Basic forms of information support. North-West Society of Appraisers. Russian Association of Marketing Services


The reform of the control and evaluation system in domestic education in recent years has created conditions for independent assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren, openness of learning results and the possibility of comparing educational achievements in different samples of examinees, comparing them with statistical norms, as well as for the creation and development of qualimetric monitoring quality of education. Almost the entire population of the country is, to one degree or another, affected by the issues of certification of graduates. And since learning affects everyone sooner or later, the accumulated educational information should be available to all users. Recently, the formation of a unified information system of flows educational statistics The Unified State Exam (USE) has significantly expanded the number of users of the final certification results. In this sense, the Unified State Exam is a striking example of the informatization of control and assessment activities throughout the country.

In connection with the development of the system of independent testing of schoolchildren and graduates, comparable educational statistics of the same property are being accumulated, and the issues of its effective use. In relation to the educational process, users can be divided into several groups: students, parents, teachers, administrations of educational institutions, educational authorities and other organizations (universities, colleges, enterprises that want to influence the learning process in order to further attract graduates to their structure). At the same time, each category of users requires its own information in a compact, visual and easy-to-read form, especially cumulative for dynamic monitoring of students or educational systems. Centrally generated formats for presenting the results of the Unified State Exam and other forms of testing have large volumes of data and require, for correct pedagogical analysis of educational achievements, certain skills and special knowledge that not all users possess, and many should not possess them, since each user is interested in a very specific information. Graduates are primarily interested in an individual test score and their own rating in a given subject, competitive scores for universities and colleges. The key link in the educational system is the teacher, for whom it is important to know the structure, content and difficulty levels of test measurement materials, test scores of their graduates in a given subject, average test scores by class, school, territory, region and country. For a meaningful analysis, he also needs information on the percentage of completion of tasks according to the test structure by different groups of schoolchildren and the possibility of comparing them with data from the general sample. The administration of general education institutions and employees of educational authorities need integrated information on educational institutions, individual territories, the region and the country as a whole. As for parents, some are interested in the educational achievements of their children, while others, whose children are still studying in the early stages, are interested in the rating of the educational institution, passing grades of universities and colleges. Recently, this category has become an increasingly active user of educational information and a factor influencing the use of independent forms of student assessment in schools. Universities and colleges are interested in the content of control measurement materials, the level of difficulty of tasks and assessment criteria.

Since in the future it is expected that independent forms of certification of schoolchildren will shift to earlier stages of education, the issues of developing and creating accumulative systems and banks of educational statistics, creating selection programs and presenting information at the request of various categories of users require resolution. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to develop recommendations for building a unified automated information system to support users of educational statistics. The software package of such an information monitoring system, in our opinion, should be built on the basis of at least four principles: accessibility, multi-levelness, specificity and visibility.

1. Accessibility is ensured by the technology of obtaining information through the global Internet. In the context of the formation of a popular trend in the West and discussed here, obtaining dynamic assessments of external control ( different kinds mass testing, Olympiads, Unified State Examination, etc.) can ensure user confidence in its content. The portfolio structure is still being developed. Accumulating information about quantitative and qualitative assessments of educational achievements, the degree of personal development of students, existing certificates and prizes in competitions over a certain period of time can form the basis of a portfolio and be useful when enrolling in universities and hiring.

2. At its core, any monitoring has a multi-level nature, especially in a system of mass testing, in which it ensures the accumulation of data according to the following scheme: student, class, educational institution, territory, region, general sample. Therefore, the information system of qualimetric monitoring, based on the accumulation and analysis of data from pedagogical measurements, should provide the ability to compare them both vertically and horizontally in the same type of series, the same functionality at each level of information generalization.

3. Specificity should be ensured by an interface targeted at this category of users. A system that is not user-focused will either provide too much information or not enough information. Each user plays a role in relation to the learning process and, therefore, needs access to certain data to help achieve the goal. Some of the data may be intended only for viewing by a narrow circle of people who have a special password and login, or personal data. Therefore, a user authorization (identification) mechanism is required. For example, information about a student is personal in nature and should be available only to the student himself or to persons authorized by him. User authorization can occur on the basis of personal data at the request of schools, universities, colleges, etc. For all other types of statistical information, after the user selects a certain menu item, the interaction module generates a request to the database server, and the user can view the results obtained in the form ready-made tables, graphs or diagrams.

4. The clarity of presentation of information in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams allows you to quickly navigate it. The user should be able to choose a convenient form for presenting information and saving it (text document, spreadsheet, hypertext document, etc.).

The information support system for users of educational statistics (Fig.) consists of two subsystems:

1. The storage part of the software package, which is distributed database data.

2. Module for interaction of the monitoring and analysis system of educational statistics with users. It is located on a Web server on the Internet.

Information exchange between the systems for obtaining primary information and the user support system should be ensured using a data replication mechanism in two modes.

1. Online mode. Information systems are connected by digital data transmission channels (directly or via the Internet).

2. Offline mode. Information systems operate autonomously from each other, and for exchange between databases, a mechanism for exporting/importing data through external magnetic media is used.

In a similar way, information exchange can occur between systems of adjacent levels. Since the volume of the database, starting from regional level, will increase rapidly every year (since the information system integrates data from all institutions in its region), then it can be used as a database management system (DBMS). client-server technologies(for example, Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server).

Software" href="/text/category/programmnoe_obespechenie/" rel="bookmark">Software for building such a system to support users of educational statistics can be divided into 4 groups:

1. Systems for storing information obtained from various sources:

– ACS of educational institutions (schools, universities);

– Results of testing and olympiads;

– Results of the unified state exam and other types of testing;

– Results of certification of educational institutions, etc.

Monitoring systems:

– individual student indicators;

– integrated statistical indicators for educational institutions and individual samples of students;

– correctness of the control and assessment activities carried out;

– the influence of various factors on the learning process and quality indicators in education.

Control and optimization systems:

– quality of test parameters and test tasks;

– test generation;

distance learning;

– educational control (self-control).

4. Utilities, responsible for maintaining databases and organizing exchanges between them.

To create such an integrated information technology system, a number of conditions must be met:

§ the formation of a system of standardized mass control and evaluation procedures not only for final certification, but also at intermediate stages of training;

§ establishment of objective qualimetric indicators and criteria for the quality of the educational process and educational systems;

§ material, technical and information technology equipment for distributed points for automated processing of test results;

§ development of valid pedagogical measurement tools and reliable control and evaluation procedures that ensure the confidentiality of pedagogical measurement materials at all stages of the control and evaluation process;

§ creation of conditions for openness of educational information about the quality of education provided: a bank of valid educational statistics, circulation of information flows and access to them by various categories of users.

Information support in the press includes a variety of advertising materials published in periodicals. They can be divided into two main groups: advertisements and publications of a review and advertising nature, which include various articles, reports, reviews, sometimes carrying direct and sometimes indirect advertising.

An advertisement is a paid advertising message placed in periodicals. In the classic version, the ad begins with a large advertising headline-slogan, which in a concise form reflects the essence and advantage of the advertiser’s commercial offer. The main text part of the advertisement, typed in a smaller font, sets out in detail, but tersely, the essence of the advertising message, highlights the useful properties of the product and its advantages for the consumer. At the end of the advertisement is the address (if necessary, telephone, fax or other details) at which the consumer should contact.

