How to save games to a memory card. How to install applications on an Android SD card: existing setup methods

On phones with small internal memory capacity, there is a lack of free space. It is expanded with a memory card onto which photos, videos, music and other data are transferred. But what to do if there is not enough memory for programs, but there is nothing left to delete? The most rational option is to install applications on an Android SD card.

This can be done using standard tools or using third-party software. We will look at simple methods that give almost 100% results.

What applications can be transferred to a memory card?

Unfortunately, not all programs can be transferred to MicroSD. Some developers do not optimize the software to work outside of system memory, so there is no way to make it work on a memory card. However, the vast majority of software works well on it. Therefore, even heavy applications can be transferred, freeing up space on the internal storage.

Note! The system allows you to transfer only downloaded programs. It will not be possible to change the directory of the built-in ones - they will not start.

Also remember that the speed of writing and reading from a memory card is much lower than from the built-in drive. For this reason, it is not recommended to transport games and other software for which performance is important.

Transferring apps using stock tools

It has become possible to install applications onto a memory card using built-in services, starting with Android version 2.2; for earlier builds you will have to tinker and transfer using a PC.

Please note that the instructions are not completely universal. In some firmware, the names and locations of the items may differ, but the essence set out in the instructions remains unchanged. We will demonstrate transposition using the example of the AOSP system (naked Android) and the Samsung shell. We will also look at the nuances for versions up to 6.0 Marshallow and later builds.

For AOSP (up to 6.0)

Following these instructions, transferring one program will take about a minute:

The shell will notify you when the application has been moved to the memory card.

For Samsung (up to 6.0)

Now we want to show the differences in the procedure using the example of Samsung firmware, but at the same time substantiate the thesis that the principle remains the same. So:

Here, installing applications on the card is a little longer, but the main thing is to go to the programs menu, select the one you need and interact with the storage options. The same principle will apply to other firmwares, it’s just that the first time you may have to spend a couple of minutes to figure it out.

For all firmware based on Android 6.0 and higher

In this version, Google has revised the principle of interaction between smartphones and a flash drive. Previously, it acted as a portable data storage, now, in addition, a new feature has been added - Adoptable Storage. It integrates a memory card with internal storage, which is beneficial because by default all data will be installed on it. However, it will no longer be possible to insert it into your computer and easily transfer files.

To activate the mode, you need:

Try to make a backup of the data installed on the MicroSD, as everything will be deleted. Android will reformat it to suit its needs, add information encryption to improve security, and change the file system type. Consider carefully what will be more convenient for you, but remember that in the future you will be able to change the method of working with the flash drive, and the documents on it will be lost again.

Moving all data to MicroSD

Porting individual programs is useful. But what to do if your smartphone has little RAM and internal memory of 4, 8 or 16 GB and needs to be freed up urgently? Android stock services will help with this too, because they provide tools for dumping all videos, pictures, music, software and even games onto a removable drive. To do this, take several steps, namely:

The method is simpler than the previous ones and is suitable if you want to radically free up space on your phone from programs that have been installed for a long time and take up a lot of space.

Transferring applications using third-party software

It happens that it is not possible to transport software using standard means, but there are many alternative options. We propose to disassemble the two simplest ones: one using a PC, and the second through special programs, but you will need root rights.

Note! Read about how to get root on Android in the topics about your device to avoid problems.

Using a computer

The solution is not the fastest, but it is simple and accessible to everyone, even if there is no root rights. So:

This can be done more easily through a device synchronization program, such as My Phone Explorer. First, it is installed on the phone from the Play Market, and then on the PC. The distribution should be downloaded from the developer's official website.

Now proceed to transpose the application to the Android memory card, for this you need:

This completes the procedure and the application is ready for use.

Using the app

A lot of transfer applications have been developed; we suggest using the multifunctional Titanium Backup utility. To do this you need to do the following:

If you want to put all the software on a flash drive, then after starting Titanium, follow these steps:

Now wait for the process to complete.

These were the most basic ways to install an application on an Android SD card, which will always work. If one of the methods does not help, we recommend using an alternative.

How to install programs for Android from a computer? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by newbies. We publish the most detailed instructions especially for them.

