How to set up a dish tricolor channels. How to properly install a tricolor satellite dish yourself

Self-tuning of the TV: Tricolor TV

Self-installation and configuration of the antenna will not cause much trouble, provided you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations Relatively recently, we could only watch a few channels whose signal was picked up by our antenna. Now that television has become so advanced that access to channels is transmitted via satellite, the rays of which are caught by satellite dishes, we can see an endless variety of programs. One of the most famous companies providing satellite television is Tricolor TV. However, to take advantage of this scientific achievement, you need to not only purchase it, but also connect it correctly. Read on to learn how to do it yourself.

Some information about the Tricolor TV satellite

To understand how to connect satellite television, you need to understand what such technology is and how it works. Only in this case will you be able to understand the meaning of all the actions we describe and perform them as accurately as possible.

Satellite antenna installation kits have a complete set of all necessary parts for self-installation

To simplify the description of the operation of such a system, the transmitting center encodes the information and sends it to the satellite, which in turn reflects the received data to the satellite dish. This way, your TV will have access to channels whose quality is at the highest level.

The main component of such a device is a satellite dish. It is usually made of metal and shaped like a concave lens.

Due to the shape of the antenna, all the signals it catches are reflected to one point where the converter is installed. Next, the signal is redirected to the satellite tuner, which is called a receiver. This device decodes the received information into an understandable form and sends it to the outputs of your TV.

You can purchase the entire kit, which can be installed on one TV instead of the old receiver. Buy missing parts. Also, such a device connects to two TVs and a tablet using one subscription fee.

These components are purchased in specialized stores. Next, the connection is made by the wizard. You can also install satellite TV yourself.

Satellite television can be installed even where there is poor signal reception. For example, if you spend a lot of time at the dacha, then nothing will stop you from connecting it there. This type of television also works in Kazakhstan. Even Siberia can use satellite services.

Satellite position and setting up Tricolor TV

The satellite sends a signal to the dish from an altitude of 38,000 kilometers. Its signal resembles a thin searchlight beam, which, unfortunately, cannot pass through walls, so if you choose the wrong place to install the antenna, it will not be able to be adjusted.

Before installation, carefully calculate the location for installing the antenna.

So that installing the dish does not cause you any questions, you should know that all satellites are located above the equator line. Based on this, you can understand that the mirror part of the dish should face south, so if your windows face north, it is better to point the antenna to the north. In this case, you must route the wires yourself in a manner convenient for you. This is the only way you can install the device correctly and get an uninterrupted signal.

In addition to the fact that you need to accurately determine the direction, you need to calculate the diameter of the device. The best size for a dish that catches a Tricolor TV signal is 0.6 meters. You can use larger antennas, but installing them yourself will be problematic.

To properly install a satellite dish, you need to choose the right fasteners for the bracket. It is mounted on anchor bolts, which will protect the device from vibration. Otherwise, any gust of wind can leave you without a signal.

How to connect Tricolor TV to your TV yourself

Once you have determined the location where the antenna will be installed, you need to assemble it. For self-installation of such a device, the kit includes detailed installation instructions. You can also use our tips.

The installation kit contains detailed instructions for assembling the antenna.

Satellite dish assembly:

  1. Using anchor bolts, a bracket is mounted on the wall or roof of the house. The size of the anchor bolts is selected depending on the strength of the wall and the strength of the prevailing winds.
  2. Next you need to put the converter in the holder. In this case, the holder must look down, otherwise snow and rainwater will accumulate in it, interfering with signal reception.
  3. Next, you need to connect the ends of the cable and the converter with an F-connector. This is done as follows: the outer insulation of the cable is stripped by 20 mm, and the inner insulation by 12, a shielding braid and foil are placed parallel to the cable, the connector is screwed in as much as possible, and the sections protruding by more than 2 mm are cut off.
  4. We attach the cable to the recess of the holder arc with electrical tape.
  5. We seal the entire F-connector with three layers of electrical tape or a heat-insulating tube. For better sealing quality, you can use silicone sealant.
  6. Next you need to connect the plate to the bracket. To fix it, bolts are used that are not screwed in completely.
  7. Now you can secure the cable to the bracket, leaving 1.5 meters of cable.

If you install a satellite set yourself, then when choosing the azimuth and antenna installation angle, be guided by the data in the table, which is always included in the kit, for your city or town. According to the instructions, run the cable from the converter to the receiver, and then connect the device directly to the TV. Try to do all the work correctly, as reconfiguring the device will be quite difficult.