It should be noted that recently, more and more often, when an advertisement is published, a return cut-off coupon or order form is printed along with it.

Articles and other publications of a review and advertising nature are, as a rule, editorial material (in foreign practice, the priority right to publish it is given to clients who constantly publish paid advertisements), written in the form of a review of the activities of an enterprise or in the form of an interview with its managers, business partners and consumers. It is highly desirable that such materials be well illustrated - a large text part without illustrations is not perceived very effectively. It is also advisable to widely use corporate symbols in the artistic design of such articles.

Depending on the topic, all periodicals of the press can be classified into socio-political and specialized (various industry publications, press by interest). Social and political publications publish mainly advertisements about goods and services aimed at the general public.

It is more advisable to publish advertisements about goods and industrial products intended to be read by specialists in certain branches of industry, science and technology in the relevant specialized publications.

Due to its efficiency, repeatability and wide distribution, information support in the press is one of the most effective means of information support.

In a number of foreign countries, the cost of advertising constitutes a significant portion of all funds spent on advertising. This type of information support is steadily gaining momentum in our country. Every year the number of socio-political and specialized publications accepting orders for the publication of advertisements increases.

In order for information support in the press to reach the desired group of potential buyers, it is necessary to select the most suitable publications. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to compile a list of newspapers, magazines and various types of supplements to them, including information about circulation. From the entire variety of printed publications, you should select those publications that can be used to provide information support for the products (services, etc.) offered. After reading several of the most important materials in two or three latest issues any publication, as a rule, you can form an opinion about whether they are of interest to potential buyers of the product you are advertising.

It is important to study the readership of a printed publication, especially when it comes to publications for trade, industry and professional circles. For example, general medical journals may reach tens of thousands of physicians, while a periodical devoted to a highly specialized branch of medicine may be read by fewer than a thousand people. But these may be the very people you want to reach with advertising.

A significant role when choosing a publication to publish information support is played by its frequency. The daily newspaper is thrown away within 24 hours. It is not uncommon for a local weekly newspaper or weekly magazine to be consulted several times and kept for seven days. Monthly magazines have an even longer life and can be kept in collections for many years.

Daily newspapers are less likely to be read by multiple family members than weekly newspapers, although evening newspapers are frequently and regularly consulted for information on television programmes.

Weekly and monthly magazines are sometimes passed on to friends after being read by family members.

On the other hand, daily newspapers provide the opportunity to publish an advertisement on a specific day and repeat the appeal several times during the week. In addition, they can give an advertisement an air of eventfulness and relevance, and the fact that they are quickly discarded encourages readers to take immediate action.

Therefore, the frequency of publication is an important factor that must be taken into account when planning an advertising campaign. It is clear that daily and weekly publications can be used to create an immediate impact and create an atmosphere of relevance. But monthly publications, in addition to their original value, can also play the role of long-term reminders.

The benefits of using non-periodic publications, published approximately once a year, and yearbooks cannot be considered indisputable. It may be best to make it a point to only buy space from those that you know are regularly used as references. But even in these cases, you should ensure that the ad is printed in the most interesting place next to suitable editorial material.

Printed information support is one of the main means of information support, designed exclusively for visual perception.

Catalog - a bound or bound printed publication containing a systematic list of a large number of products; compiled in a certain order; illustrated with photographs of goods; in the text part, as a rule, at the beginning, there is a short introductory article about the manufacturer, followed by detailed descriptions of the offered products with technical characteristics. The multi-color volumetric edition is designed for long-term use.

A prospectus is a bound or bound printed publication informing about a specific product or group of products. Contains a detailed description of the products offered and is well illustrated. Unlike a catalog, it is smaller in volume and can have a pronounced anniversary or prestigious character (describe in detail the historical path of the enterprise, its significance in the industry, etc.).

A booklet is, unlike a catalog and prospectus, a publication that is not bound, but folded multiple times (in other words, folded into an “accordion”). It can have a wide variety of sizes, volumes and folding options, but when unfolded its size cannot exceed the size of a standard printing sheet. It is an inexpensive and economical publication, produced in large quantities and designed for short-term use.

A poster is a large-format, unfolded publication, in most cases with single-sided printing. A large hand-drawn or photo illustration (sometimes a combined plot) is accompanied by a large advertising headline-slogan, which figuratively and in a concise form displays the main feature of the advertised product or service. To increase functionality, a calendar grid is often introduced into the poster; sometimes it is tear-off on perforation.

A leaflet is a small-format, unfolded or single-fold publication, produced, due to its efficiency, in large quantities. It usually contains one or two illustrations of advertised products with detailed technical descriptions and characteristics.

In branded wall and desk calendars, business diaries, six-day calendars and notebooks, special advertising pages are reserved for posting information about the goods or services offered. The corporate symbols of the customer organization are widely used in the design of covers and calendar pages of these publications.

Pocket report cards can be illustrated with subjects of a nomenclature nature with an advertising title (similar to posters). The customer’s branding must be present on the reverse side along with the calendar grid.

Posters are used for the design of exhibition stands, sales and showrooms, office interiors, reception areas, meeting rooms, hung on special advertising stands or billboards, etc.

Printed promotional materials are widely used during business meetings and commercial negotiations, and are distributed at various fairs and exhibitions. Advertising and gift publications are distributed both during personal business contacts and by mail with greeting cards and business cards enclosed.

Printed information support is a kind of showcase by which potential buyers judge the company and the products it offers.

Audiovisual information support includes promotional films, videos and slide films.

It should be noted that currently in the practice of information support there is a clear trend towards an increase in the release of videos instead of films. This is due to such advantages of video information support as more efficient and economical production, replication, the ability to use a wide range of expressive electronic special effects, ease of transportation of finished videos, and ease of demonstration using household video recorders. However, for demonstration to a large audience, on big screen best quality advertising films have images and perceptual effectiveness.

Radio and television information support are perhaps the most widespread means of information support in terms of consumer coverage. Despite the rather short period of their existence, they compete with other means of information support, constantly developing and improving.

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a special place in the arsenal of information support tools, as they provide very wide opportunities for demonstrating advertised products to establish direct contacts with customers. Exhibition events are especially effective in combination with a set of accompanying advertising events ( advertising campaign in the press, holding presentations, press conferences, round tables, meetings with specialists, etc.). The high efficiency of this means of information support is confirmed by the fact that many thousands of large exhibition events are held around the world every year, requiring significant costs.

Wholesale fairs - events at which representatives of the wholesale trade enter into contracts for the supply of products or goods from manufacturing enterprises and associations, until recently were often ostentatious and very conditional in nature.

Wholesale fairs are held after industrial enterprises receive tasks for the production of a particular product. At company fairs wholesale trade coordinate with procurement suppliers the range of goods, models, styles, colors, sizes.

Commodity experts at wholesale warehouses organize wholesale consumer goods, together with retail trade study demand, hold sales exhibitions, wholesale sales fairs, and organize advertising events.

Specialized exhibitions of the advertiser are organized and financed by the customer organization. They can be stationary and mobile. In the practice of information support of Russian organizations on domestic market The organization of sales exhibitions has received special development, at which products are sold simultaneously through advertising and demonstration.

Despite the significant costs associated with organizing specialized exhibitions, the effectiveness of these events is usually quite high.

If the exhibition is visited by the general public, the manufacturer has a unique chance to communicate directly with big amount end customers, ask their opinion.

