How to eliminate competitors selling similar products. Motives for clients' refusal to use company services. Killer Techniques for Eliminating Competitors

When I worked as a taxi driver in New York, I had the opportunity to give a ride to an old, dry, like a cigar leaf, mafioso. With his disgusting, trembling senile goat, he brightened up the 3 hours that we spent on the road. When we arrived at a typical family Italian restaurant, Gianluigi’s, lost among the countless neighborhoods of Little Italy, he finally told me: “Before you kill your competitor, be sure to look him in the eyes and ask for forgiveness, because this is only business.”
Okay, I figured it out! I didn't work as a taxi driver in New York. Only in Sterlitamak. My drunk uncle said this after watching Scarface and other gangster films. Since for many, eliminating a competitor means accidentally pushing him into an industrial meat grinder at a meat processing plant, here are some ways to fairly deal with such an absolutely normal phenomenon as competition.

“Everyone wants to be the first, but will the first allow it?”
Veselin Georgiev

To start

First of all, decide what you want: to achieve results or to humiliate your colleagues and assert yourself at their expense. If the latter, then you are a pathetic, complex little man, and also a crappy worker, apparently. People like you were constantly bullied in children's cartoons. Here we have advice on fair, noble competition. Start honestly, work hard, and you won’t need to eliminate any competitors. After all, there is nothing wrong with competition. She drives progress. Without her and computer games would be more boring, and the world would be less technological, and the cinema would not be so trashy. Simply put, if no one is catching up with you, it means you are behind.

– Why does this toy break the others?
– It is programmed to destroy competitors.
– How is Microsoft?
"The Simpsons"

Be curious

Study your competitors. If the feeling of disgust does not kill your adequacy, try to establish pseudo-friendly relations with them. There is no need to declare your superiority - this will only provoke them. On the contrary, maintain the line of partnership and emphasize that you are essentially doing one thing.
However, your partner is not such a cretin as you think he is, and probably regards you as a rival. What are you doing: pretending to be a peace-loving fool who values ​​friendship, and assuring him that you have nothing to share, and in general, you like him as a professional. Does not help? Convince him that you have absolutely nothing to oppose him.
All these self-deprecations are needed for exactly one thing - to lull the bastard’s vigilance and collect information about him.

“Always choose the most difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it.”
Charles de Gaulle

Think through your actions

Turn on your pocket home analyst and analyze the paths that your most unloved colleague will not take due to his religion, moral beliefs or simply poverty of mind. After that, choose the shortest one and evaluate your strengths and capabilities. Let's say your competitor is afraid to take risks. He does everything for a long time, measuredly, but very correctly. And you take risks, impress everyone with your speed in completing the task. If he is, to put it mildly, “too correct,” take the leadership “on board” with your bright, crazy ideas. In general, dear comrade, use all the opportunities given to you for this.
To put it simply, all you need is to find the path that you can use most effectively. Everything else is a matter of technique.

“When you swim with sharks, the only way to survive is to become the sharpest shark of them all.”
Irvine Welsh

Indulge your boss

The principle is as banal as a black president in Zimbabwe. Be diligent, disciplined and obligatory. The main thing is that your boss praises you. Work overtime, do everything on time, and don’t piss off management.

“If you crave the lion’s share, overtaking and hastening,
At the finish line, don’t turn into... a timid mouse.”
Joseph Yudilevich

Evaluate everything adequately

Don't get into trouble and don't take on tasks that you can't handle. Think soberly. If you publicly, loudly disgrace yourself and set up the entire organization, who will be better off?
I don’t argue that you may be very cool, but that doesn’t mean that you can always remain “the little engine that could.” Unhealthy competition can drive even the most efficient people into the dust.

“Competition is like tea bags. The longer you ignore it, the more the atmosphere thickens.”
Jonathan Gabay

Be friends with the team

Of course, your behind-the-scenes intrigues will only bother normal people. But to be friends or just support a good relationship with colleagues is extremely necessary. At least to raise your own self-esteem. And the competitor will be very uncomfortable when everyone “out of old friendship” expresses support for you and not for him. IN best case scenario will not interfere with his ideas, in the worst case, he will hang himself.

"Competition is a sin."
John Davison Rockefeller

Generate ideas

The management needs something new, fresh and interesting. Therefore, by doing trivial plagiarism, you are only digging the grave of your cloudless future deeper. If you are going to plagiarize, then do it in such a way that no one will guess, adding a talented “gag.” Well, and relevant.

