Connect tricolor satellite TV to your TV. Connection via analog RF connector. Briefly about television receivers

In September 2017, the Tricolor company launched the Online TV option in test mode, which for the first time made it possible to legally watch content satellite operator without a plate. Since July 2018, thanks to new developments by the operator, you can connect to Tricolor without a satellite and experience all the benefits this decision every subscriber can.

How does Tricolor TV work without a satellite dish?

Broadcasting satellite TV channels in digital quality via the Internet – the basic principle of operation new option. Thanks to the additional RJ45 input on new receiver models, you can connect and watch Tricolor TV without a dish yourself, either directly or via a Wi-Fi network.

How to connect Tricolor without an antenna

For Tricolor to work without a plate, a set of new equipment is needed. To connect, you will need an interactive receiver that was released no earlier than three years ago, as well as an additional computer cable " twisted pair" In addition, the Internet speed must be at least 15 Mbit/s.

Step-by-step instruction

To connect Tricolor without a dish, you must perform the following actions:
Check whether the “Unified” channel package is active: if the subscription is not activated, connecting to the Internet is impossible.
Check the receiver software: the receiver should have latest version software; update it if necessary.
Connect the receiver to the Internet using a special cable.
Usually there are no problems connecting the receiver to the network. However, if the equipment is outdated or the router has any special settings, Tricolor without a dish will not automatically connect. If this did not happen when cable connection:
enter the network settings menu and select the “Auto” mode;
enter the network settings menu and specify the parameters manually, if necessary, check with your Internet provider.
At wireless connection You will need to log in using your ID, after which the receiver will connect to Wi-Fi automatically.

Features of setting up channels without a dish

If Tricolor without a dish connects automatically, all that remains is to select the broadcast source. On the channel there is a corresponding tab in context menu– you must select “Internet”. When you select a broadcast source in the channel menu, the changes will be saved.
The broadcast source can be specified in the “Settings” menu through the “Broadcasting” tab. After switching to it, the “Broadcast Source” tab will open, where you will also need to select “Internet”. The default settings are always “Satellite”. If the broadcast source was selected through advanced settings, then nothing changes in the channel settings.

Which tuners will be able to receive Online TV?

The possibility of installing Tricolor without a plate is provided in the latest models receivers, which can be viewed via the link in the ““ section. Information about them is regularly updated on the operator’s website, as the system is constantly being improved and adapted to the equipment. When connecting to the Tricolor Online package without a dish, Special attention Pay attention to the special receiver model - GS AC790, which combines not only the function of watching TV via the Internet, but also a game console.
If you have several TVs in your home, you need to connect the main receiver to the Internet.
If your equipment does not support Tricolor Internet broadcasting without a dish, you will have to replace it with a new one to use the option. On this moment there is a promotion for the exchange of Tricolor TV equipment - “ “.

Cost of setting up and connecting the Online TV function

If you already have a satellite dish installed and the “Unified” channel package is active, you can connect and set up Online TV channels completely free of charge. If standard package channels is not active, to operate Tricolor without a dish if you have an Internet connection, you just need to pay for a subscription. The minimum cost of subscription to the “Unified” channel package is 1,500 rubles per year.
For subscribers who do not have the opportunity to install a satellite dish, an Internet version of the Tricolor Online operator is available with a package of 134 channels at a price of 2,000 rubles per year.

Pros and cons of Tricolor TV without a dish

Tricolor without a plate gives subscribers the following advantages:
free additional TV channels previously available for viewing on on a paid basis or in certain regions;
the ability to use the receiver anywhere there is an Internet connection;
independence from weather conditions and other external influences to which it is sensitive satellite connection;
TV archive, content rewinding and other interactive TV functions.
The main disadvantages of Tricolor without a dish are the inability to use old models of equipment, as well as the direct dependence of broadcast quality on Internet speed. However, these technical issues are easily resolved.

How to connect a receiver to a TV: 3 principles

TV receiver – signal conductor from the player to the TV Receivers are designed for high-quality signal transmission. The receiver converts digital, analog, video, audio and radio signals. The device can convert several signals at once and redirect them to video or audio display systems. The TV receiver is not intended to be used large quantity cables Signal sources are switched on the receiver itself. The quality of the picture and sound largely depends on the quality of the connection.