Exhibitions bring firms into close contact with their markets. Often, new products or new enterprises are presented at exhibitions. The relevant magazines usually publish preliminary and review articles about exhibitions, and the work of truly large national shows with displays of cars, boats, boats and others similar goods widely covered by the press, television, and radio.

Thus, the means mass media(newspapers, radio, television) are widely used by wholesale trade workers to influence industry and consumers. Using these means, public attention is drawn to suppliers who produce low-quality goods that are not in demand among buyers.

So, the success of any enterprise depends on the information support of its activities and the effective management of the information itself. An important role in optimizing the management of enterprise information resources belongs to automated enterprise management systems.

Automation and creation of information systems are on this moment one of the most resource-intensive areas of activity of the technogenic society. One of the reasons active development This area is that automation serves as the basis for a fundamental change in management processes that play an important role in human activity and society. Control systems arise, the action of which is aimed at maintaining or improving the operation of an object using a control device (a set of means for collecting, processing, transmitting information and generating control signals or commands). There are many types of information systems: data processing systems, management information systems, marketing systems, accounting systems and others, used in various organizations. Important functions among them are performed by management information systems.

A system is understood as any object that is simultaneously considered both as a single whole and as a collection of heterogeneous elements united in the interests of achieving set goals. The systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in their main goals.

In computer science, the concept of “system” is widespread and has many semantic meanings. Most often it is used in relation to a set of technical tools and programs. The hardware of a computer can be called a system. A system can also be considered a set of programs for solving specific application problems, supplemented by procedures for maintaining documentation and managing calculations.

Adding the word “information” to the concept of “system” reflects the purpose of its creation and operation. Information systems provide collection, storage, processing, retrieval, and issuance of information necessary in the decision-making process of problems from any area. They help analyze problems and create new products.

Information systems (IS) are any systems that provide people with data or information about the operations performed in an organization. IP is used in the activities of employees, owners, clients and other key persons in the organizational environment. Support for these individuals is provided either through efficient processing data to assist in the performance of work related to transactions (a transaction is a recorded transaction of a business), or the effective provision of information to officials.

The modern understanding of an information system assumes the use of a personal computer as the main technical means of information processing. In large organizations, along with personal computer The technical base of the information system may include a supercomputer. In addition, the technical implementation of an information system in itself will not mean anything if the role of the person for whom the information produced is intended and without whom it is impossible to receive and present it is not taken into account, therefore

An automated information system is an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used for storing, processing and issuing information in the interests of achieving a set goal (AIS).

Thus, information systems are systems based on constantly evolving concepts of information use.

The structure of the AIS is made up of a collection of its individual parts, called subsystems (Fig. 1.1).

The AS consists of two subsystems: functional and supporting. The functional part of the AS includes a number of subsystems covering the solution specific tasks planning, control, accounting, analysis and regulation of the activities of managed objects. During the analytical survey, various subsystems can be identified, the set of which depends on the type of enterprise, its specifics, level of management and other factors. For the normal operation of the functional part of the AS, it includes subsystems of the supporting part of the AS (the so-called supporting subsystems).

Rice. 1.1.

The general structure of an information system can be considered as a set of subsystems, regardless of the scope of application. In this case, they talk about a structural feature of classification, and the subsystems are called supporting ones. Thus, the structure of any information system can be represented by a set of supporting subsystems. Among the supporting subsystems, information, technical, mathematical, software, organizational and legal support are usually distinguished.

Information support (IS) is a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, diagrams of information flows circulating in an organization, as well as a methodology for constructing databases. The purpose of the information support subsystem is the timely generation and delivery of reliable information for making management decisions.

Technical support(TO) - a set of technical means intended for the operation of an information system, as well as the corresponding documentation for these means and technological processes.

The Internet is of great interest as a technological means of information support. Internet - by definition - a metanetwork (a set of interconnected networks) with a standardized single protocol intra- and intersystem exchange. From the users' point of view, it represents a number of information sources (hosts), each of which has its own unique address. Thanks to the new protocol for storing/viewing information, it was possible to solve the problem of organizing user access to information in real time (request-response). Information may be disseminated in one of the following ways:

Electronic mail is a channel for targeted dissemination of information outside of real time (without synchronization of the sender and recipient). Most old method intranetwork exchange, works even on very poor and very low-speed communication channels. Today it is one of the main methods of disseminating information in interest groups, as well as important channels for interpersonal exchange of information, as well as a channel for receiving a response upon request.

FTP is a means of transferring files, regardless of their structure and content. Search and transfer of files is carried out in real time. There is no possibility of even partial viewing of files before transfer. The file (usually in archive format) is sent as is and (upon receipt) viewed on the recipient's machine without communication with the transmitting host. One of the main channels for the free distribution of information and software. Operable even on medium-speed channels with a high level of interference.

WWW (World Wide Web) is a collection of data sets linked by hyperlinks. Access to information, search and view - in real time. Operable on medium, high-speed channels with high quality. The work is carried out using a standardized universal client program. This decision allows you to combine into a single whole suppliers that are widely and geographically and organizationally dispersed. However, due to its universality, the possibilities for interaction are limited and not suitable in all cases.

The use of special client programs to access highly specialized sources of information is a channel for accessing special, usually paid, information.

It is technically possible to access any information via the Internet, but technological Internet features, as a channel for accessing information, make it most preferable to use the Internet as a means of occasionally obtaining small amounts of operational (quickly aging) information. In this case, use alternative sources(CD-Rom, press, books) is not economically feasible. If you need to receive large (more than 1 MB) volumes of slowly aging information (encyclopedias, museum collections, electronic versions of books), use the Internet when current state communication channels is inappropriate. The most economically feasible channel for distributing such information is CD-Rom. In many cases, combined strategies for accessing large amounts of information are appropriate: a basic version of information is purchased on CD-Rom along with a specialized shell for manipulating this information; the base array is replaced at regular intervals; Access to small volumes operational changes are made via the Internet.

Today, the Internet is the technologically most advanced channel for access to information, however, the sharp increase in the number of Internet users, the decline in their level of qualifications, the increase in the volume and range of information received (especially multimedia), have created a critical situation with communication channels. Available channels, incl. channels from state reserves are overloaded beyond all permissible limits, and the state of the last mile channels connecting the Internet user with the provider (usually via dial-up telephone lines public use) in Russia is worse than catastrophic. Despite the high relative profitability telematic services, the low quality of communication channels prevents a wide range of potential clients from using these services, thereby reducing gross profit. As a result, the volume of own investment funds necessary to modernize communication channels is insufficient.

The main information resources on the Internet are:

Search engines;


Full-text and bibliographic databases (only for RNL readers);

Publishing houses;


Patents and trademarks;

Standards and technical reports;

Dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books;

Collections of electronic texts;

Databases available on-line;

Legal Resources;

Official periodicals;

Medical Resources;

Reference sources on pedagogy;

Local history resources on library websites;

WWW Resource Register.

Keyword search systems include: Scirus (scientific information retrieval system), Google, Alta Vista, Rambler, (Infoseek), Yandex, Lycos, Aport, HotBot, All the Web, All the Time.

List search directories At the same time, it is represented by: Yahoo!, @Rus (formerly Au!), Britannica, (together with Yandex), Search4info, Weblist, Librarian's Index to the Internet, Ivan Susanin,, Snail.

