How to distinguish a real iPhone from a copy. Instructions: how to distinguish a new iPhone from a fake

A person who prefers Apple products to other brands will be able to easily distinguish an original smartphone from a Chinese counterfeit. But if you decide to buy an iPhone for the first time, you need to know how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original in order to avoid problems in the future. Such ignorance, as a rule, is expensive, since the cost of a fake in this case is equal to the cost of a real phone. By the way, price is the first criterion that you should pay attention to when purchasing. does not happen, remember this, so if you are offered to buy the latest model phone from Apple for a symbolic amount, do not rush to make a “profitable” purchase. Make sure that what you get is not a Chinese copy of the iPhone.

Where to buy?

If you want to become the owner of an iPhone, we advise you to consider only well-known stores as places to buy. They should specialize in selling such equipment, and ideally be an official dealer of Apple products. Even if you are well aware of the characteristics of the iPhone 5S, the chance of getting the original from your hands is minimal. Of course, now you can find advertisements for the sale of used iPhones from their previous owners, but it is almost impossible to buy the latest models in this way. Suspicious street stalls, as well as dubious personalities offering here and now to buy a new original phone “for only 10 thousand rubles” are ways with a high degree of probability to give away your money for a cheap fake. Dishonest sellers take advantage of your ignorance in the question of how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original. Have you ever compared these devices? We will tell you how to distinguish an iPhone from a fake, and we hope this information will help you avoid mistakes.

Apple has become a global brand for a reason. The company’s specialists produce their products of deliberately high quality, and this makes any “Apple” product stand out on store shelves. Moreover, this feature is visible in everything, and smartphone packaging is no exception. Firstly, the box should not have any defects (dents, torn corners, uneven seams, scratches, signs of tampering, etc.). Secondly, take it in your hands and evaluate the sensations. The original packaging gives the impression of plastic, it is so neatly and pleasantly made, although, naturally, the material used is ordinary. And thirdly, pay attention to such details as stickers and inscriptions on the box in which the IPhone 5S lies. How to distinguish a fake with their help? All names of the device, as well as the logo of the manufacturer, must be embossed according to the rules, and they must be located on the sides of the box. In addition, check for additional vacuum transparent plastic packaging.

Now we turn the box upside down and see if there is a sticker with the model name. If you have an original iPhone in your hands, this part will also contain information about the device’s memory capacity, IMEI number, batch number and product series. And even a bitten apple - the traditional Apple logo - should be carefully examined. A cheap Chinese copy may be identified by an apple with a notch on the left, which is incorrect.

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original: external differences

The next stage of recognizing a copy is inspecting the smartphone itself and working with it. Also, first of all, let's evaluate it. We have already mentioned the highest build quality of original Apple equipment. If you remember this, then all sorts of defects on the phone’s body, even subtle ones, will indicate to you that this is a Chinese fake. The original is distinguished by the impeccable quality of fit of all panels, the absence of backlashes, gaps, chips, creaks or recesses. The front panel should have the factory one. As a rule, the original one has a perforated tongue at the bottom. It is needed to quickly and easily remove protection from the display.

And the most important feature that an original Apple phone cannot have is a removable back panel! A real iPhone is a monolithic device that cannot be disassembled by hand. If you have a known original iPhone, we can advise you to put the two devices side by side and compare them visually. The “Chinese” will stand out with a more elongated body format.

First impression: let's look at the menu

Next, for testing purposes, turn on the phone. When you turn on the original iPhone for the first time, a logo will appear on the display, and then a prompt will appear to activate the device. True, this point does not always help to correctly determine the originality of the device; the fact is that many real iPhones go through the activation procedure in the store before hitting the counter. This is also associated with premature opening of packaging - at some points they are required to check for serviceability. If you still have doubts, look at the display, listen to system sounds and music - the colors should be bright and the sound should be clear. We hope it is clear that a high-quality iPhone is distinguished only by a menu in Russian and a high-quality built-in camera. Here I would like to tell you how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original in the fastest way. The secret is that the original device only supports a specific operating system - iOS, updates of which are available through the iTunes service. So, if you connect the device to a computer, this application will automatically recognize the original device and send a corresponding notification to its owner! Unfortunately, such a quick and high-quality check is only possible after purchasing the phone.