Preparatory steps before setting up Tricolor

After you have installed the satellite dish yourself and connected the receiver to the TV, you can begin setting up the antenna. However, before doing this, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of this work.

The satellite dish receiver does not differ in appearance from other similar devices

If you are concerned about the question: “Can I pick up a signal on my own?”, then you need to know that the satellite moves at the speed of rotation of the earth, constantly being in one place relative to your home. Thanks to this situation, setting up satellite television is within the power of the average person.

If you want to set up an antenna without outside help, then it is advisable to purchase a new device called SatFinder. This attachment is installed on the antenna, and it informs the tuner about the correctness of his actions.

In order to tune the dish as quickly as possible, it is important to know that it is easiest to find the correct antenna position at noon. Also keep in mind that on a rainy and cloudy day, clouds weaken the signal, so on such days it is better to refuse to carry out this work.

Setting up the receiver occurs through a search in the menu, where indicators of quality and signal strength are located. To find a signal you need to see the TV screen, or have a partner who will tell you which way to move.

Instructions: how to set up the Tricolor antenna yourself

When you have installed the antenna and done all the other preparatory work, you can proceed directly to searching for a signal. Don't forget to make sure your partner sees all the necessary indicators.

The company produces kits designed for simultaneous connection of two TVs

In what order should you search for a signal:

  • Turn the mirror of the plate in the direction where the sun usually is at lunchtime;
  • Next, place the plate in a vertical position, lift its “head” as high as possible and tighten the nuts.
  • Rotate and move the plate gradually, 2 mm, towards the position of the dinner sun;
  • When moving these millimeters, do not forget to stop in each position for a few seconds in order to have time to detect the signal;
  • Remember that you must stand where you will not interfere with the signal getting to the dish.

If after you have moved the antenna from the position of the sun to twelve o'clock until it is at 14 o'clock, and you are unable to restore the signal, then you need to loosen the vertical nuts and move the plate down 1 mm, and perform all the steps again. If you get lost, you will have to repeat the entire setup process again.

When a signal quality scale or a tricolor TV picture appears on the screen, you can make final settings. To do this, you need to move the mirror little by little; the picture on the TV screen will tell you in which direction. An ideally tuned antenna should produce parameters of each scale of 70%.

Let's figure out how to set up channels on Tricolor TV yourself

To properly set up the satellite dish, you need to adjust it using the marks on the screen. To do this, you need to perform some actions with the TV itself and the receiver.

It is better to configure the antenna without special equipment with an assistant

How to include a mark in the menu indicating the signal level:

  • Take the receiver remote control and click on “Menu”;
  • When the menu opens, find the “Install” item and click the “Ok” button;
  • Change the password, for example, to 0000;
  • Next, select “System settings” and click “OK” again;
  • In the new menu, select the “Antenna installation” item and select it by clicking the “Ok” button.

Next, we set up the satellite dish according to the instructions described earlier. In this case, both scales indicating the signal strength must be filled to at least 70%. If you cannot align the plate correctly, check the cable connections.

Once you make the connection, you can enjoy high-quality television. To keep your signal intact over time, constantly sweep away accumulated dirt, water, and snow from the antenna.

How to set up the Tricolor TV antenna yourself (video)

Installing Tricolor TV satellite television is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. You can easily set up the antenna yourself. The main thing is to carefully and efficiently follow all our advice, and such work will take no more than 2.5 hours!

How to set up Tricolor TV yourself

By following the detailed instructions given in the article, you can set up Tricolor TV without anyone’s help. Let's get started!

  1. First, assemble the antenna according to the included instructions. After you have assembled the Tricolor TV antenna, you will need to install it. Select a location for the antenna and firmly secure it there. If you are installing the antenna on the balcony, then drill through the partition and bolt the antenna to it. It is recommended to attach the antenna to the wall using self-wedging anchors.
  2. The mounted antenna must be turned in the direction of the sun at approximately 16-17 hours of the day, while tilting it slightly forward (about 3-5 degrees). There may be obstacles in the path of receiving the satellite signal that will significantly distort or completely suppress signal reception. Such obstacles may include not only trees, fences, walls, etc., but also window glass.
  3. Once the antenna is positioned towards the satellite, secure it to the bracket, but do not tighten it all the way yet. Installing a clamp will provide you with free rotation of the antenna.
  4. Connect the receiver to the converter using a cable. Now you can start setting up.