So, in order to install the program on a smartphone running Android, some preparation will be required. You can simply download and install an application or theme on Android devices only through the Android Market. In order to be able to install programs from a memory card on your smartphone, you need an additional application, for example, the ASTRO file manager. We will install it from the Market.

A detailed article has already been written about installing applications from the Market. But let’s repeat it again using a specific example of installing the ASTRO file manager, and only then use it to install the application from the memory card.

Step 1.

So, at the stage of installing the file manager, our smartphone must be connected to the Internet, since we will install this application from the Market. We look for the “Market” () shortcut and launch it.

Step 2.

After launching the Market, we see this picture. There is a search icon in the upper right corner.

Step 3.

We enter the name of the program we are interested in - .

Step 4.

In the list of results, we are interested in the top application - ASTRO File Manager. This is a free application, the freeness is compensated by the advertisements shown. For those interested there is a paid version.

Step 5.

Select ASTRO File Manager and confirm your choice in the next window. The application will begin to install.

Step 6.

The ASTRO file manager is installed, we accept the license and you can start managing files.

Step 7

Now you are ready to install applications from the memory card. As an example of an application that we will install, we will select the Bogr program, designed for reading the popular quote book in RuNet. You can download the program in the section downloads. Applications intended for installation on Android are usually files with the extension apk.

So, download the program on your computer, then transfer the file to the smartphone’s memory card. There are several ways to do this, the easiest way is to use a USB cable. After copying the file, disconnect the cable.

Step 8

Now we launch it on a smartphone ASTRO and select the file that we downloaded to the smartphone. Short press on the file.

Step 9

In the dialog that appears, select Open Application Manager – Open App Manager.

Lack of space on the internal storage of devices running Android has recently become a very pressing problem. The capabilities of operating memory are developing at a rapid pace, so most programs and games have begun to place significantly higher demands on free resources, as well as on the amount of device memory.

This is the reason for the demand for removable SD cards. However, it is not always possible to install applications from Android-based devices onto a memory card.

General installation information

The Android operating system does not provide automatic installation to a memory card. But it is possible to set your parameters in the settings. This process will not take much time and effort. It is simple and convenient. You can also install data on a memory card in other ways.

The process of loading applications onto a memory card

Before you begin solving the installation problem, it is worth considering downloading content to removable media. As for Android devices, installing applications on them is directly related to downloading distributions. As you know, they also have quite large volumes. Each version of the operating system of mobile devices supports downloading content to removable media. Even flashing the firmware does not affect the ability to complete this process. To specify the storage location for files, you need to enter the advanced settings via an Internet browser and specify the removable storage device there. You can do the same when creating photographs. In this case, you will need to apply application settings to configure it.

There is another option, which is distinguished by its simplicity. You will need to download the object using a computer, and then copy it to a memory card.

Methods for installing and relocating applications to removable media

To use installed or existing data from removable media, you need to follow simple steps. First, you will need to find out whether your device supports such capabilities. It happens that transferring and installing applications to a memory card is unavailable due to blocking by the manufacturer of the mobile device. In this situation, there are several ways to complete the installation. For example, install it in the traditional way on an internal drive, and then move it to the required location. This is the memory card. To install to an SD card, you can also use special programs.

Applying system settings

If it is necessary to install on internal media, first of all you should take into account some nuances. First you need to visit the “Settings” section and select “Applications”. After this, you need to go to the settings for applications. They provide a special line where it will be written: “Move to SD card.” A few minutes are enough to complete the transfer. However, this is only possible if the device and application support this feature. After completing a simple procedure, the “Move to phone” button is activated.

It is known that the Android operating system is capable of launching applications upon completion of their transfer exclusively from the memory card. However, some devices are not equipped with such a function. You may also need root rights and the use of “superuser” mode, which already creates problems.

The best utilities Currently, there are enough programs designed to install or transfer applications to a memory card. Most of them are offered to users free of charge. Some utilities are easy to use, while others are intended for professional use.

It is worth paying attention to the following programs:

AppMgr Pro;
My Phone Explorer.

