Which operator is better for mobile internet? The best connection. Best telecom operator

Almost every phone owner uses the mobile Internet these days. Most people want to determine which operator is best for mobile Internet. This is becoming increasingly difficult to do, since each mobile operator is trying to attract a large number of new customers by improving its services in terms of the quality and cost of the Internet.

Criteria for choosing mobile Internet

Before you settle on any operator, there are a few things to consider that can help you make the right choice. These include the following criteria:

  • speed;
  • traffic volume;
  • price.

Cost has recently played a very minor role, since the price of mobile Internet for each operator is approximately the same, and even the cheapest tariff is quite a bit less expensive than the most expensive.

Particular attention must be paid to the speed and number of gigabytes provided. When choosing the Internet for a mobile device, you need to take into account how the owner of the smartphone will use the traffic. If you plan to watch movies on your phone, then the minimum connection speed should be at least 1 Mbit/sec. For video calls on Skype you need from 512 Kbps, and for online games – 128–256 Kbps. The volume of traffic also depends on the purposes for which the Internet will be used for the phone.

MTS is one of the most popular operators throughout Russia and neighboring countries. The provider's tariffs are distinguished by great variety, flexibility and differentiated offers for owners of different mobile devices. In the competition, all mobile operators are trying to improve their services, and MTS is no exception.

The company offers its customers a choice of the following tariff plans for smartphones:

  1. "Internet Maxi".
  2. "Internet Mini".
  3. "Internet VIP".

The difference between the three tariffs is the cost and the number of megabytes provided per month. So, in Internet Mini, the client receives 3 GB of traffic for daily use and pays 350 rubles. Thus, the cost of 1 GB is 116 rubles 67 kopecks. “Internet Mini” provides 12 GB at night and 12 GB during the day for 700 rubles. This means that for 1 MB you will have to pay less than 6 kopecks, and for 1 GB – 58 rubles. “Internet VIP” allows unlimited use, and daily traffic is 30 GB at a price of 1,200 rubles – 40 rubles/GB. If a subscriber has the opportunity to pay 1,200 rubles per month, then the “Internet-VIP” package will be the most optimal solution.

The company also provides the opportunity to use it on smartphones and tablets. To do this you need, the cost of which is 12.90 rubles per day in almost all regions except Moscow and the Moscow region, where from the second month MTS subscribers will have to pay 19 rubles per day.

This cellular operator has four service packages:

  1. 600 minutes + 300 SMS.
  2. 1,100 minutes + 500 SMS.
  3. 2,200 minutes + 1,000 SMS.
  4. 3,300 minutes + 3,000 SMS.

The cost of each package is respectively 500, 800, 1,200 and 1,800 rubles per month. Each of them provides the ability to connect to unlimited Internet. Thus, the subscriber has a chance to use unlimited mobile Internet for 500 rubles per month. In addition, the user must have 500 rubles in his account. This amount will initially be frozen and will eventually be returned to the owner.


When choosing mobile Internet, it is very difficult to say which operator is better. In any case, Megafon is on the list of the best. The company offers its customers fast, but relatively expensive Internet for smartphones in its “All Inclusive” line:

  1. VIP – 2,700 rubles.
  2. L, XL – 950-1,350 rubles.
  3. M – 810 rubles.
  4. S – 570 rubles.

The price is indicated taking into account the subscription fee and payment for unlimited connection. This is not to say that it is the cheapest, but unlike Beeline, the process of paying for the service on Megafon is much simpler. The first connection is free, and each subsequent connection will cost 100 rubles. Based on how the subscriber uses other options, the most favorable tariff may be any of the above.

Internet from Tele2

This is another operator that needs to be mentioned. Tele2 offers its subscribers three tariffs:

  1. 7 GB for 299 rub.
  2. 15 GB for 599 rub.
  3. 30 GB for 899 rub.

Thus, the price of 1 GB in these tariffs is 42.71 rubles, 40 rubles. and 30 rub. This is also a good offer. Of course, mobile Internet from Tele2 is not the most profitable, but the cost of 1 GB is cheaper than in tariffs from MTS.


The latest provider that provides its subscribers with unlimited mobile Internet is an operator called Yota. In addition to traffic, Yota offers unlimited messages and calls within the network, as well as 100, 300, 600, 900 or 1,200 minutes to numbers of other operators.

