free of charge.

    To see the frequency, just open the program and in the main window pay attention to the line "Specification". The name of the processor will be written there and at the very end the current frequency in GHz will be indicated.

    Method 3: BIOS

    If you have never seen the BIOS interface and do not know how to work there, then it is better to leave this method. The instructions look like this:

    Method 4: Standard system tools

    Most easy way of all, because does not require installation of additional software or entering BIOS. Find out the frequency standard means Windows:

    Finding out the current frequency is very easy. IN modern processors this indicator is no longer the most important factor in terms of productivity.