If sales have begun to fall, or the company is significantly behind its competitors in this indicator, it’s time to find out the reasons and develop an effective market positioning strategy.

To beat the competition, the most important thing is to understand the needs of your customers

The first thing you need to do is understand key factors that influence consumer choice of product. Thus, according to research by The Forum Group, high price of a product causes buyers to abandon the purchase only in 15% of cases. The main reasons lie in the service offer - poor service (45%) and insufficient attention paid by managers to the client (20%). That is why you can often find companies on the market offering products at a similar price, while sales of one of them are an order of magnitude higher than those of a competitor.

Thus, a price reduction does not guarantee an increase in sales. There are also frequent situations when a company sells a similar product even more expensive (for example, hair shampoo or toothpaste) and, at the same time, more efficiently compared to competitors. This is due to the fact that she was able to correctly identify the needs of customers and correctly position her product on the market.

Based on consumer analysis, draw conclusions on how you can increase the value of the product for customers. Communicate to the consumer what additional benefits he will receive when purchasing the product. For example, by indicating a special unique functionality of the product.

Identify your key competitive advantage and briefly formulate it within the framework of your USP (unique trade offer). This should become the leitmotif of your marketing policy.

It is also important to understand what service factors are important to your customers. For example, you can sell cars at a higher price, but at the same time offer free set additional options, which competitors do not have. Or increase the period warranty service from one to two years.

Assess the competitive position of the product

Assessing the competitiveness of a product is also based on customer research.

The tasks of analyzing the competitiveness of a product are not only in assessing, but also in forecasting the competitiveness of products, as well as studying the factors that influence it.

In order for a product to satisfy customer needs, it must meet certain parameters:
- technical (properties of the product, scope of its application and purpose);
- ergonomic and aesthetic;
- regulatory (compliance of the product with current norms and standards);
- economic (price level for the product, its service).

Based on the analysis of competitiveness, it is necessary to develop measures to ensure the required level of competitiveness of products. For example, change the packaging of a product or improve its ease of use.

Analyze the activities of competitors

The reasons for the ineffectiveness of sales are in the very general view can be reduced to the low competitiveness of the product itself, or an insufficiently high level of service relative to other market participants. Therefore, after you have determined the needs of customers, it’s time to analyze in detail the activities of competitors:
- evaluate their strengths and weak sides(market share, level of customer loyalty, etc.);
- become their client and look at the company’s work from the inside.
Based on the analysis, determine your own market positions and weaknesses and try to be one step ahead of your competitors.

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  • How to beat your competitors in a crisis

Competition runs like a red line throughout our lives. We encounter it both in personal relationships and in work environment, in business, in interpersonal relationships. And every time we are faced with the same task - to be on horseback, to go over the heads of all rivals and be the first to come to the coveted prize.


First of all, you need to determine the ultimate goal for which you are fighting. Of course, you can ignore this step, because often everything is already clear, but think about whether the goal you have set for yourself is the ultimate one? The roads on which we encounter competitors lead somewhere, and it is critically important for us not to bypass the competitor in the here and now, but to achieve results.

You will learn what competition is, what types of economic rivalry there are, levels and conditions of competition, how to compete effectively in business

We welcome regular readers of the online magazine “HeatherBeaver”! Regular authors of the resource Alexander and Vitaly are with you. In this issue we will talk about one of the key concepts in business - competition.

Without healthy and reasonable competition, economic development is impossible, and competitiveness is an indicator of the success of a company, product or commercial service.

So, let's begin!

1. What is competition - definition, history, levels and conditions of competition

Competition refers to rivalry between individuals interested in achieving a certain goal. If we talk about a market economy, the definition of this concept will be as follows:

Competition- this is competition in market conditions with other players (companies), aimed at obtaining commercial benefits by obtaining more sales at higher prices.

Modern competition is a very important element of the market. Thanks to it, manufacturers and service providers try to stand out from other firms in order to expand their existing customer base.

The main conditions of competition are as follows:

  • economic isolation of the manufacturer;
  • dependence of goods producers on market conditions;
  • confrontation with other market participants;
  • the presence of a large number of equal subjects.