The not best thing is that a phone with a Yota card cannot be fully used as a modem. If you do this, 3G will not function fully. The speed will be limited to 128 Kbps, but for tasks that do not require a high-speed connection, it will be enough to ensure good performance.

Many believe that the quality of communication on Yota is not the best among all others, however, the services of this operator are available in all regions where Megafon has a connection.

A large number of subscribers are wondering which operator to choose to connect to the Internet via a modem. First on the list is . This is one of the most favorable tariffs for a modem. To connect it, you need to purchase a modem from MTS. Any other company's device will not work. Data transfer speed is approximately 21 Mb/s. The activation cost is 699 rubles. After this, the subscriber must pay 600 rubles for each month.

Good internet for the modem is provided by Beeline and Megafon. The cost can be up to 1,000 rubles. depending on the region. Also, these two operators give their clients access to entertainment content (exchangers, game servers) without traffic charges.

We need to look at where the connection is better. Depending on the region of residence, the quality of communication from the same operator may differ. You also need to take into account the additional features provided by the tariff plan. For example, if you need a package of free minutes or test messages, then you can pay attention to the package of services from Beeline for 1,800 rubles. In the case when you only need the Internet, the same Beeline offers unlimited access inexpensively - for only 500 rubles. per month. For about the same amount you can connect to the most unlimited service from Megafon, having overpaid some 70 rubles.

In cases where unlimited is not an urgent need, you can connect a Mini from MTS for 350 rubles. and get the ability to download and upload 3 GB of data.

Based on the above material, we can conclude that the cheapest package is from Beeline for 500 rubles, which, when connected, allows you to use unlimited traffic. The downside of the tariff is postpayment. For 570 rub. You can activate “All Inclusive” from Megafon, but you must take into account that there may be additional costs associated with calls and sending text messages.

Each operator offers a wide variety of tariff plans, so any user will find one that suits them. When choosing, you should not be guided by which tariff is the cheapest, but you should take into account the entire model of using the smartphone. Some people only need traffic, while others need minutes and SMS.

The mobile gaming industry is growing at an incredible pace. If just a few years ago the word “games” was associated with PCs and consoles, now more and more players prefer smartphones and tablets: they are portable, convenient and easy to learn. And most importantly, they do not need to be constantly connected to a home access point: with mobile Internet, you can play mobile online games from almost anywhere in the world.

But which operator is best for mobile gaming? Who has better coverage, speed and stability? Who won't let you down in the final battle? We decided to look into the issue and conducted our own independent examination - a “test purchase”, so to speak: we tested the mobile Internet of three Russian federal operators for gaming “endurance” and identified the best one.

You probably already guessed what kind of operators they will be: MTS, Beeline and Megafon. The adventure began even before the SIM cards were in the device - first it was necessary to decide on the type and tariff.

With the type of SIM card, everything turned out to be simple: since we decided to test the mobile Internet in games (it’s not for nothing that Apple increased the screen to 5.5 inches, we need to somehow implement it), we need to buy a nano-SIM. All three operators provide corresponding SIM cards free of charge. MTS and Megafon issue nano cards. And in Beeline - a regular SIM card with the ability to quickly reduce it to micro or nano. This is very convenient, because there are often cases when a buyer begins to get confused about the types of SIM cards, and as a result he has to come to the communication store again.

As for tariffs, in this direction the choice fell on package tariffs with a subscription fee, which already includes calls, minutes, SMS and several gigabytes of mobile Internet. What you need if you not only play all day long, but also communicate with relatives, friends or colleagues. We tried to choose the most similar tariffs for ease of comparison and to place all operators on equal terms.

So, here are the tariffs that were ultimately purchased:

MTS - "Smart"

  • 500 minutes to all networks in your home region and MTS Russia at home and when traveling around Russia
  • 500 SMS to home region subscribers at home and while traveling around Russia
  • 3 GB Internet at home and while traveling around Russia
  • Subscription fee: 450 rubles per month

Beeline - “All for 600”

  • 600 minutes for calls to Beeline in Russia and numbers of other operators in Moscow and the region
  • 300 SMS for sending throughout Moscow and the region
  • 5 GB of mobile Internet, which is available without additional payments anywhere in Russia
  • Subscription fee: 20 rubles per day (600 rubles per month)

Megafon - “All inclusive M”

  • 600 minutes for calls to MegaFon numbers throughout Russia and all numbers in your home region
  • 600 SMS to all mobile numbers in your home region
  • 4 GB of mobile Internet throughout Russia
  • Subscription fee: 590 rubles per month

Why did we choose a cheaper tariff at MTS and with lower performance? The fact is that the range of tariffs of this operator is not flexible enough compared to others: for 5 GB of mobile Internet and 1100 minutes of calls, MTS asks as much as 900 rubles, and this is clearly not included in our price range. We tried to choose the most similar tariffs without harming the subscriber’s wallet.

