VPN connection parameters. Setting up a VPN connection in Windows XP. Creating a VPN, selecting and configuring equipment

This article will be useful to anyone who wants to visit some blocked sites, or encrypt the data that we browse on the Internet. There is such a thing as a VPN. Most likely, you have already heard about it, but probably like me, you don’t really understand what it is. Of course, before writing the article, I was not lazy and read a little on this topic. Let's first understand what a VPN is and why it is needed at all.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) – translated as a virtual private network. If in simple language, then the VPN allows us to receive anonymous access To different resources, and do it as if from another country. That is, for example, some site is blocked in our country, and we need to visit it. We turn on the VPN and can access this site as if we were in another country. You can replace our Internet location and IP address. In addition, all information via VPN is encrypted.

Just like that, by running a VPN, we can browse any sites, simulate access to the Internet from some redistributed country, and at the same time our connection will be secure and anonymous.

Few people use this, since it is not very clear how it works, how to configure it, and all that. But, since some authorities are now actively blocking access to various sites, it seems to me that the popularity of VPN connections will only grow. And then there's this one popular browser How Opera got a built-in VPN feature. Moreover, this is completely free feature, and the traffic there is unlimited.

There are just a lot of services and applications that provide VPN on on a paid basis. As a rule, all services are good and working, and they are not expensive. But not everyone is ready to pay. And if you have a secure connection and need access to blocked sites from your computer, and even then not always, then why not use free VPNs in the Opera browser itself. There is no need to install or configure anything special. Just check one box in the settings. I understand that not everyone uses the Opera browser. But I haven’t heard about this feature in other browsers yet. Alternatively, you can use your favorite browser and keep Opera for visiting some blocked sites or other tasks.

How to enable VPN in Opera

If Opera browser is not yet installed on your computer, you can download and install it in just a few clicks from the official website http://www.opera.com/ru. And if it’s already installed, and you don’t find VPN in the settings, then see if you have the latest version installed.

And so, open Opera and go to settings. This is done like this:

Go to the "Security" tab and put a checkmark next to the line "Enable VPN".

We have enabled the VPN connection.

Setting up Opera's built-in VPN feature

You will see an icon appear next to the address input line and search queries. If he will blue color, then this means that everything is fine, and Opera itself has selected the optimal virtual location for you. And you're already running through secure connection, and as if from another country.

Click on the icon and you will see information on the amount of data transferred per month, and also a pleasant inscription that you have unlimited VPN traffic. This is very cool.

If the icon is orange, then simply select your country from the list. In any case, you can change the country of your virtual location on the Internet. But if it is not important to you from which country you will access sites, then it is better to leave “Optimal location”.

Also, your current IP address will be displayed below. And you can very easily turn off the VPN connection and turn it back on when necessary.

As you already understand, in this way we replace not just the location, but also our IP address. And also, as I wrote above, this is a secure connection, since all traffic is encrypted.

Disadvantages of connecting via VPN

The only negative that I know of is the drop in Internet connection speed. This is understandable, after turning on the VPN, we no longer connect directly to the site, but through a proxy server, and from another country. So the ping may increase slightly, but the Internet connection speed will decrease. Depending on the selected server, the speed may drop differently.

You can do it with or without VPN enabled. And then, select another country in the settings and check the speed again.

Why VPN doesn't work in Opera

Article update (05/22/2017). Users began to complain that Lately The free VPN built into the Opera browser has stopped working, works intermittently, or is very buggy. There is such a problem, I encountered it myself. Most often, after switching on is in progress permanent "Connection..." with the server, and VPN icon orange color (it should be blue).

It is hardly possible to solve this problem somehow. The fact is that after the popular sites VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex were blocked in Ukraine, everyone actively began to use VPN. And Opera's servers simply can't handle the load. Hence the problems at work.

Perhaps in the near future Opera will solve this problem by increasing the number of servers or their power. Or maybe they will close them altogether, or make them paid. Although this is unlikely. They will lose a lot of users.