When selling existing products, sellers strive to sell them for the maximum possible price. favorable conditions- as expensive as possible. However, to stimulate consumer demand, they are forced to reduce prices so as not to completely lose customers.

This point is a plus for buyers, because in this case they will not unreasonably overpay.

The essence of competition is determined by several functions:

  1. Regulatory. In conditions of competition, goods with the greatest demand are determined. This is necessary to increase the scale of production of in-demand products.
  2. Motivating. It is competition that motivates the manufacturer to act actively under the most stringent conditions - to vary price levels, increase the scale of production, and look for new cooperation. This is the only way to increase the company's competitiveness.
  3. Distribution. The distribution of enterprise income is carried out taking into account the contribution to economic activity.
  4. Test. Competition controls market power and gives a potential buyer the opportunity to buy a product or refuse to purchase it in favor of cooperation with another manufacturer. If the market has created enough high level competition, then prices will be as objective as possible.

What does this look like in practice?

Businessman Petya sold oranges at an unreasonably high price, so he had a minimum number of sales every day. This was due to the fact that his direct competitors were selling oranges ten rubles cheaper.

In order to somehow increase sales, Petya decided to lower the starting price and compete with his opponents. After this move, orange sales doubled.

2. The importance of competition in the modern economy

Competition in a market economy is very important. In competition, leaders, challengers, followers and newcomers are distinguished.

From an economic point of view, competition in business guarantees the creation of more comfortable conditions for the purchasing side. The intensity of competition for a particular product group is determined by the number of competitors and the chosen strategies.

The positive aspects of competition that affect the economy include:

  1. Intensifying the development of STP (scientific and technological progress).
  2. Stimulating the response of product manufacturers regarding changes in consumer demand.
  3. Averaging wages and profit rates.
  4. Meeting consumer demand.

Economic competition forces producers to use innovative technologies in the production of products. This approach guarantees an improvement in the final quality of the product.

Responding to changes in consumer demand ensures cheaper production costs and ensures that prices stop rising.

However, despite everything positive points, competition in the economy can have bad influence, such as:

  • it is possible to create business instability;
  • creating conditions for inflation and unemployment;
  • there is a possibility of illegal actions of competing companies;
  • industrial espionage;
  • struggle for qualified specialists;
  • underutilization of production capacity during recessions.


An employee of company “K”, on behalf of management, got a job on the staff of a competitor company. During the two months that he worked in the new company, the employee studied all the working mechanisms.

After dismissal at will the industrial spy returned to his previous place of work and described to his managers the features of the functioning of competitive production. As a result of such a raid, Company K managed to increase the volume of products produced and, accordingly, profits.

IN this moment With similar phenomena Companies fight by concluding a trade secret agreement with their employees.

3. Types of competition - perfect, imperfect, monopolistic, pure and other types of competition

Competition is classified according to various criteria. Here the scale of development of this phenomenon is taken into account, the fulfillment of the conditions of competitive market equilibrium is taken into account, and the ratio of demand to supply is analyzed.

The types of competition are described in more detail in the table below:

Classification sign Types of competition
1 By scale of development
  • local
  • industry
  • intersectoral
  • national
  • global
  • individual
2 By the nature of development
  • price
  • non-price
3 Depending on the fulfillment of the conditions of competitive equilibrium of the market
  • perfect
  • imperfect
4 Depending on the relationship between supply and demand
  • clean
  • oligopolistic
  • monopolistic
5 Depending on the ratio of the number of business entities
  • intra-industry
  • intersectoral
6 Depending on the needs underlying the product
  • horizontal
  • vertical

Despite this a large number of variations of this phenomenon, competition can be realized in two different forms - intra-industry and inter-industry. The latter arises between different enterprises and is expressed in the redistribution of capital between industries.

An imperfectly competitive market presupposes a monopoly in pure form, as well as oligopoly and monopolistic competition.

Among the main features of an absolute monopoly, the following features should be noted:

  • the uniqueness of the product being sold;
  • one seller;
  • monopolist price control;
  • market power of one company.

Competition and monopoly are opposite concepts. However, under certain circumstances, the possibility of so-called monopolistic competition may arise. Here, manufacturers can offer similar product sales models that are not identical.

What does this look like in practice?

Each firm that is a monopolist in a certain direction has monopoly power over own goods- it can change price indicators regardless of the actions of competitors.