The first thing that catches a gamer’s eye is the “mobile Internet” column. Beeline has a good offer - 5 GB versus 4 GB and 3 GB per month, respectively, but Megafon wins due to SMS. On the other hand, are they really necessary for mobile gaming? No. Moreover, the difference between the cost of “All for 600” and “All inclusive M” is 10 rubles. The “Smart” tariff from MTS will cost you less, but the gigabyte will be half as much.

We insert the Megafon SIM card and measure the speed of the LTE connection. What do we see? 11.5 Mbit/s for receiving and 2.2 Mbit/s for transmission. In general, this is an average figure, and in fairness it is worth noting that in the city center Megafon was able to demonstrate much better reception speeds - at the level of 15 Mbit/s.

As a test subject, we took the game World of Tanks Blitz (hello to the guys from Wargaming) - one of the most popular among players on smartphones and tablets.

We see that the ping has settled at a level of 40 - very worthy. Despite this, the game is already starting to falter a little. Nevertheless, the quality of the connection is not satisfactory, the network does not disappear. However, through team efforts we were still able to win and undermine all enemy equipment. Victory!

The second participant is Beeline. We activate the starting amount in the account, and you can use it! The device finds the LTE network already indoors, but for a more accurate study, we decided to go outside and drive around Moscow a little. The result is very good - almost 17 Mbit/s for receiving and 5.2 Mbit/s for transmission. How will this affect the gameplay?

We can't wait to once again engage in a fierce battle with an army of enemy tanks. The Ping icon is green - it looks like you can play. Well, let's begin!

Throughout the entire battle, the ping, however, was rather high - from 30 to 55, depending on the area of ​​the city. However, during the entire game we did not notice a single lag or freeze - the connection worked stably, and we were even able to destroy one of the enemy tanks. The enemy is defeated - and this is the main thing.

We had a different story with MTS. It turned out that instead of the “Smart” tariff, they sold us the “Super-MTS” tariff, fortunately the transition turned out to be free and took no more than two minutes. True, in order to catch the LTE network, I had to cross several areas.

At the same time, at the maximum level of the 3G signal, MTS managed to produce indicators close to Megafon’s LTE - 11.8 Mbit/s and 3 Mbit/s.

However, with the ping in the game itself, MTS turned out to be noticeably weaker - more than 2.5 (!) thousand. And this despite the fact that the measurements were made while connected to the LTE network.

The result was so deplorable that we are even ashamed to show it. We barely finished this fight, which can be a real disaster for a professional WoT Blitz player.

What do we end up with? The mobile Internet of Megafon and Beeline is excellent for gaming purposes, however, at almost the same cost, Beeline offers one gigabyte more traffic. MTS, despite the low cost of the package, cannot boast of impressive results in the gaming area. And they clearly need to do something with the coverage - 4G doesn’t always “catch” outdoors, let alone indoors.

Who was the winner? We awarded first place to Beeline, second to Megafon, and MTS took third place. So if you can't imagine your life without online mobile games, consider whether you're taking advantage of the best deal.

Who in Saransk will be able to catch Pokemon most quickly?

How we did it
Saransk will soon host the Grand Prix of Figure Skating, which is already being called a rehearsal for the 2018 championship. The city will be filled with tourists, Instagram will be filled with photos of tourists, it’s time to fill the “Ratings” with texts for tourists. It will also be useful for the locals: they will leave, and we will live here.
So, we decided to find out how things are going with mobile Internet in the most popular tourist spots in the city. We bought five SIM cards from different operators (Tele2, Yota, Beeline, MTS and Megafon) and measured the speed in different places using the Speedtest application for Android.

We checked the quality of communication: at the Millennium Square, at the Cathedral, in Pushkin Park, on the embankment, at the Admiral Hotel (the rest of the hotels are mainly within the boundaries of tourist places), at the train station and at the bus station, at the Erzya Museum, next to the RDK and the Opera Theater and ballet. Places in the ranking were distributed depending on the signal quality and ping value at each point.

Ping- this is the server response time to your request. The higher its value, the longer it will take to open the desired page.