The list of the most primitive programs includes AppMgr Pro. These packages analyze data automatically and then produce results presented in the form of a sorted list. It separately identifies applications for Android devices that are available for transfer to removable media. When the required data has been selected, you need to confirm your actions. Subsequently, they will be transferred to the memory card automatically.

A widely popular program is Link2SD. True, it takes time to deal with it. During the work process, you will have to split the card into sections from the computer in which portable or installed applications will be stored. The mobile device can also be connected to a laptop via a USB interface. To install applications on removable media, you must first install the program on both devices. After connecting and synchronizing, installation is possible directly from the utility window on your computer.

As mentioned above, today there are many programs that perform similar functions. I would especially like to mention Mobogenie, as well as My Phone Explorer. The latter supports not only devices running Android, but also other operating systems. Working with these utilities is quite easy. You just need to select the installation file and determine the installation location. It is worth recalling that this is possible if the program and device support such actions.

Forced installation of applications on removable media

If all of the above methods are quite problematic, you can use another option. It provides for the forced installation of applications on the memory card. The process is based on downloading the ADB RUN program onto your computer. If connected via a USB port, the smartphone must have appropriate debugging enabled. After the launch takes place, you must enter the following commands:

Su – should only be used if you have root rights;
pm getInstallLocation – specified “0” by default;
pm getInstallLocation – set to 1;
pm getInstallLocation – specified as 2;
pm getInstallLocation – set to 0.

Of course, there are a small number of these commands, but the method is still not very convenient. True, in some cases it has to be used, and it gives good results.

Possible performance problems After installing the application or transferring it, it needs to be launched and tested. But it happens that the first process is not carried out. In this case, all steps to install the application will have to be repeated. The problem may lie in both the program and the memory card.

The article discusses the main methods of installing and transferring applications to removable media. Each program has separate features. Different versions of Android devices are also equipped with individual characteristics. But in many cases one method helps. Each user will choose the most convenient one for themselves, based on personal requirements.

The Android platform, together with the Google Play service, provides enormous opportunities for millions of users around the world with its variety of applications, games in hundreds of categories and subcategories. Sometimes, we install so many applications “for the future” that the phone’s memory simply becomes clogged, and the smartphone begins to slow down. Sometimes there simply isn’t enough disk space for pictures and videos! What to do in this case?

But you can transfer most applications to an SD card, if you have one installed in your smartphone. And OS tools allow you to do this with a few clicks! How? That's what we'll tell you in this article!

By default, Android applications will be installed on your smartphone, because... The OS does not provide an option to install directly into internal memory (except for OS version 6.0 and higher and only if you make a flash drive as internal memory). But they can be transferred, and standard Android tools allow you to do this in a few clicks. But here it all depends on the version of your operating system. With each new version, new features appear, and earlier versions simply become outdated. We will describe methods for all the most current and common versions of the system.

So, to completely transfer your software, your smartphone must have an OS no lower than 2.2. These are devices that were released on the world market back in 2011-2012. But there are some important points here! On certain models, the ability to transfer may not be possible due to the specifics of the developer.

Transferring applications to Android 2.2

Let's say you have an old smartphone with version 2.2. How to be in this case?

Go to the settings of your Android, click "Applications". The system will display a list of all applications installed on your smartphone. We are only interested in those that are transferred to the card. They will be displayed in the phone's internal memory tab. Now click on each application, select the item "Move to SD card".

The time required for a complete transfer depends on the parameters of your phone, as well as the size of the application itself. Please note that some programs and games can be copied along with the cache, and this takes quite a long time.

Porting apps to Android 4.4 KitKat

The developers constantly delight us with innovations, and in version 4.4. They slightly improved their protection by changing the application transfer algorithm, and as a result, many users had problems and a lot of questions. These measures, as the developers themselves explained, were added to improve OS protection. However, what should you do if you run out of memory on your phone and urgently need to transfer something to removable storage?

This can be done in several ways:

  1. Standard transfer.
  2. Most applications with games, fortunately, have been adapted to the new security algorithm, and easily bypass this blocking, so you can try to transfer the program to removable media through the “Applications” menu. As a rule, 70% of programs and games are transferred without problems.