We conducted a survey among 12 businessmen we know and found out how they identify their competitors and what they do to get ahead of them.

Product competition has a very positive effect on the quality of products.

To stand out from the general stream of manufacturers and increase the existing customer base, modern companies must be able to exist in the conditions of created competition.

You can increase the level of competition in various ways.

Tip #1. Study consumer demand over the long term

Long-term demand dynamics are a fundamental factor in making investment decisions to increase production capacity.

Promotion this indicator may indicate the feasibility of searching for new sales channels and updating the product line. A decline in consumer demand in the long term indicates the need to reconsider the company's chosen development strategy.

Tip #2. Embrace technological innovation

Outdated production technologies negatively affect production volume and quality of goods. To increase competitiveness, it is necessary to resort to the implementation of technological innovations that are aimed at producing goods High Quality while minimizing costs.

The innovation factor allows us to minimize costs at the macro level and contributes to the optimization of the production process.

Tip #3. Use marketing and pricing technologies wisely

Marketing innovation refers to the sale of existing products using new marketing methods. We have already covered this in a separate article.

A detailed analysis of the most effective marketing technologies entails an increase in consumer interest and ensures a reduction in costs per unit of goods. Special attention You should also pay attention to studying the pricing process.

Tip #4. Improve the qualifications of your company's employees

The basis for maintaining the competitiveness of any company is to improve the qualifications of the company's full-time employees. Personnel training can be of a mass nature or carried out individually.

In the latter case, we can talk about achieving desired effect in the shortest possible time. Improving the qualifications of employees in the future has a very positive effect on the quality of the company’s services. Thanks to this procedure, employees will be able to solve assigned tasks of any level of complexity.

Tip #5. Analyze your competitors, study their strengths and weaknesses

The experience of competitive companies can be used when choosing a development strategy for your own enterprise. After a thorough analysis, maximum attention should be paid to studying their sides. This effective tool is called benchmarking.

Systematic and detailed study experience of competitors and representatives of related industries will allow you to avoid possible errors, which were admitted by other market participants. Effective techniques, which give the desired result, can also be used to your advantage.

Tip #6. Increase productivity and quality

It should be noted here that an independent increase in production volumes cannot bring the desired result. To achieve a positive final result when using this method, it is necessary to take into account the costs of the enterprise and the level of final profit.

Organizing manufacturing process and when planning the volume of manufactured products, it is very important to ensure break-even of production activities.

When increasing the volume of production of goods, do not forget about quality standards. Providing high-quality services or products will be the key to entering the foreign market and will raise the company’s image among buyers.

Exit to new level sales allows you to create an additional amount of demand. This makes it much easier for companies to influence consumers and encourage them to purchase the product.

Expansion of the existing sales market for manufactured products can be achieved in various ways:

  • Attracting new customers. This method involves notifying about a product or service to a category of potential buyers who have not yet heard about the company’s product range. It is also possible to attract new customers by expanding the geography of enterprise activities.
  • Finding new ways to use the company's products. Even alone new option the use of manufactured products can increase sales volumes. Regular searches ways to use the product can increase profits.
  • Intensification of the use of manufactured products. The main task of the manufacturer when using this strategy is to convince the buyer of a more intensive use of the products produced.

For example

The manufacturer of corn flakes convinced its customers that they would get great pleasure from eating a whole packet of cereal, rather than just half. Thanks to this move, sales levels increased significantly.

5. How to deal with competitors and who can help with this?

The development of competition pushes manufacturers to improve the quality of their own products. Only in this way can companies count on expansion client base and increased profits.

However, in order not to get lost among your direct competitors, you need to be ahead of them in everything. Below are the most common ways to deal with other manufacturers or service providers.