You need to configure the antenna to the Bonum 1 satellite. To do this, you need to enter the transponder data into the receiver. It will search for a satellite signal for you.

  1. Open "Menu", select "Antenna installation" or "Transponder search".
  2. Enter the transponder parameters (frequency - 12226; polarization - horizontal; flow rate - 27500).
  3. Look at the type of converter (LNB) set in the settings. Correct data: converter type – “Single”, local oscillator frequency – 10750.
  4. Then open the “Signal Level” (Scan) item. Using the sector scanning method, a satellite signal is searched. As you get closer to the satellite, the scale should increase. The important thing to remember here is the obstacles mentioned above. Modern tuners usually have two level scales: “level” (signal), showing the IF at the tuner input, the desired satellite signal and various noises; and “quality” - this scale shows the level of the useful signal according to the specified parameters.
  5. The satellite signal is caught if you see the level of the “Quality” scale appearing, according to which the next stage of setup will take place. The “Quality” scale can be in any of the “Menu” items. It can be located both vertically and horizontally. This depends on the brand of your receiver. One thing is certain: if the “LNB power supply” option is disabled, the scale will show a zero value.
  6. Start scanning the second scale from the position in which you installed the antenna. Turn it to the sides by 10-15 degrees. This must be done very slowly because it takes time to process the digital signal. If it is successfully caught, the bottom bar of the “Quality” scale will turn colored. Continue to carefully rotate the antenna until you get the highest value possible.

If you didn’t succeed in catching a satellite signal the first time, you can change the position of the antenna by raising it up or down. After this, you should repeat the scan from the very beginning.

Along with most satellite operators, the Tricolor TV company offers configuration and installation services to buyers of its equipment. But most subscribers decide to handle this process on their own. How difficult it is to set up Tricolor TV on your own, and how to do it correctly - our article will tell you about this.

Beginning of work

First of all, the subscriber needs to register the received set-top box with the operator. This should be done even before installing the devices (including the antenna), since registration processing may take some time. And without entering data into the operator’s database, setting up the Tricolor TV receiver will be impossible, which means it will not be possible to track the correct installation of the antenna.

Registering the receiver

In some cases, the dealer from whom it was purchased can register the set-top box upon purchase. If professionals perform this procedure, they usually communicate it to buyers. Then you won't have to do anything.

Important! You can check whether the set-top box has been registered on the official Tricolor website in the “Checking subscriptions” section.

If the device data was not entered into the operator database by the dealer, the subscriber can correct the situation independently. Registration is possible:

  • on the company’s official website, through the “Subscriber Registration” button;
  • by calling the operator's customer support service.

Regardless of the chosen method, the user will need:

  • Receiver ID;
  • smart card;
  • instructions for the receiver;
  • own passport.

These documents contain all the data required for registration. You will need to enter them into the appropriate fields on the website yourself or dictate them to a customer service employee. When registration is completed, the subscriber will be able to configure the Tricolor TV set-top box.

Antenna setup

After registering the set-top box, the dish is installed, connected to the TV receiver, and then the Tricolor TV antenna is tuned to the satellite. It is better to carry out this process not alone, but with the support of someone at home. One person will change the position of the dish, and the other will monitor the signal level in the settings menu on the TV.

Advice! To quickly and efficiently configure the Tricolor TV antenna yourself, we recommend using the SatFinder device or the smartphone application of the same name. These auxiliary tools will allow you to select the optimal broadcast frequency.

Access to the setup menu

The procedure for setting up the equipment will depend on the method of connecting the set-top box to the TV. There are two connection options:

  • high frequency - using an antenna cable;
  • low-frequency - through ordinary “tulips”.

When using the high-frequency method, one end of the cable is connected to the antenna socket on the TV. Its second end is connected to the receiver's RF Out connector. After turning on the set-top box, Boot should appear on the TV screen. This will indicate that the download has started. Then, from the remote control, you need to start an automatic search for channels and cycle through frequencies until a message appears about no signal. This behavior of the equipment indicates that it is connected correctly.

If you used the low-frequency method, by connecting all the wires to the required connectors, the TV should be switched to video mode by pressing the A/V key on the remote control. As a result, a message about no signal should appear on the screen - this means that everything was done correctly.

Before you begin setting up the Tricolor TV signal, you should go to the signal quality assessment section. To do this, press the “i” button on the remote control. Two scales that appear after clicking on the TV screen will display the signal level at the antenna, as well as its quality.

