Format for reading in iBooks. What format are books for iPhone and how to download them to your phone? Other ways to download books to iPhone in the required formats

iBooks - this name already makes it clear what we will talk about today, and for those who have not yet understood, then it’s time to continue reading. For many iPad users, this is primarily a convenient device for reading a variety of books. No surprise - great reading program iBooks books

will give a hundred points ahead to all other tablet readers. And in terms of ease of use and comfort, the tablet, especially with a Retina screen, and even with an installed iBook, is quite comparable to E-ink devices. Sometimes it even becomes surprising how software developers even exist in the iOS ecosystem if there is such a program unsurpassed in its characteristics. Except that they can offer the opportunity to open more formats. And there are no equal iBooks. Why, we will figure it out now. The main window of this application is designed in the form of a stylish shelf on which books stand with their covers facing you. One screen fits 24 books , if you have more of them, then there is a scroll bar. You cannot sort or rearrange books, you can only delete them. Books in PDF format posted in a separate section. True, there is also alternate mode

in the form of a list, where sorting is already available, but usually no one uses it. In order to start reading a book, you just need to tap on it once. After this, the book will open from the beginning or from the place where you left off last time. You can read it in a bookstore or landscape orientation

. Moreover, the reading window is made in the form of an open book in which your text is displayed. How functional is iBooks? The only thing she doesn’t quite understand with this is the format. ePub or PDF . But in general, downloading or purchasing books in this format will not be difficult. And if you have large collection books in fb2

, then you can also convert them without problems; there are a lot of programs for such a procedure. The only thing she doesn’t quite understand with this is the format. At all – a very good format for e-books, as it allows for the most flexible navigation within the application and optimal text formatting. Properly made books have a table of contents, a lot of hyperlinks, footnotes and other joys of life, including a bunch of illustrations, including interactive ones. In American there are many interactive books for iBooks, which, unfortunately, Russian store not yet available. In our iBooks Store service there is access only to free books that have been open for a long time public access.

Their You can download books to your iPad via iTunes ePub downloading from the network from public libraries. If you give Safari browser command to download the book in correct format, He will automatically transfer it to iBooks and after it's all over, A new book will appear on your bookshelf.

The user can choose one of several fonts and adjust its size to make it more convenient to read. This application also has brightness adjustment, you can customize everything to suit your eyes.

The navigation is very carefully and elegantly done. Everything possible was done to make the book as easy to navigate as possible. From anywhere in the book you can quickly return to the table of contents and view your bookmarks. You can go to the desired place using the scroll bar; for many, this option is the most convenient. You just need to move your finger along the bar at the bottom of the page and thus sort through the chapters and pages. And iBooks turns pages very beautifully and confidently, smoothly and quickly works with any volume of text. You can turn pages by flipping through the tablet screen like a book or by tapping on the edges of the screen.

iBooks for iPad great program, the mass of advantages of which completely compensates for some of the paucity of formats available for use. Moreover, in reality, this relative scarcity causes almost no inconvenience - everything you need can be successfully found on the Internet for free or for money.

What formats does iBooks support?

As mentioned above, iBooks supports two formats such as:

Unfortunately, it does not accept other formats.

How to add a book to iBooks

There are several ways to download a book to IBooks:

  1. Download directly to your tablet. Open a browser, such as Safari, go to any site that distributes free books in PDF or ePub format, download the one you like, and the iBook application will automatically appear in the field.
  2. Through a computer, iTunes program (Tuna). Connect your tablet to your computer after enabling iTunes on it, then drag and drop files in the correct format onto your device, which should appear in Tuna. All.
  3. Via email. If you have connected mail to your tablet, then you can send books from your computer to your email. Next, you need to go to your mailbox through the tablet, find the letter with your books and open them one by one. Your tablet will automatically prompt you to add these books to iBooks. All.

How to download iBooks for iPad

In order to download the iBook program on iPad you need from your device, follow this link, then click on the button "Install" and in a few minutes the application icon will appear on your desktop. The size of the iBook is 43.1 MB. The application is free.

Requirements: Requires iOS 5.0 or later.

Every phone owner Apple iPhone Anyone interested in literature or who just sometimes likes to read sooner or later asks the question:

– Which book format for iPhone is most adapted for this model? After all, there are many electronic formats today.