Tips and ways to deal with competitors:

  • Chat with your competitors. To communicate directly with representatives of competitive firms, you may need the help of relatives or close friends. The latter can play the role of potential buyers. It will not be possible to fully reveal all of your competitors' plans, but you will have a general idea of ​​their actions in the near future.
  • Interview clients of competitive companies. Sending out questionnaires or surveying people directly near the store can indicate the actions of competitors, which customers evaluate positively.
  • Study the specialized press. Notes in newspapers about the achievements of competing companies allow you to monitor the development and success of other companies.
  • Attend industry trade shows. As part of such events, all companies openly present new developments, demonstrate updates to their product line, and share other useful information with visitors.
  • Analyze competitors' advertising. If competitors’ advertising works, then you can project such techniques onto your business. Particular attention should be paid to those advertising mechanisms that ensure the expansion of the customer base. This tool in particular applies.
  • Study competitors' websites daily. Every day you need to visit competitive sites and follow literally everything that is new - updating the news block, implementing promotional offers, updating the product line.
  • Try competitors' products. You should definitely take advantage of the opportunity to try competitive products. personal experience. This is the only way to understand why customers prefer this company over yours.
  • Collect printed products and CDs from competitors. All technical manuals, advertising brochures, catalogs and even price lists can be useful in achieving the final goal.

These steps will help you see the full picture of competitive activity and then take countermeasures to improve your business.

If self-study competitors is a problematic task for you, then the option of using the services of specialized companies that are engaged in commercial, marketing and economic intelligence is possible.

One of these firms is the Tornado detective community, which collects information and explores the operating environment of competitive organizations. Such business intelligence provides input for further strategic planning and is its basis.

6. Conclusion

Dear readers, let’s sum it up!

In this article, we introduced you to the basic concepts of competition and analyzed different kinds this phenomenon.

Competition is the basis of the mechanism of commodity production and market economy. The competition between goods and enterprises provides an opportunity for a potential buyer or consumer of services to make a choice in favor of the most acceptable terms of purchases and other types of cooperation.

We wish you success!

If you want to know something else on this topic, you can leave your questions in the comments and don’t forget to rate the article!

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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On our website you will receive high-quality information and professional help!

Magic in the market

Market– a specific place of work with very high competition. Moreover, every year the competition intensifies, selling goods becomes more difficult. If earlier, in the 90s, they rarely used magic in the market. Now on the market it is difficult to find a seller who would not use magic for sales growth, or connecting to God and the saints to increase sales and eliminate competitors, which is also magic.

In any market - clothing, construction, food - the principles of survival are the same.

How is competition conducted in the market?

In the markets, especially cunning people walk around and look out for what product goes in given time And at what point does it go. The location of the outlet also matters. The owner of the place has already developed a point of contact and potential buyers for his product.

Having spotted a successful trading location and product, cunning merchants rent a point next to or opposite a successful retail outlet. They buy exactly the same product - a product that is successfully sold. This is a proven method of competition, a method of ousting competitors. And that would be fine. This is normal competition.

But they unleash a real psychological, energetic and magical war, that is, they begin to be rude in every possible way, insult the seller from whom they want to intercept the business (buyers) whose goods are doing well.

He begins to get angry, nervous, his energy changes the worst side. His product starts to freeze. And more and more buyers are coming to new traders. Because they deliberately do dirty tricks and such thus intercepting customers and the energy of success in selling that particular product.

Thus, such people force once successful sellers out of the market and enrich themselves at the expense of their energy and their ideas.

This happens all the time. And not only in trade.

The above method of driving competitors out of the market– this is conscious energy vampirism, deceit, the desire for profit at any cost. This is how they untie trade magic wars.

If a person has little energy, little knowledge, if there is no specialist working with energies behind him, then he loses and is forced to leave the market, his home. Or he changes the product and begins to develop a new one outlet. At the same time, he suffers huge losses - both material and psychological.

If a person has enough energy, he begins to resist.

It is clear that this issue is extremely rarely resolved with the help of the mafia. Not the right level, too little money. In addition, these traders, as a rule, have the same “roof”. Therefore, such conflicts are usually resolved magically.

An offended and offended person, whose business has been taken over, either begins to exert a magical influence on those who are trying to intercept his sales market, or hires specialist magicians. Naturally, in order to hire, significant funds are needed. And we need proven, reliable specialists who really know how to cast negative magic. Naturally, such influence must be done regularly and until the bitter end. Until these cunning, impudent traders go bankrupt or get sick. In any case, they will leave this place. And perhaps from the market.

If a person himself begins to influence them, here a lot will depend on his energy, abilities, knowledge of magic, as well as on his determination in solving this issue.

Sometimes offended people combine their own magical effects with a custom one, so that it works more reliably.

In addition to magical influence there is a way application of higher energies, than ordinary magical influence - using religious egregors. Depending on religion, adherence specific person to a particular religion, a person can use prayer, mantras, or verbal appeals to God and saints, accepted in his religion.

