Open xlsx file. Excel file does not open - what is the reason

Many users who use old version office suite Microsoft, they ask the same question: how to open XLSX files. The fact is that XLSX files appeared with the advent of the office suite Microsoft Office 2007. This office suite began using XLSX files as the main file type for spreadsheets. As a result, users of all older versions of Microsoft Office were left without support for the new format.

If you are also interested in the question of how to open an XLSX file, then you have come to the right place. Now we will look at a number of the most popular programs, with which you can open such files without problems.

How to open XLSX: options from Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office 2007 (and newer versions) is, of course, the simplest and reliable way To solve the problem with XLSX files, install the Microsoft Office office suite. Any version of this office suite, starting from 2007, will suit you. But, the Microsoft Office package is paid solution and it costs a lot of money. That's why this option far from optimal.

Microsoft Office Excel Viewer (or Excel Viewer) is a small free program from Microsoft. the main task These programs open files in XLSX and XLS formats. WITH using Microsoft Office Excel Viewer you can view the file, print the file or . But, this program does not allow you to edit XLSX files. So if you need a full-fledged solution for working with XLSX files, then Microsoft Office Excel Viewer is not for you.

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack– an update package for older versions of Microsoft Office. After installation of this package old versions Microsoft Excel will be able to fully work with XLSX files.

Other programs for opening XLSX files is a free office suite with open source code. The office suite includes programs such as: Writer (text editor), Calc (spreadsheets, allows you to open XLSX files), Impress (presentations), Base (DBMS robot), Draw (vector graphics editor), Math (formula editor). There are also branches from this office suite. Such forks are built on the source code and are developed third party developers. The most famous office suites based on are LibreOffice and OxygenOffice Professional.

Universal Vieweruniversal program to view files. This program supports everything popular formats office documents, pictures, videos and music. WITH using Universal Viewer, you can open XLSX and view its contents.

In business life, we may encounter a situation when we need to quickly view an Excel file online, but the Office package is simply not installed on the nearest computer. Then we will need specialized online resources for opening xls and xlsx files, which can quickly and effectively help in solving our problem. In this material I will tell you how to open xls and xlsx online, I will describe the relevant resources and their functionality.

The following convenient online “viewers” ​​(from English viewer) allow you to perform all basic set necessary operations with Excel files in xls and xlsx formats, including viewing, editing and even transformation into other formats. Their most convenient feature is the ability to open Excel files on almost any computer with Internet access. Below I will describe some of them.

Convenient tool from Google, allowing you to easily open files of the format excel xls and xlsx on your PC.

Zoho Excel Viewer – how to open xlsx and xls

This online resource is a viewer for excel viewer files with advanced functionality, allowing you not only to view, but also to edit, save, share, and even convert files to required by the user format. You can either open files from your computer or use a link to required file online.

Edit Grid Viewer – convenient viewing of Excel files

Another service for viewing Excel documents online.

Go to the resource, click on “Open File” at the top and upload your file to the site via the “Browse” button, where you can view its contents.

This Edit Grid Viewer service has a number of interesting opportunities, For example, different people can work on the same Excel document. One of the limitations of this service It is possible to work only with files with the xls extension; the more “advanced” xlsx extension is not supported.


Another popular Docspal resource to familiarize yourself with xls files online. It does not support document editing or formatting, but can be very useful for quick view the required document in excel format. Document conversion is also supported.

On given time There are no problems in the operation of the resource, it works extremely stably.

ThinkFree Online

Practical English language resource to view files in excel format.

  1. To work with the service you need to go to the website.
  2. Click on the picture with a newspaper and a magnifying glass (Viewer), click on the “Browse” button at the top and click on the file you need from your hard drive.
  3. After that, click on the “View document” button on the right and wait for the processing process to complete.

The procedure itself only takes a few seconds; xlsx and xls files open easily, conveniently and quickly in the ThinkFree Online editor.

Browser add-on

You can also note the existing additions to popular browsers, allowing you to easily view xlsx documents online.

  • Among similar products I would note Google Docs Viewer for Mozilla (can be downloaded here).
  • And Excel Viewer for Chrome (you can download it here).

They allow you to conveniently and quickly view Excel documents. If desired, users can look for analogues of these programs for popular well-known browsers.


As you can see, services for viewing documents in Excel format there is a sufficient number. If necessary, the user can go to one of the above resources, download the xlsx (xls) file he needs and familiarize himself with the contents of the document. In addition to these services, there are also special programs, allowing you to view documents in Excel format without the help of MS Office, but I’ll talk about them another time.

In contact with

xlsx file is a spreadsheet document Excel programs 2007. Documents with this extension appeared with the release of the Microsoft Office 2007 office suite and replaced the old xls format.

Electronic Excel tables mainly used on workers office places accountants, analysts, marketers, directors different levels, unlike text documents Word editor, the use of which is common at home and, especially, by students in their studies. The transition to the new xls format brought with it many inconsistencies in the work of companies. Excel version 2003 could not open xlsx documents sent by business partners.

How to open xlsx

Microsoft was reluctant to distribute solutions to this problem, hoping to make more profit by switching users to new version Microsoft Office 2007. But still, there is a solution without any costs. If you have installed Office version 2003 or XP, then to open xlsx files in it, do the following:

After the xlsx, docx and pptx file converter is installed, you can open xlsx files in Excel 2003 and more earlier versions programs.

Alternative solutions

If you cannot download and install the converter, then all that remains is to ask the creator of the xlsx file to resave it in the old xls format and send it to you again. To save in xls format you need to do the following:

The file will be saved in the old xls format, which can be opened by all versions of Microsoft Excel. The operation of saving into a compatible Excel format is very simple, but during the work, users constantly forget to do this and “automatically” click on the floppy disk - the save icon. To get around this forgetfulness, you can configure Excel 2007 to save all of its workbooks in the Excel 2003 format by default.