Metasearch systems are presented: WebCrawler, MetaCrawler, Ask Jeeves.

In the electronic communications market we can distinguish various systems modern means communications and human communication: data networks, e-mail, teleconferences, electronic bulletin boards and newsletters, networks and systems for remote interactive access to databases, etc.

Thus, the current stage of development of the economy and society as a whole is characterized by the increasing role of the principle of information transparency of commercial relations, which influences the intensive development of the information sphere, which is a set of information infrastructure and entities involved in the formation, distribution and use of information. In order to ensure the functioning of an integrated system of commodity flows, it is important to create an information system that allows enterprises and organizations to timely solve a whole range of problems, including strategic and operational marketing, solving issues of end-to-end optimization and logistics. The infrastructure of the information system includes the media, special reference publications, PR agencies and, as the most promising in terms of volume, timing, efficiency of the information provided, electronic portals different directions by type of goods and services. The information system includes:

Information support (information model and information technology);

The composition of the processed information, organically connected with hardware and software, which makes it possible to transform numerous types, sources, information flows into a system of relevant and user-accessible indicators for the preparation, adoption and implementation of operational and strategic decisions. The widespread introduction of new modern information technologies on the territory of Russia should significantly increase the efficiency of economic activity both at the level corporate governance, and at the level of market interactions, reducing transaction costs and opening new information capabilities. In this regard, it is necessary to take the following measures: ensuring the comprehensive nature of regional targeted informatization programs through the formation of an effective system for their planning, including provisions regarding the development and support of special software and user training;

Inventory of regional information resources and the development of technological solutions that allow them to be formed as a single system, available in real time for various levels of the management hierarchy, for commercial enterprises and organizations and individuals;

Introduction of e-commerce technologies into the public procurement system;

Development of a system of public access to the Internet through the use of the infrastructure of budgetary and municipal organizations: educational institutions, libraries, as well as federal postal service enterprises;

Development of publicly accessible reference and educational portals, electronic libraries. The quality of strategic and operational decisions made as a result of processing the information flow can be affected by deviations in such parameters as the completeness and reliability of information, its reliability, efficiency, ability to transform and transmit, etc. In this regard, there is an objective need to transform traditional information support into relatively autonomous logistics information systems, covering all links of actually circulating commodity flows. When organizing arrays of information, unified documentation systems and classifiers will be used, with the help of which structured arrays of data used in organizing databases will be created. To create a full-fledged information system it is necessary to: identify sources and consumers of information;

Determine the composition, form and frequency of updating the disclosed information, including: prices and volumes of goods in trading systems and over-the-counter turnover;

Establishing the procedure for drawing up, processing, registering, agreeing and approving documents;

Develop an effective system for collecting and disseminating information;

Ensure the implementation of information technology processes (encoding operations, circulation through information dissemination media, decryption upon receipt) and provision of the necessary software product and technical means of sending, transmitting and receiving;

Ensure 24/7 user access to disseminated information;

Create a network of specialized centers for collecting and disclosing information;

Determine the principles of a clear distinction between information that is a trade secret and that is not;

Create a generally accepted system of indicators of the financial condition and integrity of the activities of participants in the integrated system of commodity flows;

Determine the responsibility of participants in the integrated system for failure to provide information subject to disclosure and for providing false information. The most significant for the construction information network today are Internet technologies. The current level of economic development involves not only business processes taking place on the Internet, but also individual economic processes in sectors of the traditional (material and material) economy, in the implementation of which “high technologies” are used, including electronic information exchange technologies or WEB technologies .

Source: guide “How to start your own business in St. Petersburg”, www. fbd. spb. ru

Information support for business

Searching for information on the Internet

Any Internet navigation(or - information search) is carried out in two ways: using catalogs or other structured resources and sites search engines. Let's consider each type of search separately:

Resources/catalogs structured by topic.

These are the oldest ways to navigate the Internet. They are a catalog (collection) of sites on various topics. All information in the catalogs is processed manually. Most often, work in catalogs is not automated. This creates additional complexity when adding a new resource (more time is required).

Also, to promote a site in the directory, it is provided with a brief description by which the user can identify it summary. Unfortunately, the placement of a resource in the directory and its description entirely depends on the directory administration. Sometimes it happens that a resource is placed in the wrong thematic section or its abstract does not correspond to reality.

The process of registering in catalogs is quite simple, but achieving what you want is quite difficult. Here are the most general recommendations for this case:

    First of all, you must have a really worthwhile website so that the directory moderator does not refuse your registration

    Try to ensure that your page is included in exactly the section of the catalog that is most suitable for it

    The user searches for information in catalogs in two ways:

    just going through hierarchical system subdirectories

    using the internal search engine. This system searches exclusively by a short description and keywords for the site that were sent during registration (the description and keywords can be adjusted by the directory moderator). Put yourself in the user's shoes and think about how he will build a search query, what keywords or expressions he will use

    If possible, try to register not only the main page, but also some other main pages, vary the keywords and description for each registered page, in this case more users will be able to find one of your pages

    Include one or more keywords in your page title

    It is especially important to register in industry directories, because... they are already promoted for search engines (see below) and will be viewed by the user first

Search system

This is already a modern and convenient way to navigate and search the Internet on the one hand. On the other hand, it does require some networking skills to search properly.

Unlike directories, a search engine is a fully automated structure. In other words, any search engine is a link base. The more often this database is updated, the better the search engine works.

When requesting any information, the search engine first of all looks through this database and calculates site relevance. Relevance is the relevance of each page found search query. Every search engine has own mechanism calculating the level of relevance.

Today, the most popular sites Internet search engines, This:

    Goggle www. google. com– the search covers most of the Internet space, searches are possible in different languages, and images are searched.

    Yandex www. yandex. ru– the most popular Russian-language search engine. You can also search for images.

Goggle And Yandex not just search engine sites, but huge portals with a large number of additional services (on these sites you can find mail, catalogues, encyclopedias, dictionaries and much more).

When searching for information, you need to act differently in each specific case. General recommendations are:

    Work immediately with multiple search engines(the main difference between search engines and each other is the link base and the system for calculating the level of relevance). Therefore, for the most accurate search results, it is recommended to use several search engines

    If you are looking for a specific query on the topic, involve in the search specialized catalogs

    You need to start your search with short request : two words maximum. Afterwards the request can be expanded and supplemented

    Many search sites have advanced search system. This allows you to narrow down your search, especially if you have an exact idea of ​​what you're looking for 1 . Rules for using advanced search are on the search engine website

    Whenever you search on the Internet, you need to remember the old aphorism:

“You can find any information on the Internet, but you won’t find specific information.”

Means of information exchange on the Internet

In this chapter we will consider only the most basic means of exchanging information on the network.


Email or Electronic mail (e-Mail) - network service, allowing users to exchange messages or documents without using paper media. E-mail is the main means of communication on the Internet.

Previously, we considered the case when, when connecting to the Internet, the user automatically receives Mailbox - disk space on a mail server, dedicated to storing the user's incoming and outgoing messages. After connecting to the mail server, the user can: 1) send mail; 2) pick up incoming letters from the mailbox.

You need to work with such a box using special programs. Mail client is a program designed for reading, receiving, sending and other operations with letters. Examples of such programs are Outlook Express, The Bat and some others.

In this case, it is determined/assigned and address mailbox - unique identifier of the user's mailbox. On the Internet, the postal address looks like: UserName@MailServerName .