If a person has strong faith in his gods (God), then he wins.

Besides this, there is another way. This regular listening and working with coding, which we developed specifically to increase the frequency of human energy, to cleanse his soul and body.

If a person uses high-frequency technologies, then no magic or competitors are afraid of him.

In all cases when a magical attack is made on a person, on his trading place and his product, it is advisable to conduct an energy session.

Energy session- This is the removal of a magical attack and filling with energy.

A coding- This permanent source energy, constant filling with energy that is generated in the person himself.

But this coding cannot be used for magical attack. It is used precisely to improve the qualities of one’s soul, to enhance health. A person reaches a higher level of worldview and consciousness, and his energy increases many times over. And then there will be no magic and psychological impact does not work on it (does not have the desired effect). And those who act or will act magically immediately receive a powerful reverse magical blow.

More often magical attack exists both on the person and on his trading place and product. But sometimes, if a person has sufficiently pure and strong energy (natural defense), then there is a magical attack only on his trading place and product. The person himself is invulnerable to magical attacks.

What should you do in a situation where magic is cast on a trading place?

When strong or reusable magic is cast on a trading place, That usual ways removing magical attacks is ineffective. They help, but a short time. In this case, you need to go a different route.

If you are engaged in trading and think that a magical attack has been made on your trading place and it is for this reason that sales have fallen, you can contact us for diagnostics or consultation.

Methods of payment for diagnostics are indicated on the page "Payment Methods".

From this page look:

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Attention! In our esoteric club you can read:

Our new book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our address Email: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there was nothing like this in free access not on the Internet. Any of ours information product is ours intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Magic in the market. How it is conducted competitive fight On the market?


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters are using our name, our email addresses for your newsletters, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our official sites are:

Love spell and its consequences –

And also our blogs:


Probably every business representative has something to tell about how competitors react to his successes. And for some, the competition ends very sadly: the loss of business and even life.

About the methods used by seemingly colleagues, an interview between a DK correspondent and a detective from one of the divisions of the Grant-Vympel group of companies, Sergei N.

These stories may seem vague to you,” said Sergei. - In fact, for those who are now in a similar situation, they are more than real. I am sure that many of our clients will recognize themselves in these stories, although, as we agreed, we will do without names and surnames.

Accountant spy

One of our clients was sent to prison by his competitors. As a result of this story, he lost everything: his company, money, was forced to sell his apartment and car, and was left with literally nothing.

He was engaged in shipchandler activities - bunkering of ships - current business for Primorye. At some point, he found himself without a chief accountant - the employee went on maternity leave, and he urgently looked for a new person. Competitors were not slow to take advantage of this. They created a certain situation, it was not particularly difficult, and substituted their own person as an accountant for our client.

Having got a new job and gaining access to documents, this lady immediately began leaking information to competitors. And all of it - that’s what happened main goal her employment. Then the new chief accountant arranges for the company to become a tax debtor. It is interesting that many companies can be on the list of debtors for years and get away with it, but the tax police immediately opened a case against this company. Events unfolded so quickly that it was simply strange. Without having time to do anything, the head of the company finds himself behind bars. During his absence, the chief accountant puts such “order” in the company’s documents that now the director “faces” a very real sentence.

At this time, a ship arrived in Vladivostok, the maintenance of which was to be handled by our client’s company. Seeing that the partners are unable to fulfill their obligations on time, the captain is at some loss. At this moment, another company very successfully appears and offers its services. The ship is safely refueled and it sets off on its voyage.

We had to work hard to get our client out of jail. To avoid another arrest, he was even forced to go to a mental hospital, and there, as you understand, it is not much sweeter than in prison. And in order to pay the tax debt, he had to sell everything he had.

If the business is family, but the family is not yours

In general, the use of law enforcement agencies to deal with more successful competitors is common in Primorye. For example, the previous administration of the region dealt with people who interfered with the family business of big bosses. But this is what happened this year with a group of our friends who dared to do the same thing as a close relative of one current official.

In fact, the company of our friends and clients has been working in this market for many years, moreover, over these years the company has managed to become the largest in this type of business in the Far East and is deservedly proud of its reputation. This year began for the company with a tax inspection that lasted a month.

