Fps increase latest version 100 working. What is FPS in games and what does it depend on?

In this article I will try to outline in as much detail as possible all the working ways to increase FPS in PUBG. If your computer’s characteristics are far from top-end hardware, then read carefully and try it!

Why PUBG lags and FPS jumps

There can be many reasons for this, from a banal lack of RAM to problems with the game itself. Let me start with the fact that PUBG is at the early access stage and is constantly being updated, so you shouldn’t expect stable operation. If you are looking, then follow the link, we have prepared a separate article for this, and below we will look at software optimization of PUBG.

Step 1: Update drivers

As we know, PUBG is in Early Access stage. Video card manufacturers constantly update their drivers for new games; it is strongly recommended to update drivers to the latest versions. This may help in some cases of video card incompatibility with various game functions.

Step 2: PUBG Graphics Options

  • Quality— sets a standard set of parameters for low, medium, high and other game settings.
  • Screen scale — is responsible for the pixel size in the game. To set the size to 1k1, the parameter must be set to 100.
  • Smoothing — is responsible for the “ladder effect” and the softness of the picture.
  • Post-processing — is responsible for focusing and blurring the image at long distances.
  • Shadows— set the quality of shadows. Attention! You cannot completely disable shadows in the game.
  • Texture— the parameter is responsible for the quality of textures and the drawing distance of some objects.
  • Effects— the parameter is responsible for the quality of explosions, fire, water and other effects in the game.
  • Foliage- responsible for the density of foliage on trees and bushes.
  • Visibility range — is responsible for the drawing range of houses, players and other objects.
  • Motion blur — is responsible for blurring the picture when turning the camera.
  • Vertical Sync — the parameter allows the picture not to tear up on monitors with a frequency of 60Hz and lower.

Below are FULL HD screenshots with different graphics settings.

“Pubga folders” recommend setting everything to very low settings, except for the draw distance and screen scale. I recommend that if you have more than 8GB of RAM, set the textures to high, so the picture will be clearer.

Impact of graphics settings on FPS:

  • Screen scale- high
  • Smoothing- high
  • Post-processing - high
  • Shadows- high
  • Texture- average
  • Effects- high
  • Foliage- average
  • Visibility range- average
  • Motion blur- average
  • Vertical Sync- low

That's all the parameters that can be changed in the game at the moment. If the lags haunt you, then you will have to dig deeper.

Step 3: Setting up graphics card drivers for PUBG

One of the easiest ways to somehow affect game performance is to manually configure the video driver. The setting will not cause any problems, but it will probably add a couple of dozen frames in the game.

Setting up the NVIDIA driver for PUBG

The guide presents two options for setting up the NVIDIA video driver for PUBG.

Option #1 - Automatic optimization

In this simple way we will tell the video card that the main thing for us is FPS, not graphics.

Option #2 - Manual setup

Step 4: PUBG Launch Options

To change PUBG launch parameters you need to:

  1. Right click on PUBG in STEAM
  2. Select Properties
  3. Set launch options

Detailed description of parameters:

  • -WinX— horizontal position of the game window.
  • -WinY— vertical position of the game window.
  • -ResX— horizontal resolution of the screen, game window.
  • -ResY— vertical resolution of the screen, game window.
  • -VSync— activates vertical frame synchronization.
  • -NoVSync— disables vertical frame synchronization.
  • —FPS— sets the maximum possible FPS.
  • -FULLSCREEN— launches the game in full screen mode.
  • -WINDOWED— starts the game in windowed mode.
  • -NOHOMEDIR- do not use configs in the “My Documents” folder.
  • -NOSOUND— turn off sounds in the game (may increase fps).
  • -NOSPLASH— disable the screensaver when starting the game.
  • -NOTEXTURESTREAMING— disable loading of reduced quality textures, only original high quality textures will be loaded.
  • -ONETHREAD— disable multithreading (only one processor core is used).
  • -USEALLAVAILABLECORES— use all processor cores.
  • -lowmemory— this parameter is recommended to be used if you have 8 GB or less of RAM (may improve game performance).
  • -sm4— replaces shaders from dx11 to dx10, some effects are disabled or become visually worse (increases FPS).
  • -d3d10— the parameter also starts working only on dx10, but more roughly than -sm4, which can cause artifacts (not recommended, but you can test it, as it increases FPS).
  • -malloc=system— forces Windows to use optimization to increase application performance (I don’t know how to explain the effect of this parameter more simply).
  • -high- launches the game with high priority.
  • +mat_antialias 0- disables anti-aliasing
  • -maxMem=Y— Y indicates the amount of RAM used (example: 14000 for 16GB of RAM).
  • -cpuCount=X— X indicates the number of processor cores used (example: 4 for a quad-core processor).
  • -exThreads=G— G indicates the number of processor virtual cores used (example: 7 for Quadcore and 3 for Dualcore).
  • -maxVram=Z— Z indicates the amount of video memory used (example: 3763 for 4GB of video memory).
  • -nomansky— degrades the quality of the sky (in some games it removes the stars).

