We send Excel sheets to the Internet, share them, insert them into a web page and make them interactive. How to open xls file? Review of the best programs

Representing data based on entering a description with tags or program settings. Open them for editing normally double click does not work. This is due to the fact that the association with the extension is not installed the right application, which is the default. But if you need to get a readable file in the form of a table with the ability to edit, you can open XML file in Excel. In this case, no converters are needed that can convert formats between themselves. The only caveat is that this feature is only available in Office versions 2003 and higher.

How to open XML in Excel: method one

Let's consider importing data to Excel based 2016 version. The first and easiest way is to initially run Excel program. When you start the application, instead of a greeting and logo, it will display a special login window, in which there is a line “Open other books” in the left menu.

After this, the browse item is used, and in the new window XML is selected as the opening format. After this, using the usual method we find required file and press the open button. In this case, it is recognized not as a text document containing descriptions and tags, but as a very ordinary table. Naturally, the data can be edited at your discretion, but more on that later.

How to open XML format in Excel: method two

Another proposed method is practically no different from the first. An XML file in Excel can be opened from the file menu or used for this quick combination Ctrl + O.

Again, the type of format to be opened is first selected, after which the desired file is found and the corresponding button is pressed.

Opening XML: Method Three

There are several more XML methods in Excel. So, in the 2016 version of the program you can use the menu top panel, where the “Data” section is selected, and then the button to obtain external data is pressed.

In the drop-down menu you just need to select the “From Other Sources” section and in the new menu use the line “From XML import" This is followed by standard procedure searching for the desired file and then opening it.

Editing, saving and exporting

When using any of these methods, the user gets the table structure. Editing is done in the same way as it is done with standard files XLS. Sometimes, for ease of editing and saving data, it is advisable to use the developer menu.

In this case, you can import not all the contents of the XML file, but only what is really necessary, inserting information into the appropriate columns and rows, specifying the XML object as the data source. But to do this, you need to log into your account in the program itself using your registration with Microsoft.

You can save the changed file immediately in the original format by selecting the appropriate type from the list. From the file menu, if the object was saved in the “native” Excel format, you can select the export function, click on change file type and set XML as the final format.

If the user is too lazy to do such transformations, or in his work he uses Office version below version 2003, to open of this format in the form of a table you will have to use a special converter. Quite a lot of such programs are now offered. As a last resort, if this is not suitable, you can easily turn to specialized online services, where the format will be changed within a couple of tens of seconds. After completing these steps, all that remains is to download the finished result in XLS format to HDD, and then open it in Excel. However, in most cases such actions are not required, since in the same Office 2003 the ability to directly open (import) XML format already provided initially. And it seems that few people today use outdated Microsoft office products.

The table format is incredibly convenient for all cases when simple calculations, budgeting or, for example, accounting are needed home budget. It often happens that you need to view or edit .xls, .xlsx or .csv files, but the full Microsoft Office, Open Office or Numbers is not at hand. Fortunately, technology does not stand still, and more and more “standard” “desktop” applications are finding their online counterparts.

So, a selection of excellent and free services for viewing and editing Excel online: working with formulas, formatting, data in cells, sheets and much more.


Example of a complex document for budget and tax accounting

. Easy to use, allows you to easily edit, organize into folders, import, export and publish tables. There is an online viewer that supports many formats, including XLS, XLSX, CSV, ODS. There is no need to even talk about the rich possibilities in terms of creating graphs, charts and histograms.

Advanced users will definitely appreciate the ability to write their own functions/macros in ActionScript, as well as deep integration with other Google services through formulas. For example, the formula = GOOGLEFINANCE() allows you to use data on the stock exchange and the economy with flexible settings.

This editor Excel online included in the free cloud package, which also offers many tools for working with documents, presentations, drawings and more.

2. online

Microsoft in its own style


Just drag and drop the finished one CSV document or Excel XML(.xlsx) to the page - and it is immediately imported into EtherCalc. Or you can create new document at the touch of a button. EtherCalc seems no less convenient and functional than Google Sheets and others similar programs. In the comments of the Github repository, the author explains that EtherCalc is a Node.js port of the SocialCalc application. The program can be installed locally to work offline.


. The simplest of all the above online services. Zoho Sheet is a viewer office documents with the most basic set of tools: charts and standard formulas. Intuitive in general, but not as clear in setting up filters as table processor from Google.

ExcelArt.ru – if you came to this post from social networks

Alexey Shelkovnikov, designer and lawyer, looks at the world in his own way. Cells in Excel mean almost nothing to him. It gives a completely different meaning to outlines, smart objects and bucket fills. Alexey looks askance at bookkeepers and uses spreadsheet applications for creative reasons, transferring modern and, at times, painful reality into three-dimensional illustrations.