Important! For normal TV operation, the values ​​of both scales must be at least 70%. Otherwise, it is necessary to change the position of the plate.

How to catch a signal?

Setting up a Tricolor TV satellite yourself can be quite difficult. As mentioned above, this operation is best done together. The position of the antenna is changed gradually, turning it a couple of millimeters every 5-7 seconds. After each rotation, the values ​​of the scales on the TV screen are monitored. As soon as the maximum value is caught, the plate is finally fixed.

Important! It is advisable to catch a signal in good weather, in the absence of clouds and precipitation.

Necessary work with the receiver

To make using satellite TV more convenient, it is worth setting up some additional settings on the receiver. Tricolor TV gives its subscribers the opportunity to set:

  • the order of channels they need;
  • time and date;
  • region of residence and difference in broadcasting with Moscow;
  • the need for automatic signal recovery when it declines, etc.

Let's look at how some of these actions are performed.

Listing channels

Setting up the Tricolor TV receiver yourself allows you to completely adapt the equipment to your needs. For example, by distributing the channels included in the connected package into categories, the subscriber can significantly reduce the time it takes to search for them in the future.

To simplify content search you need to:

  • go to the general list of channels;
  • press the green button on the remote control;
  • In the column that appears, enter the first letter of the name of the desired channel.

After this action, only those channels whose names begin with the entered letter will remain on the screen. Then you can start watching one of them, or move the channel to the desired category.

To access categories, press the Fav key on the remote control. A list of standard categories will be displayed on the screen. The subscriber should select the one he needs from them, then go to the adjacent column with the list of channels, select from it the one that should be added to the section, and click OK. The channel will be automatically saved to the specified folder.

Important! To move between columns, use the arrow keys on the remote control.

Setting the date and time

The user is faced with setting the date and time immediately when setting up the receiver for the first time. When setting operating parameters, the device will display a window in which you will need to specify the following values:

  • UTC offset – closest to the time zone of the region in which the set-top box is installed;
  • update from satellite – “yes”;
  • date – in each value “current”;
  • local time – “current”.

After filling out all the fields in the table, click OK.

How to adjust the time on the Tricolor TV dish if it gets lost during operation? To do this, you need to go to the set-top box menu and select the “Settings” subsection in it. In this subsection you need to find the item “Time and date” and go to it. As a result, the table described above will appear on the TV screen (the same as when setting the parameters for the first time). You need to fill it out the same way as the first time.
Important! If any difficulties arise during the settings, we recommend that you first refer to the instructions included with the equipment. If there is not enough information in them, you should call the operator’s technical support.

how to set up the tricolor yourself

Instructions for self-installation and configuration of a satellite dish on Tricolor TV and NTV+

Once again I would like to warn those who want to save several thousand rubles on installation services by a specialist. The television company itself warns that setting up a satellite dish on your own is not the easiest thing and does not recommend doing it yourself. But engineers and just people with heads and hands have not yet died out in Russia. The crisis somehow strongly fuels the desire to save money and set up Tricolor TV or NTV+, or any other, yourself. Those who feel they can drill four holes in the south-facing wall, screw in the bracket, and set up the satellite dish themselves can try to do it themselves. We strongly recommend not to neglect safety requirements. We are not responsible for violations and honestly warn that installing a satellite dish at a height on your own is very, very dangerous. Think about it? before you start work....

So, you decided to take a risk and save three thousand rubles on installing a satellite dish by a specialist and were not afraid of some difficulties. Commendable. Then let's continue.
I won’t tell you how to mark the wall and drill “holes” for mounting a satellite dish. I hope that you will master this procedure yourself.
Let's start by choosing a place to mount the satellite dish.

Location of the satellite dish "NTV+" and "Tricolor TV"

First you need to decide on the cardinal directions. In Moscow (where we work) the sun is in the south at 13.30 in summer time and at 12.30 in winter time. This method is quite accurate, but it can only be used in sunny weather. In cloudy weather, you can use a regular magnetic compass. It’s a pity that he lies a lot near a reinforced concrete wall, distracted by the iron reinforcement... Keep this in mind. The EUTELSAT W4 satellite is located exactly in the south (approximately).

So, we decided on the cardinal directions. Now we need to determine the visibility of the satellite.

