Why is Wi-Fi gray? Icons indicating that you are not connected to a wireless network. Icons indicating an established wireless network connection

Hello! We have already sorted everything out possible problems(and their solution) related to iPhone connection or iPad to Wi-Fi - . But the fact is that in that article they discussed general problems, and today I would like to talk about one specific case. And this case, it should be noted, is very interesting.

So, I recently received a letter with a question that went something like this: “Good day! This morning my iPhone lost Wi-Fi connectivity. The thing is that when I went into the settings, I tried to turn on Wi-Fi, but nothing worked - the slider did not move. For some reason he shows up gray and it cannot be activated. Please tell me what to do?”

But indeed, there is some strange “glitch” of iOS - there is a Wi-Fi button, but it cannot be pressed. Or is it not a “glitch”? Let's figure it out, let's go!

In fact, the problem can be either software or hardware. And of course, first you need to eliminate failures in iOS system. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Hard reboot - for different models produced differently ().
  2. Resetting network settings. To do this, open “Settings - General - Reset - Reset network settings”.
  3. If there is a jailbreak, then . Since some of its tweaks may affect performance Wi-Fi connections.
  4. Are you using a beta version of the firmware? Remember that from her - do it.
  5. Create backup copy and restore iPhone firmware or iPad via iTunes (to be sure,). See if it activates wifi icon on a completely “clean” (without your data) device.

Have you done all these manipulations, but the problem still persists? Unfortunately, in this case, the gray color of the button most likely indicates Wi-Fi problems module.

By the way, indirectly this fact can confirm the impossibility turn on bluetooth- its icon will also not be active.

How can I find out more accurately? Open “Settings - General - About this device” and look at the Wi-Fi address line.

And what to do now - how to do the right thing?

  • . If yes, then feel free to take it to warranty repair- let them figure it out themselves.
  • Has the service period expired? Unfortunately, replacing and soldering a module is not the easiest operation - it cannot be done at home, without special skills and equipment. Therefore visit service center need to. But there is also good news- the cost of such a procedure is not very high. Although everything is learned by comparison....

And finally, I would like to note this point.

On the Internet, as a way to deal with non-working Wi-Fi, you can find the following advice - put it in the freezer or heat the device. They say, then the soldering will fall into place and everything will work.

I don’t know whether you want to check this method or not, but you need to remember the disadvantages of such a solution:

  1. It rarely helps.
  2. The effect usually does not last long - after some time wifi icon connections will again become gray and inactive.
  3. You can easily overheat (overcool) the device and break something else - system board, display, all kinds of controllers, modules, etc.

Therefore, in my opinion, this manipulation is an extremely dubious decision.

Although, if you are going to throw away the device anyway (since broken button You just don’t need Wi-Fi), then you can try it. But only at your own peril and risk, because the consequences can be unpredictable. I repeat, visiting a service center will be a much more correct action.

P.S. After reading the article, did it become at least a little clearer? Like and click on the buttons social networks, get +50% Wi-Fi signal strength!

P.S.S. Do you have any questions, would you like to share a problem or something? alternative solution? Welcome to the comments!

Sometimes smartphones have problems connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Instead of the usual blue icon Wi-Fi, displayed - gray. Browsers display the error “The connection cannot be established.”

More likely on your Wi-Fi router was password changed - this is the most common case, but there are other reasons why the Wi-Fi icon on the screen turns gray. Read about it below.

Why iconWi-Fi gray on the phone

There are several reasons why your mobile phone a gray Wi-Fi icon is displayed, and several solutions are displayed. Let's try to talk about a few of them.

  • The date on your phone may be incorrect; check if the year, month and time are set correctly. Update the time.
  • Check that the password is correct.
  • You may be having problems with hosts file. As a result, an error occurs. To fix it, find the folder system/etc/hosts. Then, click the “Rights R/W” button and edit the text. You will need to remove all suspicious lines in the text. And just resave it. You can access it only with the help of “advanced” file managers, like Ghost Commander or Root Explorer.
  • There may be viruses on your phone. Install an antivirus system, choosing the one that best suits you on your phone.

  • Absence, not so much good connection or a fully loaded server. In this case, you will need to check how well the server is working, whether there are any problems with its operation, and whether the connection is working well. The easiest way to troubleshoot problems is to simply reboot the device (turn it off and on again).
  • If you finally decide and install programs such as LuckyPatcher or Freedom, just run them and in a couple of minutes the icon Wi-Fi will be back to normal and its usual blue color.

If everything went well - yours Google Play will work again without interruption, and the Wi-Fi icon will return to its normal color.

After purchasing his first Android device, the new user will immediately try to access the Internet using his device. But - that was not the case - many people have problems with the right choice Wi-Fi settings, and this cannot be done right away. In this article, I will explain the entire process of setting up Wi-Fi on Android in as much detail as possible.

Let's assume you already have active network Wi-Fi that you have organized at home (for this you will need special device- router) and you plan to connect a device running Android 4.0 and higher to this wireless network. The entire process is described in as much detail as possible, every step, even the most insignificant, will be explained to the smallest detail.

  • So, first you need to enable the Wi-Fi signal receiver on your device. This is done as normal system menu: "Menu" -> "Settings" -> "Wireless networks" -> "Wi-Fi". You can also turn on Wi-Fi using standard widget, if you have placed it on your desktop before.