How to connect the receiver to the TV

Receiver – multifunction device. The receiver is easy to install, it has a small set of tulips and has a convenient and simple interface. The connection diagram will vary depending on the TV and receiver model.

The quality of the image will directly depend on the quality of the source signal and the quality of the interface.

The best connection method is to use an HDMI cable - one end of the cable is connected to the back of the TV, the other to the output located on the receiver. The cable will improve image quality and audio signal transmission. It often happens that a TV or video player has a component output (ypbpr). Then, to connect the receiver, use wires for a component connection.

Connection diagram of the receiver to the TV

Tricolor connection options:

  • The Tricolor b520 satellite receiver is connected according to a different scheme. To connect use antenna cable. The receiver is connected to the TV using an antenna cable. The channel search starts automatically. You can tune the TV after scanning stops at the receiver’s operating frequency.
  • This connection option requires a bell-shaped cable. After connecting the cable, turn on the device and wait until the channel number on the receiver lights up. Using the remote control, switch to video mode. You must select the connection connector in the menu.

The inscription on the TV screen should look appropriate. If the inscription is missing or does not look right, it means the receiver is connected incorrectly and the TV cannot receive the right signal. To correct the situation, you can try pressing two buttons “zero” and “one” on the remote control at once.

Principles of connecting an HDMI receiver

A receiver with the HDMI standard is considered the most modern and versatile. This type The receiver is distinguished by high quality audio and video signals in two types of television formats: analog and digital. Install HDMI receiver Can be used on any TV.

An HDMI receiver is a device that will provide coordinated work video and acoustic systems.

This device carries special function. Incorrect installation may cause the entire television system to fail. When purchasing a receiver, each buyer should find out whether the store provides installation services for the receiver. If it is not possible to call the wizard, then before connecting, the user must understand the procedure for connecting the receiver on his own.

Scheme HDMI connections receiver

Principles for connecting the receiver:

  • HDMI receiver is different best quality signal processing, sound and image transmission.
  • You need to choose the type of connection that will contain the least number of wires. The fewer cable links, the less interference there will be for signal transmission.
  • You need to choose a receiver with the most high-quality wires. The quality of the broadcast image and sound will depend on them.

You can connect the receiver to both a new and an old TV. One end of the wire is inserted into the connector of the receiver, the television plug of the cable is connected to the connector on which it is written: “HDMI Input”. If there is no TV desired input, then you need to use the component method for installation.

How to connect the Tricolor receiver to a TV

Connecting Tricolor correctly is not the easiest task, since there are significant differences between receivers. Before making a purchase, you need to ask the provider in as much detail as possible about what type of receiver he is selling you. Receiver brands change as their firmware changes.

When making a purchase, you need to know exactly which version of the standard is needed - this knowledge will help you choose the right equipment and cable length.

In order to provide broadcasting to all types of premises, you need to use video senders both on cables and on WiFi standards. But it is worth noting that such equipment will cost much more. When purchasing, you should check the power level of the transmitters at a specific frequency.

The Tricolor receiver must be correctly connected to the TV

  • A special feature of Tricolor is the regular change of receiver models. Some providers advise changing equipment before connecting new receiver. You can find out about the capabilities of the receiver on forums where users actively discuss this issue.
  • When purchasing a receiver, it is important to pay attention to whether the interface is suitable. You also need to evaluate the quality of the cables.
  • If you connect two TVs to the Tricolor, you must first familiarize yourself with the installation diagram and the rules for placing cables.

It is important to note that Tricolor is pre-configured for a specific provider. The first menu item is the channel list. And here is the list of channels in in this case absent. Typically, the Tricolor tuner only produces a signal, so connecting to two TVs at the same time will be quite difficult.

Tips: how to connect a digital TV receiver to your TV

Digital television has many advantages over analogue. Digital channels and special signal coding ensures transmission high-quality image and sound. There are several ways to connect digital television.