The new federal operator is just developing Saransk: there is an official sales point in City Park on the ground floor, but, according to the consultant, another one will open soon in RIO. The process of connecting to YOTA is standard: you give your passport, sign the contract, receive two SIM cards - one for yourself, the second for a “friend”. The Internet is set up by a consultant (we chose this option), or you can take a piece of paper with you describing the step-by-step settings and figure it out at home yourself. All the same, you will have to do the main thing yourself: download the YOTA application (there is no Internet yet, yes, you will have to look for Wi-Fi), .
Our business did not go further than this - not a single SIM card was sold. Tested on iOS, on Android - to no avail. It's a pity, but YOTA is leaving the ranking.


We will give the youngest of the other operators a discount on age, forgive not the best connection performance and leave it on the fourth line of the rating.
Tele2 catches best near the RDK (almost 20 megabits per second) and in Pushkin Park (19.43 megabits per second), but in other cases the speed is less pleasing. For example, at the station the output was 3.54 megabits, and at the embankment - 5.44, and this was provided that there was a good ping and a 4G connection.

3. Megaphone

Megafon presented a couple of surprises: it gave an excellent connection where others gave up, and, unfortunately, vice versa.
Apparently, they understand how important it is to send “I’m on my way, meet me the day after tomorrow” to family and friends, so the operator shows a record 38.16 megabits per second at the bus station and 29.25 megabits at the train station. Near the RDK, the quality of communication is also pleasing with the numbers on the screen - almost 33 megabits. Actually, that's all. The rest of the city's attractions do not even reach 20 megabits.

2. MTS

On the embankment, MTS delivered its first 30.11 megabits per second, the remaining results are slightly more modest: 28 megabits at the Opera and Ballet Theater, almost 22 near the Erzya Museum, 18.79 at the Admiral. MTS has the lowest rates at city stations. You can surf the Internet at this speed if you learn Zen at the same time.

Thanks to the effective development of mobile networks in the Russian Federation, we have one of the lowest Internet prices in the world. The only problem for a long time was the lack of unlimited Internet access from mobile devices. But the situation has changed, so we have prepared an article that will help you choose the best tariff for mobile Internet among the current offers of domestic operators.

Unlimited tariffs by operator

Leading mobile operators are currently introducing and promoting their own unlimited tariff plans for smartphones, but in their conditions you can often find a number of pitfalls that you should be aware of when connecting. In particular, some tariffs, promoted as unlimited, provide unlimited access to only some resources and services, or limit the connection speed after using a certain amount of traffic.

MTS - Tariffishche

The tariff from MTS is a customizable tariff plan, in any configuration of which there is unlimited Internet. The tariff settings only affect the volume of minutes and the number of SMS, and to get unlimited it is enough to connect the cheapest option, the cost of which is 650 rubles (+/- 150 rubles, depending on the region), which is quite good for such an offer.

But there are also disadvantages - MTS’s ban on distributing Internet access using Wi-Fi, the inability to use this tariff via a modem and download torrents. There is also a traffic restriction when traveling outside the home region. Read a detailed analysis of the Tariff in the corresponding section.

MTS - Tariff X

Despite the fact that tariff X (formerly MTS Hype) is not unlimited, and the amount of traffic provided per month is limited to 7 GB, it will be quite enough for most users, since tariff X provides unlimited access to the most popular services.

The monthly fee for the tariff is about 500 rubles (+/- 150 rubles, depending on the region). In addition to the Internet, this tariff offers the subscriber 100 minutes of calls, 200 SMS and access to 44 TV channels. It is also worth noting that calls to MTS mobile numbers remain free even after the end of the 100-minute package, and calls to numbers of other operators in your home region begin to be charged at 2 rubles per minute. Read more about MTS X.

Megafon - tariffs of the Get Involved line

Turn on is a line of several tariffs, conditionally divided by purpose. For example, for lovers of communication, the “Turn On! Speak”, which provides unlimited access to the most popular instant messengers, 1000 minutes of calls on the mobile network, as well as 5 GB of traffic. Megafon also has tariffs with unlimited Internet access.