  • Click on the round “Office” button and select “Excel Options” in the menu that opens.
  • In the window Excel settings On the left, switch to the “Save” item.
  • In the right part of the window, in the “Save books” area, set the “Save files to” option. following format" How " Excel workbook 97-2003". Then click "OK".

Video - Changing the default save format in Excel 2007

Published October 29, 2018

Article with a one line answer. A file with the extension .xlsx is Microsoft file Excel Open XML (XLSX), and this type of file is created in Microsoft Excel. Everything is very simple! But it's not educational. This article format is not at all suitable for my site, and readers, my audience, people who are interested, as a rule, read articles to the end. Therefore, o.XLSX, detailed in the article below.

If we go back a little to the history of software creation by Microsoft, you can find out that initially, everything that was created in applications Microsoft Office, only in them could it be opened/edited. And why? But because Microsoft was a monopolist, an evil “dictator” of the IT world. But fortunately time is running and everything changes. Today, you can open the XLSX format in other operating systems and other applications, not just Excel (Apple Numbers, Google Docs, Yandex Drive and OpenOffice), in order to edit your spreadsheets.

What is an XLSX file?

More precisely, files with XLSX extension, are files used in Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet application.

Tables created in Excel provide opportunities for organizing, analyzing and storing data. In Excel, each cell can contain text or numeric data, including the addition of mathematical formulas.

XLSX is a continuation of the XLS format. XLSX was first introduced by the company in Microsoft Office 2007.

XLSX is standard format when creating a spreadsheet, in modern versions Excel.

Why do you think Microsoft introduced the open format? Right! Due to increased competition from OpenOffice and open format(ODF). Format XLSX replaced the proprietary XLS format previously used in Excel.

How to open an XLSX file?

Because files XLSX have become standardized, you can open them in special applications on different platforms. Windows can't open this type files yourself, this requires a copy of Microsoft Office 2007 or higher (in versions below, XLSX does not open).

If you are concerned about the price of Microsoft products (and Microsoft products- for a resident of Russia, this is objectively expensive), you can safely use software open source software such as Apache OpenOffice or LibreOffice to open and edit files XLSX.

In the operating room Ubuntu system to open a file XLSX also used OpenOffice or LibreOffice, used on Apple OSX Apple app Numbers or OpenOffice (yes, OpenOffice is developed for all popular operating systems).

The Microsoft Office software package has become simply a great invention, as it greatly facilitates the creation of many documents, which allows you to deprive a person routine work, as well as optimize various processes as much as possible. The programs included in this package are actively used in various fields activities, for example, they are simply irreplaceable in studies, they are also very important in office work, since in this case you always have to work with a different array of data, be it text, graphic or digital data, it is always easiest to work with them using office programs.
The Microsoft Excel program that is included in this package is great program for creating and editing various spreadsheets, which in turn is actively used in statistics, accounting, and many other areas of activity. This program uses the format .xlsx. Let's look at what this format is and how it should be used.
The .xlsx file stores spreadsheets that were created in Microsoft program Excel 2007 or later later versions, this type of format replaced the xls format, which was used in Microsoft versions Excel 2003 and earlier, since since 2007 Microsoft Office supports working with xml files. This file contains columns and columns that are organized into cells, they can contain mathematical formulas, simple text and images. This structure is very flexible and allows you to work very conveniently with various data.

This format, as you might guess, opens perfectly in Microsoft Excel 2007, but if you have Microsoft Excel 2003 installed, you may have problems opening of this file, in this case, you should download a converter that is freely distributed by Microsoft, and allows you to open files created in Office 2007 and later in Office 2003. Another solution may be to use an electronics viewer program. Microsoft tables Office Excel Viewer, or use OpenOffice.

How to open XLSX

Now let's get down to business. How, in fact, and with what program do you open documents in XLSX format? As already described at the beginning of the article, the most common programs for opening XLSX files are Microsoft Office, LibreOffice and OpenOffice. They are applications for creating and working with these document formats. If the file does not open in this format perhaps you have Windows computer 7 none of the above programs are installed. In this case, you will see a message like this.

In it you will be asked to download a program to open this type of document, install it and then open the XLSX format for subsequent work with it. When you click on the “Find on the Internet” link, the system will select several links with sites containing suitable software. After going through them, you can download licensed software to your computer from the official website of a particular program.

XLSX file viewer - Microsoft Office

The most common program for viewing files from various extensions- This is Microsoft Office. Since 2016, it has already been provided to users as cloud service with a subscription, in which the user is given access to all programs included in the package, including the ability to open an XLSX file in Excel on cloud storage online for later editing or viewing files.

After downloading and Microsoft installations Office on a computer in Windows 10, in order to open an XLSX file in Excel, we find installed package along the way:

  • Start/All Apps/Microsoft Office.

The list contains all programs in this package, presented as independent applications.

  • Select Excel, click the File/Open button in it - open the desired document.

In Windows 7, the reader opens in the same way - Start / All Programs - find the Office package in the list, Excel in it, open it double click mouse and then work with the document.

LibreOffice for working with text and graphic documents

Open file in XLSX format may with using LibreOffice. This suite of desktop applications contains commonly used editors similar to Microsoft Office, but unlike the famous suite, LibreOffice is free to download and is available for both commercial and personal use.

  • In the program, click the “Open File” button.
  • In the window that opens, select required file on your computer with the XLSX extension, and again the “Open” button.

After which you can work with the document at your discretion.

You can also download a program to open XLSX files OpenOffice. More precisely, this is not a program, but a set of programs, like the previous package. It contains several applications for working with various types documents, including those with XLSX file format.