Mail server- a server that provides reception, storage and transmission of user emails, as well as their routing.

There are also free email servers: www. mail. ru, www. rambler. ru, www. yahoo. com, www. yandex. ru and others. After completing a simple registration procedure, you get access to mailbox. The advantage of such mail is the ability to check it anywhere in the world where there is Internet access.

Mailing lists

One of the important advantages of email is that it allows you to send out the same message all at once. a large number recipients. In the simplest case, you list additional addresses in the field Ss: (Copy:) when composing a letter.

If you have to send messages every now and then to the same group, for example, of ten people, this method becomes irrational. Instead, you can create address book your mail program one group address, listing all individual addresses in it. When composing your next letter, you then simply indicate this group address in the "field" To whom:" . This is the simplest form mailing list ; any user can create it.

However, usually a mailing list refers to another service that requires support from the provider. This service allows users to add themselves to a mailing list (subscribe) and remove themselves from the list (unsubscribe). The terminology itself is reminiscent of newspaper and magazine subscriptions, and indeed, mailing lists perform the same functions as paper periodicals. The most famous mailing service is Subscribe ( www. subscribe. ru).

Server software for maintaining mailing lists is called a mailing list manager. You are working with a mailing list using two postal addresses: administrative and ordinary. Sending short standard commands at the administrative address, you can subscribe to the mailing list, unsubscribe, get a list of all subscribers, etc. The regular address is used directly for exchanging messages - all subscribers to this mailing list receive letters to this address.

    IN unmoderated lists Distribution occurs automatically. Subscription occurs automatically in open mailing lists and sent for approval to the moderator in closed. A moderator is needed, first of all, to prevent mass mailing advertising messages.

Finding the mailing list that is most interesting to you is usually not difficult - their addresses are listed on industry websites or found using search services. If you want to organize your own mailing list, contact your provider, indicating what kind of list you want to have - moderated or not, private or public. Most providers provide this service.

Web forums perform the same functions as mailing lists, but use only web browsing programs. They look like ordinary web pages, organized in such a way that each user can add his own message to them, each topic is discussed separately for a certain period of time.

Currently, web forums provide the most convenient and simple means for group discussions and announcements, but require a longer Internet connection compared to mailing lists.

Separately, we can highlight chats as a means of on-line communication. In their design, chats are very similar to forums. The main difference: in forums they most often adhere to strictly defined issues when discussing (chat is more personal in nature); answers and questions in the forum may arrive with a fairly large time delay (chat, after all, only takes place with constant on-line communication).

Internet pagers

Internet pagers– these are programs for maintaining protocol quick exchange short messages. You type a phrase, indicate the number/name to which it should be sent - and after a few seconds a person on another continent is already reading your message. In order to use the Internet pager, you need to register and get a number, install special program and keep it constantly on.

The main difference between an Internet pager and chat rooms and forums is the ability to store a message on the server for a user who is not currently connected to the Internet and then transmit it. Another useful feature of the Internet pager is the “friends list” - a list of users of a particular Internet paging system.

One of the first software products who provided such a service became ICQ, created by the Israeli company Mirabilis ( ). Interesting and new service ICQ2Go is a web version of ICQ that does not require software installation on your computer. The contact "list of friends" is stored on the server, which is also very convenient.

After the advent of ICQ, many companies tried to create their own short messaging systems. The American company AOL (America On Line), being the largest Internet service provider, currently supports two Internet paging systems - AIM(AOL Instant Messenger, ) and ICQ.

Yahoo!Messenger ( ) occupies an honorable third place among Internet messengers in the world, after AIM and ICQ. Company ( ) officially announced the release new version@ Agent program, which became the first Internet pager on the Russian market. A relatively young Internet pager is MSN Messenger Service ( ).

Despite the popularity of ICQ and its rich functionality, it is not without serious drawbacks that make picky users search a worthy alternative of this program. As such an alternative, many have chosen Miranda Instant Messenger ( ).

First of all, it is worth saying that Miranda is not just an Internet pager, it is a real integrator. With its help you can communicate with people who use Instant Messengers from a variety of manufacturers: ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo! and others. In the Russian-speaking environment, all these pagers, except ICQ, are rarely used, but if the user communicates with a large number of foreign colleagues and friends, this Miranda feature will be very useful to him.

Using Internet messengers, you can exchange not only text messages, but also send files, talk on-line, play network games, send SMS messages and much more. To do this, you need to specially configure the programs and connect the necessary equipment.

Separately, we can also mention the program Skype ( ) to transmit voice messages. This is absolutely free program, with which you can call your friends or partners wherever they are, the main thing is that they are also Skype users. The program allows you to communicate freely and, most importantly, free of charge on the Internet; you only need to pay for the Internet connection. Skype uses P2P technology to connect with other users.

A service similar to Western Skype has appeared in Russia. New network Sipnet(www. s ) allows subscribers to call from computer to computer, from computer to mobile or landline phones and vice versa.

Useful Internet links

Statistical information

www . gks . ru – Goskomstat of Russia, all-Russian statistical information free. On the same resource you can find websites of other statistical services.

www . gostat . spb . ru – PetersburgKomStat, statistics for St. Petersburg.

, and others - if you install or have already installed traffic counters on your company’s website, you can analyze the popularity of your website or the websites of other companies using this service. Using a search in Rambler Top-100, you can find the most popular sites on a given topic (for example, news portal Petersburg).

www . gov . spb . ru – City government, section of St. Petersburg in numbers.

Company information

ww – “Yellow Pages of St. Petersburg” with the ability to determine the geographical location of the organization.

- All of St. Petersburg. - Yellow Pages - federal network.

www . database . spb . ru – Database of enterprises and prices of St. Petersburg.

, - Infogroup Compass.

/cis - Directory of CIS enterprises.

www . europages . com - Europages (European Yellow Pages)

www . compass . com - Kompass (business information directory "Compass")

Industry databases and directories

atlant . ru - Computer Business Market, Wholesaler Business Market, Techno Business Market, Auto Business Market, Sports Business Market, Build Business Market.

- Apraksin Dvor, products and prices in the categories “Products”, “Car Market”.

www . price . ru – Multi-industry reference book on prices for goods and services.

- Products and prices.

- Construction.

, - Advertising chance.

- From hand to hand.

Real estate and construction

– Large real estate portal. News, publications, analytics, offers.

www.b s – Large real estate server. News, publications, analytics, offers.

www . eip . ru – One information space. Database of real estate throughout Russia.

www . irn . ru – Real estate market indicators. Indices of cost and profitability of housing.

– Regional real estate server.

– Real Estate Bulletin.

– Association of Country Real Estate.

– Country real estate, land plots.