Attention! The size of RAM must be chosen based on the volume!

V -maxmem= you need to supply your amount of RAM!

  • 3072 (4GB)
  • 6144 (6GB)
  • 7168 (8GB)
  • 11264 (12GB)
  • 13000 (16GB)
Example of a finished config: -malloc=system -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -nomansky -maxMem=7168 +mat_antialias 0

Step 5. PUBG ini file configuration options

Attention! This will be followed by deep customization of the game. It can lead to crashes and other problems. Recommended for advanced users.


Open Engine.ini in



Then open the file properties and check the “Read Only” checkbox.


Open Scalability.ini in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

For some, the folder will be hidden and for this you need to check the box to show hidden files in the settings.

PerfIndexValues_ResolutionQuality=100 100 100 100






Then open the file properties and check the “Read Only” checkbox.

This article describes in as much detail as possible all the working methods for optimizing the PUBG game. If your hardware is too weak and cannot handle the game, then by reading this guide you can increase FPS and remove lags.

Nothing to do from the simplest, you need to close all programs, folders, videos, etc. which could somehow load the RAM and processor. Identify all unnecessary programs in the Task Manager. Disable your antivirus for a while, turn it off altogether, since almost all antiviruses eat up a lot of RAM. After you disable all unnecessary programs, we begin optimizing the PUBG game.

Why PUBG lags and FPS jumps

Since PUBG is still in test mode, and not the entire process of the game has been adjusted, you may experience problems with the game, in particular, FPS drops or lags. Perhaps you do not have enough RAM or a weak PC. Below we have written detailed instructions for optimizing game processes.

Setting up graphics in PUBG

Before setting up PUBG, we need to know which parameter does what. Go to the Settings section and select the Graphics tab, in it we will see:

  • Quality– automatic adjustment of graphics display quality;
  • Screen scale – controls screen resolution;
  • Smoothing- is responsible for the effect of “jaggedness” and smoothing out unevenness in the picture;
  • Post-processing- actions to transform the drawing of a three-dimensional scene after its processing;
  • Shadows- shadow display quality;
  • Texture- controls the quality of display of texture patterns and drawing of objects;
  • Effects- controls the quality of effects from bullets, shrapnel, water, etc.;
  • Foliage- controls the quality of visualization of leaves on trees and bushes;
  • Visibility range- controls the range of drawing objects located in the distance (objects, trees, players, etc.);
  • Motion blur- controls image blur during sudden camera movements;
  • Vertical Sync- if everything shakes when you move (pubg motion blur), then you need to enable this function.

Once we have figured out which parameters are responsible for what, we can make a list of which of the items has the most impact on the display graphics in the game. And based on this, make the optimal settings for pubg.

Impact of graphics settings on FPS:

  • Screen scale - high
  • Antialiasing - high
  • Post-processing - high
  • Shadows - high
  • Texture - medium
  • Effects - high
  • Foliage - average
  • Visibility range - average
  • Motion Blur - Medium
  • Vertical Sync - Low

If you have weak hardware and your game is lagging, then we provide you with lists of graphics settings.

We recommend setting all parameters to very low, with the exception of screen scale, visibility range and texture. For what? These graphics settings are for optimal rendering in the game, which will allow you to see in the distance not only large objects, but also players.

There is another option for optimal game settings:

We recommend setting the parameters to very low, with the exception of screen scale and visibility range. For what? Read the point above. Of course, you can set the screen scale and rendering to medium quality.

If you still experience lag, then you need to make external settings.