How to open a document in xls format if you do not have the MS Office software package installed on your computer?

As a rule, the main and most popular application for viewing and editing. xls file ov is Excel, however, not all PC users have portable devices It is possible to install this table processor.

.xls is a data file format developed by Microsoft. Information in a document of this format is stored in special address cells, thus creating a complex table. Format .xlsx- that's more new modification extension that allows you to create a document smaller size, but with a wider range of functions.

Let's take a closer look alternative programs, which work with .xls, for all popular operating systems today.

If you have Windows

In addition to the most popular package office applications MS Office, many other good programs for working with documents have been developed for Windows OS. For example, the Open Office utility is free for your PC and can work with text files, tables and presentations.

Open Office

To get started, launch the program and home page select the type of document you want to create:


LibreOffice is another good open source spreadsheet program. In addition to utilities for working with text, presentations and tables, LibreOffice has a built-in editor vector graphics, formula editor and DBMS ( complex system database management). The program is distributed exclusively free of charge.

If you have Mac OS

Recently, on Mac OS you can download official version MS Office package, however, this is not the most popular program among Apple OS users.

Apple Numbers

Apple Numbers is perhaps the best spreadsheet utility available for the Mac. The application allows you to open files very quickly, without losing quality or data. Using Apple Numbers, you will not encounter the problem of graphs and table cells that have moved out of place.

Planamesa NeoOffice

Planamesa NeoOffice – set software for working with text, presentations and tables. Supports all common office document formats, in particular xls.

With this application you can open, edit, save files. The main window and toolbar of the program are very reminiscent of MS Office.

Also for Mac OS you can download the previously described Open Office or LibreOffice.

Online services

If you do not want to install cumbersome programs on your computer, you should use Internet services that can work with office files. All such sites are usually free and do not restrict users in their use.

Yandex Disk

Yandex Disk is a comprehensive cloud storage that allows you not only to store files, but also to view them. Unfortunately, you will not be able to edit the document, but you can quickly view its contents.

To open .xls, first upload the file you need to the service (to do this you need to have a registered account and enough space on your computer). cloud drive). Then wait for the file to finish downloading, click on it and select “View”. The contents of the file will open in new page browser.

Google Docs

The next service that can quickly open xls without losing data is Google Docs.

Website Google Drive (drive.google.com) – cloud storage for any type of files. The service has attached applications for working with documents, which open and work directly in the browser.

To work, you need an Internet connection, or additional settings utilities that allow you to work offline (including this task is performed by the Chrome browser extension).

The service is popularly called GoogleDox; it fully works with all types of ordinary office documents and contains many copies of templates, or document templates - for creating resumes, to-do sheets, annual reports, budgeting, etc. (Fig. 6).

Application for text documents called Google Docs, it is convenient for opening and editing any text files, including MS Word files with .doc, .docx resolution; for presentations - Google Slides; for tables – Google Sheets; There are other applications for drawing and working with databases.

To access Google Drive you must have an account Google entry– the service works in conjunction with postal service gmail.com. At launch, each user receives 7 GB free space in the storage and the ability to edit any documents online, including in collaboration with other users.

If you have Android

Kingsoft WPS Office

Kingsoft WPS Office is a multi-platform application created to organize work with text files and user tables.

It should be noted that the version for Android OS was a success for the developers - a simple interface, minimal consumption of device resources and a wide range of functions brought Kingsoft WPS Office to the TOP best apps official Google store Play.

Fig.10 – appearance Kingsoft WPS Office programs in Android OS

Also on Android you can use the above online services for free.

If you have iOS

There are quite a few good ones for iOS office programs. Until recently, the most popular was official Microsoft Excel, but Lately More and more users are moving to more versatile online services and client applications from Google.

If all this does not suit you for some reason, there is another program that is worth paying attention to - MobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro.

MobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro

In addition to viewing documents, users also have the opportunity to use a convenient built-in explorer to search for files in the phone memory and download additional free dictionaries, tools and e-books.

If you have Windows Phone

On all devices under Windows control Phone comes pre-installed with Microsoft's document management software package.

However, a decent number of users note many shortcomings in the work of standard software: files are difficult to find in Explorer, large documents open with loss of formatting, etc.

IN official Store there are other applications good programs, which you can use as an analogue to the standard one for working with xls.

Excel Mobile

Excel Mobile - this utility only supports spreadsheets. Thanks to this, the program has more features. The interface is identical to standard Excel for Windows.

Thematic videos:

Today everyone seems to be moving to the cloud, so why are we any worse? New technologies for sharing access to Excel data via the Internet is a simple method that provides many opportunities and advantages that you can use.