Analytical information on the real estate market is periodically updated on many sites, we will cite only a few sources: , /RealEstate/Analytics/monitoring.html , , , www . russianrealty . ru .

www . asninfo . ru – Construction News Agency. Construction in Russia.

www . know - house . ru – Information construction system. SNiPs and GOSTs, cottage projects, information about industry exhibitions, technologies and materials.

www . build . ru – Portal about construction.

www . stroy . spb . ru – All about construction in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Sources of information for entrepreneurs

Company group

Name of company


Website address

Construction, real estate

Association "Construction and industrial complex of the North-West"

(+7 812) 347-78-92 (information department), 315-79-80, 347-78-91


Association of Wooden Houses

(+7 812) 303-98-74, 320-63-63 (ext. 7571)


Association of Realtors of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

(+7 812) 710-59-06? 710-58-57, 334-12-39


Engineers for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heat supply and building thermal physics (NP ABOK), North-West Department

(+7 812) 336-95-60


- Russia, – North-West

Association of architectural workshops

(+7 812) 571-45-57

Oam_ annual@ mail. ru

St. Petersburg Union of Architects

(+7 812) 314-04-00, 314-70-39

North-West Association of Restorers (CeZAR)

(+7 812) 314-83-98, 303-90-47, 380-29-93


Union of Restorers of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 314-49-21


SoyuzPetroStroy - St. Petersburg Union of Construction Companies

(+7 812) 275-36-91, 273-12-38


Association trading companies and manufacturers of household electrical and computer equipment (RATEK)

(+7 495) 290-89-88/85


All-Russian Union of Trade Entrepreneurs

(+7 812) 297-17-39, 297-79-98

Merchants Club of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 510-42-88, 716-54-96


St. Petersburg Association of Small Businesses in the Consumer Market

(+7 812) 234-34-65, 234-01-83, 234-47-61 (for branch coordinates, see the Details section)

Trade assistance service

(+7 812) 370-62-56, 723-34-00


1Association of International Road Carriers (ASMAP), ASMAP branch in the Northwestern Federal District

(+7 812) 312-63-18, 312-16-46

petersburg@, velsman@

Association of consumer service enterprises "Petrobyt"

(+7 812) 786-77-75

Association of dry cleaning and laundries of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 599-09-40

Association of Russian Cleaning Companies (ARUC)

(+7 812) 490-45-55


Union of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 329-05-55


Association "Safe City"

(+7 812) 331-93-81


Association "Defense"

(+7 812) 554-03-24


Association for Economic and Business Security North-West

(+7 812) 230-21-09, 230-20-09 (president, Pavlov Petr Petrovich)

Federation of Security Services and Security Companies

(+7 812) 320-90-41, 764-04-66 (24 hours a day)


Association of Banks of the North-West

(+7 812) 325-99-21, 315-65-09, 310-92-72

Association of Accountants of Small Enterprises of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 702-48-30, 702-48-38

Audit Chamber of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 712-59-32

- Russia, - Saint Petersburg

All-Russian Union of Insurers, St. Petersburg branch "Union of Insurers of St. Petersburg and the North-West"

(+7 812) 764-58-27

- Russia, - Saint Petersburg

Regional Association of Customs Brokers “NORTH-WEST”

(+7 812) 324-40-24


North-West Leasing Association

(+7 812) 702-50-52


North-West Society of Appraisers

(+7 812) 327-28-29


Association of Tourist and Excursion Enterprise Workers

(+7 812) 571-60-85

Leningrad Regional Association for the Support of Tourism, Recreation and Entertainment Infrastructure (APTIOR)

(+7 812) 312-46-55

National Academy of Tourism

(+7 812) 230-72-47

Russian Union of Tourism (RST) Industry, branch in St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 325-11-44, 764-47-77

- Russia - Saint Petersburg

Other industrieseconomic associations

Hospitality Academy

(+7 812) 321-79-99, 321-89-99, 323-9999, 323-90-83,321-90-99

Association "North-Western Alliance of Alcohol Business Participants ALBI"

(+7 812) 312-40-90, 314-83-92


Association of Veterinary Medicine (AVVM)

(+7 812) 387-18-01


Association of woodworkers and furniture makers of the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 576-44-85

Association of Peasant (Farm) Households and Agricultural Cooperatives of the Russian Federation (AKKOR), North-Western Branch

(+7 812) 275-29-66


Association of Small Hotels of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 717-22-32

Association of Folk Arts and Crafts of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

(+7 812) 446-76-51

Association of Pet Industry Enterprises

(+7 812) 274-93-02


Association of Software Developers RUSSOFT

(+7 812) 331-75-60

Association of Bakers of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 324-64-52

Association of Electrical Installation Enterprises of the North-West

(+7 812) 334-96-82. 334-96-83


Bakers Guild of the Leningrad Region

(+7 812) 331-06-59

Leningrad Regional Union of Agricultural Producers

(+7 812) 274-91-16

National Roofing Union

(+7 812) 317-06-11, 703-55-46


Public association Hotel Club

(+7 812) 703 3663, 912 0455 Anna Shishkina (Hotel Kronverk)

7323 3626, 7 940 5536 Alexey Musakin (Hotel Shelfort)


St. Petersburg Bartenders Association

(+7 812) 714 72 74

St. Petersburg Chamber of Crafts

(+7 812) 319-93-26, 319-47-58

St. Petersburg Medical Chamber

(+7 812) 327-42-36, 323-87-56


St. Petersburg Paintball Development Federation

(+7 812) 972-51-32, 974-51-32



Union of Furniture Makers of the North-West

(+7 812) 232-68-81

Union of Translators of Russia,

(+7 812) 444-92-79

- Russia, – St. Petersburg branch

Union of Food Industry Enterprises of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 324-64-52

Beekeepers Union

(+7 812) 323-47-16

Help for small businesses

Association of Small and Medium Business Entrepreneurs

(+7 812) 275-10-50

Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

(+7 812) 421-53-91

Leningrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry

(+7 812) 571-12-22, 312-31-00, 312-60-63

Interregional trade union of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region workers of medium and small businesses UNITY

(+7 812) 714-23-75


All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "OPORA RUSSIA"

Leningrad region

)+7 812) 315-57-60
St. Petersburg branch

(+ 7 812) 316 67 11

Leningrad region

belikovagm@ rambler. ru

St. Petersburg branch

spb@ support. ru, agorunov@ support. ru

Public Council for Small Business under the Governor of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 421-53-91, 421-53-92

(+7 812) 421-22-69, 421-40-47 – hotline

St. Petersburg club of your business

(+7 812) 328-52-69


St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry

(+7 812) 272-27-65

St. Petersburg Union of Entrepreneurs

(+7 812) 252-10-06, 252-27-31, 252-43-50, 252-38-10 - public reception

St. Petersburg Business Development Fund

(+7 812) 325-83-51, 575-04-80

North-West Small and Medium Business Support Center

(+7 812) 325-83-51, 575-04-80


- Russia, – North-West

Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers) of St. Petersburg

(+7 812) 576-76-81

Business Development Center

(+7 812) 723-08-32

Center for the Development of Nonprofit Organizations

(+7 812) 718-37-94, 325-89-13


Association for Cooperation with the Nordic Countries NORDEN

(+7 812) 571-40-90

Partnership for the development of the information society in North-West Russia

(+7 812) 328-0256, 323-2169

St. Petersburg City Bar Association

(+7 812) 713-14-03

Federation of Trade Unions of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

(+7 812) 315-44-01

Portals related to education, trainings and seminars

www. treko. ru

Portals and information communities working in the field of marketing and advertising

Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR), North-West Branch

(+7 812) 710-49-93

Marketing Guild

St. Petersburg Club of Marketers

www. ing- club. ru

Russian Association of Trademark Owners

(+7 495) 961-95-93, 101-14-27, 632-47-51, 911-83-37

Russian Direct Marketing Association

(+7 495) 956 90 26

Russian Marketing Association

(+7 495) 231-70-80, 231-70-77

Russian Association of Marketing Services

topolev@ info@

Russian Association for Public Relationsawn (RASO)

