Solving problems with logging into Twitter. Why do you need Twitter and how to use it. Social network Twitter

Have you decided to start a “fashionable” Twitter? Or have you decided to start following “fashionable” people on Twitter? To be honest, it makes absolutely no difference to me, this is your personal business, but will I be able to convey the process to you in this lesson? Twitter registrations or not, there is a difference. But I can do it, because there is nothing difficult about it.

Today my task will be to show you how to register on Twitter. But first, a few words, what is “this” Twitter anyway?

Twitter is essentially a social network or blog where you can write short messages and exchange them with other people. To be more precise, people who follow you will see your messages in their news feed. For your part, you can also subscribe to various people based on your interests and see their posts in your feed.

It has become most popular to tweet to various celebrities, for example Dmitry Medvedev, Pasha Volya, or the well-known Misha Galustyan. It makes more sense for such people to write on Twitter, since they will easily have an audience that will read them. But ordinary users most often can only read their idols and simply interesting people. Well, or if you are not some kind of celebrity, but simply not an unknown person on the Internet or in real life, then of course, by creating your Twitter account, it will not be very difficult for you to gain subscribers, and people will read you.

By registering on Twitter, you will be able to write tweets (small messages of up to 140 characters), and your subscribers will read them, you will also be able to subscribe to various people, and see in your feed all the messages (tweets) that they write on their Twitter.

Attention! It’s worth saying right away that Twitter registration is free me, so don’t fall for the tricks of dishonest people.

What do people tweet most often?

Well, to be honest, people very often tweet all sorts of nonsense, usually from their own lives. But if you follow normal people, I don't mean the ones who are constantly tweeting about where they're going, what they've eaten, and how nice the weather is. No, I mean people who write something really useful on Twitter, and this information can become an additional source of knowledge. Of course, Dima Medvedev will not write nonsense on Twitter, so if you are interested in “following” him, then feel free to subscribe to him.

I hope I conveyed the main essence of Twitter to you, and you will understand the rest as things go. Let's start creating a Twitter account.

Register on Twitter

Go to the site and right away I have to make you happy, because register on Twitter This is not a difficult process, although now you can see for yourself.

On the main page of the site, we need to select the Russian interface language and fill in some fields with our data: enter your full name, email address and come up with a password. After that, click the “Registration” button.

On the next page that loads, we need to check our data, come up with a login for ourselves, or leave the one suggested by the system based on our email address. After that, press the button “ Create an account».

Enter the confirmation code.

Congratulations, Twitter registration is complete. Click "Next ".

In order for news from people you are interested in to appear in your feed, you must first subscribe to them, using the options offered, or finding them by their initials through a search.

Now to log into Twitter we need to use the first login form on the main page. You need to enter your username, password and click the “Login” button.

Registering on Twitter is only half the battle, now we need to confirm our email address as indicated in our account.

To do this, we need to go to our mail and follow the special link in the letter that Twitter sent us.

Accept thanks for confirming your email.

We also need to follow at least a few people in order for tweets to appear in our feed. To do this, I suggest using the search by entering your last name or login, if known.

Having gone to the page of the person found, in our example this is Galustyan, you need to click the “ Read” button.

So we subscribed to him, and now all his messages that he writes on Twitter will appear in our feed.

This very second after subscribing to Galustyan, I was offered to subscribe to three more people who are similar in activity, of which I am interested in Pavel Volya and Ivan Urgant, I click “Read”.

Now go to the main page by clicking on the house icon in the upper left corner.

And you will see in your feed several recent messages (tweets) of those people you have already followed.

Now the most sensible thing to do would be to subscribe to all the “little people” that are interesting to us, and log in once or twice a day and read new tweets.

I myself don’t write on Twitter, because frankly speaking, I have no subscribers, but I read it, since I am subscribed to 35 people. But if suddenly, everyone who registers on Twitter after reading this article subscribes to my account, then I will start writing, and the first thing I will start publishing there are links to my new lessons, articles and video tutorials on the site. By the way, here is my Twitter.