Driver for PUBG nVidia

Since PUBG is in early access, your best bet is to update the drivers to the latest version. Since video card manufacturers are constantly updating drivers, it is possible that a driver has been released that is more optimized for the game.

nVidia driver settings for PUBG

Another way that can increase performance is to configure video card drivers. At the same time, this setting will only work for the game you have chosen, and may increase your FPS.

Below are two options for setting the NVIDIA video driver for PUBG.

Automatic optimization

Tab: Adjust image settings with preview.

Select: Custom Settings with Focus on: Performance

These video card settings are aimed at increasing FPS, not graphics.

Manual setting

Go to the video driver settings – NVIDIA Control Panel

Managing 3D parameters - Software settings – Select PUBG, if it is not there, then click add and see TslGame.exe in the list (for mail ru client)

We make the settings as shown in the screenshots:

PUBG Launch Options

If the settings described above did not help you, and PUBG still lags and the FPS is low, then you need to change the game launch parameters. In them you can fine-tune the settings to increase FPS in pubg.

Since the game is available on Stem and Mail Center, below we indicate two ways to configure it.

In Stem:

  • Right click your mouse in PUBG
  • Select Properties
  • Set launch options

Mail center:

  • Go to the game center
  • Next to the play button there is a check mark - click on it
  • In the pop-up window, select – Game Settings
  • Go to the tab - Launch

There are many parameters that can be configured at startup, below we will give a detailed description of each value.

Detailed description of parameters:

Attention! When choosing the size of RAM, start from the amount of your RAM!

-maxmem= must be set to your amount of RAM!

  • 3072 (4GB)
  • 6144 (6GB)
  • 7168 (8GB)
  • 11264 (12GB)
  • 13000 (16GB)

Example of a finished config: -malloc=system -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -nomansky -maxMem=7168 +mat_antialias 0

PUBG ini file configuration options

The ini file settings are more in-depth. They can lead to various problems in the game, from crashing to not starting. Recommended in extreme cases and for advanced users.


The file is located: GameUserSettings.ini in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

You may have a hidden data file; in the settings, check the box to show hidden files.



The file is located: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

Video on how to increase FPS in PUBG

You can watch a video of famous PUBG players setting up the game to increase FPS and reduce lag. Perhaps some of their advice will help you.

Probably every computer user has encountered stuttering in different games. Anything can provoke braking:

  • insufficient amount of RAM;
  • overloading the computer with running applications;
  • low video card performance.

Performance and fps in games

In general, how is video card performance measured? Speaking in plain language, without technical details, for most gamers performance is expressed in the number of frames shown per second, this is fps.

The higher the value of this indicator, the smoother and better quality the picture on the screen. You can use the Fraps program as an fps measuring device. It is designed for recording video from the screen. Even if you are not going to record anything, it will display fps in any game in the corner of the screen.

How to increase FPS in games - installing drivers for a video card

Before you move on to setting up your video card settings, you need to update your drivers. The performance of the video card depends on the drivers. Outdated drivers change the picture beyond recognition.

How to increase FPS in games - NVIDIA settings

If NVIDIA drivers are installed on your computer, then to configure them you need to right-click anywhere on the desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel” in the context menu that opens.

We are interested in the “manage 3d parameters” tab. It should be on the left side of the settings column. It is in this window that we will set the optimal settings.

Please note that the order of the options below may differ and it is impossible to guess how something will open for you. Therefore, we will consider only the basic options that are available in all NVIDIA drivers.

  • Vertical synchronization V-Sync. This parameter greatly affects the performance of the video card. It is recommended to disable it.
  • Anisotropic filtering. It directly affects the quality of texture display. It needs to be turned off.
  • Antialiasing – turn off.
  • Extension limitation – disable.
  • Triple buffering – enable.
  • Enable scalable textures - no.
  • Texture filtering (optimization) – enable.
  • Texture filtering (quality) – set to “highest performance”.

After completing the settings, save all this and exit. Once you enter the game, you will find that fps will increase by approximately 20%. This will allow you to easily play games that your computer could not handle before. By the way, the image quality may deteriorate slightly after making changes to the settings, but the picture will move more evenly and faster than before.

Useful software to increase fps in games

In this section we will look at useful software, the use of which will allow you to properly configure the OS.

  • Starter is a program that allows you to remove/add startup programs and control running processes. It can also be used to start and disable Windows services - this is very important for optimizing the system.
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus is the best anti-virus in the world. The only drawback is the maximum use of computer resources. Using it will only slow down games.
  • Advanced SystemCare Pro is a very powerful tool designed to optimize your system. Designed to clean the registry, clean disks and increase productivity.