With the advent Excel Online You no longer need cumbersome HTML code to post spreadsheets on the Internet. Simply save your workbook online and access it from literally anywhere, share it with others, and work together on the same spreadsheet. Using Excel Online, you can embed an Excel sheet into a website or blog and let visitors interact with it to get exactly the information they want to find.

How to send Excel 2013 sheets to the Internet

All Excel sheets Online are stored in the OneDrive web service ( former SkyDrive). As you probably know, this online storage has been around for a while now and is now integrated into Microsoft Excel, as a one-click interface command. In addition, guests, i.e. other users with whom you share your tables no longer need their own account Microsoft entry in order to view and edit the Excel files that you have shared with them.

If you still don't have account OneDrive, you can create it right now. This service is simple, free and definitely worth your attention, since most applications in the Microsoft Office 2013 suite (not just Excel) support OneDrive. After registration, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Microsoft account

Make sure you are signed in to a Microsoft account from Excel 2013. Open an Excel workbook and look in the right top corner. If you see your name and photo there, then go to next step, otherwise press Sign in(Entrance).

Excel will display a window asking you to confirm that you really want to allow Office to connect to the Internet. Click Yes(Yes) and then enter your account information Windows entries Live.

2. Save the Excel sheet to the cloud

Make sure, for your own peace of mind, that the correct one is open. workbook, that is, exactly the one to which you want to open general access in the Internet. I want to share the book Holiday Gift List so that my family and friends can watch it and contribute

With the desired workbook open, go to the tab File(File) and click Share(Sharing) on ​​the left side of the window. By default the option will be selected Invite People(Invite other people), then you need to click Save To Cloud(Save to Cloud) on the right side of the window.

After that, select a location to save the Excel file. First on the list on the left is OneDrive, and it is selected by default. All you have to do is specify the folder to save the file on the right side of the window.

Comment: If you don't see the OneDrive menu item, it means you don't have a OneDrive account or you're not signed in to your account.

I have already created special folder Gift Planner, and it is shown in the list of recent folders. You can select any other folder by clicking the button Browse(Browse) below area Recent Folders(Recent folders), or create new folder, by clicking right click mouse and selecting from the context menu New(Create) > Folder(Folder). When desired folder will be selected, press Save(Save).

3. Share an Excel sheet saved on the Internet

Your Excel workbook is already online, and you can view it in your OneDrive. If you need to share Excel sheets saved on the Internet, then you only have one step left to do - choose one of the sharing methods offered by Excel 2013:

Advice: If you want to limit the working area Excel workbooks, which is available for viewing by other users, open in the tab File(File) section Info(Details) and press Browser View Options(Browser viewing options). Here you can configure which sheets and which named elements can be displayed online.

That's all! Your Excel 2013 workbook is now online and accessible to selected users. And even if you don't like to collaborate with someone, this method will allow you to access Excel files from anywhere, no matter whether you are in the office, working at home or traveling somewhere.

Working with workbooks in Excel Online

If you are a confident inhabitant of the Cloud Universe, then you can easily master Excel Online during your lunch break.

How to create a workbook in Excel Online

To create new book, click the small arrow next to the button Create(Create) and select from the drop-down list Excel workbook(Excel workbook).

To rename your online book, click the default name and enter a new one.

To load an existing workbook into Excel Online, click Upload(Upload) on the OneDrive toolbar and select the desired file saved on your computer.

How to Edit Workbooks in Excel Online

Once you have opened a workbook in Excel Online, you can work with it Excel help Web App (same as with Excel installed on personal computer), i.e. enter data, sort and filter, calculate using formulas, and visualize data using charts.

There is only one significant difference between the web version and local version Excel. Excel Online doesn't have a button Save(Save) because it saves the book automatically. If you change your mind, click Ctrl+Z to cancel the action, and Ctrl+Y to redo the undone action. For the same purpose you can use buttons Undo(Cancel) / Redo(Return) tab Home(Home) in the section Undo(Cancel).

If you try to edit some data, but nothing happens, then most likely the workbook is open in read-only mode. To enable editing mode, click Edit Workbook(Edit book) > Edit in Excel Web App(Edit in Excel Online) and enter quick changes right in your web browser. To access more advanced data analysis capabilities, such as pivot tables, sparklines or to communicate with external source data, press Edit in Excel(Open in Excel) to switch to Microsoft Excel on your computer.

When you save a sheet in Excel, it will be saved where you originally created it, that is, in cloud storage OneDrive.

Advice: If you want to make quick changes to multiple workbooks, then in the best possible way will open a list of files in your OneDrive, find the right book, right-click on it and select the required action from the context menu.