Today, the social network Twitter (Russian Twitter) is very popular among many Internet users. With its help, you can both send tweets and read them. Log in to your page to read tweets and write your own.

What is Twitter?

Tweets (from “tweet”) are short messages, the size of which is 140 characters. Thus, with their help, users of this social network write various concise texts, publish hashtags, as well as links to images and videos. Tweets can be addressed both to all subscribers (followers) and to a specific user on the network.

Many famous people from different parts of the world have their own Twitter account. Thanks to this media, celebrity fans learn the latest news from the lives of star people.
Owners of smartphones, iPhones, tablets, and iPods very often access Twitter from these gadgets when they have access to the Internet. It is very comfortable not only at home, but also at work during a break, on vacation, on public transport, etc.

Twitter login to your page

First of all, you should open the browser you are using. In the address bar you should enter the address of the official Twitter website: The main page of the web resource will open in front of you, where you need to enter your phone number, username or e-mail, and password for your account. If you do not yet have your own profile on Twitter, then on this same page you can go through the procedure to create one.
So, first enter your first and last name, enter your email below and come up with something even lower login password. After that, click on the “ Registration" Next, you will be redirected to another page of the site, where you can edit the data that was entered in the previous step. If everything suits you, then click on the blue button labeled “Registration”.

Next, the system will prompt you to secure the created account. To do this, you need to enter your mobile phone number. If you don't want to do this or enter the number later, you can safely skip this step and move on. On the new open page, you need to come up with your nickname (name) in your account. Remember, you can change this name at any time or specify it later. If you enter your invented nickname immediately, you will need to click on the blue button labeled “Next”. Thus, the registration procedure is completed. By logging into the email address you specified during registration, you will open a new email and confirm your account.

How to follow on Twitter?

If you want to follow the news that is published by a person you are interested in, you must first go to the page of this user, and then click on “ Follow" ("Read").

How to write tweets - messages?

In the upper right corner, click " Tweet” (“Tweet”). A window will open in front of you where you can write whatever you want and, if you want, add a photo, video, survey or GIF animation. You can also indicate your location, i.e. the place from where you post the tweet. Twitter users can send private messages, so communication happens one-on-one.

How to repost on Twitter?

Register on the social network Twitter, subscribe to interesting pages and write what you want in your account.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! I think it’s no secret to anyone that nowadays social networks, which include Twitter, which has some features, play a huge role in people’s communication with each other. This is on the one hand.

Well, on the other hand, if we take into account the selfish interests of webmasters or the same Internet entrepreneurs, then the importance of such global giants as Facebook (and detailed manuals on registering and setting up a profile on this social network) and others like them in search engine promotion of a site or brand promotion in general is difficult to overestimate. It would not be amiss to mention the service, which is super popular in RuNet.

You can safely include Twitter in the cohort of such significant resources. Search engines take social signals from trusted sites like these very seriously and take them into account when ranking. Therefore, it is very important, among other things, to achieve maximum effect.

What is Twitter, or what is a microblog for?

Before we move on to the description of registration, creating an account and logging into your account, let's try to understand a little what Twitter is and why it is so popular both among ordinary users and those who are engaged in serious activities on the Internet.

The name of this social network comes from the English term “twitter”, which translated into Russian means “twitter”, “tweet”. Probably, this option was chosen based on the fact that the system itself is designed to exchange information between users in the form of short messages. Based on the bird's name, it might seem that this service serves mainly for frivolous idle chatter.

In fact, this is far from the case, because laconic messages can be very, very informative, especially if they contain links to useful publications. At first, Twitter supported exclusively text messages, but over time its functionality expanded and now you can easily publish both images and videos to your feed:

Each message containing text, pictures or video carries name "tweet", and the text fragment limited to 280 characters(the original limit of 140 characters was doubled after the update). Twitter is also called a microblogging system, where each user can maintain his own microblog, consisting of such short entries.