Differences between menu items and operating features

So, we turned on the phone and are thinking about how to distinguish an iPhone from a fake. It should be remembered that there are differences between them in the Settings menu. For a non-original version it will be incomplete, or rather, it will not be possible to see the “Phone Model” and “Serial Number” items there.


Do you doubt that this is an iPhone 5S? How to distinguish a fake? Go from the settings, for example, to the “Messages” menu and try typing any text. The appearance of the visual keyboard that appears is another method of recognizing Chinese production. The latter has a keyboard design similar to the design of the keyboard of Samsung Galaxy series phones; it consists of separate touch buttons with letters and the ability to switch characters. Often these keyboards also support the Swype function.

Slow work as a clear sign of “Chineseness”

But, probably, the first thing that will catch your eye when you turn on the Chinese copy is the braking. Sometimes this gets to such an extent that the phone can only unlock the keys the fifth time! A high-quality iPhone instantly responds to the touch of your fingers (and only your fingers!), and unlocking it won’t take even two seconds.

Includes original Apple device

The list of additional devices included with the phone has remained unchanged since the first day of iPhone production. Thanks to this, the equipment of the original device, which we present below, has become a kind of standard. If you don’t know other ways to understand whether you are being offered to buy an iPhone 5 or how to distinguish a fake, it will be enough to remember this list and compare the availability of all the parts. In addition to the device in the box you will also always find:

  • Envelope containing color instructions inside. It, in turn, is produced in printing and has a high-quality appearance; there will be no tears, cuts, dents, stains, crumpled corners and blurry text indicating a low level of printing, and other defects. On the cover you can see two Apple logos pasted on.
  • Soft flexible headphones.
  • Data cable.
  • Original charger (its standard weight is 60 grams).

All these things are made in white colors. Cables should be folded as neatly as possible, have wide transparent ties (to prevent unwinding) and placed in additional plastic packaging. Headphones from the original iPhone are always pleasant to hold in your hands; they have a soft, flexible rubberized wire. Their plastic parts must not have defects (chips, scratches, sharp corners, protruding areas of material, burrs, etc.).

How to distinguish an iPhone from a fake the first time?

The following signs that we list are characteristic only of non-original products! If you find at least one of them when buying an iPhone, rest assured that this is a Chinese handicraft product:


Chinese engineers, of course, are becoming more and more creative from year to year, and one can only envy their hard work. Therefore, counterfeits are increasingly taking over the features of original products and flooding the equipment market. We told you how to distinguish an iPhone from its Chinese counterpart, but the conclusions suggest themselves. Alas, a similar Chinese design does not at all mean the completeness of functions that is inherent in high-quality products. Therefore, before you decide to buy a phone from Apple, remember this material and ignore suspiciously “profitable” offers from unverified sellers. Forewarned is forearmed!

Read, memorize, distribute - throw 10 thousand down the drain everyone can.

Comment from an M.Video expert

Counterfeits of flagship devices, as well as counterfeits of luxury brands of clothing, shoes and bags, unfortunately, always find their audience. There are people who knowingly buy fakes. But we are not talking about them.

Our task is to warn those people who, out of ignorance, carelessness or even naivety, purchased a counterfeit device under the guise of an original device. They will be truly disappointed with the quality of the device and its capabilities.

If buying an iPhone or other flagship device is beyond your means, there is always an alternative - buying a flagship in installments. Or choose another more budget-friendly device with decent technical characteristics. And if the buyer is ready to buy an iPhone, it is better to do it in trusted places - from official Apple sellers.

Instead of a preface

M.Video experts shared a smartphone that looks surprisingly similar to a real iPhone. The device was spotted on sale in some Russian online stores under the guise of an original device. The first fakes arrived in Russia a week after the presentation.