Indeed, text book formats there are a lot, and there are also many applications for reading these same books on the iPhone. In order to understand native book formats, we need to decide on an application for reading books, because without special program The iPhone will not be able to open the book at all.

iBooks book formats for iPhone – ePub

Today we will consider such a program iBooks app. Why iBooks? Yes, because it was developed by specialists Apple. iBooks can be considered a semi-standard application, since the first versions of iBooks came bundled with operating system iOS.

Accordingly, the native book formats for iPhone are the book formats of the iBooks application. Therefore, install your iBook and choose the following formats for your iPhone:

  • ePub format
  • PDF format

In PDF format I mostly download various instructions, technical documentation and diagrams. For complete reading, choose books from ePub format.

In the iBooks application, only books in ePab format look like real ones, pages turn as if they were alive, covers are supported, there is navigation both by page and by content - all this is very convenient and nice. Therefore, to the question - What is the most suitable book format for iPhone?? I will answer with all confidence - The only thing she doesn’t quite understand with this is the format..

It is in the ePub format that all books that can be purchased in the iBookStore electronic store are created. A book in ePub format can be downloaded to an iPhone using a computer with iTunes program. If there is no computer nearby, but there is Internet access, then an ePub book can be downloaded to iBooks from any site using the iPhone itself.

Fb2 book format for Apple iPhone

Among mobile book formats, ePub has a competitor:

  • Fb2 format

To read books in the Fb2 format, iBooks will no longer work; for Fb2 you need to install other readers that support this format. We have already become acquainted with one of these programs earlier, the application is called -. The Aichtalka application works specifically with the Fb2 format and is very similar in appearance to iBooks.

Those who do not like the Fb2 format convert it to ePub using various converters made in the form of programs or on-line services. Other users keep several of the best or simply convenient e-readers for iPhone in their arsenal of applications and use them as needed.

The holiday season is in full swing. On the way to your vacation spot, a book will help you pass the time. It is better in electronic format so as not to weigh down your luggage.

Familiar books in a classic format along with good movie or an interlocutor, they are a great way to distract yourself during a long journey. The situation is completely different with books when you have to travel hundreds of kilometers. Each book in your luggage is an additional 400-600 grams, or even more, and the space in your suitcase is noticeably reduced. Some vacationers take e-readers with them, but most prefer devices that are always nearby. These are smartphones and tablets. The easiest way is to add the necessary books to iBooks and read whenever you want.


iBooks supports e-books in three formats. The most common and popular is PDF. With all the diversity digital formats It's easy to buy almost any book in PDF. Since this format is supported by the vast majority of devices, if the need arises, PDF can be converted into the one needed for a particular gadget. There are plenty of tools to implement your plans.

In second place is specialized format The only thing she doesn’t quite understand with this is the format., perceived Apple technology and iBooks in particular. liters offers a wide selection of books in the required format for iBooks. Even if you cannot find the book you are looking for in ePub, you will definitely be able to download FB2 or the above-mentioned PDF after purchasing the book. You still have to devote a few minutes to converting from one format to another, but this is not as perplexing as a couple of extra kilos of books in your suitcase. However, iBooks also opens PDF files without problems.

Third format, readable in standard Apple programibooks. It found application exclusively in books created through special application iBooks Author. Initially unique application Apple was conceived as a tool for creating electronic devices from scratch. teaching aids For educational institutions, but the ability to create regular books with interactive elements they also provided for it.


First version standard application Apple eBook reader was released on April 2, 2010 for the iPad. Six days later, the company announced plans to make the program universal and release an update adding iPhone support And iPod Touch. While reading, you can choose from three color schemes:

  • Standard mode ( White background pages with blue interface elements).
  • Sepia (imitation of aged book pages with a yellow tint).
  • Night mode (black background of pages with white interface elements).

For convenience, readers are encouraged to change the fonts and size of letters that are most suitable for comfortable reading on any device. The program is installed in a standard way from the App Store without the need for payment. Starting with iOS 9 Beta 1, the iBooks app becomes a must-have app iOS applications, which cannot be removed from the system. Adding books is carried out in a process familiar to all users Apple Sync target device with iTunes.


Choosing ePub eliminates the need to change the extension e-book, but it is not always possible to find books in the required format. Concerning standard documents with the .docx extension, then they can be converted into a format understandable for iBooks in a standard text editor Pages. In other cases, third-party solutions will have to be used.

To ePub

It often happens that you remember about minor things before leaving, literally at the exit from home. If you suddenly remember about books at the last moment, when you have time to download and install a special software will not remain, then the specialized site To ePub will help for A couple of minutes prepare a library for the trip. The conversion process is quite simple:

  • Select the required final extension (in our case, we need the Any to ePub tab).
  • Load the selected file into the handler.
  • Save the resulting file in ePub format.