The main thing is to understand that if you use a certain telescope, you will be able to see the satellite visually and nothing will interfere with this. Even glass and foliage. The easiest way, of course, is to place the “plate” on the roof. Just keep in mind that it can easily be stolen from there. In addition, it is not advisable to attach it to the rods of collective antennas. The owners of collective antennas will not like this very much and they can carefully remove it and carry it away like a battle trophy. Gas chimney pipes are also not suitable for direct attachment. The walls of elevator shafts are quite acceptable.

If the windows of your apartment face south, then remember that satellite dishes cannot be placed under the roof canopy - the entire signal will be “eaten up” by the canopy. Snow and ice falling from the roof will at least move the antenna and reception will simply stop. The optimal location for attaching a satellite dish (on the south side) is the outside of a balcony or loggia. In a cottage, you can install a “plate” on a well-stretched mast, where the “plate” will hang without moving.

Installation of a satellite dish at an elevation angle

  1. Assemble the satellite dish according to the instruction manual.
  2. Attach the satellite dish bracket. Dish fastening elements (anchor bolts, studs, nuts, screws, etc.) are selected depending on the wind load and the material of the wall on which the satellite dish is mounted.
  3. Install the satellite dish converter in the holder with the connector facing down so that atmospheric moisture does not get inside the satellite dish converter.
  4. Connect the cable to the satellite dish converter using the F-connector*.
  5. Secure the cable to the cymbal converter holder arc with plastic ties or insulating tape.
  6. Seal the entire length of the F-connector with 2 layers of insulating tape and evenly

Apply a layer of silicone sealant to the insulating tape.

7. Install the satellite dish on the bracket. Tighten the adjusting nuts so that it is possible to move the antenna in the vertical and horizontal planes with some effort.

8. Secure the cable to the satellite dish bracket with plastic ties or electrical tape. Leave a 1 m cable reserve near the antenna, also securing it to the bracket.

Installation procedure for standard satellite television F-connectors

1. Remove the top insulation of the cable by 15 mm without damaging the shielding braid.
2. Place the braided shielding along the cable.
3. Carefully position the foil along the braided shielding
4. Remove a layer of internal insulation by 10 mm.
5. Screw the connector until it stops.
6. “Bite off” the central conductor so that it does not protrude beyond the connector by more than 2 mm.

Self-configuring a satellite dish

1. Approximately set the azimuth and elevation angle of the satellite dish, focusing on the data for the city closest to you given in the table. Azimuth can be set using a compass. It is more difficult to accurately determine the elevation angle, since the angle of inclination of an offset antenna depends on its design, and the NTV-Plus project uses antennas from several manufacturers.

2. In accordance with the operating instructions for the digital satellite receiver, connect the cable coming from the converter to it. Carry out the cutting of the F-connector according to the method given above.

3. Connect the digital receiver to the TV according to the receiver's operating instructions and turn it on.

4. The Tricolor TV digital satellite receiver purchased from us is pre-programmed with channels “ Tricolor" Select an “open” channel from the list of receiver channels (for example, TNT).

5. Slowly, with small pushes, moving the mirror of the satellite dish in the vertical and/or horizontal planes around the intended location of the satellite, achieve the appearance of a television picture on the screen of your TV. Moreover, after turning by 1 degree, you need to wait 3-5 seconds for the signal to reach the TV from the antenna.

Using a dial gauge to make adjustments avoids waiting. It is quite inexpensive and almost anyone can afford it. In our store there is also a more “advanced” version of the satellite dish tuning device - LED tuning device GTP-52F. Conceptually, they are practically the same, but an LED device is more expensive. It's up to you to decide which one to use. In the Settings section there are other tools for setting up satellite systems.

6. Activate the item “ Received signal level " Achieve the maximum received signal level by smoothly moving the antenna mirror in the vertical and/or horizontal planes. Please remember that signal strength is highly dependent on weather conditions. In conditions of dense clouds, heavy rain or snowfall, the signal level may decrease until the image disappears. Snow stuck to the antenna also significantly worsens reception conditions.

7. Tighten the adjusting nuts while monitoring the received signal level.

8. Insert the NTV-Plus or Tricolor TV card into the digital satellite receiver as written in the operating instructions.

Digital satellite receivers DRE 5001 or GS-7300

We remind you that we, for our part, have tried to provide you with complete and comprehensive information on the installation technology and configuration of the satellite dish and receiver, but we categorically decline responsibility for failure to comply with safety regulations during the work.