Well, Opera really did a cool thing. Unlimited VPN, and free too. And the very fact that you don’t need to register anywhere, install anything and configure it all is, of course, pleasing. Everything is set up very quickly and easily. Even a child can figure it out. Although, children now understand these matters better than adults :)

More and more cafes, hotels and other public places are opening up own networks Wi-Fi. But by using unprotected traffic, device owners jeopardize the security of their own data. Therefore, the relevance of private networks is increasing. To protect yourself, you can create a VPN connection. About what it is and how to configure it correctly in Windows system 7, read our article.

What is a VPN connection and why is it needed?

This technology involves a secure network created on top of an unsecured network. The VPN client, using a public network, connects to the VPN server through special protocols. The server accepts the request, verifies the client's identity, and then transmits the data. This is ensured by cryptography.

VPN capabilities allow you to use it for the following purposes:

  1. Hide your real IP and become anonymous.
  2. Download a file from a network in which access is restricted for IP addresses of the user’s country (if you use the IP address of a country that has access to this network.
  3. Encryption of transmitted data.

How to set up a connection?

  1. Through "Start" open "Control Panel", then launch "Network and Sharing Center" shared access».

    Select the “Network and Sharing Center” area

  2. Follow the link “Set up a new connection or network.”

    To create a new connection or network, you need to click on the corresponding line in the list

  3. Click "Connect to Workplace".

    Select "Connect to a workplace"

  4. Select "Use my Internet connection (VPN)."

    Select "Use my Internet connection (VPN)"

  5. In the “Internet address” field, enter the address of your VPN server.
  6. To find it out, you need to launch the Run tool (Win + R) and enter cmd.

    Must be entered in cmd line and press "Enter"

  7. Then write the ipconfig command, run it and find the “Default gateway” line, which contains the desired address.

    You need the address that is in the “Main gateway” line

  8. Now you need to paste the address and check the “Don’t connect now...” checkbox and click “Next”.

    Enter the received address in the field, check the box next to “Don’t connect now...”

  9. Enter the username and password provided by the provider and click “Create”.

    Enter login and password

  10. Close a window.
  11. Open Network and Sharing Center again and click Change adapter settings.
  12. The VPN connection icon appears here. To make a connection, you need to click on the icon right click mouse and click “Connect”. To disable, also right-click on the icon and click “Disable”.

    There is a VPN connection icon here, through which you can connect or disconnect

  13. In the window that opens, you need to enter your username and password and connect.

    Enter your username and password (if necessary) and click “Connect”

Video: creating and setting up a VPN

Possible errors and solutions to problems

400 Bad Request

  1. Disable a firewall or other program that affects your security and online activities.
  2. Update the version of the browser you are using or use a different one.
  3. Delete everything that the browser writes to disk: settings, certificates, saved files, etc.

611, 612

  1. Restart your computer and check if the local network is working. If this does not solve the problem, then call technical assistance.
  2. Close some programs to improve system performance.


Check your firewall settings. As a last resort, it can be disabled, but this is undesirable, as the level of security will be reduced.


Reinstall the network adapter drivers.


  1. Check if "Connect via local network».
  2. There is a problem with the network card or network cable.


  1. Perhaps your login and password were stolen by attackers.
  2. The session was stuck. After a few minutes, try to connect again.


  1. The local firewall is not configured correctly.
  2. Changed access attributes (international phone number instead of the VPN server address).


Open the VPN connection settings, go to the “Network” tab and from the available VPN types select "Automatic" or "Point-to-Point Tunnel Protocol (PPTP)". Then reconnect.


The cable, router or router may be damaged. If they are ok, then you need to check the following:

  1. LAN connection properties. They may have gotten lost or been deleted. You need to open the properties of the VPN connection, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and open its properties. Then check the correctness of the parameters: IP address, subnet mask, default gateway. As a rule, they are specified in the provider's Internet connection agreement. Alternatively, you can check the boxes next to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically.”
  2. If you are using a router or router, then the “Default gateway” field is ( More details about this are described in the router instructions. If it is known for sure that the access point has a default gateway of or, then the IP addresses are in the range from ( and higher.
  3. IP address conflict (there is a yellow exclamation mark in the tray icon on the monitor). This means that there is a computer on the local network with the same IP address. If there is no router, but there is a conflict, it means that the IP address is not the one specified in the agreement with the provider. In this case, you need to change the IP address.
  4. There may be problems with the subnet mask or DNS server. They must be specified in the contract. In cases where a router is used, the DNS is often the same as the default gateway.
  5. The network card is turned off or burned out. To check the device, you need to click “Start”, select the “Run” tool and enter devmgmt.msc in the mmc line. In the window that opens, click on “ Network adapters" If it is turned off (crossed out), then you need to start it. If the card does not turn on, it means that it has burned out or has come out of the slot (the second option is only possible if the card is not built into motherboard). If the card works, then turn it off and start it again. As a last resort, you can delete network card from the configuration and click on the “Update hardware configuration” icon. The system will find the network card and install it.
  6. Incorrect VPN server address. It must be indicated in the instructions. If there is no such information, then you need to contact technical service. If the Internet works without a VPN connection, then go to the provider’s website and find the VPN server address. It can be either alphabetic (vpn.lan) or in the form of an IP address. To view the VPN server address, you need to open the properties of the VPN connection.
  7. On personal account no money.

Regardless of the error, if you cannot fix it yourself, you will have to contact technical support.

How to enable automatic start?

  1. In order for the connection to start automatically, you need to go to “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet” - “ Network connections».

    Find VPN in Control Panel

  2. We find the VPN, open properties, then go to the “Options” tab and uncheck the “Display connection progress”, “Prompt for name, password” and “Include Windows login domain” checkboxes.
  3. Then you need to open the scheduler Windows jobs. Go to “Control Panel” - “System and Security” - “Administration” - “Task Scheduler”. Or you can go through the registry: Win + R, enter the line taskschd.msc.

    Open the task scheduler

  4. Select “Action” from the menu, then “Create a simple task.”

From year to year electronic communication is being improved and information exchange increasingly high demands are placed on speed, security and quality of data processing.

And here we will take a closer look vpn connection: what is it, what is a VPN tunnel for, and how to use a VPN connection.

This material is a kind of introductory word to a series of articles where we will tell you how to create a vpn on various operating systems.

vpn connection what is it?

So, a virtual private network vpn is a technology that provides a secure (closed from external access) connection logical network over private or public if you have high-speed Internet.

This network connection computers (geographically distant from each other at a considerable distance) use a “point-to-point” connection (in other words, “computer-to-computer”).

Scientifically, this connection method is called a VPN tunnel (or tunnel protocol). You can connect to such a tunnel if you have a computer with any operating system that has an integrated VPN client that can “forward” virtual ports using the TCP/IP protocol to another network.

What is a VPN for?

Basics advantage of vpn is that renegotiators need a connectivity platform that not only scales quickly, but also (primarily) ensures data confidentiality, data integrity, and authentication.

The diagram clearly shows the use of VPN networks.

Rules for connections over a secure channel must first be written on the server and router.

How VPN works

When a connection occurs via VPN, the message header contains information about the IP address of the VPN server and the remote route.

Encapsulated data passing over a common or public network, it is impossible to intercept because all information is encrypted.

The VPN encryption stage is implemented on the sender's side, and the recipient's data is decrypted using the message header (if there is a shared encryption key).

After correct decoding messages between two networks, a VPN connection is established, which also allows you to work on a public network (for example, exchange data with a client

Concerning information security, then the Internet is extremely unprotected network, and a VPN network with OpenVPN, L2TP / IPSec, PPTP, PPPoE protocols is completely secure and in a safe way data transmission.

Why do you need a VPN channel?

VPN tunneling is used:

Inside corporate network;

To unite remote offices, as well as small branches;

For service digital telephony With large set telecommunications services;

To access external IT resources;

For building and implementing video conferences.

Why do you need a VPN?

VPN connection is required for:

Anonymous work on the Internet;

Downloading applications when the IP address is located in another regional zone of the country;

Safe work in a corporate environment using communications;

Simplicity and convenience of connection setup;

Provisions high speed connections without interruptions;

Creating a secure channel without hacker attacks.

How to use VPN?

Examples of how VPN works can be given endlessly. So, on any computer on the corporate network during installation protected vpn connections, you can use mail to check messages, publish materials from anywhere in the country, or download files from torrent networks.

VPN: what is it on your phone?