After these simple manipulations, all that remains is to add the book to iTunes and synchronize your device with your computer, not forgetting to first select the necessary files.


This program will be useful to those reading enthusiasts who have seriously set out to collect a real electronic library. Caliber is free to download and has functionality that makes it worth paying $5-10 to develop your project. The program allows you not only to carry out the conversion, but also to register all the necessary metadata for each book - from the author to the rating - arrange navigation through the book and visually give it an appropriate appearance in the event that after downloading from the store or conversion some parts are missing. After all the necessary actions, right in the program window, the selected books will only need to be added to the device from which the literature will be read. OS X, Windows and Linux are supported.

Now you can easily take your favorite books with you on the road and at the same time lighten your luggage by a couple of kilograms.

website The holiday season is in full swing. On the way to your vacation spot, a book will help you pass the time. It is better in electronic format so as not to weigh down your luggage. Familiar books in a classic format, along with a good movie or conversation partner, are a great way to distract yourself during a long journey. The situation is completely different with books when you have to travel hundreds of kilometers. Every book in...


About iBooks

iBooks is great way reading and buying books. Download this free program from the App Store and buy a variety of books - from classics to bestsellers, using the built-in iBookstore. As soon as the book is downloaded, it will appear on your bookshelf.

Add ePub books and PDF files to your bookshelf with using iTunes. Just click a book or PDF document to start reading. iBooks remembers the last one open page, so you can easily continue reading where you left off. Wide range of screen settings makes reading books easier

Note: The iBooks app and iBookstore are not available in all languages ​​or regions.

An Internet connection and an Apple account are required to download the iBooks app and use the iBookstore. If you don't have an account Apple records or You want to make a purchase using a different Apple account, select Settings > Store. See "Shop" 46.

Sync books and PDF files

Use iTunes to sync books and PDF files between your iPhone and computer. When your iPhone is connected to your computer, you can select items to sync in the Books panel.

You can sync books downloaded for free or purchased from iBookstore. You can also add ePub books and non-DRM-protected PDF files to your iTunes library. Books are offered in ePub and PDF formats on a number of websites.

Synchronization ePub books or PDF file at1RIopeDownload the book or PDF file using a computer. In iTunes, choose File > Add to Library, and then select a file. Connect your iPhone to your computer, select a book or PDF file from the Books panel in iTunes, then sync your iPhone.

If your PDF file doesn't appear in the Books panel, you'll need to change its type in iTunes. Find this PDF file in your iTunes library, select it, then click File > Properties. In the Options section of the file information window, choose Book from the Media Type pop-up menu and click OK.

Using iBookstore

In the iBooks app, select Store to open the iBookstore. Here you can view books from various collections and bestsellers, search for books by author or topic. Once you select a book, you can purchase and download it.

Note: Some iBookstore features are not available in all regions.

Get more information.In the iBookstore, you can read a book's summary and reviews, write a review, and download an excerpt from the book before purchasing it.

Buying a book. Find the book you want, tap its price, and then tap Buy now. Sign in to your Apple account, then click OK. Some books are free to download.

Payment for the purchase will be debited from your account Apple. To make further purchases within the next fifteen minutes, you do not need to re-enter your password.

If you have already purchased a book and want to download it again, click "Purchases" in the iBookstore and find the book you want in the list. Then click "Redownload".

Purchased books will be synced to your iTunes library the next time iPhone sync with a computer. Thanks to this, it is created backup copy books, in case you delete them from your iPhone.

Reading books

Reading books on iPad is very convenient. Go to the bookshelf and click on the book you want to read. If you can't find the book you're looking for, tap another collection name at the top of the screen to move to other collections.

Turning the page.Click near the left or right margin of the page, or swipe left or right. You can change the direction pages turn when you tap the left margin of a page in Settings > iBooks.Tap in the center area of ​​the current page to show page controls. Drag the navigation slider at the bottom of the screen to the page you want and release your finger.Skip to content.Tap the screen near the center of the current page to show controls and tap an item to move to it, or tap Next to return to the current page.To set a bookmark, click the button in the form of a ribbon. You can add multiple bookmarks. To delete a bookmark, click it. You won't need to insert a bookmark when you close a book, because iBooks remembers where you left off reading and returns to it the next time you open the book.