The choice of equipment depends on which connection method is chosen: the tuner may or may not be built-in.

A simple way to set the “digit” is to opt for digital on-air television. To install it you will need an antenna, a TV and a set-top box. For the connection to work, the TV must have a built-in tuner.

Digital television has many advantages over analogue

Connection options:

  • Digital cable television. Involves the use of digital cable receiver and a specific access module. Connecting a special access module is possible if you have a digital cable receiver and a PCMCIA slot. Access to paid channels can be obtained by purchasing a smart card.
  • Digital satellite television. The connection method is considered the most labor-intensive. To connect television you will need a satellite dish, a convector, a satellite receiver and a cable. The antenna diameter must be selected as accurately as possible.

You can connect the receiver and TV different ways. Any connection diagram involves carrying out all work with the TV turned off. It is important to remember that not all TVs can support a digital signal.

Connecting the AV receiver to the TV

Connecting the receiver to a TV or computer ensures smooth audio and video broadcasting. After unpacking the receiver, many may encounter problems recognizing the connectors and determining their purpose.

An AV receiver is a switching center that transmits and distributes all audio and video signals to their destination.

It is considered the highest quality in terms of sound and image transmission HDMI signal, RGB, S-Video and RF signal. The best connection is the one that contains the least number of cables. It is better to choose short cables - they will cost less, and the transmitted signal will be of higher quality.

Connecting the receiver to the TV ensures smooth audio and video broadcasting

Connection tips:

  • When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the type of connections.
  • Pay attention to the connection between the input of the receiver and the TV. It is between the receiver and the TV that the connection should be of the best quality.
  • If the choice fell on HDMI cable, one connector is connected to a connector called “HDMI Monitor Out”. It can be found on the back of the receiver. The other end of the cable is connected to a connector called “HDMI Input”.

Scart connectors are widely popular. Samsung, Pioneer, Scart and BBK tulips have a rich set of connectors and high quality. After connecting the receiver, you can turn on the equipment and check the settings. If the TV shows clearly, then the receiver is connected correctly.

How to connect a receiver to a TV (video)

A receiver is a device responsible for high-quality transmission of audio and video signals. Selecting a receiver is an important task. When choosing a device, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the cables - the type will depend on it transmitted signal. The type of connection will depend on the type of receiver. The connection can be made independently or with the help of a wizard.

TricolorTV is a company offering high quality television broadcasts. However, setting up the equipment for proper operation may cause difficulties. Market digital technologies is very large, and each manufacturer brings something of its own both to the receiver models and to the TVs themselves. For some, the setup is automatic, while others require a more “personal” approach. LG TVs belong to the second group.

Why LG's setup is different

About a year ago, many companies changed their broadcasting conditions - a distinction was introduced between channels, which were now called upon to be sorted by lists. This affected users in such a way that the list of proposed TricolorTV channels simply did not appear in the system, or appeared out of order/incomplete. LG TVs were especially susceptible to this bug, whose software turned out to be unable to support the new order.

Difficulties arose mainly in cases where users tried to search for channels using the “ Quick search" In this case, LG TVs did not interpret the signal decoding algorithms correctly, for which the company apologized more than once. Almost all of the company’s product lines for 2014-2018 were affected, and some still exhibit this bug.

LG is actively developing new software that would support the formation of such lists that TricolorTV uses. Its launch is tentatively scheduled for July 2018. However, this does not mean at all that TricolorTV subscribers who have LG TVs at home should refrain from watching TV, since there is a way to get around the problem yourself - and it lies in a slightly different sequence of settings.

In addition, most LG TVs were equipped with a CAM module, which replaces the standard receiver - the connection and its configuration are somewhat different from the usual algorithm.

How to set up channels

Important! Everything below works on TVs running webOS.

Installation of equipment must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of TricolorTV - installation of the antenna and dish, laying of cables. The company offers customers a full set of necessary devices to properly “dock” with a satellite and receive a signal.

One of the main steps is installing the CI+Cam module. In this case, the TV must remain turned off. It should be turned on after correct installation. The screen should display information about the equipment - about the card and the module itself.