Access via VPN on your phone (iPhone or any other Android device) allows you to use the Internet in in public places maintain anonymity, as well as prevent traffic interception and device hacking.

A VPN client installed on any OS allows you to bypass many of the provider’s settings and rules (if the provider has set any restrictions).

Which VPN to choose for your phone?

Mobile phones and smartphones running Android OS can use applications from Google Playmarket:

  • - vpnRoot, droidVPN,
  • - tor browser for surfing networks, aka orbot
  • - InBrowser, orfox (firefox+tor),
  • - SuperVPN Free VPN Client
  • - OpenVPN Connect
  • - TunnelBear VPN
  • - Hideman VPN

Most of these programs serve for the convenience of “hot” system setup, placement of launch shortcuts, anonymous surfing Internet, selecting the type of connection encryption.

But the main tasks using a VPN on the phone - this is a check corporate mail, creating video conferences with several participants, as well as holding meetings outside the organization (for example, when an employee is on a business trip).

What is VPN on iPhone?

Let's look at which VPN to choose and how to connect it to your iPhone in more detail.

Depending on the type of network supported, when you first start the VPN configuration on your iPhone, you can select the following protocols: L2TP, PPTP and Cisco IPSec (in addition, you can “make” a VPN connection using third-party applications).

All of the listed protocols support encryption keys, user identification using a password and certification are carried out.

Among additional functions When setting up a VPN profile on an iPhone, you can note: RSA security, encryption level, and authorization rules for connecting to the server.

For iPhone phone From the appstore you should choose:

  • - free application Tunnelbear, with which you can connect to VPN servers any country.
  • - OpenVPN connect is one of the best VPN clients. Here, to launch the application, you must first import RSA keys via iTunes into your phone.
  • - Cloak is a shareware application, since for some time the product can be “used” for free, but to use the program after the demo period has expired, you will have to buy it.

VPN creation: selection and configuration of equipment

For corporate communications in large organizations or associations deleted friend from other offices use hardware equipment capable of supporting continuous, secure work on the network.

To implement VPN technologies, the role of a network gateway can be: Unix servers, Windows server, network router and the network gateway on which the VPN is installed.

The server or device used for creating vpn enterprise network or VPN channel between remote offices must perform complex technical problems and provide a full range of services to users both on workstations and on mobile devices.

Any router or VPN router must provide reliable operation on the network without freezing. And the built-in VPN function allows you to change the network configuration for working at home, in an organization or a remote office.

Setting up VPN on the router

IN general case VPN setup on the router is carried out using the router's web interface. On “classic” devices, to organize a VPN, you need to go to the “settings” or “network settings” section, where you select the VPN section, specify the protocol type, enter the settings for your subnet address, mask and specify the range of IP addresses for users.

In addition, to secure the connection, you will need to specify encoding algorithms, authentication methods, generate agreement keys, and specify DNS server WINS. In the “Gateway” parameters you need to specify the gateway IP address (your own IP) and fill in the data on all network adapters.

If there are several routers in the network, you need to fill out the VPN routing table for all devices in the VPN tunnel.

Here's a list hardware equipment used when building VPN networks:

Dlink routers: DIR-320, DIR-620, DSR-1000 with new firmware or Router D-Link DI808HV.

Routers Cisco PIX 501, Cisco 871-SEC-K9

Linksys Rv082 router with support for about 50 VPN tunnels

Netgear router DG834G and routers models FVS318G, FVS318N, FVS336G, SRX5308

Mikrotik router with OpenVPN function. Example RouterBoard RB/2011L-IN Mikrotik

VPN equipment RVPN S-Terra or VPN Gate

ASUS routers models RT-N66U, RT-N16 and RT N-10

ZyXel routers ZyWALL 5, ZyWALL P1, ZyWALL USG

In the meantime, while the authorities and the RKN are building a fence for us that does not allow us to access blocked sites, the developers software solved all the problems for us. All that remains for ordinary users to do to open blocked sites is to turn on the VPN.

Now VPN is built in almost everywhere, every browser has an add-on. In addition, there are 100,500 applications for smartphones, and thousands of instructions for Windows.

Today I want to close this issue once and for all with this page of my blog. In this post, I will try to mention everything so that everyone can find their instructions and understand how to enable VPN on their device.