Selecting text, undoing and editing selection.Touch any word and hold until it is selected. Adjust the size of the selected area using the grab points and click Select. To remove a selection, click the selected text, then click Remove Selection. To change the color of selected text, click it, then click Colors and choose a color from the menu.

Add, delete and edit notes.Touch any word and hold until it is selected. Adjust the size of the selection using grab points, then click Note. Enter your note text, then tap Done. To view a note, click its indicator, which will be displayed in the fields next to the text you marked. To delete a note, tap the highlighted text, then tap Delete Note. To change the color of a note, tap the highlighted text, then tap Colors and choose a color from the menu.

View all bookmarks, selected text, and notes.To view all the bookmarks, highlighted text, and notes you've added, tap the button, then tap Bookmarks. To view a note, tap its indicator.Enlarging the image.Double-tap the image.

Reading PDF files

Turning the page.Quickly move your finger left or right on the screen.

Enlarging the page.Use a pinch gesture to zoom in on the page, then scroll the page to view the part you want.Go to a specific page.Tap in the center area of ​​the current page to show page controls. Then, in the Page Navigator area at the bottom of the page, drag until the number appears desired page, or click a page thumbnail to go to that page.

Add or remove a bookmark.To set a bookmark, click the button in the form of a ribbon. You can add multiple bookmarks. To delete a bookmark, click it.

You won't need to insert a bookmark when you close a PDF document, because iBooks remembers where you left off and returns to it the next time you open it.

Skip to content.Tap the screen near the center of the current page to show controls and tap an item to move to it, or tap Next to return to the current page. If the author hasn't included a table of contents in the book, you can simply tap the page you want to jump to.

Changing the appearance of a book

To change the appearance of the book, click near the center of the page to display the controls.

Changing the typeface or font size.Click then select or from the list that appears to decrease or increase the font size. To change the font typeface, click “Fonts” and select the desired typeface from the list. Changing the typeface and font size also changes the formatting of the text.

Change brightness.Press and adjust brightness.Change page color and font.Click and turn on the Sepia option to change the page or font color. This setting applies to all workbooks.

You can also change the text alignment of paragraphs in iBooks by choosing Settings > iBooks.

Search books and PDF files

By searching for books by title or author, you can quickly find a book on your bookshelf. You can also search the contents of the book to find all occurrences of a word or phrase that interests you. You can also search Wikipedia and Google to find all related resources.

Search for a book. Go to the bookshelf. If necessary, select a different collection. Tap the status bar to scroll to the top of the screen, then tap the magnifying glass icon. Enter a book title word or author name, then click Search. Books matching the search results will be shown on the bookshelf.

Search in the book. With a workbook open, tap in the center area of ​​the current page to show its controls. Tap the magnifying glass, then enter search query and click "Search". Click a result in the list to go to that page in the book.

To search Google or Wikipedia, tap Search Google or Search

on Wikipedia." The results will be displayed in the Safari browser.

For quick search words in the book, tap that word and, while holding it, tap


Finding the definition of a word in a dictionary

Using a dictionary, you can find the definition of a word.

Finding the meaning of a word in a dictionary.Select a word in the book and click "Dictionary" in the menu that appears. Dictionaries may not be available in all languages.

Vocalization of the book text

If you have vision problems, help VoiceOver features you can read the book aloud. See VoiceOver 66.

Some books may not be compatible with VoiceOver.

Print PDF files and send them via e-mail

With iBooks, you can email a copy of a PDF file, or print all or part of it to a supported printer.

Send a PDF file by email.Open your PDF document, click and select "Submit Document." A new message will appear with a PDF file attached. Enter the recipient's address and message text, then click Send.

Print a PDF file. Open the PDF document, click and select Print. Select your printer, page range, and number of copies, then click Print. See the Printing section for details.

Only PDF files can be printed and emailed. These actions are not available for ePub books.

Bookshelf organization

The bookshelf provides convenient search books and PDF files. Objects can also be organized into collections.

Sorting a bookshelf.Go to the bookshelf and tap the status bar to scroll to the top of the screen, then tap to select a sorting method from the list below.

Changing the arrangement of objects on a bookshelf.Click a book or PDF file and drag it to a new location on your bookshelf.

Removing a book from a bookshelf.Go to the bookshelf and click Edit. Click each book or PDF file you want to delete so that checkboxes appear next to them, then click Delete. Once the removal is complete, click Finish. If you deleted a purchased book, you can re-download it using the "Purchases" tab in the iBookstore. If you synced your device with your computer, the book is also saved in your iTunes library.