For satellite



Elevation angle












N. Novgorod

Rostov on Don

St. Petersburg



If you are installing a satellite dish in your country house, then you may need a toilet cabin

Which satellite should you tune the Tricolor TV antenna to?

For residents of the European part of Russia and the Urals, the antenna must be tuned to satellites Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 36.0°E. For residents of the Siberian District and part of the Far Eastern District, the antenna must be tuned to the satellite Express AT1 56.0°E. In the Ural District, which borders the irradiation zones, the antenna can be tuned to any of these satellites.

What to do when Tricolor TV channels do not work!

On April 2, 2018, all channels in the MPEG-2 standard were disabled. To watch the operator's channels, you must exchange MPEG-2 equipment for MPEG-4 equipment at the operator's dealers. Why do paid channels stop working on older models of MPEG-4 receivers? This is a question for the satellite operator Tricolor TV in St. Petersburg!

1. If all your Tricolor TV channels have stopped working, do not rush to set up the dish and re-register the channels, the operator may have channel maintenance!

2. If the operator does not have preventive maintenance and the satellite is in place, and the packages have been paid for, and the receiver displays “No signal,” then you need to check the connection to the antenna, setting the dish to the satellite, the converter, and then the receiver itself.
3. Sometimes it is useful to reset the receiver to factory settings (then turn it off from the network and turn it on again) and re-register the channels.
4. Snow stuck to the converter can completely block the satellite signal!

5. When the receiver displays “Encoded channels”, “Error...” and something like that, but the info channel is working.
In this case, you need to check the availability of payment through the subscriber’s personal account.
Try resetting the receiver to factory settings (then turn it off from the network and turn it on again) and re-register the channels, then you need to leave the receiver turned on on the encrypted Russian channel and wait for the keys to arrive. If the channels do not open, then you need to contact Tricolor TV managers, and if they do not help, check the receiver for the latest firmware or malfunction.

6. If you did not update the receiver software from the satellite in time when the operator suggested doing this, then all or some television channels may stop working. In this case, the receiver must be updated forcibly via a USB connector using a flash drive. All firmware can be found on the website of the GS receiver manufacturer.

How to set up the Tricolor TV antenna for Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 36.0°E satellites yourself

Coordinates to which the satellite dish is adjusted:
1. Azimuth.
2. Elevation angle.
What is the difficulty of setting up an antenna?
Very narrow beam of the antenna pattern, only a few degrees. Moreover, the larger the antenna size, the narrower the beam. Setting up an antenna for a satellite Express AT1 56.0°E is performed in the same way as setting up the Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 36.0°E satellites, only you need to enter the coordinates of the Express AT1 56.0°E satellite into the program.
Setup process
1. Setting up the Tricolor TV antenna for a satellite is quite simple! At the initial stage, information is needed about telecommunications satellites, the coordinates of their location, the features of satellite television and satellite equipment. You can get information about this and much more on our website, in the article: "Satellite television".
2. Before installing and configuring the antenna, you must determine the direction to the satellite:
A). Using a compass (it must be taken into account that its readings can be affected by nearby metal objects), the sun, a GPS navigator or nearby dishes, approximately 0.6 m in size, determine the azimuth to the Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 satellites 36.0°E, ( 36 degrees east longitude). Be sure to check that the direction to the satellite is clear of high-rise buildings, trees, etc.
b). In order to accurately determine the location of the satellite, you can use the “Satellite Antenna Alignment” program, which can be downloaded from the website

The “Satellite Antenna Alignment” program will help you calculate the azimuth and elevation angle required for installing and configuring a satellite dish to any available satellite at the selected geographic receiving point. Using the program, you can calculate angles for all geostationary telecommunication satellites located on the “arc” at once.
The program remembers the geographic coordinates of the places for which the calculation was made. Subsequently, you can use these coordinates, because they are stored in program memory.
First, when working with the “Satellite Antenna Alignment” program, you must enter the geographic coordinates of the installation location in the “Coordinates of the antenna installation” section.
Legend: "N - northern latitude", "S - southern latitude", "E - eastern longitude" and "W - western longitude". After entering the coordinates, on the left side of the table you will receive the calculated azimuth and elevation angles (elevation angle) of the antenna for all satellites at once. Azimuth is the direction to the satellite (in degrees), defined as the angle between the north and satellite directions. Elevation angle is a direction defined as the angle (in degrees) between the direction of the satellite and the plane of the earth at the receiving point. A negative elevation angle means that the satellite is below the horizon and is not available for reception. Thus, at the location where the antenna is installed, it is theoretically possible to determine all the satellites from which signals can be received. Based on azimuth and elevation, you can quickly determine on the ground the direction to the satellite and the possibility of receiving a signal at the selected point.