The full owner of this social network is Twitter Inc., whose headquarters are located in San Francisco (California, USA). The creator of Twitter is programmer and businessman Jack Dorsey, who founded his brainchild in 2006.

Twitter quickly gained popularity all over the world and today the number of regular users has already crossed the threshold of 300 million people. Although its position in RuNet is not so strong and it is inferior in all respects, for example, .

However, I think that Twitter’s management is not satisfied with this state of affairs and in the future it will take the necessary measures to strengthen the expansion of its creation into the vastness of the RuNet, which represents a significant part of the World Wide Web.

One of the first steps to strengthen Twitter’s position should be considered the appearance of a fully equipped Russian interface, after which we can confidently state that Russian-speaking users received the full Twitter in Russian.

Answering the question “what is Twitter?”, one cannot fail to mention that this social network, along with other similar web resources, including those mentioned in this article, can be useful in terms of promoting your website. This is due to the fact that search engines, including Yandex and Google, constantly monitor everything that happens on the largest social networks.

The signals received from there, for example, retweets, can have a positive impact on the ranking of your website pages in search results. Well, constant posting of article announcements on Twitter, as well as on other social networks, will help speed up indexing (read more about indexing site pages).

A few more general words regarding the technical side of the issue. In addition to using the actual web interface of this microblogging system via a computer, you can send a message to the site from a mobile phone using SMS or from another suitable electronic device. True, for this you will have to use one of the many special free services. That's what Twitter is.

How to register on Twitter for free

As I already noted in this article, it is now possible to register on Twitter (this process is completely free) in Russian, so I rule out any difficulties in this regard. Form on official registration page quite understandable, however, the action itself consists of several steps and has some nuances, which I will discuss below. First you need to enter your name (you can also add your last name) and email:

Here you need to keep in mind that the specified name will be displayed in your profile interface (note that its length should not exceed 50 characters). It can be entered both in Latin letters and in Cyrillic.

It is probably better to use real data (if, of course, you are creating a legal profile), this will help you in many situations, including making it easier for friends to find your person. However, do not confuse the name you entered during registration with the username that you can receive after you register. However, we will return to this later.

And one more nuance. The latest Twitter updates also affected registration. Now it is possible to indicate not only your email, but also your mobile phone number instead, which will need to be confirmed later, as well as your mailbox address. In the future, you can use your choice of phone number, e-mail or username to log into your account.

Next, you will be asked to use some functional Twitter options (the ability to search for your account by email address, receive newsletters, including various useful notifications from the system, and display advertisements on account pages in accordance with your priorities) by activating the necessary checkboxes (you can ignore this step, since all settings will be available after registration):

Once you decide on this, click the “next” link and proceed to the third step, which will continue the process (from here you can go to read the Terms, Privacy Policy and the procedure for using cookies):

After you press "register" button, you will be redirected to the next page, where you will need to come up with. Since even with the simplest activities on the Internet you may have quite a lot of such passwords, entering them manually each time will take a lot of time and is not a “royal thing.” Using any browser to remember personal data is also not entirely safe.

It turns out that the most reliable and comfortable option for this is, which, in addition to all its advantages, allows you not only to store, but also to generate a complex password in a matter of seconds, which is very convenient when replacing it. In general, one way or another, you should enter the password and proceed to the next step:

At which you will have the opportunity to immediately decide on the interests that are closest to you (however, it is not forbidden to skip this stage by postponing such a choice):

If you decide to implement this proposal, then click on the big blue button. Please note that the system will scan the email addresses of those you have contacted to find friends. And to do this, you will have to enter the authorization data (login and password) of your accounts on the corresponding mail services.

The download process uses a secure data transfer protocol and will likely not result in any loss of personal information given the authority of the Twitter brand, but in general you need to be extremely careful with such things (even though the risk is minimal, it is still there).

Therefore, before making a decision regarding downloading contacts, consider everything carefully. It is logical that it is better not to use this function at this stage (by clicking on the “Not now” link), since, again, this can be done later from the settings.