Enable VPN in Yandex Browser

If you are from Ukraine, the first problem you will encounter is loading the browser itself. All you need is to download the browser from the Yandex mirror. You can download the browser from this link - https://getyabrowser.com/ru/

Right after VPN installations you will already have it turned on. If suddenly blocked sites do not open for you, you need to do the following:

  • Open settings. On the right top corner 3 dashes - ≡ and click settings.
  • Scroll to the "Turbo" section and select "Automatically turn on...".
  • Press 3 keys at the same time – Ctrl+Shift+Del and delete “files saved in the cache”.
  • Restart your browser and enjoy free surfing.

Second way:

If the above does not work for you for some reason, do not be upset. Yandex Browser supports all extensions from “Opera” and you can easily install a VPN plugin.

To do this, click on the 3 dashes ≡ in the upper right corner and click “Extensions”. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Catalog of extensions for Yandex.Browser”. Next, write VPN in the search and install any of the suggested plugins. Restart your browser, you're done!

Enable VPN in Opera

In Opera it’s exactly the same as in Yandex Browser. To be more precise, you can enable VPN in two ways:

  1. Built-in from Opera
  2. Install extension

Let's now look at each method separately.

Method one - built-in VPN

  1. Tap Menu, then Settings.
  2. Select "Security" from the left menu. You need the VPN section (enable it by checking the box).
  1. Ready. Now, next to the address bar you have a corresponding button where you can turn the VPN on/off and change the country in case of outages.

The second way is to install the extension.

I can’t even imagine why the built-in VPN didn’t suit you, but I think, just in case, it’s worth writing an alternative option:

To install the extension, you can open the directory through the “menu” button and write VPN in the search. Or just paste/open this link in address bar— https://addons.opera.com/ru/search/?query=vpn

After installing the extension, restart your browser and you can open any blocked site.

Enable VPN in Google Chrome

Google Chrome does not have a built-in VPN, but it has the most large collection extensions, among which you can quickly find everything and for free.

To enable VPN in Chrome you need to:

  • Click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner. Further " Additional tools", then "Extensions". Or paste in the address bar - chrome://extensions/
  • In the search, write “VPN”.
  • Install the selected extension.

I have " Free proxy server VPN Hotspot Shield- unblocking sites." Works flawlessly and has never slowed down. If you also want to install it for yourself, you can immediately follow the link - chrome://extensions/?id=and download.

VPN in Mozilla Firefox

As you understand, this is exactly the same as in other browsers, but for full picture I'll write it down in detail. To open access to all sites, do the following:

  • Paste/follow the link - https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/
  • WITH right side You have the “Search for add-ons” located. Type “VPN” into the search and press “Enter”
  • Then the choice is yours, but I recommend installing “Hoxx VPN Proxy" or "Hotspot Shield free VPN Proxy".
  • Install the add-on, activate, restart the browser.

Ready. Now you have access to all resources on the Internet. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Browsers with built-in VPN

If you have no desire to install anything additional, you can use browsers that already have Proxy support built into their product. I certainly recommend using the ones discussed above, but suddenly you need a different one.

List of browsers with built-in Proxy:

  1. Yandex.Browser (about it above).
  2. Opera. See above.
  3. TOR. Old, popular. Download here - https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy

During downloading, do not forget to select Russian language.

  1. Browser Go! From mail.ru. Download here - https://gobro.mail.ru
  2. Orbitum - it’s unclear what, I’m not leaving a link.
  3. FreeU is a bit dumb. I don't recommend it.

VPN for Android

If you use one of the browsers listed above, then enable VPN in it in the same way as in a regular browser (see above). If you prefer to use another application, then you need to install another one that will give full access.

To install a VPN on Android, you need:

  1. Open « Google play” and write “VPN” in the search.
  2. Select one of the applications and install.
  3. Launch the application and minimize it. Now you can open your browser and view any sites.

Personally, I would recommend you the application " Turbo VPNUnlimited Free VPN". It is fast, light, and works more or less stably. Available at the link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=free.vpn.unblock.proxy.turbovpn

That's all. Nothing complicated!