  • Promotional tariff “Turn on! Communicate" At the time of writing this article, it is available for connection only when purchasing a new Megafon SIM card. For 450 rubles per month (the cost may vary for different regions), the subscriber receives unlimited Internet, licensed ESET NOD32 antivirus and 1000 minutes of calls.
  • Promotional tariff “Turn on! Look". The conditions are similar to the Communicate version, however, the free talk time is 1200 minutes, the monthly fee is 600 rubles, and the subscriber can also watch more than fifty TV channels.
  • “Turn on! Look+" is an option available to all Megafon users. Provides 2000 minutes of talk time, unlimited Internet access, more than fifty TV channels and the Amediateka package. The monthly fee is 900 rubles per month.
  • “Turn on! Premium" - unlimited Internet, 4000 minutes of calls, 4 movies, more than 100 TV channels, Amediateka package. Monthly fee - 1900 rubles.

The rest of the tariffs in the Turn On line provide unlimited access to only some services, while all other activities on the network consume traffic.


The tariff from Tele2 with unlimited Internet is a completely basic solution for this operator. For 450 rubles in the tariff, the subscriber receives unlimited Internet access, unlimited calls to Tele 2 Russia numbers, as well as 500 minutes to other numbers in the Russian Federation and 50 SMS, again, to numbers in Russia.

It would seem that this is the most ordinary tariff, but at least two interesting features attract attention:

  • Trial (free) period of use - 2 weeks.
  • SOS package is a service that allows you to use some applications even with a zero balance. This package includes WhatApp, Yandex.Navigator, Yandex.Maps, and Yandex.Transport.

The SOS package is a very convenient function. Probably, many of the readers of this article have found themselves in situations where they would not refuse such an opportunity.


Beeline provides its subscribers with the opportunity to connect to the Unlim tariff, the name of which speaks for itself. Beeline Unlim is somewhat different from the offers of other operators described above. For example, here the subscription fee is charged daily and amounts to 20 rubles. It is also worth noting that by default the operator limits the download speed of streaming (online) video to 1 Mbit/s, and to deactivate this limitation you need to connect to the HD video service, the use of which will cost the subscriber another 3 rubles per 1 day.

In addition to unlimited Internet, the Unlim tariff provides the user with 500 minutes of calls; SMS messages are paid separately and cost 2 rubles/piece in the home region and 5 rubles/piece outside of it.

Choosing the best tariff

Since in 2018 there are no problems with changing operators while maintaining the number, all leading companies are in too tough competition to do badly. There is no point in talking about problems with the signal or lack of network, since in most cities there have been no problems with either 4G Internet or calls for a long time.

In terms of the ratio of price and received traffic/minutes, the best offer is My Unlimited from Tele2, which is the most economical option. It is followed by Tariffishche from MTS, this tariff plan costs 150 rubles more, but provides more SMS, and a larger number of familiar subscribers who use MTS services can also play in favor of choosing the red ones. And the least interesting options, in our opinion, are offers from MegaFon and Beeline, which are more expensive and have more various restrictions.


To summarize, we can safely say that it is enough for the subscriber to focus on the conditions described on the official websites of the companies. All pitfalls (spontaneously connecting services and strange write-offs) are easily tracked and eliminated through online customer self-service services. Unlimited mobile Internet in 2018 is a convenient and irreplaceable thing, and healthy competition in the cellular communications market only improves the situation, creating mass disputes about which tariff is the best, which everyone decides for themselves.

The Internet is taking up more and more space in the life of a modern person. Business negotiations, communication with friends, searching for materials for a coursework or dissertation, downloading books and films - this is not a complete list of what the World Wide Web allows. At the same time, desktop computers are also gradually becoming a thing of the past. Mobile devices are much more convenient. What internet connection is best for your phone? There are many possibilities, and now we will discuss them.

Why do you need mobile internet?

The question may seem strange, but your choice largely depends on the answer. Think about what exactly you will do most often to understand which Internet to choose for your phone:

  • recieve mail;
  • communicate via Skype;
  • conduct banking transactions;
  • buy different things;
  • track postal items;
  • To communicate in social networks;
  • quickly exchange materials;
  • read news;
  • download books;
  • listen to music;
  • watch films;
  • arrange online broadcasts.

Important! Do you often have to look for the right house or the road to an unfamiliar locality? The navigator will help you quickly find the address you need. Read useful tips in our separate review.

The more complex functions you need, the higher the Internet speed should be:

  • For receiving mail, watching news, reading books online, shopping and banking, the speed may be minimal. This is not always convenient, but it is acceptable and cheap.
  • But if you are going to download a large number of photos, videos, and also watch movies, the more megabits per second your device produces, the better.

It is important to choose the optimal ratio of parameters and tariff.