At this point, registration is almost complete. After you have decided on the previous step, on the next page you may receive information that to activate an already created account, you will need to enter and confirm your mobile phone number (it doesn’t matter whether you initially entered your email address or your phone number), by first selecting the country code:

Click “Send code”, after which you will receive a set of six digits via SMS:

Enter the code received on your mobile phone and click “Submit”, as a result you will find yourself directly in your account, where the next offers will be imposed on you.

They can all be ignored, every time by clicking "skip now". The first of these is to follow one or more Twitter users (Twitters). For this purpose, you need to fill in the appropriate checkboxes (check the boxes) next to the most interesting ones:

Well, the second concerns the ability to receive notifications from the system:

But you won’t be able to refuse the next step, since to have full control over your account you will need to confirm your email:

Next, you need to log into your mail, open the letter from Twitter and follow the link in it to confirm. You will be redirected to the account window, where you will read a message that the email has been confirmed. At this point, registration is finally and successfully completed.

The information would be incomplete if I did not provide a download link Twitter mobile app for Android, iOS and Windows Phone devices. Watch a video on how to register using an iPhone as an example:


How to log into your page and make settings

After receiving an account, you can log into Twitter each time directly from home page, so with login web pages. Enter your login in the form of an email address, a phone number specified during registration, or a username, as well as a password, after which you find yourself in your account, where you should properly configure your profile, if, of course, you decide develop it seriously.

Certainly, basic settings by default, they are quite thoughtful (as is the case with large reputable services) and are suitable for most users. Therefore, we will examine in more detail only those that seem to me the most significant from one point of view or another.

Just with a user name, which in the future, as I said, can be used, including as a login, and it’s worth starting immediately, editing it and ultimately giving it the most digestible form.

Initially, it is just a series of letters and numbers with an @ sign in front. The username offered by the system immediately after registration may look, for example, like this:

Thus, such a nickname is very important, since it is essentially your identifier (ID) on Twitter, so the system allows you to change it at your request.

This can be done from the menu, where the main options and settings are hidden. This menu is called up by clicking on the default profile image located in the upper right corner:

In the tab "Settings and Privacy" in subsection "Account" there is just an option to edit the user name (nickname). To replace it, simply delete the existing option and try to add your own. When you enter a username, you will be given information about whether it is available.

There are a lot of registered users on Twitter, so you'll have to rack your brain and come up with a unique nickname. Although, if you simply use your last name along with the first name specified during registration (by the way, this will be useful when promoting a personal brand), I think it will be easier to choose a suitable username:

Agree, this username for communicating on Twitter and as part of the profile URL () looks much nicer:


Here you can change your email address, switch to the Russian interface language if it is not installed automatically for you (and this may well be the case if you registered outside the Russian Federation), and also select a time zone in accordance with your location:

Perhaps even completely delete your profile by clicking on the “Disconnect...” link at the very bottom of the “Account” subsection. True, it will first be simply deactivated for a period of 30 days and only after that it will be permanently deleted. During this time, you can change your mind and reactivate your account by simply logging into it.

The options for most of the remaining items from the “Settings and Privacy” section, in principle, are set in such a way that they are quite suitable for a standard account, and, it seems, all possible situations are provided for. There are also additional features.

The variety of system functionality is reflected in the same menu that drops down from your profile image, where, for example, "Hot keys" item(see the third screenshot from here above) with combinations of pressing them on the keyboard (), which allow you to simplify any actions in your Twitter account.

In the same list there is a line "Help Center", clicking on which will take you to the appropriate page, where you will get help in solving certain problems.