  • Immediately after this turn on Wi-Fi In the system settings, a list of networks available for connection will appear on your screen. Choose any one. If you created a secure network when setting up the router, then after selecting it Android system will prompt you to enter your password in a special window. It must be said that most often when standard parameters Wi-Fi networks next steps simply not required! But if you have any problems, move on
  • Then you need to carry out the most interesting and, perhaps, difficult thing - setting up Wi-Fi connections. To access network settings, you need to hold down its name for a few seconds, and then select "Change settings"

  • After that, Android will show you the Wi-Fi settings panel itself. To manually set parameters such as IP address, gateway and DNS server addresses, you need to check the "Advanced" box.

  • Enter in the fields indicated above exactly the data that your Internet connection provider provided to you. If the network administrator is not you, then it is advisable to contact an experienced specialist who will help you correctly configure the router so that it “distributes” the Internet to all connected devices. I also note that Android has a function for automatically detecting all network parameters - DHCP. For an inexperienced user It’s better to use it, and in case of any problems, look for a solution in the advanced settings

  • After all the manipulations have been completed, you can short press on the line with the name of the network to view the settings that you have set. Other network parameters are also available in the window that appears - throughput and signal strength indicator.
  • By the way, be sure to pay attention to the Wi-Fi connection icon in the system status bar. If everything is configured correctly, it will light up blue rather than gray. This is very important, otherwise you will not be able to access the Internet from the device.

That's all. In fact, the process of setting up Wi-Fi on Android is very simple and requires only a little concentration and perseverance. Installation Wi-Fi settings on Android phone is no different from the process described above, which is applicable for tablets. Good luck to you!

Problem: On a device with Android icon Wi-Fi is not blue, but grey. The Internet works, sites open, but it doesn’t work Play Store(Google Play). Also, there may be a situation when Wi-Fi is connected, but there is no Internet, and again the Wi-Fi icon gray. How to eliminate similar problems and their varieties on Android, read below.

Causes and solutions to the problem with the wrong color of the WiFi icon

Reason 1: The wrong date is set on the device

People often confuse day and month and may, for example, set 2014.02.07 instead of 2014.07.02. Solution: install the correct one current date. We recommend visiting the section Settings, Options, date and time:

and check the box Automatic detection date and time:

Reason 2: A dubious Android application like Freedom or an ad blocker is installed on the device

Remove everything unwanted applications, which supposedly block ads, promise to speed up a slow phone, or serve to free use paid programs and games.

Reason 3. The hosts file has been changed

If on a rooted device the user or software has changed system file hosts, there may be no Internet, the Play Market may not work, or the “no internet” icon may be displayed (In English Android it sounds “Connected. No internet”). If you have root rights, check the file /system/etc/hosts and, if necessary, remove extra lines from it (leave only localhost)

Additional solution to gray Wi-Fi icon problem

If all else fails, we recommend installing DrWEB antivirus for Android. If the Internet does not work on your phone, you can use it on your computer, then download it to your phone and install it. Reviews on the forums indicate that to fix the problem of the “gray Wi-Fi icon”, sometimes it’s enough just to launch Doctor Web and the icon will turn blue.

In rare cases, setting up a Wi-Fi network on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch may be inactive or grayed out. If you go to the Settings -> Wi-Fi menu, the toggle switch will be turned off without the ability to activate the wireless connection.

If this happens, the iOS device does not allow you to use Wi-Fi interface. In iOS 7.1, the message “Wi-Fi unavailable” may appear in Control Center. How to solve an unpleasant problem? First of all, check that the Airplane Mode toggle switch is in the Off position by going to the main iPhone section and iPad. After that:

1. Install the latest version of iOS

The first thing to do in such a situation is to check that the device has current version operating system. With each update, Apple eliminates system errors, makes the OS more stable. After upgrading to the latest OS, the problem may resolve itself. Go to the Settings menu -> General -> Update. Here you should see the message “The latest software has been installed.” If your device does not have access to the Internet, connect the gadget to your computer and check for updates in iTunes.

2. Do a hard reset

Help solve the problem with the inactive Wi-Fi indicator hard reboot device, which resets temporary data. To do Hard Reset, you need to simultaneously press and hold the top “Power” button and the “Home” button. You need to hold them together until the Apple logo appears on the display.

3. Reset network settings

In a situation where Wi-Fi setup displayed in gray, a reset may result network settings. The operation is quite simple and can be done on the gadget itself. Follow the procedure in the Reset section in the main iOS menu. To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset network settings. This way you will “reset” all network settings, including information about connected Bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi passwords, and VPN settings and APN.

4. Full iOS recovery

If resetting network settings did not help, you need to perform an operation to return your iPhone and iPad to original state– reset operating system. Perform Cleanup mobile device You can use iTunes or the OS itself. In the latter case, you need to go to the Settings -> General -> Reset menu. Available here different parameters to reset the system. You can find out more about this.

5. Repair

If none of the above methods help, it's likely we're talking about about hardware failure. Most likely the problem is with the Wi-Fi module. For determining specific problem you need to contact the representatives Apple for support and technical maintenance or to the nearest service center, where specialists will diagnose and repair the device.