How to make a smart choice?

Before choosing the best mobile Internet for your smartphone, tablet or netbook, it is best to do the following:

  1. Go to the official websites of different providers and see what the basic tariffs are.
  2. Choose several tariffs that suit you in terms of speed and price.
  3. Find out if there are traffic limits.
  4. Find a map of base stations and find out whether the network of this provider covers the place where you are going to use the Internet.
  5. If possible, test the network.
  6. Ask for the opinions of experienced users of this operator.

Important! With each of the providers you will probably find a more or less acceptable tariff plan. All you have to do is compare offers. But you always need to have guarantees that the service will operate where you want to use it. For many regions, the largest providers offer base station maps. It’s very good if the area you’ve chosen falls within the coverage area.

Important! Using the Internet quickly drains your phone. Perhaps, with our help, you will be interested in understanding other factors that affect battery drain, and...

The situation with network testing is somewhat more complicated. For this you need:

  • smartphone with 3G support or modem;
  • SIM cards of operators whose services you found worthy of attention.

If it is not possible to test the network, you can simply interview friends who use the services of different providers. If you still decide to do it yourself, rent a smartphone or buy a modem that is not tied to any provider, several SIM cards, connect at the cheapest rates, and go ahead. The method is expensive, but reliable.

Important! Try to choose an unlimited plan, otherwise you will regularly have to overpay.

Choosing a SIM card

The best Internet for a smartphone is the one that best suits your needs. Try answering a few questions:

  1. What device are you going to connect through?
  2. How long do you use the Internet?
  3. In what location and under what conditions will you work online?
  4. How much are you willing to pay for services?

Answering these simple questions will give you the opportunity to get good communication at minimal cost.

Important! For a smartphone, up to 3 GB of traffic is usually sufficient. Larger volume on mobile devices is required by a very limited number of users - as statistics show, there are no more than three percent of them.

Important! To ensure that your gadget retains its presentable appearance for as long as possible, use accessories. A comparison of useful tips on our portal will help you decide.


Tablet owners usually require more traffic. Unlike a smartphone, which is used almost exclusively as a mobile device, a tablet or netbook can be your only computer. That is, it is used both as a mobile and as a landline.

The minimum traffic in this case is 4 gigabytes, but it can be 15 or 30, depending on what tasks your tablet performs.

Important! It is better to buy a separate SIM card for the tablet. It is not required for a smartphone.

What types of operators are there?

When choosing which Internet is best for your phone, keep in mind that in the modern Russian market there are several large mobile operators that also provide Internet:

  • Megaphone;
  • Beeline;
  • Tele 2;
  • Regional operators.

Important! We will provide a comparative analysis specifically for Russian operators, since most of them extend their services to other countries. Only tariffs will be, accordingly, in the national currency of the country.

Tele 2

Despite the fact that this company has existed almost since the very beginning of the mobile era, it began working in the central regions of Russia only in 2015.

Important! The main advantage of the services provided by this operator is their low price. But to use the World Wide Web through this provider, you need a phone with at least 3G support.

At the same time, the operator offers customers several tariff plans for using the Internet:

  1. 7 GB will cost 298 rubles per month;
  2. 15 GB traffic will cost 599 rubles per month;
  3. for 30 GB the user will pay 899 rubles.

Important! The company constantly offers new options that allow Internet users to save on phone calls:

  • By choosing the “Very Black” tariff, you will receive 10 GB of traffic, 1000 calls to all regions of Russia and the same number of SMS for 599 rubles. If you exceed the traffic limit, it's okay. The speed will drop, but the Internet will still be available.
  • There is an option “Day on the Internet” - you connect using a regular mobile plan without the Internet, but one day a month you can spend a whole day on the World Wide Web.


When choosing which Internet connection is best for your phone, we will also consider the tariffs of this operator. This company specializes in conditionally unlimited tariff plans. If necessary, at any service center of this company you can buy additional devices that can facilitate access and improve the quality of communication - routers and modems. Here you can also purchase a smartphone or, say, a tablet.

Important! Some models are “tailored” specifically for this operator, and it is impossible to insert another SIM card.

The most popular Megafon tariffs for mobile Internet:

  • Megafon-online;
  • All inclusive M;
  • All inclusive S;
  • All inclusive L;
  • All inclusive VIP.