Cleaning the system to increase fps in games

Cleaning the system consists of:

  • Disk and registry defragmentation.
  • Removing unused programs from auto downloads.
  • Cleaning and fixing disk errors.

Licensed games are the key to high-quality graphics on weak PCs

As you may have noticed, games can come out crude, with glitches and bugs. There is one effective way to solve this problem - purchase a licensed version of the game. There are no viruses here and the latest patch will always download itself. Just convenience. The cost of such games is not that high, the main thing is to buy them in the right place.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the more you increase the fps in the game, the more the processor is loaded. Do not abuse your computer's load while playing the game. Everything should be in moderation.

If during battle the FPS on your laptop is always too low, we suggest following these steps:

I. Make sure that the computer meets the system requirements.

II. Set a high-performance energy plan.

III. Disable all system and Internet programs that reduce performance.

IV. Check how many video cards are installed in the laptop.

V. Switch the video card to discrete.

Va. Instructions for Nvidia video cards.

Vb. Instructions for AMD video cards.

VI. If all else fails, create a support ticket.

I. First, make sure your laptop is compatible.

II. High performance energy plan.

1. Click "Start".

2. Go to Control Panel > System and Security.

3. Select "Power Options".

4. Set to "High performance". Adjust your monitor brightness if necessary, as brightness may change when you switch performance.

III. Disable all performance-reducing systems and Internet programs

Antiviruses (as a last resort), clients for downloading files (for example: uTorrent, Download Master, Zona, FlashGet and others), programs that provide text and voice communication (for example: Skype, ICQ), close the browser and other unnecessary applications. Especially in this situation, it is worth highlighting the antivirus, since during the game it checks various files and this, to a certain extent, loads the system.

IV. To find out the number of video cards on your laptop, follow these steps:

1. Click the Start button, enter the word “device” (without quotes) into the search bar and select “Device Manager” from the list of results.

If two display adapters are listed, it means your laptop supports switching between graphics cards.

If there is only one display adapter in the list, most often the laptop does not support such switching.

V. Switching video cards

So, we have determined that the laptop meets the system requirements of the game, can switch between video cards, and has the correct power plan. Now you need to correctly configure the video card for the game, since, most likely, the laptop automatically uses the built-in Intel video card and this causes a decrease in FPS. To use a discrete graphics card, you must follow these instructions:

Va. Control PanelNvidia. For video cardsNvidiaGeForce

If your system has a video cardAMDRadeon or onlyIntel, then go to section Vb.

Make sure that the latest drivers for your Nvidia GeForce video card are installed on your laptop. To install/update drivers, the manufacturer recommends using the GeForce Experience program, which monitors the release of a new driver for your video card and automatically updates it. After installing the driver through GeForce Experience, be sure to restart your computer.

Nvidia GeForce video cards are configured through the Nvidia Control Panel.

To open this panel, right-click on the desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel” in the pop-up window.

1. In the Control Panel, go to the "Manage 3D Settings" tab. In Global Settings, set the Nvidia processor as your preferred processor and click Apply.

2. Go to the "Program Settings" tab. In the first item, click Add, then Browse. Locate Castle.exe (located in the game folder PrimeWorld\Castle\Castle.exe) and PW_Game.exe (located in the game folder PrimeWorld\PvP\Bin\PW_Game.exe), then click "Add selected program".

In the second option, select "Nvidia High-Performance Processor" from the drop-down menu.

Important! After adding Castle.exe, be sure to click "Apply", then add PW_Game.exe and also click "Apply".

Restart your computer and launch the game. If you do not notice an increase in FPS value or it is not significant, then follow these steps:

Launch Nvidia Control Panel. Go to the "Adjust Preview Image Settings" tab, select "Custom Settings with Focus on:" and drag the slider all the way to the left until "Performance" appears. Click "Apply", restart your computer and launch the game.

Vb. ATI Catalyst Control Center. Forvideo cardsAMD Radeon

If your system only has a video cardIntel, then go to section VI.

Before starting the settings, make sure that the latest drivers for the AMD Radeon video card are installed on your laptop. To install\update drivers, download the utility to determine the most suitable drivers for your system AMD Driver Autodetect from the official AMD website. The utility does not require installation - just run it and it will automatically offer to download the necessary driver. After installing the driver, be sure to restart your computer.