Important! In some cases, at this stage, error No. 17 may occur, which indicates that the equipment was connected incorrectly, or the subscriber forgot to register with TricolorTV with card data.

After all these preparations, the channels are configured like this (manually):

  1. You need to go to the menu where you should find the “Advanced settings” item.
  2. Select "Channels".
  3. Select “Search for channels and settings”.
  4. You should select the “Auto search” option, despite the fact that you are setting everything up manually. Here you can enter unique settings for Tricolor.
  5. The search mode should be set to “Satellite”. If not, select it from the list.
  6. Choosing a satellite TV operator is also an important option. For Tricolor today you need to click on “Other operators”.
  7. Exit auto search - click on the cross, or press EXIT on the remote control. If you have version 3 or 3.5 of the LG axis and a Magic remote control, you should press and hold the Back/Exit button.

After this, you can start manually searching for channels.

  1. Re-enter “Channel search and settings” through the advanced options menu.
  2. Click " Manual search”, and make sure that the reception mode is set to “Satellite”. If not, change it to this mode.
  3. Open the “Transponder” settings item and select ANY from the list, avoiding the number 12226/L/27500.
  4. After that, click "Transponder" again.
  5. Now select the option 12226/L/27500, and check if the “Add” button appears on the side.
  6. Turn on “Network Search” - click on this item and change the value to “On.”
  7. Click the "Add" option you found earlier. Wait until the end of the search and press EXIT.

Important! In some software versions, “Update” will appear instead of “Add”.

After this, the search for channels on the network will begin - during the search, the LG TV will check 22 transponders, and the result of such a check should be more than 300 channels, including radio and service arrays.

The list of channels will be formed in a special way due to the fact that new software has not yet been released for TricolorTV. It will contain:

  • Provide digital and satellite services and radio channels;
  • The channel order is mixed up.

However, the list editor will be available, and you can easily select and mark those that the TV should skip from now on. The “Skip” function will help you hide them from general list to make navigation easier.

Today we will talk about how to independently connect to an LCD TV and configure Tricolor TV digital television equipment with your own hands. We will also find out how adjustments and settings are carried out satellite dish and Tricolor TV receiver at home

Satellite digital television Tricolor TV is a very good thing. 120 channels + radio in digital quality is a very good offer. However, the initial investment is quite large

The master installer will charge a decent amount for setting up Tricolor TV. Is it possible to save on the services of a specialist and set up Tricolor TV yourself? Of course: there is nothing supernatural about setting up Tricolor TV yourself.

Let's look at how to install the Triklor TV antenna, connect the receiver and configure the antenna for the Tricolor TV satellite.

To assemble, install and configure the Tricolor TV antenna you will need: a drill (hammer), spanners, Phillips screwdriver, pencil, level, compass and protractor (or iPhone with electronic compass and a protractor).

Technical specifications the receiving antenna of the system must provide the signal characteristics at the digital input satellite receiver, necessary for stable reception of the broadcast signal of the "Tricolor TV" package (frequency 12226 MHz, polarization - left circular, flow rate SR = 27.500 Msym/sec, error correction parameter FEC = 3/4). Type and design The converter must match the type of antenna used. The technical parameters of the cable must ensure the transmission of the signal received by the antenna to the input of the satellite receiver with parameters that guarantee its reliable operation.

Determining the installation location of the Tricolor TV dish antenna

The choice of antenna installation location is determined by the following requirements:

Providing direct visibility to the Eutelsat W4 satellite (36 east)
- reliability of the mechanical fastening of the antenna.

When choosing a location for installing the antenna, it is not recommended to place it close to powerful sources radio interference (radio stations, radars, antenna systems base stations mobile communications). Due to significant losses satellite signal In various (including transparent to visible light) materials, the antenna should not be placed inside a glazed balcony or loggia. Polyethylene film with a thickness of 70 - 200 microns does not have a significant effect on the transmission of satellite radio signals.

