Beeline USSD commands. Useful requests for Beeline short numbers. ussd commands

Today, every person knows how to use a mobile phone or a modern smartphone. Everyone is able to take a photo, install an application, make a call and send a message. However, when it comes directly to the use of cellular services, to obtaining a certificate from the operator, not everyone knows even about such simple manipulations as checking the account balance or sending “Call me back.” But each operator has a lot of information and technical services that can significantly make the life of the average user easier.

In our article today, we propose to understand the useful numbers and commands on Beeline Russia, available to all subscribers of this operator. Knowing at least some of them is the task of every client of the company, especially since all of them are offered for use completely free of charge.

Useful Beeline information service numbers

Next, we suggest you understand those queries and numbers, thanks to the use of which you can obtain diverse information from the operator, as well as take advantage of useful services. Their list looks like this:

  • If you need technical support, you can call the contact center specialists at 0611 ;
  • If you have any questions regarding any of the operator’s services, you can find out everything about it by calling 0604 ;
  • By calling the number 0605 , you can listen to information about all the operator’s entertainment options;
  • You can find out everything about new and promotional offers from the company by phone 0606 ;
  • You can find out details about possibly connected paid services when entering a USSD request *110*09# ;
  • You can find out information about the possibility of connecting and disabling various additional services by entering *111# ;
  • You can view data about the conditions of the active tariff plan when entering *110*05# ;
  • If your balance is zero, you can call the number 064012 , and listen to information about all services available with this account status;
  • If you are planning to activate roaming, you can find out information about discounts for using communications in roaming by calling the number 0676 ;
  • Find out everything you may need to use the mobile Internet - call 0717 ;
  • To connect and configure the Black List service, you can call 0603 ;
  • You can find out the required long-distance and international dialing codes by number 065050 ;
  • Get information about the number linked to your own SIM card - enter the code *110*10# .

Useful Beeline commands for managing your phone balance

And now we suggest paying attention to the codes and numbers that allow you to perform all kinds of manipulations with the subscriber balance, or to obtain the necessary information. Their list is as follows:

  • You can use your phone number to display your current balance 0697 or code *102# ;
  • If you started using an old telephone that does not display messages in Cyrillic (Russian characters), you can fix this when entering a request *102# ;
  • If you use postpaid communication services, you can check your account balance by requesting *110*321# ;
  • The remaining minutes and messages can be viewed when entering a request *110*06# ;
  • You can get information about the balance of another Beeline subscriber by calling 06409 ;
  • You can set up a trust payment by calling 064046 ;
  • You can connect and set up automatic payment by calling 064012 ;
  • You can top up someone else's Beeline number by calling 064044 (relevant for prepaid subscribers).

Beeline mobile consultant

Beeline mobile consultant is available to subscribers by calling 0611 .

By calling this phone number, the operator’s subscribers will have the opportunity to:

Useful emergency phone numbers on Beeline Russia

To begin with, we suggest you understand the available numbers and telephone numbers that may be vital in emergency situations. The list of these is not extensive, but includes all the most important services. So, here are the numbers you can call the most popular emergency services:

This is a short list of the most important numbers that are recommended to be memorized. As for the last number, it is better to save it in your contacts book.

Every person who uses mobile communications knows approximately what a USSD command is. These are special codes, which are a combination of numbers and characters that are sent from the phone.

Previously, in order to perform any manipulation with a mobile number, you had to call a Call Center or go to the nearest communication store. But when USSD commands appeared for subscribers of the Beeline operator, the situation changed greatly for the better. Now you don’t need to wait for a long time to connect to an available operator or look for the nearest service center. There are many situations in life when a certain combination of numbers solves serious problems. By the way, sometimes people can even forget their own phone number and need it urgently.

What is the USSD command?

The abbreviation literally translates as “an additional service that allows you to transfer data.” In practice, this is what happens. Useful commands allow you to solve various issues without Internet access, and most importantly, instantly. The query and short code system is an excellent way for operators to interact with their subscribers, providing them with timely assistance in service-related issues.

Beeline's USSD command technology, as well as that of other mobile operators, is provided in a request-response format. Calls to short numbers are usually handled by a robotic answering machine. One of the main advantages of using this system is that the numbers and commands offered by the operator are active throughout the country and at any time of the day or night.

Interesting! Using this feature on Beeline comes down to the fact that the subscriber enters a simple command or sends a request, after which he receives a response in the form of USSD or a text message. This happens no later than within a minute.

Popular teams

For example, to activate the “Balance to Screen” service, you need to dial *110*901# and the call button from your phone. The essence of the service is that upon completion of each voice call or SMS sending, information is displayed on the screen and you can.

Beeline also has USSD commands that allow you to limit unexpected expenses. The service is called “Expense Control”, it is activated by dialing *110*5062#, after pressing the call button an additional balance is created. You can check its status by dialing *622#.

It happens that there is not enough money in your account to make calls and send messages. In such a situation, you can activate " ". First, you will need to find out what amount is available for replenishment using your number, and then activate the service. First of all, dial *141*7# on your smartphone, and then *141#, every request is confirmed with the call button.