Now let's do one more thing to make the account more attractive. To this end, let's return to the drop-down menu from which you need to select the profile name:

As a result, you will be taken to the page where the button is located "Edit profile", after clicking on which you will be able to edit. Here you can mark your location, give a link to your resource, write a little about yourself (for webmasters promoting their website, it is advisable to write a brief description of it that reflects the essence of the content):

If we digress a little and continue the topic of other social networks, I’ll let you know that on the blog pages you can also find a ready-made manual about installing the VKontakte design () and how to upload a photo to your avu in Contact (), as well as read how to use the feature conveniently this largest social network on the RuNet.

How to use Twitter (in Russian)

Now it's time to talk about how to effectively use Twitter for your benefit. After logging into your account, all the capabilities of the system will be at your service.

In the top panel on the left next to the link to the main page there are available notification feed(which reflects your interactions with other Twitter users, that is, displays retweets of all your posts, likes, tweets sent to you, new followers), and also messages, which are part of personal correspondence with some users (they are available only to the owner of a specific account and those who correspond with him):

In order to start meaningful communication on Twitter, you need to look for users with whom it would be interesting or beneficial for you to maintain a relationship. To do this, you can, for example, go to the main page and click on the “Find people” button:

As a result, the system will offer you a number of users that you can subscribe to. To do this, just left-click on the inscription “Read” (by the way, it is possible to use the search bar and search by first name, last name or username):

Next, you can revive your news feed by subscribing to those people whose messages you are especially interested in. To do this you need to press the button "Read"”, the inscription on which is eventually transformed into “Reading”. After this, on the main page, if, of course, you are logged in to the system, all the tweets of those people you have subscribed to will appear.

If you then go to your profile page (remember, to do this you need to click on your username), the number of tweeters whose messages you read (“Followed”) will appear in the top panel. When you click on this number, their profiles will appear:

By the way, if you suddenly change your mind about subscribing to this or that user, move the cursor to the “Reading” button (after which it will turn burgundy and the inscription will change to “Cancel”), which you need to click on. After this, the person's profile will be removed from the "Followed" tab and his tweets will no longer appear in your feed.

For example, after a retweet, the tagged post will appear in your feed (on your profile page) and will be available to subscribers. If for some reason you want to cancel this action, you just need to move the cursor to the edit line in your feed and click the same icon:

Well, then about how to send your messages on Twitter. This can be done both from the main page and from your profile web page using a special form, which can also be called by clicking on the blue button "Tweet" located in the top panel on the right:

You can not only enter text into the form, but also add a picture (photo), a gif (an animated image suitable for a specific case, which can be selected from a standard set), a survey with answer options, enable detection of your location, and even add emotions to your message via:

Among other things, it is possible to add any link, including a video clip from YouTube. To do this, you just need to paste the link you copied from.

So, take the actions you need and click on the “Tweet” button. The message will immediately appear in the information feed. The post you made can subsequently be deleted at any time by opening the menu at the top right of the published post (of course, the delete option does not apply to posts from other Twitter users):

Yes, other Twitter users can also retweet your tweet in their feed. Moreover, if you install social buttons on your website, including Twitter, if the publications are unique and informative, readers can also contribute to the promotion of the page with the article and the entire resource as a whole. You can even ask them about this, which is what I’m using now, asking them to click on these buttons, which are located just below. Thank you.

Many novice users are interested in why Twitter is needed. Social networks around the world are developing very quickly. In just a few years, a large number of different platforms have appeared on the Internet. Each has its own pros and cons. Some are intended for regular communication, some are primarily for exchanging text information. What about the Twitter page? Why do users need it?


What page are you talking about? The point is that Twitter is generational. She won the hearts of many users. It is a somewhat non-standard “social network” that allows you to send small text messages, SMS, photos over the Internet.

In general, the word twitt translated from English means “to chat” or “tweet”. The main advantage (or feature) of the site is that all information on the user’s page is publicly available. Why do you need Twitter? To maintain your own microblog and exchange short messages!

Distinctive features

Each social network has its own advantages and disadvantages. What makes the site you are studying stand out from all the others? The thing is that it is not like the usual social networks. Why do you need Twitter and how to use it? To understand this, you first need to decide how good the proposed resource is. The distinctive features of the “social sphere” will help you judge this characteristic.