To make sure that there are no interfering objects (buildings, trees, etc.) in the direction of the satellite, you need to determine the angular coordinates of the satellite: azimuth (the angle in the horizontal plane between the direction of true North and the direction of the satellite) and the satellite’s elevation angle (the angle in vertical plane between the horizontal direction and the direction to the satellite). Table 1 shows data on the angular coordinates of the Eutelsat W4 satellite (36 east), calculated for some cities in Russia.

Using the given values, it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy the directions to the satellite for other settlements, located at distances of 100-150 km from these cities. The direction to true north is preferably determined using geographical map of this area. Errors in determining the direction to true North at the antenna installation point using magnetic compass may turn out to be significant due to local distortions of the Earth's magnetic field associated with the presence of magnetic iron ore anomalies and metal structures.

If, when determining the installation location, doubts arise about the possibility of providing direct visibility to the satellite due to the presence of nearby interfering objects, more precise measurements satellite elevation and azimuth. In this case, it makes sense to choose another place to install the antenna, where the requirement of direct visibility to the satellite is met with large tolerances in determining the calculated angles.

The selected location for installing the antenna must provide for reliable fastening of the antenna and its elements. To prevent mechanical and corrosion damage to the antenna structural elements, it is not recommended to install the antenna in places where there may be intensive exposure to water, snow and ice (under the eaves of sloping roofs and drains).

Antenna installation and configuration Tricolor TV dishes.

The design of the antenna system and its mounting device (support) must have the necessary mechanical strength to ensure resistance to wind loads and its safe operation.

Installation of the fastening device receiving antenna(supports) on the selected surface is made taking into account the characteristics of the installation site and the design of the antenna used. The antenna is installed in accordance with the assembly instructions supplied with it. The converter, designed to convert the high-frequency signal received by the antenna, is installed on the mounts provided by the antenna design. The receiving horn of the converter should face the antenna surface.

Reception antenna system connects to the digital receiver using an RF cable equipped with F-type connectors. Use a cable that has characteristic impedance 75 Ohm and having low level attenuation in the frequency range 950 - 2000 MHz. One end of the cable is connected to the F-connector available on the converter, the other to the “LBN Input” input of the satellite receiver. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of moisture getting inside the cable from the side connected to the antenna to prevent deterioration of its technical characteristics.

Connecting the radio frequency cable to the converter should be done after first disconnecting digital receiver from the mains supply. The fully assembled antenna is installed on a mounting device (support), mounted and securely fixed in a selected location (outer wall of a balcony or loggia, wall of a house, roof or elements or structures on it, specially prepared area on the ground).

For fine tuning antennas for signal reception digital package"Tricolor TV" uses a digital satellite receiver DRE-4000, DRE-5000.

Setup steps Tricolor TV :

1. Connect the receiver to the receiving system and to the TV. Turn on the receiver's power. After the receiver is switched from standby (StandBy) to operating mode, the menu is initialized quick setup(see User Guide).

2. Complete the following menu items of the setup wizard in mode
Express settings:

Language settings - "OK"

AV Output setting - "OK"

After this, the menu " Automatic search channels", equipped with graphic indicators of the level and quality of the received signal (see the User's Guide). You can begin tuning the antenna based on the received signal.

3. Slowly turning the antenna horizontally and vertically, near the calculated azimuth and elevation angle, achieve the appearance of readings (signal level and quality) on the corresponding indicators of the menu displayed on the TV screen.

4. By moving the antenna within a small range relative to the horizontal and vertical position determined in paragraph 4, achieve maximum readings of the signal level and quality indicators displayed on the screen. The range of angular movements depends on the type of antenna used and at least does not exceed 1 degree.

5. Fix the antenna Tricolor TV dishesin the position of the found optimal setting.

6. Confirm the start of channel search in automatic mode by pressing the "OK" button on the remote control.

7. If, when searching for channels, the names of the channels included in the “Tricolor TV” package are displayed on the screen, then it is necessary to make a final tightening of the antenna mounts on the support. Go to step 9, if not, go to step 8.

8. If the antenna turns out to be tuned to another satellite, and the list of channels differs from that broadcast in the Tricolor TV package, you must:

A) Refuse to save the found channels by selecting the answer “No” to the on-screen menu question “Save found channels?”