How to share a sheet with other users in Excel Online

... and then choose one of the options:

  • Invite People(Send access link) – and enter the address Email people to whom you want to give access to the book.
  • Get a link(Get link) – and paste this link into email, post it on your website or social networks.

You can also set access rights for contacts: the right to only view or give permission to edit the document.

When multiple people are editing a worksheet at the same time, Excel Online immediately shows their presence and the updates they've made, as long as everyone is editing the document in Excel Online and not in local Excel on their computer. If you click the small arrow next to the person's name in the upper right corner of the Excel sheet, you can see which cell is in this moment edited by this person.

How to block editing of certain cells in a shared worksheet

If you're sharing online sheets with your team, you might want to give them editing rights only certain cells, rows or columns Excel document. To do this in Excel at local computer you need to select the range(s) you allow to be edited, and then protect the sheet.

How to Embed an Excel Sheet into a Website or Blog

Comment: The embed code is an iframe, so make sure your site supports this tag and your blog allows it to be used in posts.

Implemented Excel Web App

What you see below is an interactive Excel sheet that demonstrates the described technique in action. This table calculates how many days are left until your next day birth, anniversary or some other event and colors the gaps in various shades of green, yellow and red. In Excel Web App, you simply enter your events in the first column, then try changing the corresponding dates and look at the results.

If you are curious about the formula used here, please take a look at the article How to set up conditional date formatting in Excel.

Translator's note: In some browsers, this iframe may not display correctly or may not be displayed at all.

Mashups in Excel Web App

If you want to create greater interaction between your Excel web sheets and other web apps or services, you can use the JavaScript API available on OneDrive to create interactive mashups of your data.

Below you can see a Destination Explorer mashup created by Excel command Web App as an example of what developers can create for your website or blog. This mashup uses the Excel Services JavaScript API and Bing Maps, and its task is to help site visitors choose a route for travel. You can select a location on the map, and the mashup will show you the weather in that location or the number of tourists visiting those locations. The screenshot below shows our location

Sharing in Microsoft Excel allows several users to work with one file at once. Ten to twenty people per different computers simultaneously enter some data into one document. Where certain information is located, certain formulas work.

The "main user" has the ability to track actions working group, add/remove participants, edit conflicting changes. How to setup working together in Excel.

Features of working with a shared file

Not all tasks can be performed in a shared Excel workbook.

It is forbidden:

  • Create Excel tables.
  • Create, edit or view scripts.
  • Delete sheets.
  • Merge or split cells.
  • Work with XML data (import, add, update, delete, etc.).

Exit: disable sharing - perform a prohibited task - enable access again.

Sharing also limits a number of tasks for participants:

Unacceptable Really
Insert or delete a group of cells Add a row or column
Add or change conditional formats Work with existing formats
Enable or change the Data Validation tool To Work with existing settings checks
Create or edit charts, summary reports Work with existing charts and pivot tables
Insert or edit pictures and graphics View existing pictures and graphics
Insert or change hyperlinks Follow the available hyperlinks
Assign, edit or delete passwords Existing passwords work
Put or remove protection for sheets and books Existing protection works
Group and structure data; insert sublevels Work with existing groups, structures and sublevels
Record, edit, or view macros Run existing macros that are not associated with unavailable tasks
Change or delete array formulas Use existing formulas
Add new information to the data form Search for information in data form

How to share an Excel file?

First, we decide which book we will “open” for editing by several participants at once. We create new file and fill it with information. Or open an existing one.

Attention! Cannot be used for saving shared file web server.

Open a shared workbook

All. You can edit information or enter new information. After work - save.

It happens that when you open an Excel workbook with shared access to a file, the message “File locked” appears. Can't save. When you open it again, it turns out that sharing is disabled. Possible reasons Problems:

  1. Several users edit the same part of a document. For example, they enter different data into one cell. A blockage occurs.
  2. While using a shared file, a log of changes is kept (who entered, when, what they did). The book is growing. It starts to glitch.
  3. They removed one of the users, but so far they have not told him about it. Then the blocking can only appear on his computer.

What can you do if file sharing is blocked:

  1. Clear or delete the change log.
  2. Clear file contents.
  3. Cancel and then reactivate sharing.
  4. Open xls workbook in OpenOffice. And save it again in xls.

It has been noticed that the entry “File locked” appears less frequently in latest versions Excel.

How to delete a user

Before deleting, verify that users have finished working with the file.

How to turn off sharing mode in Excel

To turn off sharing Excel file, on the “Review” tab, click “Access to the book” and uncheck the box next to “Allow multiple users to edit the file.”

There should be one user left on the list - you.