Among them at the moment are:

  1. Speed ​​of messaging and notification of subscribers about new information. Here publications spread faster than on all other social networks.
  2. All posted materials are open to users who have their own Twitter account.
  3. You can make a so-called “tweet” in an instant. This mobility pleases users. You don't need to write posts for a long time. You can share messages and information almost anytime, anywhere.
  4. Fashion is another advantage. Being a Twitter user is now fashionable. Therefore, many are interested in this social network and use it, even if in fact there is no urgent need for it.

Perhaps these are all the main advantages that can be highlighted. What else is important to know about this social network? How to use it?

Twitter Rules

Why do you need Twitter? To communicate! There are some rules to understand the principle of publishing so-called “tweets”. In fact, everything is very simple.

The user must first register (more on the principles of registration a little later). After this he will have his own account. Completing your profile takes a few minutes. Next, a person can log in to the proposed social network at any time, and then leave a short message on his microblog.

It should be remembered that people can write a variety of posts. You don't have to limit yourself to just words. Additionally, the following is inserted into “tweets”:

  • images (most often);
  • links to various sites;
  • photographs (even those just taken);
  • event announcements;
  • video.

Accordingly, you can make Twitter interesting, diverse and attractive. What elements should every user who plans to create a page on the social network under study be familiar with?


Now it’s clear why Twitter is needed, as well as what you can do if you have an account on this site. There are some terms that will help you get comfortable with this social network.

"Tweet" is the first concept you need to know about. This is the name for short messages that are left on the social network being studied. “Tweets” are posts on a microblog.

"Folover" - subscriber. It represents a user who has a Twitter account. A person subscribes to a page and sees news from a particular user in their update feed.

Twitter Rules

Regardless of the version of Twitter (there is mobile and regular), the social network has a number of its own rules that must be followed. We are talking about the features of registration, as well as the use of the page, and behavior towards users.

What points must be completed? In the vastness of the microblog being studied, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is prohibited to impersonate another person. A user who decides to create a “fake” page (fake) may be permanently blocked.
  2. Private information of third parties, as well as their personal files (for example, photographs) cannot be published. This is a violation of the law not only in Russia, but also in other countries.
  3. Calls to violence and sedition, as well as threats, are prohibited. Applies to both your own “tweets” and “retweets”.
  4. No copyright infringement allowed. Criminal liability cannot be ruled out.

What else is important to know? Some people are interested in how to properly communicate with their subscribers. There are no clear rules in this regard. But users, especially successful ones, offer their own methods of behavior.

How to behave with followers

On Twitter, it is recommended to follow certain etiquette rules. Or, as they also say, behavior. The thing is that, in principle, there are no restrictions on this social network - it is important not to publish threats, insults and calls for violence.

But you need to communicate with your followers somehow. What do successful users recommend? Among the basic rules of communication are:

  1. Respect for culture and etiquette. It is recommended to thank subscribers for “retweets”. You also need to be careful about those who read the user's account.
  2. It's worth retweeting when you like a message. There is no need to be shy; it is for such publications that the social network under study was invented.
  3. A lot of “tweets” in a short time is bad. It is recommended to refrain from this phenomenon. It is better to publish posts regularly, with short pauses.
  4. Spam and advertising on social networks are not welcome. This rule also applies on Twitter.

There are no more restrictions or significant advice. Unless you update Twitter regularly. Some users register here just because it's fashionable and then forget about their account. This way you won’t be able to gather many followers.

About registration

Now you should pay attention to the registration process. This is a mandatory item that allows you to access site resources. Registration on the Twitter page only takes a few minutes. It is important to remember that one user cannot have a huge number of accounts. One person - one profile.

  • Username;
  • phone for connection;
  • Email;
  • a created password in the English layout.

You do not need to indicate both your mobile phone and email. One thing is enough. Most often the second option is chosen. Then you can register several profiles, but preferably under different names. Only one account can be linked to one phone number or email.