B) Select “Time settings - “Back”. After which the “Automatic channel search” menu will be displayed on the screen

C) Perform steps 3-7 of setup.

9. Continue executing the Setup Wizard program in accordance with the “User Guide” by completing final stages:

Time setting - "OK"

Setup complete

Brief instructions antenna installation

The television company Tricolor TV broadcasts from EUTELSAT satellite W4
(36° E) in the territory of the European part of Russia.

The elements are not able to perfectly block the flow of light - the black color on an LCD TV screen is not actually completely black.

Disadvantages also include color distortion and loss of contrast, since the viewing angle of the LCD is not that wide. Because of this feature, LCD TVs could not gain popularity for a long time, but now, thanks to the efforts of the developers, distortion has become almost invisible.

The advantages of LCD TVs include a wide selection of models with different brightness (from 250 to 1500 cd/m2) and contrast (from 500:1 to 5,000,000:1). Thanks to this, the buyer can purchase a device that optimally combines the required image quality and affordable price. In addition, LCD TVs are lightweight and thin, so they can be placed on the wall.

But the greatest merit of liquid crystal technology is its mass availability. Due to large-scale production, prices for LCD TVs are now lower than for other similar devices.

Antenna installation and configuration steps Tricolor TV dishes.

Determining the antenna installation location. The main criterion for choosing an installation location is a clear view in the direction of the satellite, which you can approximately determine from the table in section 3 of this instruction. By clear view we mean that there is no foreign objects: buildings, trees, etc.

The proximity of the antenna to the location of the TV and accessibility for the owner will simplify the process of installing and configuring it.
The antenna can be installed on the outside of a balcony or loggia, on a wall near a window or on the roof of a house.
It is not recommended to install the antenna inside a balcony or loggia with glazing, in places where the antenna may be exposed to intense amounts of water, snow, ice: under the slopes of a sloping roof, drains, etc.
Mounting the antenna to the wall.

Take into account the fact that when tuning, the antenna will have to be rotated in the vertical and horizontal planes, and surrounding objects (house wall, balcony railing) should not interfere with this movement.

1. We make markings on the surface for attaching the antenna bracket. We drill holes using a hammer drill. Screw the bracket to the wall. You can choose fastening elements yourself depending on the wall material, antenna size, and wind load.

2. Install the assembled satellite antenna on the bracket.
3. Prepare the cable (both ends).

a) We strip 15mm of the top insulating PVC layer from the edge of the cable without damaging the shielding braid.
b) The shielded braid together with the foil is tucked into opposite direction.
c) The internal insulation is cut off by approximately 10mm.
d) Screw the F-connector onto the cable until it stops.
e) Cut the central core (conductor) so that it protrudes beyond the edge of the connector by 2mm.
4. Screw the prepared cable to the converter. You can additionally insulate the connection from moisture using electrical tape and silicone sealant.
5. Additionally, to prevent the cable from dangling, you can attach it to the bracket with plastic ties or the same electrical tape.
6. Screw the other end of the cable to the “LNB IN” connector of the receiver.
Installation procedure for standard satellite television F-connectors Tricolor TV.

1. Remove the top insulation of the cable by 15 mm without damaging the shielding braid.
2. Place the braided shielding along the cable.
3. Carefully position the foil along the braided shielding.
4. Remove a layer of internal insulation by 10 mm.
5. Screw the connector until it stops.
6. “Bite off” the central conductor so that it does not protrude beyond the connector by more than 2 mm.

Antenna setup Tricolor TV dishes(55cm or 60cm)

1. Approximately set the azimuth and elevation angle of the antenna, focusing on the data for the city closest to you given in the table. The azimuth can be set using a compass. It is more difficult to accurately determine the elevation angle, since the angle of inclination offset antenna depends on its design, and the Tricolor TV project uses antennas from several manufacturers. For example, exactly vertical position antennas of the Ulyanovsk Supral plant corresponds to an elevation angle of 26.5°. Therefore, in Moscow this antenna can be installed vertically, in Volgograd it can be tilted a little back, and in St. Petersburg it can be tilted a little forward. For antennas from other manufacturers, this situation may be different.