(+7 812) 332-16-48

TO project coordinators of the North-West branch of RASO: OLGA KOPEYKINAkopeikina@, EKATERINA BOGLAEVAboglaeva@

www. raso. ru- Russia,www. nwraso. ru- North-West

Russian Pharmaceutical Associationmarketing

(+7 495) 332-03-05


Russian Marketing Club


Taxation: www . businessuchet . ru , www . spbnalog . ru , www . tax - tax . km . ru , www . tks . ru (customs),

Accounting: www .2 z . ru , www . audit - it . ru , www . buhgalteria . ru , www . buh . ru , www . wiring . ru

Financial market: www . finam . ru , www . finmarket . ru , www . mfd . ru , www . rts . ru

Economy: www . eup . ru , www . finance . ru , www . ruseconomy . ru , www . opec . ru , www . worldeconomy . ru , marketing . spb . ru

Insurance: www . ins - forum . ru , www . allinsurance . ru , www . rosmedstrah . ru , www . insure . auto . ru , www . know . ru


... business and economics; computers and Internet; education; entertainment; control; health; news and media information ... support ... search, information for authors, information about subscription. Access to informational ... Searchinformation V networksInternet ...

  • Information systems in economics (2)

    Training and metodology complex

    Web page processing that allows you to organize searchinformation V networksInternet for certain keywords. ...maintained business V networksInternet it is necessary to take into account a number of specific features of both this informational space...

  • Educational and methodological manual

    ... information support engineering and reengineering business informational flows and networks, searchinformation V networksInternet

  • INFORMATION SYSTEMS WITH KNOWLEDGE BASE Educational and methodological manual for postgraduate students in specialty 7

    Educational and methodological manual

    ... information enterprise systems and instrumental systems support engineering and reengineering business- ... air traffic control informational flows and networks, searchinformation V networksInternet, collective adoption of multi-criteria...

  • receiving answers to all sorts of current queries and their execution in the form of paper documents or reports.

    Features of the application of this technology are:

    solving only well-structured problems, for which it is possible to develop algorithm;

    performance standard procedures processing;

    execution of the main scope of workin automatic mode with minimal human intervention;

    use of granular data;

    emphasis on chronology events.

    Main components information technology data processing.

    data collection (as a company produces a product or service, each of its actions is accompanied by corresponding data records);

    data processing(to create information reflecting the activities of a company, the following typical operations are used: classification or grouping; sorting to organize the sequence of records, calculations; consolidation or aggregation to reduce the amount of data);

    data storage (many data at the operational level must be stored for subsequent use, either here or at another level; databases are created to store them);

    creating reports and documents(in information technology for data processing it is necessary to create documents for the management and employees of the company, as well as for external partners).

    Question 5. Text search technologies

    1. Concept of text search technology.

    2. The main tasks of text search technology.

    Text is one of basic forms of information exchange in society.

    Therefore, text messages dominate information systems.

    The most common text processing technology systems are text search systems. Their task is to find documents in given collections in natural language that satisfy the information needs of users. Text search technologies deal with information. This can be articles from newspapers and magazines, technical manuals, reports, books, letters, legislation, etc.

    Basic unit of information in text search systems, is a document - a volume of information that has complete content and some kind of unique identifier.

    Text search systems operate electronic documents – documents stored in computer memory available for automated processing. Computer processing and analysis of text documents is possible only if individual elements of the text document are available programmatically. Therefore, it is not enough to scan a paper text document and store the resulting facsimile in the computer memory in the form of some kind of graphic file. You must have the document in digitized form– a format where each component of the text is programmatically accessible.

    A representation of a text document in digitized form is created using:

    entering the contents of a document from the keyboard using a text editor:

    scanning it from paper and using an optical character recognition program;

    generating text programmaticallyvoice recognizers and others


    Modern text search technologies cover wide range of problems:

    information retrieval theory;

    methods to meet user needs for:

    collecting information;

    organizing information;

    information storage;

    searching for information;

    dissemination of information;

    providing interfaces between the user and means for managing resources of unstructured or semi-structured information maintained in a computer environment. A significant place in text search technologies is occupied bynatural language processing. It is understood as a computer solution of problems related to understanding, analysis, execution various operations over texts in natural language, as well as their generation. This class of problems belongs to the area artificial intelligence.

    In the mid-1990s. in many countries around the world, work has begun related to

    with the creation electronic libraries. They have greatly revived interest in text search problems. There were such completely new directions, How:

    detection of information in a global computer network;

    text search on the Web;

    multilingual search.

    The active development of text search technologies stimulated the creation

    search engines of a more general class that deal not only with

    text documents, but also with information presented in various other media. Such multimedia systemscontent of search objects– documents – is a combination:

    text elements;

    static images;

    musical works;


    video clips, etc.

    Text search systems have had a significant impact on the formation

    a specific class of information systems called document management systems, which is currently widely used in many large commercial companies and other organizations. In the same way; systems, an important role is given not only to natural language processing methods created for working with text documents, but also to the organization of group development of documents, their storage, distribution, as well as text search technologies.

    Question 6. Information technology for decision support

    1. Characteristics and purpose of IT decision support.

    2. Basic components of IT decision support.

    Decision support information technology is a type of IT,

    which helps a person using a computer to process large amounts of information and make decisions The peculiarity of this IT is that a person participates in this process at the initial and final stages (enters initial data into the computer and makes a final decision based on the information received). The “rough” work of processing the given information is done by the computer.

    A similar interaction between a person and a computer where a person acts as managerial level, human controlled computer

    creates new information called iterative process.The iterative process is characterized by:

    focus on solving poorly structured (formalized) problems;

    combination traditional methods access and processing of computer data with capabilities mathematical models and methods for solving problems based on them;

    targeting the non-professional computer user;

    high adaptability, providing the ability to adapt to the features of existing hardware and software, as well as user requirements.

    Information technology for decision support can be used at any level of management. In addition, decisions made at different levels of management often must be coordinated. That's why important function both systems and technologies is the coordination of decision makers both at different levels of management and at the same level.

    The decision support system consists of three main components:


    model database;

    a software subsystem that consists of a database management system (DBMS), a model base management system (MBMS) and a system for managing the interface between the user and the computer.

    Database is a collection of information used in the work of decision-making information technology. This database is formed from several sources. Part of the data arrives from the operational level information system. To use them effectively, this data must be pre-processed:

    or through a decision support system;

    or outside the decision support system by creating

    special database.

    The second option is more preferable for companies producing a large number of commercial transactions. The processed data about the firm's operations forms files that are stored outside the decision support system to improve reliability and speed of access. In addition to data about a firm's operations, the functioning of a decision support system requires other internal data, For example data on personnel movement, engineering data, etc., which must be collected, entered and maintained in a timely manner.

    Of great importance, especially for supporting decision-making at upper levels of management, are data from external sources. Among the necessary external data follows the decrees data on competitors, national and global economies. Unlike internal data, external data is usually purchased from organizations that specialize in collecting it. Currently, the issue of including another data source in the database is being widely studied - documents that include records, letters, contracts, orders, etc. If the contents of these documents are recorded in memory and then processed according to some key characteristics (suppliers to consumers, dates, types of services, etc.), then the system will receive a new powerful source information.