If you do not have a tool for determining the geographic direction, you can use the determination of satellite coordinates by the sun.
The program allows you to calculate the azimuth to the sun. To do this, you need to specify the geographic coordinates of the area in the program. Estimated height above sea level - 0 meters.
The calculation is made for a specific date. The calculation results are presented on the left side of the table. Using the table, we determine the azimuth and elevation angle for the sun at a given point in time.
Procedure: first we determine the azimuth to the selected satellite, and then we calculate the azimuth of the sun on the day the antenna is installed. Next, in the table, we find the azimuth of the sun that is close in value to the azimuth to the satellite and determine the time (and date) when the sun will be in this direction. At the calculated moment in time, we turn the antenna directly towards the sun, because at this time the azimuths of the sun and the satellite coincide. The elevation (elevation) angles of the satellite and the sun may not coincide. If they coincide, then reception from the satellite at a given time will be unstable, or not possible at all, because powerful electromagnetic radiation from the sun will “clog” the signal from the satellite. This phenomenon is called solar interference, it occurs in spring and autumn for several days.
When calculating, the time zone must be taken into account (for Moscow +3 hours to Greenwich).
If the country switches to summer time, then 1 hour must be added to the resulting azimuth calculations!
The program displays the direction to the satellite with a red line; the red line is not drawn if the satellite is located beyond the horizon and is not available for reception in a given location. The yellow sector indicates daylight hours; the diagram also shows the sides of the horizon.

For offset antennas, the focus is shifted relative to the center; if the antenna is installed strictly vertically, then it has an elevation angle (20...25 degrees). To calculate the satellite elevation angle and the actual antenna installation angle (in degrees relative to the ground plane), the antenna dimensions in millimeters (height and width) are entered in the program. The calculation is made only for offset antennas.

Also, using this program, you can calculate the angle between an obstacle in the path of a satellite antenna and the plane of the conventional horizon where the antenna is located. By indicating the height of the obstacle and the distance to it, you can determine this angle. If it is greater than the elevation angle of the satellite you have selected, then reception from the satellite at this installation location is impossible.

Another useful function of the program: when you activate the “Transponders” tab, the program downloads from the Internet all active transponders of the selected satellite.
The program saves all data in the file format of your choice.
To determine the location of the Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 36.0°E satellites, enter the coordinates of your locality into the program (data can be obtained from Yandex) and you will determine their azimuth and elevation angle. According to calculations of the Satellite Antenna Alignment program, the exact parameters of the satellites in Nizhny Novgorod are: azimuth - 189.592 degrees east longitude, elevation angle - 25.516 degrees.
3. Next, assemble the antenna according to the instructions, attach the converter to it and install the antenna on the bracket, which should be fixed vertically to the Earth on a flat surface. Connect the antenna to the receiver using a TV cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms, with the receiver unplugged from the network.
4. Turn on the receiver, you will see the message “no signal” on the TV screen. In order for the setup indicator to appear on the TV screen, press the buttons on the remote control in sequence: menu, setup, manual search. The setting indicator has two scales: “signal quality” and “signal level”. The setting must be carried out on the “signal quality” scale. It should be taken into account that the signal level is affected by the length of the cable from the receiver to the converter. For long cable lengths, it is necessary to use special satellite amplifiers (the signal level differs for different receiver models).
Next, we configure the antenna itself. Moving the antenna plane along the elevation angle with an interval of 3-4 degrees from the position in which the antenna plane is directed perpendicular to the ground plane to a position of approximately 80 degrees to the ground plane in both directions, rotate the antenna in azimuth on the bracket in a sector of approximately 20 degrees from the specified to the direction satellite (see point 2). The operations must be carried out sequentially: first the elevation angle changes, then the antenna rotates. The antenna must be rotated slowly so as not to overshoot the direction to the satellite; the working reception sector (directional pattern) of the dish is only 2-2.5 degrees. When an image appears on the TV screen, you need to set the maximum signal level in the circles of the signal level indicator by moving the antenna in azimuth and elevation, and finally tighten the antenna mounting nuts.
5. Enjoy your viewing!