[UPDATED] After working on the article, it became known that customs officers in one city shared information about the detention several thousand iPhones without boxes. Upon closer examination, they all turned out to be very exact copies.

Bought for only 10 thousand rubles! And if it weren’t for comparison with a real device, the difference would not have been noticed immediately. The original box and fake documents are misleading - you don’t expect such a serious trick anymore.

How to tell the difference?

The devices are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. If I had not known that one of the smartphones was a fake, I could have been mistaken.

With poor lighting and insufficient testing, even our editor couldn’t point his finger at the original iPhone. And after they put on the covers, the whole team got confused. And the traditional inclusion for checking the first 5 minutes did not bring the fake to light.

Let's take a closer look - there are still differences, but not everyone will notice them.

1. Screen with step

The fake iPhone we got our hands on is the best I've ever seen. At first glance, it almost perfectly replicates the original.

Upon closer examination, the most important difference was the screen. The original screen of the iPhone 7 continues with the body. U fakes - a small step between the screen and the body. The same can be produced by a device repaired using non-original components.

No oleophobic coating- prints are collected perfectly, the screen is always dirty. There is no anti-glare either. It is impossible to use such a smartphone in any spot lighting conditions.

2. The body is like a bar of soap

A little later it catches your eye protective glass thickness on the screen. Yes, this is window glass, not protecting the screen of a modern gadget! And the edges are noticeably rounder - like thousands of cheap Chinese smartphones.

Let's look from a different angle - the fake is almost one and a half times thicker! The neat edges turned into a hemisphere: even the Chinese cannot break the laws of geometry.

Where it leads? The slightest the impact will crack the screen like an eggshell.

By the way, please note: the inscription on the back of the device does not correspond to the original one. There was an attempt to reproduce, but information and font do not match.

3. Poorly fitted elements

Instead of the usual “Home” key, the iPhone 7 uses a touchpad with vibration feedback. She only reacts to touch. The fake uses a regular mechanical button. It presses and clicks. Creepy.

Surprisingly, the other buttons of the fake iPhone are very pleasant to press. Almost like the real thing, done.

They are a little higher, stick out a little more. Apparently for identification of devices at the enterprise, because the user will not detect the substitution. Only a true fan who has never used cases can do this.

But the hole in the case for the Lightning connector may well become a bright identification mark. This is not a hole, this is a hole! In which the connector dangles freely.

Even basement brands do not allow themselves to treat the most fragile link of a smartphone this way. With daily charging, the solder will fall off after a week or two, and you will have to take the device to the service.

5. Unprotected camera

The back cover of the Chinese copy of the iPhone 7 is made according to a pattern. Doubts arise - maybe fakes are made in a nearby workshop at Foxconn factories?

But there was clearly not enough protective glass for all devices. The camera of a real Apple smartphone is completely protected from external influences. No gaps - perfect fit, mosquito won't undermine your nose.

But between the lens and the camera rim of the copy, you can insert a sheet of paper. The furrow between them is striking, like a plowed section of a football field. It is doubtful that this is protection - more looks like the lens itself.

Quite in the tradition of counterfeit manufacturers: such a camera will fail very quickly. And if poor quality workmanship doesn’t finish it off, dirt will. It’s a shame to save on glass of this size.

6. Operating system

There is no less of a catch here. When you turn it on for the first time, the fake smartphone behaves like a real one. Everything you need is present - both the boot screen and the operating system shell.

The developers of the add-on must be given their due - a colossal amount of work has been done. I want a launcher like this for my Android device. It is VERY difficult to distinguish from iOS. If you don't look closely at the applications.

They are the ones who give away the fake. This set, to put it mildly, is unusual even for Chinese Android, so an inexperienced user may not recognize it.

However, an avid iOS fan should quickly see lack of Apple branded services. There is nothing associated with the company. Of course, iTunes, Apple Music and other proprietary iOS features do not work.