What to choose, which Internet connection is better for your phone:

  • Megafon Online is suitable for those who do not use the mobile Internet very often. The connection itself does not cost anything, but you have to pay an advance - 300 rubles. Each megabyte will cost two and a half rubles. Experienced users who happen to connect to the Internet through different providers give preference to Megafon, since they consider communication through this operator to be of the highest quality.
  • Various modifications of the “All Inclusive” tariff plan differ in the size of the subscription fee. For category S it is 400 rubles per month, for category VIP - 2,700 rubles.

Important! What they have in common is that the subscriber gets the opportunity to make free calls to any Megafon subscribers and a certain number of minutes of free calls with clients of other operators.

As for the Internet, it is 3G or 4G, but the limit is different - from 3 gigabytes for All Inclusive S users to 10 gigabytes for VIPs.


MTS offers different tariffs for mobile phones, smartphones and tablets:

  • SuperBIT;
  • Smart+ BIT;
  • MTS tablet;
  • Smart Nonstop.
  • Smart+.

When choosing an option, do not forget to ask if it is valid in your region:

  • Smart+ BIT is offered only to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.
  • “SuperBIT” is distributed throughout Russia, but you have to pay twice as much as for Smart+ BIT. “SuperBIT” is often preferred by Android owners.
  • For owners of tablets and netbooks, the “MTS tablet” is more suitable. In this case, access to the Internet is unlimited, and the traffic is 4 gigabytes. It is possible to watch mobile television.
  • The Smart Nonstop option is also interesting. Unlimited Internet at night, 10 gigabytes during the day. You will have to pay 500 rubles a month for the pleasure. At the same time, you can call MTS subscribers without restrictions, plus the same amount includes 400 minutes of calls with users of other networks.
  • For Smart+ you will pay 900 rubles per month. For this money you can talk for a thousand minutes with MTS subscribers, plus 5 GB of Internet traffic.


Beeline tariff plans are also quite varied, so the services of this provider can also be considered when deciding which Internet connection is best for your phone.

Important! You can access the Internet through a mobile phone, smartphone or tablet.

You can choose one of the following options:

  • Internet forever;
  • Highway 4 GB;
  • Highway 8 GB;
  • Highway 12 GB;
  • Highway 20 GB.

By choosing “Internet Forever” for your tablet, you will be able to download 200 megabytes for free every month. There is no monthly fee, plus you can switch to this tariff from another without additional payments.

The company provides comprehensive tariffs “Internet forever + Highway”. Depending on the volume of traffic, a subscription fee is set. For 4 gigabytes it will be 400 rubles. When traffic is exceeded, an automatic transition to other packages occurs, so that increased attention is required from the user. If you exceed the traffic by 150 MB, you will pay an additional 20 rubles.

For the complex tariff “Internet forever + Highway 8 GB” you will pay 600 rubles, for 12 GB – 700 rubles, for 20 GB – 1200 rubles. The remaining conditions are approximately the same - free transfer from another tariff, the cost of calls to subscribers of other operators is 2.9 rubles. in a minute. And, of course, 200 free megabytes.

Do I need an additional device?

As a rule, a smartphone or tablet has a built-in modem. But he may be too weak. To be able to connect to the mobile Internet, if the signal is not strong enough, it is better to purchase a router or an additional modem.

Important! Pay attention to the download speed. In order to watch movies, it must be at least 1 megabyte per second, for games - at least 256 kilobytes per second.

Regional operators

In addition to the Big Four, there may be other operators in each region. They can also answer the question of which connection is best for the Internet on a phone.

For example, the Yota provider is present in Siberia and the Far East. Why is it worth familiarizing yourself with the tariff plans of these companies? Because prices for services with the same quality can be one and a half, or even two times lower. This will please you if you are not going to travel outside the region.

Important! If you plan to travel, choose one of the leading providers that have networks everywhere.

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Additional services

When choosing a provider, you should, of course, first of all pay attention to speed, volume and prices. But other things being equal, additional opportunities provided by a particular company can be a gift. This could be, for example, the ability to connect several users to the Internet - MTS offers it, but it is possible that you will find a similar service from others.

Important! When paying for Internet use on one device, you can divide it into two, three, four or five devices. This is convenient for those who have both a smartphone and a tablet, and do not want to rearrange the SIM card every time.

How to connect to the Internet via a smartphone?

Nothing special is required for this. You just need to choose a tariff plan and contact the provider’s office. Then everything will happen automatically. All you have to do is select a browser and install some mobile applications if you don’t find them in Explorer.