    The data management system must have the following capabilities:

    compiling data combinations, obtained from various sources through the use of aggregation and filtering procedures;

    quick addition or exclusion of one or another data source;

    building a logical structuredata in user terms;

    use of other datafor experimental checks user's working alternatives;

    ensuring complete logical independence this database from others

    operational databases operating within the company.

    The purpose of creating a model base is to describe and optimize some object or process. The use of models provides conducting analysis in decision support systems.

    Models, based on the mathematical interpretation of the problem, with the help of certain algorithms help to find information useful for making the right decisions.

    According to the purpose of use, models are divided into:

    optimization, related to finding the minimum or maximum points of certain indicators (for example, managers often want to know what actions they take lead to maximizing profits or minimizing costs);

    descriptive, describing the behavior of a certain system and not intended for management (optimization) purposes.

    Based on the evaluation method, models are classified into:

    deterministic, using a single number assessment of variables for specific values ​​of the initial data;

    stochastic, evaluating variables using several parameters, since the initial data are specified by probabilistic characteristics.

    Deterministic models are more popular than stochastic ones because they are less expensive and easier to build and use. In addition, they often provide sufficient information to make a decision.

    In decision support systems, the model base consists of:

    strategic models;

    tactical models;

    operational models;

    mathematical models (in the form of a set of model blocks, modules and procedures used as elements for their construction).

    Strategic models used on higher levels management for

    establishing the organization's goals, the amount of resources needed to achieve them, and the policies for acquiring and using these resources. They can also be useful in choosing options for locating enterprises, predicting the policies of competitors, etc. Strategic models are characterized by a significant breadth of coverage, many variables, and presentation of data in a compressed aggregate form.

    Tactical models used by middle-level managers to distribute and control the use of available resources. Possible areas of their use include: financial planning, planning requirements for employees, planning to increase sales, constructing enterprise layout schemes.

    Operating models used at lower levels of management to support operational decision making. Possible applications of these models include accounts receivable and credit accounting, production scheduling, inventory management, etc. Operational models are typically used for intercompany data calculations.

    Mathematical models consist of a set of model blocks, modules and procedures that implement mathematical methods. This may include procedures for linear programming, time series statistical analysis, regression analysis, etc.

    The effectiveness and flexibility of information technology largely depends on the characteristics of the decision support system interface. Interface defines:

    user language;

    computer message language that organizes dialogue on the display screen;

    user knowledge.

    User language – these are the actions that the user performs in

    regarding the system by using the keyboard capabilities; electronic pencils writing on the screen; joystick; "mice"; voice commands; etc. The simplest form of user language is the creation of forms of input and output documents. Having received the input form (document), the user fills it with the necessary data and enters it into the computer. The decision support system performs the necessary analysis and produces the results in the form of an output document of the established form.

    The most popular is the visual interface. Using the mouse, the user selects objects and commands presented to him on the screen in the form of pictures, thus implementing his actions.

    Controlling a computer using the human voice is the simplest form of user language. Existing developments require serious restrictions from the user:

    a certain set of words and expressions;

    a special add-on that takes into account the characteristics of the user’s voice;

    control in the form of discrete commands, and not in the form of ordinary smooth speech.

    The language of messages is symbols, graphics, color, data received from the printer; audio output signals that are shown on the display. An important measure of the effectiveness of the interface used is the chosen form

    Information support- information support process focused on information users.

    Information support is used in the preparation and implementation of management decisions.

    In order to organize any event, a small but very important detail is needed - occasion. Based on this detail, the scenario of any event is formed.

    A company's birthday, a manager's anniversary, a New Year's party, a business congress, all these events have one thing in common - the presence of a reason, which in turn is the reason for organizing the event.

    Not every event company provides information support for events, and this is understandable, since to provide this service it is necessary to clearly understand informational occasion specific event. This is precisely the occasion that will be of interest, first of all, to the media.

    The presence of an information occasion is key point, when preparing information support, the success of the information event directly depends on this.

    The relevance of an informational occasion is determined by a well-written Press release. A professional journalist or PR person clearly knows in what way information needs to be presented in order to attract maximum interest from the media; it depends on him how interesting this or that event will be.

    Attraction information sponsors is also one of the main points in organizing information support.

    For a potential information partner, each sponsorship package represents set of information services. After receiving such a package, the potential information partner forms a counter offer for information support. Thus, based on the volume of information services offered, the status of each information partner is formed. Based on the sponsorship package, the relationship between the event organizers and the media is determined, which is carried out on a barter basis.

    Special events are designed to solve the following communication, information and image tasks:

    · ensuring the company's constant presence in the information field

    · attracting the attention of journalists and the target audience to the company (its products) or person

    · creation, maintenance and development of a positive image of the company or its product

    · interaction with target groups (including maintaining internal corporate relations)

    · receiving feedback, which allows you to analyze the effectiveness of activities and strategies

    · demonstration of the level of development of the company, the scale of its activities

    · Creation additional source information about the company (the company now has an important and completely controlled means of disseminating information)

    Information support for the event. Of course, your audience should know about the event in advance. Depending on the format and scale of the event and the characteristics of the audience, a period of one month to two weeks is sufficient for local events. The larger your event, the greater the time and financial investment required to participate in it, the earlier the notification should begin.

    Methods of notification depend on the format of the event and the intended audience. This can be direct marketing - if we are talking about corporate events and the circle of invited people is known in advance and is limited, or advertising in the media if the event is open and widespread. For public events, outdoor advertising and leafleting (distributing information leaflets) will be effective. In the case of audiences under 35 years of age, it is appropriate to use the Internet.

    In any case, when selecting an arsenal information media it is necessary to take into account not only the target audience of the event, but also the nature of the event itself, the relevance of information about it within the framework of a particular information resource.

    The second wave of information about your event should be launched after the event. These are the so-called “post-releases” of information in the media and the Internet. In the case of small events and events designed for a limited circle of people, you can do without this, but do not forget that any mention of an event in the media in a news format increases the status of the event, gives it significance, both in the eyes of participants and in the eyes of the rest of the public. In addition, this is an extra way to remind consumers about your brand and its positioning. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to inflate an event into some kind of informational occasion, you should not refuse it.

    For example, for an innovative, intellectually intensive business, this could be holding conferences on pressing social issues related to the topics of this business - inviting representatives of interested media and public organizations to them. Such events and their subsequent information coverage will help position the company, give it status and fame in the right circles, interest the public in its products and services, and establish itself as a reliable and responsible market player.

    In any case, when planning a special event, think: is it possible to inflate it into a rather interesting informational occasion? If your event is of a socially significant nature, perhaps the media will be willing to publish about it for free information material. If the event is purely commercial, it may be worth providing information on on a paid basis. Good channel free communication can be various news feeds on Internet portals - it will be enough to send a press release and photos from the event. However, individual publications can also publish similar press releases in news format. The more your event is discussed and voiced after it is held, the better, the more emotions will be associated with your brand, not only among the people who attended the event, but also among the rest of the public.

    The main thing here, as well as when planning other elements of event-marketing, is to remember the relevance and appropriateness of a particular message in a particular context or format.

    It is also necessary to remember about media planning.

    Media Planning– a set of procedures for analyzing the target audience, selecting the most optimal (in terms of the effectiveness and cost of the advertising material placement program) advertising media and advertising tools available on these media, forming

    layout, assessment of its media effects, assessment of the results of the advertising campaign.

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