Beeline offers USSD commands for various purposes. You can use them to activate the following services:

  • “Top up my account”;
  • "Call me";

Combinations of numbers and symbols are also used to disable the above mentioned services. By the way, the operator provides the opportunity if you have two cards in your phone and suddenly run out of funds.

Additional features

Additional services are those that offer access to entertainment. If we talk about Internet traffic, then you can order the “Extend your speed” service, which implies the accrual of 1 or 4 GB of traffic. It all depends on what combination you use. At the end of the traffic limit, services are automatically deactivated.

It will not be superfluous to know how to manage such services as “Conference calling”, “Answering machine”, “”. If everything is clear with the former, then the latter allows you to ensure timely receipt of information about missed calls. A particularly popular service is “”. It allows you to protect yourself from unwanted calls; just add the numbers of such subscribers to a special list. A fee of 30 rubles per month is charged for use; activation occurs after generating a request in the form *110*771#. How to disable? Everything is very simple, you need to dial *110*770# from your mobile phone. In order to add a number to the blacklist, remove it, and also view calls from unwanted callers, you must also use certain combinations of numbers. And it wouldn’t hurt to find out how to unlock a Beeline SIM card?

A short ussd request saves your time by providing information in just a few seconds. In addition, you save yourself from the need to communicate with a technical support operator, which, you see, is not always convenient.

A significant advantage of short Beeline requests is that they are not subject to tariffs, even when you are roaming. Thanks to this, you can find out the information you need at least every minute. It is worth noting that most of the combinations presented in the article are valid for subscribers from Russia, and in other countries digital requests may differ. Let's look at the main ussd commands on the Beeline network.

Short codes for balance transactions

You can check your current balance using the simple combination *102#. After the request, you will receive a message with detailed information about the tariff plan, cash balance, available minutes and unused traffic. You can also use the service to control your account. The command *110*901# activates it, and *110*900# disables it (applies to paid services).

Using the combination *110*41*limit amount#, you can set a personal spending threshold and receive a corresponding notification when it is reached. Subscribers of the post-paid system can view information about unpaid bills after entering the code *110*04#. They also have access to the “Happy Time” service, which allows them to save up to 15% on communications. It is activated by the combination *805#.

The short code *122# will help you stay on top of your expenses. After the request, you will receive a message indicating five paid transactions recently. Beeline subscribers can also view the full financial report using their number. The combination *110*321# will help with this.

Useful codes for zero balance

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a penny left in your account. The command *144*subscriber number# will ask the subscriber to call you back. If there is someone in your contacts who constantly “spams” you with such messages, then the code *144*0# will set the appropriate ban. By sending your friends a request *143*subscriber number#, you will offer to top up your account, and you can repay in kind by dialing *145*recipient's phone number*transfer amount#.

The command *141# will make a request to borrow funds from the operator. To find out the maximum amount dial *141*7#.

Optimization of calls and contacts

The command *110*771# activates the Black List service. You can add an ill-wisher to it by requesting *110*771*subscriber number in international format#. The command *110*772*subscriber number in international format# will help unban the required contact. You can view all numbers on the black list using the code *110*773#, and by entering *110*775#, you will find out how many attempts the subscriber from the list made to call you.

Using the ussd command *110*031#, you can activate the forwarding service, and select the required number using the request **21*phone number#. You can also configure the forwarding conditions using different codes, and by entering ##002#, you will return everything to standard mode.

These are just the most frequently used ussd commands, and below is a complete list of short commands available to Beeline subscribers.

Balance transactions Account verification *102# *110*04# - for subscribers with a postpaid payment system
Display on screen *110*901# - connect *110*900# - disconnect
Simplified control *122#
Personal limit *110*41*limit amount# *110*43# - find out your limit
Balance information *110*321#
Happy time *805#
Mobile transfer *145*recipient's phone number*transfer amount# *110*171# - transfer prohibited
With zero in the account Trust payment *141# *141*7# - find out the payment amount
Call *144*subscriber number# - connect *144*0# - set ban
Top up my balance *143*subscriber number# - connect *143*0# - set ban
Transfer money from account to account *145*recipient's phone number*transfer amount# *110*171# - set a ban
Requests for Internet options Home Internet *115*361# - 7 days *115*261# - 30 days
7 days of internet for traveling around Russia *115*361#
30 days of Internet for trips within the Russian Federation *115*261#
Manage your calls and contact list Blacklist (black list) *110*771# - connect *110*771*subscriber number in international format# - add the number to the list *110*772*subscriber number in international format# - remove number from the list *110*775# - information about calls from subscribers Emergency *110*773# - full list of emergency numbers
Forwarding *110*031# - connect **21*phone number# - transfer all calls to the selected number **67*phone number# - if the number is busy **61*phone number** time interval# - if there is no answer **62 *phone number# - if the subscriber’s device is turned off ##002# - cancels all forwardings
I have contact *110*4021# - connect *110*4020# - disconnect *110*4030# - block notifications from other subscribers *110*4031# - resume notifications
Stay informed + *110*1061# - connect *110*1062# - disconnect
Caller ID *110*071# - connect *110*070# - disconnect
Other commands Find out your phone number *110*10#
Find out your tariff *110*05# or call 067405
Subscription Management Center *111#
Chameleon *110*20# - turn off the service

How to check the balance of funds in your account without losing a bit of extra time? Beeline: USSD balance request is only one of the verification options, but, as statistics show, the vast majority of subscribers continue to use it.