  3. Third party programs.
  4. To transfer applications, specialized utilities have been developed, with the help of which you can bypass protection and blocking in a few clicks, transferring any games and programs to an SD card. We will look at several of them in more detail below.

  5. Link to the brand.
  6. Some models and brands have their own system that allows you to transfer applications to removable media without any problems. For example, Sony brand smartphones have this option, so owners of these devices can take advantage of this opportunity and not bother with installing third-party utilities.

Installation procedure in Android 6.0

Did you know that in Android 6.0 and higher, installing applications on a memory card is possible directly to removable media? The developers have reconsidered the concept of working with apk. files, and added a special feature!

Now you can convert your SD storage to your phone's internal memory. That is, it will be defined as the second internal storage medium of the phone. Moreover, you will not be able to remove and use the flash drive on other devices! And at any time you can transfer applications from one sector to another, within the internal memory of the phone and the SD card, which will be defined as internal storage.

If you remove the flash drive, there is a high probability of losing all important data, since some of the information from programs with games may remain in the smartphone itself. And another important aspect: for correct operation, use only proven SD cards from well-known brands. This guarantees you stable and correct operation and safety of information.

So, how to connect SD and reformat it into internal memory?

  1. Insert the flash drive, after which you will see a “Wizard” on the screen, which will offer to configure the removable media as internal. You agree and confirm the operation.
  2. Next, a notification will appear stating that your flash drive will only work inside the smartphone. Again, confirm the operation.
  3. If there was any data on the SD card, it will be deleted the first time you use the card.

Now you can transfer all important applications to this card by going to “Settings”, selecting "Device memory". There, click on “Browse”, in the general menu find the “Change” tab, mark all the folders and files that you need to transfer. Selected? Select “Options” from the menu and transfer everything to the card. Ready! All other programs and games will now be installed on your card by default.

A method for different OS versions is to use special utilities

Today you can find a huge number of applications for transferring apk on Google Play. files to removable media. We will consider only the most relevant and functional from the entire list.


As you can see, there are a lot of ways, and it all depends on the version of your OS, model, manufacturer, software installed on the smartphone, as well as many other factors. But, in this article you will definitely find instructions to solve your problem!

Compared to many operating systems, Android provides the ability to work completely with a memory card and has an open file system. In cases where system memory becomes low, owners of Android devices are wondering about the possibility of installing programs on an external storage device.

Of course, this function is not always available; for example, developers may not open this option, and Android itself, due to its version, will not allow you to use it. But there are still some clever ways to install applications on an external drive.

The easiest way to install an application on an Android memory card

Android system management provides the ability to host applications on Micro SD starting only with version 2.2. At a certain stage of unpacking, the user can choose whether to install the package into the gadget’s system memory or place it on a memory card. To activate this function, you need to go to the “Memory” settings section and select the SD card installation location.

But sometimes applications are not installed on the external drive due to insufficient rights provided by the developer. Starting with Android 4.4, manufacturers have removed this option, since modern mobile devices already have enough memory. Therefore, not everyone will be able to use this method of arranging individual programs.

Other ways to install an application on an Android memory card

  • Applications can also be installed from other sources. Programs may already be configured for installation on an external drive or divided into several parts: cache and main. In the second case, it is best to transfer the cache to an external drive.
  • Another way is to transfer installed applications from main memory to Micro SD. To do this, in the settings you need to select the “Applications” item, find the program that you want to move to the flash drive and click on the “Move to SD card” button.
  • For versions of Android 4.4 and later, there is the KitKat Writable MicroSD application, which provides access to the external card and provides the ability to install programs on it, provided that you have Root access.

If you nevertheless decide to install applications on a memory card, then when selecting the latter you need to understand the following parameters.

  • A flash drive should be taken with a reserve of memory, because it fills up very quickly, and replacing it can damage the performance of the device. Therefore, it is better to buy a card with 2 times more memory than you initially plan to use.
  • Programs that prohibit the removal of the memory card can be removed from the mobile phone, and the flash drive must be located in the device at all times.
  • It is best to choose Class 16 accumulative cards. Flash drives of lower quality and price will not be able to provide a pleasant pastime with your favorite games, powerful programs and videos.