Three letters

How to install a VPN and bypass blocks. Five reliable services

If you have not yet learned how to bypass Roskomnadzor blocking, the site publishes a short and clear instructions on installing VPN services on your devices.

What is a VPN?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. This is a technology that allows you to create virtual private network. Much simplified, it creates a direct, secure connection between two hosts (points) on the network. Since one of the points may be located on the territory of another country, one of useful functions VPN - bypass blocking.

Even easier? It’s like a “tunnel” that allows you to “get out” on the Internet to another geographical point. A device connected via VPN will be virtually located not in Russia, but in Germany, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Austria, the USA - anywhere. Accordingly, Roskomnadzor restrictions will not apply to it.

Is a VPN only needed to bypass blocks?

No, we can say that this is a side function (which, however, is now becoming almost the main one). But in general, VPN is used primarily for connection security. VPNs are actively used by corporate and government agencies to combine different offices into one shared network. In addition, experts advise connecting to any public Wi-Fi networks only with a VPN enabled.

In general, VPN services provide you with anonymity (they do not record your online activities), encrypt your traffic, and generally make your Internet experience safer.

How to install a VPN? It's complicated? It is expensive?

It's not difficult, anyone can do it. VPN services are provided various services(list below), you just need to select any of them, register, enter your card details and install on your devices required applications. During installation, the application will ask you to enter automatic changes in your device settings - you will need to agree. Then you can simply open the app and turn the VPN on and off as needed. In general, you can keep the VPN on all the time.

There are free VPNs, but they typically have daily or monthly data caps (and may have other restrictions). It's better to use one of paid services- it will work faster and more reliably. Costs approximately 60 to 100 dollars per year (approximately 3.5 - 6 thousand rubles). Depending on the payment plan, money will be debited from your card once a month or once a year (the second option is usually much more profitable).

Two screenshots of the VyprVPN application on iOS. On the left is the current connection screen (connection via an Austrian server). On the right is a list of servers available for connection (than smaller number in the left column, the faster the Internet will work)

Most services allow you to use multiple devices simultaneously on one account (usually three to six depending on the service). That is, you can connect your phone, tablet, home and work computers, and maybe even relatives’ devices through the same VPN service. The VPN services listed here support most common devices and operating systems(iOS, Android, Windows and Mac included, of course). Many VPN services can be configured directly on the router so that, for example, all home or office traffic goes through the VPN connection.

Here are some good, proven services that we can recommend. By clicking on the link, you will be taken to the service website, where you will find links to registration and all applications.

As a rule, there are different tariff plans, which depend on the number of simultaneous connections and additional options(For example, cloud storage). In this list, we provide the cheapest plans.

Price: from $60 per year

Price: from $40 per year

Number of simultaneous connections: up to six

Price: from $60 per year (there are also free version with limited traffic)

Price: from $80 per year

Number of simultaneous connections: up to three

Price: from $80 per year

Number of simultaneous connections: up to five

Will a VPN slow down your internet?

Yes, but only slightly. Typically, a VPN service will automatically connect through the fastest server. True, sometimes it is located on the territory of Russia, so this will not help you bypass the blocking. In this case, you can manually select another fast server in special menu. We need to focus on minimum value delays in milliseconds. When connected to fast server you most likely won't even notice that you have a VPN connected, including when watching videos.

What problems can there be when using a VPN?

Sometimes, due to a VPN connection, some services may not work well. On mobile devices, there are sometimes problems with determining geolocation - for example, we had difficulties calling Uber. Streaming services like Netflix may not work. But overall in current conditions connecting via VPN through a foreign server will most likely even make your work on the Internet more stable, since you will not be subject to millions of IP blocks due to the fight against Telegram. By the way, Telegram will work great too.

And if something doesn’t work with VPN, you can always turn it off.

Isn't VPN banned? It is legal?

Using a VPN in Russia is not prohibited by law. At the same time, formally in our country there is a law that allows you to block those VPN services that do not prohibit their users from accessing sites prohibited in Russia. However, as far as we know, this law has not yet been applied to VPNs.

In any case, no sanctions for ordinary users not available today.

I still don't know which service to choose. Which ones do you use?

The site's editorial staff use VyprVPN and NordVPN. We have been using it for many years and are happy with everything. NordVPN has a website in Russian.