To change video card switching settings in ATI Catalyst Control Center, follow these steps:

1. Click the Start button and enter the text CCC (in the English layout) in the search field, then select CCC - Advanced from the list of results:

2. From the Catalyst Control Center menu, select Switchable Graphics.

3. Select Browse to search for the executable file for the application you want to configure. In our case, these are the executable files Castle.exe (located in the folder with the installed game PrimeWorld\Castle\Castle.exe) and PW_Game.exe (located in the folder with the installed game PrimeWorld\PvP\Bin\PW_Game.exe).

The changes you make will be applied immediately. Restart your computer and launch the game.

Don't forget to close any unnecessary programs when you start the game.

If after following the suggested instructions the FPS level does not change, then switch the game to windowed mode and lower the graphics settings to minimum.

VI. If the instructions did not help increase FPS

Create a request with the support service, immediately attaching a file and a detailed description of the problem to the request (under what conditions does the loss usually occur, does the sound freeze along with the picture, and so on). Also indicate which instructions you have already completed.

Good afternoon. This article will be of interest, first of all, to owners of NVIDIA video cards (owners of ATI or AMD)…

Probably, almost all computer users have encountered lags in various games (at least those who have ever launched games at all). The reasons for the brakes can be very different: insufficient RAM, heavy load on the PC with other applications, low performance of the video card, etc.

I would like to talk about how to increase this performance in games on NVIDIA video cards in this article. Let's start to deal with everything in order...

P ro performance and fps

In general, how can you measure the performance of a video card? If we don’t go into technical details and other points now, then for most users productivity is expressed in the number fps - i.e. number of frames per second.

Of course, the higher this indicator, the better and smoother your picture on the screen. To measure fps, you can use many utilities, the most convenient (in my opinion) is the program for recording video from the screen - FRAPS (even if nothing is recorded, the program by default shows fps in the corner of the screen in any game).

About drivers for the video card

Before you begin setting up your NVIDIA video card settings, you need to install and update the drivers. In general, drivers can have a serious impact on the performance of a video card. Due to drivers, the picture on the screen may change beyond recognition...

To update and search for a driver for a video card, I recommend using one of the programs from this one.

For example, I really like the Slim Drivers utility - it quickly finds and updates all the drivers on your PC.

Updating drivers in the Slim Drivers program.

Improved performance (FPS) with NVIDIA tuning

If you have NVIDIA drivers installed, then in order to start setting them up, you can simply right-click anywhere on the desktop and select “ NVIDIA control panel«.

Next in the control panel we will be interested in the “ managing 3D parameters"(this tab is usually located on the left in the settings column, see screenshot below). In this window we will set the settings.

Yes, by the way, the order of certain options (discussed below) may be different (it’s impossible to guess how it will be for you)! Therefore, I will present only the key options that are available in all versions of drivers for NVIDIA.

  1. Anisotropic filtering. Directly affects the quality of textures in games. Therefore it is recommended switch off.
  2. V-Sync (Vertical Sync). A parameter that greatly affects the performance of the video card. This option is recommended to increase fps switch off.
  3. Enable scalable textures. We put the point No.
  4. Expansion limitation. Need to switch off.
  5. Antialiasing. Switch off.
  6. Triple buffering. Necessary switch off.
  7. Texture filtering (anisotropic optimization). This option allows you to increase performance using bilinear filtering. Need to turn on.
  8. Texture filtering (quality). Here you set the parameter “ highest performance«.
  9. Texture filtering (negative LOD deviation). Turn on.
  10. Texture filtering (three-line optimization). Turn on.

After setting all the settings, save them and exit. If you restart the game now, the number of fps in it should increase, sometimes the increase is more than 20% (which is significant, and allows you to play games that you would not have risked before)!

By the way, the quality of the picture, after making the adjustments, may deteriorate somewhat, but the picture will move much faster and more evenly than before.

A few more tips to increase fps

1) If an online game is slow (WOW, Tanks, etc.), I recommend measuring not only the fps in the game, but also comparing it with the requirements of the game.

3) It would be a good idea to optimize the Windows system for high performance:

4) Check your computer for viruses if the previous recommendations do not help:

5) There are also special utilities that can speed up your PC in games:

That's all, happy gaming everyone!