Create, rename and delete a collection.Tap the name of the current collection, such as Books or PDF, to see a list of collections. Click "New" to add new collection. To delete a collection, click Edit, click and click Delete. You cannot edit or delete the built-in Books and PDF collections. To change the collection name, click it. When finished, click "Done".

Move a book or PDF file to a collection.Go to the bookshelf and click Edit. Click each book or PDF file you want to move so that checkboxes appear next to them, then click Move and select the collection. An element can only be in one collection. The first time you add a book or PDF document to your bookshelf, it is placed in the Books or PDF collections; respectively. You can then move these objects to another collection. For example, you can create collections of books for work and study, collections of reference and entertainment literature.

View the collection.Tap the name of the current collection at the top of the screen and select the one you want from the list that appears.

Sync bookmarks and notes

iBooks stores bookmarks, notes, and information about current page in your Apple account, keeping this information up to date so you can continue reading instantly on any device. IN PDF documents bookmarks and information about the current page are synchronized.

Enable or disable bookmark synchronization.Go to Settings > iBooks and turn Sync Bookmarks on or off.

You must be connected to the Internet to sync settings. iBooks syncs information for all your books when you open or exit the app. Individual workbooks are also synced when you open or close them.

iBooks is perhaps the most best ereader books for iPhone. In addition, it is free and developed by Apple, i.e. it is the most native for the iPhone. Books in iBooks can be downloaded from the AppStore: bought or taken for free. Or download necessary texts directly from your computer via iTunes. And now about this in more detail...

Downloading books from the AppStore

Unfortunately, only owners can buy books in the AppStore American account. If you don't have one and don't want to register additional account USA in the App Store, go straight to the tab Free where you can download free books. True, the vast majority of them are in English, but just another reason to practice the language :)

  1. So, launch the iBooks application, press the button " Store": the bookshelf turns over and we find ourselves in a bookstore. Books can be selected by categories and ratings.
  2. Go to the tab with the glasses icon: here the books are sorted by author and collected in two catalogs: paid and free. Choose an author, choose a book.
  3. Click the Free button, which turns into a green “Get book” (Download book). The application will immediately redirect you back to the bookshelf, where a freshly downloaded book will already be standing with a loading bar displayed.

What else is there on your iBooks bookshelf?

The button in the middle at the top allows you to switch between different shelves: by default there are two, for Epub books (iBooks simply calls them "books") and PDF files.

You can create your own shelves with any name. It is very convenient to move between shelves by simply flipping the screen; books can be dragged from shelf to shelf. If the view of the shelves does not seem compact enough to you, you can switch the mode, then the books will be displayed in a simple list.

Uploading your books to iBooks

To download books to iBooks from your computer, you need to use iTunes.

1. Launch iTunes, select the item in its menu File – add to Media Library, and select the book you want to download. Please note that it must be either in the format PDF, or The only thing she doesn’t quite understand with this is the format.– The iBooks app only supports these formats. Downloaded books appear in your iTunes library in the Books section.

2. Connect your iPhone via a cable or do not connect it in case of synchronization via wi-fi (for devices running iOS 5.0 and higher). Select your iPhone in the list of devices and go to the tab Books.
Here, by the way, the synchronization of both text and audio books is configured, but for now we are talking about the former. Check the box " Sync books”, and mark which ones - all, or manually selected, only in ePub format (iTunes simply calls them “books”) or PDF files too. Done: after synchronization, new books will appear on the iBooks shelves on your iPhone.

3. In iTunes, you can also edit some properties of books: again go to the Books tab of your library, select the desired book, click right key and select Information (on Mac computers You can press the key combination Cmd+i). Here you can change the title of the book, the author, and also upload the cover for the book.

Book converters for iBooks

It's a little inconvenient that iBooks only reads two formats: PDF and ePub. But almost any file can be converted to ePub format. text file. There are many for this free online services, for example,

Upload the file doc format, rtf, txt, html, etc., in the list of devices, select the one on which you are going to read, optionally indicate the title of the book and the author. Then you need to click the “Convert” button, wait very briefly and save the converted format ePub file on computer. Now you can put it on your iPhone.

Where to find books for iPhone

A huge archive of books in ePub format is located on the website, here you can find almost any work and download books for iPhone.

The iBooks reader is compatible with all devices with iOS 4.2 or later later versions, available in Russian.