Businessmen know what it is; in fact, the work of the accounting department was paralyzed for a month. Please note that this check did not reveal any violations. Nevertheless, two days after its completion, a higher tax office comes to the company with an inspection. The second inspection, which also did not reveal any violations, lasted another month. The accounting department is paralyzed again, the company still has problems for a whole month, it cannot respond to partners’ proposals as quickly as before.

The company’s employees did not find it funny at all when, a week after the end of the second inspection, a third came to the company - this time from the regional tax office. The company, in which colleagues were unable to identify any violations over the previous two months, was painstakingly checked by employees of the regional tax office for another month with the same result. After that, people from the securities commission come to check the company, whose form of ownership is registered as a closed joint-stock company, and... that’s right, for another month the company’s accounting department devotes its time to people from this commission.

Other events are happening in parallel. The company has outlets in different areas of the city. At the same time, local police officers come to each of them and issue fines for the fact that after a snowfall (this happened in February) the snow was not removed from the territory of the company's representative office. Then firefighters come to all these points. After them, an investigator from one of the police departments appears at the main office of the company, she takes several copies of the product (it must be said, very expensive) and declares that there are no certificates for it. When they try to show her certificates and explain something, she literally covers her ears with her hands and leaves with “samples seized for examination.”

A smaller company simply could not withstand such pressure. After our friends turned to us for help, we took countermeasures. Let's just say that we also have connections in law enforcement agencies. Seeing that the company was resisting, the enemies retreated.

It’s funny that the Moscow company, with which a relative of the Vladivostok official collaborated, signed an agreement with the company of our friends after this whole story. And on very favorable terms for them. Apparently, people realized that if the company survived after such pressure, it means they can do business with it.

They ordered a murder

This client was referred to us by a psychologist we knew, to whom this man ended up after a visit to a psychic. It was there that he first went with his problems. Fortunately, people turned out to be quite smart. Maybe this is what saved our client's life. I still remember his square eyes and red hair standing on end. The first thing he said was: “They want to kill me.” In history, there really was a real killer with a weapon, hired for money, discharged from another city, and a real threat to life.

Three people worked in this area of ​​business in Vladivostok, but they could not divide the market and had been seriously at odds for a long time. Unfair competition as a result of this hostility escalated into war. Moreover, there were no winners in it, because all its participants were so carried away by the idea of ​​​​crushing a competitor that making their own profit ceased to matter. For example, in order to win over a competitor’s clients, they dumped to such an extent that the prices for their services fell below zero. It was such a heat of passion that at some point one of the participants in this war thought that our client had “ordered” him. He decided to get ahead of him and himself ordered the murder of our client.

We managed not only to prevent bloodshed, but even to unite seemingly irreconcilable enemies. These two became our clients. We were able to convince them that a bad peace is better than a good quarrel. We persuaded them to follow our recommendations. Today, firms continue to operate in the market. One of them took up supply, the second became a carrier, and together they formed serious competition for the third businessman.

Do you know who your assistant is sleeping with?

Problems associated with unfair competition are only a small part of those that company managers face if they do not care about the economic security of the company.

It is interesting that many people still understand security as the physical protection of their person and the presence of a person on duty at the entrance to the office. Meanwhile, one should not underestimate the capabilities of economic intelligence. And, before concluding an agreement with someone, or even better, before entering the market at all, you should study the situation yourself or with the help of specialists. By the way, our group of companies provides similar services. Sooner or later, everyone comes to the conclusion that preliminary collection of information is necessary. And not only about clients and prospective partners, but also about employees. It’s a pity that people usually begin to understand the need for this after something has already happened.

For example, at the beginning of my career, I worked as the head of the security service in a large coastal company that produces and sells drinking water. The boundless gullibility of the company's managers was simply amazing - not to be interested in those to whom you give goods for sale! When I tried to introduce a basic survey with the goal of simply getting to know the people who work for the company, I was met with misunderstanding. And not only from the side of the company’s personnel. It should be noted that women especially protested, who were outraged by “digging through dirty laundry.” In fact, I was not going to find out the details of my personal life - who sleeps with whom, etc., although this, you see, can sometimes be important. But even the company's leaders believed that the security service should only deal with security. It was because of this that I left the company.

Life has confirmed that I was right: how many people were dragged from the enterprise because of this carelessness. People stole millions of rubles, the luckiest of them left Vladivostok long ago and used this money to get a good job elsewhere.