App store - yours, Chinese. The main language is English, the set of programs is from the Play Market. But the choice is very poor. Naturally, installation is impossible.

Fortunately, the fake does not have pre-installed cross-platform applications. But if the manufacturer of the fakes guesses, some of the icons in the next revision of the fakes may turn out to be copies. Yes, and the set of applications can be adjusted.

By the way, proprietary for Android There is no “About phone” menu item. At all. I was unable to find hardware combinations for the engineering menu - the manufacturer eliminated the possibility. Accordingly, it will not be possible to flash it.

When connected to third-party devices (routers, smart home elements, and even a computer), the fake iPhone is identified as real. Even many services do not notice the substitution.

Such a mess has a terrible impact. And like an iPhone, you can’t use a fake, and you won’t be able to use the Android ecosystem.

Use of fake

The fake iPhone turned out to be very good. At least if it cost 5 thousand and was sold as an independent device.

With the growing popularity of the Apple brand, there are more and more fakes that are distributed all over the world and sold as the original. Only recently it was possible to identify a fake only by its appearance - for example, the antenna in an iPhone or the shape of the case does not correspond to the real one, but now fakes can be very similar to the real thing in appearance, and therefore it is necessary to determine the authenticity using software methods.

How to distinguish an original from a fake? In this article we will look at the main signs by which you can understand this.


It is best to buy a gadget from an official dealer or a company store. If your financial condition does not allow you to buy a new model, it is also better to wait, weigh the pros and cons of buying a used model, since you cannot know where the person who sells it to you bought his device. Still, if you decide to make a purchase in dubious places, then you need to know some features in order to be able to distinguish the original from the fake.

External features

Click on the photo to enlarge it

Take the iPhone 7 in your hands - on the front side you should definitely see the factory film with a tab for peeling it off at the bottom. The packaging is cardboard with bright colors and a pleasant surface, inside there are instructions with the Apple logo. Also in the box there are headphones, cable, charger and all this is only white. Pay attention to the wires - they should be soft, unlike the Chinese ones - hard or even plastic. There are no sharp corners, sagging or burrs on any parts of the headphones. The back cover of the device is non-removable. In the original gadget, the cover is removed only if the screws are unscrewed. The slot is only for one SIM card, external memory storage is not inserted. The main "blunders" of not real gadgets:

  1. Errors in the spelling of the brand, model, as well as naming errors in the operating system.
  2. The back cover must bear the words "iPhone", model number and certification marks.
  3. No antenna.

Definition by software

Using Serial Number

Click on the photo to enlarge it

Let's take the desired smartphone in our hands, go to the menu, select "Settings" - "General" - "About this device" - "Serial number". From your smartphone, go to the manufacturer’s official website in the verification section ( Enter the number of the iPhone you are checking. If it is not fake, then you will be able to see its model, production date, technical support by phone and other information. If the Apple device you are checking is not original, you will see the message "Sorry, this serial number is not correct. Please check your data and try again."

How to distinguish an original iPhone 7 from a fake using the operating system

The original gadget has only one operating system and no other - IOS. If you are a user of Apple technology, you should know what it looks like (icons, button style, font, etc.). If not, ask your friends or acquaintances to help you distinguish iOS from other operating systems.

Go to the standard AppStore application - if the gadget is a replica, then you will be redirected to the Google Play Android application. If you are an Android smartphone user, you will probably recognize this application.

You can also try connecting the phone you are testing to a laptop or PC with iTunes installed. When you connect a smartphone, it detects it and attempts to synchronize. If the program does not show any information, it means it failed to install the device, i.e. this smartphone is not original.

By following these tips, you can understand whether you are buying an original iPhone 7 or not. Try to make purchases in official stores to prevent unwanted incidents.

After each presentation of smartphones from Apple, Chinese manufacturers rush to create cheaper and lower quality analogues of the iPhone. Previously, it was easy to distinguish a Chinese counterfeit from an original product: poor assembly, low-quality display, cheap case materials. Modern manufacturers in China manage to create such exact copies that they are impossible to distinguish at first glance. But it’s possible!