2. In accordance with the operating instructions for the digital terminal, connect the cable coming from the converter to it. Carry out the cutting of the F-connector according to the method given above.

3. Connect the digital terminal to the TV according to the terminal's operating instructions and turn it on.

4. The digital terminal is pre-programmed for Tricolor TV channels.

5.Slowly moving the antenna mirror in vertical and/or horizontal planes around the intended satellite location, until a television picture appears on your TV screen.

6. Activate the “Received signal level” item in the menu of your terminal. Maximize the received signal level by smooth movement antenna mirrors in vertical
and/or horizontal planes. Please remember that signal strength depends on weather conditions. In conditions of dense clouds, heavy rain or snowfall, the signal level may decrease until the image disappears. Snow stuck to the antenna also significantly worsens reception conditions.

7. Tighten the adjusting nuts while monitoring the received signal level.
Important additional information By Tricolor TV.

1. Please pay special attention that viewing of Tricolor TV programs is controlled using the receiver and remote control remote control from the receiver. The TV remote control is only needed to turn on and off the TV itself. Switching channels, calling up information, and settings are made only on the receiver itself and only using the receiver's remote control.

2. The receiver's remote control, like other electronic equipment remote controls, is infrared and operates in direct line of sight from the device at a distance of about 5 meters. To control the receiver located in another room (room), you must additionally purchase a radio remote control for satellite equipment(specifically for your model of satellite receiver). The radio remote control operates at a distance of up to 100 meters.

3. The encoded signal coming from the satellite is processed by the receiver, and not by the TV. The TV serves only to display the image from the receiver on the screen. But, you can connect several TVs to one receiver, so:
a) To watch the same channel turned on on the receiver, you can connect several television points (all TVs will show the same channel).
b) For viewing different channels on different TVs Each TV requires its own receiver to be connected.

4. Every weekend, updated signal decoding keys are sent from the satellite to the receivers, so it is recommended to leave the receiver running (not turn off) from Friday to Sunday. If you were unable to do this or simply did not use your receiver for a long time, then some channels (or all) may not be shown (the receiver does not have updated keys to decode them). Then the steps are completely simple: turn on the receiver on a channel that does not show (DRE encoded channel) and leave it until the picture appears. Usually the picture is determined within an hour or two, but it can take about a day. After this procedure, all channels should be identified.

5. The inscription on the TV screen “DRE Encoded Channel” means that the signal from the satellite is received by the antenna and transmitted to the receiver, but there are no decoding keys for this signal. You need to turn on the encrypted channel and wait for the picture to appear. The inscription on the TV screen “No signal” means that the signal from the antenna is not reaching the receiver. To identify the cause and then eliminate it, you need to check the cable connecting the antenna and the receiver and check the position of the satellite dish(whether it is physically shifted even a centimeter or two from the direction towards the satellite).

6. Registering the receiver and activating the “Start” card additional channels"Optimum" package is necessary for decoding channels, i.e. for the channels to start showing. The search for a signal from the satellite is carried out on the equipment itself, which will receive it regardless of registration. Therefore, we recommend that you first catch the signal and only then register.

Channels of the “Basic” package will not be activated:

a) If you first registered the DRE ID of the satellite receiver and activated the “Start” card for additional channels of the “Optimum” package, but were unable to independently receive a signal from the satellite within 5 days after registration.

b) If you registered the receiver and activated the “Start” card, but did not turn on the receiver within 5 days after registration.
Wherein paid package The “optimum” of additional channels is activated independently. If the channels of the “Optimum” package are not shown, you need to tune in to a coded channel of this package(for example, “Television” or “Movie Show”) and wait for the picture to appear.

To activate the “Basic” package, you need to write e-mail [email protected] letter to service technical support"Tricolor TV". Clearly describe the situation and indicate your registration information. The Tricolor TV technical support service will process your request and reactivate the packages for 5 days. You turn on the coded channel free package(for example, “ORT”, “Russia”, “NTV”) and wait for the picture to appear.