USSD balance request

You can find out your Beeline balance by typing one of two USSD commands:

    1. You can use the command *102# .
    2. Another short number to check your balance on Beeline - #102# .

Both combinations work, you can dial the one that is preferable to you.

USSD Beeline balance request is a method that you all have probably used - at least once. Thus, subscribers learned about their account status at a time when online services did not yet exist or were not so widespread.

Many people still prefer this method. How, besides the USSD command, can you request a balance on Beeline quickly, and without performing unnecessary actions? If you just want to find out your Beeline balance and clarify the information without immediately going to payment services, a short command is the most convenient option.

You will receive a response to your request within a couple of seconds. However, there are situations when the service fails - in this case you need to wait a little and try again. It will also not be possible to request information in the system if the phone is not registered on the network (in other words, if the connection is poor).

A minute or two after you receive the requested information, an SMS will be sent to your number, which lists the remaining packages according to your tariff plan. This newsletter is sent automatically, but it is very easy to unsubscribe from it - dial 067432 . If suddenly you do not have enough funds, you can use the site.

For postpaid subscribers

For subscribers who use a postpaid payment system, a different command is provided. If you have postpaid, to find out the amount of debt, dial *110*45# , and then press the call key.

Check number

Beeline balance check number – 0697 . If you want to find out the balance by Beeline number, dial these numbers and call, a pleasant female or male voice will tell you the information on the account, and will tell you the amount accurate to the penny. All methods are in another article.

This request option is not as widespread as the previous one - many subscribers simply do not know about it. But in vain, because, for example, for people with poor eyesight it is much more convenient to listen to the necessary information rather than try to see small numbers on the phone screen, especially if the device is not the most modern.

How to find out the account status of another subscriber

Beeline has provided for a situation when you may need to find out how much money is left on your loved one’s phone. In addition, by activating the service, you will receive a notification if the specified account has less than 60 rubles. If you have an elderly relative or child, you will appreciate the benefits of this feature - it is very convenient. You will always be aware if you need to top up your account, and your loved ones will be able to call you or send a message.

You can use the service for free, money is taken only for connection - the mobile operator will write off exactly 5 rubles.

What is the code for checking the balance of another Beeline subscriber? There are several of them:

  • *131*1*number# - by typing this combination, you will activate the service itself, and also send a request to view information to the desired subscriber
  • *131*6*number# - if the person agrees, dial this combination to, as part of the service, find out how much money is left on his phone
  • *131*5*number# - using this command you can activate automatic notification about the balance of funds
  • *131*0*number# - dial to set a check ban on your own number

Using Beeline short USSD commands, you can manage your own number directly from your phone without using Internet access.

Balance management

Using short queries, you can quickly obtain information on your account, regarding the balance and opportunities provided by Beeline with a zero balance.

  • To find out, you should enter the ussd request *102#.
  • If you need to get information about how many minutes of conversation and bonuses are left, you should use the following commands: *110*06#, *106#, *107# and *108#.
  • If the client uses a Beeline tariff plan, according to which you need to pay for previously used minutes, then you should use the request *110*04#. Using this combination, you can find out the amount you need to pay for the services provided.
  • A very convenient option is the ability to set a spending threshold for a subscriber with a postpaid tariff plan. When this limit is reached, a warning text message will be sent to your mobile phone. To use this feature you must use the combination *110*41*threshold amount#.

Opportunities at zero

If your personal account has a zero balance, you can call 064012 to get general information. In addition, Beeline provides four additional services.

  • To use, you should dial ussd request *141#. To access information about the amount of such a payment, use the command *141*7#.
  • If the account balance is not enough to make a call to another subscriber, the combination will help *144*client number#. This request allows you to use and send a notification requesting a call back. In order to block the receipt of such messages on your own device, you need to use the combination *144*0#. You can re-enable the ability to receive requests within this service using the command *144*1#.
  • If you need to top up your own Beeline account, but there is no such option, you must use the request *143*client number#. This option is called “Top up your account” and allows you to notify your friends or relatives accordingly.
  • The next option is called and to activate it you should use the combination 05050. It must be inserted before the dialed number of the other subscriber and then press the call key.

Setting up services and managing a tariff plan

Special ussd requests will allow Beeline clients to quickly receive the necessary information, manage their balance and personal account without using an Internet connection or account.

  • The cellular operator suggests using the command *111# for these purposes. This ussd functionality has powerful capabilities and will allow each client to effectively manage the services provided, tariff plans and their own balance.
  • In addition, the most important ussd commands include *110*05#. This request will allow the currently used one.
  • The command *110*10# will allow.
  • Request *110*09# will provide information regarding .