After filling out the previously specified fields (all of them are required), you need to confirm your profile on the Twitter website. Registration will be completed after entering the confirmation code or clicking on the link received by email.


That's all, nothing more is needed. All you have to do is fill out your profile, put an avatar and save the changes. Twitter is ready to go! If you have problems loading data, you can use a special application for phones - Mobile Twitter. It allows you to quickly manage your social network account with maximum comfort.

Is it worth registering here? It is recommended to use this page if the user likes to share the latest news and events from his life. Why do you need Twitter? To exchange short messages. You should not create an account here if you are not used to constant communication.

When logging into Twitter, a user authorization system is used. Sometimes users experience certain difficulties when logging into their account. There may be several reasons for this. Read on to find out how to log into your Twitter profile if you have lost your username and password.

Login to Twitter - my page

To log into Twitter in any browser installed on your PC, enter the website address The main Twitter page will open, where you will need to go through the authorization procedure: enter your phone number (login or email address) and account password. Those users who do not yet have a profile must complete the registration procedure.

Login to my Twitter page without password

If it happens that you do not remember your password, we will try to restore access to your account. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the program.
  2. Near the line for entering the password, find the inscription “Forgot your password?”.
  3. In the new window, enter the specified personal information.
  4. If you fill them out incorrectly, the system will notify you that such an account has not been found. If the user has provided correct information, the system will prompt you to reset your profile password by email.
  5. Click “Continue”.
  6. A password reset link will be sent to the specified email address.
  7. Go to your e-mail and check for the letter.
  8. If it is not there, look in your Spam or Social Networks folder.
  9. Follow the steps indicated in the letter. Click “Change Password”. Come up with new data to protect your account.
  10. Fill two lines with the same data.
  11. Select “Send”.

Connecting your Twitter account to your Facebook profile

Twitter users have the ability to connect their account to their Facebook account. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Twitter profile.
  2. In settings, select the “Applications” section.
  3. Click “Connect Facebook”.
  4. Fill in the information to log into your Facebook profile.
  5. The system will send a warning that Twitter will now have access to certain information on Facebook.
  6. Click “Continue as Facebook name.”
  7. Determine the circle of users who can read your posts on Facebook. By default, they are only viewable by friends.
  8. Click “OK”.
  9. The procedure is completed.
  10. Click the cursor on the “Go to Twitter” entry to continue using the social network.

Recovering access to your Twitter account

Difficulties logging into your Twitter account may arise due to unintentional user actions (lost login or password). The source of the problem may be account hacking and some malfunctions in the social network. If, when logging into Twitter, you forgot your login, mobile number or email address, then you can use any of this data that is currently known.

If the phone number that was specified when registering your profile is no longer valid, then to change it, go to your account settings. Click on the avatar icon to open the context menu. Select the “Settings and Security” tab, then “Phone”. Enter your new phone number in the appropriate line to link it to your profile. In a few minutes you will receive an SMS with a code to confirm the authenticity of the specified number. If you do not receive a message with a code, please request it again. After a successful procedure, the message “Your phone is activated” will appear.

Often, when logging into an account, users receive a notification that the account is closed. This problem may occur when the account is temporarily blocked. Do not make repeated requests to change your password to avoid making the problem worse. Wait 30-60 minutes, the lock will turn off automatically. If a user suspects that their account has been hacked, the first thing to do is change the password.

When login to your account is blocked, contact the technical support service of the social network. In the “Account” group, select the “Hacked Account” tab. Here, enter the nickname of the user whose profile was hacked, then click “Search”. Fill out the form with the required data. Describe the difficulties you encountered and leave your email address so that service staff can contact you. Confirm that you are not a bot and click “Submit”. After resuming access, it is worth choosing a more complex password to protect your profile and e-mail. Free access to email opens the way for scammers to the accounts of other Internet services. Platform failures occur very rarely. If this occurs, please contact

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