There are several methods for distinguishing an original iPhone 6/iPhone 6+ smartphone from a fake invention:

  1. By appearance.
  2. By device serial number.
  3. According to software content.

Genuine Apple devices do not support:

There should be no Chinese characters on the device body or on the charging cable. Apple labels all devices and accessories exclusively in English.

Determine the real smartphone by serial number

This method is the most effective and win-win. To use it, you need another gadget with an Internet connection.

The serial number of the original iPhone will allow you to display the model, memory capacity, detailed information about the device’s hardware components, warranty periods and other data known only to the manufacturer. When testing the number of a fake smartphone, the user will receive the message shown in the photo.

Method of checking the availability of rights to service and support

How do software platforms differ?

Only original iOS is installed in Apple smartphones. Counterfeits run on the Android operating system with special shells graphically modified for iOS. Even an inexperienced user who has not previously been familiar with the OS from Apple developers will be able to distinguish these two products: just launch the App Store (application store). The counterfeit iPhone will enable Google Play Market, the interface of which is radically different from the App Store service. A fake can also be detected when establishing access to iCloud or when connecting to iTunes.

Left - App Store on iOS, right - Play Market on Android

The appearance of the operating system can also be misleading. It is worth checking all menu items carefully, because Chinese manufacturers often make mistakes when Russifying a smartphone. If you find a flaw in the icon signature, you have an iPhone 6(s)/iPhone 6+ clone in your hands.

If during the purchasing process it is not possible to study the smartphone in detail, turn it on, and the packaging is carefully sealed, carefully examine the code printed on the box. There should be no hieroglyphs on it! When opening the packaging, be sure to match the serial number in the iPhone menu with the number on the sticker - they must be identical.

To be sure to distinguish a device made by Apple from a fake, we recommend watching the video.

Video: recognizing the original iPhone

Greetings, friends!
As soon as Apple released its iPhone SE model, craftsmen immediately appeared who learned to copy it. How check iPhone for authenticity and distinguish a fake from the real thing?

In this article, I will not consider such cases when the fake is only external, but inside it is the most ordinary shitty Android with a shell that looks like an iPhone. It is much more difficult to recognize when the real, original 5S is remade using jailbreak into the SE.

So, you agreed to buy a brand new iPhone SE on Avito, and the seller tells you: “Mamai swear, these are the real iPhones, sebe nedelyu nazat pakupal, and now dengi nada.” What do we do first? Looking at the IMEI (on the box or in the firmware) and entering it in a special verification service is a pointless task, since it could have been changed long ago, along with the entire shell, to the desired one.

The option of checking through iTunes also works well - connect the phone to a laptop with the program installed, do a hard reset and look at the real characteristics and model. But I think that you are unlikely to drag your laptop to the meeting, so this method, although reliable, is not entirely convenient in a real situation.


Despite the fact that the two models are identical in appearance, their filling is completely different. And one of the differences lies in the main camera of smartphones. Accordingly, you can check the video recording modes. There are two options available for iPhone 5S:

  • 720p HD, 30 fps
  • 1080p HD, 30 fps

The iPhone SE already has four:

  • 720p HD, 30 fps
  • 1080p HD, 30 fps
  • 1080p HD, 60 fps
  • 4K, 30 fps

You can find these settings by going to Settings > Photos & Camera.

Another check with the camera is whether the SE has a “live wallpaper” shooting mode. If it is not there, then this is a fake iPhone.


The next difference between the iPhone SE and 5S is the size of RAM. The ES has 2 gigs, while the 5 ES has only 1. You can check by installing a system monitoring application from the AppStore, for example System Monitor or ActMonitor.


Another feature of the new model is Siri activation without connecting to a power source. To distinguish the original iPhone SE, ask the seller to launch the voice assistant, and everything will immediately become clear.

Here is a set of basic ways to distinguish a fake iPhone from an original, which will help you save time, money and nerves!